Individual Assignment Interview
Individual Assignment Interview
Individual Assignment Interview
Individual Assignment
To learn more about the entrepreneurial, experience, you need to conduct a survey among
successful entrepreneur. A survey includes; completion of a questionnaire and interview a
successful entrepreneur in person. The person you survey should have a minimum of one year
entrepreneurial experience. You will report your finding in 5 pages report writing that might
include: a short video clip of the business and the main points you gained from the interview. You
need to insert the data from questionnaire to an online form at
Think outside the box and make it fun and informative. This assignment is worth 15 points, so
make it count!!!
The following are some questions you may use for your interview. Your goal in this exercise is to
get firsthand information about the entrepreneurial experience to help you determine whether
entrepreneurship might be a career path for you.
1. What previous work experience do you have before starting the venture?
2. Did you have any role models when growing up?
3. Did you do entrepreneurial things as a youth?
4. When did you know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
16. How have your goals and values changed since starting the venture?
17. Did your risk orientation change as the venture grew?
18. Did the typical work week change as the venture grew?
19. Did the assumptions you made when you first started the business prove to be wrong?
20. What key mistakes did you make along the way?
21. Were there some critical times when the business nearly failed?
22. What would you do differently if you had to do it all over again?
23. What key personal characteristics do you see in yourself that were especially important
for your success?
24. What are your plans for the future?
25. Whats the best advice you can give a person who is seeking financing for starting a new
26. Whats the most important entrepreneurial idea or advice that you would want to convey
to college students contemplating going into business for themselves?
Prepare and provide a 5 pages written report, in word format. This written report should include:
providing purpose, background (include factual information on your interviewee: name,
position, company, location of the interview, interview date, duration of the interview and
why you selected him/her), and methodology
Presenting key findings on your topic gathered from your interviewee: what were some of
your key findings? How did these compare with your expectations?
Containing your final analysis and recommendations: how valuable was this interview to
your understanding of the profession? What, if anything, would you do differently next time?
Attachment Items.
These will vary, but you must include notes you took during the interview, photo and video
Assignment Rubric
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Assignment includes all Assignment not Assignment Assignment Assignment
items requested in the only includes all includes all items includes over half includes less
instructions. items requested requested. of the items than half of the
but they are requested. items requested.
completed above
Interviewed meets all of Student write-up Adult Adult interviewed Adult
the requirements in the shows an interviewed meets almost all interviewed
instructions as described exceptionally meets all the the requirements meets less than
in the write-up. vibrant requirements in in the instructions half the
description of the the instructions as described in requirements in
adult interviewed, as described in the write-up. the instructions
who meets the the write-up. as described in
requirements. the write-up.
Interview write-up Interview write- Interview write- Interview write- Interview write-
presents the answers to up presents an up presents the up presents the up presents the
all of the questions in the excellent record answers to all of answers to more answers to less
instructions. of the answers to the questions in than half of the than half of the
all of the the instructions. questions in the questions in the
questions in the instructions. instructions.
Interview write-up shows Interview write- Interview write- Interview write- Interview write-
that at least three up shows that at up shows that at up shows that at up shows that no
additional questions were least three least three least two additional
asked. especially additional additional questions were
insightful questions were questions were asked.
additional asked. asked
questions were
Assignment uses proper Assignment has Assignment has Assignment has Assignment has
grammar and spelling. no grammar or one grammar or two grammar or more than two
spelling errors. spelling error. spelling errors. grammar or
spelling errors.
Assignment uses its Assignment uses Assignment uses Assignment uses Assignment uses
assigned or chosen media its assigned or its assigned or its assigned or its assigned or
effectively. chosen media in a chosen media chosen media chosen media
way that greatly effectively. somewhat ineffectively.
enhances it. effectively.
Assignment is neatly Assignment is not Assignment is Assignment is Assignment is
done. only neat but is neatly done. neat for the most not neat.
exceptionally part.