Tock URN Alculation: Calculation Method A Your Data Your Result

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Calculation method a Your data Your result

COGS - Cost of goods sold Benchmark - North American Benchmark & Outlook 2007
25%th percentile Median
Raw material stock 5 10
WIP - Work in process 7.5 15.6
Finished goods stock 6 12
Total inventory 4 7

Formula of Stock Turnover/Inventory Turnover Ratio:

The ratio is calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold by the amount of average stock at cost.

(a) [Inventory Turnover Ratio = Cost of goods sold / Average inventory at cost]

25.00 Raw material stock
WIP - Work in
20.00 process
15.00 Finished goods stock
Total inventory
25%th percentile Median 75% percentile
Your result

Body Mass Index Amount of dead stock Definition: No movement in stock in 1

Amount of potential dead stock Definition: Stock larger than 24 mont
of your company SUM of slow moving stock
Total Inventory Definition: Total inventory
Calculation method b + c + d Your data

ican Benchmark & Outlook 2007 Net sales 0

75% percentile
18 Average inventory at cost 0
40.3 Average inventory at selling price 0
24 Total inventory 0

Generally, the cost of goods sold may not be known from the published financial statements. In such cir
st. inventory turnover ratio may be calculated by dividing net sales by average inventory at cost. If average
known then inventory at selling price may be taken as the denominator and where the opening invento
the closing inventory figure may be taken as the average inventory.

(b) [Inventory Turnover Ratio = Net Sales / Average Inventory at Cost]

(c) [Inventory Turnover Ratio = Net Sales / Average inventory at Selling Price]
(d) [Inventory Turnover Ratio = Net Sales / Inventory]

Significance of Inventory Turnover Ratio:

Inventory turnover ratio measures the velocity of conversion of stock into sales. Usually a high inventor
velocity indicates efficient management of inventory because more frequently the stocks are sold, the le
is required to finance the inventory. A low inventory turnover ratio indicates an inefficient management
Raw material stock inventory turnover implies over-investment in inventories, dull business, poor quality of goods, stock ac
accumulation of obsolete and slow moving goods and low profits as compared to total investment. The
WIP - Work in ratio is also an index of profitability, where a high ratio signifies more profit, a low ratio signifies low pro
process inventory turnover ratio may not be accompanied by relatively a high profits. Similarly a high turnover r
Finished goods stock under-investment in inventories.
Total inventory

nition: No movement in stock in 12 month 0

nition: Stock larger than 24 months of sale 0
nition: Total inventory 0
Your result

d financial statements. In such circumstances, the

rage inventory at cost. If average inventory at cost is not
r and where the opening inventory is also not known

ng Price]

nto sales. Usually a high inventory turnover/stock

quently the stocks are sold, the lesser amount of money
cates an inefficient management of inventory. A low
s, poor quality of goods, stock accumulation,
mpared to total investment. The inventory turnover
rofit, a low ratio signifies low profit. Sometimes, a high
profits. Similarly a high turnover ratio may be due to


Your Body Mass Index

As a rule of thumb the
<5% BMI in this calculation
should not exceed 5%.

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