Ob 9 Foundations of Group Behaviour
Ob 9 Foundations of Group Behaviour
Ob 9 Foundations of Group Behaviour
Session 9
• Status Inequity
• Smaller Groups are faster at completing tasks
and individuals perform better in smaller
• Larger Groups do better in Problem Solving
when compared to smaller Groups
• Social Loafing-The tendency for individuals to
expend less effort when working collectively
than when working individually.
• The degree to which group members are attracted
to each other and are motivated to stay in the group
• External threats bring members close together
• Cohesiveness affects group productivity
• To encourage group cohesiveness, we could
Make the group smaller, encourage agreements with group goals,
increase the time members spend together, increase the group status
and make it difficult to get membership, stimulate competition with
other groups, give rewards to the group rather than to individual
members and physically isolate the group.
• Diversity- the extent to which members of a
group are similar to, or different from, one
• Both benefits and costs from group diversity
• Group Diversity appears to increase group
• The belief that two heads are better than one. Many
decisions are made by groups, teams, committees
• Strengths and weakness of Group decision making:
+ve-Generate more complete information and knowledge, they offer
increased diversity of views, leads to increased acceptance of a solution.
-ve-Time consuming, there are conformity pressures, discussion can be
dominated by one or few members, if there are some low and medium
ability members the group’s overall effectiveness will suffer. Finally in a
group, decisions suffer from ambiguous responsibility.
Group decisions are generally more accurate than the decisions of the
average individual in a group, but less accurate than the judgments of
the most accurate. In terms of speed, individuals are superior. Group
tends to be more creative and if effectiveness means the degree of
acceptance the nod goes to the group.
• Groupthink: A phenomenon in which the norm
for consensus overrides the realistic appraisal
of alternative courses of action
• Groupshift: A change between a group’s
decision and individual decision that a member
within the group would make; the shift can be
toward either conservatism or greater risk but
it generally is toward a more extreme version
of the group’s original position.