Good Governance & Social Responsibility: 1. What Is Good Corporate Governance?
Good Governance & Social Responsibility: 1. What Is Good Corporate Governance?
Good Governance & Social Responsibility: 1. What Is Good Corporate Governance?
Why is it important?
A lack of corporate governance can lead to profit loss, corruption and a tarnished
image, not only to the corporation, but to the society, or even worse will influence
global as a whole.
Poor corporate governance can create potential conflicts of interests, expropriation
and unfair of minority shareholders.
Corporate governance is intended to increase the accountability of your company
and to avoid massive disasters before they occur.
It also enhances a company's image in the public eye as a self-policing company
that is responsible and worthy of shareholder and debtholder capital.
Transparency: Being able to open up when questioned
Honesty: Ability to admit failure, ability to keep communication channels open and
easier for people
Seven Characteristics of Corporate Governance
Corporate discipline is a commitment by a company’s senior management to adhere to behavior that is
universally recognized and accepted to be correct and proper. This encompasses a company’s awareness
of, and commitment to, the underlying principles of good governance, particularly at senior management
Transparency is the ease with which an outsider is able to make meaningful analysis of a company’s actions,
its economic fundamentals and the non-financial aspects pertinent to that business. This is a measure of
how good management is at making necessary information available in a candid, accurate and timely
manner – not only the audit data but also general reports and press releases. It reflects whether or not
investors obtain a true picture of what is happening inside the company.
Independence is the extent to which mechanisms have been put in place to minimize or avoid potential
conflicts of interest that may exist, such as dominance by a strong chief executive or large share owner.
These mechanisms range from the composition of the board, to appointments to committees of the board,
and external parties such as the auditors. The decisions made, and internal processes established, should be
objective and not allow for undue influences.
Individuals or groups in a company, who make decisions and take actions on specific issues, need to be
accountable for their decisions and actions. Mechanisms must exist and be effective to allow for
accountability. These provide investors with the means to query and assess the actions of the board and its
With regard to management, responsibility pertains to behavior that allows for corrective action and for
penalizing mismanagement. Responsible management would, when necessary, put in place what it would
take to set the company on the right path. While the board is accountable to the company, it must act
responsively to and with responsibility towards all stakeholders of the company.
The systems that exist within the company must be balanced in taking into account all those that have an
interest in the company and its future. The rights of various groups have to be acknowledged and respected.
For example, minority share owner interests must receive equal consideration to those of the dominant
share owner(s).
Social responsibility
A well-managed company will be aware of, and respond to, social issues, placing a high priority on
ethical standards. A good corporate citizen is increasingly seen as one that is non-discriminatory, non-
exploitative, and responsible with regard to environmental and human rights issues. A company is likely
to experience indirect economic benefits such as improved productivity and corporate reputation by
taking those factors into consideration.
2. What is Social Responsibility?
The concept of social responsibility holds that businesses should be good
citizens, balancing their money-making operations with activities that benefit
society, be it on a local, national or global scale.
Social responsibility is a means of achieving sustainability.
According to Peter F Druker, “Social responsibility requires managers to consider
whether their actions are likely to promote the public good, to advance the basic
belief of society, to contribute to its stability strength and harmony.”
Social responsibility refers to the voluntary efforts on the part of the business to
contribute to the social well-being.
Social responsibility is an ethical theory, in which individuals are accountable
for fulfilling their civic duty.
Social responsibility means that businesses, in addition to maximizing
shareholder value, must act in a manner that benefits society.
Why is it Important?
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is vital not just for the environment,
society, and the world at large, but for your company’s reputation.
A healthy CSR program also doubles as reputation protection.
Social responsibility has become increasingly important to investors and
consumers who seek investments that are not just profitable but also
contribute to the welfare of society and the environment.
Social responsibility in marketing promotes a positive company image,
which can significantly impact profitability and even productivity
Be more interactive
Encourage word-of-mouth communication by participating in activities that are easily shareable
on social media. Use relatable images and videos to bring awareness to your good deeds.