The Myth and Science of Kirlian Photography: DR Jashvant Shah

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The myth and science of Kirlian photography


Kirlian photography, although the study of which can be traced back to the late 1700s, was
officially invented in 1939 by Semyon Davidovitch Kirlian. The Kirlian photographic
process reveals visible auras around the objects photographed. These photographs have
been the subject of much controversies over the years. Interestingly, much of this was
initially put forth by the inventor himself, along with his wife to explain the Kirlian
photography phenomena.
Kirlian photography is also known as Aura Photography. To understand Aura Photography
one should know what is aura. We have two bodies: one is physical visible body and
another invisible auric body. For example people doing meditation have a glow on their
face. This is aura.

The aura or energy field reflects the powerful connection our brain and nervous system
create between the body, mind and spirit. A persons thoughts, emotions and beliefs are
mirrored in the aura, which is why the aura and chakras can be used to determine
underlying issues related to physical symptoms.

In the year 2000, another Russian scientist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov updated this camera to
directly record, process and interpret aura images with a computer. This camera is known
as GDV Camera.

Therapeutic use

The most common therapeutic use of Kirlian photography is as a diagnostic tool. Variations
in the shapes, colours and intensity of images produced are said to provide clues to the
patients overall health and energy level. It indicates presence or absence of diseases,
specific emotional states and other physiological or psychological conditions.

Scientific Research
Results of scientific experiments published in 1976 involving Kirlian photography of living
tissue (human finger tips) showed that most of the variations in corona discharge streamer
length, density, curvature and color can be accounted for by the moisture content on the
surface of and within the living tissue.
Konstantin Korotkov developed a technique similar to Kirlian photography called Gas
Discharge Visualization (GDV). Korotkov's GDV camera system consists of hardware and
software to directly record, process and interpret GDV images with a computer.

How Kirlian photography helps healers

Many common eastern medicine traditions including Reiki and acupuncture are based on
energy fields in the body. Kirlian photography, because it gives a practioner the ability to
visualize these energy fields is a useful diagnostic and evaluative tool.

Acupuncturists can, for example take aura photography of a person during an initial
evaluation and see especially where the energy is out of balance. It is not a replacement for
acupuncturists traditional diagnostics skills but rather a supplement and a way for them to
demonstrate their assessment to a patient visually.

Scientists and practioners also theorize that Kirlian photography has a role in detecting
cancer and other devastating diseases. For example, plants with cancer shows up with a
very vivid carona or electrical field than healthy plants. This is due to the high metabolic
rate of cancerous cells.

Kirlian Photography may also be able to treat patients under psychiatric care. The images
has the ability to exhibit the emotional state of the person being photographed.
A case study

Given below is the Aura Photograph of Sachin Bhilare who is suffering from
Asthma and indigestion and is prone to heart problems.

The right side diagram shows problem with respiratory system & problem with duodenum
indicated by peaks of blue line & red line.

Left side diagram shows problem with right part of heart, coronary vessels, respiratory
system & transverse colon.


The process of taking a Kirlian photo is a fairly simple one and does not even require the
use of a camera. First, a sheet of photographic film is placed on top of a metal plate. Then,
the object that is to be photographed is placed on top of the film. To create the initial
exposure, high voltage current is applied to the metal plate. The electrical coronal
discharge between the object and the metal plate is captured on the film. The Kirlian
photograph, which shows a light, glowing silhouette around the photographed object,
becomes visible as a result of developing the film.
Although the Kirlians invented this photographic process in 1939, they didnt publicly
release information about their experiments until 1958, and Kirlian photography wasnt a
well-known phenomenon to the general public until 1970.
In GDV Camera, we have to place fingers of both right hand left hand on camera lens. Auric
energy of these fingers are registered in the computer and software develops aura
photograph of the person.

Myths about Kirlian Photography

The first mythical explanations put forth about Kirlian photography were suggested by the
Kirlians themselves. They believed that these photographs were depicting the actual life-
force or aura that many people believe surrounds all living things. New Age spiritualists
believe that specially trained aura-readers can provide important insights into a persons
spiritual, emotional and physical state. The Kirlians were convinced that these photos
could accurately predict emotional and physical states and could be used to diagnose
The assertion that Kirlian photographs could depict emotional and physical states was
quickly adopted by energy practitioners. While the use of Kirlian photography has largely
fallen by the wayside as a diagnostic tool these days, there are still alternative practitioners
who believe in it as an accurate way to help those who seek their services for healing all
kinds of conditions both emotional and physical.
Kirlian photography has been a staple of paranormal research for some time as well. In the
1960s and 1970s paranormal researchers connected it to many types of unexplained
phenomena, one of which was telepathy. Researchers proposed that telepathy was the
result of peoples auras communicating together.
Telepathy, result of auras communicating together

The science of Kirlian Photography

It can be hard to separate the fact versus the fiction when it comes to Kirlian photography,
since these photos are very real and do clearly show some phenomenon at work. However,
the fact that these glowing auras are seen around non-living objects as well as living objects
in Kirlian photos is often simply ignored by those who want to believe in the supernatural
So if the glowing auras seen in Kirlian photography arent really caused by something
spiritual, paranormal or our life-energy then what are they caused by?
The answer is water.
The high-voltage frequency applied to the metal plate rips the electrons off of atoms. The
air around the photographed object becomes ionized. If that air contains any water, the
resulting image will show the glowing silhouette around the object, which scientists
actually call a corona plasma discharge.
When a person is sweating more due to being overheated, or excited in some way, Kirlian
photographs taken of their hands at that time will show a larger more intense glow due to
the increased moisture. Conversely, cold dry hands will produce an image which shows a
weaker glow. Despite the ready availability of this accurate scientific explanation, New Age
proponents of Kirlian photography will still argue that the person whose hands showed a
larger, brighter glow is a natural healer when they are really just sweaty.
Factors other than humidity which can influence the final image include the pressure and
angle of your hand touching the metal plate as well as the amount of voltage. Kirlian
photographs taken of the exact same person can be very different taken only minutes apart
due to these variables.
A very well-known Kirlian photography experiment documents a leaf as it slowly dies. The
initial photograph was taken when the leaf was freshly cut and shows a prominent glow.
As the leaf gets older more photos are taken, which show that the glow is starting to
weaken. This was once explained away with the life-force theory. However, we now know
that the weakening of the glow is simply a result of the leaf losing water and drying up over
In another experiment involving a leaf, an initial photo is taken which shows the usual
strong glow or aura. Then, part of the leaf is torn away. Surprisingly, a ghostly glowing
trace of the missing part of the leaf showed up on the film. For years this result was
considered more proof of some sort of life-force. In reality though, it was simply a result
of some moisture residue left on the glass. If the residue is completely removed prior to
photographing the leaf again, the phantom glow does not appear.
One final scientific observation to point out is that the Kirlian effect simply doesnt happen
in a vacuum since there is no water vapour, which prevents ionization.

(The author is a practising alternative therapist and the founder of Kirlian Photography

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