Draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment PDF
Draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment PDF
Draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment PDF
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Prepared for:
The IFC EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are
generally considered to be achievable in new facilities by existing technology
at reasonable costs. The IFC Performance Standard 3 for ‘Resource Efficiency
and Pollution Prevention’ states that:
“when host country regulations differ from the levels and measures presented in the
World Bank Group EHS Guidelines, projects are required to achieve whichever is the
more stringent. If less stringent levels or measures than those provided in the EHS
Guidelines are appropriate in view of specific project circumstances, a full and detailed
justification must be provided for any proposed alternatives through the
environmental and social risks and impacts identification and assessment process.
This justification must demonstrate that the choice for any alternate performance
levels is consistent with the objectives of this performance standard”.
Aspect/Feature Laws and Regulations Key Requirements for the Project Key Authorities
Environmental Approval Act No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and Given the Project having substantial impact on the The Ministry of
Management; and environment, it have to be subjected to an environmental Environment (Central
Regulation of the Minister of Environment (Permen LH) impact analysis (AMDAL). Government, Jakarta)
No. 5 of 2012 on Types of Business Plans and / or Activities
Required to Have Environmental Impact Analysis.
Regulation of the Minister of Environment (Permen LH) Guideline and procedures for writing environmental impact
No. 8 of 2006 Guidance in the Preparation for analysis (AMDAL) documents.
Environmental Impact Assessment.
Regulation of the Minister of Environment (Permen LH) Guidelines for the Authority who assesses the AMDAL
No. 05 of 2008 on Working Procedure of EIA Appraisal documents.
Decree of Head of Environmental Impact Management Regulation for determination of significant impacts. The Head of
Agency No. 56/BAPEDAL/03/1994 concerning Guidelines Environmental Impact
to Significant Impacts. Management Agency
Decree of the Head of Environmental Impact Management Guidance for the assessments of social aspects in the (Bapedal)
Agency No. 299/BAPEDAL/11/1996 on Technical drafting of AMDAL documents; and
Guidelines for Technical Guidelines for Social Aspects Study Regulation of the announcements in the press and the
in the Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessments; public consultation in relation to the AMDAL process.
Decree of Environmental Impact Management Agency No.8
of 2000 concerning Community Involvement and
Information Disclosure in the Process of Environmental
Impact Assessment.
Decree of Head of Impact Control Agency No. 124 of 1997 Guidelines for the assessments of health elements in an
on Guidelines in the Aspects of Public Health Study in the AMDAL documents.
Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment.
Environmental License Government Regulation No. 27 of 2012 on Environmental The requirement for obtaining the business permit is the Central Government
Permits Environmental Permit that shall report the requirements
and obligations which have been stated in the approval of
the AMDAL. The Environmental Permit shall also include
the other required environmental protection and
management permits, such as waste, gas emission, water
discharge permits.
Public Disclosure Act No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure. The Act guarantees the right of every citizen to obtain Central Government
information from public information quickly, efficiently
and at a reasonable cost.
Waste Management: Government Regulation No. 101 of 2014 on Management of Permit for managing hazardous and toxic waste. The Ministry of
Hazardous Waste Hazardous and Toxic Waste. Environment (Central
Government, Jakarta)
Regulation of the Minister of Environment (Permen LH) Technical guidelines for obtaining permit of temporary The Ministry of
No. 18 of 2009 on Procedures for Management of Hazardous storage of hazard and toxic waste, transporting, and Environment (Central
and Toxic Waste. processing, including final dumping. Government, Jakarta)
Decree of Head of Environmental Impact Management Technical requirements for storage and collection of The Head of
Agency No. KEP-01/BAPEDAL/09/1995 on Procedures and hazardous and toxic material Environmental Impact
Requirements for Storage and Collection of Hazardous and Reference for management of hazardous and toxic waste; Management Agency
Toxic Material; and (Bapedal)
Decree of Head of Environmental Impact Management Technical requirements for hazardous and toxic waste
Agency No. KEP-02/BAPEDAL/09/1995 on Documents of treatment including incineration.
hazardous and Toxic Waste; and
Decree of Head of Environmental Impact Management
Agency No. KEP-03/BAPEDAL/09/1995 on Hazardous and
Toxic Waste Treatment.
Minister of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia Symbolling and labelling requirements for hazardous and The Ministry of
Regulation No 14 of 2013 regarding Symbol and Label for toxic wastes. Environment (Central
Hazardous and Toxic Waste. Government, Jakarta)
Minister of Environment Regulation No. 05 of 2009 Requirements for transferring waste generated from vessel’s The Ministry of
regarding Waste Management at Port. routine and tank cleaning activities to the operator of waste Environment (Central
management facilities on-shore. Government, Jakarta)
Waste Management: Non- Act No. 18 of 2008 on Waste Management. Provision for every individual to manage their waste in an Central Government
Hazardous Waste/General environmentally sound manner.
Hazardous Materials Government Regulation No. 74 of 2001 on Management of List of the toxic chemicals and guideline for managing The Ministry of
Hazardous and Toxic Materials. hazardous and toxic materials. Environment (Central
Government, Jakarta)
Regulation of the Minister of Environment (Permen LH) Symbolling and labelling requirements for hazardous and The Ministry of
No. 3 of 2008 on Procedures for Issuing Symbols and Labels toxic wastes. Environment (Central
for Hazardous and Toxic Materials. Government, Jakarta)
Decree of Minister for Transportation No. KM 17 of 2000 on Obligation to comply with the IMDG (International The Ministry of
Guidelines for Handling of Dangerous Goods / Materials in Maritime Dangerous Goods Code) guidelines in conducting Transportation (The Port
Shipping Activities in Indonesia. hazardous materials handling in shipping activities. Administration of
Wastewater Management: Regional Regulation of Bekasi Regency Number 11 Year Provision on obtaining wastewater disposal permit Regent of Bekasi Regency
Effluent and Sewage 2002 regarding Wastewater Disposal Permit regulation on Bekasi Regency
West Java Provincial Regulation No. 3 of 2004 on Water Reference on water quality management in West Java area, Governor of West Java
Quality Management and Water Pollution Control including waste water treatment plant
Regulation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry No. Provision on quality standard of domestic wastewater The Ministry of
P.68/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016 on Quality Standard of including permit of disposal wastewater Environment (Central
Domestic Wastewater Government, Jakarta)
Ministry of Environment Regulation No. 8 Year 2009 Provision of wastewater quality standard on thermal power The Ministry of
regarding Wastewater Quality Standard for Business and/or plant activity Environment (Central
Thermal Power Plant Activity Government, Jakarta)
Water Quality and Regulation of the Minister of Environment (Permen LH) Guidelines on permitting for wastewater disposal into the The Ministry of
Hydrology: Seawater No. 12 of 2006 on Requirements and Procedures for sea Environment (Central
Pollution Permitting Wastewater Disposal into Sea. Government, Jakarta)
Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 51 of 2004 on No specific permitting requirements. Stipulated sea water The Ministry of
Sea Water Quality Standard quality standards for marine biota Environment (Central
Government, Jakarta)
Government Regulation No. 21 of 2010 on Environmental Prohibition for any ship to discharge water waste, Central Government
Protection of Maritime hazardous, toxic chemicals and materials containing ozone-
depleting substances into seawater.
Water Resources Act No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources. Law contains the principles of water resources management Central Government
policies which consist in 6 main pillars: conservation,
utilization, control of destructive force, community
participation, steady institutional and good information
systems and data
Freshwater Quality Regulation of the Minister of Health (Permenkes) No. 416 of Clean water standards and water quality parameters. The Ministry of Health
1990 Standard on Clean Water (Central Government,
Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 concerning Water Classification of onshore water usage, the quality standards, Central Government
Quality Management and Air Pollution Control the parameter requirement for water quality monitoring
and the method for evaluating the water quality status.
Based on the purpose of Kalen Atas and Cilamaya River as
an irrigation and fishpond, both can be classified as Class II.
Air Quality: Ambient Air Government Regulation No. 41 of 1999 on Air Pollution Standards of ambient air quality The Ministry of
Control Environment (Central
Government, Jakarta)
Air Quality: Air Emission Ministry of Environment Regulation No. 21 of 2008 on Quality standards of emission in atmosphere from thermal The Ministry of
Quality Standard of Immobile Source Emission for Business industry Environment (Central
and/or Thermal Power Plant Activity Government, Jakarta)
Noise Decree of the Minister of Environment No. Quality standard for noise levels in residential and The Ministry of
KEP48/MENLH/11/1996 on Noise Standard industrial areas Environment (Central
Government, Jakarta)
Odour Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 50 of 1996 on Quality standard for odour levels The Ministry of
Standard of Odour Environment (Central
Government, Jakarta)
Vibration Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 49 of 1996 on Quality standard for vibration levels The Ministry of
Vibration Standards Environment (Central
Government, Jakarta)
Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines for Liquefied Natural Gas
(LNG) Facilities, April 11, 2017;
Other international treaties and conventions that are applicable to the Projects
Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972;
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III), 1973;
Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer (1985) and related
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1995.
The IFC does not establish standards for soil quality standards nor the local
Indonesian standards. However, Section 4.1 – Contaminated Land, IFC General
Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines provides the following:
Understanding the historical use of the land with regard to the potential
presence of hazardous materials or oil prior to initiation of
decommissioning activities;
The IFC does not establish standards for groundwater quality. The Indonesian
standards are established by the Regulation of Health Ministry No. 416/1990 in
Appendix II.
The IFC does not establish standards for surface water quality. Indonesian
standards are established by Government Regulation (PP) Number 82/2001 on
Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control, which includes
different classes according to use.
Class I is applicable for drinking water (Class I) and Classes II-IV as water
suitable for use for recreational, fresh water fish cultivation, livestock and
The IFC EHS Guidelines for Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality state that:
The air quality standards in PP41/1999 are presented below in Table A.4.
The IFC EHS guidelines and interim targets are also presented for
(1) Ambient air quality standards are ambient air quality levels established and published through national legislative and
regulatory processes, and ambient quality guidelines refer to ambient quality levels primarily developed through clinical,
toxicological and epidemiological evidence (such as those published by the World Health Organisation).
Section 2 states that any deliberate emissions of ODS shall be prohibited which
includes emissions occurring in the course of maintaining, servicing, repairing
or disposing of systems or equipment, except that deliberate emissions do not
include minimal releases associated with the recapture or recycling of an
ODS . Emissions arising from leaks of an ODS, whether or not the leaks are
deliberate, may be regulated by Parties.
Section 6 requires each ship shall maintain an ODS Record Book. This Record
Book may form part of an existing log-book or electronic recording system as
approved by the Administration.
Section 7 states that entries in the ODS Record Book shall be recorded in terms
of mass (kg) of substance and shall be completed without delay on each
occasion, in respect of the following:
(1) recharge, full or partial, of equipment containing ODS
(2) repair or maintenance of equipment containing ODS
(3) discharge of ODS to the atmosphere:
i. deliberate; and
ii. non-deliberate;
(4) discharge of ODS to the atmosphere:
(5) discharge of ODS to land-based reception facilities; and
(6) supply of ODS to the ship.
Section 3 states that the operation of a marine diesel engine which is installed
on a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2000 and prior to 1 January 2011 is
prohibited, except when the emission of nitrogen oxides (calculated as the
total weighted emission of NO2) from the engine is within the following limits,
where n = rated engine speed (crankshaft revolutions per minute):
(1) 17.0 g/kWh when n is less than 130 rpm;
(2) 45 · n(-0.2) g/kWh when n is 130 or more but less than 2,000 rpm;
(3) 9.8 g/kWh when n is 2,000 rpm or more.
Section 4 states that the operation of a marine diesel engine which is installed
on a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2011 is prohibited, except when the
emission of nitrogen oxides (calculated as the total weighted emission of NO2)
from the engine is within the following limits, where n = rated engine speed
(crankshaft revolutions per minute):
(1) 14.4 g/kWh when n is less than 130 rpm;
(2) 44 · n(-0.23) g/kWh when n is 130 or more but less than 2,000 rpm;
(3) 7.7 g/kWh when n is 2,000 rpm or more.
Section 5(1) states that the operation of a marine diesel engine which is
installed on a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2016:
(1) is prohibited except when the emission of nitrogen oxides (calculated as
the total weighted emission of NO2) from the engine is within the
following limits, where n = rated engine speed (crankshaft revolutions per
i. 3.4 g/kWh when n is less than 130 rpm;
ii. 9 · n(-0.2) g/kWh when n is 130 or more but less than 2,000 rpm;
iii. 2.0 g/kWh when n is 2,000 rpm or more;
Section 6 states that for the purpose of this regulation, an ECA shall be any sea
area, including any port area, designated by the Organisation in accordance
with the criteria and procedures set forth in Appendix III of MARPOL Annex
Section 1 states that the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships
shall not exceed the following limits:
(1) 4.50% m/m prior to 1 January 2012;
(2) 3.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2012; and
(3) 0.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2020.
Section 3(2) states that Emission Control Areas shall include sea area, including
port areas, designated by the Organisation in accordance with the criteria and
procedures set forth in Appendix III of MARPOL Annex VI.
Section 4 states that while ships are operating within an Emission Control
Area, the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board ships shall not exceed the
following limits:
(1) 1.50% m/m prior to 1 July 2010;
(2) 1.00% m/m on and after 1 July 2010; and
(3) 0.10% m/m on and after 1 January 2015.
7. This regulation shall also apply to gas carriers only if the type of loading
and containment systems allows safe retention of non-methane VOCs on
board or their safe return ashore.
Appendix III: Criteria and Procedures for Designation of Emission Control Areas
Section 1 states that this Appendix serves to provide the criteria and
procedures to Parties for formulating and submitting proposals for the
designation of Emission Control Areas and to set forth the factors to be
considered in the assessment of such proposals by the Organisation. An
ECA should be considered for adoption by the Organisation if supported by a
demonstrated need to prevent, reduce, and control emissions of NOx or SOx
and particulate matter or all three types of emissions (hereinafter emissions)
from ships.
The IFC Performance Standards applicable for industrial noise applies to fixed
noise sources only. Noise impacts should not exceed the levels presented in
Table A.5, or result in a maximum increase in background levels greater than
three (3) dB at the nearest receptor location off-site.
The IFC does not establish standards for seawater quality. Indonesian
standards are established by the Decree of Environmental Ministry No. 51/2004
in Appendix III.
A.1.7.1 ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation on Nature and Natural Resources, 1985
The PS6 serves to protect and conserve biodiversity. It helps maintain the
benefits from ecosystem services and promotes the sustainable management
of living natural resources through the adoption of practices that integrate
conservation needs and development priorities.
A.1.7.3 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES), 1975
Article II of the Convention states that parties shall not allow trade in
specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III except in accordance
with the provisions of the present Convention:
• Appendix I shall include all species threatened with extinction which are or
may be affected by trade. Trade in specimens of these species must be
subject to particularly strict regulation in order not to endanger further
their survival and must only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
Articles III, IV and V of the Convention gives provisions for the regulation of
trade in specimens of species included in Appendices I, II and III respectively
but shall not apply to the transit or transhipment of specimens through or in
the territory of a Party while the specimens remain in Customs control as
stated under Article VII of the Convention.
Permits and certificates granted under the provisions of Articles III, IV, and V
shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article VI whereby each permit
or certificate shall contain the title of the present Convention, the name and
any identifying stamp of the Management Authority granting it and a control
number assigned by the Management Authority. Furthermore, separate
permit or certificate shall be required for each consignment of specimens. A
Management Authority of the State of import of any specimen shall cancel
and retain the export permit or re-export certificate and any corresponding
import permit presented in respect of the import of that specimen.
The APMS has been prepared due to the pressing need recognised by both
local and international communities for wise use and sustainable management
The IFC PS3 states that when host country regulations differ from the levels
and measures presented in the World Bank Group EHS Guidelines, projects
are required to achieve whichever is the more stringent. On this basis, the
equivalent IFC emission limit guidelines are presented where considered
applicable and the more stringent of the two (2) has been highlighted. These
values are what the Project should achieve.
Ministry Regulation IFC (in mg/Nm3 or as
Capacity Fuel Parameter
No. 13 Year 2009 indicated)(2)(3)
NOx as NO2 1000 NA
≤ 570 CO 600 NA
kWth NOx as NO2 400 NA
CO 500 NA
TSP 150 50 – 100(4)
SO2 800 1.5% - 3% sulfur(5)
NOx as NO2 1000 1460(6) or 1850(7)
CO 600 NA
> 570 TSP 50 NA
kWth SO2 150 NA
200 (Spark ignition)
Gas 400 (Dual Fuel)
NOx as NO2 400
1600 (Compression
CO 500 NA
1. Concentrations are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 25°C, 1 atmosphere pressure, dry and
13% O2)
2. Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines - General EHS Guidelines on Air Emissions
and Ambient Air Quality (2007) Table 1.1.2 – Small Combustion Facilities Emission Guidelines
(3MWth – 50MWth)
3. Concentrations are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 0°C, 1 atmosphere pressure, dry and
15% O2)
4. Up to 100 if justified by project specific considerations (e.g. Economic feasibility of using lower ash
content fuel, or adding secondary treatment to meet 50, and available environmental capacity of the
5. Up to 3% sulfur if justified by project specific considerations (e.g. Economic feasibility of using
lower S content fuel, or adding secondary treatment to meet levels of using 1.5 percent Sulphur,
and available environmental capacity of the site)
6. If bore size diameter [mm] < 400: 1460 (or up to 1,600 if justified to maintain high energy efficiency.)
7. If bore size diameter [mm] > or = 400
Ministry Regulation
IFC (in mg/Nm3 or as
Fuel Parameter No. 13 Year 2009 (in
mg/Nm3 or as
TSP 100 N/A
SO2 650 N/A
NOx as NO2 450 N/A
Opacity 20% N/A
TSP 50 N/A
SO2 150 N/A
NOx as NO2 150 N/A
Opacity 320% N/A
Natural Gas =
3MWth to <
15MWth 42 ppm(4);
NOx as NO2 N/A
100 ppm(5)
Natural Gas = TSP N/A N/A
15MWth to < SO2 N/A N/A
50MWth NOx as NO2 N/A 25ppm
Fuels other than TSP N/A N/A
Natural Gas = SO2 N/A 0.5% Sulfur(6)
3MWth to < 96ppm(4);
15MWth NOx as NO2 N/A
Fuels other than TSP N/A N/A
Natural Gas =
15MWth to < SO2 N/A 0.5% Sulfur(6)
50MWth NOx as NO2 N/A 74ppm
1. Concentrations are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 25°C, 1 atmosphere pressure, dry and
13% O2).
2. Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines - General EHS Guidelines on Air Emissions and
Ambient Air Quality (2007) Table 1.1.2 – Small Combustion Facilities Emission Guidelines (3MWth –
3. Concentrations are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 0°C, 1 atmosphere pressure, dry and
15% O2)
4. Electric generation
5. Mechanical drive
6. 0.5% or lower percent Sulphur (e.g. 0.2 percent Sulphur) if commercially available without significant
excess fuel cost
Environmental Ministry
IFC (in mg/Nm3 or
Fuel Parameter Regulation No. 13 Year 2009
as indicated)(3)(4)(5)
(in mg/Nm3 or as indicated)(1) (2)
TSP 150 50(4)
SO2 1200 2000
NOx as NO2 800 460
Opacity 20 N/A
TSP 50 N/A
SO2 150 N/A
NOx as NO2 400 320
Opacity 20 N/A
TSP N/A 50(3)
SO2 N/A 2000
NOx as NO2 N/A 650
Opacity N/A N/A
1. Concentrations for oil are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 25°C, 1 atmosphere pressure,
dry and 5% O2).
2. Concentrations for gas are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 25°C, 1 atmosphere pressure,
dry and 5% O2).
3. Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines - General EHS Guidelines on Air Emissions
and Ambient Air Quality (2007) Table 1.1.2 – Small Combustion Facilities Emission Guidelines
(3MWth – 50MWth)
4. Concentrations for gas and oil are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 0°C, 1 atmosphere
pressure, dry and 3% O2).
5. Concentrations for solid are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 0°C, 1 atmosphere pressure,
dry and 3% O2).
6. 50 or up to 150 if justified by environmental assessment
Parameter Method
Opacity 40% SNI 19.7117.11- 2005
Sulfur Feed Rate
Sulfur Standard Method
Recovery (%)
<2 70 %
Measurement Method and Efficiency Rate Feed
2-10 85 % Sulfur Recovery using USEPA method 40
CFR Part 60 subpart 60 644 or equivalent method
10-50 95 %
approved by the Ministry of Environment
> 50 97 %
Parameter Standard Method
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 2600 SNI 19-7117.3.1-2005
Volume of gas measured under standard conditions (25 °C and pressure 1 atmosphere), and dry conditions
with correction of O2 at 0%
Parameter Standard Method
Particulate 400 SNI 19-7117.12-2005
SO2 1500 SNI 19-7117.3.1-2005 Or Method 6, 6C USEPA
NO2 1000 SNI 19-7117.5-2005 or Method 7, 7E USEPA
HC 200 -
Volume of gas measured under standard conditions (25 °C and pressure 1 atmosphere), and dry conditions
with the correction of O2 at 0%.
Table A.15 Production Process – Sulphur Recovery Unit Claus System without Gas
Parameter Standard Method
Particulate 400 SNI 19-7117.12-2005
Reduced Sulphur 450 SNI 19-7117.7-2005
NO2 1000 SNI 19-7117.5-2005 or Method 7 , 7E USEPA
HC 200 -
Volume of gas measured under standard conditions (25 °C and pressure 1 atmosphere), and dry conditions
as well as the correction of O2 at 0%. Reduced Sulphur are hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbonyl sulfide (COS)
and carbon disulfide (CS2)
Table A.16 Production Process – Sulphur Recovery Unit Claus System with Gas
Parameter Standard Method
Particulate 400 SNI 19-7117.12-2005
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 1500 SNI 19-7117.3.1-2005 Or Method 6, 6C USEPA
NO2 1000 SNI 19-7117.5-2005 or Method 7, 7E USEPA
HC 200 -
Volume of gas measured under standard conditions (25 °C and pressure 1 atmosphere), and dry conditions
with the correction of O2 at 0%
Temperature °C 45 -
pH 6–9 -
Temperature °C - increase of no
more than 3°C
Storm water
Oil and grease - 10
COD - 125
BOD - 25
Sulfides - 1
Hydro test Water
MoE Regulation
Parameter Unit IFC (2)(3)
No. 68/2016(1)
pH - 6–9 6–9
BOD mg/L 30 30
TSS mg/L 30 50
Ammoniac mg/L 10 10
1. Ministry of Environment Regulation No. 68 Year 2016 regarding Domestic Wastewater Standard.
2. Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines - General EHS Guidelines for Wastewater and
Ambient Water Quality (2007).
3. Not applicable to centralised, municipal, wastewater treatment systems which are included in EHS
guidelines for water and sanitation.
4. MPN = Most Probable Number.
Additional notes:
The effluent should result in a temperature increase of no more than 3° C at the edge of the zone
where initial mixing and dilution take place. Where the zone is not defined, use 100 m from the point
of discharge when there are no sensitive aquatic ecosystems within this distance.
Site specific requirement to be established by the EA.
Elevated temperature areas due to discharge of once-through cooling water (e.g., 1 Celsius above, 2
Celsius above, 3 Celsius above ambient water temperature) should be minimised by adjusting intake
and outfall design through the project specific EA depending on the sensitive aquatic ecosystems
around the discharge point.
Environmental Ministry
Regulation No. 21 Year 2008(1)
Gas (mg/Nm3 or as
Gas (mg/Nm3 or as indicated)(4)
SO2 150 -
NOx as NO2 320 51 (25 ppm)
Total of Particulate 30 -
Opacity(6) - -
1. Ministry of Environmental and Forestry Regulation No. 21 Year 2008 regarding Emission Standard
of Combined Cycle Power Plant
2. Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants (2008)
3. Natural Gas all turbine types of unit >50MWth
4. Concentrations are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 25°C, 1 atmosphere pressure, dry and
15% O2)
5. Concentrations are specified at reference condition (Nm3 is at 0°C, 1 atmosphere pressure, dry and
15% O2)
6. Opacity is used as an indicator for practical monitoring
Parameter Unit IFCa
pH mg/L 6–9 6–9
Cu mg/L 1 0.5
Fe mg/L 3 1.0
If the wastewater of Blowdown boiler is not channeled to the STP
IFCa: IFC EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants, 2008
Parameter Unit IFCa
pH mg/L 6–9 6–9
Free Chlorine (Cl2) mg/L 1 -
Zn mg/L 1 1.0
mg/L 10
PO4- -
If the wastewater of Colling Tower is not channelled to the STP
IFCa: IFC EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants, 2008
Parameter Unit IFCa
pH - 6–9 6–9
TSS mg/L 100 50
If the wastewater of WTP Demineralisation is not channelled to the STP
IFCa: IFC EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants, 2008
Parameter Unit IFCa
Temperature 0C 40* Site specific requirement to be
established by the EA.
pH - 6-9 6–9
‰ In Radius 30 Km from seawater
discharge location, the
Salinity -
wastewater salinity should be
equal to the natural salinity
IFCa: IFC EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants, 2008
Prepared for:
The following data is based on primary and secondary data available from the
Project area and studies commissioned. This includes the following:
Soil Investigation at the proposed Power Plant area for 800 to 100 MW CCGT
power Plant at Cilamaya, West Java, 2015 (Soilens, 2015);
Parameters S1 S2 S3
Parameters S4 S5 S6 S7
Sample depth (m) 1.0-1.5 1.0-1.5 2.5 – 3.0 0.5 – 1.5 2.0 -3.0 2.0-3.0 3.8-4.0
pH 6.78 5.9 6.62 7.73 8.23 7.0 8.0
Chloride (ppm) 52 94 103 12314 9459 5019 14057
Sulfate (ppm) 158 225 219 478 187 253 9
Source: Tigenco, 2016
Access borehole was sunk for the exploratory purpose with in-situ tests and undisturbed
soil sampling. The borehole diameter was sufficiently large to allow the insertion of in-situ
test apparatus and undisturbed soil sampler with minimum diameter of 75 mm (NX Size).
The tests methods:
- Acidity/alkalinity (pH) test : ASTM G 51
- Sulfur trioxide content test : BS 1377 Test 9
- Chloride content test : BS 1377 Test 9 (for soil)
- Carbonate content test : ASTM D 513 (for soil)
Texture Silt Silt Loam Silt Silt Silt Loam Silt Loam
C-Organic (%) 3.2 3.46 3.92 2.84 3.80 2.52
N-Total 0.33 0.36 0.40 0.30 0.39 0.27
Phosphorus (P) 12.85 45.78 51.71 38.20 15.25 10.16
Potassium (K) 174.74 200.46 110.87 171.45 164.8 113.97
H2 O 6.03 4.68 3.95 4.85 6.02 6.10
KCl 5.88 4.62 3.88 4.78 5.95 6.02
Mercury (Hg) 0.333 0.032 0.055 <0.004 0.094 0.104
Chromium (Cr) 18.30 11.47 17.09 13.84 15.57 15.57
Arsenic (Ar) 0.865 0.999 0.273 0.916 0.788 0.554
Selenium (Se) 0.42 0.43 0.49 0.32 0.29 0.35
Copper (Cu) 14.45 15.13 28.84 18.48 33.00 23.65
Lead (Pb) 41.01 45.48 35.37 39.07 59.73 74.38
Zinc (Zn) 92.84 54.56 72.62 87.26 135.56 128.31
Nickel (Ni) 14.22 9.11 19.50 13.79 25.43 18.41
Source: ERM, 2018b
Neither local Indonesian regulations nor the IFC does not establish standards for soil
quality standards.
The following data is based on the primary and secondary data available from
the Project area and studies commissioned. This includes the following:
Soil Investigation at the proposed Power Plant area for 800 to 100 MW CCGT
power Plant at Cilamaya, West Java, 2015 (Soilens, 2015);
Environmental Monitoring (RKL and RPL) Semester 2, 2016 completed for SKG
Cilamaya (SKG Cilamaya, 2016);
The following data is based on primary and secondary data available from the
Project area and studies commissioned. This includes the following:
Bathymetric Survey and Seawater Data Collection Report. 2016 (Pöyry. 2016b);
Environmental Monitoring (RKL and RPL) Semester 2. 2016 completed for SKG
Cilamaya (SKG Cilamaya. 2016);
Table B.10 Surface Water Monitoring (August & November 2016 and February & May
Parameters Unit RW4 RW5 RW6 RW7 RW8 RW9 RW10 Applicable Standards
Three (3)
Temperature oC 28.0 27.6 29.8 29.5 28.3 30.6 31 -
Total Suspended 400
mg/L 23 18 30 20 34 60 55 -
Solid (TSS)
Total Dissolved 1,000
mg/L 264 220 264 240 248 1438 2160 -
Solids (TDS)
pH - 7.25 6.93 7.38 7.43 6.98 6.5 7.5 5-9 -
mg/L 1.4 3.5 6.7 2.2 1.5 4.6 5.9 3 -
Oxygen Demand mg/L 6.4 5.80 6 6.40 6.2 6.60 6.4 6 -
Chemical Oxygen
mg/L 74.20 72.05 45.43 63.47 54.02 49.73 81.07 50 -
Demand (COD)
Total Phosphate mg/L 0.332 0.201 0.249 0.256 0.388 0.378 0.374 1 -
mg/L 5.913 2.370 4.240 3.078 0.489 5.691 0.443 - -
mg/L 2.133 0.104 1.750 0.093 0.104 1.130 0.162 -
(NO3-N) 20
mg/L 1.112 0.030 1.738 0.020 0.008 0.995 0.012 0.06 -
mg/L 37.71 29.50 39.67 31.26 25.79 40.84 47.09 - -
Chloride (Cl) mg/L 16.99 23.99 28.99 36.99 31.99 34.99 33.59 - -
Arsenic (As) mg/L <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0016 0.0009 1 -
Cobalt (Co) mg/L <0.005 0.033 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.012 0.039 0.2 -
Barium (Ba) mg/L 0.684 0.324 0.385 0.239 0.22 0.094 0.165 - -
Boron (B) mg/L 0.426 0.412 0.399 0.511 0.456 0.432 0.622 1 -
Selenium (Se) mg/L 0.0038 0.0036 0.0049 0.0070 0.0046 0.0070 0.0096 0.05 -
Cadmium (Cd) mg/L <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.01 -
mg/L <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.05 -
Hexavalent (Cr6+)
Copper (Cu) mg/L 0.025 0.042 0.036 0.036 0.034 0.034 0.04 0.02 -
Iron (Fe) mg/L 0.272 0.379 0.198 0.179 0.300 0.397 0.458 - -
Parameter Unit RW4 RW5 RW6 RW7 RW8 RW9 RW10 Applicable Standards
Mercury (Hg) mg/kg 0.257 0.061 0.163 0.091 0.080 0.065 0.038 - 0.17
Chromium (Cr) mg/kg 7.23 9.07 9.16 11.48 11.33 14.32 9.14 - 37.3
Arsenic (As) mg/kg 1.678 0.749 0.911 0.488 0.649 0.709 0.676 - 5.9
Cadmium (Cd) mg/kg 3.67 2.49 0.77 1.26 2.72 1.95 1.46 - 0.6
Copper (Cu) mg/kg 12.28 32.33 23.21 23.11 21.78 30.84 22.88 - 35.7
Lead (Pb) mg/kg 59.08 66.98 66.42 55.65 71.80 58.58 69.96 - 35
The following data is based on primary and secondary data available from the
Project area and studies commissioned. This includes the following:
Environmental Monitoring (RKL and RPL) Semester 2. 2016 completed for SKG
Cilamaya (SKG Cilamaya. 2016);
Table B.14 Air Quality Monitoring (September 2016 & March 2017)
Parameters AQ9 AQ10 AQ11 AQ12 AQ13 AQ14 AQ15 Applicable Standards
NO2 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 1-hr: 200
1-hr:900 24-hr:
24-hr:365 125 (Interim
SO2 68 61 <20 57 42 <20 <20 50 (Interim
CO <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 24- -
Ozone <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 <20 1-hr: 50 1-hr: 50
Hydrocarbon <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 3-hr: 160 3-hr: 160
24-hr: 150 24-hr:
150 (Interim
target 1)
100 (Interim
PM10 123 111 143 67.5 166 85.5 5 target 2)
75 (Interim
target 3)
Table B.16 Air Quality Monitoring – Turbines (September 2016 & March 2017)
Table B.17 Air Quality Monitoring – Generator Sets (September 2016 & March 2017)
Parameters FAQ1
September 2016 March 2017
Opacity <20 <21
Source: CGK Cilamaya. 2016. SKG Cilamaya. 2017
Note: Unit in mg/Nm
Noise was sampled and monitored using a Sound Level Meter (SLM)
equipped with features to measure the LAeq (A-weighted equivalent energy
level). The analysis were conducted based on the:
The following data is based on primary and secondary data available from the
Project area and studies commissioned. This includes the following:
Environmental Monitoring (RKL and RPL) Semester 2. 2016 completed for SKG
Cilamaya (SKG Cilamaya. 2016);
Table B.21 Noise Monitoring Results at Compressor in CCGT Power Plant (November
2015-July 2017)
L90 46.9
N7 Leq, 1-hr in dBA
Lm (Leq Night-time) 55.7
Pertamina 55 Day : 55 dBA
Cilamaya Ls (Leq Daytime) 56.5
Night: 45 dBA
Lsm (Leq Day Night) 58.9
L90 38.3
N8 Leq, 1-hr in dBA
Lm (Leq Night-time) 73.0
Masjid Al- 55 Day : 55 dBA
Hidayah Ls (Leq Daytime) 70.8
Night: 45 dBA
Lsm (Leq Day Night) 74.6
L90 44.8
Leq, 1-hr in dBA
Pertamina Lm (Leq Night-time) 56.0
Residential 55 Day : 55 dBA
Ls (Leq Daytime) 57.5
Area Night: 45 dBA
Lsm (Leq Day Night) 56.9
N10 L90 36.1 Leq, 1-hr in dBA
Residential Lm (Leq Night-time) 51.0 55 Day : 55 dBA
Area Ls (Leq Daytime) 50.4 Night: 45 dBA
The following data is based on primary and secondary data available from the
Project area and studies commissioned. This includes the following:
Table B.27 Electromagnetic Field Monitoring along the Transmission Line (2018)
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Source: ERM, 2018c
The EMF survey was conducted using an EMF Meter based on the NIOSH Manual for
Measuring Occupational Electric and Magnetic Field Exposures, 1998.
Refer Table B.25 and Table B.26 for the National and International Limits.
The following data is based on primary and secondary data available from the
Project area and studies commissioned. This includes the following:
Bathymetric Survey and Seawater Data Collection Report, 2016 (Pöyry, 2016b);
Parameter Unit MW1 MW2 MW3 MW4 MW5 MW6 Standards
Brightness M 2.20 2 2.20 5 5 4.7 - -
Temperature °C 30.5 30.5 30.2 30.2 30.2 29.9 Natural -
Turbidity NTU 2.83 2.94 1.81 0.89 1.14 1.92 <5 -
Odour No No No No No No
- Natural -
Odour Odour Odour Odour Odour Odour
Color Pt Co 5 12.5 10 5 5 5 - -
Dissolved mg/L 31,080 30,730 31,080 31,150 31,150 31,150 - -
Suspended mg/L <1 3 <1 <1 <1 <1 Natural -
mg/L 0..60 0.058 0.010 0.035 0.015 0.043 - -
BOD mg/L 86 60 96 85 140 73 20 -
Mercury (Hg) mg/L 0.09 0.18 0.09 < 0.09 < 0.09 0.09 0.001 -
Arsenic (As) mg/L < 0.0001 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.012 -
Barium mg/L 0.009 0.015 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.019 < 0.001 - -
Chromium Chromium
mg/L 0.009 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.022 < 0.001 Hexavalent: -
(Cr) 0.05
Boron mg/L 1.51 0.751 3.05 2.51 1.79 0.624 - -
Fluoride mg/L 1.52 1.47 1.36 1.70 1.05 1.39 - -
Calcium mg/L 321 400 400 480 400 480 - -
Magnesium mg/L 1736 1904 701 1379 1475 1284 - -
Sodium mg/L 6542 6417 6458 6542 6417 6583 - -
Potassium mg/L 382 364 375 386 375 368 - -
Selenium mg/L < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.001 -
Lead (Pb) mg/L < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.008 -
Aluminium mg/L 0.196 0.351 0.222 0.343 0.291 0.102 - -
Strontium mg/L < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 - -
Cyanide mg/L < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.008 < 0.001 - -
Phenol mg/L < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 -
Cadmium mg/L < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.005 -
Cobalt mg/L < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 -
The following data is based on primary and secondary data available from the
Project area and studies commissioned. This includes the following:
Bathymetric Survey and Seawater Data Collection Report, 2016 (Pöyry, 2016b);
The following data is based on primary and secondary data available from the
Project area and studies commissioned. This includes the following:
Bathymetric Survey and Seawater Data Collection Report, 2016 (Pöyry, 2016b);
Plankton was observed by filtering the water samples using the plankton net
number 25. The filtered water was placed in sampling bottles and were added
with the preservative 4% MAF (methyl alcohol, acetic acid glacial and
formalin). Analysis of plankton includes the abundance, diversity,
homogeneity, and dominance. Individual number of plankton was calculated
by using the Sedgwick Rafter Counting Cell, which determines plankton
abundance and homogeneity using a standard equation.
Benthos in the waters bed were sampled using Petersen Grab, sieved to
separate benthos from the sediment and be preserved by adding 4% MAF.
Parameter MP7 MP8 MP9 MP10 MP11 MP12 MP13 MP14 MP15 MP16 MP17
Total taxonomy 15 15 15 11 19 19 17 11 19 15 13
Total cell/ 1.159.665 82.207 1.075.666 1.211.001 170.426 506.668 4.927.999 413.033 1.185.002 148.374 294.736
ID Simpson 0.54 0.26 0.61 0.64 0.34 0.20 0.22 0.76 0.23 0.20 0.37
Dominant Trichodesmium Skeletonema Skeletonema Skeletonema Skeletonema Trichodesmium Bacteriastrum Trichodesmium Chaetoceros sp. Chaetoceros sp. Trichodesmium
sp. (840.000) sp. (40.100) sp. (835.333) sp. (956.667) sp. (87.218) sp. (188.333) sp. (1.558.667) sp. (360.401) (496.667) (48.622) sp. (173.434)
species Chaetoceros sp. Nitzschia sp. Nitzschia sp. Nitzschia sp. Trichodesmium Thalassiothrix Trichodesmium Chaetoceros sp. Thalassiothrix Thalassiothrix Skeletonema
(Cell/ ) (142.333) (7.519) (100.333) (95.667) sp. (41.604) sp. (75.000) sp. (1.381.333) (19.048) sp. (166.667) sp. (33.083) sp. (28.571)
Thalassiothrix Bacillaria sp. Pleurosigma Trichodesmium Nitzschia sp. Chaetoceros sp. Chaetoceros sp. Thalassiothrix Nitzschia sp. Bacteriastrum Chaetoceros sp.
sp. (46.667) (5.013) sp. (39.667) sp. (88.667) (20.050) (66.667) (672.000) sp. (11.028) (145.000) sp. (22.055) (23.058)
Source: ERM, 2018b
Parameter MP7 MP8 MP9 MP10 MP11 MP12 MP13 MP14 MP15 MP16 MP17
Total taxonomy 5 7 9 8 4 13 10 7 6 6 11
Total idn/ 3.159 2.759 14.738 12.633 2.257 26.819 25.966 3.258 2.256 2.758 7.521
ID Simpson 0.28 0.21 0.22 0.30 0.33 0.21 0.19 0.16 0.19 0.21 0.11
Dominant Nauplius Nauplius Nauplius Nauplius Nauplius Nauplius Oithona sp. Nauplius Nauplius Paracalanus sp. Nauplius
(1.404) (1.003) (4.561) (5.965) (1.003) (9.273) (7.368) (752) (501) (752) (1.253)
species (idn/ )
Larva Larva
Paracalanus sp. Paracalanus sp. Oithona sp. Paracalanus sp. Gastropoda Paracalanus sp. Paracalanus sp. Acartia sp. Paracalanus sp. Gastropoda Acrocalanus sp.
(702) (501) (4.211) (3.158) (sp1) (752) (7.018) (6316) (501) (501) (sp1) (752) (1.003)
Larva Larva
Achantometron Achantometron Tintinnopsis Tintinnopsis Acartia sp. Oithona sp. Nauplius Acrocalanus sp. Pelecypoda Pelecypoda Corycaeus sp.
sp. (351) sp. (251) sp. (2456) sp. (1.053) (251) (3.509) (4912) (501) (501) (501) (1.003)
Source: ERM, 2018b
Parameter Unit MB1 MB2 MB3 MB4 MB5 MB6 MB7 MB8 MB9 MB10 MB11 MB12 MB13
Aglaophamus sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0
Ampharete sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0
Cirratulus sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0
Diopatra sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0
Eunice sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 0
Glycera sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0
Goniada sp. lnd/ 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Heteromastus sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lumbrineris sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 0 0 0
Mageelona sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 89 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nereis sp. lnd/ 0 0 30 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30
Notomastus sp. lnd/ 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Terebelides sp. lnd/ 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Paraonis sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0
Prionospio sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Potamila sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sternaspis sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Terebellides sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 89 148 0 0 0
Trichobranchus sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30
F. Lumbriculidae sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0
Apionsoma sp. lnd/ 0 59 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 59
Ampelisca sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0
Callianassa sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 30 0
Cirolana sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 0 0 0 0
Leptopcchelia sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 30 0 0 0
Oratosquilla sp. lnd/ 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Paradorippe sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0
Photis sp. lnd/ 0 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pinnotheres sp. lnd/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0
Ptilanthura sp. lnd/ 30 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0
Prepared for:
The PLTGU Jawa-1 Project (the Project) involves the development of a Combined
Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant, a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Floating
Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) and a 500kV power transmission lines and a
Substation. These project elements will be developed within the Karawang and
Bekasi Regencies of West Java, Indonesia. The Project location and main elements
are depicted in Figure 1-1.
The construction of this Project is expected to commence in late 2018 with operation
of the 1,760 MW CCGT Power Plant expected to commence in 2021.
The LNG will be delivered to the FSRU via tankers; it is expected that the LNG will
be supplied mainly from the BP Tangguh project, both of which are located within
Indonesia. The FSRU will store and regassify the LNG, prior to delivery to an
Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) located adjacent to the CCGT Power Plant.
Following gas treatment within the ORF, the gas will be supplied to the CCGT
Power Plant and electricity dispatched to the transmission line and substation. The
Scoping Report sets out the Project Description; components and associated facilities
in more detail.
The Project is located in the West Java Province, approximately 108 km east of
Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.
The Power Plant is located in the administrative area of Cilamaya Village, Cilamaya
Wetan District, Karawang Regency.
The 500 kV transmission line then traverses Karawang Regency for a distance of 52
km before joining the Cibatu Baru II /Sukatani EHV Substation in Sukatani, Bekasi
PT Pertamina (Persero) is a state-owned oil and gas company, which also has
interests in the Power sector. Pertamina operates the Arun LNG Plant Unit (Aceh)
and Bontang LNG Plant Unit (East Kalimantan) and geothermal power assets in
Indonesia. Pertamina is also a major downstream supplier of fuel in Indonesia.
In order to design and construct the Project the Sponsors have commissioned a
number of contractors, namely the Engineering Procurement and Construction
Consortium composed of Meindo, GE and Samsung (see Figure 1-2).
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), the Indonesian state electricity company, has
entered into the LNG sale and purchase agreement with the LNG supplier for the
purpose of fulfilling the LNG supply requirement to the FSRU. The Sponsors will
only be responsible for the provision of the necessary gas supply infrastructure to
the CCGT power plant and FSRU and the associated onshore and offshore
infrastructure to support the transportation of gas. This integrated project will be
transferred to PLN at the end of the Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA).
This Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) has been prepared to document the
methods and process by which its stakeholders and other interested parties are
consulted in relation to the proposed power plant project. The SEP is designed with
the aim of providing a platform for consultation and information disclosure with
Project stakeholders throughout all phases of the development. This SEP considers
all impacted communities; the Project Resettlement Plan (RP) details the landowner
and user data and consultation activities undertaken as part of this process (that
aligns with the process set out in this SEP).
This document also outlines the Grievance Mechanism (GM) that should be adopted
and implemented by JSP, its EPC and other subcontractors. The GM provides a
process by which stakeholders and / or interested parties can raise their complaints,
concerns and observations and for the Project to address genuine items in a timely
and agreeable manner.
The SEP for this Project has been prepared in accordance with the Applicable
Standards including relevant national regulations and international standards and
guidelines which are further discussed in later in this report.
The findings reported in this SEP are based on the information provided to ERM by
JSP and data gathered during the public consultations/socialization activities
during the AMDAL and stakeholder consultation conducted as part of the ESIA
development conducted by ERM. However there were a number of limitations
during the development of this SEP namely limited data and information on
affected landowners due to the land acquisition requirement of the Project. The land
acquisition process is being overseen by a local land acquisition consultant, acting as
a contractor of the Project. Their activities are estimated to be completed by mid-
2018 when this SEP will require updating.
The Project is located in the West Java Province, approximately 108 km east of
Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Administratively, the Project is located within the
Subang, Bekasi and Karawang Regencies (see Figure 1-1).
The FSRU and offshore pipeline will be located offshore of Pamanukan Bay, in
Subang Regency at a distance of approximately 15 km from the Regency coastline.
The CCGT Power Plant will be located in the administrative area of Cilamaya Village,
Cilamaya Wetan District, Karawang Regency next to the existing Gas Compression
Station (SKG) operated by Pertamina Gas; the transmission line will traverse through
the Karawang Regency for a distance of 52 km before joining the Cibatu Baru II
/Sukatani EHV Substation in Sukatani, Bekasi Regency.
The FSRU will be located and moored offshore of Ciasem Bay within Subang Regency
at a distance of approximately of eight (8) km off the north Ciasem Bay coast and at
depth of 16 m of sea level.
The FSRU will be permanently moored and during installation of the vessel a
prohibited zone (a 500 m radius area starting from the outmost side of the
installation) and a restricted zone (a 1,250 m radius area starting from the
prohibited zone) will be established around the FSRU. Based on Ministry of
Transportation Regulation No. 129 2016, a secure and safety zone must be established
around offshore facilities, including the FSRU and its mooring facilities. Such zone
covers both prohibited zone and restricted zone. The prohibited zone is an area
with a radius of 500 m starting from the outmost side of the installation; the
restricted zone is the area with radius of 1,250 m starting from the prohibited zone.
The FSRU will be 292.5 m in length, 43.4 m in width, and a depth of 26.6 m. Four
LNG storage tanks with a total capacity of 170,000 m3 will be retained on the
vessel. The vessel will be equipped with four (4) regasification trains; each train
having a capacity of 100 mmscfd. The nominal capacity will be 300 mmscfd with a
peak capacity of 400 mmscfd.
The FSRU is planned for 25 years and will be taken away for dry dock inspection
and maintenance to a suitable port e.g. in Singapore at least once during the
operational life-time. Furthermore, maintenance activities i.e. painting will be
conducted periodically to prevent rust on vessel body, deck and on-board
The 1,760 MW CCGT Power Plant will be developed on a 36.7 ha parcel of land
located in Cilamaya Village, Cilamaya Wetan District, Karawang Regency. The land
was originally owned by Pertamina (Persero) and such land title transfer to PT JSP
is still on-going and will complete before the financial close.
The site consists predominately of vacant agricultural land where clearing has
already occurred. The CCGT Power Plant site in relation to surrounding
communities is shown in Figure 2-1. Cilamaya Village is located next to the site with
some residences sharing a boundary with the site. It is also reported that some
households and small kiosks reside within the border of the site illegally.
The power plant complex will consist of five main buildings supported by other
infrastructure. The main buildings include two turbine buildings, control and
electrical building, administration building and a workshop/warehouse building.
A 52 km 500kV Transmission Line will be established from the CCGT Power Plant
in Cilamaya to Cibatu Baru II/Sukatani EHV Substation in Bekasi Regency.
The line will comprise 118 transmission towers with a transmission corridor of
approximately 17 m each side of the transmission lines established, as required by
local regulation.
The line will run through two regencies; Karawang and Bekasi and will affect 36
villages. The proposed transmission line route crosses mainly areas of land used for
agricultural purposes (rice paddy fields).
It is estimated that a total acquisition of 116,000 m2 (11.6 ha) of land is required for
the tower footings. This is based on 116 towers and typical footing area of 1000 m2
per tower (two towers are currently owned by Pertamina and therefore the land
deeds will only require transfer from its subsidiary to the Project Sponsors). The
actual land area required will depend on the nature of the tower (the area required
for suspension tower, dead end tower and tension tower are different and range
from 784 m² to 1,764 m²).
4.1.2 Substation
The 500kV Cibatu Baru II/Sukatani Substation will be an outdoor gas insulated
design comprising the following number of circuits:
In addition the substation site shall include land (space only) for two additional
500kV diameter and one 150 kV Substation (8 bays).
A substation control building shall be provided which will consist of an office room,
communications room, control room, and protection room.
The jetty construction is expected to require nine months with the foundations piled
into the seabed. The jetty will be used to supply large equipment which cannot be
readily transported by road during construction, and maintenance and emergencies
conditions during operations.
During construction deliveries of equipment and supplies will occur via local
roads and the proposed construction Jetty. Figure 4-8 depicts the main transport
routes to be used during construction.
Truck movements associated with the transport of fill material to the site;
Movements of heavy and wide loads requiring temporary road closures and
traffic disruption; and
Significant truck movements associated with the movements of construction
materials to the construction locations.
Vessels will be temporarily present within the nearshore area during pipe laying,
dredging and the FSRU installation and mooring.
It is estimated that during construction the total peak workforce will be between
3,400 and 4,000 workers. Where feasible, based on skillsets, the Project will
maximize local employment. A basecamp will be provided for non-local workers
within the proposed CCGT Power Plant location. Its capacity is yet to be confirmed
however is expected to be a significant facility in order to meet the Project’s
workforce demands. Water, electricity supply and also waste collection and disposal
options are currently being confirmed. During the towers and substation
construction a smaller workforce will be required; whereby the construction teams
are likely to rent temporary accommodation in the local villages depending on the
tower location.
Kwarsa Hexagon has been contracted by the Sponsor’s Group to oversee the
Project’s land acquisition activities. Land acquisition will be undertaken for
the500 KV Transmission Line and Cibatu Baru II/Sukatani Substation
constructionpurposes impacting approximately 116 land owners for the tower
footing and 7land owners for the substation. Land title transfer for the CCGT
Power Plant and two of the tower footings from original landowner to PT JSP will
be conducted. The current pipeline ROW land isowned by Pertagas however
some additional land will also need to be acquired;this will involve some
private land owners (to be confirmed by Kwarsa Hexagon) and the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry. An access road will also be constructed between the
Power Plant and the jetty area that will also involve private landowners.
The land acquisition activities of PT. Jawa Satu Power will be conducted in
accordance with Indonesian President Regulation No. 149 Year 2015 about Land
Procurement for Development Implementation for the Public Interest.
Furthermore to meet the ADB’s expectations, a Resettlement P l a n is being
developed to ensure any gaps between the regulations and the ADB’s
expectations are addressed.
The construction and operation of the Project is likely to impact 39 villages within 14
Sub-Districts and 3 Regencies in West Java. Table 2-1 presents the Project's social
The impacted villages were determined based on their proximity to the project
facilities i.e. the transmission line, substation and power plant location. The SEP also
covers the coastal villages where fishing activities are undertaken along the
Cilamaya River and surrounding coastal areas nearshore of the jetty and the FSRU.
The total population of the Karawang Regency in 2016 was 2,295,778 people [1] with a 0F0F
sex ratio of 105.26 and total area of 1,753.27 km2; the density of the Regency was
1,039 persons per km2.
Karawang Regency is one of the national food sheds due to its high production of
rice and other food crops such as corn, soybean, cassava, and vegetables. In the
livestock sector, the regency contributes up to 799,128 tons/year of rice to fulfill the
national rice consumption [2]. Meanwhile, the total fish production (including capture
Bekasi Regency
The total population of the Bekasi Regency as of 2015 was 3,246,013 [3]. Districts in the
industrial areas of Bekasi neighboring Jakarta are much denser compared to those in
the rural areas. The industrial sector especially metal and electronics are the highest
contributors to the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Bekasi employing
approximately 38% of total employment in the regency. Between 2010 and 2014 the
size of agricultural land decreased resulting in the decreased production of the food
crops and vegetables. This is due to the growing of industrial sector where
agricultural area / land are being converted into industrial complexes.
The Bekasi Regency will be impacted by the installation of the substation, tower
footings and transmission line. It is understood that most of the land to be acquired
is currently used for agricultural activities hence no physical relocation will be
required. As such land owners and users will need to be consulted with in relation
to the Project (activities, land acquisition project and schedule).
Based on available statistical data, the total population of Subang Regency as of 2015
was 1,529,388 people with an average population growth rate of 1.05% per year.
The number of people employed in Subang Regency was approximately 633,116; of
that amount 211,972 people or around 33.48% were employed in agriculture and
fisheries. The field of services business (which includes shops and stall owners)
employs approximately 318,113 people or about 50.25%. While the field of industry
employs approximately 103,031 people or about 16.27% of the working population.
Blanakan village within the Subang Regency is the only identified village potentially
impacted by the Project. This is due to the development of FSRU and offshore
pipeline as their fishing grounds / fishing catchment areas are within the Project
area. As such this community requires consultation and engagement by the Project.
There are two levels of regulatory provisions applicable to the Project. The first is
the Indonesian assessment and approvals process. Secondly, as the Sponsor Group
have committed to also meeting international standards, the following will be
adhered to:
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Safeguard Policy Statements (SPS); and
2012 IFC Performance Standards 1-8 (IFC PS) and also the World Bank Group
EHS Guidelines for the life of the Project.
ERM has reviewed of the historical consultation completed to date by the Project; it
is considered to meet all the Indonesian requirements specifically consultations as
part of the AMDAL process. This has been verified by consultations with the MoEF
and AMDAL Technical Committee.
The Project is committed to upholding all applicable laws and regulations of the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Laws and regulations most applicable to
stakeholder consultation and disclosure activities are summarized in Table 3-1.
Equator Principles
The Equator Principles (EPs) are the environmental and social risk management
framework voluntarily adopted by 83 member financial institutions (Equator
Principle Financial Institutions, EPFIs). They are primarily intended to provide a
minimum standard for due diligence to support responsible risk decision-making.
The Equator Principles were developed by private-sector banks and launched in
June 2003. They were first revised in July 2006 and new revisions, known as EP III,
took effect on June 4, 2013.
The EPs established voluntary principles for addressing environmental and social
risks and issues in global project finance transactions, including adherence to IFC
Performance Standards. They are designed to serve as a benchmark for the financial
industry to manage social and environmental risks in project financing. They apply
to all new project financings with total project capital costs of USD $10 million or
more, and across all industry sectors. The Principles (EPs 1 to 10) are:
The current version of the EPs is the EP III, which apply globally, to all industry
Given the fact the Project is seeking finance from a consortium of lenders all
adopting the EPs framework hence the Project will need to comply with the EP
principles to address environmental and social risks and issues.
Principle 3: Applicable Environmental and Social Standards requires that the Project
complies with relevant host country laws, regulations and permits that pertain to
environmental and social issues. The principle also brings into consideration
compliance with the IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social
Sustainability (IFC PS) and the World Bank Group Environmental, Health and
Safety Guidelines (EHS Guidelines).
ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009 1 also governs the social safeguards of
ADB’s operations and articulates the safeguard policy principles for three key
safeguard areas:
1 https://www.adb.org/documents/safeguard-policy-statement
In April 2006 the International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank
Group, released a set of PSs based upon the original World Bank Group Safeguard
Policies, which recognized further the specific issues associated with private sector
projects. The IFC PSs have been broadened now to include issues such as
greenhouse gases, human rights, community health, and safety and security. A
revised set of Performance Standards came into force on January 1, 2012. The
complete list of PS’s is provided in Figure 3-1.
Source: www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/topics_ext_content/ifc_external_corporate_site/sustainability-at-
PS1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts)
sets out the following expectations with regards to stakeholder engagement:
“To promote and provide means for adequate engagement with Affected Communities
throughout the project cycle on issues that could potentially affect them…”.
“…the client will identify individuals and groups that may be differentially or
disproportionately affected by the project because of their disadvantaged or vulnerable
“Stakeholder engagement is the basis for building strong, constructive, and responsive
relationships that are essential for the successful management of a project's
environmental and social impacts “.
“…The nature, frequency, and level of effort of stakeholder engagement may vary
considerably and will be commensurate with the project’s risks and adverse impacts, and
the project’s phase of development. …”.
“When Affected Communities are subject to identified risks and adverse impacts from a
project, the client will undertake a process of consultation…”.
The Guidelines state that Project proponents are responsible for undertaking
“appropriate environmental and social considerations so as to prevent or minimize
the impact on the environment and local communities, and not bring about
unacceptable impacts which may be caused by the projects for which JBIC provides
Environmental and social considerations refer not only to the natural environment,
but also to social issues such as involuntary resettlement and respect for the human
rights of indigenous peoples. It is important to confirm that adequate measures have
been taken to mitigate adverse environmental impacts proactively and that
understanding has been obtained from all the stakeholders regarding
environmental effects, especially when significant environmental impact is foreseen
from the proposed project. These are crucial points for proceeding with the
proposed project or approving a loan for the project.
Regarding World Bank Safeguard Policy and IFC PSs, the Environmental
Guidelines stipulates “JBIC also ascertains whether a project meets the relevant
aspects of World Bank Safeguard Policy regarding environmental and social
considerations. On the other hand, for private sector limited or non-recourse project
finance cases, or for where appropriate, JBIC ascertains whether the project meets
the relevant aspects of IFC PSs”. Therefore further reference to IFC PSs in this SEP
also represent meeting JBIC standards.
2 http://www.jbic.go.jp/en/efforts/environment/confirm
NEXI encourages the project sponsors in the projects that are subject to NEXI’s
insurance services, via the applicants for insurance services such as exporters and
others (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicants"), to undertake appropriate
environmental and social considerations in accordance with the nature of the
project, based on the principles adopted by NEXI.
The stakeholder identification and analysis process will form the foundation for
planning and designing of subsequent stakeholder engagement activities. The
Project’s stakeholders and analysis will be reviewed and refined regularly as the
Project become more detailed and definite.
Are most likely to experience, at significant levels, any potential negative and
/ or positive impacts of the proposed Project;
Have the mandate over the various elements of the project’s activities (such as
Government institutions); and
3 A non-probability sampling technique where existing study subjects recruit future subjects from
among their acquaintances. Thus the sample group appears to grow like a rolling snowball. As
the sample builds up, enough data are gathered to be useful for research.
Squatters – This stakeholder group includes people who have settled within
the Project area illegally and have constructed housing, local businesses or
conduct agricultural activities on land that will be acquired by the Project.
2. Other interested parties; people / entities that are interested in the Project and /
or could affect the Project in some way, namely:
Central Government – This stakeholder consists of the Ministry of
Environmental and Forestry who is considered as having the most crucial
role in the AMDAL approval process.
The vulnerable groups’ within this context were identified by ERM during
fieldwork for stakeholder consultation as part of ESIA baseline data collection. Such
vulnerable groups include:
During the field assessment, ERM identified female groups in Cilamaya village
working as skewer makers earning around IDR 25,000 per day thus living below the
poverty line (if only counting this activity as the single source of income in the
household). However, most skewer makers have other members of their household
who are working and generating income for the family. This group is also under
represented in public activities/ consultation as their time is fully occupied with the
skewer making activity and domestic chores, in addition to the fact that generally
men adopt the role of representing family in public activities in this region.
The Project is located next to the land owned by State Water Department (Badan
Pengairan), where a group of community members reside without legal land deeds.
Many of the families living in the location generate income by selling food or other
daily necessities in a small kiosk in their house. Their location is easily accessed
through the existing road built by and dedicated for the Gas Compression Station.
These groups will be negatively affected if their customers decrease significantly
due to impact of project activities such as limited or restricted access to the area.
This group consists of people from Muara village who live / reside within the
protected forest area. The main source of livelihood of this community is farming
and fish ponds. This community will likely be impacted due to the development of
Jetty and construction of the access road from the Power Plant to the jetty etc.
Further details on the vulnerable groups will be presented in the ESIA document.
However it is planned that in future Project consultation the process is inclusive of
these groups; providing a channel for them to voice their concerns and perceptions
as well as receives information on the Project.
The matrix is a dynamic tool that should be periodically updated as and when
interest and / or influences of each stakeholder change over the Project
implementation period.
Stakeholder concerns have been gathered during the AMDAL and ESIA processes
and recorded (as presented in this SEP). Follow up activities, to address these
concerns will be undertaken in Q1 2018 and will continue throughout the pre-
construction, construction and operation phases. Concerns and issues will be
managed by the Sponsors’ community relations, and where necessary, the Project
management personnel through transparent consultation and disclosure of relevant
project information. Where necessary issues will be recorded in the grievance
mechanism and addressed through the due processes set out in Chapter 7.
No. Stakeholder Interest Power or Influence Perception
1. Central Ministry of Environmental To become an ad-hoc partner for Legal and formal position in the Positive
Government and Forestry the Project to fulfill government Central Government level. Through Supportive, the
requirements on administration the Environmental Agency have the Project is part of a
and business permit / license; authority to monitor Project regional
and environmental and social development
Project to contribute in the performance based on AMDAL. program. As long
development of local economy Should any non-compliance occur as it meets the
whilst managing its the Government has the authority regulations it will
environmental and social issues to stop all activities related to the bring economic
properly. Project. development for
the local area.
1. Provincial / Environmental Agency To become an ad-hoc partner for Legal and formal position in the Positive
Regencies (DLHK) of Karawang the Project to fulfill government Provincial and Regencies Supportive, the
Government Regency; requirements on administration Government level. Project is part of a
Bekasi dan Karawang and business permit / license; Through the Environmental regional
Energy and Mineral and Agency have the authority to development
Resources Agency; Project to contribute in the monitor Project environmental and program. As long
Kanwil BPN (National development of local economy social performance based on as it meets the
land Agency in Jawa Barat whilst managing its AMDAL. Should any non- regulations it will
Province; environmental and social issues compliance occur the Government bring economic
Development Planning properly. has the authority to stop all development for
Agency at Sub-National activities related to the Project. the local area.
Level (BAPPEDA);
Department of Industry
and Commerce;
Department of Spatial
Directorate of Sea Spatial
Planning; and
Directorate General of Sea
Spatial Management.
3. Law Enforcement District Sector Police and To become strategic partner in Formal position as the Sub-District Positive
Agency District Military Command terms of providing security to level authorities and these agencies Supportive as long
of: Project’s assets and work with the enforce the country’s national and as it meets the
Cilamaya Wetan; Project to contribute maintaining local laws. regulations and
community safety and security. bring economic and
Cilamaya Kulon;
development for
Pedes; the local area.
Cikarang Timur; and
Karang Bahagia
4. Host Community of Cilamaya Optimizing the beneficial impacts Formal position as the village Positive
Communities village; of the Project such as providing authorities and considered to be the Supportive to the
Head of the 33 project community development program representative of the community Project as long as
affected villages and as for the affected communities, which can easily influence the the Project supports
the representative of the support improvement and perception of community toward the local economy
village residents. maintenance of village the Project. and manages it
infrastructure, optimizing and adverse impacts.
6. Landowners Landowners impacted by the Striving for a fair price for land If land compensation issues are not Positive
development of the acquisition and getting support resolved they could lead to social Supportive to the
following project’s from Project to improve village unrest and may delay the Project’s Project as long as
component: development; construction. the Project provides
500 KV High Voltage Land compensation paid timely fair compensation
Transmission Line; manner; and for the displaced
Access road; Project to provide an opportunity community, and
Project’s Jetty; and for work for the land owners supports the local
Onshore pipeline impacted by the Project or their economy and
families. manages its adverse
7. National Level Yayasan Wahana Supportive as long as it meets the Has an extensive network Positive
Non- Lingkungan Hidup (WALHI) regulations and bring economic nationwide with other NGOs, As long as the
Governmental and community development for academia and the media so it is Project supports the
Organizations the local area. very easy to spread news or
local economy and
8. Local Level Non- Karang Taruna (Local To gain economic benefit from the Local youth organizations are quite Positive
Governmental Youth Organization); existence of various companies active in the village organizing Supportive to the
Organization Gerakan Masyarakat within the sub-district and regency social activities involving youth Project as long as
Bawah Indonesia (GMBI); area. such as sport and religious events. the organization
Badan Pembinaan These organizations have a large received benefits
Potensi Keluarga Besar potential to influence youth from the Project
Banten (BPKB); attitude towards the project. otherwise will tend
Ikatan Putra Daerah to oppose the
(IKAPUD); and Project.
Pemuda Pancasila (PP).
9. Former Farmers and local residents Project to provide employment These are communities of land user Positive
cultivators of who conducted farming opportunity to the impacted at the local level in Cilamaya Supportive to the
Pertagas land activities on Pertagas land farmers or their family. village cultivating the Pertagas land Project as long as
(Land User) that will be used for power as their main source of income / the particular
plant development livelihood. community
received benefits
from the Project.
10. Vulnerable Group Female Craftsmen Project to provide employment These are normally communities at Positive
Owners of Stalls Located opportunity to the impacted the local level who sell products or Supportive to the
around the Project area in community or their family and to open up small scale businesses as Project as long as
Cilamaya village. be involved in the Project CSR / the only source of income. the particular
Social Investment Program Although no request for community
compensation has been made it received benefits
may result in livelihood impacts. from the Project.
11. Local Small Local Entrepreneur from Expectation benefits from the These are normally communities at Positive
Medium Cilamaya Wetan and Project through assistance in the the local level who open up small Supportive and
Enterprises Manggung Jaya Village form of providing capital and scale business as source of income. very positive
Group towards the Project.
One of the main focuses of the Project’s historical consultation was through its
public consultation which is required as part of the Indonesian regulatory EIA
(AMDAL) process. This has included discussions and consultation meetings with
the local, provincial and national level authorities, selected impacted community
representatives and other relevant Project stakeholders. The consultation meeting
covered aspects of the design and timeline, permitting, project area / boundaries,
negative impacts of the Project and local economic development / workforce
JSP has also undertaken a number of consultation activities in the project planning
phase, largely with various government agencies. This consultation will continue
throughout the project preparation phase. The key activities undertaken to date are
presented in Table 5-2.
Table 5-3 outlines the public consultation conducted to date as part of the AMDAL
This section outlines one of the main phases of community consultation during the
social-economic baseline data collection for the ESIA. The socio-economic baseline
data and information collected will be the basis for conducting the Project impact
assessment (AMDAL and ESIA).
Table 5-4 provides a summary of the consultation activities undertaken during the
ESIA development. The list of respondents consulted is presented in Annex 4; this
will be updated following the development of the ESIA.
JSP has engaged a local land surveying consultant to manage all its land acquisition
activities; including identification of land owners, eligibility and assets, consultation
of Project activities, the compensation and disbursement process. The land owners
along the transmission line have been engaged with and provided information on
the Project activities (specifically the land requirements), and compensation
discussions have taken place.
It is understood that currently the consultant (on behalf of JSP) is in the process of
undertaking consultation to identify and profile the remaining landowners
There are a number of key differences between the consultation required for the
AMDAL and the activities required for the ESIA; in general the ESIA consultation
and disclosure activities are more in-depth and broad. Table 5-1 presents the key
gaps between the two processes and requirements.
Table 5-1 Consultation Requirements and Gaps between the AMDAL and ESIA
AMDAL Consultation/Disclosure
ESIA Consultation/Disclosure Requirements
The formal AMDAL public consultation Stakeholder consultation commences
is conducted via a public newspaper during the ESIA baseline study phase,
announcement followed by public followed by disclosure of the ESIA.
consultation sessions (4) in the key
The Public consultation session are All stakeholder consultation sessions
recorded, with minutes, photographs are recorded in a stakeholder
and list of attendees presented in the engagement log with meeting minutes
KA ANDAL and ANDAL throughout the project lifecycle. The
ESIA consultation is presented in the
SEP and the remaining activities are
recorded and tracked in the
stakeholder engagement database.
Consultation is required as part of the Stakeholder consultation is carried out
RKL RPL process on a needs basis proactively throughout all the project
phases with all project affected people
No consultation plan is required The ESIA requires a formal
Stakeholder Engagement Plan is
developed and implemented by the
Project. The SEP is a live document
One of the key mitigation actions will be effective engagement with key
stakeholders to address the issues and concerns set out in this Report. This will not
only support the Project in addressing potential stakeholder issues but assist in the
dissemination of accurate project information whilst providing a two way dialogue
between the Project and its stakeholders. Further, it will support in building
stronger stakeholder relations. The Project is proposing to conduct regular and
informed consultation activities during the Project lifecycle to discuss the proposed
Project activities, employment and procurement opportunities, the land acquisition
process, entitlements and compensation measures, Project impacts and proposed
mitigation measures and broader Project benefits. These discussions have
commenced as of January 2018 in the coastal village areas and along the
transmission line4; led by the Sponsors and its subcontractors.
Table 5-2 provides the overall summary of consultation conducted by the Project to
date. This has largely been around introducing the Project to various government
agencies as well as the communities in the vicinity of the Project facilities.
The subsequent tables summarize consultations associated with the AMDAL, ESIA
(requires updating in early 2018) and the land acquisition (requires updating in
4Two of these consultations were attended by ADB who led landowner and user discussions in the
villages of Mulyjaya and Karangsatu.
Local Small Medium Karawang 23 Local Entrepreneurs Project design and Lack of socialization on project
Enterprises Group Regency, Cilamaya development, impacts and information;
Wetan District, opportunities; Infrastructure development;
Cilamaya Village Project local labor requirements Capital for small-medium enterprises;
and procurement mechanism; and
Project community Grievance CSR program; and local employment
Mechanism; and
Opportunities for Project
involvement in community
Karawang 1 Local Entrepreneur Project design and Funding assistance on small-medium
Regency, Cilamaya development, impacts and enterprise and infrastructure
Kulon District, opportunities; development; and
Manggung Jaya Project local labor Local employment training.
Village requirements and
procurement mechanism;
Project community
Grievance Mechanism; and
Opportunities for Project
involvement in community
Fishermen Group Karawang 16 Sea fishermen Project design and Limited information / socialization on
Regency, Cilamaya development, impacts and Project development.
19 May 2017 Government 1. Regent of Karawang Barriers in spatial related issues need to
Consultation be further discussed with the
Coordinating Minister of Economy
Date & Location Activity Stakeholder Involved Key Message Issues Raised
08 – 09 August 2017, Interview Teacher from Muara and Pasirrukem Project Description Project support to local infrastructure
Cilamaya Kulon and Village development.
Cilamaya Wetan Project support to local economic
District, Karawang development such as providing
Regency assistance on capital for small-medium
enterprises and CSR program.
09 – 11 August 2017, Interview Small Medium Enterprises / Project Description Lack of socialization on project
Cilamaya Kulon and Local Entrepreneur from Cilamaya information;
Cilamaya Wetan Wetan and Manggung Jaya Village Project support to local infrastructure
District, Karawang development;
Regency Project support to local economic
development such as providing
assistance on capital for small-medium
enterprises and CSR program; and
Opportunity for local workforce to be
involve in the Project.
10 – 16 August 2017, Interview Village Officer from: Project Description Lack of socialization on project
Cilamaya Kulon, 1. Cilamaya Village information;
Blanakan, and 2. Pasirrukem Village Project support to local infrastructure
Cikarang Timur 3. Muktijaya Village development;
District, Karawang 4. Karang Sari Village Project to support local economic
Regency 5. Blanakan Village development such as providing
assistance on capital for small-medium
enterprises and CSR program;
Opportunity for local workforce to be
involve in the Project.
15 August 2017; Focus Group Women’s group (10 people attended Project Description Opportunity for local workforce to be
Cilamaya Wetan Discussion the FGD) involve in the Project.
District Project support to local infrastructure
development; and
Project support to local economic
development such as providing
assistance on capital for small-medium
enterprises and CSR program.
Purwajaya Tempuran Karawang 13-09-2017 Landowners JSP conveys the purpose and The landowner is willing to sell
objectives of the Transmission Line their land, as long as the payment
project which is a government for the land purchase with agreed
Program. price will be brought to them.
Pagadungan Tempuran Karawang 12-09-2017 Landowners JSP conveys the aims and objective of Landowners and Village
and village the project which is a government Government support Transmission
government program. Line construction activities in
Padagadungan Village area.
The landowner is willing to sell
their land, as long as the payment
for the land purchase with agreed
price will be brought to them.
The landowner hopes the land
under the tower and around the
Transmission Line can still be
Lemahduhu Tempuran Karawang 04-10-207 Landowners JSP conveys the purpose and The village government supports
r and village objectives of the Transmission Line the activities to be carried out after
project which is a government JSP conveys the purpose and
objective of the project
implementation which is a national
program in the expansion of 35,000
MW energy.
Epong (Land Owner) requested to
double check his land to clarify that
the required land is really owned by
Dayeuhluhu Tempuran Karawang 08-09-2017 Landowners JSP conveys the intention and Landowners and village
r and village objectives of the Project which is one governments are ready to support
government of the national strategic projects. land acquisition activities in
accordance with the agreed price
with JS.
The village government said that
the land acquisition process needs
Kalangsuria Rengasdengklo Karawang 29-09-2017 Landowners JSP conveyed the plan of Village government and landowners
k and village understand the tower construction
building of tower site of
government transmission line of 500 kV plans and land acquisition
PLTGU Java 1; requirements; and
o The construction will be Payment will be made in the presence
implemented from Cilamaya of a notary.
to Cikarang Utara
o There are 3 Tower in
Kalangsuria Village for land
o Land requirements will be
adjusted to the type of tower.
JSP explains the terms /
Requests for land acquisition
and RoW corridor path.
Kalangsari Rengasdengklo Karawang 20-09-2017 Landowners JSP conveyed the plan of tower Village Governments and
k and village construction of transmission Landowners understand the
government line of 500 kV PLTGU Java 1 - provisions / requirements for land
Cilamaya Cilamaya Karawang 30-01-2018 Landowners; Compensation scheme for area / Project to have close coordination and to
Wetan space traversed by the Project 500 kV
District and inform district and village authorities
Village Transmission Line. and community prior to conducting any
Authorities; construction activities;
Local Police and Project to provide local farmers to
Military; and harvest their farming product prior
conducting the construction activities;
To optimize local content and prioritize
local workforce where feasible;
Decrease land price / value to area /
land traversed by TL ROW; and
Road damage due to Project traffic
Impacts of electric and magnetic
radiation to community health.
Sukamulya Cilamaya Karawang 05-02-2018 Landowners; and Compensation scheme for area / Determination of compensation value;
Kulon space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Village Access to community land after being
Authorities Transmission Line. compensated;
Impacts of electric and magnetic
radiation to community health and
Project community grievance handling /
Sindangsari Kutawaluya Karawang 05-02-2018 Landowners; Compensation scheme for area / Determination of compensation value;
District and space traversed by the Project 500 kV Project to have close coordination and to
Village Transmission Line. inform district and village authorities
Authorities; and community prior to conducting any
Local Police and construction activities;
Military; and Eligibility to receive compensation;
Compensation for damaged crops due
to construction activities; and
Method of compensation payment.
Sukaratu Cilebar Karawang 06-02-2018 Landowners; and Compensation scheme for area / Determination of compensation value;
Village Authorities space traversed by the Project 500 kV Eligibility to receive compensation;
Transmission Line.
Method of compensation payment; and
Sukaraja Rawamerta Karawang 07-02-2018 To be confirmed Compensation scheme for area / To be confirmed
space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Transmission Line.
Muktijaya Cilamaya Kulon Karawang 07-02-2018 To be confirmed Compensation scheme for area / To be confirmed
space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Transmission Line.
Karang- Kedung- Bekasi 07-02-2018 To be confirmed Compensation scheme for area / To be confirmed
harum waringin space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Transmission Line.
Waluya Kutawaluya Karawang 08-02-2018 Landowners; Compensation scheme for area / Determination of compensation value;
District and space traversed by the Project 500 kV and
Village Transmission Line. Insufficient amount of compensation if
Authorities; and based on Ministerial Regulation No.38
Local Police Year 2013.
Sumurgede Cilamaya Karawang 08-02-2018 Landowners; Compensation scheme for area / Eligibility and landownership
Kulon space traversed by the Project 500 kV
District and documentation requirement to receive
Transmission Line. compensation; and
Authorities; Project community grievance handling /
Sampalan Kotawaluya Karawang 09-02-2018 To be confirmed Compensation scheme for area / To be confirmed
space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Transmission Line.
Manggung- Cilamaya Kulon Karawang 09-02-2018 Landowners; Compensation scheme for area / Eligibility and landownership
jaya space traversed by the Project 500 kV
District and documentation requirement to receive
Transmission Line. compensation; and
Authorities; Project to have close coordination and to
inform district and village authorities
and community prior to conducting any
construction activities/
Karang- Kedung- Bekasi 09-02-2018 To be confirmed Compensation scheme for area / To be confirmed
mekar waringin space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Transmission Line.
Mulyajaya Kotawaluya Karawang 10-02-2018 To be confirmed Compensation scheme for area / To be confirmed
space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Transmission Line.
Karangsatu Karangbahagia Bekasi 12-02-2018 Landowners; Compensation scheme for area / Method and determination of
District and space traversed by the Project 500 kV compensation; and
Village Transmission Line. Detail of construction of Transmission
Authorities; and Line.
Local Police and
Kalangsuria Rengas- Karawang 13-02-2018 Landowners; Compensation scheme for area / Impact of Transmission Line to the
dengklok space traversed by the Project 500 kV
District and underneath vegetation / crops; and
Village Transmission Line. Access to community land after being
Authorities; compensated.
Kalangsari Rengas- Karawang 14-02-2018 To be confirmed Compensation scheme for area / To be confirmed
dengklok space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Transmission Line.
Pasirukem Cilamaya Karawang 14-02-2018 Landowners; Compensation scheme for area / Timeline of the Transmission Line
Kulon space traversed by the Project 500 kV
District and construction;
Village Transmission Line. Method and determination of
Authorities; and compensation; and
Local Police Timeline for the payment of
compensation of land acquisition for TL
Tower footing.
Karang- Karang Bahagia Bekasi 15-02-2018 To be confirmed Compensation scheme for area / To be confirmed
mukti space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Transmission Line.
Mekarjati Karawang Karawang 15-02-2018 Landowners; and Compensation scheme for area / Legality of the Project;
Barat space traversed by the Project 500 kV
District and Access to community land after being
Village Transmission Line. compensated;
Authorities; Impacts of electric and magnetic
radiation to community health; and
Eligibility and landownership
documentation requirement to receive
Tunggakjati Karawang Barat Karawang 15-02-2018 To be confirmed Compensation scheme for area / To be confirmed
space traversed by the Project 500 kV
Transmission Line.
Tegalurung Cilamaya Karawang 15-02-2018 Landowners; Compensation scheme for area / Timeline of the Transmission Line
Kulon space traversed by the Project 500 kV
District and construction;
Village Transmission Line. Access to community land after being
Authorities; and compensated; and
Local Police and Impacts of electric and magnetic
Military radiation to community health.
Considering the social setting of the communities living around the Project area and
category of stakeholders identified during the AMDAL and ESIA consultation, the
following section sets out the strategy and approach for the Project to conduct
stakeholder engagement activities in a culturally appropriate manner.
Method* Use
Briefings and Provide information on a specific issue/initiative to those that
presentations may be affected.
Public displays Increase accessibility of information to community. Include
Fact Sheets/Newsletters and staff to answer questions.
Media coverage (both Raise awareness amongst wide audience.
editorial and
Open days Informal event designed to raise awareness and provide
vehicle for addressing community concerns. Include printed
material and staff for further information.
Printed/website Provide updates to reach wide audience.
materials (external)
Feedback mechanisms are adapted to suit the needs and preferences of the different
stakeholders, as well as their location. They range from comment boxes, which are
used in local communities to gather feedback in written form, to web-based
mechanisms that can gather feedback from more urban stakeholders who have
more easy access to information technology.
This SEP identifies the relevant stakeholder groups, key messages to be delivered,
approach and tools of engagement, timeline and responsible parties. The SEP is
designed to include all relevant stakeholders and issues to cover the entire lifecycle
of the Project. However, the plan is a dynamic tool to be periodically updated and
adapted to the current social, economic and political situation of the area since the
Project’s stakeholders and issues / concerned raised may change over the life time
of the Project.
No. Stakeholder Group Stakeholder Key Issue / Message Approach Responsibility Phase of Project
1. Central Government Ministry of Obtaining all regulatory permits Approach: PT Jawa Satu Pre-Construction
Environmental and and licensing requirements for the Consultation, Power and Construction
Forestry development of the Project Collaboration and
mainly the AMDAL permit.
Direct one-on-
one meeting
with relevant
agencies as
Focus Group
Discussion at
regencies level
Briefing and
2. Provincial / Environmental Agency Obtaining all regulatory permits Approach: PT Jawa Satu Pre-Construction,
Regencies (DLHK) of Karawang and licensing requirements for the Consultation, Power Construction and
Government Regency; development of the PT Jawa Satu Collaboration and Operation
Bekasi dan Karawang Power Plant Project mainly the
Energy and Mineral Location Permit, Construction
Resources Agency; Permits and AMDAL permit.
Kanwil BPN (National
land Agency in Jawa Tools:
Barat Province; Direct one-on-
one meeting
with relevant
4. Law Enforcement District Sector Police and Project design and Approach: PT Jawa Satu Pre-Construction
Agency District Military Command development, impacts and Consultation and Power and Construction
of: opportunities. Information
Cilamaya Wetan; Dissemination of AMDAL and Disclosure
Cilamaya Kulon; RKL RPL documents.
Tempuran; Project local labour Tools:
Pedes; requirements and
Socialization forum
procurement mechanism
Rawamerta in each village or
Opportunity for partnership
Kedungwaringin; sub-district
related to security aspect of
Cikarang Timur; and involving village
the project assets and safety
Karang Bahagia througout the construction
and operation of the project.
Project security requirements.
Disclosure of Project
Grievance Mechanism.
5. Host Communities Community of Project design and Approach: PT Jawa Satu Pre-Construction,
Cilamaya village; developmentDisclosure of Consultation, Power Construction and
Head of the 37 project ESIA; the final project design, Collaboration and Operation
affected villages as identified impacts and Information
representatives of the proposed mitigations;
village residents. Providing an opportunity for
Addressing other concerns not
discussed in the above. Socialization
forum in each
Project local labour
requirements and
Posters in
procurement mechanism.
location where it
Project community Grievance
is easily
Mechanism. accessible to the
Opportunities for Project community.
involvement in community Public Displays
Project briefing
and presentations
8. Landowners Landowners impacted by Land acquisition process and Approach: Local land Pre-Construction,
the development of the compensation scheme; Consultation, acquisition Construction and
following project’s Disclosure of ESIA; the final Collaboration and consultant on Operation
component: project design, identified Information behalf of PT
500 KV High Voltage impacts and proposed Jawa Satu
Transmission Line; mitigations; Power
Access road; Providing an opportunity for
Project’s Jetty; and Tools:
Onshore pipeline Addressing other concerns not Direct one-on-
discussed in the above. one meeting
Livelihood / Income
Restoration program / scheme
9. Former cultivators of Farmers and local residents Disclosure of ESIA; the final Approach: PT Jawa Satu Pre-Construction,
Pertagas land who conducted farming project design, identified Consultation and Power Construction and
activities on Pertagas land impacts and proposed Information Operation
that will be used for power mitigations;
plant development Providing an opportunity for
Addressing other concerns not
discussed in the above. Socialization
Opportunities for Project forum in the
involvement in local economy village level.
and community development Focus Group
particularly for the former Discussion in the
cultivators of the Pertagas village level.
land. Public Displays
Project local labour Briefing and
requirements and Presentations
procurement mechanism and Media Coverage
opportunity for local Printed /
workforce to be involved in Website Material
the Project; and Videos / Film
Disclosure of Project
Grievance Mechanism.
10. Vulnerable Group Female Craftsmen Disclosure of ESIA; the final Approach: PT Jawa Satu Pre-Construction,
Owners of stalls located project design, identified Consultation and Power Construction and
around the Project area impacts and proposed Operation
in Cilamaya village. mitigations;
Providing an opportunity for
Addressing other concerns not
discussed in the above. Direct one-on-
Opportunities for Project one meeting as
involvement in local economy required
and community development Socialization
particularly involving the forum in the
identified vulnerable group; village level.
Project local labour Focus Group
requirements and Discussion in the
procurement mechanism and village level.
opportunity for local Public Displays
workforce to be involved in Briefing and
the Project. Presentations
Disclosure of Project Media Coverage
Grievance Mechanism. Printed /
Website Material
Videos / Film
11. National Level Non- Wahana Lingkungan Project development, impacts Approach: PT Jawa Satu Pre-Construction
Government Hidup Foundation and opportunities. Consultation and Power and Construction
Organizations (WALHI) Management of Information
environmental and social Disclosure
adverse impacts.
Dissemination of AMDAL and
RKL RPL documents. Tools:
Direct one-on-
one meeting as
13. Local Small Medium Local Entrepreneur from Disclosure of ESIA; the final Approach: PT Jawa Satu Construction and
Enterprises Group Cilamaya Wetan and project design, identified Consultation and Power Operation
Manggung Jaya Village impacts and proposed Information
Addressing other concerns not
discussed in the above.
Project design and
development; and Direct one-on-
Project’s social one meeting as
investment/local economic required
and community development Focus Group
programs. Discussion in the
Public Displays
Briefing and
Media Coverage
Printed /
Website Material
Videos / Film
14 Squatters Owners of Kiosks Next to Disclosure of ESIA; the final Approach: PT Jawa Satu Pre-Construction,
the CCGT Plant project design, identified Consultation and Power Construction and
impacts and proposed Information Operation
Addressing other concerns not
discussed in the above.
Providing an opportunity for
feedback. Direct one-on-
Opportunities for Project one meeting as
involvement in local economy required
and community development Socialization
particularly involving the forum in the
identified vulnerable group; village level.
Project local labour Focus Group
requirements and Discussion in the
procurement mechanism and village level.
opportunity for local Public Displays
workforce to be involved in Briefing and
the Project. Presentations
Disclosure of Project Media Coverage
Grievance Mechanism. Printed /
Website Material
Videos / Film
15 Private and Public Oil and gas company; Disclosure of ESIA; the final Approach: PT Jawa Satu Construction and
Users of the Marine Shipping companies; project design, identified Consultation and Power Operation
Environment Port authorities; Information
Tourism operator; and
Commercial fishing
Throughout the life cycle of the Project queries and grievances from community
may arise hence a Grievance Tracking Redress Mechanism (GTRM) is established to
address such incidences. The GTRM will be triggered in all instances where a
complaint is received by the Project or its contractors (such as the land acquisition
consultant and the EPCs for the offshore and onshore activities).
Receipt of Grievance
Submission, reporting or indirect capture of grievance
Record / Delegate
Grievance recorded; assigned case number; and delegated to resolution
Investigation of complaint – including gathering inputs and perspectives
from parties involved
Resolution / Appeal
Implement remedial actions. Claim remains open for potential appeals
The Project will establish an internal monitoring process to monitor the effectiveness
of the Grievance Mechanism. Internal monitoring will be undertaken on a quarterly
basis / four times annually. The monitoring process is designed to identify areas of
high performance and areas for improvement to enhance the process. The reporting
of the Project Grievance Mechanism will be aligned and consistent with the ESIA
and ESMP reporting.
The disclosure and communication of the project grievance mechanism will begin
early in the Project lifecycle and continue on an on-going basis as grievances arise.
These disclosure activities are currently being undertaken (Q1 2018). The process
will be conducted in a culturally appropriate manner in the local language (the
majority of the community residing around the Project site are able to speak Bahasa
Indonesia fluently but the local Sundanese language is also spoken widely) and
format that is understandable to the entire project affected peoples
It is essential that the local government (and all contractors) also fully understand
the mechanism to enable them to communicate the step-by-step process to the
project affected people, particularly in the case where the grievances are submitted
to them for resolution.
The Project will provide a grievance mechanism for workers to raise reasonable
workplace concerns. The mechanism will involve an appropriate level of
management and address concerns promptly, using an understandable and
transparent process that provides feedback to those concerned, without any
The worker grievance mechanism will be established as part of the Project worker
management plan.
The SEP (and grievance mechanism) will be effective if adequate resources – people,
systems and processes, and associated financial resources – are assigned to
implementation, and if responsibilities are clearly defined. Stakeholder engagement
management should be recognized as a business function with clearly defined
objectives, assigned responsibilities, timelines, budget, senior management
oversight, and regular reporting.
In order to execute the plan throughout the project lifecycle the key organizational
structure / function outline in Table 8-1 will be considered in JSP’s organization.
Table 8-1 Summarizes the Key Roles and Responsibilities that will be required to
Implement the Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Performance will be reviewed regularly against the SEP by tracking the following
Materials disseminated: type, frequency, and location;
Place and time of formal engagement events and level of participation by
specific stakeholder categories and groups;
8.3.2 Reporting
The Project will develop regular reports (typically quarterly during the construction
and twice a year in operations) which are typically required by the Lenders to
present all activities for the period and summarize raised issues. The report will also
detail the measures taken to address the issues, timeline of responses, as well as
corrective and mitigation measures to address grievances, and analysis of trends.
The report will particularly highlight the following aspects:
Issues raised and levels of support for and opposition to the Project;
Upon receipt of these reports, the lender may request improvements or corrective
actions to be implemented to the consultation process or grievance mechanism
approach or monitoring. As such this SEP must be regularly updated to reflect
Project and stakeholder changes and therefore should be considered as a live
document. The reporting on consultation activities during the pre-construction
phase is to be included in the ESIA. Reporting requirements for latter stages will be
specified and consistent with the ESMP.
Grievance Form
Reference Number
ID Number
(optional and can be left
(optional and can be left Postal Code
blank) Phone
Content of Significance
Grievance or
complaint Description
Consent to disclose
the grievance
information to
third parties
Signature of
Received by
Significance b
Grievance Form
Category a
Log Date Remarks
Status c
Annex 3 Stakeholder Engagement Database
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
1 09 August 2017 Iyos Rosita Head of Village District / Local Government Muara Cilamaya Wetan Lack of project information
Local employment
CSR funding
Funding assistance on
infrastructure development
2 09 August 2017 Koeswandi Head of Village District / Local Government Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Lack of project socialization
Land acquisition
Local employment
3 09 August 2017 Yahya Suleman Head of Village District / Local Government Sumurgede Cilamaya Kulon Lack of project socialization
Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
4 09 August 2017 Suwanda Head of Village District / Local Government Jayanegara Tempuran Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
5 09 August 2017 Endang Head of Village District / Local Government Mulyajaya Kutawaluya Land Acquisition
6 09 August 2017 Lili Suherman Head of Village District / Local Government Kalangsuria Rengasdengklok Land Acquisition
7 10 August 2017 Karsim Head of Village District / Local Government Tegalurung Cilamaya Kulon Lack of project socialization
Land acquisition
Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
8 10 August 2017 Ata Sutisna Head of Village District / Local Government Pancakarya Tempuran Lack of project information
Land Acquisition
Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
7 10 August 2017 Tarno Head of Village District / Local Government Purwajaya Tempuran Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
8 11 August 2017 Olim Head of Village District / Local Government Pegadungan Tempuran Lack of project information
Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
9 12 August 2017 Maman Sukarman Head of Village District / Local Government Lemahdulur Tempuran Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
10 14 August 2017 Suryadi Head of Village District / Local Government Karangsatu Karangbahagia Land Acquisition
Local employment
14 August 2017 Engki Head of Village District / Local Government Sukaraja Rawamerta Land Acquisition
11 15 August 2017 Sawa Isyarot Head of Village District / Local Government Muktijaya Cilamaya Kulon Lack of project information
Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
12 16 August 2017 Saman Masruki Head of Village District / Local Government Sukatani Cilamaya Wetan Local employment
Land acquisition
Community security
13 16 August 2017 Umbara Head of Village District / Local Government Karangsari Cikarang Timur CSR funding
Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
14 18 August 2017 Sapin Hidayat Head of Village District / Local Government Dayeuhluhur Tempuran Lack of project information
Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
15 15 August 2017 Rasit Army (Babinsa) Law Enforcement Agency Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Appointed security does not
coordinate with local security
Local security is not involved
Unfairness security funding
16 15 August 2017 Nurdin Police (Kamtimnas) Law Enforcement Agency Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Project will only add more burden
to interviewee
17 08 August 2017 Hadis Community Leader Muara Cilamaya Wetan Provide community development /
(Teacher, Fish Auction CSR
18 09 August 2017 Sehu Supomo Teacher Pasirrukem Cilamaya Kulon Education development
Support and funding assistance on
small-medium enterprise,
infrastructure and facilities
Environmental issue; dust
19 10 August 2017 Ali Village Secretary District / Local Government Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Local contractor
Local employment
Land Acquisition
20 12 August 2017 Dasam Village Cooperative District / Local Government Blanakan Blanakan Fisherman welfare
Secretary Disruption on fisherman activity
21 15 August 2017 Warsid Village Secretary District / Local Government Muktijaya Cilamaya Kulon Lack of project information
22 16 August 2017 Jaya Marjaya Village Secretary District / Local Government Karangsari Cikarang Timur Lack of project information
Funding assistance on small-
medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
23 08 August 2017 Didi Sukardi Entrepreneur and Manggung Jaya Cilamaya Kulon Funding assistance on small-
Farmer medium enterprise and
infrastructure development
Local employment
24 09 August 2017 Asep Community Leader Muara Cilamaya Wetan Lack of project information
(Entrepreneur and Local employment
Leader of Youth
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
25 11 August 2017 Agus Mae Entrepreneur (Ex Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Lack of project information
Pertamina land’s Land acquisition
26 8 August 2017 Iman Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
8 August 2017 Indah Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Project’s flare
CSR program
8 August 2017 Mulyati Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village development
CSR program
8 August 2017 Nur Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
8 August 2017 Suki Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village development
Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
9 August 2017 Asiah Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Electrical supply
9 August 2017 Cicih Trader Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Electrical supply
Hot gas waste
9 August 2017 Mimin Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
9 August 2017 Ade Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Local employment
CSR program
Loss of income
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
9 August 2017 Komariah Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Health issue
9 August 2017 Edah Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Conflict of interest
10 August 2017 Ani Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Hot weather
10 August 2017 Rawi Fisherman Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Hot weather
10 August 2017 Wariah Fisherman Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
10 August 2017 Maya Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Land acquisition
10 August 2017 Nurhayati Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Smoke
Gas waste
CSR program
10 August 2017 Mulyadi Trader Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Hot weather
Electrical short-circuit
10 August 2017 Erlina Trader Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Wildfire (Safety issue)
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
11 August 2017 Yeyen Fisherman Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Hot weather
Land acquisition
11 August 2017 Iis Fishermen Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Hot weather
Gas Waste
11 August 2017 Dasri Employee Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Land acquisition
Local employment
CSR program
11 August 2017 Agus Mae Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
11 August 2017 Badriah Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
11 August 2017 Royah Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Loss of income
CSR program
11 August 2017 Neneng Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
13 August 2017 Atikah Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
13 August 2017 Atikah Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Air pollution
CSR program
13 August 2017 Tutun Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
13 August 2017 Alex Fisherman Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Polluted gas
13 August 2017 Wahyudi Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
14 August 2017 Ipen Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
CSR program
14 August 2017 Dacih Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan CSR program
14 August 2017 Nining Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
14 August 2017 Imas Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
14 August 2017 Anesah Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Hot weather
14 August 2017 Carsih Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Hot weather
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
14 August 2017 Rasti Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
14 August 2017 Ida Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
14 August 2017 Miyati Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Lower electrical price
CSR program
14 August 2017 Nita Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
15 August 2017 Adik Maulana Yusuf Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Human resource improvement;
education, training, and health
Road blockade
15 August 2017 Isah Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Land acquisition
Gas leaking
15 August 2017 Euis Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Land acquisition
15 August 2017 Yeti Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Land acquisition
15 August 2017 Maya Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
CSR program
Land acquisition
15 August 2017 Nawang Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Infrastructure development
Health facilities
CSR program
15 August 2017 Tarini Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Land acquisition
15 August 2017 Warsih Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
15 August 2017 Elin Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Road blockade
15 August 2017 Iti Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Land acquisition
15 August 2017 Kapsah Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
CSR program
15 August 2017 Rahayu Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
15 August 2017 Kaban Farmer Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Road disruption
15 August 2017 Wati Employee Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Road blockade
CSR program
08 August 2017 Melinda Fransiska Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Infrastructure development
Health facilities
Job opportunities
CSR program
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
08 August 2017 Sri Rohayati Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Job opportunities
Local employment
08 August 2017 Puspa Rini Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Land acquisition
08 August 2017 Adkoni Employee Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
08 August 2017 Imah Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
09 August 2017 Sri Lestari Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
09 August 2017 Resem Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
09 August 2017 Rusminah Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
09 August 2017 Eli Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Safety issue
09 August 2017 Desi Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Land acquisition
CSR program
09 August 2017 Ida Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Explosion
Hot weather
10 August 2017 Agus Saleh Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Hot weather
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
Land acquisition
CSR program
10 August 2017 Rohimah Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Land acquisition
CSR program
10 August 2017 Tuti Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Hot weather
No wind
Land acquisition
10 August 2017 Yani Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Land acquisition
CSR program
10 August 2017 NA. Titin Employee Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Land acquisition
10 August 2017 Sutrisno Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
CSR program
10 August 2017 Fia Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Hot weather
CSR program
11 August 2017 Agus Muharram Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Land acquisition
Electrical induction
Health issue
CSR program
11 August 2017 Udi Mashudi Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Land acquisition
CSR program
11 August 2017 Ulyana Labor and Trader Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
11 August 2017 Juniah Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
11 August 2017 Sukarsih Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Gas issue
x 11 August 2017 Nuraini Trader Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan
11 August 2017 Inah Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
CSR program
11 August 2017 Inem Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Land acquisition
Job opportunities
Local employment
13 August 2017 Aa Syafrudin Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Radiation
Gas leaking
13 August 2017 Akip Juarya Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
CSR program
13 August 2017 Lukman Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Low electrical price
CSR program
13 August 2017 Siti Jamilah Entrepreneur Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Village improvement
Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
14 August 2017 Yati Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Job opportunities
Local employment
CSR program
Village improvement
14 August 2017 Ropi Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Explosion
CSR program
Village improvement
14 August 2017 Sakur Farmer Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan
CSR program
Job opportunities
14 August 2017 Anan Burhanudin Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Local employment
CSR program
No Name of
Date Position Category Village Sub-District Issue Raised by Stakeholders
. Stakeholders
Gas leaking
Project socialization
Village improvement
Job opportunities
14 August 2017 Suhirin Trader Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan
Local employment
Village improvement
Job opportunities
14 August 2017 Endik Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Local employment
CSR program
x 14 August 2017 Warsih Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan
14 August 2017 Nanis Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan
14 August 2017 Rohimah Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan
Job opportunities
14 August 2017 Patoni Entrepreneur Community Leader Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Local employment
CSR program
Labor and
14 August 2017 Dani Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan CSR program
Job opportunities
14 August 2017 M Toha Paroga Unemployed Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Local employment
CSR program
14 August 2017 Acim Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan CSR program
Job opportunities
14 August 2017 Tarwan Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan Local employment
CSR program
14 August 2017 Maya Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan CSR program
14 August 2017 Aditya Labor Host Community Cilamaya Cilamaya Wetan CSR program
Annex 5 Stakeholder Feedback Database
Date and Stakeholder Key Message Issues Raised Project Response to Address Project PIC
Activities Issue Raised by Stakeholder
Location Involved Delivered by Stakeholder
Annex 6 Stakeholder Feedback Form
ID Number
(optional and can be left
(optional and can be left Postal Code
blank) Phone
Key Message
Delivered by the
Feedback / Issue
Raised by
Project Response to
Address Feedback
Received by Project
Person in Charge Signature
Annex 7 Minutes of Meeting of Community Consultation Undertaken by the Project related to
Compensation Scheme of Transmission Line Open Area / Space.
Materi sosialisasi
Kegiatan sosialisasi kompensasi ruang kosong dihadiri oleh Camat Cilamaya Wetan (Hamdani),
Kapolsek Cilamaya Wetan (Dadang.G), DANRAMIL Cilamaya Wetang (Sukirno) dan Kepala
DEsa Cilamaya (Kusnadi).
Camat Kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan (Hamdani)
Pada waktu kontruksi diharapkan tidak berbarengan saat disawah ada tanaman apalagi
tanaman padi sudah mulai mengisi siap dipanen, kalaupun harus dilakukan kegiatan
kontruksi harus dilakukan musyawarah dengan pemilik lahan disekitar lahan yang
sudah dibebaskan.
Koordinasi dengan pihak desa dan kecamatan harus dilakukan sebelum dilakukan
Berdayakan tenaga kerja local sesuai dengan kemampuan dan keahliannya
Tanya Jawab/Harapan/Kekhawatiran :
Kosasih (tokoh masyarakat/petani)
Harapan :
Untuk perhitungan harga kompensasi seharusnya mengacu pada harga lahan yang sudah
Nilai jual tanah yang terlintasi jalur/ROW/ruang kosong akan menurun.
Dampak radiasi medan magnit dan medan listrik dari SUTET terhadap kesehatan
Pertanyan :
Apa tindak lanjut dari sosialisasi dalam waktu dekat ini ?
Harapan :
Harus ada sosialisasi atau pemberitahuan sebelum dilakukannya kontruksi.
Berdayakan tenakankerja local karawang terutama Cilamaya sesuai dengan
Pengembang harus mengantisipasi masalah social yang ditimbulkan karena banyak
pekerja dari luar daerah
‐ Isu yang diangkat/didiskusikan
Kekhawatiran akan dampak social dan jalan rusak yang ditimbulkan saat pekerjaan
kontruksi berlangsung
Materi sosialisasi
Pada kesempatan hari ini kita dapat berkumpul di Aula desa Sukaratu merupakan anugrah
karena bertepatan hari ini adalah hari pertama saya bertugas di kecamatan Cilebar. Dalam
kegiatan ini juga menjadi kesempatan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada bapak-ibu
sekalian dan mohon bantuan serta dukungannya untuk dapat membangun kecamatan Cilebar,
karena masih banyak pekerjaan yang harus kita lakukan bersama terutama pada musum hujan
sekarang banyak sawah yang terkena banjir dan itu harus kita lihat bersama apa penyebabnya.
Saya juga meminta kepada pihak PT. JSP untuk dapat menjelaskan runutan proyek dari awal
kegiatan, apakah sudah ada pertemuan sebelumnya dan proses hingga saat ini sampai mana.
Seperti yang saya belum ketahui bahwa di kecamatan Cilebar ini akan terlewati jalur SUTET,
apakah hanya desa Sukaratu saja atau ada desa yang lainnya mohon dijelaskan dan di
onformasikan kepada saya. Pada prinsipnya ;kami dari pihak pemerintahan Kecamatan
mendukung program ini apalagi telah menjadi program pemerintah pusat.
Alhamdulillah saya bisa hadir dalam kegiatan sosialisasi ini, pada sekitaran bulan maret 2017
lalu saya juga pernah diundang untuk mengikuti kegiatan sosialisasi proyek PLTGU ini di
kecamatan Tempuran mungkin waktu itu hanya semacam pemberitahuan awan bahwa aka nada
kegiatan pembangunan PLTUG dan SUTET. Sebagai mana kita ketahui bahwa SUTET adalah
aliran tegangan tinggi pada kesempatan ini mohon juga dijelaskan bagaimana dampak atau
bahaya yang ditimbulkan terhadap kesehatan manusia.
Pada sosialisasi awal di kecamatan Tempuran, informasi yang kami dapat bahwa ada 3
peruhasaan yang akan menangani kegiatan pembangunan PLTGU da SUTET yaitu perusahaan
yang membebaskan tanah, perusahaan untuk penyusunan AMDAL dan perusahaan untuk
kontruksi. Mungkin prosesnya sampai saat ini baru perusahaan untuk penyusunan AMDAL
dan untuk Pembebasan lahan yang sudah turun. Dalam kesempatan ini saya sengaja
mengundang bapak-ibu yang lahan sawahnya terlintasi jalur kabel SUTET, diharapkan selain
penjelasan tentang kompensasi juga dijelaskan apasaja dampaknya terhadap kesehatan manusia.
Tanya jawab
1. Wasim BPD
Tanya : Bagaimana pemberian kompensasinya apabila tanah atau lahan sawah yang belum AJB ?
Jawab : ditambahkan dengan surat keterangan dari desa yang menyatakan calon penerima
adalah pemilik yang sah
Tanya : Tadi bapak narasumber hanya menjelaskan yang 500 KV tetapi tidak menjelaskan yang
tegangan 1.760 MW, bagaimana dampaknya terhadap petani yang bekerja di dawahnya ?
Jawab : perlu bapak-ibu ketahui bahwan 500 KV dengan 1.760 MW itu adalah hal yang berbeda.
1.760 MW itu adalah satuan daya listri yang dihasilkan oleh pembangkit PLTGU yang di
Cilamaya, sedangkan 500 KV adalah satuan teganyang yang dialirkan melalui kabel SUTET.
3. Wasim BPD
Tanya : Apakah perhitungan nilao kompensasi berdasarkan yang tertera di NJOP atau nilai jual
pasaran saat ini ?
Jawab : merunut dari peraturan yang ada tentunya menggunakan harga pasaran saat ini.
‐ Isu yang diangkat/didiskusikan
Pertanyaan dari warga lebih terfokus pada masalah kompensasi baik untuk ruang bebas
maupun pada saat pelaksanaan pekerjaan kontruksi hingga operasionalnya nati.
Materi sosialisasi
Materi sosialisasi disampaikan oleh pak Apip tim sosialisasi kompensasi ruang bebas ( Kwarsa)
Tanya jawab:
1. Bapak Warna
Tanya : Bagaimana jika ada kerusakan terhadap tanaman saat nantinya pekerjaan kontruksi
berlangsung dan siapa yang akan bertanggungjawab ?
Jawab : bapak-ibu sekalian, kami dari PT. JSP akan meminta kepada kontraktor bila nantinya
akan memulai pekerjaan kontruksi harus melakukan sosialisasi dahulu dan membicarakan hal-
hal yang mungkin akan terjadi dengan warga desa. Dan bilamana nanti terjadi kerusakan
tentunya kontraktor akan mengganti kerusakan tersebut tentunya atas dasar musyawarah dan
2. Bapak H. Surdi
Tanya : Apakah ada perbedaan harga antara tanah yang sudah memiliki SHM dengan dengan
yang belum SHM dalam hal pembayaran kompensasi ?
Jawab : Tidak ada, perbedaan harga bukan dilihat dari surat-surat tanahnya melainkan dilihat
dari produktivitas dan kelas tanahnya.
3. Bapak Ursid
Tanya : Apakah penggarap juga mendapatkan kompensasi ?
Jawab : Kompensasi hanya deberikan kepada pemilik tanah yang sah atau yang memiliki surat-
suratnya, namun dapat dititipkan kepada penggarap apabila pemiliknya jauh berada diluar kota
tentunya dengan surat kuasa yang diketahui oleh kepala desa.
4. Ibu Nur
Tanya : Dimana kompensasi dibayarkan dan kapan ?
Jawab : nanti kita sepakati dengan pihak desa apakan akan dibayarkan di kantor desa atau di
dusun masing-masing agar tidak terlalu jauh bila ke kantor desa. Masalah kapan waktunya
semua tergantung dari bapak ibu sekalian, semakin cepat syarat-syarat atau data kepemilikan
dikumpulkan tentunya dapat mempercepat proses. Jika semuanya lancar sekitar bulam April
kompensasi dapat dibayarkan.
‐ Isu yang diangkat/didiskusikan
Warga lebih antusian ketika menanyakan besaran kompensasi yang akan diberikan,
besaran 15% dari harga pasar masih menjadi pokok pembahansan, karena warga
menginginkan lebih.
Materi sosialisasi
Camat Kecamatan Kutawaluya (Saryadi)
Kami dari pemerintahan kecamatan mengucapkan terimakasih kepada bapak-bapak sekalian
yang hadir di kantor desa Waluya ini, tidak hanya warga desa Waluya yang hadir tetapi juga
dari desa tetangga dan dari karawang tetapi yang pesti bahwa yang diundang pada kesempatan
ini adalah warga yang tanah atau lahannya terlintasi jalur SUTET.
3. Endang
‐ Pertanyaan warga pemilik lahan dalam ROW lebih banyak masalah harga atau besaran
nilai kompensasi yang akan diterima, karena warga belum bisa menerima jika
perhitungan nilai kompensasi 15% x Lt x Hp. ekspetasi warga tentang harga kompensasi
sangat tinggi lebih dari 15% dari harga pasar, warga juga mengusulkan nilai pasar setiap
lahan disamakan besarannya.
‐ Tanggapan dari tim sosialisasi : Nilai 15% dari harga pasar tersebut bukan kami yang
menentukan bukan juga KJPP, tetapi pemerintah melalui Permen ESDM no. 38 tahun
2013. Dalam penentuan harga pasar KJPP melakukan survey ke lapangan menanyakan
langsung ke masyarakat di setiap wilayah yang terlintasi jalur SUTET, kami yakin KJPP
bekerja dengan sangat propesional dan tidak akan merugikan masyarakat.
Namun demikian jika bapak-bapak masih belum bisa atau tidak menerima kompensasi
ketika nantinya dilakukan pembayaran, menurut ketentuan peraturan pemerintah
melalui permen ESDM no. 38 tahun 2013 uang tersebut kami titipkan di pengadilan
negeri setempat, selanjutnya jika bapak-bapak sekalian suatu saat ingin mengambilnya
silahkan datang ke pengadilan negeri setempat (PN Karawang). Dan setelah uang
dititipkan di pengadilan,secara otomatis pengembang sudah bisa melakukan kegiatan
Tanya jawab
1. Bapak H. Abidin
Tanya : Kompensasi ini apakah warga bernegosiasi langsung dengan kontraktor atau ada
musyawarah didesa ?
Jawab : Untuk kompensasi ruang bebas penentun harganya sudah dihitung oleh KJPP dengan
perhitungan rumus tadi yang saya sampaikan
2. BApak Wasim BPD
Tanya : Apakan kompensasi ruang bebas ini dibayarkan sekali atau tiap tahun ? karena kami
seterusnya menggarap atau bekerja dibawah jalur SUTET.
Jawab : hanya dibayarkan sekali, karena bapak-ibu sekalian masih dapat menggarap tanah
tersebut karena tidak dibebaskan
Tanya : Berapa nilai besaran kompensasinya ?
Jawab : Sampai saat ini masih dalam proses perhitungan oleh KJPP, kami belum tahu berapa
besarannya. Mungkin dalam akhir bulan Februari ini bias selesai KJPP melakukan survey
sehingga harga dapat diketahui.
3. Ibu Mayang
Tanya : Apakah warga yang terlintas jalur SUTET setelah mendapatkan kompensasi dapat
menggarap lagi tanahnya ?
Jawab : Kompensasi untuk jalur bebas berbeda dengan jual beli untuk tapak tower, bapak-ibu
yang mendapatkan kompensasi pada jalue bebas masih bias menggarap lahannya karena tidak
dibebaskan dan masih milik bapak-ibu sekalian, sedangkan untuk pembebasan pada tapak tower
lahan akan digunakan selamanya oleh PLN nantinya.
4. Bapak Rudi
Tanya : Apakah ada dampak kesehatan bagi manusia ? karena kami petani setiap hari bekerja
disawah dibawah jalur SUTET.
Jawab : Berdasarkan kajian dan pengukuran medan magnit dan medan listrik yang ditimbulkan
sangat kecil dan jauh dari bakumutu yang ditetepkan oleh standar nasional dan internasional,
artinya masih sangat aman bagi kesehatan manusia.
Tanya : Untuk pembayaran kompensasi apakah dilakukan di desa atau langsung ke rumah
masing-masing pemilik lahan ?
Jawab : Menurut kesepakatan saja, agar lebih memudahkan koordinasi kami menginginkan
dilakukan di kantor desa, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat dilakukan di dususn
masing-masing. Untuk penerima kompensasinya langsung kepada pemilik tanah yang sah.
Tanya : Jika nanti disaat kontruksi ada keluhan atau keberatan dari warga, kemana warga harus
mengadu atau menyampaikan keluhan atau keberatannya ?
Jawab : PT. JSP mempunyai mekanisme untuk menyampaikan keberatan atau keluha warga
melalui Grievance Mechanism, nanti di desa ada kotak dan format keluhan, di pasang poster alur
penyampaian keluhan dan kontak person yang bias dihubungi. Nantinya ada personil PT. JSP
yang akan menindaklanjuti keluhan dari warga yaitu bapak Maryono.
6. Bapak H. Ade Asep Amaludin Kepala desa Sukamulya
Terimakasih atas partisipasi dari bapak-ibu sekalian karena sudah mengikuti kegiatan sosialisasi
ini, namun saya merasa sedikit kecewa dengan sosialisasi ini karena harga atau nilai
kompensasinya belum bisa di keluarkan. Namun demikian tidak mengjadi hambatan dalam
kegiatan ini terimakasih juga kepada tim sosialisasi dari PT. JSP yang sudah memberikan
pemaparan kepada warga kami.
‐ Isu yang diangkat/didiskusikan
Isu yang muncul dalam sesi Tanya jawab adalah kekhawatiran dampak SUTET terhadap
Sambutan Kepala Desa Manggungjaya / yang diwakili oleh Bapak H. Unung Nuruhidin (sekdes)
Pertama-tama saya menyampaikan permohonan maaf dari bapak kepala desa yang mana dalam
kesempatan ini beliau tidak bisa hadir ditengah-tengan kita dikarenakan sakit. Kami dari pihak
pemerintahan desa sangat berterimakasih atas kedatangan bapak sekalian atas undangan dari
PT. JSP, kami pemerintahan desa hanya sebatas memfasilitasi saja kegiatan sosialisasi ini dan jika
ada sesuatu yang kurang pas dalam penyediaan tempat dan fasilitas kami mohon dimaklumi.
Selanjutnya, sengaja yang diundang pada kesempatan ini adalah warga yang memiliki lahan
yang terkena jalur kabel dan akan diberikan kompensasi. Bagaimana cara dan bentuk
kompensasinya mari kita simak bersama penyampaian dari tim PT. JSP.
Tanya jawab
1. Danuri
Tanya : Bagainama kalau pemilik lahan sudah meninggal tetapi lahannya belum diwariskan ?
Jawab : mohon dibuatkan surat keterangan kuasa waris yang diketahui oleh pihak desa dan
kecamatan lalu dilapirkan persyaratan lainnya seperti poto copy KTP, KK, SPPT dan surat
2. Adang
Tanya : Bagai mana jika tanah tersebut tidak mempunyai surat-surat atau belum AJB ataupun
Jawab : bisa ditambah dengan surat keterangan dari desa tentang status da nasal usul tanah
3. Kaswan
Tanya : Bagaimana jka surat-surat tanahnya tidak ada, tetapi hanya mempunyai SPPT ?
Jawab : Jika surat-surat tanah bapak tidak ada, sama dengan pertanyaan sebelumnya. Jika di
SPPT masih atas nama orang tua dan sudah meninggal harus dilengkapi dengan surat
keterangan kuasa waris. Tetapi kalau di SPPT sudah nama bapak cukup dilengkapi dengan surat
status da nasal-usul tanah yang diketahui desa dan camat.
4. Roya
Tanya : Kompensasi dibayarkan Cuma sekali kepada pemilik lahan, bagaimana jika nantinya
lahan dijual ke orang lain atau sudah pindah kepemilikannya ?
Jawab : Menurut Permen ESDM no. 38 tahun 2013, Kompensasi tanah, bangunan dan tanaman
yang berada di bawah ruang bebas SUTT atau SUTET hanya dapat diberikan satu kali. Dalam
hal telah berpindah tangan kepada pemilik yang baru, maka pemilik baru tersebut tidak berhak
menuntut pembayaran Kompensasi. Dalam peraturan menteri ESDM sudah sangat jelas
Tanya : Bagai mana jika ada kerusakan disaat pembangunan atau pekerjaan nantinya ?
Jawab : Bapak-bapak sekalian sebelum dilakukan pekerjaan kontruksi, kontraktor akan
melakukan sosialisasi seperti ini di kantor desa dengan mengundang warga. Dalam kesempatan
itu akan disampaikan hal-hal yang menyangkut dengan penggunaan lahan dan lainnya, disana
tentunya bapak sekalian bisa bermusyawarah untuk hal tersebut.
‐ Isu yang diangkat/didiskusikan
Antusioasme warga dalam bertanya masih pada besaran nilai kompensasi yang kan
diberikan, dan kompensasi saat kegiatan kontruksi berlangsung
Materi sosialisasi
Dikarenakan hujan deras dalam perjalanan menuju desa Kalangsuria saya dating terlambat dan
hanya mengikuti sesi tanya jawab.
Tanya jawab
1. Edi Sukardi
2. Lili Suherman
Tanya : di wilayah saya terdapat 2 rumah yang berada tepat dibawah jalur SUTET, mereka
menempati tanah pengairan, apakah mereka juga dapat kompensasi ?
Jawab : Permen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral No. 38 Th. 2013 tentang Kompensasi Atas
Tanah, Bangunan, dan Tanaman Yang Berada Di Bawah Ruang Bebas Saluran Udara Tegangan
Tinggi dan Saluran Udara Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi. Dalam Permen ESDM diatas sudah jelah
bahwa bangunan mendapatkan kompensasi tetapi tanahnya tidak karena bukan hak milik
Tanya : Apakah lahan dibawah tower boleh digarap oleh warga ?
Jawab : Sampai saat ini kami belum tahu kebijakan PLN seperti apa, namun jika melihat dari
tower yang sudah ada sebaiknya tidak untuk sawah atau ditanami padi kembali, karena dapat
menggangu pada saat pemeliharaannya nanti.
‐ Isu yang diangkat/didiskusikan
Warga menanyakan dampak kesehatan terhadap manusia dan tumbuhan dibawah jalur
SUTET dan penggunaan lahan tapak tower yang sudah dibebaskan.
Materi sosialisasi
‐ Kepala Desa Pasirukem
Selamat datang dan terimakasih kepada bapak ibu sekalian yang telah meluangkan
waktu untuk mengikuti kegiatan sosialisasi pada siang hari ini, perlu diketahui warga
pemilik lahan yang diundang pada siang hari ini dari 27 undangan 8 diantaranya warga
Pasiruken, sekebihnya dalah warga dari luar desa Pasirukem yang memiliki lahan di
sisni. Jadi mohon maaf jika banyak diantara bapak-ibu sekalian yang tidak saya kenal.
Selanjutnya saya sekalu pemerintahan desa mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya kepada
bapak-ibu undangan dan tim dari PT. JSP karena dalam penyambutan dan fasilitas serta
pelayanan kami kurang memuaskan. Kami juga selaku pemerintahan desa mendukung
apa yang telah menjadi program pemerintah dalam hal ini pembangunan PLTGU dan
jalur SUTET.
‐ Kasi Trantib POLPP Kecamatan Cilamaya Kulon (Bapak Sandi Hudaya)
Dari pemerintahan kecamatan sangat apresiasi sekali dengan adanya kegiatan sosialisasi
ini dimana masyarakat mendapatkan penjelasan seluas-luasnya tentang apa yang akan
dan sedang dilakukan oleh PT. JSP selain itu juga akan terjalin komunikasi yang baik
antara warga dengan pengembang yang berujung pada ketertiban dan keamanan baik di
masyarakat maupun di dapan pembangunan PLTGU-Jawa1 dan di kecamatan Cilamaya
Kulon khususnya.
Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa pembangunan PLTGU ini nantinya akan menambah
pasokan listrin untuk masyarakat, tentunta ini juga akan menambah dan mempercepat
proses pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat. Program pemerintah yang
baik ini sudah seharusnya kita dukung bersama melalui peran serta dari masyarakat.
Pesan saya kepada masyarakat bilamana nantinya dekemudian hari ada hal-hal atau
permasalahan tolong jangan bertindak sendiri-sendiri, kita punya kepala desa sebagai
pimpinan kita, tentunga poihak desa akan mengakopmodir segala permasalahan dari
warga dan menindaklanjutunya serta akan berkoordinasi dengan pihan kecamatan dan
keamanan setempat. Dalam sesi tanya jawab nanti sebaiknya bapak-ibu sekalian dapat
bertanya seluas-luasnya agar sepulangnya dari kegiatan ini tidak ada lagi uneg-uneg
yang mengganjal.
Kami sebagai alat Negara dalam hal ini TNI harus mendukung semua program dari
pemerintah. Dalam kegiatan sosialisasi ini kami minta kepada PT. JSP untuk dapat
menjelaskan kepada masnyarakat pa dampak baik dan buruknya dengan adanya
pembangunan PLTGU-Jawa1 ini. Dan kepada bapak-ibu sekalian peserta sosialisasi
terutama pemilik lahan silahkan bertanya dan menyampaikan usulan kepada PT. JSP
karena ini adalah kesempatan kita bertemu dan berdiskusi dengan pihak pengembang.
Kami dari pihak kepilosian tentunya mendukung sekali apa yang menjadi program
pemerintah, peran kami tentunya dibidang keamanan dan ketertiban saat pembangunan
berlangsung. Pesan dari bapak kapolsek meri kita sukseskan pembangunan ini dengan
berperan menjaga ketertiban dan keamanan.
Tanya jawab
1. Ono Darsono
Tanya : Yang ingin saya tanyakan, berapakah luasan tanah yang terkena kompensasi setiap
warga pemilik lahan ?
Jawab : untuk mengtahui berapa besaran atau luasan tanah bapai ibu sekalian yang terkena
kompensasi baru minggu depan semua desa kami rilis dan dapat dilihat di kantor desa
Pasirukem.namun jika bapak-ibu penasaran nanti setelah acara ini selesai dapat saya perlihatkan
dari peta bidang yang saya bawa dan itu belum final.
Tanya : Kapan kompensasi dibayarkan ?
Jawab : Tergantung pada kecepatan bapak-ibu sekalian mengunpulkan data kepemilkan atau
persyaratannya, kami harap minggu depan sudah terkumpul dan akan difasilitasi oleh pihak
desa. Jika semua berjalan lancar di akhir bulan Maret proses pembayaran sudah bisa dilakukan.
2. Hasan
3. Ade
Tanya : Saya adalah salah satu yang lahannya dibebaskan untuk tapak tower, baru bibayar 80%.
Yang saya tanyakan adalah kapan sisa 20% dibayarkan ?
Jawab : Pembayaran sisa yang 20% dapat dilakukan setelah proses pemecahan di BPN selesai
pak, kami kemarn mendapat info dari BPN bahwa proses pembuatan surat-suratny aselesai
sekitar 2 bulan. Kami juga masih menunggu kapan BPN selesai dan akan langsung melakukan
pelunasan sisanya.
Tanya : Berapa besaran nilai pasar untuk tanah yang terkena kompensasi ?
Jawab : Besaran nilain pasar lahan bukan kami yang menentukan tetapi dilakukan oleh lembaga
independen penilai harga pasar yaitu dari KJPP. Kami juga masih menunggu KJPP
mengeluarkan nilai pasar setiap lahan dan nanti akan di umumpak di kantor desa.
‐ Isu yang diangkat/didiskusikan
Pada umumnya peserta menanyakan berapa besaran nilai pasar untuk lahan yang
terkena kompensasi dan kapan pelaksanan pembayaran kompensasi dilaksanakan,
kegiatan sosislisasi berjalan dengan baik dan lancar.
Peserta undangan dari warga yang terlintas ROW 27 undangan namun yang dating dalan
daftar hadir sampai 68 orang
‐ Respon dari sponsor
Tanggapan dari narasumber terkait pertanyaan warga masih dalam lingkup materi
sosialisasi. Namun yang menjadi catatan adalah banyaknya peserta diluar undangan
yang hadir dan tidak mengikuti kegiataas sosialisasi menjadi perhatian khusus untuk
kegiatan berikutnya.
Materi sosialisasi
‐ Kepala Desa Tegalurung (Karsim)
Tanya jawab
1. Jami’at
2. Komarudin
Materi sosialisasi
‐ Kades (Suryadi)
Kami ucapkan terimakasih kepada bapak-ibu sekalian pemilik lahan yang terlintasi jalur
transmisi SUTET yang dalam waktu dekat ini akan dilaksanakan pembangunannya, telah
dapat meluangkan waktu untuk hadir dalam acara sosialisasi kompensasi ruang bebas ari
PT. JSP. Semoga dengan adanya kegiatan ini kita semua dapat memahami dan dapat
mendukung program pembangunan dari pemerintah.
Perlu juga kami sampaikan kepada bapak-ibu sekalian kami pemerintahan desa dalam
kegiatan ini hanya memfasilitasi guna kelancaran kegiatan ini, kami mohon maaf apabila
fasilitas yang ada di desa kami tidak memuaskan atau kurang baik.
Permohonan kami kepada PT. JSP untuk dapat menjelaskan kepada warga kami
mengenai materi kegiatan ini dan sebaliknya kepada warga yang kurang mengerti dan
kurang fahan agar dapat menanyakan kepada tim dari PT. JSP pada sesi tanya jawab
‐ Polsek (Dwi. K)
Pada prinsipnya kami dari pihak kepolisian sangat mendukung program pembangunan
dari pemerintah. Sebagai alat Negara kami wajib mendukung dalam segi keamanan dan
ketirtiban demi kelancaran program pemerintah ini. Kami juga memohon kepada bapak-
ibu sekalian untuk dapat mendukung demi kesuksesan program pembangunan ini.
Tentunya kita semua harus mendukung serta dapat memahami dengan adanya
pembanguna PLTGU-Jawa 1 ini karena untuk kepentingan kita bersama dan kemajuan
pembangunan nasional. Kami juga mendukung dengan adanya sosialisasi ini tentunya
warga akan mendapatkan penjelasan tentang kompensasi yang akan diberikan kepada
warga yang terlintas jalur SUTET. Harapan kami semoga kegiatan ini dapat berjalan
dengan lancar dan baik sampai selesai.
Tanya jawab
‐ H. Maman
Tanya : Jarak 17 meter ke kiri-ke kanan yang mendapatkan pembayaran kompensasi itu diukur
dari mana ?
Jawab : Di ukur dari tengan-tengan tiang tower/sumbu as nya tower, bukan di ukur dari kabel
‐ Ahmadi
Tanya : Saya pemilik lahan tower T 111 yang sudah dibebaskan, pertanyaan saya apakah semua
lahan yang dibebaskan tersebut digunakan untuk tiang tower ?
Jawab : Lahan yang dibebaskan untuk tapak tower tidak lah seluruhnya untuk tiang, tetapi ada
jarak dari batas yang dibebaskan sekitar 6 meter untuk area kerja pembanguna tower nantinya.
Tanya : Apakah lahan sisa tiang tower dan dibawah tower boleh di tanami nantinya ?
Jawab : Sampai saat ini kami belum tahu kebijakan PLN seperti apa, namun jika melihat dari
tower yang sudah ada sebaiknya tidak untuk sawah atau ditanami padi kembali, karena dapat
menggangu pada saat pemeliharaannya nanti.
Warga pemilik lahan dalan ROW di desa Karangsatu sudah sering sekali berinteraksi
dengan tim dilapangan baik dengan pertemuan di kantor desa maupun di lokasi jalur
tower. Pada umumnya mereka sudah sangat faham dan mengerti tentang pembangunan
PLTGU-Jawa 1 dan jalur transmisi yang akan melewati desa/lahan mereka. Hal ini juga
dikarenakan disekitaran wilayah kecamatan Karangbahagia sudah ada jalur transmisi
yang sudah sering mereka lihat.
Materi sosialisasi
‐ Kepala desa Sumurgede (Yahya)
Terimakasih kepada warga pemilik lahan yang berada dibawah jalur SUTUT yang telah
menghadiri undangan dari PT. JSP melalui kami pemerintahan desa Sumurgede.
Terimmakasih juga kepada tim dari PT. JSP yang sudah dating untuk bersosialisasi ke
desa kami.
Perlu bapak-ibu sekalian ketahui bahwa di Sumurgede yang terlintasi jalur ada 18 idang
sawah, 3 bidang diantaranya dimiliki oleh 1 orang, da nada lahan yang dimiliki oleh
orang luar desa dan berdomisili di Majalengka.
Adapun tujuan bapak-ibu sekalian diundang ke kantor desa tidak lain adalah untuk
mendengarkan sosialisasi pembangunan PLTGU-Jawa1 yang merupakan program
pembangunan dari pemerintah.
‐ Kasi Trantib Cilamaya Kulon (Sandi Hudaya)
Tanya jawab
1. Endang
Tanya : Bagai mana kalau surat tanahnya lagi mesantran (sebagai borah di Bank) ?
Jawab : cukup dibuktikan dengan poto copynya saja dan surat keterangan dari bank yang
Tanya : Bagai mana jika tanah sudah diwariskan kepada anak, namun anak tersebut masih
dibawah umur ?
Jawab : Dari 4 persyaratan tersebut ditambah dengan surat keterangan dari desa itu sudah
cukup. Kompensasi bukan lah proses jual beli, kalau untuk jual beli harus ada surat dari
pengadilan negeri yang menyatakan kuasa untuk jual beli karena anak dibawah umur belum
bisa melakukan tindakan hokum jual beli.
2. Udi
Tanya : Persyaratan SPPT apakah harus 5 tahun terakhir atau cukup dengan 1 tahun saja ?
Jawab : Pada awalnya persyaratan SPPT harus 5 tahun terakhir, tetapi setelah kami bernegosiasi
dengan pihak notaris diperbolehkan SPPT 1 tahun terakhir. Kenama harus 1 yahun terakhir ? itu
adalah sebagai bukti kalau bapak-ibu sudah bayar pajaknya.
3. H. Salim
Tanya : Jika terjadi sesuatu han yang tidak dinginkan atau yang merugikan warga saat
pembanguna SUTET dan saat operasionalnya nanti kami harus mengadu kemana ?
Jawab : Pada saat pembangunan nati PT. JSP menempatkan personil untuk mengelola keluhan
dari warga, nanti mekanisme pengaduannya akan di tempelkan di kantor desa sebagai
pengumuman, bisa juga lewat desa nanti akan di tindaklanjuti oleh tim Pt. JSP. Sedangkan pada
saat operasionalnya nati itu sudah menjadi tanggungjawab dari PLN, karena PT. JSP hanya
bertugas membangunya saja setelah menyala langsung diserahkan kepada PLN.
Tanya : Apakah boleh membagun di bawah kabel SUTET ?
Jawab : Pada prinsipnya boleh selama tidak melewati batas ruang bebas 9 meter dari bawah
kabel, tetapi sebaiknya berkoordinasi atau pemberitahuan dahulu ke PLN agar PLN dapat
melakukan pemantauan.
‐ Isu yang diangkat/didiskusikan
Kelengkapan persyaratan untuk proses kompensasi masih menjadi kendala bagi warga
karena ada yang digadaikan di Bank, ada yang tanahnya diwariskan ke anaknya yang
masih dibawah umur, ada juga yang pemiliknya berada diluar kota .
Materi sosialisasi
‐ Sekcam (H. Ade Erman)
Terimakasih kepada bapak-ibu yang sudah dating memenuhi undangan kami, warga
pemilik lahan yang diundang ada 30 orang sesuai dengan daftar yang diberikan oleh PT.
JSP namun sesungguhbnya masih ada warga pemilik lahan yang tidak hadir karena
belum terdaftar dan tidak menerima undangan. Kami mohon nanti setelah kegiatan ini
dari pihak TP. JSP melakukan pendataan ulang bersama staf kami sehingga warga
pemilik lahan yang berlum terdaftar dapat terakomodir.
Selanjutnya mengenai kegiatan sosialisasi kompesasi ruang bebas, saya mohon dari pihak
PT. JSP yang akan membawakan materi nantinya untuk dapat menjelaskan dengan
sejelas-jelasnya karena saya juga kurang mengerti apa yang dimaksud dengan ruang
bebas tersebut dan mengapa harus di beri kompensasi.
Nanti pada sesi tanya-jawab nantinya saya mohon juga kepada bapak-ibu untuk bertanya
dan jangan sungkan-sungkan agar semuanya dapat diterima dan difahami dengan jelas.
‐ Hikmawan (Kwarsa)
Terimakasih pak lurah atas masukannya, nanti tim kami beserta staf dari kelurahan dan
pak RT akan melakukan pendataan ulang terkait warga pemilik lahan terken jalur yang
saat ini belum terdata.
Tanya jawab
1. Sarwan
Tanya : Saya mau tanya, saya kurang faham mengenai UU, kenapa yang dipakai UU no. 30
tahun 2009 tentang ketenaga listrikan tetapi peraturan menteri keuangannya yang dipakai
Permenkeu No. 125/PMK 01 Tahun 2008 tentang Jasa Penilai Publik ?
Jawab : tidak semua UU yang disahkan itu selalu diikuti oleh peraturan menteri, selagi masih
relefan dan tidak berpotensi ada tindakan melawan hukum masih dapat di pergunakan. Dalam
proyek pembangunan PLTGU-Jawa 1, UU yang dipakai adalah tahun 2009 tentang ketenaga
listrikan. Karena proyek ini menggunakan uang Negara maka yang dipakai peraturan menteri
keuangan yang masih berlaku tahun 2008.
Tanya : Pada lahan yang sudah dibebaskan masih boleh ditanami padi tidak kedepannya ?
Jawab : Sampai saat ini kami belum tau kebijakan PLN seperta apa, namunjika melihat tower
yang sudah berdiri dan beroperasional maka sebaiknya tidak dijadikan sawah lagi karena akan
mengganggu pada saat perawatan dari PLN.
Tanya : Apakah ada pengaruhnya terhadap petir ?
Jawab : sebenarnya sangat aman, karena dipaling atas tower akan dipasang kabel penangkal
petir dan setiap 5 tower akan disalurkan ke dalam bumi, jika dibandingkan dengan berdiri
ditengah lapang atau sawah yang tidak ada towernya maka ini sangan berbahaya jika ada petir
karena petir akan memapar benda yang paling tinggi.
2. Komarudin
Saran/masukan : Saya sebgai ketua LPM kelurahan Mekarjati meminta kepada PT. JSP dalam
pembayaran kompensasi nantinya harus transparan dan teliti kerana sekecil apapun kesalahn
jika menyangkut uang bisa repot nantinya.
3. Carli
Tanya : Bagai mana pembayaran kompensasi bila pemiliknya tidak ada atau berada diluar
daerah ?
Jawab : Seharusnya kompensasi diberikan kepada pemilik tanah, namun jika tidak ada bisa
diwakili oleh penggarap dengan surat kuasa penganbilan kompensasi dari pemilik lahan atau
surat keterangan dari desa.
Tanya : Kapan kompensasi dibayarkan ? hanya satu kali saja atau setiap tahun ?
Jawab : Kompensasi dibayarka hanya satu kali, bila mana tanah berpindah tangan atau di perjual
belikan setelah mendapatkan kompensasi maka pemilik yang baru tidak mendapatkan
kompensasi. Karena kompensasi diberikan kepada tanah, bangunan dan tanaman bukan kepada
4. Ayim
Tanya : pada waktu pendataan dulu ternyata masih ada yang terlewat, ada juga yang salah
penulisan nama, yang saya tanyakan apakah data yang kami terima tersebut adalah data baku
sudah final atau masih bisa diperbaiki ?
Jawab : Seperti yang sudah kami sampaikan tadi dalam tahapan pemberian kompensasi, ada
tahapan validasi data baik nama, luasan dan persyaratannya, jika masih ditemukan kekurangan
atau kesalahan maka masih sangat memungkinkan untuk diperbaiki.
5. R. Nainggolan
Tanya : Siapa KJPP itu ? berkedudukan dimana ? dan apakah bapak-bapak dari JSP ini bagian
dari KJPP ?
Jawab : KJPP atau Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik adalah lembaga independen yang ditunjuk oleh
kementerian ESDM untuk menilai objek yang akan di kompensasikan secara wajar,
berkedudukan di Jakarta, dan kami bukan bagian dari KJPP.
Tanya : Untuk transparansi pembayaran kompensasi, dimana pembayaran tersebut dilaksanakan
Jawab : Kami akan melakukan pembayaran tentunya dengan kesepakatan bersama warga, bisa
di kantor desa, dirumah tokoh masyarakat. Dalam proses pembayaran tersebut kami kami
buatkan berita acaranya yang disaksikan dan ditanda tangani oleh kepala desa dan pemilik
Tanya : Apabila terjadi sesuatu hal yang tidak diinginkan pada saat pembangunan dan setelah
beroperasinya SUTET nanti masyarakat harus mengadu kemana ?
Jawab : Pada saat pembangunan nati PT. JSP menempatkan personil untuk mengelola keluhan
dari warga, nanti mekanisme pengaduannya akan di tempelkan di kantor desa sebagai
pengumuman, bisa juga lewat desa nanti akan di tindaklanjuti oleh tim PT. JSP. Sedangkan pada
saat operasionalnya nati itu sudah menjadi tanggungjawab dari PLN, karena PT. JSP hanya
bertugas membangunya saja setelah menyala langsung diserahkan kepada PLN.
‐ Isu yang diangkat/didiskusikan
Isu yang diangkat adalah tentang data pemilik lahan yang belum terdata, warga masih
khawatir jika yang lahannya terlintasi jalur SUTET namun tidak terdaftar sebagai
penerima kompensasi akan timbul jejolak di masyarakat dan pada ahirnya menjadikan
kondisi tidak kondusif.
Prepared for:
2.1.1 Overview 2
2.1.2 Quality Standards and Guidelines 3
2.1.3 Guideline Air Emission Levels 5
Figure 5.1 Construction Phase Study Area and Representative Human Receptors 21
Figure 5.2 Operation Phase Study Area and Representative Human Receptors 22
Figure 5.3 Ecology in the Study Area 23
Figure 5.4 Air Quality Monitoring Locations 27
Figure 5.5 Air Quality Monitoring Site (AQM) 1a-HOLD 28
Figure 5.6 Air Quality Monitoring Site (AQM) 1b 28
Figure 5.7 Air Quality Monitoring Site 2 28
Figure 5.8 Air Quality Monitoring Site 3 28
Figure 5.9 Air Quality Monitoring Site 4a 28
Figure 5.10 Air Quality Monitoring Site 4b 29
Figure 5.11 Air Quality Monitoring Site 5 29
Figure 5.12 Air Quality Monitoring Site 6 29
Figure 5.13 Wind Rose (2013 – 2017) 36
Figure 6.1 Building Representation in AERMOD 55
Figure 6.2 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 1-Hour Average – 99.9 Percentile (Human Health) 64
Figure 6.3 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 24-Hour Average – 100th Percentile (Human
Health) 64
Figure 6.4 Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) Maximum Annual Average (Ecology) 65
Figure 6.5 Scenario 1: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 1-Hour Average – 99.9 Percentile (All
Engine-Generators at 100% Load for 50 minutes) 75
Figure 6.6 Global Sea Salt Deposition 81
Figure 6.7 Predicted Salt Deposition Rates from Cooling Towers - Significance of
Impact on Crops 82
The PLTGU Jawa-1 Project (hereafter referred to as ‘the Project’) involves the
development of a 1 , 7 6 0 M W Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power
Plant, a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Floating Storage and Regasification
Unit (FSRU) and 500kV power transmission lines and a Substation.
Emissions to air from the Project have the potential for adverse effects on
human health, agricultural and sensitive ecology. This air quality impact
assessment assesses these potential impacts against relevant air quality
standards, objectives and guidelines where relevant.
The assessment of potential air quality impacts associated with the Project
2.1.1 Overview
IFC General EHS Guidelines: Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality (1);
IFC EHS Guidelines for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities (4); and
(1) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines,
General EHS Guidelines: Environmental Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality [Online]
Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(2) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines,
General EHS Guidelines: Construction and Decommissioning [Online] Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(3) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines
for Thermal Power Plants [Online] Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(4) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2017) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines
for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities [Online] Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(5) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines
for Shipping [Online] Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018]
2.1.2 Quality Standards and Guidelines
Human Health
Indonesia has established ambient air quality standards which are published
in the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 (1999)
regarding Air Pollution Control (PP41/1999).
The IFC’s General EHS guidelines for air emissions and ambient air quality
specifies that:
In accordance with the IFC guidelines, the air quality standards presented in
the Indonesian Regulation ‘PP41/1999’ should be considered the appropriate
standard and are therefore used for comparison of baseline data and predicted
impacts in this air quality impact assessment. A summary of the air quality
standards are presented in Table 2.1.
Ecology and Agriculture
The IFC’s General EHS guidelines for air emissions and ambient air quality (1)
states that:
Air quality critical levels for the protection of sensitive ecological areas and
agriculture adopted in this air quality impact assessment are presented below
in Table 2.2. The critical level is the concentration in the atmosphere above
which direct adverse effects on ecological receptors, such as plants or
ecosystems may occur. These critical levels will be used for comparison
against predicted impacts in this air quality impact assessment.
Table 2.2 Air Quality Critical Levels used for the Assessment of Impacts on Sensitive
Ecological and Agricultural Receptors
Salt deposition threshold values above which injury to crops have also been
identified are presented in Table 2.3 (2). The research indicates that many
species have thresholds for visible leaf damage in the range of 10-20
(1) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines,
General EHS Guidelines: Environmental Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality [Online]
Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(2) United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1999) Environmental Standard Review Plan.
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation [Online] Available at: https://www.nirs.org/wp-
content/uploads/nukerelapse/levy/exhe6bacchus.pdf [Accessed 09 March 2018]
kilogram/hectare/month (kg/ha/mo) of NaCl during the growing season.
Threshold values vary depending on rainfall frequency, humidity, and the
specific sensitivity of the species. Generally it’s been found that deposition
rates reaching or exceeding 10kg/ha/mo in any month throughout the
growing season can lead to leaf damage in many species of plant. This
threshold value will be used used for comparison against predicted salt
deposition rates in this air quality impact assessment.
The IFC EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are
generally considered to be achievable in new facilities by using existing
technology at reasonable costs. The IFC Performance Standard for ‘Resource
Efficiency and Pollution Prevention’ (1) states that:
“when host country regulations differ from the levels and measures presented in the
World Bank Group EHS Guidelines, projects are required to achieve whichever is the
more stringent. If less stringent levels or measures than those provided in the EHS
Guidelines are appropriate in view of specific project circumstances, a full and detailed
justification must be provided for any proposed alternatives through the
environmental and social risks and impacts identification and assessment process.
This justification must demonstrate that the choice for any alternate performance
levels is consistent with the objectives of this performance standard.”
The relevant emission limits as per the IFC EHS Guidelines for natural gas
fired thermal power plants greater than 50 megawatt thermal input (MWth)
are presented in Table 2.4.
(1) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2012) Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
[Online] Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/performance-standards/ps3 [Accessed 01 February 2017]
Table 2.4 International Finance Corporation (IFC) Air Emissions Guidelines for
Combustion Turbine (>50MWth)
Indonesia has established industry specific emission limit guidelines for gas
fired power plants published in the Indonesian Regulation of the Minister of
Living Environment Number 21 (2008). These guideline values are presented
below in Table 2.5.
Table 2.5 Environmental Ministry Regulation No. 21 Year (2008) Emission Limits for
Gas Fired Power Plant
The impact on air quality resulting in emissions of SO2 and PM have been
scoped out of this air quality impact assessment and this is discussed in more
detail in Section 3.9.
The IFC EHS guideline for ambient air quality and air emissions set out the
Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) general approach for determining
the stack height so as to avoid downwash from nearby structures. The
guidance also provides information on the structures which should be
considered. The guidance specifically states that the GIIP approach is
recommended in order to “to avoid excessive ground level concentrations due to
downwash, wakes, and eddy effects, and to ensure reasonable diffusion to minimize
impacts.” In order to assess whether any nearby structures would result in
excessive ground level concentrations due to building downwash, the GIIP
guidance was considered and the relevant buildings were included in the
dispersion model as discussed in more detail in Table 6.7. The results of the
air dispersion modelling were compared to the relevant air quality standards
to evaluate if excessive ground level concentrations were apparent. Given that
the predicted ground level concentrations are well below the relevant air
quality standards, the stack height is determined to be in line with the stated
objective of the stack height guidance (refer to Section 6.4).
During the construction phase of the Project there will be a requirement for
mobile and non-mobile plant, including, for example, bulldozers, loaders,
excavators, mobile cranes, pile machines, graders, scrappers, pile driver
excavators, dump trucks, and generators, etc. Elevated ambient concentrations
of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM2.5
and PM10 (1)) from the exhaust emissions are expected. The Institute of Air
Quality Management (IAQM) (2) states that:
“exhaust emissions from on-site plant (also known as non-road mobile machinery or
NRMM) and site traffic suggests that they are unlikely to make a significant impact
on local air quality, and in the vast majority of cases they will not need to be
quantitatively assessed. For site plant and on-site traffic, consideration should be
given to the number of plant/vehicles and their operating hours and locations to assess
whether a significant effect is likely to occur.”
(1) TSP shall mean particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter no greater than 30 µg: PM10
shall mean particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter no greater than 10µg; and PM2.5
shall mean particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter no greater than 2.5µg. Definitions
from United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (1995) AP-42 Section 13.2
Fugitive Dust Sources [Online] Available at: https://www3.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch13/
[Accessed 06 February 2018]
(2) Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2014) Guidance on the Assessment of Dust
from Demolition and Construction [Online] Available at: http://iaqm.co.uk/guidance/
[Accessed 06 February 2018]
land based vehicles and equipment such as those presented in the IFC EHS
Guidelines for Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality (1), impacts to relevant
sensitive receptors in the study area due to exhaust emissions from diesel
powered vehicles and equipment used on site are considered negligible and
are therefore not considered further.
The Project will generate additional traffic on the local road network during
construction and operation phase as a result of worker vehicles and vehicles
delivering materials to site and removing residual products. The Institute of
Air Quality Management (IAQM) states that:
“For site traffic on the public highway, if it cannot be scoped out (for example by using
the EPUK’s criteria), then it should be assessed using the same methodology and
significance criteria as operational traffic impacts.”
(1) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines,
General EHS Guidelines: Environmental Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality [Online]
Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(2) Guidance from the Environmental Protection UK and Institute of Air Quality Management
(IAQM) (2017) Land-Use Planning & Development Control: Planning for Air Quality [Online]
Available at: http://www.iaqm.co.uk/text/guidance/air-quality-planning-guidance.pdf
[Accessed 06 February 2018]
heavy goods vehicles (HGV) flows increase by more than 100 vehicles/day.
During the construction phase it is expected that more than 40,000 vehicles
will be utilised for material transportation required for the construction of the
CCGT. This includes the mobilisation of vehicles to transport 57,000 m3 of
infill soil for levelling of the CCGT site. Based on an 8 m3 (>3.5t) dump truck
capacity this is estimated to be approximately 200 dump truck trips/day to
the CCGT site. Transportation of the 57,000 m3 construction materials for the
CCGT requires an estimated 27,360 trips or 76 truck trips/day over the
construction period. For the Cibatu substation site, approximately 15,000 truck
trips are required for the site levelling, equating to 120 truck trips/day. For
jetty construction, the transportation of infill material to site, small equipment
and construction materials is estimated to require approximately 14 truck
trips/day. Construction of the transmission towers will require a total of
approximately 1,000 trips per year to transport materials such as steel piece,
cement, sand and gravel.
Although the exact traffic route(s) and specific traffic flow increases on each
route are unknown, the above information indicates that traffic flows during
the construction phase of the project may exceed the EPUK criterion on certain
roads. The potential impacts to air quality from exhaust emissions from offsite
traffic therefore requires further consideration within the detailed air quality
impact assessment and is presented in Section 6.3.
The specific increase in traffic flows during the operation phase is not known,
however vehicle journeys during the operation phase are expected to be
substantially less than during the construction phase and primarily associated
with the workforce employed at the plant and some occasional deliveries etc.
The change in traffic flows during the operation phase are not expected to
exceed the EPUK screening criteria thus impacts to air quality are considered
negligible and not considered further.
The main existing access road to the power plant site is paved, therefore dust
emissions are not considered likely. It is understood that new access roads will
be constructed for main access to the power plant and within the plant area
itself. There will also be a new access road to connect the power plant to the
jetty and intake pumping station area. It is expected that these roads will be
paved therefore dust emissions are not considered likely.
The access to the construction areas associated with the transmission lines will
be via existing main roads where possible. The exact route and proximity to
sensitive receptors has not been defined, however it is expected that with the
implementation of standard good practice mitigation measures, dust from
unpaved roads can be controlled and reduced to an acceptable level
throughout the duration of the construction phase.
The likely impacts from dust emissions and suggested mitigation is discussed
in detail in Section 6.2 of this air quality impact assessment. The relevant
control measures should be applied to unpaved access roads associated with
the Project throughout the construction and operation phase where necessary.
The Project will generate additional ships during the construction and
operation phase. Exhaust emissions of NOx, NO2, SO2, PM2.5 and PM10 from
these ships has the potential to adversely impact ambient air quality. Research
from UK technical guidance document TG (16) (1) recommends that a detailed
assessment is only required for large ports, defined as more than 5,000
movements per year, and where there is relevant public exposure within 1km
of berthing and manoeuvring.
During the construction and operation phase it is not known how many ship
movements will be required exactly, but it is expected that the emission will
be intermittent, short term and transient in nature; and the number of ship
movements will not exceed 5,000. It is further expected that the international
good practice recommendations to prevent, minimise and control exhaust
emissions from ships presented in the IFC EHS Guidelines for Shipping (2) will
be implemented the construction and operation phase. On this basis the
potential impacts of shipping emissions are considered negligible and have
not been considered further.
The FSRU will be equipped with a number of dual fuel generators for
operation activities. The generators will operate on gas during normal
operation. It is considered unlikely that diesel oil will be required. Exhaust
emissions of NOx, SO2, and PM has the potential to adversely impact ambient
(1) Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Local Air Quality
Management Technical Guidance (TG16) (2016) [Online] Available at:
https://laqm.defra.gov.uk/documents/LAQM-TG16-April-16-v1.pdf [Accessed 06 February
(2) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines
for Shipping [Online] Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018]
air quality. The IFC EHS Guidelines for Air Emissions and Ambient Air
Quality (1) states that:
Based on the Project information provided in Table 3.1, the estimated net
emission increase of NO2 and PM is 34tpy and <1tpy respectively when
considering regasification capacity of 300 million standard cubic feet per day
(mmscfd). The mass emission rates are therefore well below the IFC
significance criteria. The sulphur content of the pilot oil is expected to be 0.1%
and SO2 emissions are therefore considered negligible. Furthermore, the FSRU
will be located 8km from the shore and any sensitive receptor locations. On
this basis the potential impacts on air quality from the FSRU generators are
considered negligible and have not been considered further.
During the operation phase of the Project there will be a 70 m high pressure
cold gas vent located at the ORF. The purpose of the vent is to safely dispose
of hydrocarbon to atmosphere under maintenance and emergency relief. The
composition of the vented gas is presented in Table 3.2. The gas is ‘sweet’
(1) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines,
General EHS Guidelines: Environmental Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality [Online]
Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018
meaning it is largely free of acidic gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and consists primarily of methane (CH4). Methane is
relatively non-toxic and has no ambient air quality standard associated with it.
It is noted that some small quantities of other hydrocarbons exist in the feed
gas, however these are very small and considered unlikely to have an adverse
impact on ambient air quality given the height of the stack and the occasional
and short term nature of venting. Furthermore, the vent stack will be designed
to account for the hydrocarbon lower explosive limits (LELs) acceptable on the
facility and will have sufficient velocity to mix air with gas to maintain the
mixed concentration below the flammable limit. It is expected that this design
will effectively mix and disperse the gas into the atmosphere and impacts on
air quality at ground level will be negligible. On this basis the potential
impacts on air quality from the cold gas vent are considered negligible and
have not been considered further.
The combustion of natural gas in the 1,760MW thermal power plant has the
potential to impact air quality at sensitive receptors across a wide area
depending on operating conditions and meteorological conditions. The
European Commission1 Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference
Document for Large Combustion Plants specifies that the emissions from the
combustion of natural gas are principally NOx and CO with mostly negligible
dust and SO2 emissions. The document further states that dust and SO2
emissions are not an environmental concern under normal and controlled
combustion conditions.
The combustion of natural gas in the CCGT power plant and the subsequent
NOx and CO emissions to air are considered the main focus of this air quality
impact assessment and is given further detailed consideration in Section 6.4.
(1) EuropeanCommission (2017) Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for
Large Combustion Plants [Online] Available at:
http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference/BREF/LCP/JRC107769_LCP_bref2017.pdf [Accessed
06 February 2018]
The Project will be equipped with twelve 2MWel (24MWel total) diesel
powered engine-generators required to start-up the main power plant (i.e.
black start). The exhaust emissions to air can result in elevated ambient
concentrations of NO2, SO2, CO, PM10 and PM2.5 and subsequent short term
impacts on ambient air quality. It is understood that for a black start, all
twelve engines will be required to operate at their full power output for a 50
minute duration. Although the generators are expected to be used for only a
limited duration when required, the short term (1-hour) impacts on air quality
can be significant and have therefore been considered in more detail in
Section 6.5 of this air quality impact assessment.
The Project will be equipped with two wet cooling tower systems necessary
for the normal operation of the power station. The system will utilise sea
water and will dissipate large heat loads to the atmosphere. Due to the direct
contact between the cooling water and the air passing through it, small
amounts of water are lost as liquid drift. The liquid drift evaporates to a solid
salt crystal when the water in the drift evaporates. The deposition of salt
(Sodium Chloride (NaCl)) on the surrounding agriculture can have an adverse
impact on crop production. The assessment of NaCl deposition and its effect
on agriculture has been considered in in Section 6.6.
The significance criteria used in this air quality impact assessment are
discussed in this section.
The magnitudes of impacts during the construction and operation phase were
quantified using qualitative and quantitative techniques (see Section 6). The
magnitude of the impact was ascertained by means of comparison to air
quality standards and is based upon whether or not the impacts result in air
quality standards being exceeded or contribute a substantial proportion of
airborne pollutants in the local airshed. Magnitude is based on both the
‘Project Contribution (PC)’; this is the impact arising solely from project
related emissions, and the Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC); this
is the PC added to the existing baseline.
There are a small number of specific cases where the sensitivity may be
defined as ‘High’; these include hospitals, for example, where there are
intensive care units or high dependency wards, or internationally designated
sites e.g. RAMSAR. In general, the approach used in this assessment assumes
that sensitivity within the general study area is ‘Medium’ for human health
and ecological receptors, noting that no hospitals or internationally designated
ecological sites have been identified (see Section 5.2). Under no circumstances
is the sensitivity for human health described as ‘Low’.
Receptor Sensitivity Human Health Ecology
The IFC make a differentiation in the significance of impacts, based upon the
existing baseline. Essentially, this is whether air quality guidelines or
standards are exceeded or not due to baseline concentrations.
“Projects with significant sources of air emissions, and potential for significant
impacts to ambient air quality, should prevent or minimise impacts by ensuring
“Facilities or projects located within poor quality airsheds, and within or next to
areas established as ecologically sensitive (e.g. national parks), should ensure
that any increase in pollution levels is as small as feasible, and amounts to a
fraction of the applicable short-term and annual average air quality guidelines
or standards as established in the project-specific environmental assessment.”
Based upon these considerations the magnitude and significance of impacts
for non-degraded and degraded airsheds has been derived and presented in
Table 4.2 and Table 4.3 respectively.
Receptor Sensitivity
Impact Magnitude
Low Medium High
Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible
Small Negligible Minor Moderate
Medium Minor Moderate Major
Large Moderate Major Major
Box 4.1 provides a context for what the various impact significance ratings
Box 4.1 Context of Impact Significances
A critical part of the air quality impact assessment is to establish the state of
the existing environment (referred to as the baseline). This section presents the
air quality baseline conditions, relevant sensitive receptors meteorological
conditions in the study area. This section is informed by air quality surveys
undertaken by ERM to collect primary environmental data for the EIA.
There are no set guidelines on the sphere of influence, however, taking into
account the nature of activities during the construction and operation phases,
and the relative locations of sensitive receptors, a study area of 500m (Figure
5.1) and 10km (Figure 5.2) around the Project has been established for the
construction and operation phase respectively. The study areas have been
determined so that all potentially impacted sensitive receptors closest to the
Project activities during both construction and operation phase have been
For the purpose of this impact assessment sensitive receptors are split into two
categories as follows:
Human – these are locations where people are present in the long term, and
include villages and towns, isolated dwellings, schools, hospitals, clinics
and government offices. The relevant pollutants of interest for sensitive
human receptors are dust, PM2.5, PM10, NO2 and SO2.
Within the study area there are a number of ecological receptors including
protected mangrove forests as indicated by Figure 5.3. These areas will
therefore be given consideration in the air quality impact assessment where
necessary. For more information on the ecology of the area refer to Chapter
7 of the ESIA.
Figure 5.1 Construction Phase Study Area and Representative Human Receptors
Figure 5.2 Operation Phase Study Area and Representative Human Receptors
Figure 5.3 Ecology in the Study Area
5.3.1 Overview
(1) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines,
General EHS Guidelines: Environmental Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality [Online]
Available at:
inability-at-ifc/policies-standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 05 February 2018]
Tubes are inexpensive, lightweight, robust, easy to deploy and non-
Can be located at several sites around the project location increasing the
spatial variability of the assessment.
The AQS1 is a real time continuous air quality monitoring system capable of
simultaneously monitoring concentrations of NO2 and O3 in the ambient air
and logging information on a minute by minute basis. The AQS-1 was selected
for the following primary reasons:
It can operate using solar panel and batteries allowing flexibility when
locating the monitor on site;
The monitor has a sensor for monitoring O3. Whilst not emitted from the
combustion process an understanding of baseline O3 is important in
determining how much of the emitted NO will be converted to NO2; and
A total of six air quality monitoring sites were established at locations in the
vicinity of the Project. Diffusion tubes were deployed at all six locations for a
total of 12 continuous weeks from the 10th August 2017 to the 20th November
2017. The AQS1 monitor system was deployed at two locations for 28 days
continuously from the 08th January 2018 to the 05th February 2018.
Table 5.1 Air Quality Monitoring Summary
Location Measured
Site Land-use Method Period Duration
Latitude Longitude Substances
10/08/2017 –
AQM1a Residential 6°15'45.62"S 107°34'31.31"E Passive 12 weeks NO2
08/01/2018 –
AQM1b Residential 6°15'47.29"S 107°34'16.07"E Active 28 days NO2 and O3
10/08/2017 –
AQM2 Residential 6°14'10.68"S 107°34'44.96"E Passive 12 weeks NO2
10/08/2017 –
AQM3 Residential 6°16'4.94"S 107°35'43.62"E Passive 12 weeks NO2
10/08/2017 –
AQM4a Fenceline 6°14'43.79"S 107°35'13.24"E Passive 12 weeks NO2
08/01/2018 –
AQM4b Fenceline 6°14'38.84"S 107°35'14.94"E Active 28 days NO2 and O3
10/08/2017 –
AQM5 Residential 6°15'2.42"S 107°35'55.24"E Passive 12 weeks NO2
10/08/2017 –
AQM6 Residential 6°13'56.72"S 107°36'51.19"E Passive 12 weeks NO2
Figure 5.4 Air Quality Monitoring Locations
Figure 5.5 Air Quality Monitoring Site (AQM) 1a-HOLD
Figure 5.10 Air Quality Monitoring Site 4b - HOLD
5.3.4 Baseline Results and Summary
The NO2 monitoring data from the air quality survey undertaken by ERM and
supported by a specialist sub-contractor from the 10th August 2017 to the 20th
November 2017 is presented below in Table 5.2 and has indicatively been
used to represent annual average background concentrations of NO2 in the
study area.
The baseline information also needs to be interpreted for short term periods to
compare against the short term air quality standards presented in Table 2.1.
The United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(DEFRA) (1) recommends that the short term (i.e. the one hour average)
baseline is derived by multiplying the long term by a factor of two.
Furthermore, DEFRA sets out conversion factors for converting between the
one hour and 24 hour periods. These conversions have been undertaken to
provide baseline concentrations for comparison against the short term air
quality standards and the results from applying this methodology are
presented in Table 5.2, Table 5.3 and Table 5.4.
A review of the baseline data against the relevant air quality standards
indicates the following:
The indicative annual mean baseline concentration is below the relevant air
quality standard for the protection of human health at all monitoring
locations. The highest indicative annual average is 10.1µg/m3 at AQM5,
10% of the relevant air quality standard.
The results from the diffusion tube monitoring survey indicate that the
ambient NO2 concentrations at all sites are below the relevant air quality
standards. The receiving airshed can therefore be classified as non-degraded.
(1) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) (2016) Air emissions risk
assessment for your environmental permit [Online] Available from:
[Accessed 14 December 2017]
Table 5.2 Indicative Annual Mean NO2 Background Concentrations Estimated from Weekly Diffusion Tube Results
Table 5.3 Maximum Indicative 1-Hour NO2 Background Concentrations Estimated from Weekly Diffusion Tube Results
Monitoring AQM1a (1) AQM2 (1) AQM3 (1) AQM4a (1) AQM5 (1) AQM6 (1)
Date on Date off Season
NO2 µg/m3
Week 1 10/08/17 17/08/17 Inter-monsoon 12.0 17.2 12.6 12.6 16.3 10.0
Week 2 17/08/17 24/08/17 Inter-monsoon 13.0 13.2 11.6 11.1 14.1 8.42
Week 3 28/08/17 04/09/17 Inter-monsoon 12.6 16.1 12.7 12.0 17.0 9.60
Week 4 04/09/17 11/09/17 Inter-monsoon 14.3 15.5 14.3 15.4 17.6 12.0
Week 5 11/09/17 18/09/17 Inter-monsoon 14.8 15.7 16.0 16.1 18.8 12.6
Week 6 18/09/17 25/09/17 Inter-monsoon 15.4 22.8 23.1 17.5 26.0 16.1
Week 7 25/09/17 02/10/17 Monsoon 12.7 19.2 16.5 18.3 19.6 10.3
Monitoring AQM1a (1) AQM2 (1) AQM3 (1) AQM4a (1) AQM5 (1) AQM6 (1)
Date on Date off Season
NO2 µg/m3
Week 8 02/10/17 09/10/17 Monsoon 17.9 14.4 15.6 22.8 27.0 17.3
Week 9 09/10/17 16/10/17 Monsoon 16.3 14.0 16.6 22.1 35.2 14.4
Week 10 16/10/17 23/10/17 Monsoon 7.14 7.90 6.77 7.03 10.8 4.29
Week 11 23/11/17 30/11/17 Monsoon 5.56 7.37 9.78 5.83 12.4 5.04
Week 12 30/11/17 06/11/17 Monsoon 6.62 5.90 8.61 6.05 10.9 4.55
Maximum Concentration (2) 17.9 22.8 23.1 22.8 35.2 17.3
Annual Air Quality Standard (3) 400
(1) The results at each monitoring site are based on multiplying the 1-week average value from the diffusion tube data set presented in Table 5.2 by a
factor of two
(2) The indicative maximum 1 hour average concentration at each monitoring site
(3) Indonesia (PP41/1999) Ambient Air Quality Standards
Table 5.4 Maximum Indicative 24-Hour NO2 Background Concentrations Estimated from Weekly Diffusion Tube Results
Monitoring AQM1a (2) AQM2 (2) AQM3 (2) AQM4a (2) AQM5 (2) AQM6 (2)
Date on Date off Season
NO2 µg/m3
Week 1 10/08/17 17/08/17 Inter-monsoon 7.08 10.1 7.46 7.41 9.62 5.92
Week 2 17/08/17 24/08/17 Inter-monsoon 7.66 7.79 6.83 6.53 8.3 4.97
Week 3 28/08/17 04/09/17 Inter-monsoon 7.41 9.48 7.50 7.06 10.1 5.66
Week 4 04/09/17 11/09/17 Inter-monsoon 8.46 9.17 8.44 9.07 10.4 7.08
Week 5 11/09/17 18/09/17 Inter-monsoon 8.74 9.3 9.5 9.5 11.1 7.43
Week 6 18/09/17 25/09/17 Inter-monsoon 9.10 13.5 13.65 10.3 15.3 9.48
Week 7 25/09/17 02/10/17 Monsoon 7.52 11.3 9.7 10.8 11.6 6.10
Week 8 02/10/17 09/10/17 Monsoon 10.6 8.50 9.21 13.4 15.9 10.2
Week 9 09/10/17 16/10/17 Monsoon 9.61 8.25 9.81 13.0 20.7 8.50
Week 10 16/10/17 23/10/17 Monsoon 4.21 4.66 3.99 4.15 6.34 2.53
Week 11 23/11/17 30/11/17 Monsoon 3.28 4.35 5.77 3.44 7.34 2.97
Week 12 30/11/17 06/11/17 Monsoon 3.90 3.48 5.08 3.57 6.43 2.68
Maximum Concentration (2) 10.6 13.5 13.7 13.4 20.7 10.2
Annual Air Quality Standard (3) 150
Monitoring AQM1a (2) AQM2 (2) AQM3 (2) AQM4a (2) AQM5 (2) AQM6 (2)
Date on Date off Season
NO2 µg/m3
(1) The 24-hour average concentrations have been derived by multiplying the concentrations in Table 5.3 by a factor of 0.59
(2) The indicative maximum 24 hour average concentration at each monitoring site
(3) Indonesia (PP41/1999) Ambient Air Quality Standards
Aeroqual AQS Urban Air Quality Monitor (AQS-1)
The indicative annual mean baseline concentration is below the relevant air
quality standard for the protection of human health at both monitoring
locations. The highest indicative annual average is 24.1µg/m3 at AQM1b,
24% of the relevant air quality standard.
The results from the survey indicate that the ambient NO2 concentrations at
both sites are below the relevant air quality standards when considering the
highest 1-hour and 24-hour period. Furthermore, although not directly
comparable, the 28 day average is below the long term air quality standard.
The receiving airshed can therefore be classified as non-degraded for the
purpose of this air quality impact assessment.
The O3 data will not be used for comparison to the air quality standards,
rather it has been used to determine the NOx to NO2 conversion of modelled
NO2 predictions in Section 6.4 and Section 6.5.
Table 5.6 AQS1 - O3 Monitoring Summary
Monitoring Site Maximum 1-hour (1) Maximum 24-hour (1) 28 day Average (1) (2)
O3 µg/m3
AQM1b 146 52.2 34.6
AQM4b 141 49.1 31.9
(1) Data has been used to determine NOx to NO2 conversion rates in Section 6.4 and Section
(2) Indicative of long term average and compared to annual average air quality standard
wind speed;
wind direction;
relative humidity;
temperature; and
cloud cover.
There are no meteorological stations in the vicinity of the Project that capture
all these parameters or have sufficient data availability. Therefore five years of
meteorological data (2013 - 2017) were modelled using the Weather Research
and Forecasting Model (WRF) centred on the CCGT power plant location. The
WRF model is a next-generation mesoscale numerical weather prediction
system designed for both atmospheric research and operational forecasting
needs. The model is extensively validated using actual observations to ensure
the best possible accuracy and precision. The wind rose generated using the
AERMOD meteorological pre-processor AERMET is presented in Figure 5.13.
Figure 5.13 Wind Rose (2013 – 2017)
The main sources of emissions associated with the proposed Project which
require further more detailed assessment have been identified as follows:
Offsite construction traffic: The use of vehicle on the public road network
during the construction phase resulting in elevated concentrations of NO2
and PM10;
6.2.1 Overview
The following section qualitatively addresses the potential impacts on human
health and ecology as well as potential nuisance concerns from dust emissions
associated with construction phase activities. Where activities are considered
likely to result in generation of dust with potential to impact ambient air
quality and/or local amenities and quality of life, mitigation has been
identified so that those impacts are reduced to an acceptable level. For the
purpose of the impact assessment, the construction phase activities have been
grouped into three categories including earthworks, construction and
The Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (1) provide guidance for
defining the significance arising from construction sites based on the
magnitude of the change and the sensitivity of the receptors identified. The
IAQM guidance has been used as the main reference document for
undertaking this qualitative impact assessment.
The IAQM define the risk of dust emissions using a number of variables
including, but not limited to the activities being undertaken, the duration of
activities, the size of the site and the meteorological conditions. The criteria for
estimating the magnitude of dust impacts as per the IAQM guidance note is
presented in Table 6.1. The guidance further provides screening criteria of
350m and 50m from the construction site and access road respectively beyond
which impacts are not considered likely. The premise of the guidance is that
with the implementation of effective site specific mitigation measures, the
environmental effect will not be significant in most cases. However, as the
guidance is primarily developed for use in the UK, consideration is given to
its applicability in Indonesia due to the dissimilar climate and differing
construction working practices. On this basis, further evidence has been
explored such as that specified by the USEPA (2) (3) which states that:
“The potential drift distance of particles is governed by the initial injection height of
the particle, the terminal settling velocity of the particle, and the degree of atmospheric
turbulence. Theoretical drift distance, as a function of particle diameter and mean
wind speed, has been computed for fugitive dust emissions. Results indicate that, for a
typical mean wind speed of 16 km/hr (10 mph), particles larger than about 100 μm are
likely to settle out within 6 to 9 meters (20 to 30 feet [ft]) from the edge of the road or
other point of emission. Particles that are 30 to 100 μm in diameter are likely to
(1) Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2014) Guidance on the Assessment of Dust
from Demolition and Construction [Online] Available at: http://iaqm.co.uk/guidance/
[Accessed 05 February 2018]
(2) United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (1995) AP-42 Section 13.2 Fugitive
Dust Sources [Online] Available at: https://www3.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch13/ [Accessed 05
February 2018]
(3) United States Environmental Protection Agency (1995) AP-42 Section 13.2 Fugitive Dust
Sources [Online] Available at: https://www3.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch13/ [Accessed 05
February 2018]
undergo impeded settling. These particles, depending upon the extent of atmospheric
turbulence, are likely to settle within a few hundred feet from the road. Smaller
particles, particularly PM-15, PM-10, and PM-2.5, have much slower gravitational
settling velocities and are much more likely to have their settling rate retarded by
atmospheric turbulence.”
“Entrainment of dust particles by the action of turbulent air currents, such as wind
erosion, are likely to occur from open exposed surfaces (such as stripped ground and
stock piles) at wind speeds greater than 19 kilometers per hour( 5.3 m/s).”
“All roads are subject to some natural mitigation because of rainfall and other
precipitation and emission factors can be extrapolated to annual average uncontrolled
conditions (but including natural mitigation) under the simplifying assumption that
annual average emissions are inversely proportional to the number of days with
measurable (more than 0.254 mm [0.01 inch]) precipitation.”
On this basis, the potential impacts on air quality from activities including
earthworks, construction and trackout have therefore been considered at a
conservative distance of 500m from the project components including the
CCGT power plant site and onshore pipeline right of way (RWO).
The potential impact significance from the different project components and
activities and the specific mitigation measures which are required have been
considered. The construction of the FSRU and Jetty have been screened out on
the basis that no dust will be generated in the marine environment and no
sensitive receptors exist within 500m. Where necessary professional
judgement has been used to estimate the impact magnitude from the different
project components and activities.
Table 6.1 Dust Emission Magnitude (IAQM)
6.2.3 Construction Phase Impacts (pre mitigation)
The proposed onshore pipelines will include three (3) main pipelines i.e. the
seawater supply pipe, the waste water discharge pipe and the 20-inch gas
supply pipeline. The total length of pipeline will be approximately 7.6km from
the landfall point to the CCGT power plant. The right of way (ROW) for
pipeline installation will be cleared and will be graded to same level using
bulldozers and/or excavators. All roots and stumps shall be removed by
grubbing, digging or such other means. All unwanted stumps, roots and other
vegetation shall be disposed outside the boundaries of worksite. Prior to
excavating in work area, all topsoil shall be stripped, stored and topsoil which
is deemed to be unsuitable shall be disposed of offsite. The exact amount of
material moved or number of vehicles operating at once during the onshore
pipeline installation is not known. As a conservative assumption the impact
magnitude from the installation of the onshore pipeline is considered medium
(see Table 6.1). On the basis that all residential properties within 500m of the
onshore pipeline ROW site are considered medium sensitivity (see Section 4.2
and Figure 5.1)), the impact significance from earthwork activities at the
power plant can be considered moderate adverse prior to site specific
mitigation being implemented.
This impact assessment associated with the earthworks within the proposed
Cibatu substation site assumes that the total volume of soil for site elevation
will be 125,000 m3 with additional construction material with low potential for
dust release (e.g. metal cladding or timber). Given the volume of soil handling
the impact magnitude is considered large (see Table 6.1). On the basis that the
majority of residential properties are located > 500m of the substation location
are not considered, however due to the existence of rice paddy in these area
the sensitivity is considered low. The impact significance from the
construction of the substations can therefore be considered moderate prior to
site specific mitigation being implemented.
The actual land area required for each transmission line tower will depend on
the nature of the tower and will range from 784m2 to 1,7642m2. The IAQM
consider the dust impact magnitude to be small for a site less than 2,500m2
(see Table 6.1). Given the location of the tower footing locations, the majority
of residential properties are > 500m and so are not considered, however due to
the existence of rice paddy in these area the sensitivity is considered low. The
impact significance from earthwork activities for the installation of the
transmission lines can be considered negligible prior to site specific mitigation
being implemented.
The power plant complex will consist of five main buildings supported by
other infrastructure. The main buildings include the Onshore Receiving
Facilities (ORF), two turbine buildings, Heat Recovery Steam Generator
(HRSG), Control and Electrical building (CEB), Cooling Towers,
administration building and a workshop/warehouse building. The Project
estimates that 57,000m3 of construction materials will be required and as such
is considered to have a medium impact magnitude (see Table 6.1). On the
basis that all residential properties within 500m of the power plant site are
considered medium sensitivity (see Section 4.2 and Figure 5.1), the impact
significance from construction activities at the power plant can be considered
moderate adverse prior to site specific mitigation being implemented.
There are no construction activities per se associated with the installation of the
onshore pipeline. Pipelines from the laydown area will be transported using
trailer trucks to pipeline ROW. Dust impacts from the construction of the
pipeline are considered negligible and have not been considered further.
This impact assessment of the proposed Cibatu substation assumes that the
total building volume will be <25,000 m3 and construction material with low
potential for dust release (e.g. metal cladding or timber). On this basis the
impact magnitude is considered small (see Table 6.1). The residential
properties are > 500m and so are not considered, however due to the existence
of rice paddy in these area the sensitivity is considered low. The impact
significance from the construction of the substations can be considered
negligible prior to site specific mitigation being implemented.
The transmission line tower foundations will be made of iron framework
casted with casted concrete consist of sand, coral and cement. The project
predicts that ± 14,150 cement sacks, ± 1,179m3 sand and ± 1,769m3 gravels will
be required for the construction. Approximately ± 2,463 tons of steel material
will be required to construct the towers. Given the quantity and type of
materials, the impact magnitude from the construction of the transmission
lines is considered small (see Table 6.1). Based on the proposed locations of
the 118 towers, residential properties are > 500m and so are not considered,
however due to the existence of rice paddy in these area the sensitivity is
considered low. The impact significance from earthwork activities for the
installation of the transmission lines can therefore be considered negligible
prior to site specific mitigation being implemented.
Factors which determine the dust emission magnitude are vehicle size, vehicle
speed, vehicle numbers, geology and duration.
For the Cibatu substation site, approximately 15,000 truck trips are required
for the site levelling, equating to 120 truck trips/day. With a medium
sensitivity for residential properties within 50m of the substation and site
access road, large impact magnitude for the numbers of truck trips/day
(>50/day) (see Table 6.1), the impact significance from trackout can be
considered major adverse for the Cibatu substation.
Construction of the transmission towers will require a total of approximately
1,000 trips per year to transport materials such as steel piece, cement, sand and
gravel. The movements will be coordinated from a deposition camp that is yet
to be selected but will be local to the tower installation sites, relocating along
the transmission line route as required. The individual transportation
activities will therefore be localised to each tower location with small numbers
of trucks required to transport the materials to the nearest access road for
hand carry to each installation site. The impact magnitude from this Project
infrastructure is therefore considered small. On the basis that any residential
properties within 50m of the roads and up to 500m from the site entrance used
to access the pipeline ROW and transmission line towers are considered
medium sensitivity the impact significance from trackout can be considered
minor adverse prior to site specific mitigation being implemented.
Summary of Impacts
Table 6.3 Proposed Mitigation Measures
Project Component Activity Mitigation
1. Re-vegetate earthworks and exposed areas including stockpiles to stabilise the surfaces as soon as is
2. Use hessian, mulches or trackifiers where it is not possible to re-vegetate or cover with topsoil, as soon as
Earthworks practicable.
3. Only remove the top cover in small and specific areas during the construction phase and not all at once.
Onshore Pipeline 4. Stockpiles will be places as far as reasonably practicable from air sensitive receptor locations.
5. The design of stockpiles will be optimised to retain a low profile with no sharp changes in shape.
1. Ensure that all vehicles entering and leaving the site are covered to avoid fugitive emissions during
2. Implement a wheel washing system.
3. Regularly dampen/clean the site access and local roads to remove any materials tracked out of the site.
6.2.5 Residual Impacts (post mitigation)
6.3.1 Overview
(1) Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (2007) Volume 11, Section 3, Part 1 Air Quality
[Online] Available at:
[Accessed 06 February 2018]
For distances (d) of 168m – 200m:
To calculate the PC for both PM10 and NOx, the equation for expressing
pollutant emission rates as a function of average vehicle speed takes the
standard form where E is the emission rate expressed in g/km; v is the
average speed of the vehicle in km/hr; and a to j and x are coefficients.
The DMRB methodology has been used to determine the PC of NOx/NO2 and
PM10 at 5m, 20m, 50m, 100m and 200m from the road side to determine the
potential magnitude of the impact at air sensitive receptors located along
access roads used by construction traffic during the construction phase.
Given that the exact number of vehicle movements on any given road during
the construction period are not precisely known, a conservative value of 1,000
and 10,000 additional heavy good vehicle (HGV) movements per day has been
used to understand the likely impacts on ambient air quality. The results from
the screening assessment are presented below in Table 6.5 and Table 6.6.
These results are comparable to the annual mean AQS as presented in Table
2.1. To compare against the short term AQS, the process contributions have
conservatively been multiplied by a factor of two as per the DEFRA) (1)
recommendation. The results indicate that the concentration of NO2 and PM10
is well below the relevant air quality standard at all distances from the road
when considering the most conservative value of 10,000 HGV movements per
(1) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) (2016) Air emissions risk
assessment for your environmental permit [Online] Available from:
[Accessed 14 December 2017]
Table 6.4 Emission Function Coefficients for Total Oxides of Nitrogen and Particulate Matter
Table 6.5 Process Contribution from Construction Traffic Vehicle Exhausts (1000 AADT)
Table 6.6 Process Contribution from Construction Traffic Vehicle Exhausts (10,000 AADT)
6.3.4 Recommended Mitigation, Management and / or Monitoring Measures
The impacts to air quality from exhaust emissions due to offsite traffic during
the construction phase of the Project are expected to be well below the
relevant air quality standards at all distances from the road. The significance
of the impact is considered minor adverse at worst when considering the
overly conservative assumption that an additional 10,000 HGV movements
per day will be generated by the Project. In practice this amount of HGVs is
not likely and the impact to air quality is expected to be negligible.
6.4.1 Overview
As identified in Section 3.9, the combustion of natural gas has the potential to
impact air quality at sensitive receptors across a wide area depending on
operating conditions and meteorological conditions. Potential impacts to air
quality from the CCGT power plant were quantified using detailed dispersion
The dispersion model used in the assessment was the USEPA AERMOD
dispersion model version 16216r. AERMOD is a state of the art detailed
dispersion model that can be used to represent complex multiple emission
sources and predict air quality at receptor locations taking into account
meteorology. The model is widely recognised for use in this type of
application, including by the IFC, US EPA, UK Environment Agency and state
based EPA’s throughout Australia.
(1) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines, General EHS Guidelines:
Environmental Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality [Online] Available at:
standards/ehs-guidelines [Accessed 06 February 2018]
Detailed dispersion modelling was used to predict concentrations of emitted
substances at ground level locations outside the Project site boundary. Five (5)
years of hourly sequential meteorological data was used so that inter annual
variability was incorporated into the model.
Table 6.7 Detailed Modelling Methodology
Furthermore, specific receptor points were included in the model to reflect the locations of representative air sensitive
receivers (refer to Figure 5.2).
Modelling Component Method/Approach
The meteorological data used in the model must be reflective of the local conditions. There is very little meteorological data
Meteorological Data available for Indonesia therefore five (5) years of meteorological data was modelled using the Weather Research and
Forecasting Model (WRF) using a 4km x 4km resolution (see Section 5.4).
The USEPA’s Ozone Limiting Method (OLM) was used to convert the modelled NOx concentrations to NO2 for comparison
to the air quality standards. (3) (5)
The approach to estimate ground level concentrations of NO2 was therefore undertaken as follows:
a) NOx ground level concentrations were modelled using AERMOD at 2925 receptor points in the study area.
b) 10% of the modelled NOx concentration at each receptor point was assumed to be emitted as NO2, and the
remaining NOx (90%) was assumed to be NO available for reaction with ozone.
Conversion of NOx to NO2 c) At each receptor point a comparison was made to the ambient ozone concentration and the remaining NO
concentration discussed in item (b). If the ambient ozone concentration was greater than the remaining NO, all of
the available NO was converted to NO2 i.e. 100% NOX to NO2 conversion. If the ambient ozone concentration was
less that the remaining NO, the amount of NO converted was considered equal to the available ozone such that
NO2 = (0.1x (NOx) + ozone.
d) The results were then added to the existing NO2 baseline to determine the predicted environmental concentration
(PEC) at each receptor point on the grid.
The assessment incorporated the use of the maximum 1-hour, 24-hour and annual background concentrations of NO2 and
O3 from the baseline assessment presented in Section 5.3 and is considered a worst case approach.
When air flow passes over buildings, a phenomenon known as building downwash occurs where the air is entrained in
the lee of the building and drawn down to ground level. This effect can bring the plume from the stack down to ground
level quicker than would otherwise be the case, and therefore increase the ground level concentration relative to a case
where there are no buildings.
The USEPA (6) suggest that emissions from stacks greater than 2.5 times the height of the highest nearby structure would
Buildings escape building influences on dispersion. On this basis only nearby buildings which are higher than 24m require
consideration in the assessment.
The buildings included in the dispersion model included the gas and steam turbine halls (H = 25m); the heat recovery
steam generator (HRSG) buildings (H = 45m); and the main electrical building (H = 20m). The representation of the
buildings within AERMOD can be seen in Figure 6.1 and were modelled to account for building downwash.
The land use and terrain around the Project will affect dispersion. Airflow over the ground is disturbed by protuberances
Land Use
into the air, for example buildings, trees and vegetation. The surface roughness length is a representation of the disruption
Modelling Component Method/Approach
of airflow close to the ground due to these obstructions. In this case, the land use type in the study area is primarily
cultivated land. The AERMOD pre-processor AERSURFACE was used to define the land use characteristics around the
project site.
Hills, mountains and valleys can affect dispersion by directing the plume. The terrain pre-processor AERMAP using the
Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) 90 x 90m imagery was run to provide information on the a) base elevation of
each receptor and source defined in the model; and b) the terrain height that has the greatest influence on dispersion for
each individual receptor, otherwise known as the hill height scale. Both the base elevation and hill height scale were
incorporated into AERMOD. The terrain throughout the study area is generally flat (simple terrain) therefore it is unlikely
that terrain has much effect on the meteorology conditions within the study area.
(1) New Zealand Ministry for the Environment (2004) Good Practice Guide for Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling [Online] Available at:
http://www.mfe.govt.nz/sites/default/files/atmospheric-dispersion-modelling-jun04.pdf [Accessed 06 February 2018];
(2) Alberta Government (2013) Air Quality Model Guideline [Online] Available at: http://aep.alberta.ca/air/air-quality-
modelling/documents/AirQualityModelGuideline-Oct1-2013.pdf [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(3) New South Wales Environment Protection Agency (EPA) (2005) Approved Methods for the Modelling and Assessment of Air Pollutants in New South
Wales [Online] Available at: http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/air/ammodelling05361.pdf [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(4) International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2007) Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 06 February 2018]
(5) United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (2015) Technical Support Document (TSD) for NO2 Related AERMOD Modifications [Online]
Available at: https://www3.epa.gov/scram001/11thmodconf/AERMOD_NO2_changes_TSD.pdf [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(6) United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (1985) Guideline for Determination of Good Engineering Practice Stack Height (Technical
Support Document for the Stack Height Regulations) [Online] Available at: https://www3.epa.gov/scram001/guidance/guide/gep.pdf [Accessed 06
February 2018]
Figure 6.1 Building Representation in AERMOD
Table 6.8 Emission Inventory for CCGT Power Plant
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 24-hour Average
o The modelling results presented in Table 6.11 indicate that the adverse
impacts to air quality from the Project are expected to be Negligible
throughout the entire study area.
o The modelling results presented in Table 6.12 indicate that the adverse
impacts to air quality from the Project are expected to be Negligible
throughout the entire study area.
o The modelling results presented in Table 6.13 indicate that the adverse
impacts to air quality from the Project are expected to be Negligible
throughout the entire study area.
o The modelling results presented in Table 6.14 indicate that the adverse
impacts to air quality from the Project are expected to be Minor at worst
in a small area approximately 500m south west of the site boundary. It is
noted that in the coastal areas where protected mangrove have been
identified the impacts to air quality are Negligible (see Figure 6.4).
Table 6.9 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 1-Hour Average – 99.9 Percentile (Human Health)
Table 6.10 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 24-Hour Average – 100 Percentile (Human Health)
Table 6.11 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Annual Average (Human Health)
Table 6.12 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 1-Hour Average – 99.9 Percentile (Human Health)
Table 6.13 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 24-Hour Average – 100 Percentile (Human Health)
Table 6.14 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) – Maximum Annual Average (Ecology)
Airshed Impact
Receptor Baseline(µg/m3) AQS (1) (µg/m3) PC(2) (µg/m3) PC / AQS (%) PEC(3) (µg/m3) PEC/AQS (%)
classification Significance
Maximum (4) n/a ND (6) 30 9.14 31% 9.1 31 Minor
(1) WHO/EU Critical Level for the Protection of Vegetation
(2) Process Contribution
(3) Predicted Environmental Contribution
(4) The maximum ground level concentration found anywhere on the grid
(5) NOx baseline not available
(6) Assumed non-degraded (Baseline < AQS)
Figure 6.2 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 1-Hour Average – 99.9 Percentile (Human Health)
Figure 6.3 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 24-Hour Average – 100th Percentile (Human Health)
Figure 6.4 Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) Maximum Annual Average (Ecology)
The findings indicate that minor adverse impacts to air quality are expected at
worst due to the continuous and normal operation of the CCGT power plant
operating at the maximum allowable NOx emission limit concentration of
51mg/Nm3. Impacts to air quality from CO emissions are considered
negligible. In practice the plant is not expected to operate at the emission limit
on a continuous basis and the subsequent impacts to air quality when
operating at decreased loads will be reduced further. On this basis no
additional mitigation is suggested, however the following good practice
monitoring measures are advised:
6.5.1 Overview
The modelling scenarios and methodology is presented in Table 6.15 and the
engine locations and emission inventory is presented in Table 6.16 and Table
6.17 respectively.
Table 6.15 Detailed Modelling Methodology
The power plant will typically use power from the main grid for black start and in an emergency condition. The diesel
engine generators are therefore only required when the main electrical grid is down and unable to provide power to the
power plant. It is considered extremely unlikely that the requirement to use the generators will coincide with main grid
failure. As a conservative assumption, however, it is expected that a black-start may occur once in any given year and take
fifty minutes, and an emergency condition would occur six times in any given year for two hours. The assessment scenarios
on this basis are as follows:
Scenario 1 (Black start): The likely impacts on air quality from all twelve diesel engine-generator sets running at full
Assessment Scenario(s) power. The scenario assumes that a black-start will take 50 minutes. To account for this, the 1-hour average modelling
results were reduced by 1/6th and compared to the relevant 1-hour air quality standard.
Scenario 2 (Emergency): The likely impact on air quality from one of the twelve diesel engine-generator sets (Generator
No. 1) running at full power. The assessment assumes that the engine-generator may operate for two hours, six times a
year as a worst case and the results compared to the relevant 1-hour air quality standard.
The air quality standards do not specify any allowable exceedances of the stated standard in any given period of time,
therefore the short term 1-hour impacts from the project were based on the highest 99.9th percentile ground level
concentration from any of the five meteorological years used respectively.
The predicted hourly ground level concentrations can be high due to extreme, rare and transient meteorological conditions.
Use of the 99.9th percentile for For example, the absolute worst hour may have a concentration twice that of the second-worst hour, and 10 times that of
1-hour average ground level the ninth-highest hour, however the ninth-highest hour may only be fractionally above the tenth-highest hour. For this
concentrations reason, it is suggested that the highest values are considered outliers and the 99.9 percentile (9th highest hour) is used and
the highest 8 predicted 1-hour average concentrations disregarded to remove model uncertainty. (1)(2)(3)
The representation of emission sources in AERMOD was based on the nature of the source being considered. As discussed,
Defining Sources the substances of interest are from the combustion of diesel oil resulting in emissions to the atmosphere through a number
of stationary stacks. The sources were therefore modelled as point sources.
Stack parameters and emission rates for both modelling scenarios were defined for each substance with the potential to
have adverse impacts on air quality while the generators are operational. The emission inventory for the project is
Defining Emissions
presented in Table 6.17 and is based on the diesel engine-generator information provided by engine manufacturer MTU for
engine type 20V4000G23 6ETC.
The dispersion model uses a nested grid extending up to 10 km from the stack locations to determine the maximum process
Receptor Grid
contribution in the study area and the process contribution arising at representative air sensitive receivers and in each air
Modelling Component Method/Approach
sensitive receiver classification. The receptor spacing varies with distance from the point source locations in order to
provide sufficiently dense receptors close to the site, and suitable spatial coverage further afield. The spacing of receptors is
as follows:
Furthermore, specific receptor points were included in the model to reflect the locations of representative air sensitive
receivers (refer to Figure 5.2).
The meteorological data used in the model must be reflective of the local conditions. There is very little meteorological data
Meteorological Data available for Indonesia therefore five (5) years of meteorological data was modelled using the Weather Research and
Forecasting Model (WRF) using a 4km x 4km resolution (see Section 5.4).
The USEPA’s Ozone Limiting Method (OLM) was used to convert the modelled NOx concentrations to NO2 for comparison
to the air quality standards. (3) (4)
The approach to estimate ground level concentrations of NO2 was therefore undertaken as follows:
e) NOx ground level concentrations were modelled using AERMOD at 2925 receptor points in the study area.
f) 10% of the modelled NOx concentration at each receptor point was assumed to be emitted as NO2, and the
remaining NOx (90%) was assumed to be NO available for reaction with ozone.
Conversion of NOx to NO2 g) At each receptor point a comparison was made to the ambient ozone concentration and the remaining NO
concentration discussed in item (b). If the ambient ozone concentration was greater than the remaining NO, all of
the available NO was converted to NO2 i.e. 100% NOX to NO2 conversion. If the ambient ozone concentration was
less that the remaining NO, the amount of NO converted was considered equal to the available ozone such that
NO2 = (0.1x (NOx) + ozone.
h) The results were then added to the existing NO2 baseline to determine the predicted environmental concentration
(PEC) at each receptor point on the grid.
The assessment incorporated the use of the maximum 1-hour and 24-hour background concentrations of NO2 and O3 from
the baseline assessment presented in Section 5.3 and is considered a worst case approach.
Buildings No building information was included in the dispersion model.
Modelling Component Method/Approach
The land use and terrain around the Project will affect dispersion. Airflow over the ground is disturbed by protuberances
into the air, for example buildings, trees and vegetation. The surface roughness length is a representation of the disruption
Land Use of airflow close to the ground due to these obstructions. In this case, the land use type in the study area is primarily
cultivated land. The AERMOD pre-processor AERSURFACE was used to define the land use characteristics around the
project site.
Hills, mountains and valleys can affect dispersion by directing the plume. The terrain pre-processor AERMAP using the
Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) 90 x 90m imagery was run to provide information on the a) base elevation of
each receptor and source defined in the model; and b) the terrain height that has the greatest influence on dispersion for
each individual receptor, otherwise known as the hill height scale. Both the base elevation and hill height scale were
incorporated into AERMOD. The terrain throughout the study area is generally flat (simple terrain) therefore it is unlikely
that terrain has much effect on the meteorology conditions within the study area.
(1) New Zealand Ministry for the Environment (2004) Good Practice Guide for Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling [Online] Available at:
http://www.mfe.govt.nz/sites/default/files/atmospheric-dispersion-modelling-jun04.pdf [Accessed 06 February 2018];
(2) Alberta Government (2013) Air Quality Model Guideline [Online] Available at: http://aep.alberta.ca/air/air-quality-
modelling/documents/AirQualityModelGuideline-Oct1-2013.pdf [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(3) New South Wales Environment Protection Agency (EPA) (2005) Approved Methods for the Modelling and Assessment of Air Pollutants in New South
Wales [Online] Available at: http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/air/ammodelling05361.pdf [Accessed 06 February 2018]
(4) United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (2015) Technical Support Document (TSD) for NO2 Related AERMOD Modifications [Online]
Available at: https://www3.epa.gov/scram001/11thmodconf/AERMOD_NO2_changes_TSD.pdf [Accessed 06 February 2018]
Table 6.16 Generator Locations
Table 6.17 Emission Inventory for Black Start and Emergency Generators
6.5.3 Scenario 1: Impacts to Air Quality (pre-mitigation)
The significance of the modelled impacts on ambient air quality are as follows:
Table 6.18 Scenario 1: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 1-Hour Average – 99.9 Percentile (All Engine-Generators at 100% Load for 50-minutes)
Table 6.19 Scenario 1: Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 1-Hour Average - 99.9 Percentile (All Engine-Generators at 100% Load for 50-minutes)
Baseline AQS(1) Airshed
Site PC(2)(3) (µg/m3) PC/AQS (%) PEC(4) (µg/m3) PEC/AQS (%) Impact Significance
(µg/m3) (µg/m3) classification
(1) Air Quality Standard (Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 (1999))
(2) Process Contribution
(3) The modelled 1-hour process contribution at each receptor point was reduced by 1/6th to account for the diesel engine generators operating for 50-
minutes during black start
(4) Predicted Environmental Contribution
(5) The maximum ground level concentration outside of the Power Plant site boundary
(6) Background SO2 concentrations were not quantified for the purpose of this ‘abnormal’ assessment scenario
(7) Assumed non-degraded (Baseline < AQS)
Figure 6.5 Scenario 1: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 1-Hour Average – 99.9 Percentile (All
Engine-Generators at 100% Load for 50 minutes)
The findings indicate that moderate adverse impacts to air quality from NOx
emissions are expected at worst due to operation of twelve diesel engine
generators at full load for 50 minutes. Impacts to air quality from SO2 emissions
are considered negligible. No assessment of PM has been undertaken as no 1-
hour air quality standard exists in Indonesia.
Given that the impacts to air quality are moderate, it is suggested that the
following mitigation and management measures are implemented to reduce the
likelihood of unacceptable impacts on air quality during a black start:
Diesel fuel with a maximum sulphur content of 0.5% will be used at all
The significance of the modelled impacts on ambient air quality are as follows:
Table 6.20 Scenario 2: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 1-Hour Average – 99.9 Percentile (Generators 1 Only at 100% Load)
Table 6.21 Scenario 2: Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 1-Hour Average - 99.9 Percentile (Generators 1 Only at 100% Load)
6.5.7 Scenario 2: Recommended Mitigation, Management and / or Monitoring
The findings from the air quality impact assessment indicate that minor
adverse impacts to air quality are expected at worst due to the operation of
one diesel fired engine-generator operating at full load during black outs
and/or when emergency power is required for the safe shutdown of the
power plant in the event of loss of main supply. On this basis no additional
mitigation is required.
The residual impacts are likely to be Minor adverse at worst throughout the
study area during black outs and/or when emergency power is required for
the safe shutdown of the power plant in the event of loss of main supply.
6.6.1 Overview
As identified in Section 3.11, the cooling tower systems have the potential to
increase salt deposition on the surrounding area and have adverse impacts on
agriculture. The potential impacts from the cooling towers were quantified
using detailed dispersion modelling and presented in the following section.
The USEPA AERMOD dispersion model version 16216r was used to predict the
maximum deposition rates of NaCl averaged over a one month period in the
study area. The same meteorological data set, receptor grid spacing, land use
and terrain as that presented in Section 6.4 and Section 6.5 was used for the
assessment. Five (5) years of hourly sequential meteorological data was used so
that inter annual variability was incorporated into the model and the highest
one month average of any of the five meteorological years was used to define
the impact significance as a worst case.
The amount of total particulate matter (TPM) released to the atmosphere was
calculated using the following formula (1):
TPM [g/h] = Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) [ppmw] x Drift Loss [%] / 100%
x Circulating Water Rate [m3/hr]
(1) Government of Canada (2015) Wet cooling tower particulate matter emission: guide to
reporting [Online] Available at: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-
emissions/wet-cooling-tower-particulate-guide.html [Accessed 07 March 2018]
The location of each cooling tower fan is presented in Table 6.22. Each fan was
treated as a point source and modelled using the information presented in
Table 6.23.
Item Data Unit
200127 mg/min
3.34 g/s
0.208 g/s/PM10/cell
Operating hours 8760 hours
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Particle Density 2.165 g/cm3
(1) 1 cubic meter / hour = 16.7lpm
Salt water bodies are the dominant global source of airborne salt particles. The
coastal location of the Project would suggest that the existing vegetation is
already exposed to salt deposition from the natural injection of sea water
droplets into the atmosphere. Research indicates that global sea salt deposition
rates can reach 400-600kg/ha/a (refer to Figure 6.6 (1)) however these extreme
values are primarily found in the northern and southern most oceans. Total
deposition in continental areas has been researched and the evidence suggests
that salt deposition rates at the Project site are likely to be between 20 and
40kg/ha/a. For the purpose of this impact assessment, the median value of
30kg/ha/a has been adopted as a baseline.
Source: Robert Vet et al (2014) A global assessment of precipitation chemistry and deposition of
sulphur, nitrogen, sea salt, base cations, organic acids, acidity and pH, and phosphorus.
Atmospheric Environment. [Online] Available at:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231013008133 [Accessed 7 March
(1) Robert Vet et al (2014) A global assessment of precipitation chemistry and deposition of
sulphur, nitrogen, sea salt, base cations, organic acids, acidity and pH, and phosphorus.
Atmospheric Environment. [Online] Available at:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231013008133 [Accessed 7 March 2018]
The modelling results based on the impact assessment criteria detailed in
Section 4, the emissions inventory detailed in Table 6.23 and the threshold
value presented in Table 2.3 is presented below in Figure 6.7.
Figure 6.7 Predicted Salt Deposition Rates from Cooling Towers - Significance of
Impact on Crops
The impacted area as outlined indicates that salt deposition rates will exceed
the threshold value of 10kg/ha/mo up to 380 metres outside of the Project
boundary. This area contains the Project area, agricultural and urban
Impacts may cause reductions in agricultural yield through leaf damage (leaf
necrosis) and damage to infrastructure due to salt corrosion. This however
depends on the frequency of rainfall that would wash salt deposits off foliage.
It is anticipated that daily rainfall during the wet season (November to March)
will reduce salt deposition on foliage, reducing opportunities for leaf damage.
Extended periods of dry weather however may see an accumulation of salts
on foliage, particularly during the dry season (April to October).
damage. Impacts may also occur to plant and equipment within the Project
area from salt corrosion.
Salt tolerant vegetation should also be planted within the Project area and
within 500m of the Project.
Cumulative impacts are those impacts that act together with other impacts
(including those from concurrent or planned future third party activities) to
affect the same resources and/or receptors as the proposed Project.
Cumulative impacts are therefore generally impacts that act with others in
such a way that the sum is greater than the parts. This is, however, not always
the case – sometimes they will simply be the sum of the parts, but that sum
becomes significant.
This chapter considers the cumulative impacts that would result from the
combination of the Project and other actual or proposed future developments
in the broader Project Area.
Within the study area it is primarily the operation of a flare at the SKG
Pertamina Gas facility located immediately to the north east of the Project site
that could lead to cumulative impacts on air quality at sensitive receptor
locations. It should be noted, however, that during normal operation the flare
will combust only small quantities of gas to maintain a pilot light and
emissions to air are considered small. Although the flaring rates and periods
of flaring at the facility are not known, it is considered acceptable to assume
that emission form the flare will have been captured within the baseline
assessment presented in Section 5.3 and as such have already been assessed
within this air quality impact assessment.
The proposed Project has the potential to adversely impact on ambient air
quality throughout its lifetime from construction through operation and
decommissioning. This air quality impact assessment identifies those
emissions which are potentially significant and then quantifies the impact so
that suitable mitigation and/or recommendations can be identified where
During the construction phase of the Project, the potential impacts to air
quality are primarily associated with dust and PM10 from earthwork activities,
construction of the Project infrastructure, and trackout of dusty materials onto
the public road network. Without the correct implementation of mitigation,
the significance of the impacts associated with these activities can be major
adverse at sensitive receptor locations within 500m of construction activities.
Emissions from mobile and non-mobile plant as well increased traffic
movements on the public road network have also been considered, however
these are expected to be negligible.
Based on the predicted impacts during the construction phase, site specific
mitigation measures have been identified. These measures are intended to
minimise the potential impacts associated with the construction activities
where necessary. Based on the correct implementation of the mitigation
measures, the residual impacts are expected to be negligible for the majority of
the time. However, because of the environment in which the Project is set, the
potential for significant emissions of dust is acknowledged to be elevated.
Therefore, although the proposed mitigation is designed to reduce dust
emissions as far as possible, it is recognised that in reality this will not
necessarily be feasible all of the time and there may be short term minor
adverse impacts during the construction phase.
The potential impacts to ambient air quality from the CCGT and diesel fired
engine-generators were assessed quantitatively through the use of the
dispersion model AERMOD.
The assessment indicates that during the normal and continuous operation of
the CCGT power plant operating at the IFC NOx emission limit guideline of
51mg/Nm3, impacts to ambient air quality in the study area will be minor
adverse at worst in small areas within approximately 500m of the main stack
locations. The impacts to air quality from CO emissions at a concentration of
50mg/Nm3 was found to be negligible throughout the study area. It is
assumed likely that the plant will not continuously operate at the specified
emission limits and impacts to ambient air quality will be further reduced
during periods of reduced loading. On this basis no additional mitigation
measures have been advised, however stack monitoring should be undertaken
on a continuous basis throughout the operational lifetime of the plant to
ensure that NOx emission concentrations do not exceed 51mg/Nm3 and the
resulting ambient concentrations are maintained within an environmentally
acceptable level.
With regard to the diesel fired engine-generators required for black start and
in case of a station black out and/or emergency power for the safe shutdown
of the power plant, the assessment considers two scenarios including: scenario
a) the operation of twelve engine-generators at full loading for a period of 50
minutes for black start; and scenario b) the use of one engine-generator for
black out and safe shutdown procedures. Both assessment scenarios
considered only the short term impacts as such events are only expected
periodically and for short periods of time.
The assessment indicates that moderate adverse impacts to air quality are
expected during a black start as a result of all twelve engine-generators
operating simultaneously and at full load. The use of one engine-generator at
full and continuous loading for black out and safe shutdown procedures is
expected to have minor adverse impacts on air quality at worst. It is suggested
that all engine-generators should be routinely checked and serviced so that
their operational performance is maintained throughout the operational
lifetime of the Project.
Impacts to vegetation due to increased salt deposition from the cooling towers
is likely to have a major adverse impact up to 380 metres outside of the Project
boundary. Monitoring and mitigation measures including investigation and
support of alternative cropping methods/species; adoption of spray irrigation
methods; and/or compensation for lost agricultural production or impacts on
households are suggested. The assessment concludes that with the adoption of
the recommended mitigation measures the residual impact is likely to be