Of the thousands of species with belongs of animals in the world, only a few mate for life. Ofanother and those that mate for life, only man has a sense of family. All other animals sever relationships with forms a pair their offspring as soon as it. offspring are able to take care with the of themselves. The family of man stays to the end at least in some societies. We see in the villages of Asia, families comprising several generations living in the same house. Often the idea of family is extended to mean uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. Blood ties are very strong and they persist just as strongly in the world of business the modern equivalent of the farm. The idea of family unity has obviously been arrived at after thousands of years of evolution. [THS] Man has found that this is the best alternative to safeguard himself and to ensure lifelong happiness.
[Explanation about What is Family]
Of the thousands of species of animals in the world, only a few mate for life. Of those that mate for life, only man has a sense of family. All other animals sever relationships with their offspring as soon as the offspring are able to take care of themselves. The family of man stays to the end at least in some societies. We seeTo the villages of Asia, families in consist of two or living comprising several generationsmore in the same house. Often things the idea of family is extended to mean uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. Blood ties are very strong and they persist just as strongly in the world of business the modern equivalent of the farm. The idea of family unity has obviously been arrived at after thousands of years of evolution. [THS] Man has found that this is the best alternative to safeguard himself and to ensure lifelong happiness.
Among our closest kin in the animal world, the apes and monkeys, we see that the infant is able to hold on to the mother as she swings from branch to branch in search of food. It is strength of the infant that keeps it from falling to certain death. The same strength or even some of it is not present among human infants. We are among the weakest among all creatures during our infancy. In fact it takes us years before we are alive. [SD] Thus we see that for the early stages of life we depend on the family especially on our parents for our very existence. This role of the family is the most important and has not changed since the beginning of man on earth and is not likely to change to the end of time, unless some of Aldus Huxleys Brave New World prophecies come true. [TS1] The family provides the protection for the individual to grow into the stage until he can be on his own.
[TS1] Among our closest kin in the animal world, the apes and monkeys, we see that the infant is able to hold on to the mother as she swings from branch to branch in search of food. It is strength of the infant that keeps it from falling to certain death. The same strength or even some of it is not present among human infants. We are among the weakest among all creatures during our infancy. In fact it takes us years before we are alive. [SD] Thus we see that for the early stages of life we depend on the family especially on our parents for our very existence. This role of the family is the most important and has not changed since the beginning of man on earth and is A predictionto change to the end of time, not likely of what unless some of Aldus Huxleys Brave the World prophecies will happen in New future. come true. The family provides the protection for the individual to grow into the stage until he can be on his own.
[TS2] Unlike the animals again, man is the only creature who gives supports to his elders. [SD] There comes a stage in our lives when we reverse roles with our parents and start to take care of them. This is a very old role of the family, that of taking care of the old and sick, which has been instituted in most cultures for centuries. In many modern cultures this role is breaking down and being delegated to the stage through retirement homes. However, despite the publicity given that the old are being neglected by the young in a family, in most countries, there is still enough social discipline to ensure that families take care of their old and sick or at least pay for their care.
[TS3] Being physical support, the role of the family is to provide all of us with education. [SD] Families are our first schools and it is from family members that we learn basic skills like walking and talking. In addition, our characters are built long before we arrive in a schoolroom. This is done almost entirely by the family. This role is changing a little today. Attracted by promise of wealth, we now have situations where both parents of families go out to work, leaving the responsibility of educating the young in the hand of maids, baby sitters and crche managers. The role of the family in education has been reduced in recent times and perhaps this is a direct cause for the increase in crime among the young. [RESEARCH] Psychologists have shown that there is a direct link between neglect by families and criminal tendencies among the young. From this it is clear that families are important for character development.
[TS3] Being physical support, the role of the family is to provide all of us with education. [SD] Families are our first schools and it is from family members that we learn basic skills like walking andwhere babiesaddition, our A place talking. In characters are builtand small children are long before we arrive in a schoolroom. This is done almost entirely by the family. taken care of while This role is changing a little today. Attracted by promise their parents are busy of wealth, we now have situations where both parents of families go out to work, leaving the responsibility of educating the young in the hand of maids, baby sitters and crche managers. The role of the family in education has been reduced in recent times and perhaps this is a direct cause for the increase in crime among the young. [RESEARCH] Psychologists have shown that there is a direct link between neglect by families and criminal tendencies among the young. From this it is clear that families are important for character development.
[TS4] Among all people in the world, it is usually our own family members who will stand by us when we need support.[SD] When the chips are down and even when we have made a mistake we can expect our wives, children, parents, and siblings to stand by us. Family is not only for our pleasure or entertainment but for all facets of life: for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do we part. Blood is thicker than water. The blood link and the link of love that we develop over a lifetime cements relationships so that the support of family members can be depended on, long after all our friends have deserted us. When we support our families , we find ourselves supported - we need a family and that family needs us.
[TS4] Among all people in the world, it is usually our own family members who will stand by us when we need support.[SD] When the chips are down and even when we An aspect can have made a mistake we of expect our wives, children, something to stand parents, and siblings such as a by us. Family is not only for our situation or pleasure or entertainment but for all facets of life: for someones character better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do we part. Blood is thicker than water. The blood link and the link of love that we develop over a lifetime cements relationships so that the support of family members can be depended on, long after all our friends have deserted us. When we support our families , we find ourselves supported - we need a family and that family needs us.
[TS4] Among all people in the world, it is usually our own family members who will stand by us when we need support.[SD] When the chips are down and even when we have made a mistake we can expect our wives, children, parents, and siblings to stand by us. Family is not only for our pleasure or entertainment but for all facets of life: for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till deathWhen you do we part. Blood is thicker than water. are in a The blood link and the link of love that we develop over a difficult or lifetime cements relationships so that the support of family dangerou members can be depended on, long after all our friends have s situation deserted us. When we support our families , we find ourselves supported - we need a family and that family needs us.
[TS4] Among all people in the world, it is usually our own family members who will stand by us when we need support.[SD] When the chips are down and even when we have made a mistake we can expect our wives, children, parents, and siblings to stand by us. Family is not only for our pleasure or entertainment but for all facets of life: for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do we part. Blood is thicker than water. The blood link and the link of love that we develop over a lifetime cements relationships so that the support of family members can be depended on, long after all our friends have deserted us. When we support our families , we find ourselves supported - we need a family and that family needs us. Family relationships are stronger than
There is no place like home. The role of the family has been mostly to support its members through difficult times and to share in the good times. This has been so for centuries and we hope will continue forever. The continued success of the human race depend on this. [ENDS WITH A STATEMENT]
There is no place like home. The role of the family has been mostly to support its members through difficult times and to share in the good Nothing can compare with the so for centuries and we hope times. This has beenpeace and security of your continued success of the will continue forever. Thehome. human race depend on this. [ENDS WITH A STATEMENT]