Illuminated Physiology and Medical Uses of Light David A. Jernigan (Energies, Vol 16 No 3)

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David A. Jernigan, D.C. & Samantha Joseph, D.C.

The purpose of this paper is to bring a broader understanding to the physiology of light metabo lism in the human body and to present novel techniques of utilizing light diagnostically and therapeutically. Much work has been done to use light to achieve altered states of conscious ness, and there is much research documenting the presence and activities of light within the body. However, this paper seeks to promote the utilization of light as a primary treatment. A brief explanation of the author's novel diagnostic technique, BioResonance Scanning, and novel treatment technique called NeuroPhotonic TherapyTM is detailed with clinical gems and case review

KEYWORDS: Biophotons, liquid crystalline matrix, light metabolism, supercontinuum light, spatial optical solitons, BioResonance Scanning, NeuroPhotonic TherapyTM

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In order to fully appreciate the diagnostic and treatment aspects of light, one must first understand some of the physiology of the light metabolism in the body.

hotons, the energy packets of light, function as a particle or as a wave. The colors that we perceive are simply photons of varying wavelengths. In other words, there are no color pigments in light. Even though a bull is colorblind, the wavelength of what our human brains register as the red color of the bullfighter's cape will still travel through the bull's eyes and through the bull's body to stimulate his adrenal glands, making him angry and charge.

There are two primary functions of the eye. One is to translate light into patterns of electrochemical impulses that are transmitted to the brain. The other function of the eye is to provide an entry point for light to access the crystalline matrix or "fiber optic" network of the body. This light metabolism provides light/photons as stimulatory nutrients and informational packets to every aspect of the body, mind, and spirit. Based upon our clinical observations, we theorize that light gains access to the crystalline matrix, and ultimately the entire organism, via the eyes, by diverting from the rods and cones into the Muller cells that lie in close proximity. The Muller cells provide direct contact with the living matrix, reaching every aspect of the organism.1,2 It is this fiber optic-like network, otherwise known as the body's crystalline matrix, upon which we will be focusing. 24 Research has determined that all living tissues, whether the body's tissues or the molecular structure of microbes, are made up of these unique molecular liquid crystalline structures. 5 These living, pliable, crystalline structures are capable of creating, transmitting and receiving laser-like bio-photons (energy packets of light, generated by the tissues of the body) to communicate between tissues and molecules. 6 While the macroscopic aspects of tissue coherence is discussed herein, it must be understood that non-classical, and non-linear quantum coherence of biophoton transmission through the organism is also relevant. 7 You may think of these two mechanisms, the liquid crystalline matrix and the quantum coherence fields of biophoton transmission, as carrying the
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bulk of information throughout the body. These biophotons interact with every aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum and travel through the body via the crystalline matrix, seeming to also stimulate spatial optical solirons, which appear to transfer information via quantum coherence fields. (A spatial optical soliton is an extremely stable, solitary, self-guided light wave that transfers a large amount of information in nonlinear media, with a constant velocity and without loss or dispersion of energy or information.) The field of nonlinear optics suggests that spatial optical solitons may also derive their movements through the body via a mechanism identified by Fritz-Albert Popp called biophoton sucking. 8- 10 It is our suggestion that biophotonic sucking is facilitated by electromagnetic-polarization by the collective deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA is well recognized as an ideal agent in functioning as optical waveguides to facilitate the redirection or distribution of optical information. 11 On the macro-scale the regulation of the electromagnetic-inducing attributes of DNA may be derived from the strongest electromagnetic generator in the body, the heart. 12,13 Compelling research by Rollin McCraty and others documents experimental evidence showing that when our thoughts are held in "heart focused intention," the coherent electromagnetic and biophotonic emissions of the heart change the conformation of DNA.14 In other words, what we hold to be true in our heart of hearts creates our reality.

he existence of light within the body is a relatively foreign concept in science and medicine. Many scientists and doctors feel that the use of light-based treatments toward healing is too esoteric. This treatise by no means covers the wide range of scientific research that has been published in this field. These authors desire to bring well-deserved recognition to the potential of the ongoing research advancing the interpretation of the informa tion encoded in the biophotonic emissions of the body. This promises to advance our knowledge of healing, and indeed life itself, more than the cracking of the human genome since it is potentially the coherent light of the body that regulates genetic expression. 15 As far back as 1976, as well as in more recent validation, research traced the occurrence of tumors back to a definite loss of coherence of the biophoton field. 16 18

The importance of restoring the optimal coherence of light metabolism and the crystalline matrix pathways is that they connect every aspect of the human

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being to its internal and external environment. On the physical and quantum scale, light enables the body to continually adapt to changes in the environ ment within and around the body. One doesn't realize it most of the time, but our bodies must constantly adapt to everything that is vibrating around us -the lights in the room, the computer, the music playing in the background, the person or people in the vicinity, the alignment of the planets, whether or not there is a full moon or new moon. Everything vibrates in and around us. There are 60 trillion cells in the human body, all of which must communicate at the speed of light in order to maintain the integrity of the organism.

magine the body is constantly morphing or changing shape, literally at the speed of light. The body is changing in reaction to each thought one thinks, the medicines consumed, foods eaten, and in reaction to each and every change in one's internal and external environment-even in reaction to what is held in the heart as truth!

In fact, the body's ability to adapt and transmit information is clocked at less than a hundred-trillionth of a second. To put this speed into perspective, if each trillionth of a second contained the equivalent knowledge gained in one whole second, that second would represent the accumulated knowledge gained over the course of 32 million years! The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It is our belief that each of us has access to the neurophotonic information imprinted in the light energy field which is flowing through the crystalline matrix containing all of the experi ences and knowledge of the universe from the beginning of time. This includes the information streaming from the quantum reality of no time, space, or distance. This may explain the hundredth monkey phenomenon 19 and the streaming of extra-sensory knowledge. The universe, as David Bohm explains, may indeed be a progressive learning light hologram. 2o Knowledge may be gained or simply brought to the forefront from the universal hologram, but just as the law of thermodynamics states that energy can never be destroyed, so too no knowledge can be destroyed. The illumination experienced during transfiguration to other dimensions indicates that light is the medium that carries forward in the hologram of all dimensions. It is the authors' belief that a person's thoughts cause the mind to set up a morphogenetic field, which in turn fuels bio-holographic (coherent light)
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projections in the heart. These projections use biophotonic (laser-like) coherent emissions to transmit information and control inputs to the DNA, and from the DNA to the entire crystalline matrix to support the thought command. We propose the theory that heart-generated light traveling through the liquid crystalline matrix "optical fibers" of the body can produce "supercontinuum light," thereby maintaining its coherence and resulting in the multi-system-wide effects seen when one biophotonic emission frequency from the heart is sent though the body's crystalline matrix. (Supercontinuum light is coherent light traveling through special optical fibers that can produce or split into multicol ored light, enabling light to carry greater amounts of information without loss of coherence or loss of information.) The DNA molecules are known to be photo-receivers and photo-transmitters, and it may be that DNA is where the coherent signal is split into supercontinuum light to produce the "super-bio hologram" that is the human body.21 It would seem that thoughts are commands to the heart. The heart then photonically imprints the myriad of DNA throughout the body with the information to make the thought command come true. Thoughts enable the heart to process the sensory information taken in from one's environment in order to holographically adapt correctly to environmental changes. Inharmonious thought processing (negative thinking) concerning one's perception of reality or of the internal or external environment may create distortions in the bio-hologram, ultimately resulting in manifest dysfunction in body, mind, and spirit.

he elaborate structure of DNA and its surrounding network of clustered water filaments facilitate the structuring and regulating activity of a coherent field operating within every living thing.S DNA emits about 90% of the cellular light (biophotons) and acts as a photonic transmitter, receiver, and storage mechanism for biophotonic or other electromagnetic information. 22 ,23


Now with the understanding that the body is a liquid crystalline matrix, the following will review the action of light within the body. "Liquid crystals reflect different wavelengths of light depending on the orientation of its molecules."24
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Based upon this science, we see that when we drive photons of specific frequen cies (colors) via the eyes into any molecular structure, be it the liver, heart, or lungs, the tissue will reflect back through the body's crystalline pathways the color frequency unique to its molecular structure. 25~27 By this definition of liquid crystals from the mainstream encyclopedia, the liquid crystals of the heart will conduct and reflect different wavelengths of light (green and red respec tively) than the liquid crystals of the liver (yellow and violet). To follow this concept further, if the liquid crystal pathways of the heart are blocked or encounter interference, the stimulation with frequencies of green will result either in no reflection of red (indicating that no stimulation of the tissue is occurring), or some other color frequency may result due to corruption of the crystalline pathways. he correct structural and energetic alignment, as well as the orienta tion of the molecules making up the body's crystalline matrix, dictates the integrity of the entire organism. Structural and energetic interfer ences to the integrity of the matrix are the ultimate source of disease. These interferences include, but are not limited to, scars and surgical interventions, toxins, structural misalignments, inharmonious thoughts, the cellular memory of physical, emotional, and spiritual traumas, and damaged meridians. The alignment and normal functioning of the crystalline matrix also depends upon the temperature of the tissue, so it is important to maintain the optimum core body temperature. 28 Interferences in the crystalline matrix pathways block the excitation of the end organ's molecular structure by incoming "colored" light, thereby disrupting the optimal function and regulation of the entire organism. According to Mae Wan Ho, Ph.D., in her enlightening book, The Rainbow and the WOrm, any interference in the light metabolism of an organism is going to have local and global effects. 18 Laser light is called "coherent light photons." Interestingly, the heart and DNA are also said to be transmitting coherent light. 29 ,30 The really awesome realiza tion of this is that we know lasers, or "coherent light," can rapidly carry a great deal of information and travel long distances without losing signal strength. For years, maverick physiologists have stated that the ion-transfer mechanism of nerve impulses in the human body are way too slow to account for the huge
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amount of information transfer that is going on in the body. Desktop computers operate much faster than nerve impulses, yet these computers still cannot compute as fast as humans. It seems that the human physiology and neurology textbooks need to be revised. What was formerly credited with running the body (the central and peripheral nervous system) is just another cog in the wheel, with the crystalline fiber optics network carrying the bulk of the information and maintaining the integrity of the human organism. The fiber optic networks that are used in the United States for communica tion purposes can carry "up to three trillion bits of information per second. At that rate, downloading the entire contents of the Library of Congress (over 20 million books), a feat requiring 82 years with a dial-up electronic modem, would take just 48 seconds for a fiber optic modem" (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2003). Interestingly, a single hair-thin fiber optic thread can transmit millions of telephone calls at a time.


hrough the realizations of the crystalline matrix and photonic aspects summarized above, Dr. Jernigan developed a technique that enables the healthcare professional to adjunctively diagnose biophotonic interfer ences and dynamically treat patient dysfunction with the purpose of restoring optimal coherence of the body, mind, and spirit. This new photonic technique is called BioResonance Scanning (BRS). BRS is possibly the first functional method of decoding the information within biophoton emissions. The following is an effort to explain the science which has been extrapolated from the clinical application of BioResonance Scanning.

The ultimate purpose of BRS is to identify specific frequencies of incoherence, from any source, in the tissue (pathology) and identify the corrective remedy or modality that will ultimately restore global coherence in the patient. 31 An important point is that BRS utilizes a novel understanding of testing the body that does not rely on measuring the body's reactions to frequencies, as in electro-dermal screening devices (a problem since the more degenerative the condition, the less reliable the reactivity of the organism), nor does it rely on meridian testing. Unlike the many computer dermal testing devices
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which essentially challenge the patient's body with a rapid fire of single frequencies of pathologies, BRS can be used in frequency-sentences to obtain very specific information about the body. An example of a frequency sentence would be to essentially form the following question, "Of all of the different organs and glands that are malfunctioning in any way at any time of the night or day and in any neurological posture, which organ or gland is the worst?"

n cooperation with the inventor and developer of one of the leading Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS) devices, Dr. Jernigan performed an unpublished trial running BRS against the EDS device of that time (I 997). BRS performed approximately 22 times faster in determining its findings than the EDS test did. The EDS system required 45 minutes to complete the assess ment of the patient and identify the corrective remedies to balance the meridians. BRS required only 2 112 minutes to achieve the same results which were then verified by the EDS system. The EDS devices are based upon assess ment of the body via acupuncture meridians, while BRS evaluates the entire organism globally by performing a dynamic analysis in real-time. Regarding objectivity, in another unpublished research study (Jernigan, Smith, Jernigan, 1997), a tissue slide of breast cancer was placed upon the belly of a patient and the EDS device was unable to detect the pathology. The body was not reacting strongly enough to the frequency emitted by the molecular structure embedded within the tissue sample on the slide. This same slide was hidden by the patient on the body and, using BRS, was correctly and rapidly identi fied independently by three doctors. Upon review of patient records, additional in-house statistics reveal that BRS diagnostic findings for specific pathologies were confirmed with an 86% accuracy when substantiated by blood tests, x rays, and MRI's. BRS utilizes various biological Global Access Points (GAPs) to transmit and receive information from remote parts of the body at one access point. BRS can, however, also access localized information from any non-GAP point of the body. It may help to view GAPs with the following example. The adminis trator of a corporation accesses the mainframe computer through many different terminals connected to all of the centralized information in the mainframe (GAP), while a secretary's access privileges only allow her to view information pertinent to her job (local).

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It is these authors' opmIOn that BRS transmits photoelectrical wavelengths created by the neurophotonic emissions of the doctor's thoughts and handmodes. Handmodes are specific positions made with the physician's fingers. When movement and tension are set up in the tissues, as when the fingers are held in certain positions, the tension on the fabric or matrix changes the length of the molecular antennae within the doctor's myofascial system, and thereby sets up different resonant frequencies picked up by a device called a Resonator (see below).5
Another mechanism for generating the handmode frequency is the central nervous system impulse-thought to create and transmit photo-electrical frequen cies from the doctor's hand. 23 In these ways, handmodes (frequencies) are capable of harmonically entraining the frequency of a specific pathogen. The pathogen, whether virus, bacteria, or cancer pathology, has a specific photoelectric frequency signature, based upon its photonic information and molecular structure. he hand mode frequency is believed to be electfo-photonically transmitted from the doctor's hand into the patient's body crystalline matrix via the thousands of photoelectrical receptors in the skin. 2 Energy fields held over the skin can have profound biological effects, especially when held over certain active regions of the skin-GAPs.32 Although GAPs enable the doctor to access total body (global) information from key points on the body, localized and associated information can be accessed from anywhere on the body.33

GAPs therefore enable the doctor to identify problems distant to the point of testing.
The most commonly used GAPs are located in four general locations: 1. Forehead, above and between the brows; 2. External occipital protuber ance (EOP); 3. Anterior heart; 4. Umbilicus. The crystalline matrix of the patient's body carries or enables the handmode frequency to specifically resonate with the frequency of the pathology in the body and back to a device called a Resonator, the actual photo-electrical resonance detector.34 36
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The Resonator is a belt-worn device with a synthetic polymer membrane. When the Resonator membrane is rubbed by the doctor, an electromagnetic friction occurs as the surface tension of the membrane changes in reaction to the photo-electro-Iuminescent reflection or radiant transmission from the pathology or pathogen within the patient. This increased surface tension on the Resonator is similar to the psauoscopy defined in Dorland's Medical dictio nary as "A method of physical examination where the observation of increased friction is experienced when one lightly rubs a finger pad back and forth on the skin over an area of pathology. The finger seems to encounter greater resistance and the skin seems more tense and less supple."37

pon the specific handmode's frequency inreraction with rhe rarger pathology's molecular frequency, an oprical and electrical property (absorprion, fluorescence, reflectance, refracrive index, etc.) of the parhology's molecular srrucrure undergoes a measurable change. In rhis way, the modified parho-photo-electrical frequency is guided back rhrough the parient's body crystalline matrix and travels through rhe body's bioluminescent fields (which have been scienrifically documented to surround rhe body) to the Resonator.

The Resonator membrane is made of a special photo-elecrrically sensltlve, synrheric marerial. The pathology signal is amplified by rhe resonator rhrough altering the membrane's surface tension, creating an electromagneric friction on the membrane rhat is derecrable when rhe doctor rubs the membrane. The appropriare forming of rhe handmode allows rhe physician to carry out, in real rime, specific tests of rhe targer chemical substances. Diagnostically, BRS enables rhe physician to creare bio-photoelectrical frequencies from rhe physician's own body ro challenge, in real time, the patient's body for an exacr frequency march to standardized or orherwise known parhological specimen frequencies. These frequencies are marched either to acrual microbes in suspen sion, or ro microbial or tissue pathology frequencies imprinred in vials expressly for the purpose of adjuncrive diagnostic rechniques. From a trearmenr perspective, and as discussed earlier, BRS enables the doctor to sequence phoro-electrical "senrences" of frequencies to derermine more specific patient information. This type of formatting of frequencies enables
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one to determine not only the simple presence of pathology, but its degree of priority in the scheme of problems going on in a patient. From the format testing, the physician can determine issues such as the top ten worst organ or gland problems at any time of day or night and in any patient posture. This means that even if the patient's worst organ problem is their heart, and their heart only has problems at three in the morning and only when they lie on their right side, and the patient is in your office at noon, the physician would still be able to detect the three a.m. problem as the patient's worst problem and then proceed to use BRS to determine what exact medicine or treatment is needed to correct the heart problem, be it a structural, chemical, stress related, electrical, or photonic etiology or correction. Our theory is that the frequency of the hand mode, and the frequency test pathology, and the frequency of the remedy, are all very close to the same frequency-now perhaps simply reversible-matching the pathology's reverse photonic emission. 38


t is amazing that we can facilitate the healing of anyone when we consider the incredible range of things that can cause dysfunction in the body. Regardless of what a doctor calls an illness, in the end it must come down to this: how are we going to restore the integrity of the person as a whole? Forcing the body into drug-induced illusions of health with pharmaceuticals must be relegated to medical museums. Even natural medicine often follows an errant, allopathic mentality, targeting this or that microbe or toxin with the hopes that its eradication will enable the body, mind and spirit to be restored.

The problem has always been how to assess and treat the body as one completely integrated organism, as opposed to the "pieces and parts" reductionist mentality of our training. Through the sequencing of BRS, it is relatively simple to restore the integrity within all of the "organ circuits" of the body. Assessment using electro-dermal scans and kinesiology would at this point reveal "perfect balance" in the body; however, the authors realized that however wonderful

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and healing this restoration of the organ circuits, it was just balancing the body to the environment of the lighting in the treatment toom. After years of practicing in this manner, and enjoying above average success, we realized that if we challenged the newly "balanced" patient with high intensity light of a specific color in their eyes, the entire organism would be thrown into chaos. The challenge of a specific color caused a cascade of biochemical and bioener getic disturbances, identified via BRS, which affected the organism locally and globally. Every muscle that could be challenged would become weak. The entirety of the patient was shifted adversely by their inability to efficiently process light through the liquid crystalline matrix. To date, the authors have never found anyone who could process light correctly. his led Dr. Jernigan to develop the treatment technique now called NeuroPhotonic TherapyTM (NPT). Essentially, NPT uses special, variable intensity glasses to challenge the crystalline matrix pathways. Then, using BRS, one can identifY the blockages and problems in the matrix and provide the corrective information (using many different frequency treatments, i.e. homeopathy, Solfeggio tuning forks, essential oils, frequency modulated cold-laser, EM field therapy, etc., as determined by BRS) and treatment that results in progressively and near-instantaneous realignment and correction of the pathways. We postulate that the traveling of light through the matrix pathways may be seen as what is known as spatial optical solitons, as discussed in the emerging field of nonlinear optics. Interestingly, once the pathway's integrity is restored, the previously irritating color will test via BRS as now "highly beneficial" or a "primary" treatment to the body. It is as if the tissues with the greatest affinity to the color used were starved for this frequency stimulation! By challenging multiple colors and combinations of colors, true restoration of the integrity of the organism as a whole can be achieved. The restoration of the organism's optimal coherence can be monitored and verified by EDS, BRS, applied/clinical kinesiological tests, and in patient subjective and objective improvements. It is likely that as we improve the alignment of the liquid crystalline matrix pathways, there will be increased coherence and the body's fields will get stronger. The key to long-term health and healing is in maintaining the optimal coherence of the body, mind, and spirit over the course

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of a long enough time frame for the organisms to process through all of the corrective inputs of the treatments. The end result is accelerated healing of the body, mind and spirit, since all three of these are interconnected as part of the one organism. The reality, it would seem, is that whether a person looks at a red cardinal or a red dress, if they cannot process that color through the crystalline matrix of their body correctly, it will cause global problems. The intensity of the light may dictate the degree of disturbance. In the quest for ever-greater spiritual enlightenment, we must recognize that the spirit will be hampered in its ability to transcend by incoherence in the body and mind. BioResonance Scanning and NeuroPhotonic Therapy are appropriately "light-based" technologies that may lead the world closer to a truly holistic approach to facilitating healing and transcendence.


(Names changed to preserve anonymity)

lthough an accomplished gymnast as a younger woman, 45-year-old Jennifer Doe's health and vitality took a dramatic turn for the worse. As a young mother of three, she was smitten by Lyme disease, a bacterial infection transmitted most often by ticks, mosquitoes and other blood sucking insects. Lyme disease had stolen years from her life-at its worst, she was wheelchair bound and unable to hold her head upright. MRis of the brain indicated a brain infarct, perhaps a result of contracting Lyme disease. Literally, part of the brain was dead. Antibiotic treatments were fruitless in their simplistic and oft-hailed approach to treatment of the disease.

It became obvious to the Does that disease-focused treatments were not winning
this battle with Lyme, and what they needed was health-restoration treatments which sought to reinstate the integrity of the body, thereby allowing the body's natural state of homeostasis to return. The Does had an innate sense that the quality of life they sought lay in a more nontoxic and natural approach to healing that worked with the inherent design of the body. Mter reading Dr. Jernigan's book, Beating Lyme Disease, the Does traveled to our clinic, Hansa Center for Optimum Health, in Wichita, Kansas, to pursue restoring their own health and to re-establish a state of balance between body, mind and spirit.
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Periodic treatments over six years at Hansa Center enabled the conclusion of the nightmarish wheelchair days, and although there had been many return trips to the clinic in Kansas, which always made her feel better, there was still something fundamental that was not being addressed.

ennifer felt as if every tissue of her body was on edge, she awakened as many as 20 times every night, and her need for sunlight was becoming peculiar to everyone close to her. Using BioResonance Scanning, our testing kept revealing that she was in a state of balance while being exposed to different light stimuli. Even though she was no longer in a wheelchair, was working full-time, and avidly participating in family life once again, we knew there was no way that Jennifer's body could be processing light 1000/0 correctly. We were not quite asking the correct question (with BRS) to assist her body in processing the light correctly. A vital key was missing to assist her on her full path back to health and wholeness, and perhaps on another return visit, we (both doctors working together) could solve the problem. This knowing ness kept prompting us to use BRS in new and more advanced ways to locate the primary underlying dysfunction.

On a return visit, we brought Jennifer and her husband into the treatment room to experience BRS and a new treatment technique, combined in a creative new way, using light. Dr. Jernigan had just developed the technique and called it NeuroPhotonic Therapy (NPT). The Does flew in from out-of-state for the treatment, so we assured them that this was not the same old color therapy they had done before. This had actually been used to restore strength in the muscles of a stroke victim, stop brain seizures, correct chronic ligamentous laxity, improve cognition, and so much more, often in one treatment. The theory is that photons of a specific frequency and wavelength would be registered as a specific color, such as red, by the classic visual mechanisms of the eye and brain, but some of the photons would travel through the body's liquid crystalline matrix, much like light passing through fiber optic cables. Every tissue in the body is indeed a part of an intricate web of interconnecting liquid crystalline pathways. We can send the photons into the body and use our BRS technique to monitor any problems they may cause in the body. If the photons reach all of their correct destinations without interference, then we will not detect any abnormal frequencies. If the photons are not able to flow undisturbed throughout one's body, we will see local and global frequency disturbances on all levels of the organism.
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The NeuroPhotonic Therapy apparatus was placed over Jennifer's eyes. We were supremely confident we would find Jennifer's body greatly aggravated by the photon stimulation. No one we had ever tested showed light processing correctly, not even apparently-healthy young children who were born without drugs and had never been exposed to any conventional medicines. We also knew that even with all of the improvements we had facilitated in Jennifer over the years, there was still something missing ... something everyone had missed! To our amazement, the application of NPT (high-intensity frequency light stimulation) resulted in no detectable aggravation to Jennifer's body. Dr. Joseph empathically sensed that there was an energetic blockage at the vertex of Jennifer's cranium. Subsequent testing with BioResonance Scanning at this location showed several energetic blockages. The energetic blockages were apparently impeding the ability to correctly test her for light coherence within her structure. Once the blockages were cleared, her entire body began to short-circuit, revealing the underlying light metabolism disturbances. ver the next two hours, high-intensity photons of varying frequencies were sent into the body, each of which set off unique aggravations. BioResonance Scanning enabled the rapid identification of corrective therapies (homeopathic sarcodes, essential oils, solfeggio tuning forks, bioener getics, and low-level Erchonia laser therapy frequencies) that would realign the liquid crystalline pathways. A fascinating finding is that while many modalities were necessary to align the pathways, each correction was made with a single application, the results of which were immediately obvious physically and virtually instantaneous. To support the movement of light through the body, we introduced anthocyani dins, plant-based pigments obtained from appropriately harvested and prepared fruits and vegetables. The body uses these pigments to correctly process and conduct light through the crystalline matrix. With the correction of each neurophotonic aggravation, Jennifer reported feeling an increasing sense of calmness settling into her being. She was fascinated and slightly frightened by the fact that every photonic stimulation (color) would initially throw her body into a mass of quaking and quivering nerves and muscles; however, when corrected, the same color would be like food to a starved body, bringing strength and integrity to her system. Many
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times it would take half an hour for her body to get "filled" with the color it had been blocked from receiving for so many years. Witnessing the intensity of her initial reactions to the light stimulus may have intimidated others; however, now that the problem was finally revealed, BRS and NPT rapidly restored integrity.

uring the treatment, we discussed the importance of light and how it is processed in the body. Jennifer and her husband began to relate stories of how Jennifer would continually search out sunlight. Being one of the top executives at the corporation in which she worked, she had been able to choose the office space she wanted. She was drawn to choose the sunniest office in the building, though unable to say why at the time. She had strategically positioned her desk to get maximum exposure to the sun as it traveled across the sky.

Considering that her fair skin and red hair predisposed her to freckles rather than the classic Hawaiian Tropic tan, Jennifer had an unreasonable need for daily sunlight on her skin. When faced with the option to eat lunch or run home to sunbathe, depending upon how much sun she had been exposed to that day, she would often opt for the latter. "I sometimes get frustrated with her unreasonable need to sunbathe," complained her husband. "We can be on vacation with the family, and everybody will be ready to go do something, but she will have to stop and sunbathe before we go anywhere." Jennifer's home reflected the success that comes from intelligence and hard work. It was one of the largest homes in the city, but its square footage was not its most distinguishing feature. Anyone entering the home was accosted with a sensory overload of brilliant fluorescent colors throughout. It was apparent that this was the home of a "light and color junkie!" When they built their house, Jennifer and her husband had worked with the architect to design a floor plan for the house that would facilitate the complete saturation of natural light. By design, the home was striking in its openness. No walls would block light from reaching the furthest corner. Many picture windows and roof-mounted sun-tunnels had been strategically positioned to allow sunlight to flood into the home and bounce off the fluorescent greens, pinks, and blues, filling the rooms with an ethereal glow. The rooms were

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alive with the vibrations of photons of varying light frequencies bombarding the body of anyone in the space. It seemed that Jennifer's entire life revolved, like the planet earth, around the sun.

It appears that the body uses light as a stimulatory nutrient. Light is the glue
that holds all of the atomic particles and molecules together. The eyes are the primary photoreceptors and most crystalline structure in the body, providing the most direct pathway for light to flow into the body's organ circuits. It would seem that due to the brain infarct, the only light Jennifer's body could receive was the small amount of light it could get from the secondary and less crystalline photoreceptors of her skin. She was literally starving for light. This is likely why she had been craving sunlight for so long. This is also likely why she picked scintillating colors to paint the inside of her house. Her body needed intense color stimulation on the skin to feed the tissues through light's photoelectrical and photochemical cascades. Future contact with Jennifer proved to be positive-she now sleeps through the night, has decreased in compulsive sun cravings, and is maintaining an overall sense of wellbeing with strength and vitality she has never known before.

CORRESPONDENCE: David A. Jernigan, D.C. & Samantha Joseph, D.C. Hansa Center for Optimum Health (formerly Somerleyton Center for Biological Medicine) 545 Norrh Woodlawn Wichita, Kansas 67208 REFERENCES & NOTES 1. J. Atema, Mictotubule Theory of Sensory Transduction, JournaL of TheoreticaL Biology 38 (1973), pp. 181-190. 2. S. Pankratov, Meridians Conduct Light, Raum und Zeit 35 (1991), pp. 16-18. 3. B. Kim, On the Kyungrak System, JournaL ofAcademic MedicaL Science 10 (1963), pp.
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