Describe The Main Steps To Develop A DSP Based Product

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1. Describe the main steps to develop a DSP based product.

Step 1: Processor Selection Determine the system tradeoffs, and identify which processor
will best suit your product design.
Step 2: Evaluation of Technology and Tools Successfully introducing a product to market
requires control of costs and accurate market timing. We will evaluate our device as a
possible processor solution, and evaluate development tools.
Step 3: Initial Development At this stage, we have already decided which processor to use,
but beta boards have not been built.
Step 4: Product Development In this stage we need full development capabilities including
debugging of product hardware and software.

2. How many DSP families have been developed by Texas Instruments, and which are the
main characteristics for each family?

a) [DaVinci Digital Media Processors], [C6000 Simple Core DSP] DSP & DSP+ARM:
300MHz to >1.5GHz Floating/Fixed DSP + Video Accelerators.
UPP, PRU, PCie2.0, McBSP, McASP;
b) [C6000 Multicore] Multicore DSP: Up to 10GHz Multicore fixed/floating Accelerators.
Cache, RAM, ROM, Rapid IO, Pcie, 10/100 MAC, Hyperlink, DDR2/3.
c) Ultra Low Power DSP [C5000]: Up to 300MHz 16-bit fixed point + FFT Accelerator Up to
320Kb RAM, Up to 256Kb ROM, USB2.0, PHY, SD/MMC, McBSP, i2S, UART, LCD;

3. Why we are using hybrid processors (DSP+ARM) to implement complex
multimedia applications?

We are using hybrid processors to offer programability and therefore flexibility. As a result
this makes them less than ideal for signal processing applications.

4. Which are the main destinations (applications) for OMAP processors?

Delivers advanced user interface, improved graphics, video and connectivity for applications.
Used in smartphones;


1. Describe the main development phases of CCS applications

Figure 2.1. Main phases of software development

2. Describe the main components of CCS
CCS includes the following components:

-TMS320c600 code generation tools
-CCS Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
-DSP/BIOS plug-ins and API
-RTDX plug-in, host interface, and API

The code generation tools provide the foundation for the development environment provided by CSS.

3. Which is the role of the CCS debugger?

The CCS debugger is used for syntax checking, to introduce probe points, and create logging in order to
better follow the execution of the program.

-Has several capabilites and advanced breakpoints to simplify development;
-Global breakpoints and synchronous operations provide control over multiple processors and cors.


1. Present the main applications of the TMS320C6416DSK system in DSP?

Destinatia principala: testarea si rularea aplicatiilor cu DSP inainte de a fi prezente ca solutii finale.

2. Which types of applications are solved using the C6416DSK system without any additional
boards? Which component of the DSK is used in this case?

Aplicatie ( in domeniul audio )
Componenta AiC23 Codec aplicatie audio casti
Line IN Line OUT

3. What interface is used to interface the host PC with C6416DSK?

Comunica printr-un emulator JTAG (pt controlul procesorului) cu o interfata USB cu calculatorul gazda.


1. Which is the maximum frequency of the FIR filter implemented with TMS320C6416DSK, if
the sampling frequency is 8 KHz? Fiind the answer for IIR filter with a sampling frequency of



2. FIR filters are inherently stable? Why?

Fir filters are inherently stable due to the fact that because there is no feedback, all the poles are
located at the origin and thus are located within the unit circle (the required condition for stability in a z
transform system).

3. For a specific filtering characteristic, which type of filter (IIR or FIR) has the shortest
implementation? Explain.

IIR has the shortest implementation (has a greatly reduced no of input coefficients => a reduced no.
of operations)


1. Which algorithm is used to detect motion in the image?

Estimarea energiei de miscare e bazata pe calculul sumei diferentelor absolute (SAD Sum of Absolute
differences) descrisa de urmatoarea ecuatie:

( )

( )


( ) Cadrul curent

( ) Cadrul precedent

2. Explain briefly the Rapid prototyping concept.

Generarea unei aplicatii folosind direct modelul matematic creat in programe precum Matlab, Simulink.

3. Where is located the image used to demonstrate the motion detection process?

Capabilitati de testare a functionalitatii si a interconectarii in PC si se transmite prin USB la placa.


1. Describe the initial testing purpose of JTAG interface?

2. Which is the minimal number of pins for a standard JTAG interface?

4- The signals: TDI, TD0, TDK, TMS; Auxiliar TRS
JTAG- Folosit initial pentru testarea circuitelor

3. Give an evaluation of the emulated JTAG transfer speed, during Flash memory programming

30-50Kbits/s (for memory programming)
10-30Mbps (pt integrare completa?)

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