IE - Chapter 6.1 (Final)
IE - Chapter 6.1 (Final)
IE - Chapter 6.1 (Final)
account 0
Export & Net Income Unilateral Non-official Official
Import receipt transfer reserves reserves
Trade Balance
> 0: Surplus < 0: Deficit
Current account Balance
The foreign
exchange market
(Forex / FX market) is
the market in which Means of payment quoted in foreign
individuals, firms, currency, e.g. checks, payment cards,
and financial bills of exchange, promissory notes…
institutions buy and
sell foreign
Valuable papers quoted in foreign
currency, e.g. government bonds,
corporate bonds, shares,…
• The worldwide volume of foreign exchange trading is enormous
and has significantly increased in recent years
EXPORT (1 year - 2013)
US$ billion
international transactions.
• No significant difference between exchange rate
quoted in different financial centers
Answer: Direct
1 USD = 21.000 VND
Equilibrium Foreign Exchange Rate
• Under a flexible exchange rate system
R = $/€
1.5 G
1.0 E
The exchange rate is the PRICE of domestic price of foreign currency or the
PRICE of foreign currency in terms of domestic currency
-> Basically, the equilibrium exchange rate is determined at the intersection
of the nation’s aggregate demand and supply curves for the foreign currency
(E.g. R=1.0)
Depreciation and Appreciation of a Currency
• Currency Depreciation occurs when the value of one currency falls against
another currency
-> VND depreciates against USD <-> USD appreciates against VND
-> Depreciation encourages export, reduces import
-> Improve trade account and current account
Depreciation and Appreciation of a Currency
E.g. Before 1 USD = 20.000 VND -> Now 1 USD = 19.000 VND
-> VND appreciates against USD <-> USD depreciates against VND
-> Appreciation facilitates import, restrain export
-> Worsen trade account and current account
Devaluation and Revaluation of a Currency
- It should sell USD or/and buy GBP
in the foreign exchange market
• Spot rate
– A spot transaction involves agreement between two parties to
exchange currencies and execute the deal immediately or
within two business days.
– Spot rate is the rate agreed in spot transactions (reported on a
real-time basis on many financial websites).
• Forward rate
– A forward transaction involves agreement between two
parties to exchange currencies on a specific future date and at
a specific rate that agreed today.
– Forward rate is the rate agreed in forward transactions, often
quoted for 30, 90 or 180 days into the future
FR SR 12
FDorFP x x100
SR t
– Bid rate
The rate at which the quoting bank is willing to buy the foreign exchange.
– Ask (Offer rate)
The rate at which the quoting bank is will to sell the foreign exchange.
– Bank note rate
The rate applied to foreign coins, paper money, travel’s check and credit cards
– Transaction rate
The rate applied to FX deposit accounts
– Opening rate
The rate of the first FX contract of the day
– Closing rate
The rate of the last FX contract of the day
Tỷ giá các ngoại tệ của Hội sở chính Ngân hàng TMCP Ngoại thương Việt Nam ngày 08/11/2013
Mua tiền mặt/Bid Mua chuyển khoản/ Bid Bán/ Ask rate/ Offer
Mã NT Tên ngoại tệ rate (Cash) rate (transaction) rate
AUD AUST.DOLLAR 19657.77 19776.43 20034.17
CAD CANADIAN DOLLAR 19872.38 20052.86 20314.19
CHF SWISS FRANCE 22703.75 22863.8 23161.77
DKK DANISH KRONE 0 3752.69 3832.14
EUR EURO 28010.58 28094.86 28461
GBP BRITISH POUND 33494.84 33730.96 34102.28
HKD HONGKONG DOLLAR 2679.61 2698.5 2744.62
INR INDIAN RUPEE 0 331.29 345.14
JPY JAPANESE YEN 206.06 208.14 215.59
KRW SOUTH KOREAN WON 0 18.03 22.05
KWD KUWAITI DINAR 0 73845.91 75409.2
MYR MALAYSIAN RINGGIT 0 6574.42 6660.1
NOK NORWEGIAN KRONER 0 3450.96 3524.02
RUB RUSSIAN RUBLE 0 590.47 722.37
SAR SAUDI RIAL 0 5458.46 5801.6
SEK SWEDISH KRONA 0 3196.07 3250.7
SGD SINGAPORE DOLLAR 16690.42 16808.08 17095.38
THB THAI BAHT 659.59 659.59 687.16
USD US DOLLAR 21080 21080 21145
Tỷ giá được cập nhật lúc 08/11/2013 09:00 và chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo
8. Suppose the exchange rate between
dong and dollar is quoted at TECHCOBANK
as follows: 21027~21123 (bid-ask rates).
Suppose you need to purchase 1000
dollars. How much do you have to pay?
A. 21123000 dong
B. 21027000 dong
C. 21095000 dong
D. None of the above
9. Suppose the exchange rate between
dong and US dollar is quoted at
TECHCOBANK as follows: 20860~20910
(bid-ask rates). You sell 1000 dollars to the
bank. How much would you receive?
A. 20910000 dong
B. 20860000 dong
C. 20900000 dong
D. None of the above