Lyari Expressway Rehabilitation Project
Lyari Expressway Rehabilitation Project
Lyari Expressway Rehabilitation Project
16th MCMC
Gro#$ !om$o%&t&o'
Sr' Na#e ( 2( M( Fa&%a, Kho3har 4( 5( Dr( Na)eeb U,,ah a'a 6a0ar A,&
Sr' Na#e ( 1( A&)a* A'+ar !hoha' 2( M#a*am A,& Marr& 3( M( Kamra' Kha' 4( M%( Shahee' -( .#ba&r S&//&0#e 1( M#hamma/ Am&r
)' isc*ss t"e c*rrent stat*s o+ LERP and critica&&y e,a&*ate t"e process at p&annin- and i#p&e#entation sta-e' .o/ +ar it #et its o%0ecti,es and co#p&ied /it" Nationa& Resett&e#ent Po&icy' 1' Identi+y t"e resett&e#ent areas /it" pec*&iarities and ana&y2e t"e i#pact o+ LERP on socio3econo#ic conditions o+ t"e resett&ed pop*&ation /it" specia& re+erence to co#pensation po&icy and re&ated iss*es /"et"er t"ose "a,e %een addressed4
Pri#ary So*rces
Mr' Ras"eed A"#ed Me#on 9enera& Mana-er Nort" N.A
Secondar y So*rces
Artic&es and ne/s papers
LERP Lyari E:press/ay Resett&e#ent Pro0ect NRP Nationa& Resett&e#ent Po&icy TC; T"e Citi2en<s ;o*ndation N.A Nationa& .i-"/ay A*t"ority ROW Ri-"t O+ Way C 9= City istrict 9o,ern#ent o+ Pa8istan
Way ;or/ard
Resett&e#ent areas
e0#&reme't > 1
isc*ss t"e c*rrent stat*s o+ LERP and critica&&y e,a&*ate t"e process at p&anninand i#p&e#entation sta-e' .o/ +ar it #et its o%0ecti,es and co#p&ied /it" Nationa& Resett&e#ent Po&icy'
1' Re$*ests to 9o,t +or pro,ision o+ +*nds *nresponded' 5' More t"an B>> a++ectees "a,e +i&ed Petitions &' S&'/h "! a:a&'%t Fe/era,, =rov&'9&a, ? !DGK <or 'o'@ re9e&v&': o< the 9om$e'%at&o' mo'e;
P&annin- G e#arcation Ci,ic *ti&ities G A#enities Mana-in- Ser,ices Land e,e&op#ent S"i+tin- ;aci&itation Carin- Resett&e#ent
ISSHES C&earance o+ re#ainin- B'5 8# ROW o+ LEW G &ia%i&ities' C&earance o+ t"e Co#pensation Per#ission +ro# t"e 9o,t to "and Pac8a-e' o,er roads7 sanitation7 /ater s*pp&y7 etc Per#ission o+ t"e 9o,tse/era-e7 to preparesc"oo&s EStat*s to re&e,ant epts' so t"at pro0ect PositionF G ECo#p&etion ReportF can %e /ind *p'
Biolation of $ational Resettlement Policy
No e++orts /ere #ade to #ini#i2e t"e socia& T"e resett&e#ents "a,e %een esta%&is"ed +ar3 i#pacts' a/ay +ro# t"e sett&ers< /or8p&aces' So T"ose /"o /ere s#a&& %*siness additiona& cost"a,ino+ transportation "as in to t"eir %e e,icted p&aces %y /ere depri,ed o+ t"eir inc*rred t"e a++ectees' Rs B>7>>> /as not a ES*++icientF co#pensation &i,e&i"ood' a#o*nt +or t"e constr*ction o+ "o*se on a ?> s$ yards p&ot'
e0#&reme't > 2
Identi+y t"e resett&e#ent areas /it" pec*&iarities and ana&y2e t"e i#pact o+ LERP on socio3econo#ic conditions o+ t"e resett&ed pop*&ation /it" specia& re+erence to co#pensation po&icy and re&ated iss*es /"et"er t"ose "a,e %een addressed4
e%ett,eme't area%
o/nstrea# o+ Lyari ri,er a&&otted .a/8s%ay Hpstrea# o+ Lyari ri,er a&&otted Taiser to/n Midd&e area peop&e a&&otted Ba&dia to/n
"a+3%ba; re%ett,eme't
Land area P&ots Occ*pa No o+ Mos$* ncy Sc"oo& es s6 co&&e-e s -100 14 02 Par8s Co##e .ospit rcia& a&s Area
214 A9re%
12 A9re%
4- A9re%
No care ta8en o+ disa%&ed7 /o#en and e&der&y persons Ba&dia To/n co*&d not attract resett&es Taiser To/n occ*pancy is a%o*t A>J
Loss o+ e#p&oy#ent especia&&y +or /o#en istant +ro# /or8 p&ace isassociation +ro# pre,io*s co##*nity7
Loss o+ nei-"%o*r"ood Ne/ ed*cationa& en,iron#ent +or 8ids Lac8 o+ e#otiona& attac"#ent /it" ne/ p&ace .*rd&es in econo#ic acti,ities
Co#p&ete "o#e /or8 s"o*&d %e done prior #a8in- po&icy o+ re&ocation Ti#e&y co#p&etion o+ pro0ect #ay %e ens*red to sa,e reso*rces and re&ocation cost Ti#e&y re&eased o+ +inance to co#p&ete t"e pro0ect Concerns o+ t"e sta8e "o&ders %e addressed En,iron#ent i#pact assess#ent #ec"anis# %e ens*red
e0#&reme't > 3
Identi+y and e,a&*ate #ain iss*es6 +actors /"ic" ca*sinde&ay in t"e co#p&etion o+ t"is pro0ect and s*--est t"e /ay +or/ard +or nonco#p&iance o+ t"e pro0ect so +ar7 and "o/ %est t"e pro0ect co*&d %e i#p&e#ented s#oot"&y to address t"e concerns o+ t"e sta8e"o&ders6 sett&ers4
Ma&' I%%#e%
Socio 3 Econo#ic iss*es
Rs'B>7>>> is ins*++icient +or constr*ction o+ a "o*se Resett&e#ent sites too +ar +ro# /or8p&aces o+ sett&ers ca*sin- ,ario*s di++ic*&ties' .i-" transport costs7 increased tra,e&&in- ti#e and &ac8 o+ p*%&ic transport
Socia& depri,ation
Peop&e "ad a++i&iation /it" t"eir "o#es /"ere t"ey /ere &i,in- +ro# a-es' Socia& press*re o+ &osin- &i,e&i"ood7 0o%s7 sc"oo&s o+ c"i&dren etc' Peop&e resist to c"an-e CP"ysio&o-ica& a++ectD It "as %een a&&e-ed t"at Land Ma+ia and Po&itica& e&e#ents are a&so in,o&,ed
6a; For+ar/
Ta8in- a&& t"e sta8e "o&ders on %oard I##ediate re&ease o+ Con+idenc +*nds Ens*re Pro,ision o+ %asic e %*i&din%y "ea&t" and ed*cation +aci&ities Constr*ct "o*ses instead o+ -i,in- #oney
6a; For+ar/
Or-ani2ations &i8e TC; Ced*cationD7 OPP C"o*sin- and in+rastr*ct*reD7 Ed"i C"ea&t"D can "e&p de,e&op ,ario*s sectors
Tha'3 7o#
Fee/ba93 B C?A