Ads Overview
Ads Overview
Ads Overview
ADS 2011 delivers many exciting new features for all ADS users with breakthrough new capability for multi-technology (adsoverview) co-design like that inherent in RF modules and system-in-package (SiP) designs. ADS 2011 builds upon the recent ADS releases, expanding Agilents complete MMIC/Module Desktop Flow to deliver the industrys leading, complete, integrated, endto-end product realization RF design solution. ADS has changed to meet the needs of increasing complexity and integration. Commercial wireless and Aerospace/Defense Industries are rapidly moving from single-packaged MMICs to larger, more complex ICs in multi-chip RF modules. Today's flows combine multiple, poorly integrated tools, which are not able to address multiple technology design and verification. The IC, laminate, package and PCB system need to be designed together, interactively. Electro-magnetic interactions between substrates need to be modeled. Although most of ADS 2011 looks and feels the same, some important changes have been made to support the breakthrough technology in this release. Your initial success and productivity with the release will be greatly enhanced by viewing a short introductory tutorial. We highly recommend viewing this before you start using the new release.
ADS 2011 Quick Start Video Tutorial
ADS 2011 Provides powerful, new capabilities that enhance existing tools.
What is Different
Users now have more flexibility in dynamically selecting models for simulation. You can have more than one schematic associated with your design. The netlist is controlled by the hierarchy policy. Libraries make it easy for multiple users to work on the same design. Names only need to be unique within the library.
Layout at a Glance
What is the Same
You will find that most of the user interface in the layout window has stayed the same. You should be able to migrate projects into workspaces and start editing the layout. When creating new designs, if you use the default view names ("schematic" and "layout") the system will behave very much like previous releases. The same physical verification tools are available in ADS layout (ADS Desktop DRC, ADS Desktop LVS, Check Nodal Connectivity, Check Physical Connectivity, Design Synchronization, and the 3D Viewer).
What is Different
Object handles make it much easier to edit shapes. You have the option of creating multiple layout views of the same design. Design synchronization is now based on instance-name comparison, so you can compare any two schematic/layout views.
New Structure
Workspace A workspace is a folder similar to a project. A workspace contains your schematics (but now within libraries), data displays, preferences, and configuration files. Library A library is a folder that groups cells (defined below) that have a common technology library. When you create a workspace, you define its libraries by specifying the path and you can also specify the technology (layers, units, etc.) to use. Adding two or more libraries to your workspace makes it easy to handle multi-technology designs such as RF system-in-package modules. A cell is a folder and replaces a design file in the old networks directory. Cells act as a collector for schematics, layouts, symbols and other view types. A cell is in a library and usually contains different views of a design including layouts, schematics symbols, EM setups, and EM models. When you create a new schematic or layout, you can name the cell. A view is one of the representations or models of the cell. For simulation, you can switch between views using Dynamic Model Selection. There are several types of view. A cell can contain zero or more of each type. Some common ones are: Schematic is circuit schematic Layout represents the physical structure A symbol represents all views in the cell. Usually a single symbol is all you need for the cell, but multiple symbols can be useful. You can click on a symbol to determine which view you want to see or simulate. emSetup contains the EM simulation parameters for the cell. emModel contains EM simulation results that can be used as a model of the cell in a higher level schematic
ADS Layout Tutorial (adsoverview)
Demonstrates the key steps in the physical design flow. Highlights: Object handles improves editing efficiency Flexible design data structures Filter is simulated and compared with ideal design Easily align selected objects Provides single click access to commonly used and new alignment functions Optimized for efficient keyboard entry of commands Extended layer definition (adsoverview)
(adsoverview) Simulation Data of Package and Nested LNA EM Co-simulation with FET
(adsoverview) Complete front-end transceiver Circuit Design: Emphasis on Circuit Simulations Only
3. Click Next and select the libraries you want to use. In this case, we will use the ADS Analog/RF libraries and DemoKit_Non_Linear library.
5. Click Next to select the technology. 6. Click Next and review the Summary. Make changes if necessary, or click Finish. 7. The workspace is created.
3. 4. Click Apply. 5. Now, click Placement tab and change the Pin/Ground Size from 100 to 40. This number is in proportion with the default trace width 10.
3. Click OK to open the Layout view. A good snap grid makes trace insertion easier. Snap grid is set very fine (.01) based
The Fast Grid Tool is an AEL Design Kit application available with the MMIC Toolbar. It is useful for quick adjustments to the snap grid. 6. Click Apply followed by Close.
icon, to open the Trace dialog box. 2. Click Insert Trace 3. In the Via Configuration File drop-down list, select the file for Non-Linear DemoKit. The Via Configuration File enables automatic via insertion. The configuration file must be selected for each workspace.
11. Next, choose Insert > Pins to insert a pin at the open ends of the M0 and M2 traces.
Note In ADS2011, ports are known as pins. When you place a pin, the component insertion dialog box does not display. Pins can be edited with the Properties dialog box by double-clicking the pin. The layer information is set automatically according to the connection pin. If connectivity information is not available, the pin will be placed on the current insertion layer.
Design Synchronization
Design Synchronization with traces is a new feature in ADS 2011. 1. Choose Schematic > Generate/Update Schematic. 2. Click Trace Control in the Generate/Update Schematic dialog box.
Note Do not specify a starting component unless you want to place a single net of connected components.
3. 4. Click OK to close the Trace Control dialog box. 5. Click OK to close the Generate/Update Schematic dialog box. 6. The trace design opens in Schematic view. The schematic has red boxes on the wires.
icon to view the sub-trace. 7. Click Push into Hierarchy 8. Select the wire on the far right to view the meander. 9. Notice that the transmission lines use the components from the EEsof Non Linear Demo Kit. 10. Perform Layout versus Schematic (LVS) in the sub-trace view. 11. Click Tools > ADS Desktop LVS. 12. Click Run to compare the one-to-one correspondence between Schematic and Layout. 13. Select the component names in the Summary tab to highlight components by type. 14. Select the component names in the Component tab to highlight equivalent components. 15. Click Pop out Hierachy to return to the top-level schematic. 16. Click Tools > ADS Desktop LVS. 17. Notice that you are able to maintain a one-to-one correspondence between Schematic and Layout at each level. 18. This method allows you to model the transmission lines without cluttering the schematic. 19. Close the current workspace and save all modified designs.
2. 3. Click EM > Simulation Setup and Simulate. 4. Click EM > Component > Create EM Model and Symbol.
5. Click File > Close All and Save. Insert the EM Model into MyDesign (layout and schematic) To insert the EM Model: 1. Open MyDesign Layout view. 2. Delete the trace on M2.
3. Drag and drop the layout from MyDesign_trace2 into the layout of MyDesign. 4. Regenerate the schematic.
5. Click File > Close All and save. Create a Symbol for MyDesign To create a symbol for MyDesign: 1. Right-click MyDesign in the Folder View. 2. Click New Symbol. The Symbol Generator dialog box appears.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click OK (without making any changes in the Symbol Generator parameters). Click File > Design Parameters. Click OK to initialize the component instance to X. Save and Close the Symbol window.
Create a Top-level Simulation_Control Design with the S_Params Template To create a simulation control top-level design: 1. Click File > New > Schematic and name the cell as Simulation_Control. 2. Specify the S_Params template.
3. Drag and drop the symbol view of MyDesign into the Simulation_Control design.
4. Wire up the pins. 5. Click File > Close All and save. Create a Defaults Design for the Tech Include To create a defaults design: 1. Click File > New > Schematic and name the cell as Defaults.
2. 3. Click File > Save. Reference the Defaults design from MyDesign To Reference the Defaults Design: 1. Click Options > Technology > Defaults Design from the ADS Main window. 2. Click Add Default Designs to add the Defaults schematic in the Default Design list.
3. Select Defaults under Defaults Design list box. 4. Click OK. Use Instance Specifications to Toggle Between Two Views Validate the Hierarchy Policy is Set to Schematic: 1. Open Simulation_Control schematic view. 2. Click Simulate > Hierarchy Explorer. 3. Expand the browser and note your simulation will be based on the transmission lines in MyDesign_trace2. 4. Click Close Simulate using the schematic view (transmission lines) To simulate with transmission lines: 1. Click Simulate > Simulate from the schematic view. 2. Click History > On in the Data Display. Use the Hierarchy Explorer to Select the EM Model (Instance Specification) To switch to EM Model:
Simulate with EM To simulate with EM 1. Click Simulate > Simulate from the schematic view. 2. New trace appears representing EM simulation of trace2.
Turn off the Instance Specification To remove the Instance Specification: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click Simulate > Hierarchy Explorer from the schematic view. Expand the browser. Right-click on the View for Simulation for MyDesign_trace2. Select Choose View for Simulation. Select Let the Hierarchy Policy determine which view to use option.
The simulation will now return to the default system behavior, which is to use the schematic view (transmission lines). 6. Click File > Close All to save and close. Create a Hierarchy Policy EM_First
Activate the EM Policy To activate the EM Policy view: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Open Simulation_Control schematic view. Click Simulate > Simulation Setup. Click Choose to open Choose Hierarchy Policy dialog box. Choose Policy_EM_First. Click OK. Click Simulate Click History > On in the Data Display. Simulation log will show that the EM data is used during simulation for the sub trace and the vias.
Return to the Standard Policy Open the Choose Hierarchy Policy dialog box Choose <System Default: Standard>. Click OK. Click Simulate Simulation log will show that EM data is used just for the vias. 5. Click File > Close All and Save. 1. 2. 3. 4.
ADS Desktop LVS with EM Policy To set the ADS Desktop LVS with EM Policy: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click Simulate > Simulation Setup. Open the Choose Hierarchy Policy dialog box Choose EM_First. Click Apply and Cancel. Click Tools > ADS Desktop LVS. Click Run. Notice how the LVS does not look into the hierarchy for Trace2.
Layout Editing
Edit Properties Properties on multiple elements can be edited using the Properties dialog box. 1. 2. 3. 4. Open the Test2 Layout with the demo_cap components. Press Shift key and point select to select multiple traces. Double-click on one of the traces to open the Properties dialog box. Edit the trace width. All the selected traces will be modified.
Object Handles 1. Insert some shapes in a Layout view. 2. Select to activate the object handles. You can perform the following actions from the object handles: Select an edge to stretch the object. Select a vertex to resize the object. A rotate handle appears immediately above the object. Move component text using the object handle in the upper left of the component annotation Stretching JBOND, SBOND, and MLIN components updates the length parameter See Also <div id="contentseealso";> Moving Shapes Aligning Shapes and Object Handles Command Line Editor
Select Rule Location Workspace Enter M2 spacing less than 30 as the Rule Name. Enter M2_Spacing_Rule.ael as the Rule filename. Uncheck Minimum width. Enter 30 as Minimum spacing (use a distance value that will detect the vertical segments of your meander). 10. Select M2:drawing layer under Apply to Layer(s) list box. 11. Click Save. The rule appears in the DRC dialog box. 12. Click Run. DRC highlighted edges on M2 with spacing less than 30 um. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Custom DRC The Quick DRC rule selected all segments that met the spacing rule. A custom rule can be created that contains the check to parallel segments. To run a custom DRC: 1. Browse to the rules file created by Quick DRC. (This could be in the workspace directory verification\rules, or in the user directory \hpeesof\drc\rules, depending on the Rule Location specified.) 2. Open the file in Notepad. 3. Save the file as M2_Spacing_Rule_Custom.ael.
File Generated by Quick DRC (before edits)
// Rule File: C:\Users\default\Layout_Lab_wrk\verification\rules\M2_Spacing_Rule.ael // declare input design layer decl lyr_M2_drawing = dve_import_layer("M2","drawing"); // declare output error layer decl lyr_error = dve_export_layer("ads_drc_error"); // rule on layer M2:drawing lyr_error += dve_drc( spacing(lyr_M2_drawing) < 30.00,
Custom DRC Rules file:
// Rule File: C:\users\default\Layout_Lab_wrk\verification\rules\M2_Spacing_Rule_Custom.ael // // declare input design layer decl iLyr_M2_drawing = dve_import_layer("M2","drawing"); // declare output error layer
The setrule.ael file controls the Rule List in the DRC dialog. Modify the setrule.ael file located at C:\users\default\Layout_Lab_wrk\verification\rules.
// Rule Registry File dve_set_rule_list(list( "M2 spacing less than 30", "M2_Spacing_Rule.ael", "M2 spacing less than 30 parallel", "M2_Spacing_Rule_Custom.ael" ));
The custom rules file now appears in the DRC dialog box. Run the Custom DRC. DRC Documentation DRC documentation is improved and categorized as: DRC Functions (alphabetical) DRC Functions (by category)
3D Viewer
3D View is the fastest method (reads layout as is). 3D Viewer redisplays in the same window (added in ADS 2009 Update 1). To use 3D view in Layout click View > 3D View. This is also the method used from the MMIC Toolbar. Click EM > 3D EM Preview preprocesses in preparation for EM. See Also <div id="contentseealso";> 3D Layout Preview
You can create Reticles efficiently using array references. 1. Place a capacitor. 2. Click Edit > Advanced Copy/Paste > Array Instance.
3. Specify the X Spacing,Y Spacing, Number of Rows, and Number of Columns. 4. Click OK.
Only the original instance has connectivity. Artwork must be flattened before being rotated.
Artwork Formats
ADS supports various layout formats for import and export. The layout can be imported / exported from File-Import or File-Export menus. See Also <div id="contentseealso";> Generating Manufacturing Artwork
Antenna_lib Library
This library contains the momentum simulated data of the Patch Antenna design. You can also add layout design in this library to perform EM Co-simulation. In this library, the default technology analog_rf.defs of ADS is used to create the antenna design. The design uses: Components from ADS default library. S1P component to load the momentum simulated data Patch_mom_a.ds.
SPDT_lib Library
This library contains all the schematics and layout of MMIC SPDT component. In this library, the technology from DemoKit_V3 is used as PDK-2. Below figure shows the schematic and equivalent layout design.
Below design shows the result of the SPDT simulation for one branch with switch ON condition and its insertion loss and isolation are shown in the data display.
PA_lib Library
This library contains the X-Parameter simulated Data of Power Amplifier design. In this library, the default technology analog_rf.defs of ADS is used to create the PA design. The design uses S2P component to load the simulated data PA_C_Band_JS_XParModel.ds.
LNA_lib Library
This library contains all the schematics and layout of MMIC LNA component. In this library, the technology from Demokit_Non_Linear is used as PDK-1. Below figure shows the schematic design where all the elements from the Demokit_Non_Linear is used.
Below figure shows the result of the LNA design simulated for Gain, Loss, Noise Figure and Stability data.
Antenna_SPDT_LNA_PA_lib Library
In this library all the components such as Antenna, SPDT, LNA, and PA design created in respective libraries are integrated to see the overall performance. In this library, the default technology analog_rf.defs of ADS is used to create the front-end transceiver design. The overall design uses: RefNetDesign component to load the Antenna Data (Antenna_lib:Antenna_Data) SPDT_Design2 component created as hierarchical for MMIC SPDT design (SPDT_lib:SPDT_Design2) LNA_Design component created as hierarchical for MMIC LNA design (LNA_lib:LNA_Design) Power_Amplifier component where X-Parameter data is used (PA_lib:Power_Amplifier) Below figure shows the overall performance and its simulated data in the data Display.
In this library there is another design named as LNA_SPDT_Patch_PA3, which includes the affect of Module substrate that are used to connect all various components. The below result shows the data with Module substrate connected to each components.
Design Management
Using the Main Window (adsoverview) Using Libraries (adsoverview) Converting Projects to Workspaces (adsoverview) Cells and Views (adsoverview)
File View Browse to other directories (similar to previous releases) See the actual files that are stored in the file system Special characters in cell names are shown in parenthesis to improve readability (special characters are used by OpenAccess for cross-platform support) Folder View Create virtual folders to group related files (similar to previous releases) Library View View the system organization of a workspace Find files by type Using Examples Examples in are now stored in archive files and will be unarchived to a new directory when opened Examples are available using the File > Open > Example menu If you prefer to use use the file view, you can use View > Show All Files to show example files in sub directories Search for examples using key words Example index is also available in the user documentation
Help References
See Getting Started>Quick Start>ADS Design Environment>ADS Main Window
Using Libraries
Libraries help organize designs that share a common technology Libraries prevent name collisions with PDKs and system libraries Libraries make it easy to reference designs created by other people
Your Libraries When creating a new workspace you will be asked to create a library. Selecting the technology for this library is an important step, because all of the designs stored in this library will inherit this technology definition. When you create new designs they will reside in this library. System Libraries You need to include the ADS system libraries if you want to use components that ship with ADS. ADS libraries are selected by default when new workspaces are created. Process Design Kits You need to include a foundry library if you want to use components from a PDK. Design kits are no longer "installed" and "uninstalled". Each workspace specifically includes the design kits that it needs. Once you specify the location of a PDK, the system remembers it as a Favorite PDK. Applications for Libraries A workspace can contain multiple libraries (test benches and design data). A workspace can reference multiple PDKs for multi-technology assembly designs. A workspace can reference other peoples libraries for design integration.
Adding a Library From the main window execute DesignKits>Manage Favorite Design Kits... Select Add Library Definition File... Browse to the <library>.defs. The library will now be listed as a favorite and can be selected when you create a workspace. You can drag and drop parts using the Component Library dialog.
Help References
See Getting Started>Quick Start>Using Libraries
Migration Bring your data into ADS 2011 by browsing to your project. When you attempt to open the project, the system will automatically ask if you wish to convert the project to a workspace. The Convert Project to Workspace Wizard steps you through the process of configuring your new workspace. During project-to-workspace conversion, designs from the networks directory are converted to cells and placed in the new library in your workspace. A pre-scan is performed to identify missing components. Libraries and PDK's must be added during conversion: Adding them later will not repair components that were not successfully converted. New designs created in ADS 2011 cannot be converted back to the *.dsn format. Preferences ADS 2011 has an improved organization for user preferences. User preferences are stored in the workspace (grid display on/off). Technology-related settings (units, layer definition) are now stored in the library. Some technology related settings (such as color) can be overridden in the Layer Preferences dialog. An settings file will be stored in the workspace for these overrides Unarchiving Workspaces Archived projects have the extension .zap. Archived workspaces have the extension .7zap. ADS 2011 can directly open archived projects and will automatically begin the workspace conversion process.
Help References
See Getting Started>ADS - Quick Reference>ADS Project Upgrade to ADS Workspace See Getting Started>Quick Start>Using Workspace>Unarchiving a Workspace
Cells and Views Cells act as a collector for schematics, layouts, symbols and other view types When you save a design you are saving only the view in the current window Expand the cell in the main window to see the available views Right click on the cell to add new views
Help References
See Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Managing Designs>Saving a Design
Technology Management
Using Process Design Kits (adsoverview) Using Standard Built-In Technologies (adsoverview) Setting up a Multi-Technology Design (adsoverview)
Adding PDKs You no longer have to install a PDK. Instead, when you start a workspace, you add the PDK to the workspace. You can select from a list of favorite PDKs. Foundry Design Kits Design kits must be updated to work with ADS 2011. Diagnostic tools have been added to ADS to support the foundries in delivering robust PDKs for ADS 2011. Several PDKs are available for the Early Access program. EEsof Non-Linear Demo Kit Fully configured demo kit with simulation models and parameterized layout artwork. Located in the ADS install directory under examples/DesignKit/DemoKit_Non_Linear.
Configuring the List of Favorite PDKs From the main window, execute the menu pick Design Kits>Manage Favorite Design Kits. Select Add Library Definition File Browse to the Library Definition File (lib.defs) in the PDK. The PDK will now appear in the list of favorite PDKs and can be selected during workspace creation. Adding PDKs during Workspace Creation When you create a new workspace, you will be prompted to add PDKs in the Add Libraries page. Your favorite PDKs will appear in the list under User Favorite Libraries and PDKs. Select a PDK to associate it with your new workspace. If your PDK does not appear in the list, you have two options: Browse to the lib.defs file using the Add User Favorite Library/PDK link. Any PDK added in this way will be automatically added to the list of Favorite PDKs. Exit out of new workspace creation, and (from the main window) add the PDK to your favorite PDKs. When you create a new workspace, the PDK will now appear in the list.
Help References
See Getting Started>ADS - Quick Reference>ADS 2011 PDK Upgrade>Working with Upgraded PDKs in ADS2011>Adding a PDK to a Workspace in ADS2011 See Getting Started>ADS - Quick Reference>ADS 2011 PDK Upgrade
Technologies Create designs using standard ADS layers and units similar to previous releases Select from the available technologies when creating new libraries
Help References
See See See See See See Designing a Simple Low Pass Filter Tutorial (adsoverview) Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Technology Setup Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Layer Definitions Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Material Definitions Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Nested Technology Getting Started>Quick Start>Substrates in EM Simulation>Substrate Editor
Multi-Technology Assembly Designs Create a workspace that references multiple Libraries Drag and drop from the component palette Libraries provide technology and name scoping Substrate Editor helps you create a unified substrate
Help References
See See See See See See See See Setting up Multi-Technology Designs (adsoverview) Multi-Technology Tutorial for EM (adsoverview) Multi-Technology Tutorial for Circuit (adsoverview) Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Technology Setup Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Layer Definitions Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Material Definitions Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Nested Technology Getting Started>Quick Start>Substrates in EM Simulation>Substrate Editor
The substrate editor supports multiple stacking levels, flip chip, wire bonding, and backside mounting. Multi-Technology Module design is fully supported for EM simulation and the 3D Viewer. Momentum and FEM simulations can be performed on multi-substrate structures.
In this way, different technologies can be used in a single workspace with the help of library feature and further the designs can be integrated to check the overall performance of the multi-technology design. An example is designed to illustrate the benefits of including the libraries in MultiTechnology feature in ADS 2011. Click here (adsoverview) to refer the Multi-Technology Tutorial for Circuit Simulation (adsoverview).
3. Select top0 and click Open to open the Nested Technology dialog box.
4. In the Nested Technology dialog box: 1. Select the sub design library, which will be used as nested technology. 2. Select the Orientation and vertical position to place a nested substrate in the base substrate. The following table describes the four possibilities:
Orientation and Vertical Position Above an interface Below an interface with the design flipped Above an interface with the design flipped Below an interface Symbol Description Places the nested substrate above an interface of base substrate Places the nested substrate below an interface of base substrate with design flipped Places the nested substrate above an interface of base substrate with design flipped Places the nested substrate below an interface of base substrate
5. To use the layers from the nested technology, it is required to specify its equivalent layer in this technology. After this, the system treats the two layers as one. For example, if you need to make an electrical connection to a layer in the nested technology, you should add an equivalent layer for it. Here it is not required to map all the layers of sub design, only layers on which Pins, bondwires or other electrical connects are needed, can be added as an equivalent layer. Click Add Equivalent Layer in the Nested Technology dialog box to add a layer.
2. On the right hand side of the substrate editor, all the defined nested technologies along with their respective substrates will be available in the drop-down menu. Select Nested Technology and Substrate of the sub design from the drop-down menu under Nested Substrate.
Dynamic Model Selection Simulate the same design using different models (polymorphism) Simulate based on desired accuracy (ideal lumped elements, PDK models or EMbased models) Hierarchy Policies Hierarchy policies apply globally throughout the circuit and control which view to simulate Use Simulate > Simulation Setup to specify the hierarchy policy for your design Instance-specific Control Override the global policy on an instance-specific basis Use the Choose View for Simulation toolbar button to the left of the simulate toolbar button Or right-click a component and choose Component > Choose View for Simulation
Help References
See Simulation>Analog/RF>Using Circuit Simulators>Dynamic Model Selection
Improved Smith Chart Better display of chart values Better overall look and data granularity More efficient memory utilization Improved Data Display Template Browser Real time quick search Template properties can now be directly edited from the Browser Improved Save As and Delete from the Browser More control in setting Data Display trace colors Can now assign a color to a family of subtraces Easier to differentiate traces belonging to different sweeps New Slider Plot Allows easy indexing of swept data Improved onscreen editing Auto-rotation of text while editing vertical trace labels on plots Easier to edit zoomed out text by maintaining a minimum edit text size Improved display of onscreen text during editing
Help References
See Design Tools>Data Display>Sliders
Load Pull Data Controller Quickly imports one or more Maury load pull files Component used directly in designing matching network Easier design optimization Automatic interpolation of scattered measurement data Automatically display performance parameters Much faster to go from load pull data to doing design and simulation How to Use Place the Maury .lp file in the data directory of your workspace Place the new Load Pull Data Controller in the schematic Select the controller and browse to the Maury .lp file
Help References
See Simulation>Analog/RF>Data Based Load Pull Simulation
Layout Object Handles (adsoverview) Layout Command Line Editor (adsoverview)
Object Handles Select an edge to stretch the object Select a vertex to resize the object Drag an object without selecting an object handle to move the object A rotate handle appears immediately above the object Move component text using the object handle in the upper left of the component annotation Stretching JBOND, SBOND and MLIN components updates the length parameter On Screen Text Edit Editing rotated text is easier with the on-screen text-edit widget Contrasting background makes text easier to see Alignment Commands Align shapes by left, bottom, right, top, center vertical and center horizontal Use Edit > Align Cursor Control Set the cursor to cross-hairs Use Options > Preferences (Display tab) Extended Layer Definition Layer definition is now made up of a layer number and a purpose description Maps directly to GDSII layer definitions
Help References
See Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Creating Elements>Defining Parameters See Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Editing a Layout See ADS Layout Tutorial (adsoverview)
Command Line Interface Optimized for efficient keyboard entry of commands Over 50 common commands defined User can add their own custom functions Layout Toolbar Provides single-click access to commonly used functions such as vertex selection and pin number display How to Use Note: The layout command line editor is a beta feature for ADS 2011 and must be explicitly enabled to be used Enable the toolbar from the main window of ADS by using the menu Tools > Manage ADS AEL Addons...
Help References
See ADS Layout Tutorial (adsoverview) See Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Editing a Layout>Layout Command Line Editor See Getting Started>ADS Quick Start>ADS Design Environment>Manage ADS AEL Addons
EM Simulation
Substrate Editor (adsoverview) Port Editor (adsoverview) EM Setup (adsoverview) EM Model (adsoverview) EM Toolbar (adsoverview)
Substrate Editor
Create and modify substrates Reuse the same substrate in different EM simulations
Technology Editor Create and manage a library's layers, materials, and substrates in a single location Use the same substrate with different EM simulations (because substrates are no longer stored with the layout) Copy materials and substrates from a predefined database Create a new substrate by transferring information from a schematic substrate (for example, an MSUB) Launch the substrate editor Substrate Editor Edit the substrate using a graphical view Right-click on the graphical view to insert a new item Select an item to view/edit its properties Use click-and-drag to move an item to a different layer
Help References
See See See See See Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Technology Setup Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Layer Definitions Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Material Definitions Design Tools>Schematic Capture and Layout>Nested Technology Getting Started>Quick Start>Substrates in EM Simulation>Substrate Editor
EM Setup
Unified EM setup for Momentum, Momentum RF and FEM EM setups can be saved and reused
EM Simulation Setup Single EM simulation setup dialog replaces eight previous dialogs (used in ADS 2009 Update 1 and earlier) Unified EM setup for Momentum, Momentum RF, and FEM Reusable EM Setups Easy to save, restore, and copy Can be preconfigured by foundries and EM experts Make EM simulations easier, faster, and more accessible EM Simulation Toolbar Shortcuts to frequently used menus Job Manager Improved ease-of-use for monitoring local, remote, queued, or distributed EM simulations
Help References
See Simulation>Electromagnetic>Overview See Simulation>Electromagnetic>Using the Job Manager
EM Model
An EM Model is an on-demand EM-based model for circuit simulation Replaces the "Layout Component" from ADS 2009 Update 1 and earlier
EM Model View A circuit-simulatable cell view based on EM simulation S-parameters are generated on-demand by running an EM simulation during the circuit simulation EM simulation results are cached to improve performance Fully compatible with Dynamic Model Selection (adsoverview)
Creating Create an EM Model from the "Model/Symbol" page of an EM Setup (EM > Simulation Setup...) Create a layout-lookalike symbol from the "Model/Symbol" page of an EM Simulation Setup Editing Edit an EM Model view by double-clicking it in the main window's Folder View or Library View The EM Model view contains its own EM setup that is used to perform ondemand EM simulation Click "Edit" on the "Simulation Setup" page to view or edit this EM setup. Modifying the EM setup deletes the cached EM results Using---To use an EM Model in a circuit simulation for a particular instance of a cell: Select the instance on a schematic and click the "Choose View for Simulation" button (just to the left of the "Simulate" button) Choose the EM Model in the dialog box and click OK This instance will now use the EM Model for circuit simulation You can also use a Hierarchy Policy (adsoverview) to control whether an EM Model view is used for circuit simulation
Help References
See Simulation>Electromagnetic>Using an EM Model
EM Toolbar
Access frequently used EM commands Customize the toolbar to add your own favorite commands
EM Setup Pulldown Select from the avialable EM setups for the current cell EM Simulation Setup Icon Opens the dialog for the current EM Setup EM Simulate Icon Launches an EM simulation using the current EM Setup Stop EM Simulation Icon Stops the current EM simulation and releases the license Substrate Editor Icon Opens the substrate editor for the current EM Setup 3D EM Preview Icon Previews the layout in 3D as it will be simulated by the current EM Setup
Enabling the EM Toolbar for the current window Right mouse click on an existing toolbar and select "EM Simulation" Enabling the EM Toolbar for all layout windows Tools>Hot Key/Toolbar Configuration... Toolbar tab Select EM Simulation in the list Enable "Display Toolbar" option Customizing the EM Toolbar Tools>Hot Key/Toolbar Configuration... Select specific menu items to add to the toolbar
Help References
See Simulation>Electromagnetic>Overview>Using the EM Toolbar
Design Flows
High Speed Digital Design (adsoverview) MMIC Design (adsoverview)
IBIS-AMI model simulation For a complete table of IBIS 5.0 keywords supported in ADS 2011.01 please see Hybrid fitting/convolution option for using s-parameter results in Transient Convolution Simulator and in Channel Simulator. This option is especially suited to EM simulation results that have low frequency structure, for example power distribution networks (PDNs) Net-driven set up of high speed digital simulations with Momentum SI/PI analyzer wizard Causal, frequency-dependent dielectric loss model in Momentum Improved conductor surface roughness modeling accuracy at higher frequencies in: Momentum Distributed component libraries: Multilayer Microstrip Stripline Coplanar waveguide W-element generation from Multilayer model library simulations "Signal Integrity - Common Components" palette for quick access to frequently used high speed digital components In addition, high speed digital engineers will benefit from the following general-purpose enhancements to Momentum: New mesher NlogN matrix load Bond wire model Usability improvements including simplified setup
Help References
See High Speed Digital Design Flow
Figure 1: The IBIS AMI standard provide fast, accurate, portable, interoperable models of SERDES. In ADS 2011 these models let you perform the "What if..." design space exploration you need to optimize a chip-to-chip link.
MMIC Design
Improvements for both MMIC Designers and Foundries MMIC to Module Multi-technology design flow supports creating more complex designs Enterprise support for team design
Viewer dialog is independent of schematic and layout window so LVS can be performed on any two designs. PDK Upgrades
MMIC Applications
EEsof MMIC Workshop Complete MMIC LNA design showcasing the entire MMIC flow Upgraded to ADS 2011 Contact your Field representative to get the latest version EEsof Non-Linear Demo PDK Complete PDK with simulation models, layout artwork, DRC and LVS Upgrated to ADS 2011 See HPEESOF_DIR/Examples/DesignKit/DemoKit_Non_Linear Load Pull Design Guide Enhanced in ADS 2011 See Knowledge Center>Load Pull Design Guide
Help References
See See See See See See See See MMIC Design Flow Design Tools>Design Rule Checker Design Tools>Layout vs Schematic Simulation>Analog RF>Data Based Load Pull Simulation I/O>Design Translation>Importing and Exporting Designs>ODB++ I/O>Design Translation>Importing and Exporting Designs>GDSII I/O>Design Translation>Importing and Exporting Designs>Gerber Delta AC Simulation Mode