DC Circuit Analysis
DC Circuit Analysis
DC Circuit Analysis
All of the rules governing DC circuits that have been discussed so far can now
be applied to analyze complex DC circuits. To apply these rules effectively, loop
equations, node equations, and equivalent resistances must be used.
Loop Equations
As we have already learned, Kirchhoff’s Laws provide a practical means to solve for unknowns
in a circuit. Kirchhoff’s current law states that at any junction point in a circuit, the current
arriving is equal to the current leaving. In a series circuit the current is the same at all points
in that circuit. In parallel circuits, the total current is equal to the sum of the currents in each
branch. Kirchhoff’s voltage law states that the sum of all potential differences in a closed loop
equals zero.
Using Kirchhoff’s laws, it is possible to take a circuit with two loops and several power sources
(Figure 37) and determine loop equations, solve loop currents, and solve individual element
The first step is to draw an assumed direction of current flow (Figure 38). It does not matter
whether the direction is correct. If it is wrong, the resulting value for current will be negative.
Second, mark the polarity of voltage across each component (Figure 39). It is necessary to
choose a direction for current through the center leg, but it is not necessary to put in a new
variable. It is simply I2 - I1.
Third, apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loops one and two by picking a point in each loop and
writing a loop equation of the voltage drops around the loop; then set the equation equal to zero.
From Point A to Point B, there is an increase in voltage of 8 volts. From Point C to Point D,
there is an increase in voltage of 200 (I2 - I1). From Point D to Point E, there is a decrease in
voltage of 10 volts. From Point E to Point A, there is a voltage decrease of 50I1 volts. The
result in equation form is illustrated in equation (2-16).
Using the same procedure for Loop 2 of Figure 39, the resulting equation is shown in equation
Fourth, solve equations (2-17) and (2-18) simultaneously. First, rearrange and combine like terms
in the equation for Loop 1.
-125 I1 + 100 I2 = 1
175 I1 47
I1 0.2686 amp 268.6 mA
The current flow through R1 (50Ω) is I1. The current flow through R2(100Ω) is I2, and through
R3(200Ω) is I2 - I1:
I3 I2 I1 345.8 mA 268.6 mA
I3 I2 I1 77.2 mA
Fifth, apply Ohm’s Law to obtain the voltage drops across Resistors R1, R2, and R3:
Check 1: Apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law to the larger outer loop (Figure 41).
The sum of the voltage drops around the loop is essentially zero. (Not exactly zero due to
rounding off.)
8 13.43 34.58 40 0
0.01 ≅ 0
Check 2: Use Kirchhoff’s current law at one of the junctions (Figure 42).
The current into the junction is equal to the current out of the junction. Therefore, the solution
Node Equations
Kirchhoff’s current law, as previously stated, says that at any junction point in a circuit the
current arriving is equal to the current leaving. Let us consider five currents entering and leaving
a junction shown as P (Figure 43). This junction is also considered a node.
Assume that all currents entering the node are positive, and all currents that leave the node are
negative. Therefore, I1, I3, and I4 are positive, and I2 and I5 are negative. Kirchhoff’s Law also
states that the sum of all the currents meeting at the node is zero. For Figure 43, Equation
(2-19) represents this law mathematically.
I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 + I5 = 0 (2-19)
By solving node equations, we can calculate the unknown node voltages. To each node in a
circuit we will assign a letter or number. In Figure 44, A, B, C, and N are nodes, and N and C
are principal nodes. Principal nodes are those nodes with three or more connections. Node C
will be our selected reference node. VAC is the voltage between Nodes A and C; VBC is the
voltage between Nodes B and C; and VNC is the voltage between Nodes N and C. We have
already determined that all node voltages have a reference node; therefore, we can substitute VA
for VAC, VB for VBC, and VN for VNC.
Assume that loop currents I1 and I2 leave Node N, and that I3 enters Node N (Figure 44).
I 0
I1 I2 I3 0 (2-20)
I3 I1 I2
Using Ohm’s Law and solving for the current through each resistor we obtain the following.
I where VR is the voltage across resistor, R.
Substitute these equations for I1, I2, and I3 into Kirchhoff’s current equation (2-20) yields the
R2 R1 R3
The circuit shown in Figure 45 can be solved for voltages and currents by using the node-voltage
First, assume direction of current flow shown. Mark nodes A, B, C, and N, and mark the
polarity across each resistor.
I3 I1 I2
R2 R1 R3
VN 60 VN 20 VN
6 8 4
4 VN 3 (60 V N) 6 (20 V N)
4 VN 180 3 VN 120 6 VN
13VN 300
VN 23.077
The negative value for V3 shows that the current flow through R3 is opposite that which was
assumed and that the polarity across R3 is reversed.
V1 36.923 V
I1 4.65 amps
R1 8Ω
V3 3.077 V
I2 0.769 amps
R3 4Ω
V2 23.077 V
I3 3.846 amps
R2 6Ω
The negative value for I3 shows that the current flow through R3 is opposite that which was
When solving for voltage, current, and resistance in a series-parallel circuit, follow the rules
which apply to the series part of the circuit, and follow the rules which apply to the parallel part
of the circuit. Solving these circuits can be simplified by reducing the circuit to a single
equivalent resistance circuit, and redrawing the circuit in simplified form. The circuit is then
called an equivalent circuit (Figure 46).
R2 R3 (6) (12) 72
Rp = 4Ω
R2 R3 6 12 18
RT = R1 + RP = 4Ω + 4Ω = 8Ω
V 60 V
IT = 7.5 amps
Step 4: Find I2 and I3. The voltage across R1 and R2 is equal to the applied voltage (V),
minus the voltage drop across R1.
V2 = V3 = V - ITR1 = 60 - (7.5 X 4) = 30 V
V2 30
I2 5 amps
R2 6
V3 30
I3 2.5 amps
R3 12
Because of its shape, the network shown in Figure 47 is called a T (tee) or Y (wye) network.
These are different names for the same network.
Figure 47 T or Y Network
The network shown in Figure 48 is called π (pi) or ∆ (delta) because the shapes resemble Greek
letters π and Ω. These are different names for the same network.
∆ to Y conversion:
R1 R3
R1 R2 R3
R1 R2
R1 R2 R3
R2 R3
R1 R2 R3
Rule 1: The resistance of any branch of a Y network is equal to the product of the two
adjacent sides of a ∆ network, divided by the sum of the three ∆ resistances.
Figure 49 Y - ∆ Equivalent
Y to ∆ conversion:
Ra Rb Rb Rc Rc Ra
Ra Rb Rb Rc Rc Ra
Ra Rb Rb Rc Rc Ra
Rule 2: The resistance of any side of a ∆ network is equal to the sum of the Y network
resistance, multiplied in pairs, divided by the opposite branch of the Y network.
Step 1: Convert the Y network (b-e, e-c, e-d) to the equivalent ∆ network.
Using Rule 2:
Step 2: Now, we can redraw the Y circuit as a ∆ circuit and reconnect it to the original
circuit (Figure 51):
Step 3: Reduce and simplify the circuit. Note that the 20Ω and 60Ω branches are in
parallel in Figure 51. Refer to Figures 51 and 52 for redrawing the circuit in each
step below.
The current flow at any element in a DC circuit can be determined using loop