Erosion Control Procedure
Erosion Control Procedure
Erosion Control Procedure
M DM - Y M I - A L - G L 0 0 X - G - E N - P R O - 0 0 2 3 - 1
Project Organization Stage Location Category Discipline Doc. Type Number Vers.
Design Consultant:
Document Title:
Document No:
MDM - Y M I - A L - G L 0 0 X - G - E N - P RO - 0 0 2 3 - 1
Project Organization Stage Location Category Discipline Doc. Type Number Vers.
Prepared by İ. Görkem GÖKMEN
This Erosion Control Procedure has been developed to minimize erosion and to provide the framework
for works related with the Project activities. YMI will implement this procedure to ensure that sites are
suitable for future use.
YMI will be responsible for the following items, in the scope of this procedure:
- Permanent erosion control, drainage for long term stability against erosion
- Taking the measures to minimize erosion and maximize sediment control during construction
- Maintain stable landforms to reduce erosion and enhance reinstatement
- Reduce adverse impacts on stream water quality, and associated beneficial values, and in-
stream sedimentation
This procedure shall be applied to all construction activities in connection with the Project. All of the
activities conducted will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the procedure
Erosion The wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice, or other
geological agents, including such processes as gravitational creep. Also,
detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice, or
gravityEnvironmental Incident an occurrence or set of circumstances, as a
consequence of which pollution (air, water, noise, and land) or an adverse
environmental impact has occurred, is occurring, or is likely to occur .
Erosion and Sediment Control Any temporary or permanent measures taken to reduce erosion, control
siltation and sedimentation, and ensure that sediment-laden water does not
leave a site.
Right of Way The strip of land above and below the railway; where construction,
maintenance, test, and operation activities occur
MDM Morogoro – Dodoma – Makutupora Design and Build Contract for SGR Line on
an Alignment Parallel to the Existing Line Project
- The IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability, January 2012
- YMI Corporate ISO 14001 EMS
- Environmental and Social Monitoring Procedure
- Waste Management Procedure
- Biodiversity and Ecological Protection Procedure
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
- Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan
- Follow-up actions associated with the implementation of this procedure in his work area.
- Ensure that the actions stated in this procedure are carried out
- Monitor erosion control measures
- Forward the grievance to the relevant department/ parties to take the necessary and timely
actions as required.
The SGR alignment crosses both perennial and seasonal watercourses and spans regions with differing
rainy seasons and mean annual precipitation. Some sections of the existing MGR have experienced
flooding and erosion especially during the rainy season. Other areas include riverbanks like Mkondoa
River at Kilosa and areas between Kilosa and Gulwe. Other sections such as between Mpwapwa and
Makutopora have unstable formations, which makes the soil more susceptible to soil in erosion.
Potential areas for soil erosion along the project area during the construction include hilly areas during
levelling and/or construction of underpass roads along the SGR line connections; borrow pits and quarry
The construction work involves site clearance, excavation, paving and grading activities, all of which
involve disturbance of the land surface, loss of productive soil and loss of vegetation cover along the
road route corridor, at quarry and borrow pit development sites, along detours, and along access roads
to material production and camp sites.
The area of land temporarily occupied for material production (quarry and borrow material), camp
establishment and for access road is also substantial. Rail and road side ditches constructed to divert
surface drainages to adjacent lands are major contributors to soil erosion. Erosion effects can be
enhanced especially at steep slopes due to; cuts in soil and rock, due to embankment construction, due
to borrow pits and quarries especially those located at river banks, excavation of foundations for
structures; bridges and culverts.
At present, erosion effects are minor due to the relatively dense vegetation cover of the project area.
The excavation, paving and grading of surfaces accelerates erosion effects, and exacerbates land
degradation problems in the project areas. Removal of the vegetation cover exposes the soil to erosion
effects. Excess excavated material from the road cutting operation, side tipping of spoils down the slopes
can kill the underlying vegetation and add to erosion and slope instability problems.
Landslides occur as a consequence when specific conditions prevail, notably following high precipitation
and when soil is saturated, landslides can occur. However, such a risk can also occur where there is
low soil moisture content and a lack of precipitation, resulting in unstable soil and landslides. There
occurrence can lead to road repair and reconstruction needs greater than those from other climatic
events. The most likely impacts are expected to be loss of access to site due to damaged roads,
disruption to construction, loss of materials and damage to infrastructure, equipment and buildings.
Landslides will be prevalent in areas like quarries, sand sources and borrow pits. They have a bigger
risk or erosion and landslides due to the piling up of material or loss of material for construction use.
The land acquisition and occupation both for the rail line and for ancillary activities like material site
development, access and detour road construction, locating garages and explosives stores etc. should
be in accordance with the requirements.
Proper mitigation measures should be implemented to minimize the adverse impacts on land resources
and erosion effects. The following measures are recommended to mitigate / manage soil erosion along
the alignment of the proposed SGR and associated facilities:
- Limit and clearly delineate quarry and borrow material production areas;
- Provide energy dissipaters at culvert and drainage outlets, to minimize adverse impacts of soil
- Location of culvert discharges should consider downside land use and properties; and should
avoid settlement sites and crop fields as far as possible;
- Divert and/or extend drainage channel away from property, crop fields and settlement sites;
- Rehabilitation of excavated and paved land surface as soon as possible;
- Removal and cart away of excess material from sensitive sites as soon as possible, and in
parallel with the excavation activities. This is especially crucial while working in the flood plains
and seasonally water inundated wetland area. Dispose the excess soil material at designated
& approved site;
- Improved technical standards of construction like; provision of appropriate drainage, slop
protection measures to control sheet and rill erosion can decrease erosion effects on detour
and access roads used during construction rather than causing major adverse impacts;
- Plantation of grasses at steep slope cut and high embankment fill sites; construction of retaining
structures as deems necessary can assist in reducing the effects of land slide, soil erosion and
gulley formation;
- Stabilizing cut slopes by grassing and seedlings plantation should be done as soon as grading
is completed;
- Do not allow runoff flow on cut slopes and embankment fills; provide lined water ways / ditches
as required, by avoiding scour effects;
- Designing and construction of effective drainage structures such as culverts to reduce the
concentration of water flows, erosion and scouring along or downstream the railway, and at or
downstream of the cross structures with particular attention given to sections or slopes
vulnerable to erosion, siltation or flooding problems.
- Avoiding designing and construction of culverts and side-drains in such a way that they would
release runoff or flood water onto slopes vulnerable to erosion or onto important land uses; for
unavoidable cases, providing erosion/scour protection structures.
- Planting appropriate plant species (grasses, shrubs and/or trees) on erosion-prone slopes such
as cut and fill slopes and other disturbed or exposed surfaces. Plant species that are adaptable
to the agro-ecology of the area and have the abilities to reinforce the soil profile by increasing
its shear resistance are recommended.
- Avoid stockpiling spoils at river banks, streams and groundwater sources and seasonal wetland
- Progressive rehabilitation measures should be implemented, beginning during site preparation.
- Rehabilitation interventions in high priority areas (i.e. areas where there is a low likelihood of
natural revegetation or where areas are prone to erosion from surface runoff) should be
- Following completion of construction activities for a section of the proposed SGR and associate
facilities, rehabilitation and stabilisation of all areas along that section impacted on by
construction should be undertaken with no significant erosion events.
- Rehabilitation effort for each section of the proposed SGR should be monitored at a frequency
necessary to maximise rehabilitation success.
- A Method Statement should be compiled for quarries and borrow pits that (amongst others)
During the construction phase, inspections will be carried out to identify areas where erosion is occurring
as a result of construction activities. Such monitoring will be carried out on a daily basis during the rain
seasons and on a periodically scheduled basis during the dry seasons.
• Should erosion events be identified, appropriate remedial action, including the restoration of the
eroded areas, and where necessary, the relocation of the paths causing the erosion, should be
• Additional measures will be implemented in areas identified as having a high erosion potential.
• Topsoil shall be stockpiled separate from subsoil. Stockpiles shall not exceed 2 m height, shall
be located away from drainage lines, shall be protected from rain and wind erosion, and shall
not be contaminated.
• Measures that should be applied to mitigate against the impact of surface water flow and quality
resulting from the SGR include those listed for soil erosion as defined in ESIA
• Position Construction Camps, laydown areas and access roads as far as possible from local
streams and rivers (e.g. > 60 m away from water courses and on local high points, to minimise
the risk of affecting surface water quality through the generation of silt (e.g.: by erosion) or
waste (e.g.: from ablution facilities, refuelling of vehicles etc.).
• Should new crossings have to be established these should be designed and constructed to
international standards to minimise the risk of erosion, such as making use of gabions,
fascines, concrete blocks with openings, and soil retention baskets.
• Soil stockpiles should be in areas that are protected from construction activities and vehicle
movement, human and livestock trampling etc.
• Soil stockpiles should be periodically dampened with dust suppressant or equivalent when
necessary to avoid wind erosion.
• Soil stockpile areas should be re-vegetated as soon as possible after use.
• Surface water diversions should be installed around stockpiles so as to reduce risk of erosion
during storm events.
• Berms on the downslope side of stockpiles should be created to minimize soil loss or spread.
• Minimise duration of topsoil stockpiles through implementing ongoing rehabilitation of works
areas on completion of construction in each work area.
• Topsoil stockpiles should not be left for more than 6 months after which they will need upgrading.
• Land clearance should only be undertaken immediately prior to construction activities taking
place there.
• Unnecessary land clearance should be avoided.
• Temporary access tracks should be aligned along contours to avoid cutting straight down steep
• Contour temporary access roads / laydown areas so as to minimise surface water runoff and
erosion, especially on steeper slopes.
• Temporary access tracks should include sufficient culverts, especially on steeper slopes.
• Unless foreign material such as aggregate needs to be inserted, after the installation of features
requiring the excavation of a deep trench (viz. stormwater drainage pipes, services, etc.), soil
should be replaced in the trench so as to mimic the pre-construction profile, (i.e.: subsoil placed
at the base of the trench and topsoil above it, and should be compacted).
• Cut and fill slopes should be shaped and trimmed to resemble natural conditions, should not be
excessively steep. Moreover, where the upper slope of cut face may erode, suitable stabilisation
methods should be implemented.
Erosion Contol Procedure MDM-YMI-AL-GL00X-G-EN-PRO-0023-1 15.06.2019
This document must not be either loaned copied or otherwise reproduced in whole or in part or used for
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Railways Corporation for the purposes of completing, operating, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing
and demolishing the Morogor o – Makutupora SGR Line Project . 2019
• Cut slopes should have priority for spread of some topsoil or loose substrate to infill rock gaps
in order to facilitate more rapid recolonization by naturally occurring flora species.
• Quarries and borrow pits should be located away from river systems.
• Grievance redress mechanism for the project to be implemented and communicated to all
surrounding communities, where impacts of erosion to their livelihoods (subsistence agriculture
and to surface water) can be raised and addressed.
• During rehabilitation phase use suitable plant species (high survival rate, successful at erosion
control and low maintenance requirement, co-existence with existing natural flora) at cut and
fill slopes in the route.
After the implementation of this procedure, all records will be prepared by HSE department and the
related department heads and will be kept in specified time as mentioned in Document Management
Project Procedures which are prepared as a draft should be submitted to the quality responsible as
mentioned in the Document Preparation Procedure. All the procedures should be evaluated if they fulfil
the requirements based on project plan and quality management system. After the corrections are
completed the preparation of the document is finalized.
Approved procedures and all other documents are recorded to the procedure list by Quality Department.
Hard copy documents are distributed to all related departments with getting their signatures and/or they
will be saved in document management program in order to be published. For all hardcopy documents
“CONTROLLED COPY” statement must specify on it.