The growth in upcycled certified products underscores the food and beverage industry's shift towards sustainability. It's impressive to see companies reducing food waste and creating nutritious products from side streams. Thanks for sharing! #UpcycledCertified #WhereFoodComesFrom #Upcycling #Sustainability #FoodWaste #Innovation #FoodIndustry
#Upcycling would-be #foodwaste or side streams from manufacturing into nutritious and #sustainable products for human consumption continues to gain traction with more companeis calling out the claim and sales of #UpcycledCertified products overall growing 39.9% yoy to $42 million in 2023 and units increasing 22% in the same period, according to Upcycled Food Association. Within #food and #beverage, sales of #Upcycled Certified products surged double and triple digits in 2023, with standout categories including #snacks, #juices and #ingredients. Upcycled Food Association CEO Amanda Oenbring shared with me at the Summer #FancyFoodShow how the segment is growing and where there is the most potential. Check out insights from her data-dense presentation and watch the full video interview: #FancyFood #WeFancy #foodwasterduction #upcycling #upcycledfood #UpcycledFoodAssociation #UpcylcedCertified