Production Notebook

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How To Make Your Movie


How To Make Your Movie

an interactive film school ©2003 Rajko Grlic 1

How To Make Your Movie
Production Steps Dear filmmaker,
1 Research pg 00
2 Script pg 00 The three CD-ROMs of How To Make Your Movie contain
3 Preproduction pg 00 an entire film school; the classrooms, the hallways,
the professors, visiting professors and professionals
4 Production pg 00
— waiting for your curiosity, your willingness to dis-
5 Postproduction pg 00 cover, to learn, to play, to start to dream.
Outline pg 00 Once you start to explore the Film School, especially
the Production floor, the first thing you’ll want to do is
to make your movie.
No one ever learned filmmaking without making a
movie —without making a million and one mistakes.
As you start to practice what you’re reading about,
this Production Notebook will help you stay organized
throughout the entire production process of your film.
Keeping notes and records each step will make some of
your mistakes less painful, and will help you remember
them and avoid repeating them.
Also in these pages are ideas for video exercises to help
you better understand different stages of the process.
Find a cheap video camera and start using it in the
same way an artist uses a sketchbook.
One day, after you’ve finished your film, you’ll be able
to sit with this notebook and compare your notes and
tapes with your final movie. If you’re honest with your-
self, you’ll be able to determine exactly where you have
succeeded or failed — and why. No teacher, virtual or
real, can give you this knowledge.

Rajko Grlić ©2003 Rajko Grlic 2

How To Make Your Movie
1 Research Research Checklist
Keep a record of all the things that inspire you and bring you
Research = finding and closer to your characters and story. Even if you’re using some-
collecting anything one else’s story for your film, write down all of these:
related to your future
story and characters Books







TV & Radio

Experience ©2003 Rajko Grlic 3

How To Make Your Movie
1 Research Video Exercise 1: THE CAMERA AS SKETCH BOOK
Try this exercise to familiarize yourself with the camera and
Video Exercises: how to shoot material that will be edited at a later time.
Start using a simple
video camera in the  Record everyday activities — no more than three
same way an artist uses to five minutes each day.
a sketchbook. Keep the
camera close at hand  Try to avoid shaking the camera, or moving it too
throughout the entire fast from one object to the next.
filmmaking process.  Be aware of camera movement by keeping an eye on
objects which are close to the edge of the viewfinder.
 Carefully watch the material you’ve shot —
at least a few times.
 Edit a two-minute version of the best material
onto another tape.

Number of tapes shot:

Length of edited version:
I showed the finished tape to:
The reaction was:


This exercise will help you begin to make abstract ideas about
Communicate with your characters tangible.
your crew as much as
you can by showing  Find people who remind you of your characters — for
them video sketches example, on the street or in a park — and record them.
and other examples  Record two different people for each character.
of your thoughts  Edit the material down to two minutes for each person.
and ideas.
Number of tapes shot:
Length of edited version:
I showed the finished tape to:
The reaction was: ©2003 Rajko Grlic 4

How To Make Your Movie
2 Script Script Notes
Record the comments from people who
script n 1 a: something writ- listened to or read your STORY:
ten: TEXT b: an original or
prin ci pal in stru ment or doc-
ument c: (1): MANUSCRIPT 1
(2): the written text of a stage
play, screenplay, or broadcast;
specifically: the one used in
pro duc tion or per for mance
2 a: a style of printed letters
that resembles hand writ ing
b: written characters: HAND-
3: a plan of action 2script vt 1: to
prepare a script for or from 2: to
provide carefully considered de-
tails for (as a plan of action)

By permission.
From Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate®
Dictionary, 10th Edition ©1996 by

Record the comments from people who

listened to or read your STEP OUTLINE: ©2003 Rajko Grlic 5

How To Make Your Movie
2 Script Script Notes
Record the comments from people who
listened to or read your TREATMENT:

Record the comments from people who

listened to or read your FIRST DRAFT: ©2003 Rajko Grlic 6

How To Make Your Movie
2 Script Script Notes
Record the comments from people who
listened to or read your SECOND DRAFT:

Record the comments from people who

listened to or read your THIRD DRAFT: ©2003 Rajko Grlic 7

How To Make Your Movie
2 Script Script Notes
Record the comments from people who
listened to or read your FINAL DRAFT: ©2003 Rajko Grlic 8

How To Make Your Movie
2 Script Script Exercise
Answering these questions will help you arrive at a blend of
character and action. They’re designed to keep your screen-
plays moving forward as dynamically as possible. Once you
discover these answers, your script will be in good shape.

1 Who is your protagonist? What one quality above all

distinguishes him or her from other people in the story?
2 What does he or she want? (A person, a thing,
something specific.)
3 What’s at stake if he or she doesn’t get it?
4 What does he or she plan to do to get it?
5 What obstacles stand in the way? (A good obstacle is a
person opposed to the protagonist — an antagonist.)
6 How does he or she plan to overcome the obstacles?
7 What goes wrong ? (If your hero succeeds quickly,
your movie is over.)
8 How does your protagonist try to get things
back on track?
9 Does it work? Or are there additional obstacles?
10 Whose affections or respect has he/she won or lost?
11 How does the end of the story grant or deny the
protagonist the thing he/she wanted originally (in #2)?
12 Does your story have a premise — a clear meaning?

Questions from Kevin Scott, Professor, NYU ©2003 Rajko Grlic 9

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Preproduction Checklist
When you prepare to make a movie, you’ll find that you’re
Everything before working on several things at once. The only way to stay orga-
shooting is nized is to make a list of your priorities and keep detailed notes.
Preproduction On the pages that follow are separate forms for detailing each
of these items.

Here’s a short checklist of the main things you’ll

have to keep track of as part of preproduction.

 Crew
 Actors/Cast
 Location Scouting
 Script Visualization
 Set Design
 Costume Design
 Makeup
 Equipment Rental
 Scheduling
 Budgeting ©2003 Rajko Grlic 10

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Crew Contacts
You don’t need to fill every crew position for your first produc-
Phone, Fax, E-mail tion. Consider which positions can be combined and assigned
to one person. Keep your list of crew contacts up-to-date so
you know where to find each other during preproduction.




Asst. Director

Dir. of Photography

Key Grip

Continuity Person

Sound Crew

Storyboard Artist

Set Designer

Costume Designer ©2003 Rajko Grlic 11

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Casting Checklist
When casting, you’ll consider lots of people before you decide
Print multiples of on who is just right to portray a certain character. Make notes
this page as needed of the meetings you have with each person, and keep track of
any materials they give you (such as demo tapes, head shots
and resumes).

Work Address

Home Address

Play an instrument?
Previous experience: acting / music /dance


Head Shot
Demo Tapes
Call back
Other production areas of interest:
Lighting Sound Props Makeup/Hair Costumes
Continuity Editing Mixing Production ©2003 Rajko Grlic 12

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Video Exercise 3: CASTING
This exercise will help you make casting decisions easier. In
Video Exercises order to compare different talents for the same role:

 Give each actor the same material.

 Record the scene with the actor. Allow the actor to
interpret the scene as he or she envisions it.
 Discuss with the actor what you want for the scene.
 Record the scene again to determine how the actor
works with your input.
In order to be able to compare the actors
more easily, always record the same scene:
 From the same camera angle.
 With the same frame for each character.
 At the actor’s eye level so you can see the actor’s eyes.
 With the same time limit for each actor.

Number of tapes shot:

Length of edited version:
I showed the finished tape to:
The reaction was: ©2003 Rajko Grlic 13

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Video Exercise 4: IMPROVISATION
This exercise will help you and your actors develop the scenes,
Video Exercises characters and dialogue.

Take one simple scene:

 Record it as it’s written in the script.
 Give the actors ideas about which direction
the improvisation for the scene can go.
 Give them enough space and time, and record
them without interruption.
 Watch and discuss both versions with your actors.
Go carefully through these tapes and decide what,
if anything, you can use to help enrich your script.

Number of tapes shot:

Length of edited version:
I showed the finished tape to:
The reaction was: ©2003 Rajko Grlic 14

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Location Scouting Checklist
Location scouting is a process of looking for the proper places
Print multiples of to shoot a movie. While visiting different places, record your
this page as needed thoughts about each of these aspects.


How close does this location come to matching your vision?

Is the space big enough for lights and camera movement?

What are the sound conditions?

How much will it cost to decorate (dress the set)?

How far is it from your other locations?

Is parking available?

Is electricity available?

Is there telephone access?

Do you have permission to use the site?

When/how long can you use it each day? ©2003 Rajko Grlic 15

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Script Visualization
Script visualization is the process of breaking down and trans-
Storyboarding lating each scene from the script into individual shots that are
filmed and later joined in continuity. Making a storyboard will
help you define the movement of the camera and actors dur-
ing each shot. The blank storyboard frames on the next page
will get you started on your own storyboard.
Sceene No. Shot No.

How to use the three-box storyboard format

 Each line of three boxes is for one single shot.
 If it’s a static shot, draw it in the first box and leave
the other two blank.
 If it’s a moving shot, use the first box for the start of the
shot, and the third box for the last frame of the shot. This
is the best way to see how the end of one shot matches
the beginning of the next. ©2003 Rajko Grlic 16

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Three-Box Storyboard Form

Sceene No. Shot No.

Sceene No. Shot No.

Sceene No. Shot No.

Sceene No. Shot No. ©2003 Rajko Grlic 17

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Video Exercise 5: ONE SCENE SHOT TWO WAYS
This exercise is designed to help you face the complexity of
Video Exercises breaking down the scene into individual shots.

 Find three actors and develop a scene that is

no longer than two or three minutes.
 Shoot the entire scene in one moving camera shot.
 Break the exact same scene with the same
blocking into five to ten shots.
 Edit the cut-up version of the scene.
 Compare the two and decide which one is closer
to the meaning and rhythm of your scene.
 Decide how many shots you really need for this
scene, and make a new shot list.
 Reshoot the whole scene on the basis of the
new shot list.

Number of tapes shot:

Length of edited version:
I showed the finished tape to:
The reaction was: ©2003 Rajko Grlic 18

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Video Exercise 6: VIDEO STORYBOARD

Video Exercises A video storyboard is usually shot:

 From a prepared drawn storyboard
 In the real location
 With the real actors
 With a minimal crew: director and director
of photography (DP)
 Shot by shot through the script
 Without worrying about lights, camera shaking,
costumes, or set design.
You can make a video storyboard for the entire movie, or one
important scene. If you are a first-time director, it will be very
helpful to make a video storyboard for your entire movie. Keep
the video storyboard and compare it with your final movie.
Find out if, how, and why you made changes and if they are
better. This can be the best learning experience of the whole
production process.

Number of tapes shot:

Length of edited version:
I showed the finished tape to:
The reaction was: ©2003 Rajko Grlic 19

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Equipment Rental Record
Rental Cost Rented From/To
Keep close track Camera
of your equipment
rental arrangements





Other ©2003 Rajko Grlic 20

How To Make Your Movie
3 Preproduction Blank Preproduction Forms
You will need to do a lot of paperwork during the course of
Find these forms in the making your movie. These forms will help. They can be found
Preproduction Room on and printed in the Preproduction Room on the third floor of
the How To Make Your the School of Film (you’ll find them on the “Schedule and Bud-
Movie CD-ROMs geting” wall).

 Location Survey Checklist

 Camera Report
 Budget
 Script Breakdown
 Crew Deal Memo
 Cast List
 Crew List
 Contact List
 Location Release
 Talent Release
 Script Supervisor Report
 Cast/Scene Number Breakdown
 Daily Call Sheet ©2003 Rajko Grlic 21

How To Make Your Movie
4 Production Production Diary Day Number:

So far, you’ve kept Today we shot Still to be shot

detailed records during Number of shots
your preparation. It’s Number of scenes
time to start shooting! Number of script pages
Take the time to keep Film rolls / Videotapes
a brief diary of what
happened during each
day of production.
Print multiples of
this page as needed ©2003 Rajko Grlic 22

How To Make Your Movie
4 Production Director’s Commands
For clear and fast communication with the crew, the Director
Find these forms in the and Assistant Director use these commands on the set:
Preproduction Room on
the How To Make Your  Roll sound
Movie CD-ROMs Starts the sound equipment
 Roll camera
Starts the camera equipment. (Sometimes instead of
“Roll Camera,” the command “Speed” will be called by
the Sound Recordist.)
 Mark it
Slates the shot
 Action
Signals the performers to start acting
 Cut
Stops the operation of the camera and sound
 Cut and Hold
Tells everyone to stop, but hold their places because
the shot has to be continued.
 Pickup
Starts a new take from a certain place within the
previous shot
 Retake
Reshoots a shot because the previous one
was unsatisfactory
 From the Top
Starts a scene from the beginning
 Print it
Indicates the shot was accepted and that
a print can be made from the take ©2003 Rajko Grlic 23

How To Make Your Movie
4 Production Phrases to Inspire Your Crew and Actors
Be nice to your actors and crew; remember you can’t make your
Say it like you mean it! movie alone. Use these phrases when directing to inspire them.
And when you say them, sound sincere!

1 Wow! 40 Spectacular!
2 Super! 41 Great discovery!
3 Outstanding! 42 Youʼve found the secret!
4 Excellent! 43 You figured it out!
5 Great! 44 Great Acting!
6 Good! 45 Hip, hip hurray!
7 Neat! 46 Bingo!
8 Well done! 47 Magnificent!
9 Remarkable! 48 Marvelous!
10 I knew you could do it! 49 Terrific!
11 I’m proud of you! 50 Phenomenal!
12 Fantastic! 51 Youʼre sensational!
13 Superstar! 52 Creative job!
14 Nice work! 53 Super job!
15 Looking good! 54 Fantastic job!
16 You’re on top of it! 55 Exceptional performance!
17 Beautiful! 56 Youʼre a real trooper!
18 Now you’re flying! 57 You are exciting!
19 You’re catching on! 58 What an imagination!
20 Now you’ve got it! 59 Youʼre spectacular!
21 You’re incredible! 60 You tried hard!
22 Bravo! 61 Outstanding performance!
23 You’re fantastic! 62 Youʼre a good friend!
24 Hurray! 63 I trust you!
25 You’re on target! 64 Youʼre important!
26 You’re on your way! 65 You mean a lot to me!
27 That’s the way we do it! 66 You make me happy!
28 How smart! 67 You belong!
29 Good job! 68 Youʼve got a friend!
30 That’s incredible! 69 You make me laugh!
31 Hot dog! 70 You brighten my day!
32 Dynamite! 71 I respect you!
33 You’re unique! 72 Youʼre wonderful!
34 Nothing can stop you! 73 Youʼre perfect!
35 Good for you! 74 A-plus job!
36 That was clever! 75 My buddy!
37 You’re a winner! 76 You made my day!
38 Remarkable job! 77 Thatʼs the best!
39 Beautiful work! ©2003 Rajko Grlic 24

How To Make Your Movie
5 Postproduction Editing: Record the Length at Each Step
It’s a good idea to keep records of the length of your movie
Editing is the process during each step of the editing process.
of selecting, cutting
and arranging the shots, Assembly 1 Date
scenes and sequences Length
for the final film.
Assembly 2 Date

Assembly 3 Date

Rough Cut 1 Date


Rough Cut 2 Date


Rough Cut 3 Date


Final Cut 1 Date


Final Cut 2 Date


Final Final Cut Date

Length ©2003 Rajko Grlic 25

How To Make Your Movie
5 Postproduction Sound Checklist
To prepare for the final sound mix, make a “to do” list
and bring it to the mixing room to avoid problems.

Cleaning up dialogue tracks

Building Sound Tracks

Sound Effects


Mix ©2003 Rajko Grlic 26

How To Make Your Movie
5 Postproduction Sound Mix Questionnaire
Each hour spent mixing sound can be very expensive, so you
want to be prepared. Answer these questions before you go to
mix your sound, and you’ll save time (and money).

1 If you are mixing in film, do you have foot counts for

16mm and 35mm?
2 What problems do you know of in your sound tracks?
3 Do you have camera noise?
4 Are your levels all the same?
5 Have you cleaned your tracks? Are your splices okay?
6 Are your problem tracks separate from other sound?
7 Are all your tracks in sync with head and tail beeps?
8 Do you want any special sound effects?
Telephone, reverb, delay??

Questions from John Butler, Professor, Ohio University ©2003 Rajko Grlic 27

How To Make Your Movie
5 Postproduction Laboratory Checklist
Working with film: After the picture is locked and the sound is
mixed, it’s time to put the elements together. A film processing
lab will perform the necessary steps. It’s a good idea to talk to
more than one lab to compare prices and services. Be sure to
discuss all of these steps and their costs with the people who
will be processing your film.

 Negative Conforming
Editing the original negative to match your workprint on
the basis of the final cut.
 Negative Timing
Balancing the color and brightness of the negative from
shot to shot.
 Optical Sound
The magnetic sound track is transferred to an optical track
on a film negative.
 Answer Print
The first developed print combining the picture and opti-
cal sound.
 Release Print (Festival Print)
The final, color-corrected print. ©2003 Rajko Grlic 28

How To Make Your Movie
5 Postproduction Laboratory Contacts, Prices
Lab Name
Contact Person
Estimated Costs

Lab Name
Contact Person
Estimated Costs

Lab Name
Contact Person
Estimated Costs

Lab Name
Contact Person
Estimated Costs ©2003 Rajko Grlic 29

How To Make Your Movie
5 Postproduction Record of Prints/Tapes
Print/Tape No. Date Sent
Prints and tapes are
Date Returned
expensive, so keep
this record of copies Sent To

you’ve sent out.

Print/Tape No. Date Sent

Date Returned
Sent To

Print/Tape No. Date Sent

Date Returned
Sent To

Print/Tape No. Date Sent

Date Returned
Sent To ©2003 Rajko Grlic 30

How To Make Your Movie
5 Postproduction Festivals Entered
Festival Date Sent
Answer Note
Contact Person

Festival Date Sent

Date Returned
Sent To

Festival Date Sent

Date Returned
Sent To

Festival Date Sent

Date Returned
Sent To ©2003 Rajko Grlic 31

How To Make Your Movie
Outline Film Grammar Film Festivals
Visual Units List of Festivals Worldwide
Contents of the CD-ROMs Shot List of Student Festivals
Shots By Position In The Scene Lecture: “Some Remedies
Establishing Shot For Festival Fever”
Point-Of-View Shot by Arsen Anton Ostojic
Reaction Shot A scene from “The Bird Lover”
Shots By Number Of Subjects
Single (One-Shot)
Two Shot
Group Shot Equipment
Shots By The Type Of Lens Equipment
Wide-Angle Shot Light Metering
Telephoto Shot Lighting Studio
Zoom Shot Equipment Binders
Shots By Camera Movement Camera
Dolly Shot 35mm Cameras
Panning Shot 16mm Cameras
Tilting Shot Camera Distributors
Shots By Camera Angle Lenses
High Angle Video Cameras
Low Angle Film Stock
Bird’s-Eye View Kodak
Shots By Camera Position Fuji
Over-The-Shoulder Shot Ilford Film
Head-On Shot Film Labs
Scene Sound
A Scene Composed Of Nagra
A Series Of Shots Zennheiser Microphones
A Scene Shot (Integral Shot) Zennheiser Distributors
Sequence Grip And Lighting
Coverage Arri Compact
Master Shot Arri Daylight
Coverage Shots Arrisun 12 Plus
Reverse Angle Shots Fresnels
Triangle Principle Arrisoft
Continuity Arrilite
Imaginary Line Kino Flos
Framing Steadicam
Extreme Close-up Demos
Close-up 16mm Bolex: parts & loading
Medium Shot Shutter, iris, & aperture
Medium Full Shot
Full Shot Formats & aspect ratios
Wide Shot Recommended Reading
Match Cut
By camera position
By subject movement
By dialogue
Film Punctuation
Fade Out
Fade In
White Out
Cutting To Black
Color Fade
Light, Color
Camera Angle
Camera Movement
Object/Character Placement
Recommended Reading ©2003 Rajko Grlic 32

How To Make Your Movie
Film History Research Pre-production
Lecture: “The Speedy Gonzales History of Reading Crew
(North American and European) Film” by Newspapers And Magazines Producer
Dan Muggia Books Director
Recommended Reading Pasta Paolo Reading Editor
Documentary Film Assistant Director (AD)
Body Language Director Of Photography (DP)
Looking & Watching Camera Assistants
Library People Camera Operator
Resources Body Language First Assistant Camera
Course outline Television News Slate Person (Loader/Clapper)
Printable files Documentary Films Gaffer
Websites P.P. Looking & Watching Key Grip
Film schools Listening Continuity Person
Film commission offices People And Their Language Sound Crew
Books Music Of The Area Sound Recordist
Pasta Paolo Listening Boom Operator
Dialogue, Music Sound Mixer
Restroom Experiencing Storyboard Artist
Trivia Game Videotaping Set Designer
Persistance of Vision Demo Video Exercises Prop Person
#1 Camera As A Sketchbook Costume Designer
#2 Study Of Characters Makeup Artist
Lectures: Casting
“There are plenty of intriguing, Where To Look For Actors
funny and surprising ideas Head Shot And Resume
buried in everybody’s memories” Auditions
by Yvette Biro Callbacks
“The Short Film: How To Prepare For It” Rehearsals
by Srdjan Karanovic Video Exercises
Recommended Reading Casting, Improvisation
Set And Costume Design
Location Scouting
Scriptwriting Set Design
Definitions Props
Scriptwriting Computer Costume Design & Makeup
Story Script Visualization
Pasta Paolo Story Shooting Script
Step Outline Storyboards
Pasta Paolo Step Outline Shot List
Treatment Video Exercises
Step-outline Treatments One Scene Shot In Two Ways
Literary Treatments Video Storyboard
Pasta Paolo Treatment Lectures
Grande Illusion Treatment “Legal Basics For Independent
Script Filmmakers” by Susan H. Bodine
Pasta Paolo First Draft and Jose I. Luzurrango
Pasta Paolo Final Draft “Steps In Preparation Of A Short
Script Format Dramatic Film From The
Script Page Layout Producer’s Point Of View”
Front Page Layout by Robert Nickson
Computer Software Scheduling And Budgeting
Script Registration Script Breakdown
Scriptwriting Exercise Blank Production Forms
Lectures Location Survey Checklist
“How To Write Short Films” Camera Report
by Lew Hunter Budget
“Just For Laughs: Writing Script Breakdown
The Short Comic Script” Crew Deal Memo
by Andrew Horton Cast List
“Plotting Conventions” Crew List
by Kevin Scott Contact List
“On Aristotle’s Poetics” Location Release
by Wojtek Chojna Talent Release
Recommended Reading Script Supervisor Report
Cast/Scene No. Breakdown
Daily Call Sheet ©2003 Rajko Grlic 33

How To Make Your Movie
Production Post-production Screening Room
Blocking The Actor Editing technology Film: “Pasta Paolo”
Pasta Paolo Blocking Film Two reviews of the film
Staging The Camera Video Diploma
Camera Setup Digital
Rehearsing The Shot Editing process
Shooting Assembly
Director’s Commands Rough Cut 3rd Disc
Phrases To Inspire Your Crew Final Cut Pasta Paolo Footage
Takes Editing Exercise Assembly
Lecture Sound 24:00 minutes of
“How I Made My First Building Sound Tracks QuickTime footage
Professional Short Film” Sound Effects of Pasta Paolo for editing
by Goran Dukic Music Rough Cut
Recommended Reading Mix Questionnaire 8:32 minutes of
Mixing QuickTime footage
Interlock of Pasta Paolo
Titles Final Cut
Laboratory 7:46 minutes of
Negative Conforming QuickTime footage
Negative Timing of Pasta Paolo
Optical Sound Sound Effects
Answer Print Sound effect files for use
Release Print in creating your own edit
Lectures of “Pasta Paolo”
“Music For Films and Music
Film Music Editing” Song, “Solo per te Lucia”
by Suzana Peric from “Pasta Paolo”
“The Mysterious Law of 2-1/2” Course Syllabus
by Walter Murch Academic Syllabus for
“Clear Density/Dense Clarity” teaching a one-year production
by Walter Murch class based on the CD-ROM set
Recommended Reading ©2003 Rajko Grlic 34

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