Biophotons - A Clue To Unravel The Mystery of Life
Biophotons - A Clue To Unravel The Mystery of Life
Biophotons - A Clue To Unravel The Mystery of Life
This chapter summarises the evidence of ultraweak
emissions of so-called biophotons in connection with
living tissues irrespective of plant or animal origin
and shows that biophoton signalling between living
organisms can occur. Details are provided on how
to measure and analyse biophoton emissions. The
nature as well as salient features of the photon
emissions are being discussed. Applications of
ultraweak photon emissions are possible in the
medical field and it is concluded that ultra-weak
emissions of biophotons are representing one of the
chief characteristics of “life”. However, to what extent
Correspondence/Reprint request: Dr. R.P. Bajpai, Sophisticated Analytical Instruments Facility, North Eastern
Hill University, Shillong 793022, India. E-mail: [email protected]
358 R. P. Bajpai
such signals can be controlled by an emitter and what machinery exists in the
receiver to detect them, for the moment, remain unanswered questions. The
essay ends with some speculation on the possibility of biophotons affecting
the thinking, moods, and behaviours of human beings, linking philosophical
visions of life with the physical world.
1. Historical perspective
Alexander Gurwitsch[1] was the first to try to understand the cause of
coordinated nature of cell division in a developing organism and wondered if
coordination is achieved by some form of radiation issuing from the
developing organism[2]. He called this form of radiation mitogenic or cell
division inducing and thought that the radiation should reveal itself by
speeding up the rate of increase of cell division in a growing sample placed
near a developing organism. Gurwitsch soon discovered a sensor of
mitogenic radiation in the form of growing onion root tip where cells divide
with higher frequency[3]. The tip of one root, the emitting source, was
directed perpendicularly to a point close to the tip of second root, the
detector. The rate of cell division was assessed under a microscope and was
found to be perceptibly greater in the exposed region than on the side far
away from the source. The effect vanished on insertion of a glass plate
between the two roots but not on insertion of a quartz plate. Since glass
absorbs ultra violet (UV) radiation while quartz is transparent to it, he
suggested that mitogenic radiation probably contained UV radiation only.
Gurwitsch found another detector – a growing yeast culture, which increased
in turbidity as cells multiplied. The turbidity was measured by counting the
number of cells in a block of yeast culture embedded in agar gel. UV
radiation of weak intensity is also detected by the onset of growth in a
bacterial culture. Gurwitsch determined the spectrum of mitogenic radiation
with a quartz spectrometer and found links of different UV components with
specific biological reactions. Gurwitsch also sought and found secondary
mitogenic radiation, whose emission was stimulated by irradiation of a tissue
with the primary emanation. These were remarkable results that failed to
reproduce many times, perhaps because of the capricious nature of biological
specimens and detectors. Hollaender and Claus[4] refuted the results and the
refutation caused mitogenic radiation to become an undergrowth of science
. The interest in the subject continued to decline until the accidental
discovery of weak emission of light from germinating plants by Colli and
Fachini[5] using a photomultiplier tube. The intensity of emitted light was
more than that in black body radiation but less than the intensity expected in
forbidden transitions. The emission was therefore, called ultra weak photon
emission. A photo multiplier tube is a non- biological detector, it is more
Biophotons: A clue to unravel the mystery of “life”? 359
and can pick up minute changes in these factors. The sensitivity of the signal
requires a linkage between metabolic activities and the additional
mechanism. The sensitivity suggests many potential applications of the
phenomenon of delayed luminescence. These applications have not been
actualised because of our inability to extract relevant parameters of a signal
lacking exponential decay character. We need a framework to describe the
shape of such a signal. Popp proposed a phenomenological model, in which
shape arises from dynamical evolution of photon field associated with a
living system. The classical solution of the dynamics predicts hyperbolic
shape of the photon signal. The model reproduces broad features of delayed
luminescence phenomenon and assigns the asymptotic region of hyperbolic
shape to ultra weak photon emission. The model integrates delayed
luminescence and ultra weak photon emission. The integration is formally
expressed by using a common word biophoton emission for the two photon
emissions. The two photon emissions are identified by the adjectives light
induced and spontaneous. Delay luminescence signal is light induced
biophoton signal and ultra weak photon signal is spontaneous biophoton
signal. The name “biophoton” emphasizes peculiar features and biological
relevance of signals. The model made a paradigm shift of far reaching
consequences. It was strongly resisted and its acceptance has been requiring
more and more evidence. Popp has responded by measuring the delayed
luminescence signal of many systems. He fine tuned the model to fit the
measured data. The model correctly reproduces the initial decaying portion of
a delayed luminescence signal and extracts four parameters from it. The
sensitivity of parameters, particularly the one related to the strength of signal,
has been put to use in actual applications with reasonable success. The
success, however, has not given widespread acceptance to the model because
of the ad hoc fine tuning.
The dynamical model proposed by Popp is solvable in quantum field
theory. The solution of the photon field is a squeezed state with its specifying
parameters[16] time dependent. The shape of the signal[17] has a simple
expression containing four unknown parameters. The unknown parameters
take real positive values depending on the initial conditions and emitting
system. Different values of parameters give rise to different shapes. The
model correctly reproduces the shapes of biophoton signals without any fine
tuning. The model maps the shape of biophoton signal in its parameter space.
Quite often, one combination of parameter plays the dominant role in the
mapping. This combination of parameters not only measures the shape of a
signal but provides an ordering of shapes. The success in explaining the
shape demands investigation to justify the basic assumption of the model.
The basic assumption is that a decaying biophoton signal is in a pure
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2. Frameworks of Analysis
A biophoton signal is experimentally determined by counting the number
of photons detected in contiguous bins of size∆. Let the number of detected
photons in a bin around the time t be n (t). The set {n (t)} of measurements at
times separated by ∆ is the digitised signal, whose shape gives the
dependence of n (t) on t. A theoretical model prescribes the functional
dependence of n (t) on t in terms of a few unknown signal specific parameters
and provides a framework to analyse digitised signals. The analysis consists
of estimating the parameters of a digitised signal. The estimation of
parameters is easier in the region in which n(t) varies with time e.g. the decay
region of a biophoton signal. The decay region is used for determining decay
Biophotons: A clue to unravel the mystery of “life”? 363
parameters of signals. The region in which n(t) does not vary with time can
estimate only one combination of parameters. However, if n(t) fluctuates in
this region and its fluctuations have definite structure, then the fluctuations
provide some additional information about the signal. The statistical
moments characterize the structure inherent in fluctuations and variance, the
second moment, is the most revealing moment. A quantity Q equal to
(variance/mean -1) was earlier used for indicating the presence of structure in
fluctuations[20] and ascertaining its nature. The set of probabilities of
detecting different number of photons in a bin, called photo count
distribution, can also characterize the structure inherent in fluctuations. This
characterization is more helpful in extracting information from a quantum
signal, in which various probabilities of detecting photons are theoretically
calculable. Photo count distributions can be measured for many bin sizes and
all distributions should yield the same estimates of the parameters of the
signal because bin size is a kinematical quantity and should not affect the
estimates of the parameters of a signal. Bin size should not affect the
estimates of parameters in decaying region as well. Robustness of estimation
to change in bin size is the test of the validity of model and the correctness of
the framework of description. Three frameworks have been used in the
analysis of biophoton signals. The important features of description in these
frameworks are given.
, where N0,λ and m are signal specific parameters giving respectively the
strength, damping, and shape of the signal and A0 gives background
contribution and should by measuring system specific but is not. The new
expression correctly reproduces small initial portion of the decay region. The
value of m in signals of different living systems is in the range 1 ≤ m ≤2. The
Biophotons: A clue to unravel the mystery of “life”? 365
model has been many successful applications based mainly on the sensitivity of
N0, the strength of signal, to various factors. NB1, the number of counts
detected in the first bin, is also a measure of signal strength. It is directly
measurable and is equally effective in various applications. Popp suggested
photo count distribution to be Poisson and quantum state to be a coherent state.
, where t0=λ-1 and Bi’s are three algebraic expressions of the parameters
defining a squeezed state, mode frequency ω andλ. Bi’s are independent and
take positive values only. Eq.(5) is a description of biophoton signal with
four signal specific parameters. The description contains a decaying and a
non-decaying component. The decaying component is identified with delayed
luminescence and non-decaying component with spontaneous emission. The
estimate of B0 from a digitised signal is the sum of background noise and
contribution of spontaneous biophoton emission and is expected to be signal
specific. It is further pointed out that there are many damped harmonic
oscillators that have frequency stable classical solutions. The generic
frequency stable solution is
, with any well behaved function f(t) non zero for positive t. A quantum field
theory framework can be constructed around the generic solution. The
Hamiltonian of the generic solution permits recasting into the Hamiltonian of
366 R. P. Bajpai
free quasi photon, whose coherent state is and remains a squeezed state of
photon. The shape of photon signal obtained in the dynamic evolution has
following form:
Eq.(7) permits a large variety of shapes. The choice f(t)=λ-1+t gives the
earlier form of eq.(5). The probabilities of detecting different number of
photons are not easily calculable in the squeezed state with time dependent
parameters. The problem of calculation is circumvented by assuming that the
time dependencies of parameters become very weak and ignorable in the non-
decaying. The assumption makes the probabilities of detecting different
number of photons calculable.
The algebraic equations can be solved recursively to obtain any Psign starting
with n=0. The procedure fails quickly due to compounding of errors of Pobs n
n n
and Pbg . The error in any Psig is higher than in Pobs
and their difference
increases with n. The probabilities and signal strength of a biophoton signal
are calculated by assuming the signal to be in a squeezed state. A squeezed
state α, ξ is specified by two complex parameters α and ξ or equivalently
by four real parameters, the magnitudes and phases of the two complex
parameters, i.e. α = |α| exp (iφ) and ξ = r exp (iθ). Every property calculated
in the squeezed state α, ξ is expressible by a function of four parameters.
The calculated expression of signal strength ksig(cal) is:
Biophotons: A clue to unravel the mystery of “life”? 369
k sig (cal ) = α + sinh 2 r (10)
ksig(cal) is equated to ksig that is well determined and has very small error in a
signal of constant average intensity. Eq.(10) then becomes a constraint
relation and it reduces the independent squeezed state parameters to three by
expressing |α| as a function of r and ksig. The independent parameters are
taken to be r, θ and φ. The calculated expression of probability Psig (cal) of
detecting n photons in a bin in the squeezed state is given by
(cal) = n α, ξ
n 2
Psig (11)
, where n is an eigen state of the number operator with eigen value n. The
scalar product of number and squeezed states for a single mode photon field
is given by[22]
n α, ξ =
1 ⎡1
n!cosh r ⎣ 2
⎤2 ⎡ 1 2
( )⎤
exp(iθ) tanh r ⎥ exp ⎢− α + α *2 exp(iθ) tanh r ⎥
⎦ ⎣ 2 ⎦
⎡ ⎤
⎢ α + α * exp(iθ) tanh r ⎥
× Hn (12)
⎢ (2 exp(iθ ) tanh r ) 12 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Psig ( cal ) is an exact expression and is without any error. Convolution in
eq.(13) compounds only the small errors of Pbgi . The three parameters are
estimated by minimizing the function
370 R. P. Bajpai
The summation over bin size ensures that parameters common to all copies of
signal obtained by merging the counts of contiguous bins are estimated. The
minimum value Fmin obtained is an indicator of the quality of estimation.
10 ms delay ( fluorescence)
Flu ctuation s in
Decaying Par t e ve ry bin size
( 20ms-200s)
75 (5-10s) Non- exp one ntial decay
Light induced e mission
Spontaneous Spontaneou s
emission emission
(10-15 min)
( for hours)
Pr e stimulation
Ba ck ground
Time (not to a scale )
the emitter. It ranges from 200ms to 200s in different living systems. The
figure mentions 10-15 min as the duration of pre stimulation region but it can
be much larger in quasi stable systems that have very slow growth and decay
rates. The depicted flux of spontaneous biophoton signal is 12.2counts/s and
of background noise 8.5counts/s. The emitted photon flux is undetectable
during stimulation as it is difficult to distinguish between photons emitted by
a sample and photons stimulating the sample. The emitted flux is, therefore,
depicted by broken lines in the figure. The expected flux likely to be emitted
increases rapidly during stimulation and becomes too large in a short time.
Too large flux is depicted by a gap in the figure. The gap extends for 10ms in
the post stimulation region. The distinguishing feature of a biophoton is the
lack of exponential decay character in both, decaying and non-decaying
regions of the signal. Different living systems emit similar biophoton signals.
The signals however, differ in strength and shape. The shape and strength
seem to identify a living system. The shape and strength are sensitive to
many factors, physical, physiological, genetic, emergent and holistic.
The digitised shape of a signal N (∆t, t) is determined by repeatedly
detecting the number of photons in a fixed interval. The number N of photons
detected in the interval depends on its duration ∆t and the time of its
commencement t measured after the stimulation of the sample by light. The
number of photon detected in the first interval N (∆t, 10ms) is given a special
name NB1, where 10ms indicates the delay in the measurement. NB1 is
substantially higher than background noise and shows saturation effect with
intensity of stimulating light I and the duration of exposureτ. NB1 initially
increases with I and τ but attains its saturation value in less than one second
of exposure to normal laboratory illumination. The saturation value is
observed over wide ranges of I andτ. The other values in the digitised shape
N (∆t, t) do not follow NB1 before saturation but do attain stable values after
saturation. Repeated measurements on a sample yield same stable values of
NB1 and N (∆t, t). Only stable values will, henceforth, be considered. The
excitations of a sample by light of different wavelengths yield different
values of NB1. The dependence of NB1 on the wavelength of excitationλexc
is given by a smooth curve and that has broad structures[24]. The curve is
called excitation curve. Different samples have different excitation curves.
NB1 in a monochromatic stimulation is smaller than in the white light
stimulation. The sum of the values of NB1 obtained in monochromatic
stimulations of two or more wavelengths is greater than the value of NB1
obtained in the stimulation containing those wavelengths.
Spectral decompositions of the signal are obtained by inserting filters
prior to detection. The spectral decompositions indicate broadband emission
372 R. P. Bajpai
spectrum. The typical percentages of red, green and blue spectral components
in NB1 of a sample of young Actebularia obtained with the help of band pass
filters are 91%, 7% and 2%. The relative percentages change with the age of
the sample and are also different for different species. The influence of the
wavelength of excitation λexc on emission spectra is weak. In particular, the
delayed luminescence signal emitted by a sample excited with red light has
blue component as well. The relative percentages in the spectral components
of N (∆t, t) also have similar behaviour. Various spectral decompositions lack
exponential decay character.
The temperature of the sample affects NB1 and N (∆t, t) of its biophoton
signal. The effects on NB1 and on the counts in various regions of N (∆t, t) are
different. NB1 is maximally affected by temperature. The variation of NB1
with temperature from 1oC to 40oC was studied in samples of a lichen species
Parmelia.tinctorum using white light stimulation. NB1 decreased
monotonically and nonlinearly with the temperature of the sample in the range
1oC to 22oC. NB1 at 22oC was nearly one fifth of its value at 1oC. The value of
NB1 was specific to the temperature of the sample in the range (1oC - 22oC).
NB1 seems capable of sensing the temperature in this range with an accuracy
of 0.1oC. NB1 increased with temperature beyond 22oC, peaked at 25oC and
then decreased slowly till 40oC. The variation of temperature in this range
affected NB1 in a hysteresis like manner. Temperatures beyond 40oC inflicted
fatal damage to the sample. NB1 of a damaged sample was much smaller and
cooling a damaged sample to lower temperatures did not restored earlier values.
NB1 and N (∆t, t) depend on many other factors as well and sense
changes in those factors. NB1 is the most discriminating parameter but it uses
only the information contained at a single point of the decay curve. The
decay curve has mainly been used for estimating the smoothed out value of
NB1. The estimation procedure basically utilises only a small portion of the
decay curve because of the rapid initial decay and yields an inferior estimate
of NB1 to that obtained by averaging the results of its repeated
measurements. The decay curve has been measured in many systems but the
data are not in public domain, only the results analysed in the framework of
Popp are. The results establish the capabilities of NB1 and N (∆t, t) to
identify different physiological states of a living system. The capabilities
have many potential applications. The information contained in the entire
decay curve is utilised in the framework of Bajpai. The analysis in this
framework has been done in few systems only and it reveals that NB1 and
log(B1/B2) are very sensitive while B0 and t0 are less sensitive indicators of
various factors determining a physiological state. Both NB1 and log(B1/B2)
have higher values in signals of healthy living systems; sickness, stress and
deprivation seem to reduce their values.
Biophotons: A clue to unravel the mystery of “life”? 373
explain the smoothed out shapes of these signals. The framework envisages a
dynamic origin of the shape. The observed shape manifests an evolving
quantum squeezed state. The squeezed state in the spontaneous emission
region is specified by four real parameters, which are estimated from the
fluctuations of the signal in the region. The parameters estimated from the
smoothed out signal and from fluctuations in the spontaneous emission
region are new characteristics of a living system. The nature of new
characteristics is holistic. They open up new planes of investigation and
understanding. Let us dwell upon some obvious implications of the
spontaneous emission of photons in squeezed state. As all living systems
spontaneously emit fluctuating photon signals and fluctuations of the signal
measured in whichever living system indicate a quantum squeezed state of
the signal, one suspect that the emission of photon signal in a squeezed state
is a unique feature of a living system. Non-living systems including non-
living counterparts of living systems do not have this feature. A living system
thus, differs from its non-living counterpart in two properties, “life” and
biophoton signal. The two differing properties offer a chance to remove the
basic objection against treating living system as physical system. The
objection stems from the fact that two physical systems cannot differ in one
property alone and there has to be at least another distinguishing property law
like related to the first property in all aspects. The law like relation in all
aspects of two properties is called isomorphism. If the biophoton signal turns
out to be isomorphic to “life”, then both, a living system and its non-living
counterpart, can be physical systems. We envisage that biophoton signal is
indeed isomorphic to “life”. Isomorphism makes biophoton signal and
“life” equally mysterious. The unusual properties of biophoton signals
indicate and are law like related to the unusual features of the “life”. The
isomorphism makes the study of the biophoton signal a powerful method
for unraveling the mysteries of “life”. The study should provide complete
information about the properties of “life” and living systems. The
isomorphism shifts the emphasis of investigations from living systems to
non-living photons, which kindles the hope of measuring of every feature
of “life” because every feature of the isomorphic photon signal is
measurable. Quantum nature of biophoton signals makes “life” a quantum
phenomenon. The restriction of quantum state of photon signal to squeezed
states considerably reduces the complexity of “life” for all features of “life”
have to be expressible by the values of four real parameters. The
observation of quantum biophoton signal for macroscopic time implies that
quantum phenomenon responsible for “life” remains stable for macroscopic
time. These are broad implications that emanate from the following four
ingredients of the envisaged isomorphism:
Biophotons: A clue to unravel the mystery of “life”? 375
can be stable or fickle to external noise. The quantum entity in the stable state
will have same properties at different times or situations but not in the fickle
state. The classical framework does not differentiate among various quantum
states and is forced to introduce an extraneous concept of mood to account
for changes in the properties of quantum entity in a fickle state due to
external noise. The envisaged isomorphism permits the detection of changing
states of quantum entity by changes in squeezed state parameters of
biophoton signal. It makes the mood measureable in living systems.
A quantum entity will participate in biological processes. Some processes
may take quantum route, in which every step in a process is a quantum
transition. Quantum route implies massive parallel processing, which means
quantum processes are faster and efficient. A biophoton signal has to emanate
from biological processes taking quantum route because of its quantum
nature. The ubiquitous presence of biophoton signal requires these biological
processes to occur at all times in every living system. The fundamental
biological processes of transcription, replication and protein synthesis occur
at all times in every living system and we suspect them to be responsible for
biophoton emission. The suspicion requires them to take quantum route.
Quantum route for fundamental biological processes was speculated earlier
for explaining the basic facts of genetic code, namely occurrence of four
types of nucleotide bases, codons made up of three nucleotides and twenty
amino acids. The explanation hinges on quantum selections made by
nucleotides and codons. A nucleotide makes quantum selection in one
transition and is able to select the desired nucleotide from four nucleotides
and not two nucleotides allowed in the classical selection. Similarly, a codon
makes quantum selection in three transitions and is able select the desired
amino acid from among twenty possible amino acids and not eight amino
acids allowed in the classical selection. The basic facts of genetic code
merely reflect optimal utilisation of resources using the most efficient
selection machinery. A necessary condition for operating the quantum
selection machinery is the existence of objects participating in selection
processes in pure quantum states. Nucleotides, codons and amino acids
should be either in pure quantum states or the constituents of a composite
structure in a pure quantum state. The latter possibility probably occurs as it
leads to the existence of quantum entity. All constituents of the composite
structure need not show quantum character all the times, only the constituents
involved in selections at an instant need show it. The relaxed requirement
permits to build a model of quantum entity in the classical framework. The
constituents of the quantum entity acquire and loose quantum character
depending on the dynamical requirement in the model. The model assumes
two states of different characters of nucleotides, amino acids and codons; one
378 R. P. Bajpai
state has classical character and the other has quantum character. The state
with classical character has lower energy and a constituent makes a transition
to higher energy state of quantum character after extracting requisite energy
from the usual biochemical machinery. The biochemical machinery increases
the number of constituents in states showing quantum character to such an
extent that they form a macroscopic object called quantum patch. A living
system has many quantum patches distributed throughout its body. Many
constituents of a quantum patch simultaneously make transition to their
classical states by emitting photon. It is a possible mechanism to up convert
biochemical energy. A quantum patch makes the transition to classical states
of its constituents after quantum selections and also because of de-cohering
interactions with local environment. Both factors restrict the growth of
number and size of quantum patches. The state of quantum entity determines
the distribution and sizes of quantum patches. The assembly of the quantum
patches makes up the quantum entity. The distribution and sizes of quantum
patches determine the spectral composition of its biophoton signal. Similar
spectral composition of biophoton signals suggests similar distributions of
number and sizes of quantum patches. Similar distributions occur because of
similar local environments in different living systems. Biophotons in the
model originate mainly in the regions where transcription, replication and
protein synthesis occur.
The second feature, namely squeezed state of quantum biophoton signal,
is established from the photo count distributions measured in a biophoton
signal at many bin sizes. The photo count distributions with different bin
sizes yield nearly same estimates of the parameters specifying a squeezed
state. The photo count distributions with various bin sizes in the range (50ms-
6s) were measured in the biophoton signal of a sample of lichen over period
of more than 5h. All of them suggested the same squeezed state of the signal.
Another reason for the squeezed state is the non-exponential decay of two to
three orders of magnitude in the intensity of a light induced biophoton signal.
The large decay is obtainable in the evolution of squeezed state but not of a
coherent state in the quantum framework. This the only model that
successfully reproduces all aspects of light induced and spontaneous
biophoton signals in a unified scheme. A squeezed state is a minimum
uncertainty state, propagates with very little expense of energy and is
detectable even if its energy is below the noise level. The emission of
quantum photon signal in a squeezed state raises many questions. How does a
living system generate such a photon signal and why? What is the role of the
signal in establishing coherence, long range order and stability in living
systems? Are living systems aware of the possibility of almost lossless
information transfer to long distances by biophoton signals? Do living systems
Biophotons: A clue to unravel the mystery of “life”? 379
squeezed state parameters lie in specific ranges and the ranges of squeezed
state parameters determine the type of a biophoton signal. There is enough
experimental evidence to support that above quoted living systems have the
capability to detect biophoton signals of the type a system emits and also of a
few more types. The evidence is extrapolated to all living systems. Every
living system detects biophoton signals similar to the one it emits but may not
show measurable response of detection. The lack of measurable response is
attributed to poor sensitivity of the detector, bad technique used in its
measurement and inappropriate properties used for its measurement. The lack
of measurable response does not preclude the existence of biophoton channel
of information transfer. Perhaps, such a channel does exist and living systems
emitting same or similar types of biophoton signals communicate among
through this channel. It is then possible to identify morphogenetic field (or its
many variants) with biophoton field of a living system. Many laboratories
routinely detect biophoton fields using non-living detectors. The information
content of the field will hopefully, be deciphered in near future. It will then
clarify many aspects of morphogenetic field.
The capability of human beings to communicate via biophoton channel
needs more careful examination because a human subject will know if it has
detected a biophoton signal and will be able to tell so to other human beings.
A human subject getting information via biophoton channel does not seem to
exist. There is a need to understand why human subjects are ignorant of their
capability to detect biophoton signals. We suggest that a new born child
senses biophoton signals emitted by other human beings but does not know
how to decipher information contained in the signals. The child also senses
photon signals received from her sensory channels and does not know how to
decipher information contained in these signals as well. She has to learn the
art of deciphering information from signals and communicating her
experiences. The signals from sensory channels are strong, classical and easy
to interpret. The society assists her in deciphering information from signals of
sensory channels and teaches her the art of communicating experiences. In
contrast, the signals of biophoton channel are weak, quantum in nature and
difficult to interpret. The society does not teach her the technique of
extracting information from a quantum signal. She starts filtering out
biophoton signals and concentrates her attention only on classical sensory
signals due to societal intervention. Perhaps after a period of bewilderment,
she associates meaning only to classical signals. The society encourages her
to ignore the obstructions caused by biophoton signals. She soon starts
treating biophoton signals as noise to be ignored. She brushes aside the innate
ability to detect biophoton signals. The innate ability, however, remains intact
and can be used in future if she learns to decipher information from quantum
382 R. P. Bajpai
biophoton signals. The learning will enable her to access information about
other objects via biophoton channel and to see invisible objects. She can be in
communion with the entire world via biophoton channel. Many religious
traditions envisage such a capability acquirable. One may not always relish
the acquiring of this capability. Imagine the horror of a person who acquires
it by chance and then starts knowing the guarded secrets of acquaintances.
Even a true narration of splendour and beauty of nature learnt via biophoton
channel will fetch him the epithet paranormal. The knowledge gained through
the additional capability will make him nonconformist. The society packs
nonconformists to solitary confinement either in jail or in jungle.
The resources required in determining the classical state of a biophoton
signal are only a small fraction of the resources required in determining its
quantum state. Classical state is characterised by one parameter-the intensity
of signal- and its determination requires the measurement of photon number
in a few large size bins. The quantum state is characterised by many
parameters and its determination requires the measurement of photon number
in many thousand bins, an assumption about the quantum state and a
procedure for estimating the parameters. Even one determination of quantum
state is a big drain on resources and many such determinations strain a living
system to the point of breakdown. Living systems therefore, avoid
determining quantum state and resort to inferences based on classical states
as often as possible. It is a survival strategy. The determination of quantum
state becomes imperative in some situations e.g. in a noisy environment, in
clogged or obstructed classical channels. The detection of some combinations
of parameters of quantum state of the signal is unaffected by noise and
clogged or obstructed classical channels hardly affect the determination of
these combinations of quantum parameters.
The capability of a living system to determine quantum state of
biophoton signals is evolutionary advantageous. The system gets access to
information of other living systems not available otherwise. The system will
know about various events and processes affecting biophoton signals of other
systems. The system will appear to have the power of remote sensing.
Perhaps, clairvoyance and extra sensory perception arise from the use of
information obtained from biophoton signals. A living system can use
biophoton channel for remote intervention if it has an additional capability to
beam coded biophoton signals that influence other systems. One wonders if
wishful thinking and blessings generate coded biophoton signals. It is feasible
but it needs experimental verification. The power of remote intervention is
achievable more easily if living system is entangled with its biophoton field.
The living system intending to intervene has to set its biophoton detecting
machinery to some desired state and wait for the detection of biophoton field
Biophotons: A clue to unravel the mystery of “life”? 383
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