2 Corrigendum 2 Onion Cold Storage

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Tender Notice No. GAIC/OCS/2010-2011



With reference to above Tender Document Pre-Bid Meeting was held on 8th July, 2010. in the Board Room of GAIC. Bidders have raised the queries and AGM, GAIC and Consultant had replied accordingly. Subsequently it has been decided to implement this project in two phases. Phase I, Dehydrated Onion Cold Storage Phase II, Fresh Onion Cold Storage This corrigendum includes the Tender regarding the Dehydrated Onion Cold Storage only i.e. Phase-I. and some addition in the BOQ items. For Phase-II , Fresh Onion Cold Storage , GAIC will issue fresh Tender after successfully implementation of Phase-I




Through online e tendering process only

Tender Notice No. GAIC/OCS/2010-2011
GUJARAT AGRO INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LTD, (A Government of Gujarat Enterprise) KHET-UDYOG BHAVAN, OPP. OLD HIGH COURT, NAVRANGPURA, AHMEDABAD 380 009 TELEPHONES: 079 27540254/8297; FAX: 91 - 079 - 27542518 EMAIL: [email protected] Web site: www.gujagro.org

DISCLAIMER The information contained in this Tender Document (hereinafter referred to as Tender provided to the bidders, by Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as GAICL , or any of their employees or advisors, is provided to the Bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this Tender Document and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided. The purpose of this Tender Document is to provide the Bidders with information to assist the formulation of their bids. This Tender document does not purport to contain all the information each Bidder may require. This Tender document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for GAIC, their employees, consultants or advisors to consider the business / investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each Bidder who reads or uses this Tender document. Each Bidder should conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this Tender document and where necessary obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. GAIC, their employees, consultants, and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the Tender document.

GAICL may, in their absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information in this Tender document.



SR. NO. 1 2




SR. NO. Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 6.1 NAME OF WORK Notice Inviting On Line Technical & Financial Bids with terms & conditions for submission Invitation of Technical & Financial Bids Instructions to Bidders / Tenderers General Terms & Conditions Basic Functional Requirements TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Civil Works ( Technical specifications of civil items are given with BOQ ) Plant & Machinery: A) Insulated panels B) Refrigeration system C) Refrigeration related electrical works including automation D) (De)humidification system E) Other equipments Power Supply System HT Power Supply, D.G. Set & Lighting ( Technical specifications of HT power supply are given with BOQ ) PAGE NOS.
67 8 9 10 27 28 29-67



33 60


61 66

Section 7 7.1 7.2 Civil Works


67 106 68 88

Plant & Machinery: A) insulated panels B) refrigeration system C) refrigeration related electrical works including automation D) (De) humidification system E) Other equipments Power Supply System HT power supply, D.G. Set & Lighting Deviation Drawings, layout plans, sections, elevations and other details

89 90


91 106 107 108 114

Section 8 Section 9

Section 1
Department Name Circle

Notice Inviting On line Tender for Technical & Financial Bids

: : Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Limited, Ahmedabad Regional Manager, Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Khet Udyog Bhavan, Near Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 3800 009 Marketing & Projects Tender Notice No. GAIC/OCS/2010-2011 Post Harvest Infrastructure Project Onion Cold Store at Mahuva, Dist BHAVNAGAR, Gujarat Maximum 6 months from the Date of Agreement / Advance whichever is earlier Open, E Tendering Process 1 Single Indian Rupee ( INR ) Not Applicable Allowed as detailed in tender document

Division IFB No. / Tender Notice No. Name of Project Name of Work Period of Completion Bidding Type Bid Call ( Nos. ) Tender Currency Type Tender Currency Settings Joint Venture Consortium Amount Details Bid Document Fee (Non Refundable) Bid Document Fee Payable to

: : : : : : : : : : : : :

Rs. 10000/- ( Rupees ten thousand only) Managing Director, Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Khet Udyog Bhavan, Near Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009 Bid Security / EMD ( INR ) : Rs. 5,00,000/- ( Rupees five lacs only ) Bid Security / EMD to be in favour : Managing Director, Gujarat Agro Industries of Corporation Ltd., Khet Udyog Bhavan, Near Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 3800 009 Tender Dates for Technical & Financial Bid Opening : Bid Document Downloading Start Date Bid Document Downloading End Date Last Date & Time for Receipt ( Submission ) of Technical Bids Technical Bid Opening Date Financial Bid Opening Date Submission of documents for the Tender, in person in the office of the Regional Manager, Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Khet : : : : : : 30.06.2010 Hrs 12.00 26.07.2010 Hrs 18.00 26.07.2010 Hrs 18.00 27.07.2010 Hrs 5.05 30.07.2010 Hrs 16.00 Technical documents submission as per tender terms and conditions shall be at: Hrs 18.00 7

Udyog Bhavan, Near Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 3800 009 Bid Validity Period Remarks

: :

90 days after opening of financial bid Tenderer shall submit their financial offer in electronic format on website, after digitally signing the same. Offers which are not digitally signed will not be accepted. No offer in physical form will be accepted and any such offer received by the Divisional Manager, Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Khet Udyog Bhavan, Near Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 3800 009 will be outright rejected. Divisional Manager, Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Khet Udyog Bhavan, Near Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009 Divisional Manager, Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Khet Udyog Bhavan, Near Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009 Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Khet Udyog Bhavan, Near Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009

Other Details: Officer Inviting Bids

Bid Opening Authority


Terms and Conditions for Submission of Bid:

1.0 Bidders can download the tender document free of cost from the website. 2.0 Bidders have to submit Price/financial bid in Electronic form only on n procure website till the Last Date and Time for submission given on website. 3.0 Offers in physical form will not be accepted in any case. 4.0 Vender training camp organized at (n ) code solutions A Division of GNFC Ltd. Bidders are requested to take benefit of the same Bidders who wish to participate in online tenders will have to procure / should have legally valid Digital Certificate as per Information Technology Act 2000 using it they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any of license certifying Authority of India or can contact ( n ) code solutions A Division of GNFC Ltd, who are licensed Certifying Authority by Govt. of India. All bids should be digitally signed, for details regarding digital signature certificate related work involved the below mentioned address should be contacted: (n) Code Solutions A Division of GNFC 301, GNFC Info tower, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380 054 ( India ) Tel: +91 26857316 / 17 / 18 Fax - +91 79 26857321 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nwr.nprocure.com Toll Free : 1800 233 1010 ( Ext. 321 ) Other Terms and Conditions as per detailed tender documents. 8

SECTION - 2 INVITATION OF TECHNICAL & FINANCIAL BIDS: 1.0 The Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., hereinafter referred to as GAICL, Ahmedabad now invites sealed TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL bids from the prequalified bidders for the supply, execution and commissioning of Civil, Plant and Machinery and Electrical works at Mahuva, Dist Bhavnagar, Gujarat for Onion Cold Store as per the technical specifications envisaged in this tender document. The bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at the office of The Managing Director, Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Khet Udyog Bhavan, Opp. Old High Court, Ahmedabad 380 014 during office hours only. A complete set up of bidding documents may be downloaded from the web site. Detailed terms and conditions as well as the technical specifications for all items as indicated in the invitation to financial bid are contained in the bidding documents. The bidder MUST QUOTE for all parts of tender. The GAICL shall not take the responsibility for any delay in receipt of the bidding document if it is sent by post. The bids will be opened in the presence of those bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to attend the office of the GAICL, Ahmedabad on the specified date and time. The GAICL, Ahmedabad at its sole discretion and without assigning any reason there of reserves the right to accept and/or reject any or all bids. GAICL also does not bind to accept the lowest bid. BIDDER MUST INFORM GAIC WITHIN TWO DAYS FROM THIS DATE OF TECHNICAL AS WELL AS FINANCIAL DOCUMENT ON ABOVEMENTIONED WEBSITE, FOR ANY MINOR DEVIATION IN SPECIFICATIONS WITH OUT AFFECTING THE BASIC FUNCTIONAL REUIREMENTS. THEY SHOULD INCORPORATE THE COST IMPACT OF THIS DEVIATION IN THEIR FINANCIAL QUOTE BEFORE SUBMISSION AS PER E TENDERING PROCESS. AFTER THE AWARD OF CONTRACT AS PER PROCEDURE ENVISAGED IN TENDER, NO CONSIDERATION WILL BE ENTERTAINED FOR ANY A


3.0 4.0


6.0 7.0



SECTION - 3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS / TENDERERS: 1.0 2.0 The period of completion shall be within 8 months as specified from the date of notification of award (Letter of Intent) which shall include the non-working periods during monsoon and festivals. The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his bid and GAICL will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. The bidder is advised to visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain for himself on his own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a contract. The costs of visiting site shall be at bidders own expense. The bidder shall furnish the appropriate price schedule along with all the applicable taxes, duties, octroi, insurance, transport and commissioning charges for each machine. The price schedule must be inclusive of all expenses so as to arrive at the total landed cost of the unit. No C form shall be issued by GAICL for any of the items covered in this tender whatsoever. The determination of award of contract / selection of successful bidder will be strictly based on the procedure provided in this tender document. Bids are invited in accordance with local competitive bidding procedures. No deviations from bidding documents will be accepted, unless otherwise agreed by GAICL. Bidders should furnish their complete address for the purpose of further correspondence pertaining to bidding document. Corrections in the bid should be noted over and initialed at the place of corrections. Negligence of the bidder in preparing bid confers no right to withdraw the bid after it was opened. Specifications, conditions, schedules and drawings of bidding document constitute an integral part of the bid. All the bids, along with enclosures, drawings and technical literature, should be in English only. All equipment, system and components should be designed to perform as per specifications in this bidding document under tropical conditions. Bids should be kept valid for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the day financial bids are opened. The bidding document shall be governed and interpreted according to the laws of the Union of India. No extension in due date of submission of bids will be allowed on any ground. All the bidders should quote for the items as per the specifications and details given in this bidding document only.

3.0 4.0

5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0


SECTION - 4 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. This is a tender inviting offer for setting up of Onion Cold Store, at Mahuva, Dist BHAVNAGAR on TOTAL TURNKEY BASIS. Consortium will be allowed for maximum three. TENDER FORM 1.1 Financial bid form must be completed and returned together with the specifications including signed copy of this form, technical bids as per technical specifications Technical Specifications and Brochures One set of operation/installation/maintenance manual including list of spares for the equipment shall be submitted in English. Validity of tender The tender must be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of price bid. The tender shall not be entitled during the said period without the consent in writing of GAICL, Ahmedabad to revoke or cancel the offer or to vary the terms thereof. In case of the tenderer revoking or canceling the offer or varying any terms in regards thereof during the period, the EMD received with the technical bid shall be forfeited by GAICL, Ahmedabad. AddressAll completed bid documents and enquiries regarding clarification in connection with this tender as specified in the E Tendering procedure shall be addressed to : Managing Director, M/s Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd Khet Udyog Bhavan, Opp. Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009 Tel - +91 79 27544741 Fax - +91 79 27542518 1.5 Language The tenderer shall quote the rates in English language and international numerals. The rate shall be in whole numbers. These rates shall be entered in figures as well as in words. In the event of the order being awarded, the language of all services, manuals, instruction, technical documentation etc. provide for under this contract will be English.




2. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3

CONTENTS OF TENDER The tender will be in two parts: Part I (Technical) As per specifications provided in this tender only. The tender form completed in all respects ( Not Mandatory ) Rs. 5,00,000/- as EMD to be submitted in separate envelop in Part I. Power of attorney/authorization with a seal of the company, of person signing the financial bid documents. Technical documentation including one set of inspection and maintenance manuals, drawings etc. Deviation sheets from tender specifications will not be accepted. Part II (Commercial) will contain the pricing schedule indicating cost of the project including all equipments as per BOQ in the tender document. Both the parts I & II above will be submitted in SEPARATED SEALED ENVELOPES with the tender no., name of work and part no. as appropriately indicated on the top of each envelope. REJECTION AND RETURN OF TENDER: GAICL, Ahmedabad reserves the right to reject any or part of tender or all without assigning any reason. The documentation submitted by tenderers shall not be returned in case the technical offer is not acceptable unless the tenderer expressly states his request at the time of submission of their tender that tender documentation be returned. The cost for returning the document shall be borne by the tenderer. GAICL, Ahmedabad also reserves the right at its sole discretion not to award any order under the tender call. This decision does not commit GAICL, Ahmedabad to pay any costs or loss incurred in the preparation and submission of any requisite tender or technical proposal or to procure or contract for any of the items described herein. If the tenderer deliberately gives wrong information in his tender, GAICL, Ahmedabad reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage or to cancel the contract, if awarded, and to forfeit the earnest money and invoke performance guarantee. Canvassing in any form in connection with the tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing are liable for rejection. Tender in which any of the particulars and prescribed information are missing or are incomplete, in any respect and /or prescribed conditions are not fulfilled, shall be considered non-responsive and is liable o be rejected. 12

2.1.4 2.1.5 2.2


3. 3.1


3.3 3.4

4. 4.1

PROCEDURES FOR OPENING OF TENDER DOCUMENTS Part-I containing technical part of the offer will be opened on the date as specified in the E Tendering procedure and verified for all technical parts. Tenders shall be scrutinized on the basis of the information available. It shall, therefore, be in the tenderers interest to give complete, correct and comprehensive technical particulars/description and details as per specifications in this tender document. The envelope containing price bids shall be kept duly sealed along with the original PartII of the offer. After all the tenders have been technically examined and verified, Part-II containing price bid shall be opened for which the date and time shall be intimated to the participating qualified bidders through email /fax/letters/telex/telephone/cable on the spot. No correspondence shall be entertained from the tenderers after the opening of part-II; Price bid of the tender.




5. 5.1

STANDARD CONDITIONS Standard printed conditions of the tenderer if attached to the offer will not be accepted and only those mentioned in body of the tender will be considered. All entries in the tender shall preferably be typed. All cancellations and insertions shall be duly attested by the tenderer. Tenderers offers, remarks etc shall be with reference to sections and clause numbers given in the tender schedules. In the case of Indian companies, the consent of the concerned foreign company (IES) and the relevant experience of the foreign company (IES) should be clearly mentioned. The consent of the foreign associates should also be submitted along with tender documents. Change of the foreign company association will not be allowed at a subsequent stage without prior approval of GAICL, Ahmedabad. AWARD OF CONTRACT The acceptance of the tender, as per standard procedure will be intimated to successful tenderer by GAICL, Ahmedabad either by email / telegram / cable or by letter or like means. The work under the contract is on total turnkey basis. The contract shall be awarded to the tenderer on a total responsibility basis and breach in any part or portion of contract shall be considered as a breach of the contract.

5.2 5.3

6. 6.1



7. 7.1

CORRESPONDENCE All correspondence with GAICL, Ahmedabad would be directly by the tenderer or his authorized representative only. Correspondence through agents or unauthorized representative will not be allowed. STANDARDS All designs, materials manufacturing techniques and workmanship shall be in accordance with highest accepted international standards for this type of equipment. The tender shall also state, where applicable, the national or other international standard (s) to which the whole or any specific part, of the equipment or system complies with. TENDER DOCUMENTATION TECHNICAL SCHEDULE General supporting documents : Each offer shall be supported by adequate technical documentation comprising equipment lists, makes data sheets, performance sheets, illustrations, technical brochures, block diagrams, layout drawings, dimensioned sketches etc., to facilitate a full and complete appreciation of the systems and equipment under offer and to enable a detailed comparative evaluation of all specified parameters. TIME SCHEDULE The tender shall submit with the tender a proposed schedule for the delivery and installation of equipment, with date of commissioning of the project. TIME OF COMPLETION At present we expect the following schedules of activities : I II Last date of submission of : offers Evaluation of offers and : issue of letters of intent ( LOI ) Payment of mobilization : advance after issuing LOI Date of commissioning of : the project. As specified in the tender Within 10 days from the date of opening of financial bid. Within 10 days after compliance like documents, agreement etc as per tender requirement. Within 6 months from the date of agreement

8. 8.1 8.2

9. 9.1 9.1.1

9.2 9.2.1 9.3



Please confirm that you would be able to commission the project by the targeted date. Please note that TIME IS ESSENCE OF THIS CONTRACT. In case of delay in completion, penalty shall be levied @1 % per week of the total contract value subject to maximum of 10 % of the contract value.


9.4 9.4.1

DELAY AND NON PERFORMANCE In case of implementation schedule not being adhered to GAICL, Ahmedabad has the right to cancel the order wholly or in part without any liability to pay cancellation charges and procure the goods elsewhere in which case the successful tenderer shall make good the difference between the cost of goods procured elsewhere and price set forth in the order with the successful tenderer. In the event of rejection of non conforming goods, the successful tenderer shall be allowed to correct the non-conformities without extension in delivery period. If successful tenderer fails to do so within the stipulated time, the purchaser shall have the right to take recourse to above para. The successful tenderer shall be solely responsible to ensure the following, wherever applicable: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Sound packing of all items. Shipment of items by the due date as specified in the contract. Insurance Custom clearance and handling of items at port of entry in India. Any demurrages incurred due to non-clearance of good from customs will be to the account of successful tenderer, if imported by them. Forwarding and transshipment of items up to destination. Insurance for inland transshipment. Receipt of equipment at site and their safe custody till they are installed, tested and commissioned and the spares handed over to the engineer-in-charge. Installation, testing and commissioning of the installation as per the contract. Handing over the installation to authorized representative of Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd. GAICL, Ahmedabad.




TERMS OF PAYMENT The terms of payment shall be as per the details given below. The payment shall be released after verification & certification by consultant. A) FOR PLANT & MACHINERY: I) i) ADVANCE FOR SUPPLY For indigenous component of the contract : 20% of the contract value as mobilization advance against an irrevocable bank guarantee of equal amount and after execution of contract agreement, 65% against delivery of material at site on prorata basis. For foreign supplies of the contract, if any : Since this being the contract on total turnkey basis, any equipment / material required to be imported by the SUPPLIER, all the procedures for import like an 15

ii) iii)

irrevocable letter of credit, release of payment to the concerned supplier. Freight, customs clearance and any other statutory formality shall be entirely in the scope of the work of the SUPPLIER. And GAIC will neither be responsible nor bear any cost on such imports whatsoever. II) ON ERECTION & COMMISSIONING 10 % of the contracted amount to be released after successful commissioning and operation of the whole facility uninterruptedly for 12 months after commissioning. (After Successful trial (Full Load Trial) of One Onion season storage III) WARRANTY The balance 5 % shall be retained by GAICL, Ahmedabad for the period of warranty which shall be two year from the date of commissioning and trial runs dully certified by the consultant. IV) PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTY The Performance bank guarantee of 5% of the total order value as security deposit shall be provided by the supplier for 2 years. B) FOR CIVIL WORK 20% of the contract value as mobilization advance against an irrevocable bank guarantee of equal amount. 75 % of the works contract value will be made against the running bills with the minimum bill value of Rs. 10 Lacs each 5 % of the contract value will be retained as security deposit for the period of one year from the date of completion of civil works after getting Building Completion Certificate (BCC).

C ) PAYMENT PROCEDURE: 1.0 All invoices for the payment as well as for the final payment shall be submitted duly supported by detailed measurement sheet. The regular invoices shall be paid as per normal procedure of GAIC which will be 45 days from the date of submission of bills. Any increase in quantities as well as extra items over and above will be paid only after recommendation, justification with supporting documents and certification by consultant and approved by M D GAIC. The minimum period of 15 days will be required for such approval and release of work order for these items.. The payment of these invoices shall be made as per normal procedure envisaged above. 2.0 Final bill shall be submitted by the SUPPLIER within two months from the date of completion of the works accompanied by 1.1 Completion certificate to be issued by GAIC 1.2 No Claim Certificate by the SUPPLIER 16

1.3 3.0

Handing over documents with Test Certificate, complete set of drawings ( as executed ), User Manuals etc.

Except Advance payment, all other payments shall be made by GAIC to the supplier against submission of invoices after completion of the respective works as per approved drawings.


PRICES The tenderer shall quote prices for imported items separately, if they desire so for each part along with indigenous components, imported components, erection, supervision & commissioning of the project wherever applicable. Taxes and Duties Any customs duty levied by the Government of India on the import of equipment and to be paid by tenderer will become the property of GAICL, Ahmedabad and shall be to the account of tenderer. Any customs duty and other taxes, if any, levied by the Government of India on left behind items, damaged items, short supplied items, free replacement items against warranty, claims etc. imported parts, if any, shall be to the tenderers account, if they import as their supply. Liability on account of works contract Act and any other laws shall be borne by the contractor. SPARES All the spares of the equipment under contract will strictly conform to the specification and documents and will be identical to the corresponding main equipment/components supplied under the contract and shall be fully interchangeable. The quantity of spares recommended by the manufacturer shall be justified and the spares recommended shall have the part number as per manufacturers standard. The quality standards and the inspection requirement finalized on the main equipment will also be applicable to the corresponding spares. The successful tenderer shall warrant that all spares supplied will be new and in accordance with the contract document and will be free from defects in design, material and workmanship. In addition to the spares recommended by the successful tenderer, if GAICL, Ahmedabad further identifies certain particular items of spares the successful tenderer will submit the prices and delivery period for such spares within 30 days of receipt of such request with a GAICL, Ahmedabad and placement of order for additional spares, if GAICL, Ahmedabad so desires.



9.6.3 9.7 9.7.1





9.7.5 9.7.6 9.7.7 9.7.8 9.7.9 9.7.10 9.7.11

The tenderer shall submit a list of maintenance spares for a period of two years maintenance with individual price. THIS MANDATORY FOR EACH BIDDER. The spares recommended shall be for the purpose of maintenance which requires replacement within two years of commissioning of the system during regular operation. The rates shall be quoted for each item of spares recommended, though these are not the part of tender BOQ. GAICL, Ahmedabad reserves the right to place order for increased or decreased quantity of the recommended spares. The recommended spares shall not get damaged due to normal atmospheric storing conditions. While supplying the spares shall have a tag showing the part no. and name of item for easy identification on later date. The successful tenderer shall guarantee the long term availability of spares to the buyer for the full life of the equipment (estimated to be 10 years). The successful tenderer shall guarantee that before going out of production of spare parts of the equipment covered under the contract, successful tenderer shall give GAICL, Ahmedabad at least twelve (12) months advance notice so that the latter may order its bulk requirement of spares, if GAICL, Ahmedabad so desires. The same provision will also be applicable to subcontractors, if any. Furthermore, in case of discontinuance of manufacture of any spares by the successful tenderer or his subcontractors, the tenderer will provide GAICL, Ahmedabad, one year in advance, full manufacturing drawings, material specifications and technical details required by GAICL, Ahmedabad for the purpose of manufacture of such items. Furthermore, in case of discontinuance of supply of spares by the successful tenderer or his subcontractor the tenderer will provide GAICL, Ahmedabad with full information for replacement of such spares; with other equivalent makes, if so required by GAICL, Ahmedabad. EARNEST MONEY The terms and conditions of EMD remain same as specified in the tender document.



11. 11.1

PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE The tenderer, whose tender has been accepted, shall within 30 calendar days of the issue of the letter of acceptance of bid, shall submit the unqualified performance guarantee of 5 % (5 per cent) of the total contract price to GAICL, Ahmedabad in the form of an irrevocable and unconditional bank guarantee of a Nationalised Bank in India, or international bank of repute supported buy back to back guarantee of a Nationalised bank in India as per Proforma attached at Annexure I. the guarantee shall be valid till the


expiry of 90 days after the end of the guarantee period (i.e. 12 months) after the date of commissioning of the project. 11.2 The performance guarantee amount shall be payable to GAICL, Ahmedabad without any condition whatsoever and the guarantee shall be irrevocable. The performance guarantee shall be deemed to govern the following guarantees from the successful tenderer, in addition to the other provisions of the guarantee; a) Guarantee against non performance of contract as per agreement. b) Successful and satisfactory operation of the equipment supplied in accordance with the specifications & other relevant documents. The equipment supplied shall be free from all defects and designs, material and workmanship upon written notice from GAICL, Ahmedabad, the successful tenderer shall fully remedy free of expenses to GAICL, Ahmedabad or such defects as developed under the normal use of the said equipment with in the guarantee period of 24 months. No recovery of security deposit shall be made from running bills of contractor once the contractor has submitted performance guarantee. The performance guarantee is intended to secure the performance of the entire equipment. However, it is not to be construed as limiting the damages stipulated in any other clause. The performance guarantee will be returned to the successful tenderer at the end of the period of liability without interest. COMPARISION AND EVALUATION OF TENDERERS The exchange rate for the purpose of comparison and evaluation will as per RBI on the day of opening of price bid, if applicable. CORRECTION IN BID All changes, alterations, corrections in the bid shall be signed in full by the person (s) signing the bid, with date. Overwriting is/are not permissible. Corrections should be authenticated. GUARANTEE All goods or material shall be strictly in accordance with the specifications. No deviation from such specifications of these conditions shall be made without GAICLS agreement in writing which must be obtained before any work against the order is commenced. All materials furnished by the successful tenderer pursuant to the order (irrespective of whether engineering/design or other information has been furnished, reviewed or approved by GAICL, Ahmedabad) are guaranteed to be of the best quality of their respective kinds (unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by GAICL, Ahmedabad) and shall be free from faulty design. The goods/material used by the successful tenderer and its workmanship should be of proven quality so as to fulfill in all respects the operating conditions and other requirements specified in the order.




11.6 12. 12.1 13. 13.1

14. 14.1



If any trouble or defect originating with the design, materials, workmanship or operating characteristic of any materials arise within any time prior to 24 months from the date of completion of work as mentioned in the completion certificate and the tenderer notified thereof, the tenderer at his own expense and at not cost to GAICL, Ahmedabad as promptly as possible make such alterations, repairs and replacements at site as may be necessary to permit the functioning of the equipment or replaced goods shall be guaranteed for a period of 18 months from the date of shipment or 12 months from the date of reinstallation whichever expires later. GAICL, Ahmedabad may at its option remove such defective material at the tenderers expenses, if the tenderer does not act after being informed. The tenderer shall make good the replacement in kind or cash. In the event that the materials supplied do not meet the specifications and/or are not in accordance with the drawings, data sheets and rectification is required at site. GAICL, Ahmedabad shall inform the tenderer giving full details of deficiencies so as to meet GAICL, Ahmedabad specifications. PATENTS, SUCCESSFUL TENDERERS LIABILITY & COMPLIANCE OF REGULATIONS. Successful tenderer shall protect and fully indemnity GAICL, Ahmedabad from any claims for infringement of patents, copy right, trade mark or the like. Successful tenderer shall also protect and fully indemnity GAICL, Ahmedabad from any claims from successful tenderers workmen/employees, their heirs, dependants, representatives etc. or from any other persons(s) or bodies/companies etc. for any act of commission or omission while executing the order. Successful tenderer shall be responsible for compliance with all requirements under the laws and shall protect and indemnity completely GAICL, Ahmedabad from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements and indemnity completely GAICL, Ahmedabad from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements. SUBSTITUTION AND WRONG SUPPLIES Unauthorized substitution of materials delivered in error of wrong description or quality or supplied in excess quantity or rejected goods shall be returned to the successful tenderer at his cost and risk. FORCE MAJOR GAICL, Ahmedabad may grant an extension of time limit set for the completion of the work in case the timely completion of the work is delayed by force major beyond the contractors control, subject to what is stated in the following sub-paragraphs and to the procedures detailed there in being followed. Force major is defined as an event of effect that cannot reasonably be anticipated such as acts of God (like earthquakes, floods, storms etc.) acts of Govt., The direct and indirect consequences of wars (declared or undeclared), hostilities, national emergencies, civil commotion and strikes (only those which exceed a duration of ten continuous days). The successful tenderers right to an extension of the time limit for completion of the work in above mentioned cases is subject to the following procedures :20



15. 15.1 15.2


16. 16.1

17. 17.1


That within 10 days after the occurrence of a case of force major but before the expiry of the stipulated date of completion, the seller informs GAICL, Ahmedabad in writing that the successful tenderer considers himself entitled to an extension of the time limit. That the successful tenderer produces evidence of the date of occurrence and the duration of the force major in an adequate manner by means of documents drawn up by responsible authorities. That the successful tenderer proves that the said conditions have actually been interfered with the carrying out of the contract. That the successful tenderer proves that the delay occurred is not due to his own action or lack of action. Apart from the extension of the time limit, force major does not entitle the successful tenderer to any relaxation nor to any compensation of damage or loss suffered. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION Except where otherwise provided for in the contract, all questions and disputes relating to the meeting of the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions herein before mentioned and to the quality of workmanship or materials used on the work or as to any other question, claim, right, matter or thing whatsoever in any way arising out of or relating to the contract, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the works or the execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the work or after the cancellation, termination, completion or abandonment thereof shall be dealt with as mentioned hereinafter : i) If the contractor considers any work demanded of him to be outside the requirements of the contract, or disputes any drawings, record or decision given in wiring by the Managing Director GAICL on any matter in connection with or arising out of the contract or carrying out of the work, to be unacceptable, he shall promptly within 15 days request the Managing Director in writing for written instruction or decision. Thereupon, the Managing Director shall give his written instructions or decision within a period of one month from the receipt of the contractors letter. If the Managing Director fails to give his instructions or decision in writing within the aforesaid period or if the contractor is dissatisfied with the instructions or decision of the Managing Director, the contractor may, within 15 days of the receipt of Managing Directors decision, appeal to the Managing Director, GAICL, Ahmedabad who shall afford an opportunity to the contractor to be heard, if the latter so desires, and within 30 days of receipt of contractors appeal.



17.5 17.6

18. 18.1


ii) Except where the decision has become final, binding and conclusive in terms of sub para(i) above disputes of difference shall be referred to the sole arbitrator namely Managing Director, GAICL, Ahmedabad. The provisions of Indian Arbitration Act, 1940 and the rules made there under or statutory modifications thereto for the time being enforced. iii) The contractor shall not have any lien on the site on the work in process for his dues. In case of dispute of any nature the contractor should handover the site/work in progress, if so directed to the party irrespective of pending settlement of his dues so as to enable the party to get the work completed from some other contractor of his choice. 19. 19.1 LAWS GOVERNING THE CONTRACT All questions, disputes or differences arising under the out of, or in connection with the contract if concluded shall, if required to be referred to any court of law, be referred to the courts at Ahmedabad and the said court only shall have the jurisdiction and decide matters according to the laws of India. COMPLETION CERTIFICATE Within 10days of completion of the work, the successful tenderer shall send information in writing to the M. D., GAICL. Within 10 days of receipt of information the Managing Director, GAICL or his representative, & Project Consultant shall inspect the work and if found satisfactory without any defect, issue a completion certificate. Otherwise provisional completion certificate shall be issued mentioning the defects (a) To be rectified by the contractor and/or (b) For which payment will be made at a reduced rate. But no completion or provisional certificate will be issued till the contractor clears the site of all temporary structure, scaffolding etc. which was provided by the contractor for the execution of the work. In case of failure of the contractor to remove such structures at the cost of the contractor and dispose through public auction. The proceeding of the auction shall be paid to the contractor after reducing the expenditure incurred. INSPECTION OF SITE Every tenderer is expected to inspect the site of the proposed work to acquaint himself with the site conditions, approaches, availability of raw material, geological and weather conditions etc. before quoting. 22. 23. The tenderer shall submit all the documents, as specified in terms & conditions. Power and water supply for construction and erection.

20. 20.1


Arrangement for power electric supply and water supply, necessary for the construction and erection job shall be the entire responsibility of the respective contractor, who shall allow sufficient coverage for the same in his quotation as no extra cost shall be allowed by the owner on these or any other allied account. The cost which will be incurred for the construction and erection, the entire 22

execution and fulfillment of contract shall have to be borne by the contractor. It is to be clearly understood that, the owner will not be responsible for and failure and or shortage of power / water supply during the course of execution of the work. No extra payment whatsoever is admissible on this account except for the actual cost of bore well with pump, pipes, cable etc installed by tenderer on behalf of GAIC, if approved by GAIC. The contractor shall ensure that, the works pertaining to the water supply and electricity are to be carried our strictly in accordance with the current municipal and other relevant regulations in force. All expenses including the fees etc. legally payable to the supply authorities and / or to the municipal authorities or to any other authorities, have to be borne by the contractor without any extra charge on the owner. 24. Co-ordination of civil contractors with others.

The contractor shall be responsible for the coordination and scheduling of his work with the works of the contractors or agencies undertaking the following items of work since the work is awarded on total turnkey basis. a) b) c) d) e) f) Construction of civil work Sanitary plumbing and water supply. Pre-construction soil treatment work. Electrical Erection of pre cooling, cold storage, ripening & grading line. Telephone conducting work and any other works not forming part of this contract.

The contractor shall also be responsible to attend upon each trade and sub contractor, nominated or otherwise and rectify and repair the general works done by them which may have been disturbed by the process of various trades and sub contractor's work to the satisfaction of the Representative of GAIC and leave the buildings in clean, tidy, neat ready for immediate occupation, all at his own cost. 25 1.0 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA AND BID EVALUATION PROCEDURE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: The Bidder should be fulfilling the following minimum eligibility criteria and must also submit documentary evidence in support of fulfillment of these criteria while submitting the technical bids. Claim without documentary evidence will not be considered. Consortium shall be allowed for maximum three agencies for implementation of the project. The eligibility criteria and documentary evidence required are as follows: Sr. No. 1.0 Eligibility Criteria Documentary Evidence to be attached The Bidder should have a minimum Audited financial statements duly certified 23

average yearly annual turnover of Rs. 10.00 crores (Rs. Ten crores only) in Agro Industries for the last three financial years ending March, 31st,2010.




The Bidder should have executed at least one project on TURNKEY BASIS with civil work having project cost of more than 3.0 crores (Rs. Three Crores only) or three projects of at least Rs. 1.5 Crores each in the Horticulture Cold Chain in the last three preceding years comprising of all the following components of cold storage project: a) Civil work & insulation panel b)Refrigeration,electrical, instrumentation & miscellaneous equipments. c) (De) Humidification systems The bidder should submit a solvency certificate from banker for a minimum value of Rs. 5.00 crores. In consortium, ( if applicable ) the original bidder MUST have at least 60 % of the necessary total turnover as mentioned in 1.0 above. The consortium member MUST be the manufacturer of either of the following: a) Refrigeration plant & machineries for cold stores b) PUF Insulated panels for cold stores.

by chartered accountant for the last three financial years ending March, 31st, 2010. Copies of purchase orders duly certified or CA certificate who has audited the Balance Sheet indicating turn over during the year, from Agro Industries / Cold Chain. Certificate from the project client for award of contract and stage of satisfactory project completion (in terms of value) in original or its notarized copy for each project claimed.

Original Solvency Certificate from the banker to be submitted. a) Certificate from the Chartered Engineer for the respective facilities along with list of equipments in the facility. b) Copy of Registration of the firm. c) Copy of factory license duly notarized.

The MD, GAIC reserves the right to verify the claims made by the Bidder and to carry out the capacity assessment of the bidder and the MD, GAICs decision shall be final in this regard.

THE CONSORTIUM SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY FOR MAXIMUM THREE. Evaluation shall be carried out based on the above parameters and the data and documents provided by the Bidders in support of their claims. The tender committee shall have the right to verify the 24

claims made by the bidders, in whichever way it deems fit. Based on the bid evaluation, only technically qualified bidders scoring more than 60 % marks ( cut off marks ) shall be short listed. The financial bid of only the short listed Bidders shall be opened. 2.2 Financial Bid Evaluation:

The total cost of the project (landed cost) quoted by the bidder would be considered for financial bid opening. The technically qualified bidder with lowest total cost of the project would be the preferred bidder in each project. 2.3 Selection Methodology:

2.3.1 The Financial Offers of those Technically qualified Bids ( who have got more than cut off marks ) would be opened and then ranked in ascending order based on the total price quoted, with the bidder quoting the lowest price being ranked first and the bidder quoting the second highest ranked as second and so on. 2.3.2 The bidder ranked first in accordance with the above procedure would be declared as the Preferred Bidder. 2.3.3 In case there are two or more bidders quoting the same price, the bidder whose technical marks are more will be treated as preferred bidder. 2.3.4 GAIC reserves the right to reject any bid, if: a) At any time, a material misrepresentation is made or discovered, or b) The bidder does not respond promptly and diligently to requests for supplemental information required for the evaluation of the bid. Rejection of a bid by GAIC as aforesaid would lead to the disqualification of the bidder. If such disqualification / rejection occurs after the bids have been opened and the preferred bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then GAIC reserves the right to: a) Either select the next best bidder, or b) Take any such measure/s as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of GAIC, including annulment of the bidding process. 2.3.5 The preferred bidders financial offer may be compared with Estimated Project Cost and also with other bidders and in case the financial offer is found to be not in conformity / in the range / in line, then GAIC reserves the right to negotiate with preferred bidder and may ask for additional guarantee in whatever manner it may deem fit and even after negotiations, if the final offer is found to be differing widely with Estimated Project Cost, then GAIC reserves the right to cancel the tender. GAICs decision in this context shall be final and binding on all bidders. 2.3.6 In the event of acceptance of the preferred bidder with or without negotiations, GAIC shall declare the preferred bidder as the Successful Bidder. GAIC will notify the successful bidder through a Letter of Intent (hereinafter referred to as LOI) that its bid has been accepted. 2.3.7 The successful bidder shall execute the contractual agreement with GAIC within period specified by GAIC of the issue of LOI or within such further time as GAIC may agree to in its sole discretion.


2.3.8 Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirements of Clause 2.3.6 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the LOI, and forfeiture of the EMD. In such an event, GAIC reserves the right to: a) Either invite the next best bidder for negotiations or b) Take any such measure/s as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of GAIC, including annulment of the bidding process. 2.3.9 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and recommendation for the short listed bidders would not be disclosed to any person not officially concerned with the process. GAIC would treat all information submitted as part of the bid in confidence and will ensure that all who have access to such material treat it in confidence. GAIC would not divulge any such information unless ordered to do so by any Government Authority that has the power under law to require its disclosure. 2.3.10 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of bids, GAIC may utilize the services of Consultant(s) or Advisor(s).


Bid Evaluation Committee:

A tender evaluation committee decided by MD, GAIC shall do the above evaluation. The committee shall determine the approach and methodologies for the issues, which may arise during the above referred evaluation exercise and have not been addressed in this Tender Document. The decision of the committee shall be final and binding on all the bidders.

2.5 Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Makes of Major Plant & Machineries & Others: Item description Electric motors Ammonia Compressors Ammonia Condensers Condenser water circulating pumps Ammonia Liquid Pumps Air Handling Units AHU Fans Transformer Cold store Doors Air curtains Acceptable makes Siemens/ NGEF/BB Kirloskar / Vilter / Grasso Alfa Laval / Evapco Kirloskar / Beacon Frick / Hydrodyne/ Star Coolers / Guntner / Helpman Nadi / EBM/or imported Telawne / Voltemp /Transformer & Rectifier / CGL / Patson Metallux or imported equivalent Russel / or equivalent reputed


Annexure I PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE To, The Managing Director, Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Khet Uduog Bhavan, Opp. Old High Court, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380014. PH No. 27543380 / 27544741. Fax No. 91 (079)-27542518 / 0624 Dear Sirs, In consideration of GAICL, Ahmedabad (hereinafter referred to as the Owner which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators and assigns) having awarded to M/s. ___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor which expression shall unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators executors and dated ___________ and the same having been unequivocally accepted by the contractor resulting in a Contract bearing No. __________ dated _________ valued at ____________ for agreed to provide contract performance guarantee for the faithful performance of entire contract equivalent to the said value of the contract to the owner. We ______________________________________ (name and address) having its head office at __________ (hereinafter referred to as the Bank which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include the successors administrators, executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay the owner, on demand any and all money payable by the contractor to the extent of as aforesaid ___________ at ___________ any ___________ time ___________ upto ____________. Without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and /or without any reference to the contractor. Any such demand made by the owner on the bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference between the owner and contractor or any dispute pending before any court tribunal or any authority. The bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without previous consent of the owner and further agrees that the guarantee here in contained shall continue to be enforceable till the owner discharges this guarantee. The owner shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or of any right which they might have against the contractor, and to exercise the same at any covenants, contained or implied, in the contractor between the owner and contractor or any other course of or remedy or security available to the owner. The Bank shall not be released of its obligations under these presents y any exercise by the owner of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason of any other acts of omission or commission on the owner or by any other matters or thing whatsoever which under law would, but for this provision, have the affect of relieving the bank. The bank also agrees that the owner at its option shall be entitled to enforce this guarantee against the bank as principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the contract and notwithstanding and security or other guarantee that the owner may have in relation to the contractors liabilities.


The bank further agree with the owner that the owner shall have the fullest liberty without our consent any without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance of the said contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercised by the company against the said contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension being granted by the said corporation to the said contractor or y any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the bank or the contractor. The banks lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the owner in writing. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, our liability under this guarantee is restricted to a sum of Rs. _______ and the guarantee shall remain valid till ________ unless a claim or action to invoke the guarantee is received in writing by us on or before _______ all your rights under the guarantee shall be forfeited and the bank will be relieved and discharged of its liabilities thereunder.


SECTION - 5 BASIC FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: The following are the basic functional requirements for the Dehydrated Onion Cold Stores at Mahuva A. Cold Stores with insulated panels : Four chambers of capacity 500 MT each for dehydrated Total Capacity 2000 MT B. Refrigeration systems complete : Total peak refrigeration capacity would be 82 TR at the following conditions: i) Evaporation temp. of minus 10 deg. C ii) Ambient temp. of maximum + 45 deg. C iii) Design cold room temp. as minus 3 deg. C iv) Relative Humidity - 60 75 % C. (DE) Humidification systems: Latest technology for ventilation, (De) humidification and RH controlling and monitoring from the best manufacturer is MANDATORY. D. Air conditioning system complete for Ante Rooms for all three floors: 12 TR (Ante Room 54 m x 6 m x 2.4 m high each 3 Nos.) Reception / Dispatch Dock 18 m x 5 m 4.0 m high





The tender has been divided into THREE parts for Dehydrated Onion Cold Storage Project at Mahuva, Dist - BHAVNAGAR 6.1 CIVIL WORKS





The bidder MUST quote for all the parts of the tender as per the specifications and the bill of quantities listed in the tender document. Consortium will be allowed for maximum three.



CIVIL WORK GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CIVIL WORKS The articles of Agreement and conditions of contract issued by the Indian Institute of Architects & P.W.D. together with the drawings specifications and bill of Quantities Govern this tender. The item specifications and descriptions have been referred from the Book All India Standard Schedule of Rates Building Work ( Ahmedabad District ) issued for the year 2007 08 by Executive Engineer, Ahmedabad City ( R & B ) Division, Ahmedabad, Govt. of Gujarat. The quantities are approximate & indicative and final quantities shall be as per the final measurements after actual execution. The materials, goods and workmanship shall be of the best quality of their respective kinds and those for which there is Indian standard or code of practice shall comply therewith unless otherwise started. The descriptions of material, goods and workmanship given in any one section or trade shall apply throughout the specification unless otherwise described. The contractor shall carry out everything necessary for the proper execution of the work whether or not shown on the drawing or described in specification, provided same may reasonably be inferred there from. Figured dimension shall be followed in preference to scaled dimensions and all dimensions and particulars shall be taken from the actual work where possible The contractor shall get approval for the prepared program and progress in conjunction with GAIC's officials for timely completion of the work and shall record progress there on throughout the execution of the works. The contractor shall provide at all times during the execution of works and the defect liability period proper means of access, with ladders, gangways, railings etc. and necessary attendance to move and adapt same as directed for inspection or measurement of works by the GAIC The contractor shall deliver to the GAIC the works progress report in quadruplicate outlining. A) B) Progress during the previous weekend. Progress for the ensuring weekend covering the status of the drawing material procurement, civil work, erection etc.

4 5

The basic prices of some materials and goods on which tender is based should be given by the tenderer for the following items: 1. Cement ( per MT ) 2. Steel ( per MT ) 3. Structural Steel ( per MT ) 4. Pre quoted GI Sheets ( per SQ. M. )

. These prices shall be inclusive of delivery to the site and shall be net in each case after deducting all trade discounts, rebates, allowances, and cash discounts. Fluctuation in price will be not be allowed in respect of labours, materials and goods. No escalation in the rates quoted by Tenderer 31

shall be entertained during the contract period on any other account and any other item or materials, labours due to any other reason. The contractor shall procure the materials and goods after the approval of samples from GAIC official / Consultant. 9. All expenses in connection with the unloading, storing and return of goods and materials shall be allowed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide and install all necessary hoists, ladders, scaffolding, staging, tools, vehicles, and other plants (mechanical and otherwise) and allow for altering, adapting and maintaining them as necessary and eventually removing and making good. The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary protective and safety clothings and equipments for operative and site staff. The Contractor shall take dimensions from the existing premises and verify all dimensions given on the drawings. He shall set out and level the works and shall provide all instruments and attendance required by the GAIC for checking the work. The contractor will be responsible for all payments due from him under: i) Insurance for the workmen under workmen's compensation Act. ii) Third party insurance. iii) Contractor's all risk insurance. iv) Any other insurance as may be required by Owner/ Architect/ Consultant. v) Liability under employees state insurance act of Govt. of Gujarat.. vi) Taxes under works contract act of Govt. of Gujarat. The Contractor shall allow for costs incurred by guarantee time.





14. The contractor shall keep all persons, including those employed by sub-contractor, under control and within the boundaries of the site or area allocated to him. He shall be responsible for the care of the work and/or existing premises generally until their completion, including all work executed and material goods and plants deposited on site, together with all risks arising from the weather, carelessness of work, people damage or loss by theft or any other cases and shall make good at his own cost all such damages or loss. The Contractor shall insure all tools brought to and deposited on the site against loss or damages by fire. 15. Contractor shall protect and maintain public and private carriage ways, roads, footpaths, pipes, gutters, service mains, cables, etc. and keep approach to the site clear and make good or pay for the reinstatement of any damage caused due to execution of the work. 32


The Contractor shall allow for all necessary watching for the security & safety of the works and protection of the public. He shall provide and maintain at his own cost all lights, guards, fencing and watching whenever and wherever necessary or as required by GAIC. The Contractor shall cause no annoyance or inconvenience to occupants of the premises and of those in the vicinity. If the contractor deems it necessary to execute work outside normal working hours in order to complete the works by the agreed date or for any other purpose, he shall obtain the consent of GAIC before doing so. The contractor after obtaining the permission from proper authority shall provide all necessary artificial lighting and power for the execution and security of works with all meters, temporary wiring and fittings etc. pay all charges, and alter, adapt and maintain the temporary work as necessary, and remove and make good at completion. The Contractor shall provide proper sheds for the storage and protection of materials, goods tools etc. and for the execution of work which may be prepared on site. He shall provide proper sheds for work-people, sanitary accommodation for staff (deodorise the ground after (removal), site office, washing facility etc. He shall allow for paying all rates other charges which may be made by local or other authorities in connection with temporary building erected for purpose of the contract. The Contractor shall allow for forming access to and on the site with necessary temporary roads, tracks, crossings etc. and for the removal and reinforcement of fences, gates etc. The Contractor shall cover up and protect the works from the weather and suspend all operations during weather conditions which in GAIC's opinion would be detrimental to the works. The contractor shall take down and clear away all plant and temporary work, including sheds, sanitary accommodations, offices etc unless otherwise described and make good. The contractor shall remove all existing rubbish and debris and surplus materials from site as they accumulated from time to time and at completion, and clean all surfaces, including those of the affected portions of the existing premises, internally & externally, remove stains and tough up paint work and polished work and leave the works clean and to the satisfaction of GAIC at completion. GAIC does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender without assigning any reasons thereof. The technical specifications for civil work shall be as per PWD's / NBCs Hand Book and as referred and described in the tender.

17. 18.



21. 22.


24. 25.




General: The insulated panels with pre coated galvanized imported or equivalent Indian sheets of 0.50 mm thick on both sides shall be used for Dehydrated Onion Cold Stores to store the dehydrated onions as per the technical requirements. The dimensions of the chambers where these panels will be used are summarized below.
Sr. No. 1. Particulars Size Cold Stores 1, 2 3 & 4 18 m x 18 m x 7.5 m high each Ante Room I,II&III & Dock 54 m x6 m x 2.4 m high on each floor & Dock of size 5m x 18 m x 4 m high Ante rooms Three & Dock one PUF 80 mm Thick for ceiling of second floor & front & rear walls 0.50mm thick imported or equivalent pre coated GI sheet on both sides --i) Walls - 101 Ceiling - 324 ---

2. 3.

Total Quantity Insulation for walls & ceiling Cladding

Four PUF 100 mm Thick


5. 6.



0.50mm thick imported or equivalent pre coated GI sheet on both sides Floor insulation 80 mm thick PUF conventional Approx. quantity in sq. m i) Walls - 2175 , for panels & floor ii) Ceiling - 1370 insulation iii)Floor - 1296 Insulated doors, with 100 Twelve mm PUF, 1200 x 2100 mm clear size Insulated doors, with 80 --mm PUF, 1500 x 2100 mm clear size Air curtain Twelve



Sectional Over Head Doors, Dock levellers & Dock shelters with 40 mm PUF insulated panels at Reception / Dispatch Dock are considered separately.


The technical specifications of the insulated panels are given below Insulation Thickness: 80/100 mm thick polyurethane of minimum 40 kg/cu.m. density Cladding Materials: The panels shall be cladded on both sides with 0.50 mm thick pre coated galvanized imported or equivalent sheets. Constructional Features: The panels shall be fabricated from 80/100 mm thick polyurethane of 40 kg per cu. m. density cladded on both sides by 0.50 mm thick pre coated GI imported or equivalent sheets. The length and width of the panels shall be suitable for the span of the proposed outer dimensions of the cold chambers. The panels shall be joined together with heavy duty action panel fasteners for cam lock panels and male & female fixing for continuous panels, sealed perfectly with suitable sealant. All the corners shall be perfectly sealed and covered with the angle of the pre coated sheets. The supply shall also include the fixing SS hardware necessary during erection like SS bolts, washers, wood materials, raw plugs, wood screws, sealant materials etc. The ceiling panels shall be designed for self supporting type and shall be suitable for hanging from the truss members, if necessary. Other Requirements: 1. The bidder shall visit the site and take into account the conditions there in order to supply the panels as per the exact need of the site conditions. The concerned officer shall show you the premises during office hours. 2. The quantities of insulated panels shall be worked out based on the site conditions and the final joint measurement after completion of job shall be considered for payment. The dimensions of the cold store doors/windows/cutouts shall be deducted from the final measurements. The bidder shall arrange for all the necessary tools and tackles for installation of these insulated panels. The bidder shall depute a qualified and experienced person with adequate skilled and unskilled labours for carrying out the installation. The bidder shall prepare a detailed and comprehensive supply and erection schedule and submit for approval from the owner/consultant for the same. The owner/consultant from time to time may issue written instructions, directions and clarifications for the work in progress at site. The bidder shall depute their senior person to attend the site meeting every week and take necessary steps immediately for the decisions taken. The bidder shall have to arrange on his own accommodation for his working team at site. 35

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


The bidder shall have to abide by the statutory rules and regulations like labour laws, factory acts, workmanship compensation act etc. The owner/consultant shall visit the site for inspection of your work any time during installation with or without prior intimation. During installation, the bidder shall provide for usual safety precautions and shall take out of comprehensive insurance policy for his workman against accidents. The rate shall be quoted including supply, erection, commissioning and all applicable taxes etc. However, the bidder MUST confirm separately the labour component in their total cost for the purpose of TDS deductions etc.

10. 11.


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF FLOOR INSULATION FOR EACH CHAMBER: The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly and applied one coat of salicot. Then with hot bitumen one layer of bitumen sheet (tar felt) of thickness 2 mm thick shall be pasted with 200 mm overlapping on all the four walls. Then install 80 /60 mm, as the case may be, thick insulation of polyurethane of density 40 kg/m3 in two layers of 40/30 mm thick each with bitumen in two equal layers. Then again put 2 mm thick bitumen sheet on the top with 100 mm overlapping on all sides. This surface is now ready for the civil work as per requirement to be carried out by the bidder. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF INSULATED DOORS: Constructional Features: The door of clear opening size of 1200 mm x 2100 mm high or 1500 mm x 3000 mm high shall be hinged / sliding type with imported compact hinges & locking arrangement. It shall be made of 80/100 mm, as the case may be, PUF insulation material with 40 kg per cu. m. density minimum cladded on both sides with 0.50 mm thick pre coated GI imported or equivalent Indian sheets. The hinges shall be sturdy and made of stainless steel of AISI 304 quality and MUST of lifting type when opened. The door shall have a heavy duty, compact and lockable latch made from AISI 304 quality stainless steel. It should have the radium indication and the facility to open from inside. The shutter shall have dual gaskets with good quality material. The frame shall be sturdy and suitable for installation with the insulated panels.


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF SECTIONAL OVER HEAD DOORS 1 General Requirement The sectional over head doors will be used for opening and closing of the entry at dispatch dock for loading / unloading of refrigerated / other vehicles. Size of the door: The clear opening of the door shall be 2500 mm wide x 3000 mm high. Constructional Features: 3.1 The roll up sectional over head door shall be double walled, insulated steel sandwich panels with 40 mm PUR foam core insulation, polyster coating and finger pinch protection. 3.2 It should have 300 mm high transparent heavy duty acrylic glazing window in the middle for easy outer visibility. 3.3 The door frame shall be sturdy, with drought proof rubber seal around periphery, suitably powder coated or galvanized. 3.4 The bottom of the door after closing shall have rubber seal to close the opening totally without any gap. 3.5 The profile of the embossed PUR steel panels shall be horizontal. 3.6 The door shall be as per international standard EN12604. 3.7 When the door opens, the sections shall slide back under the ceiling. 3.8 Suitable torsion springs shall be provided for balancing the door weight for manual operation. 3.9 All the door hardware shall be galvanized. 3.10 The mounting frame work shall be electrolytically galvanized with self tapping screws and knurled lock washers. 3.11 The door shall have rollers with nylon wheels and solid steel shaft. 3.12 It shall have stainless steel handle and footplate at the bottom for proper and complete closing. 3.13 The colour of the shutter shall be as per approved shed from the client.

2 3


GENERAL & DESIGN REQUIREMENTS; RETRACTABLE TYPE: 1.0 The dock seal shall be made of retractable PVC panels in the front. 2.0 The PVC panels shall be panels with reinforcement of double weaved polyster to absorb the jerk of the vehicle back body touching the seal surface. 3.0 It should be suitable for the clear opening of 2.5 m x 3 m high above the basic dock height of 1.3 to 1.3 m from the finished ground level. 4.0 It should be suitable for different sizes of vehicles by width as well as height.


5.0 6.0 7.0

It should cover minimum 300 mm area around the clear opening of the dock with thickness of 50 mm for absorb the thrust of vehicle. It should be suitable for fixing firmly on the PUF panels of 60 mm panels cladded with 0.50 mm precoated GI sheets. The height of the PVC panels shall be 450 mm below the top of the dock level.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF DOCK LEVELLER: The electro hydraulic dock leveller shall be suitable for size of 2.5 m width and to be mounted on the dock with 1.2 m dock level from the finished floor level to connect between vehicle to reception / despatch area floor. The other specifications are as follows: i) Dock leveller shall contain platform and lip in anti slip steel. ii) It shall contain double effect lip cylinder iii) It shall contain safety stop in case of accdental departure of vehicle iv) The safety stop must be for maximum pressure v) It shall be installed with rubber bumper guards vi) Maximum length of platform shall be 2500 mm vii) Maximum width of platform shall be 2000 mm viii) Lip width shall be 500 mm ix) It shall be operated from inside of the reception / despatch area.




The refrigeration system comprising compressor/condenser, air cooling unit, receiver, and other accessories, piping, valves and fittings shall be used in the cold chambers for the respective functional requirements basically for the storage of onions of processing quality. The design considerations are listed below for all the rooms Sr.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Particulars Design temperature Humidity Room size Capacity Evaporation temperature Refrigeratio n load, TR Refrigerant type Feed System Cold Stores Minus 30C 65 75 % As given in Part 2 A 500 MT in bags each Minus 10 deg.C 20.50 TR each peak load each Ammonia Liquid Overfeed System Ante Rooms 22 24 0C 75 80 % As given in Part 2A --+ 14 deg.C 4.00 x 3 nos. R134a DX Type Dock 22 24 0C 75 80 % As given in Part 2A --+ 14 deg.C 4 TR ( 2 TR x 2 sets ) R134a DX Type

The technical specifications for the freon 134a refrigeration systems for air conditioning systems are given below:The refrigeration system for each area shall basically comprise the following A. B. C. Semi hermetic reciprocating /Rotary / Scroll compressor, Air cooled condenser and other necessary accessories: Air Handling Unit with cooling coil and fan section. Other Accessories, Piping, Valves and Fittings and controls.

The detailed technical specifications for the above components are given below. A. Condensing Unit : The party can quote for only imported Copeland/Zanoti/Emersons /Guntner make as per the specifications given below: Compressor : - The compressor shall be reciprocating, serviceable and multi cylinder type , rotary, scroll type suitable for R- 134a duty and the capacity shall be 10 % above the refrigeration system requirements. - The compressor shall be designed for direct drive and the motor horse power shall be 115 % of rated power required for the unit including the drive loss. 39


- The motor shall be induction type air/gas cooled suitable for operation on 415 Volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz, AC power supply. - The compressor shall be complete with cylinder liners, pistons, oil pump, crank shaft, connecting rod, bearing, casing, safety valves and all other accessories recommended by the manufacturer to run efficiently. - All safety devices against high pressure, low pressure and low oil pressure shall be provided with the compressor. - The compressor shall be provided with oil charging port and oil drain plug. - The compressor shall be provided with the following accessories i) Crank case heater ii) Magnetic oil plug iii) Suction gas strainer iv) Mufflers v) Suction and discharge shut off valves - The following minimum controls and interlocks shall be provided with the compressor. i) ON/OFF delay timer ii) Interlock with liquid line solenoid valves iii) Interlock with crank case heater iv) All other safety inter locks - 10 % shall be added for the actual capacity of compressor needed as specified in addition to the heat load of motor of the compressor. - The condensing temperature shall be 47 deg. C ( Ambient ) and the evaporation temperature +14 deg. C - The make of the compressor shall be imported Copeland/Emerson or equivalent only suitable for the technical requirements specified. The bidder MUST submit the detailed technical bulletin including power requirement of the compressor along with offer for the model quoted by them. b. Condenser and Receiver:

Air Cooled Condenser: The air cooled condenser for the required capacity shall be designed with a seamless copper tubes of not less than 13 mm diameter with aluminium fins of 6/8 fins per 24.5 mm. The complete details such as copper tube diameter, length of tubes, fin thickness & height & number of rows and columns shall be clearly given. The condenser shall be supplied with suitable capacity axial flow fans to cool the gas in the highest ambient temperature. The horse power of the axial fans shall be given. B. Air Handling Unit : (Star cooler/Guntner/Kuba make )

The bidder shall also quote for the air handling unit of capacity as specified at plus 14 deg. C evaporation temperature comprising cooling coil as per design capacity and the axial fans of specified capacity necessary for pre cooling chamber as per the general technical specifications given below.


a) Cooling coil: The cooling coil shall be suitable for the refrigeration load as specified in the schedule for the room temperature to be maintained at 22-240C as design temperature and the evaporation temperature of 14 0 C. The coil shall be fabricated from 5/8 o.d. seamless copper tubes conforming to standard BS 2017 expanded into aluminum fins @ 8 fins per inch. The length of the coil shall be worked out for suitable TD (Temperature difference between return air and refrigerant) to maintain the relative humidity 75 80 %. and filters and heaters may be provided, if necessary for the same. The total length of coil shall be indicated in the offer. The casing shall be fabricated from 16 gauge GI sheet and shall be easily removable type. Drain tray shall be fabricated from 16 gauges GI sheet and shall be fully reversible type i.e. drain to be centrally located at one end of the tray and can be positioned at either end. The tray slope shall be sufficient so that the water is completely drained. b) Fan Section: The fans shall be propeller flow type mounted on the top of the coil and having front air discharge. The capacity of the fans shall be minimum suitable for the duties specified in the technical specifications at external static pressure of 12 mm water column. The specifications of the air handling unit selected shall be provided in the following format 1. Refrigerant - Freon 134a 2. Refrigerant feed - Direct Expansion 3. Room temperature - 22 - 240C 4. Refrigerant temperature - As specified in the specifications 5. Capacity - As specified in the tender 6. Fan capacity - 4000 CFM per fan 7. Type of fan - Propeller type 8. Fan discharge - Front horizontal on top 9. Fan Suction - Through coil from back 10. External Static pressure - 12 mm WC 11. Copper tube diameter 12. Maximum no. of rows 13. No. of columns 14. Length of each tube 15. Total length of tubes 16. Fins type 17. Defrosting type 18. Other accessories 19. Drawing of coil & fan - Dimensional sketch to be attached with offer. ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS MANDATORY TO BE SUBMITTED WITH OFFER


C. Other accessories, piping, valves and fittings: Refrigerant Piping: a) Refrigerant piping shall be either of seamless copper tube (IS-5493 or ANSI B 31,5 Type L) shall be of either forged brass or wrought copper. b) Refrigerant piping shall consist of the following & shall be complete with all accessories specified herein. - Hot gas discharge lines. - Condenser drain lines. - Liquid lines. - Suction gas lines. - Equalizer lines. c) The hot gas discharge line shall be designed to limit the pressure drop corresponding to 2 deg. F change in saturated condensing temperature. d) The suction gas line shall be designed to limit the pressure drop corresponding to 2 deg. F change in saturated evaporating temperature. The velocity of gas in the vertical & horizontal lengths of the suction gas lines, shall be high enough to ensure oil return to the compressor. Vertical risers shall be sized for part load minimum tonnage & minimum velocity shall be determined at this condition. The maximum velocity occurring at full load shall be limited to prevent excessive noise and vibration. e) Liquid lines and condenser drain line shall be sized to limit the pressure drop corresponding to a total of 1-2 deg. F. change in saturation temperatures of the refrigerant. The velocity should be kept low enough to prevent the possibility of liquid hammer. f) The bottom ends of all vertical risers shall be provided with angle type drain valve with male flare outlet connection to drain any accumulated oil. g) Instrument piping for gauges, switches etc, shall be copper only. h) Spacing and location of hangers shall conform to preferred engineering practice. Hangers & supports shall be made up of structural steel sections. i) All horizontal lines shall be pitched with a slope of 10 mm for every 3m in the direction of refrigerant flow. j) Condensate pipe size shall be minimum 25 mm dia. (nominal) bore. Refrigerant Service Valves: a) All valves as may be applicable shall have forged brass (pack less) up to 25mm and forged brass or steel above 25mm (packed and back seated) with flange connection or seat connection for welding or brazing to pipe. For copper pipes size 5/8 and below, flare connection will be acceptable. b) It is preferable to have the valve stems of rising stem inside screw type. The valve body and bonnet connection shall have bolted or welded connections. c) Gland packing for the valves shall be of Teflon material. The construction of the discs of the valve shall be either globe or angle type. The valve seat shall have white metal lining or any equivalent soft replaceable lining. Valves shall be supplied with seal supplied with seal caps to protect the valve stems from air, water and other corrosive factor.



Valves shall be of tested quality, leak tightness of the valves shall be tested at minimum 1-5 times the design pressure for the system.

Liquid Line Solenoid Valves: a) The liquid lines solenoid valve shall be direct acting two-way normally closed type. The solenoid valve shall be provided with a manual lift arrangement to hold the solenoid valve open during initial evacuation or pump down for service. The makes of the valves shall be imported Danfoss / Sporlan / Alcov make. b) The valve should be of tested quality capable of withstanding an external leakage test pressure of not less than 1.5 times the Safe working pressure with the valve in open position and the outlet closed. Refrigerant Filter cum Drier: a) The refrigerant filter cum drier shall be partial flow, cartridge type drier. The contactor shall select the drier with adequate water capacity to suit the system requirement. b) The refrigerant filter drier shall be provided with bypass and isolation valves to facilitate removal of drier for cleaning, recharging and reinstalling without interrupting the system operation. c) In the cases of carbon steel refrigerant piping additionally a magnetic separator shall be provided in the liquid line of the system. Strainers: a) A strainer shall be provided immediately ahead of the solenoid valve. The strainer shall be an angle cartridge type. Strainer shall be of brass material complete with bronze screen and permanent magnet. b) Where the compressor supplied does not have a build-in suction strainer, a suction strainer shall be installed immediately ahead of the compressor suction shut off valve. Thermostatic Expansion Valve: a) Auto Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TEV) of suitable capacity shall be provided for DX Coils of AHU. The TEV shall have an external Equalizer connection & be provided with liquid charge external type remote bulb. The makes shall be Imported of Danfoss / Sporlan. b) The thermostatic expansion valve shall be of proven make as mentioned above & be selected to match the DX coil and system pressure differential. c) The TEV shall be adjustable over a superheat range of 0 to 250F and shall set at site to the desired superheat. d) The external remote bulb shall be properly clamped to the horizontal portion of suction line near the evaporator outlet as per standard engineering practice, to give a quick response at designed superheat conditions. Sight Glass: a) The sight glass shall be double port type with seal caps. b) The sight glass shall be installed in the liquid line immediately ahead of the thermostatic expansion valve to indicate condition of the liquid as it enters the expansion valve. Thermal Insulation: a) The following length of refrigerant piping shall be insulated: - Liquid line from expansion valve to distributor - Suction gas line 43


c) d) e)

f) g)

The refrigerant suction piping between the DX coil and compressor and between the thermostatic expansion valve & DX coil shall be insulated with100 mm thick fire resistant expanded polystyrene or equivalent flexible insulation material. Moulded section shall be attached on piping & fittings with bitumen (85/25 or 85/40) or CPRX sticking compound or Shalimar Tar Products or approved equivalent. Insulation clips shall be used as necessary. Pipe work insulation shall be of the closed cell type suitable for an operating temperature ranging from (-)40C to (+)1050C. The thermal conductivity shall not exceed 0.0375 W/m2 0C at a mean temperature of 210C. Average water absorption shall not exceed 1.7% by volume with 28 days dimension and the density shall be approximately 90 kg/cu.m. The material shall have vapour resistance throughout the wall thickness. The material shall be self-extinguishing. Extra insulation thickness shall be provided at pipe hangers and special care shall be taken to seal the insulation and hanger member penetration and instruments and accessories tapping. Special care shall be taken to provide satisfactory insulation for valves, flange, vessel connection etc. with proper facility for maintenance and inspection.

General Instructions For Piping Erection: a) While erecting pipes, care shall be taken to check the accessibility of valves and specialties and maintain minimum head room requirement and other necessary clearance from the adjoining work areas. b) Cleaning of pipes: The copper pipes shall be properly cleaned prior to use in the system. The following procedure is recommended. i) A clean, lintless cloth should be drawn through the pipe to remove all coarse particles of dirt and dust. ii) A clean, limitless cloth saturated with trichloroethylene for copper tube and carbon tetrachloride for steel tube, should be pulled through pipe until the saturated cloth gets discoloured by dirt. iii) A clean cloth saturated with compressor oil squeezed dry, is drawn throughout the tubing to remove any dirt. iv) The cleaning job is completed by pulling through a clean dry, lintless cloth. c) Bracing/welding of Pipe i) Copper piping - Copper piping shall be brazed with sweat joints - The tubing shall be cut to have ends perfectly square using pipe cutter & reamed to remove burrs & finally until all dirt and oxide is removed. - All joints shall be brazed as per standard brazing practice and complying with ANSI B 31.5 code procedures. d) When solenoid valve is installed, the coil should be removed to prevent the heat of soldering/welding from ruining the insulation. When sight glasses are being installed, the glass should be removed to prevent from cracking No heat should be applied near the bulb of the expansion valve or other places where an excessive temperature may cause damage.



No thermal insulation/painting should be applied for the piping anchored until testing is completed and all leaks have been properly eliminated.


Technical Specifications of Ammonia Liquid Overfeed System for Cold Stores:

The refrigeration system comprising compressor/shell & tube/plate /shell & tube type condensers, air handler/air cooling units, receiver, and other accessories, piping, valves and fittings shall be used to maintain the design room temperature of cold stores at minus 3 deg. C temp. as per the functional requirements basically for storing onions of dehydrated quality. The general selection of capacity of each component of the system is given below, however, for any deviation, the bidder must clarify the items considered for the functional requirements for working out the financial bid, since for the same functional requirements, no escalation in cost will be considered after submission of bid. The design considerations for refrigeration system are listed below : Sr No 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12 Particulars Refrigeration Capacity, 20.50 TR each for dehydrated onions cold stores Design room deg. C Relative Humidity to be maintained Type of Humidifier, if necessary Dehumidifier, if necessary Evaporation Temp. deg C Condensing Ambient Temp. Deg C Type of Refrigerant Type of Refrigeration System Condenser type Cooling tower ,as required Water pumps Functional Requirements Total 82.0 TR ( 246984 ) Minus 3 deg. C 60 75 % Steam ( Vapour ) Type, Imported Power heated Minus 10 deg. C + 45 Deg C Ammonia Liquid Pumping System Water cooled shell & tube / Plate or Evaporative type FRP type Centrifugal mono block type


DETAILED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS ARE GIVEN BELOW:The refrigeration system for cold stores shall basically comprise the following i. Compressor, condenser and high pressure receiver, low pressure receiver, ammonia liquid pumps, cooling towers(if required ). ii. Other Accessories, Piping, Valves and Fittings and Electricals and controls and PLC automation with internet accessibility, Data loggers etc. The detailed technical specifications ( as per the list ) for the above components are listed below and the technical specifications attached with this document. Sr. Name of component No. 6.2B Refrigeration equipments 1.0 High Stage Reciprocating Comp. ( with specially designed PLC system for auto loading, unloading & operation for this comp. ) 2.0 High Stage Reciprocating Comp. ( with specially designed PLC system for auto loading, unloading & operation for this comp. ) 3.0 Low pressure receiver for all four cold stores 4.0 Ammonia liquid pumps 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 Air Handling Units for Dehydrated Onion Cold Stores Gas & liquid cooler suitable for above system Oil separator suitable for item 1.0 & 2.0 High Pressure Receiver Plate heat exchanger type or evaporative condenser Cooling tower complete Condenser water pumps, Beacon / Kirloskar make Insulation of suction and liquid pipe lines & others with required PUF thickness Refrigerated auto air purger Refrigeration pipes of Tata make & fittings of Danfoss / Dhiren or equivalent make Capacity Qty, Nos. 1 No. Remarks

48 TR

As per specifications given below

34 TR

1 No.

As per specifications given below

120 TR 5,000 LPH 10.50 TR

1 No. 3 Nos. 8 nos. 1 No. 2 Nos.

As per specifications given below As per specifications given below As per specifications given below As per specifications given below

2500 Litres 80 TR 2,90,000 kcal / hr 1,00,000 LPH

1 No. 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 nos 1 set

As per specifications given below As per specifications given below As per specifications given below As per specifications given below As per requirement

13.0 14.0

1 set 1 set


6.2C Refrigeration Related Electrical Works with Automation 1.0 Electrical Panel Board suitable for above refrigeration system including AHU fans of all cold stores, water pumps, cooling tower fans, or condenser fans, air conditioning systems for grading hall, & ante rooms. 2.0 Power cables, laying & end termination as per requirement 3.0 Danfoss make controls as per requirement 4.0 Automation complete with internet accessibility, PLC controls etc for reciprocating compressors & other refrigeration system component

As specified

1 No.

As per your requirement and specifications given below

1 set 1 set 1 set

As per requirement As per requirement As per requirement


1.0 Sr No. 1.

High Stage Reciprocating Compressors: Particulars of Item Application Evaporation Temperature, Deg C Dehydrated Onion Cold Stores at Design Temp. of minus 3 deg. C & RH of 60 75 % 48 / 169.44 KW 34 / 102408 KW 1,44,576 91680 1 1 Ammonia Kirloskar / Vilter ( Models KCX3 and KCX2 of Kirloskar or equivalent make ) Remarks

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Capacity, TR / KW ( For Sr. No.1 in 6.2B) Capacity, TR / KW ( For Sr. No. no.2 in 6.2B) Capacity in Kcal / hr ( For 2. above) Capacity in Kcal / hr ( For 3 above) Quantity, Nos. for item no. 2 above. Quantity, Nos. for item no. 3 above. Refrigerant Make of the compressor


Basic Constructional Features shall be as follows: i) Specially designed for ammonia system without water jacket ii) Single stage high stage iii) Must give improved operating efficiency at high compression ratios. 48


12. 13. 14.

iv) Reciprocating piston type v) Body to be single piece with high precision computerized system vi) Capacity control automatic with solenoid valves vii) Internal cooling self designed with no water cooling necessary. viii) Low noise & vibration levels ix) Pulley & C belt driven motor of required capacity suitable for 3 ph, 50 Hz, 415 V, AC power supply, provide make & hp of motor of Siemens make or equivalent. x) Provision to auto start, loading, unloading, & operation with specially designed PLC. Accessories Necessary i) Suction & discharge stop valve ii) Discharge check valve iii) Suction scale trap with strainer iv) Vertical oil separator with as per suitable design v) Auto operated bye-pass arrangement vi) Auto Oil return from oil separator to crank case with float etc vii) Lubricating system with oil pump ix) Duel oil filters of 15 micron size xi) Duel safety valve xii) PLC control panel indicating suction, discharge pressures and temperatures and interlocks etc. xiii) All controls shall be Danfoss Denmark make only ( Not China Danfoss ) Liquid & Gas cooler of suitable capacity 1 no Design condensing temp., deg C ( Ambient ) Comp. shall be mounted on heavy duty M S fabricated skid to be grouted on RCC foundaion

+ 45


Low Pressure Receiver:

- The low pressure receiver ( liquid Ammonia Accumulator ) shall be used for the separation of ammonia liquid and vapour in the ammonia refrigeration overfeed system suitable for minus 10 degree celcius. - It should be basically a horizontal cylindrical drum as per drawing no. GAIC/OCS/2 attached and made from m s plates of 16 mm thick for shell and 20 mm thick for dish ends. - One inlet nozzle of suitable mm dia. and one out let of suitable mm dia. should be provided as per sketch from Tata heavy duty C class pipe, to be approved by consultant. For liquid pump suctions connections, a m s Tata C class pipe of 150 mm dia. two pipes of as shown in the drawing should be provided at the bottom. It should be provided with 20 mm dia. Nozzle at the bottom for drain. 3 Ammonia Liquid Pumps: General Requirements: The ammonia liquid pumps would be used in liquid overfeed system for re circulation of liquid ammonia of a refrigeration plant designed for the evaporating temperatures of minus 2 degree C for a onion cold storage. The pump should be sturdy and trouble free in operation. It should be suitable for pressure variation and even small flow of ammonia liquid. It should have recuperation effect in case of stopping of the flow due to high generation of gas. Design and Constructional Features : The pump should be suitable for operating pressures up to 10 bar. The mechanical seal , if applicable of the pump should be suitable for ammonia liquid at lowest temperature of minus 60 degree C and must withstand the dry running of the pump. It should be suitable for almost fully throttled condition of operation. The motor size suitable for 440 V, 3 ph, 50 Hz AC power supply should be provided. The pump should have the following parts: 1.0 Counter flanges for all connections 2.0 Stop valves 3.0 Strainer having suitable meshed filter ( removable type ) 4.0 Non return valve cum stop valve on discharge side 5.0 150 mm dia. Pressure gauge on discharge side 6.0 Mechanical seal 7.0 Shaft 8.0 Bearings ( front and back ) 9.0 Collars 10.0 Impellers 11.0 Couplings The degasification facility should be provided so that the gas resulting from non-use of the system shall flow from the pump to the low pressure receiver. A provision on the discharge side should be provided to evacuate the pump and provision to install a pressure gauge. The design of the pump should be such that vortex is not formed at suction


Operating Conditions: Operating flow rate required TDH ( Head ) Shut off head Minimum flow rate Evaporation temperature Type of Refrigerant 4 Air Handling Units:

5,000 Litres /Hr 40 Metres 45 Meters 500 Litres / Hr Minus 10 Deg. C Ammonia

The air cooling unit should be suitable for onion cold storage duty i.e. to maintain minus 3 as design and from 0 to 10 degree celcius as working temperatures as and when required, which is given separately in Annexure-I and II. It should be suitable for Ammonia Refrigeration Liquid Overfeed System. It should include the following : 1. Fan section consisting of dynamically balanced tubular axial flow fans of sheet steel and hot dip galvanized after fabrication or rigid aluminium alloy suitable for minus 10 degree celcius. Fan should be mounted on suitable GI frame to assure smooth, vibration free operation. It should be complete with scrolls, heavy duty self aligning roller/ball bearing etc. It should be directly mounted on the motor shaft with supporting frame. 2. The coil section should be fabricated from Tata make M.S. seamless 25.4 mm outer dia. tubes conforming to ASTMA 106. Total length of coil will be with 6 fins in 25.4 mm. Inside of the coil is shot blasted to assure a clear refrigerant surface and to be tested for minimum 25kg/cm2 gauge pressure. It should be hot dipped galvanized after fabrication. It should be complete with headers, header plate and support rods. It should be in section. Fins should be minimum 12 mm in height and they have to be plate type with proper collar bonding. In case of smaller diameter tubes than 25.4 mm OD, equivalent length of those tubes should be provided and details furnished. OR The party can quote for an alternative tube material i.e. stainless steel of suitable OD & thickness and furnish all the details complying the equivalent surface area.. 3. The casing should be fabricated from 16g. galvanized steel sheet ribbed and reinforced for structural strength and rigidity. It should be of sectionalized construction with proper sealing at the joints. Refrigerant valves should be suitable for ammonia liquid recirculation system. All ammonia valves should be of DANFOSS/DHIREN upto 100 mm dia.& SUPERFREEZE make above 100 mm dia.only. The ejector water defrosting system should be supplied with the unit. It should include hot dipped galvanized water headers with NYLON nozzles. The drain pan made from 12 gauge G I sheet will have a net work of 15 mm dia. Tata seamless hot dipped galvanized pipe at the bottom of the pan for melting of ice from the tray. The pan will have 50 mm 51



size drain connection at the end of the slope ( 1 in 20 ) for draining the defrosted water completely.


Annexure I. TECHNICAL DETAILS OF AIR COOLING UNIT QUANTITY : 8 NOS.( Two in each Dehydrated Onion Cold Stores ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sr No. Description of item Specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Refrigerant Ammonia 2. Refrigerant Feed Liquid over feed system 2. Design room temp. Minus 3 deg. C 3. Operating Room Temp. 0 - 10 Deg. C. 4. Refrigerant suction Minus 10 Deg. C. 5. Capacity 25000 kcal/hr. 6. Fans total capacity 33,000 m3/hr. ( 3 nos of 650 mm diameter at 1440 rpm ) 7. Type of fan Tubular axial flow type, Nadi /EBM make 8. Fan discharge Front ( Kw of each fan to be given ) 9. External Static pressure 25 mm. WC.( without coil ) 10. Maximum No. of rows 8 11. Plain pipe columns NIL 12. Finned columns 3 fins/inch 16 13. Tube length 348 m finned with 6 FPI 14. Tube TATA M.S. Seamless 25.4 mm. dia. conforming to ASTM 106 . 15. Fins Plate type,12 mm. in Height. 16. Defrosting Water ( Required the facility ) 17. Finish Tubes - shot blasted, hot dip galvanized of 25.4 mm OD or equivalent other dia. Or SS 304 as the case may be. Housing frame - hot dip galvanized. Cover - 16 gauge. G.I. sheet. 18. Other accessories Suitable for direct drive on motor shaft. All standard fittings, drain pan etc. 19. Drawings of coil &fan Dimensional sketch to be submitted with offer, A MUST.


Gas & Liquid Cooler:

The gas and liquid cooler is basically used for sub cooling the ammonia liquid before it goes to the evaporators in order to get the maximum refrigerating effect and in turn maximum efficiency of the system. It should be fabricated from M S plate of 12 mm thick for shell and 14 mm thick dish ends as shown in the drawing no. GAIC/OCS/04 It should have the coil inside at the bottom made from 25 mm O D M S pipe of Tata make heavy duty of about 15 m long and wound spirally and terminating in to the inlet and out let for onward connections. The gas inlet and outlet connections of size 75 mm dia. with heavy duty Tata C class pipe shall be provided as shown. It should have frost free liquid level indicator complete with valves of Danfoss Denmark make only . A liquid solenoid valve assembly with strainer and by pass arrangement shall be provided to maintain the liquid level in the cooler. 6 Oil Separator:

It should be suitable for separating oil traces from the discharge line of high stage compressor. It should have float assembly at the bottom and a drain with valve. 7 High Pressure Receiver:

The receiver shall be fabricated as per guidelines and drawing no. GAIC/OCS/03. It should be of pressure vessel design with the shell made of 14 mm thick MS plate and dish ends made of 16 mm thick MS plate. The receiver should be complete with all the accessories as listed out in the drawing. After fabrication the receiver shall be given with a coat of anti rust primer followed by two coats of oil paint of approved shade. Receiver should be hydro tested at 30 kg/sq. cm pressure.
8 Condensers:

The condenser of capacity 80 TR each shall be plate type with SS 316 quality plates of Alfa Laval make along with suitable capacity cooling tower of Advance or Mihir make. OR Evaporator / shell & tube type condenser of capacity 80 TR each complete with coil section, fan section, SS drain pan section, highly efficient drift eliminator section and GI casing from 16 Gauge GI sheet.


Cooling Towers:

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Capacity : Capacity : 2,90,000 kcal/hr Quantity : Two nos. Type : Induced Draft FRP Square design with lowest fan motor HP Design Data : Water inlet temp. 36 degree C : Water outlet temp. 32 degree C : Wet bulb temp. 28 degree C Data to be submitted : Range, pump head, Fan dia., Air flow, Motor hp, rpm, Basin capacity in litres, Overall dimensions etc. Requirements : It should be fabricated from fibre glass reinforced plastic. The fan should be sufficient for required air flows. The blades should be cast aluminium type or more efficient then this. The unit should comprise the following : Fan motor - Suitable for 3 phase, 415V, 50 Hz A.C. power supply. House casing - FRP type having smooth surface to reduce the resistance. It should be suitable for velocity 60 m/sec. Others - Efficient eliminators, supporting M. S. structure shall be hot dipped galvanized after fabrication.


Condenser water pumps:

The pumps shall be centrifugal, monobloc type steel impeller with TEFC squirrel cage, Ip55 induction motor suitable for 3 phase 415V +5%, 50 Hz ,A.C. power supply. The bidder must specify the make of the pump and furnish the capacity as well as performance curve charts with the offer as per the details given below. Sr.No. Particulars Condenser water pump
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Capacity Total Head Suction size Discharge size Motor size Make Model Quantity 1,00,000 Litres/hr. 20 M water colmn. 100 mm dia. 100 mm dia. 10 H P Kirloskar / Beacon KDS-10307 of Kirloskar OR 3 DM3 0f Beacon make 2 Nos.


The electrical system for the refrigeration plant, air conditioning systems, grading packing machines, shall include the following as per the requirement of the system quoted by the bidder as per the ISI / International standards: 1. Main Power control center, totally enclosed cubical type, floor mounted fabricated from 14 gauge CRCA sheet and pre treated and painted with 2 coats of red oxide zinc chromate primer and synthetic enamel paint or powder coated. It should house all the switch gears required for the various three phase motors including incomer, copper neutral link, bus bar chamber, out going feeders i.e. DOL or Star delta starter as the case may be, MCBs, relays, timers, switches, push buttons, indication lamps, alarms, controls, instrumentation, necessary circuitary etc as per the system requirement for control and interlocking of compressors, fans, pumps, solenoid valves, level switches, pressure switches, heaters etc. You will have power supply to the incoming of the panel board from where you will have to distribute to all places required 2. Cables for power supply system and controls of Polycab make only and their end termination using heavy duty tinned copper lugs, brass nickel plated double compression cable glands, pvc tapes, pve sleeves etc as required. 3. 14 gauge perforated trays of required sizes with accessories, to be mounted in trenches or on wall, beam, structure including steel supports, hardware, anchor fasteners etc as per requirement including supports for piping & cable trays. 4. Earthing as per IS : 3043 standard 5. Emergency alarm system ( 230 V AC ) suitable for the refrigeration system as above. The system shall comprise of switches, JBs, 150 mm gong bell / hooter, visual indication to indicate the origin of alarm signal, test / accept / reset push buttons, UPS ( back up for 1 hour ), necessary wiring and all required material, accessories. 6. Capacitors as per requirement to maintain the power factor to >0.97 to be provided in the main power control center. 7. The complete digital controller cum indicator for temp. as well as humidity to be mounted in anteroom outside each cold store on ground floor. 8. The makes of all the components shall be listed for electrical items as confirmation.



1. The Tender specification covers the electrical work for refrigeration plant, air conditioning, ,, internal electrification, street light work etc. 2. The Contractor's scope of work shall be as broadly indicated below. Note : Owner reserves the right of addition / deletion to the scope listed. Any additional work as directed by the Owner shall become a part of the contract and shall be executed by the Contractor as per contract terms at rates as specified or approved by Owner when not available in the contract. Design, Supply, Fabrication, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Electrical system comprising of : a) Main power and motor control panel ( PMCP) b) Other panels and distribution board as per system requirement c) LV power cables to equipment d) Control & instrumentation cables e) Cable trays with GI covers of 16 gauge f) Local isolators for motors as required by electrical inspector g) Lighting and power / utility sockets for cold stores,ante rooms, dispatch dock, machine room and office as per instructions from Consultant. h) Cabling, wiring , MCB-DBs for items under (g) i ) Earthing of above items with copper strips/wire as required j ) Material, accessories, hardware and all required items of approved makes / services, whether specified or not, for satisfactory completion of electrical work. 3. The Specification enclosed is brief and gives only the broad requirements. Contractor shall ascertain total requirements based on the nature of work, site conditions etc. and he shall be deemed to be aware of and have understood all the requirements regarding the statutory rules, regulations, provisions, codes, standards, supply system, norms and guidelines of local authorities, site conditions, equipment / material specification, installation, testing, commissioning and functioning with reference to the electrical system, Owners requirements, provision for future expansion etc. in such a way that it ensures supply of all required material / equipment, completion of work safely and satisfactorily, statutory approvals, successful testing, commissioning and safe, continuous and satisfactory functioning of the equipment / system under the stated ratings, specifications and ambient / operational conditions throughout the service life. Owner shall not provide any material / services and no extra claim on account of above or any other factors / reasons will be entertained by the Owner. Deviations from specification, if any, shall be clearly mentioned clause-wise in a separate deviation sheet. Owner may not accept any deviations and Tender offer is liable to be rejected on this account. 4. The work shall be carried out as per contract specification, accepted standard procedures, good engineering practices and in a safe, technically sound and aesthetic manner with good finishing. The work, material, accessories etc. shall conform to all applicable IS codes and standards and shall be in compliance with all statutory rules, regulations, safety codes, fire-safety norms etc. in force in the area. Material supplied shall be of approved makes only and shall be procured directly from manufacturers or their authorized dealers. Contractor shall clearly specify in his tender offer the makes of items he proposes to supply. 57

5. The drawings when furnished to Contractor shall be for guidance only. Contractor shall ascertain actual requirements, site-conditions etc. and prepare all necessary drawings / documents for material procurement and erection purpose. Contractor shall proceed with the work only on approval of drawings / documents by Owner. 6. Contractor shall submit activity wise and area wise schedule & bar chart for start and completion of activities so as to complete the entire work within the stipulated completion period. 7. Contractor shall maintain adequate, qualified and competent labour force at site to ensure desired progress of work. He shall assign a qualified electrical supervisor with relevant government license, who shall always be present at site to supervise the work and to co-ordinate related activities with all concerned including other agencies working at site, for completion of work safely and satisfactorily within the agreed completion period. Contractor shall take all precautions to ensure the safety of personnel working at site. Necessary safety equipment shall be provided. Erection equipment shall have adequate safety provisions. 8. On completion of work, Contractor shall submit all test-reports / documents / as-built final drawings / O&M manual etc. for all the equipments / installation as required by the Owner. 9. The Contractor shall carry out and complete the works in every respect in accordance with the contract and Owners directions given from time to time and to the satisfaction of the Owner. Owners decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 10.0 Contractor shall note the following :

10.1 Supply includes delivery at site with packing, freight, insurance, taxes, duties, unloading and safe storage till erection. All required material and accessories ( whether specified or not ) for carrying out the above specified jobs up to charging of installation and commissioning of entire system as per specification, Owners requirements , safety standards and statutory requirement is also included in Supply . 10.2 Installation includes safe shifting of above material to erection-location placement and installing in position. All necessary tools, tackles, ladders, scaffolding, instruments, consumables etc. shall be arranged by Contractor at own cost. Minor civil works related to above work is also included. 10.3 Testing includes inspection of material before dispatch, after receipt at site and before installation. Equipment shall be tested individually and the integrated system as a whole shall be tested for satisfactory performance as per relevant standards / statutory requirements. Owner reserves the right to inspect the material at manufacturers works before dispatch to site. Contractor shall inform Owner about readiness of material and make necessary arrangements for inspection / testing of the material at manufacturers works / sub-vendors shop. 10.4 Commissioning includes pre-commissioning checks/ testing and putting the equipment and system into normal operation as per requirements to the satisfaction of Owner after receipt of all necessary sanctions / permissions / approvals. 10.5 " Price " shall include design, supply, fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning, unless specified otherwise under respective item. 58


Trials shall mean testing off all the equipments first without product and then with full product load continuously for 14 days with rated performance parameters. 10.7 Items and their description given in the enclosed schedule is brief and only broadly specifies the requirement . Contractor shall consider all additional items / components / services as required for the system. In case items not mentioned in the schedule are required for the completion of the system, Contractor shall clearly specify such items in his tender offer and quote extra price for the same. Failure of the Contractor to specify the items in the tender offer shall not absolve the Contractor of the responsibility of providing such items and it will be deemed that the price for the items is included in the quoted total price. No extra amount will be paid on this account. 10.8 Quantities given in the enclosed schedule are indicative. Unit rates shall be valid irrespective of quantities. Final contract price shall be worked out on the basis of unit rates and final approved quantities. (This clause is not applicable for items where the quantities have been indicated " As reqd." Which are to be considered by Contractor based on his system design & layout. The total price in such case shall remain unchanged irrespective of final quantity.) 10.9 Material shall be procured by Contractor only after ascertaining actual required quantities at site as per Owner's final requirement and approved drawings. Wherever alternatives are specified, Owner's specific confirmation for finally selected item / rating shall be obtained before ordering. Material shall be dispatched to site only after receiving dispatch clearance from Owner. Payment shall be made only for approved items / quantities supplied and installed / commissioned as per project requirements to be decided by Owner. 10.10 Owner will not provide any material/ facilities other than those specifically agreed. 10.11 On no account shall any extra payment be made to Contractor over and above agreed rates.


MAKES OF ELECTRICAL ITEMS Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Electric motors Switch-fuse unit / MCCBs MCBs / MCB-DBs DOL / SD starters / Aux. contactors / Timers Change-over relays Audio-visual annunciator Voltmeter / Ammeter Indication lamps ( LED type ) Push-buttons Selector switches Control fuses Terminals PF capacitors Panel wires / lighting wires LV cables Cable lugs Cable glands Metal-clad industrial plug socket MCB-DBs Lighting fixtures Commercial switches, sockets Item description Acceptable makes BB/ Siemens/ NGEF L& T / Siemens MDS L& T / Siemens OEN / PLA Minilec A.E. / L&T Teknik / L& T / Siemens Teknik / L& T / Siemens Kaycee / Salzer L& T / Siemens Elmex Ducati / CGL / L&T Finolex / Polycab RPG / Finolex / Polycab Dowells Comet MDS Philips / CGL / Bajaj Anchor

NOTES : 1) Contractor shall supply equipment / material of one of the above approved makes only. 2) Any makes other than those specified above shall be mentioned in Tender as Deviation and shall be subject to Owners prior approval. 3) Makes for items not covered above shall be subject to Owners prior approval.



(DE) Humidification Systems:

Air (DE) Humidification System: Functional Requirements: The humidification / dehumidification system shall be capable of maintaining the Relative Humidity of each cold chamber at any point of time between 65 and 75 % during storage of onions in the rooms including the heating system, if humidity goes more than 75 %. Humidification: The humidification system should be basically micro mist steam type generator of suitable capacity for maintaining RH in whole chamber 65 75 %. The RH shall be never go below 65 % at any point of time. The vapors shall be generated and distributed through the cooling coils in order to avoid direct contact with onions. The filtered water supply with all automatic control systems shall be provided at every humidification points. The sensors for humidity shall be suitable for logging to the computer system with data loggers etc. 6.2 E Other Equipments:

6.2.E1 Hand Operated Hydraulic Pallet Truck: 6 Nos. ( National Brand only ) Specifications: Capacity 2500 kgs. Operation Manual lifting Lifting System Hydraulic with hand operation 6.2.E2 Electronic Platform Weigh Scale, 1 to 100 Kgs.: 2 Nos.




The Tenderer shall enclose the following information / documents of the Electrical Contractor along with the Tender offer 1) Valid Government registration as Electrical Contractor 2) Confirmation of compliance with all statutory requirements such as labour license, Mininimum Wages Act, Provident Fund, ESI, Workmen Compensation Act etc. along with documentary proof 3) Experience list 4) Annual turnover for the last three years 5) Latest income tax clearance certificate 6) Solvency certificate from scheduled bank 7) List of own manpower with qualification & experience 8) List of own machinery, equipment, testing instruments etc 9) Present workload in terms of nature of work and value. 10) Any other documents in support of offer 1) COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall comply with all the applicable statutory requirements like Labour laws, Minimum Wages Act, Provident Fund, ESI, Workmens Compensation Act and any other Central, State or local Acts, rules or regulations in force. He shall keep the Owner indemnified against any liability in case of contravention of any of the said statutory requirements. He shall also obtain a Third party insurance policy and Contractors all risk policy to cover risk to others or damage to any property caused during execution of work. He shall submit copies of the insurance policy documents to the Owner before start of work. 2) SCOPE OF WORK The Contractors scope of work shall be as broadly indicated below. Note : Owner reserves the right of addition / deletion to the scope listed. Any additional work as directed by the Owner shall become a part of the contract and shall be executed by the Contractor as per contract terms at rates as specified or approved by Owner when not available in the contract. Design, Supply, Fabrication, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Electrical system comprising of : 1) Tapping of HT supply from GEB pole 2) HT metering 62

HT outdoor transformer sub-station Standby DG set Changeover panel and main Power Distribution GAIC. HV / LV cabling Cable trays I ) Internal and external illumination system j ) Switch-sockets 8) Ceiling & exhaust fans l ) Earthing system 9) Lightening protection system 10) Safety equipment 11) Material, accessories, hardware and all required items/ services, whether specified or not, for satisfactory completion of work. 12) Liason / co-ordination with all authorities concerned for load sanction, permissions, testing, approvals etc. upto charging and commissioning of plant on load. 13) SPECIFICATION AND DRAWINGS 14) The Specification enclosed briefly gives only the broad requirements. Contractor shall ascertain total requirements based on the nature of work, site conditions etc. and shall be deemed to be aware of and have understood all the requirements regarding the statutory rules, regulations , provisions, codes, standards, supply system, norms and guidelines of local authorities, site conditions, equipment / material specification, installation, testing, commissioning and functioning with reference to the electrical system, Owners requirements, provision for future expansion etc. in such a way that it ensures supply of all required material / equipment, completion of work safely and satisfactorily, statutory approvals, successful testing, commissioning and safe, continuous and satisfactory functioning of the equipment / system under the stated ratings, specifications and ambient / operational conditions throughout the service life. Owner shall not provide any material / services unless specifically agreed and no extra claim on account of above or any other factors / reasons will be entertained by the Owner. 15) Deviations from specification, if any, shall be clearly mentioned clause-wise in a separate deviation sheet. Owner may not accept any deviations and Tender offer is liable to be rejected on this account. 16) The drawings when furnished to Contractor are for guidance only. Contractor shall ascertain actual site-conditions, norms of local authorities, location of supply tapping point etc. and prepare all necessary drawings / documents of point of supply, transformer sub-station, DG station etc. as required by the authorities and for statutory approvals. Contractor shall also prepare other working drawings / documents for erection purpose etc. and shall proceed with the work only on approval of drawings / documents by Owner. On completion of work, Contractor shall submit as-built drawings / documents / test-reports / O&M manual for the equipment / installation as required by the Owner. 17) Contractor shall verify the actual work to be executed by studying site conditions, locations, route to be followed etc. and interaction with GEB local authorities before undertaking work. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of the Owner and further work shall proceed only as per fresh instructions. Liability for failure to do so rests solely with the Contractor. 63

3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

18) Material 19) Material, equipment, accessories etc. shall conform to all applicable IS codes and standards and shall be in compliance with all I.E. and other statutory rules, regulations, safety codes, fire-safety norms etc. in force in the area. 20) Material supplied shall be of approved makes only and shall be procured directly from manufacturers or their authorized dealers. Equipment drawings / specification / BOM etc. shall be submitted and Owners approval obtained prior to manufacture and procurement. 21) Items and their description given in the enclosed schedule is brief and only broadly specifies the requirement . Contractor shall consider all additional items /components / services as required for the system. In case items not mentioned in the schedule are required for the completion of the system, contractor shall clearly specify such items in his tender offer and quote extra price for the same. Failure of the Contractor to specify the items in the tender offer shall not absolve the Contractor of the responsibility of providing such items and it will be deemed that the price for the items is included in the quoted total price. No extra amount will be paid on this account. 22) Quantities given in the enclosed schedule are indicative. Unit rates shall be valid irrespective of quantities. Final contract price shall be worked out on the basis of unit rates and final approved quantities. This clause is not applicable for items where the quantities have been indicated As required. Which are to be considered by Contractor based on his estimate & layout . The total price in such case shall remain unchanged irrespective. Of final quantity. 23) Material shall be procured by Contractor only after ascertaining actual required quantities at site as per Owners final requirement and approved drawings. Wherever alternatives are specified, Owners specific confirmation for finally selected item / rating shall be obtained before ordering. Material shall be dispatched to site only after receiving dispatch clearance from Owner. Payment shall be made only for approved items / quantities supplied and installed / commissioned as per project requirements to be decided by Owner. In case it is found that excess material has been supplied / erected and payment already made for it, the excess amount paid shall be recovered from the Contractor. 24) Work and workmanship 25) Contractor shall submit activity-wise and area-wise schedule & bar chart for start and completion of activities so as to complete the entire work within the stipulated completion period. 26) Contractor shall deploy appropriately qualified, competent and experienced staff and workers as per the nature of work. Adequate labour force shall be maintained at site to ensure desired progress of work. He shall assign a qualified electrical supervisor with relevant government license, who shall always be present at site to supervise the work and to co-ordinate related activities with all concerned including other agencies working at site, for completion of work safely and satisfactorily within the agreed completion period. Contractor shall take all precautions to ensure the safety of personnel working at site. Necessary safety equipment shall also be provided for the purpose. Erection equipment shall have adequate safety provisions for safety of personnel and works. 27) The Contractor shall co-ordinate and interact as necessary with other agencies working at site as well as authorities concerned for the smooth progress and timely completion of work. The priorities for work shall be decided by the Owner.


28) The work shall be carried out as per contract specification, accepted standard procedures, good engineering practices and in a safe, technically sound and aesthetic manner with good finishing. The work shall conform to all applicable IS codes and standards and shall be in compliance with all I.E. and other statutory rules, regulations, safety codes, fire-safety norms etc. in force in the area. 29) If in the opinion of the Owner/ GEB / Statutory authority any item supplied and / or work carried out by the Contractor is defective or does not meet the requirements, the Contractor shall rectify such defects, carry out necessary modifications, replace rejected material and take all necessary steps to complete the work to the satisfaction of Owner/ GEB / Statutory authority. The rejected or defective material shall be removed from site forthwith as per Owner directions. The rectification / modification / replacement shall be without any additional cost to the Owner. 30) Measurement of work shall be done by standard measure according to the rules of PWD and / or normal procedures. Contractor shall submit measurement sheet with backup drawings, calculations and details as required. The decision of the Owner in this regard shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 31) On completion of work, Contractor shall carry out site-testing as per applicable standards, rules, norms, guidelines and obtain necessary approvals / permissions of authorities for charging and commissioning. Contractor shall submit all test-reports / original documents for the equipment / installation as required by the Owner. 32) After site inspection / testing, a list shall be prepared indicating defects / modifications required / incomplete work. The Contractor shall attend to the points listed to the satisfaction of Owner/ GEB. Contractor shall obtain certificate for completion of work from GEB. After satisfactory completion of work, successful testing, commissioning and load trials, Work Completion Certificate shall be issued to the Contractor by Owner. The Defects Liability Period shall begin from the date of Work Completion Certificate. The Owner shall have the right to put the equipment to use in part or full before issue of completion certificate. 33) The Contractor shall carry out and complete the works in every respect in accordance with the contract and Owners directions given from time to time and to the satisfaction of the Owner. Owners decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 34) Approvals / Sanctions etc. from authorities 35) Contractor shall be responsible for all activities beginning with load application upto completion of job. He shall obtain all necessary load sanctions, approvals, permissions, testing etc. for the entire electrical installation (including items not supplied by Contractor) from authorities concerned such as GEB, Electrical Inspector, Factory Inspector, GPCB etc. upto and including charging and commissioning of installation. Charges for this job shall be included in the quoted price. Necessary statutory fees shall however be paid by the Owner. 36) Contractor shall liase and coordinate with GEB for site survey, point of supply, estimate etc. Additional work as per GEB requirement specified in estimate shall be carried out as directed by Owner. 37) Definitions Contractor shall note the following : 38) Price shall include design, supply, fabrication, installation, testing, commissioning and liason / coordination with authorities as applicable under respective item. 65

39) Supply includes design and supply of material, delivery at site with packing, freight, insurance, taxes, duties, unloading and safe storage till erection. All required material and accessories ( whether specified or not ) for carrying out the above specified jobs up to charging of installation and commissioning of entire system as per specification, Owners requirements safety standards and statutory requirement is also deemed to be included in Supply . Installation includes safe shifting of above material to erection-location, placement and installing in position. All necessary tools, tackles, ladders, scaffolding, instruments, consumables etc. shall be arranged by Contractor at own cost. Minor civil works related to above work is also included. 40) Testing includes inspection of material before dispatch, after receipt at site and before installation including statutory inspection and testing. Equipment shall be tested individually and the integrated system as a whole shall be tested for satisfactory performance as per relevant standards / statutory requirements. Owner reserves the right to inspect the material at manufacturers works before dispatch to site and at site. Contractor shall inform Owner about readiness of material and make necessary arrangements for inspection / testing of the material at manufacturers works/ sub-vendors shop / site. 41) Trials and Commissioning includes pre-commissioning checks/ testing and putting the equipment and system into normal operation as per requirements for 14 days to the entire satisfaction of GAIC after obtaining of all necessary sanctions / permissions / testing / approvals. 42) Defects liability period The Defects Liability period shall be one year commencing from the date of Work Completion Certificate. If any defect in the quality or performance of the material supplied and / or work carried out by the Contractor is noticed during this period, the Contractor, on being informed by the Owner / Consultant, shall immediately attend to the problem and rectify the defect. In case the Contractor fails to attend to the defect within two days, Owner shall get the job done from another agency at the Contractors risk and cost. The defects liability period for the defective portion of work shall be counted from the date of rectification / replacement. The duration shall be one year or less as decided by the Owner / Consultant. Final Acceptance Certificate shall be issued by the Owner / Consultant after the defects liability period is over and all defects noticed during the period have been satisfactorily attended to by the Contractor, whichever is later.



Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Item description GOD, DOF HT Insulators HT Lightening arrestor Transformer HT Metering cubicle TOD meter Diesel engine Alternator DG set assembler Electric motors Switch-fuse unit / MCCB Changeover switch DOL / SD starters / Contactors Voltmeter / Ammeter Indication lamps (cluster LED ) Push-buttons Selector switches Control fuses Terminals Panel & lighting wires HV cables HV cable terminations LV cables Cable lugs Cable glands Lighting fixtures Lighting panels / MCB-DBs MCBs Ceiling fans Exhaust fans Light switches,plugs, sockets Metal-clad plug sockets PF capacitors APFC relay PLC & Similar Controls Acceptable makes Atlas / Kiran / Pactil W.S. / BHEL / Jayashree Elpro Kirloskar / CGL / Patson Huphen ABB / L&T Cummins / Kirloskar Stamford / Kirloskar Cummins / Kirloskar authorized agency CGL/ KEC / NGEF / Siemens / BB L& T / Siemens HPL / Havells L& T / Siemens A.E. / L&T Teknik / L&T / Siemens Teknik / L&T / Siemens Kaycee / Salzer L& T / Siemens Elmex Polycab / Finolex CCI / RPG Raychem CCI / RPG/ Finolex / Polycab Dowells Comet CGL / Bajaj / Phillips MDS Siemens / MDS CGL / Bajaj CGL / GEC Anchor MDS / BCH L& T / CGL / Ducati Syntron / Sycon Dixel / Seimens

NOTES : 1) Contractor shall supply equipment / material of one of the above approved makes only. 2) Any makes other than those specified above shall be mentioned in Tender as Deviation and shall be subject to Owners prior approval. 3) Makes for items not covered above shall be subject to Owners prior approval. 67




Civil Works ( Dehydrated Onion Cold Stores ) ( The bidder must quote as per detailed specifications in the respective annexures with supply, installation, testing & commissioning complete. ) Civil and PEB Structure Work: Based on Basic Design & Layout by Consultant, the Architectural and Structural Designing of the Civil Works Up to Plinth and PEB above Plinth are in the Scope of Work of the Bidder including approval of drawings from concerned authorities complete. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS. CODE. A - EARTH WORK. Excavation for foundation in earth, soils of all types sand, gravel and soft murum upto a depth of 2.5 M including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 100 m beyond the building area stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filing, ramming, watering (including shoring and strutting) etc. complete (Lift up to 2.50 m) Spec. No. BD.A. 1 Page No. 259. Excavation for foundation in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto distance of 100 m. beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring, strutting complete. (Lift upto 1.50 m.) Spec. No. : Bd.A 2 Page no. 259. QTY. UNIT RATE AMOUNT








Excavation for foundation in hard rock by chiseling, weighing etc. including trimming and leveling the bed, removing the excavated material up to a distance of 100 meter beyond the building area and all lifts, stacking as directed, dewatering and back filling complete. (Lift up to 1.5 m.) Spec. No. Bd.A6. Page No. 260.


NO. A-4

ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS. CODE. 4.12 Back Filling in footing with approved excavated materials in 15 cm. To 20 cm. Layers including watering and compaction etc. complete. (above 1.50 Meters lift) Spec. No. 6 Page No. 15. Filling in plinth and floors with contractor's soil, sand or murum in 15 cm to 20 cm. Layers including watering and compaction etc. complete. Spec. No.7 Page No. 15 Providing dry trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss rubble stone soling in two layers of 23 cm. Thick including hand packing and compacting complete. Spec. No. 1 Page No.29. Providing dry trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss rubble stone soling in single layer of 23 cm. Thick below Plinth Concrete layer including hand packing and compacting complete. Spec. No. BD.A. 12. Page No.264. 71 429.64











Sq M.



Sq M.

Total Rs.



B - P.C.C. WORK. Providing and laying in situ cement concrete (150 mm thk.) M-10/1:3:6 of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for foundation including dewatering, form work, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing if required and curing etc. complete (4.42 bag/cum) Spec. No. 3 Page No. 17








Total Rs. C - R.C.C. WORK. Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap/granite /quartzite /gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete work in foundation like footings of reinforced cement concrete columns and steel stanchion including bailing out water, form work, compaction and finishing, curing etc. complete. (Excluding steel reinforcement and structural steel) (7.60 bag/cum) Spec. No. 3 Page No. 17








Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap/granite/quartzite gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete columns up to plinth level as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including centering, formwork, compacting and finishing the formed surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding reinforcement) (7.60 bag/cum) Spec. No. : 4 Page No.17 Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap/granite/quartzite gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete plinth beams as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including centering, formwork, compaction and roughening the surface of special finishing to be proved and curing etc. complete (Excluding reinforcement). (7.60 bag/cum) Spec. No. 11 Page No.18 Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap/granite/quartzite /gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete mezzanine floor/ roof beams and slabs and landings as per detailed designs and drawings, including centering, formwork, compacting and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete (Excluding reinforcement). (7.60 bag/cum) Spec No. 11. Page No. 18.














Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-20 of trap/granite/quartzite /gneiss metal for reinforced cement concrete waist slab and steps as per detailed designs and drawings including centering, formwork, compacting and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding reinforcement). (7.60 bag/cum) Spec. No. Bd.F.11 Page 18. Providing and fixing in position Mild steel and H.Y.S.D. bar reinforcement of various diameters for reinforced cement concrete pile caps, footings, foundation, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, stair case, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardis, copings, fins arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules including cutting, bending, hookin the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required complete. Spec. No. : 13. Bd.F17 Page No. 19 D - MASONRY WORK. Providing coursed brick masonry in cement mortar 1:6 in plinth of inner walls / in plinth of external walls including bailing out water manually, striking joints on unexposed faces and watering complete. Spec. No. 2 A Page No. 25.







Total Rs. D-1 6.13 89.65 CUM



Providing second class burnt Brick masonry with conventional/Indian standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in superstructure including striking joints, racking out joints, watering and scaffolding complete. Spec. No. 2B Page No. 25. 74





Providing second class burnt Brick masonry with conventional/Indian standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in half brick thick wall including mild steel longitudinal reinforcement of 2 bars of 6 mm. Diameter at every third course, property bent and bounded at ends including scaffolding racking out joints and watering complete. Spec. No. 9 Page No. 26. Providing internal cement plaster 12 mm. Thk. In single coat in cement mortar 1:5 with neeru finishing to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curing complete. Spec. No. : 1.III Page No. 54.







Providing internal cement plaster 12 mm. Thk. In single coat in cement mortar 1:5 without neeru finishing to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curing complete. Spec. No. : 1.III. Page No. 54. Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using Kharsalia / kasaba or similar type of sand, in all positions including base coat of 15 mm. Thick in cement mortar 1:4 using water proofing compound at 1 kg. Per cement bag, curing the same of the base than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment 10 mm. thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc. complete. Spec. No. 9 Page no. 55. 75







Total Rs.

NO. E-1


E - FLOORING. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS. Providing and casting in situ m-15 (1:2:4) grade light Reinforced Tremix Flooring 120 mm thick in Cold stores including providing and binding in position reinforcements as directed. Casting floor concrete in bays by using girder, vibrator, vacuum departing mechanical trawling till perfectly leveled, smooth integrated cement finish is achieved, curing and making good, rate shall include cost of appropriate concrete hardener, expansion joints bituminous felt and excluding cost of reinforcement. Providing and laying polished kotah stone flooring 25 mm to 30 mm thick and 4 cm. To 55 cm. Wide in plain pattern on a bed of 1:6 cement mortar including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning complete. Spec. No. 18 Page No. 48. Providing and fixing in required positions skirting or dado kotah stone slabs 25 mm. To 30 mm. Thick and 30 cm. Wide on 1:4 cement plaster including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, rubbing, polishing and cleaning complete. Spec. No. 17 Page No. 47. Providing sills of polished kotah stone 25 mm. To 30 mm. Thick bed of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joints with slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning complete. Indian Patent Stone (IPS) finish to all cold rooms, machine room floors, over pre laid 150 mm P.C.C. (1:2:4) bed in perfect line & level. 76 414



















Providing 25 mm./30 mm. Thick partitions of machine cut both side polished black/ brown Granite stone slab of approved shapes, quality and colour for urinals, including cutting holes of required size in the appropriate places to receive pipes etc. fixing in cement mortar 1:3 curing and cleaning complete. Spec. No. 17 Page No. 47. Providing and fixing ceramic tiles of approved quality and size 7 mm thick for dado and skirting in required position with ready made adhesive mortar of approved quality on plaster of 1:2 cement mortar including joint filling with white / colour cement slurry cleaning curing complete. Spec. No.18 Page No. 48.







Total Rs.


ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS. CODE. 10.1 F- DOORS AND WINDOWS. Providing and fixing solid core flush door in single/double leaf 35 mm. Thick, decorative types, of exterior grade, as per detailed drawing including country teak wood door frame (100 mm x 80 mm ), approved P.V.C. laminate on both faces with/without glazing in the positions shown on the drawings or as directed, all necessary beads, moldings and lipping, wrought iron hold fasts, 77








chromium plated fixtures and fastening without/with brass mortise lock/aldrops, tadipatti, chromium plated handles on both sides etc. complete. (with door frame) Spec. No. 1. Page No. 33.



Providing and fixing waterproof marine flush door panels for bath and w.c. (8 nos.) with 1 mm thk laminate finish on both sides. Providing and fixing aluminium sliding window of various sizes as per detailed drawings fabricated powder coating with or without ventilator including fabrication, glazing with plain / clear glass panels of approved type and quality, all fixtures and fastening complete with guard bars 10 cm. center to center. Spec. No. 30. Page No. 37. Providing and fixing rolling steel shutters fabricated from 18 gauge steel laths with side guides, bottom rail, brackets, door suspension shafts, including rolling springs, locking arrangements and housing box at the top including mechanical gear operating arrangement and one coat of red lead primer and two coat of enyamal paint of approved shade and quality. Spec. No. 5 Page No. 40. Providing and fixing mosquito proof and fly proof S.S. mesh to windows, ventilators with removable teak wood frame ( 25 mm x 50 mm ) including fixing of mesh of with teak wood lipping of 12 mm x 50 mm and including painting, l etc. complete. As directed by Engineer in charge.












Providing and fixing in position M.S. frame door shutters fixed with fly proof S.S. mesh as per drawing and design and complete with necessary chrome plated fittings and fixtures and three coats of oil paint etc. complete . As directed by Engineer in charge.(including teak wood frame) Providing and fixing in position 8 S.W.G. wire weld mesh 50 x 50 mm jali in M.S. angle frame 50 x 50 x 5 as per drawing and design including one coat of primer and two coats of oil paint as per drawing and instructions of Engineer in charge.





Total Rs. G PRE ENGINEERED BUILDING and ROOF WORK. Providing fabricating and erecting in position Structural steel, column stanchion, firers, channels, lattice beam trusses, purlins, rafters, ties, bracings, stanchions, beams, supports, struts, etc. as per detailed drawings and specifications and instructions including straightening, cutting, drilling, bending, welding, riveting, bolting, splicing and providing and casting in position foundation bolts etc. and including three coats of red oxide primer & two coats of finished coats.







Providing, Fabricating 25 X 25 mm M.S. Square hollow pipe (14 Gauge) i.e. 2 mm thk (spacing of 40 mm ) for Floor grating on 1st & 2nd floor level fixed (welded) to main support members considered in PEB structure. The ends are to blocked with rubber/ plastic plugs. The rate should also include three coats of red oxide and finish coat to the grate members. Providing and fixing in position 0.5 mm thick pre coated G.I. Sheet roofing and cladding of approved colour and profile of corrugation, fixed with self drilling screws to M.S. members, and with pre coated sheet accessories like ridges, aprons, corners, filets, gutter channel etc. all complete as per instructions of Engineer in charge.





Total Rs. H-1 18.51 H - COLOURING WORK. Providing and applying two coats of water proof cement paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour over a coat of white wash on new plastered surfaces including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface, watering for two days complete. Spec. No. 27 Page No. 58. Providing and applying washable oil bound distemper of approved colour and shade to new surfaces in two coats over a primer coat including scaffolding, preparing the surfaces complete. Spec. No. 2. Page No. 56. 747 SQM





Total Rs.





I - ANCILLARY WORK. Providing pre constructional anti termite treatment to all excavated surfaces, back fill in immediate contact with foundation, and treating the top surface of plinth filling at the rate of 5 ltrs. Of emulsion concentrate of 0.5 percent of Chicropyriphox per Sq m. of surface area with ten years guarantee bond as per I.S. 6313 (part II) -1973 (as per item No. 22.41, 22,42 and 22,43 of schedule of rates of National Building Organization). Spec. Sr. No. 7 Page 68. Providing and laying in position 1:2:4 P.C.C. 150 mm thk. Plinth protection course including leveling, curing, etc. complete, as per instructions of Engineer in charge. Excavation in soil and murum for Road work and removing, stacking, spreading the excavated material as directed. Spec. Sr. No. 1A Page 14 Providing, speeding and compacting hard murum as sub grade in layers of thickness up to 230 mm. with power roller including necessary labor, material, watering etc.complete as directed by Engineer in charge. Spec Sr. No. 1C Page 14 Providing and constructing water bound macadam road surface with one layer 200 mm thick over size gravel and metal soling, and blinding with stone grit and one layer of 40 mm to 60 mm metal to 100 mm thickness blinded with hard murum both layers duly compacted with power roller including watering etc. complete.


















Providing and constructing Plain cement concrete (M30) grade road surface over WBM surface complete, 450 mm thick.. 22.20 Providing and erecting 1.8 m. high wire fencing of seven rows with two additional diagonal cross of barbed wire supported on mild steel angles (50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm) at 2.0 m. center to center including excavating pits for foundation, fixing post in cement concrete of size 45 x 45 x 45 cm. fastening the wire and painting the mild steel angles with one coat of red lead primer and two coats of oil painting etc. complete and including 'L' stays @ every 16 meter intervals etc all complete. as per instructions of Engineer in charge. Spec.Sr. No.1 Page No. 67 Providing and laying in position on 1:4:8 concrete bedding NP-2 class R.C.C. pipes to required depth with 1:1 cement mortar jointing and including excavation and refilling as directed by Engineer in charge. a. For 150 dia. R.C.C. pipe line. b. For 250 dia. R.C.C. pipe line. c. For 300 dia. R.C.C. pipe line. Providing cable trenches of required depth with 15 cm.thick sand bedding, loose brick laying over cables as directed and including excavation and refilling. As per direction Engineer in charge. Providing and constructing 1.5 x1.5 x 2.5 m. above ground brick masonry platform for electrical transformer toped with 150 mm thick 1:2:4 P.C.C. inclusive of necessary excavation, foundation and refilling and cement plastering all exposed surfaces. All as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 82






6 6 6 40





Providing and constructing about 1.5 m x 1 m x 1m height above ground 1:2:4 concrete platform for Electrical Kiosk including excavation, foundation and refilling and plastering and finishing after installation. All complete as per instructions Engineer in charge. Providing and installing in position 2.5 m high chain link fencing of 8 swig g.I. Wire 40 mm mesh fixed to m.s. vertical angles ( 50 x 50 x 6 mm) fixed in concrete at 2 m. center to center and with top, middle and bottom angle (40 x 40 x 5) and with 23 c.m. thk. Wall 40 cm above ground all along the fencing and with 2 no. leaf 3 .0 x 2.5 m.s. gate made out of 40 mm dia G.I. pipe frame fixed with hinges to I.S.J. 150 and with same chain link duly best with angle at the centre with heavy duty hinges, padlocks, tower bolts etc. complete with one coat of primer and two coat of silver paint. All complete as per instructions of Engineer in charge. Providing and spreading 30 mm size gravel stones to 15 cm thickness around the transformer premises within the fencing as per instructions of Engineer in charge. Providing and constructing 2.0 m high above ground compound wall 450 mm thick stone masonry with stone masonry foundation up to hard strata over concrete bedding and 75 mm thick r.c.c. coping and including cement pointing and plastering, curing etc. complete. As per instructions of Engineer in charge.











NO. I-15

ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS. CODE. Providing and installing in position fabricated M.s. entrance gate (weight approx 50 kg/sq m) including I.S.J. side posts, heavy duty hinges, pad locks, and tower bolts and including three coats of oil paint to all steel surfaces all as per instructions of Engineer in charge. Providing and constructing cable trenches in brick masonry with concrete bedding and 5 mm thk. Checkered plate cover on m.s angle frame including inside plastering etc. complete, as per instructions of Engineer in charge. a. Inside size up to 30 cm. X 45 cm. b. Inside size up to 60 cm. X 90 cm. c. inside size up to 90 cm. X 120 cm. J - WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION. Providing and hoisting in position 2 nos. of 5000 ltr capacity P.V.C. water tanks of approved quality and make over a brick masonry platform with plaster and top concrete complete with all necessary connections as per instructions of Engineer in charge.

QTY. 2





1 1 1

RM RM RM Total Rs.




NO. J-2

ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS. CODE. Providing and constructing under ground R.C.C. water tank in M: 250 concrete as per design, inside dimension as 5.0 x 3.0 x 1.75 m with R.C.C. roof slab with inspection covers, central R.C.C. partition wall, smooth water proof plastering from inside and sand faced plastering from out side and with all necessary inlet and outlet pipe connections etc. as per design, drawing and instructions of Engineer in charge. 23.6 Providing and fixing on walls / ceiling / floors, of Diameter given below 'B' class having embossed as ISI Mark galvanized iron pipes with screwed, sockets, joints and necessary galvanized iron fittings such as sockets, back nuts, elbows, bends, tees, reducers, enlargers, plugs, clamps etc. including necessary drilling holes in walls, slabs etc. and remaking good the demolished portion to restore the same in original condition neatly and applying anti corrosive primer oil paint and two coats of all painting complete. Spec. No. 3 Page No. 69. a. For 50 dia. 'B' class G.I. Pipe line. b. For 40 dia. 'B' class G.I. Pipe line. c. For 25 dia. 'B' class G.I. Pipe line. d. For 15 dia. 'B' class G.I. Pipe line.

QTY. 1

UNIT no.




10 20 40 60



NO. J-4

ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS. CODE. Providing and fixing screw down gun metal / brass wheeled stop taps of various diameters including necessary sockets, union nut complete. a. For 50 dia. Stop taps. b. For 40 dia. stop taps c. For 25 dia. Stop taps d. For 15 dia. Stop taps. 23.111 Providing and fixing Orissa Pattern type white glazed earthenware 580 x 440 mm. Water closet pan including tarp cast iron soil and vent pipes upto the outside face of the wall, 1:2 lime concrete / 1:5:10 cement concrete bedding, 10 liters PVC low level flushing cistern with fitting, inlet pipe with stop tap / brackets for fixing the cistern, 32 mm. diameter P.V.C. flush pipe with fitting and cistern 20 mm. diameter P.V.C. overflow pipe with mosquito proof coupling and pull, painting of the cistern and pipes and cutting and making good walls and floors. Spec. No. 9. Page No. 70.






1 2 4 6 4

no. no. no. no. no.


NO. J-6

ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS. CODE. 23.124 Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware half stall type group of three urinals with cistern including P.C.C. soil pipe, C.I. Trap and soil pipe connection upto face of wall complete. Spec. No. As directed by Engineer in charge. Spec.Sr. No. 34 Page No. 74. Providing and laying 100 mm. Diameter half round white glazed stone earthenware pipes in 1:5:10 cement concrete bedding including bends, necessary excavation etc. complete. As per instruction from Architect Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware wash Hand Basin of 55 cm. X 40 cm. Size including single cold water pillar tap / brackets, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap and necessary P.V.C. pipe connections including P.V.C. waste pipe and without bottled trap upto the outside face of the wall. As per instruction from Architect 23.87 Providing and fixing 10 cm. Cast iron Nhani Trap including grating, bend and piece of cast iron pipe upto the outsie face of the wall complete (with 45 cm. Arm). Spec. No. 8 Page No. 70. Providing and fixing 15 cm. Cast iron Nahani Trap including grating, bend and piece of cast iron pipe upto the outside face of the wall complete (with 45 cm. Arm). Spec. No. 8 Page No. 70.

QTY. 3

UNIT no.













NO. J-11

ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS. CODE. Providing and fixing of required diameter cast iron soil / vent / waste pipes with necessary fixtures and fitting such as bends, tees, single junction, double junction, slotted vent offsets on walls or in the ground including filling joints with lead with red lead oil paint coat and two coats of anti corrosive paint including fixing the pipe on walls by means of nails driven through lugs in wooden holder / battens and supported on ground floor by C.C. 1:2:4 of 30 cm. x 30 cm. size blocks complete. a. 100 dia. C.I. Pipe. b. 80 dia. C.I. Pipe. Providing and fixing 15 cm. X 10 cm. Salt glazed stone ware gully trap in cement concrete 1:4:8 outside the building including cast iron grating in the sink, connecting glazed stoneware pipe, brick masonry chamber with cast iron grating for the gully trap, and precast R.C.C. cover with frame fixed with cement mortar. Providing and laying 100 mm. Diameter salt glazed stone ware pipes including fittings such as bends, tees, single junction, double junctions, laying, jointing including excavation and refilling the trenches complete. As per instruction from Architect






50 25 4

RM RM no.





Providing and laying R.C.C. concrete pipes of I.S. N.P. class of 150 mm. Diameter in proper line, level and slope including necessary collars, excavation, laying fixing with collars in cement mortar 1:1 etc. complete including excavation and refilling the trenches. 6.13 Providing and constructing Brick masonry in cement mortar 1:6 for Inspection Chamber various sizes given below including 1:4:8 cement concrete foundation, 1:2:4 cement concrete channels half round S.W.G. pipes, with plastering brick masonry inside and outside with cement mortar 1:4 and inside neat cement finish including 75 mm. thick R.C.C. cover etc. complete depth upto 1.20 m. Spec. No. 2. Page No. 25. a. 60 cm. X 45 cm. b. 90 cm. X 45 cm. Providing and constructing Brick masonry in cement mortar 1:6 for intercepting chamber 90 cm. X 45 cm. Including 1:4:8 cement concrete foundation, 1:2:4 cement concrete channels half round S.W.G. pipes, channels / half round glazed stone ware intercepting trap with roding pipe set in 1:4:8 C.C. block with plastering brick masonry inside and out side with cement mortar 1:$ and inside neat cement finish including 75 mm. thick R.C.C. cover etc. complete. depth upto 1.20 m. Spec. No. 2 Page No. 25.






4 1 1

no. no. no.



Providing and fixing Hume pipe septic tank 900 mm. Diameter with vent pipe and cap including necessary fittings including excavation and laying. And constructing man holes chambers with cover on top of the septic tank openings. With plaster etc. complete. As per instruction from Architect Providing soak pit of size 150 cm. X 150 cm. 150 cm. Including excavation and filling with brick bats. As per instruction from Architect Providing and fixing in position 100 mm dia. P.V.C. rain water pipe of approved quality with all necessary bends, tees, sockets, etc. and with rain water shoe etc. all complete. AS per instructions of Engineer in charge.







Total Rs. Grand Total Rs. (In words Rupees

Contractor's signature.



Plant & Machinery:

A. Insulated Panels:
Sr. No. 1 2 3 Particulars of item PUF Panel 100 mm thk for walls & ceilings of cold stores PUF Panel 80 mm thk for floors of cold stores Insulated doors Hinged type of size 1.2 m x 2.1 m with 100 mm PUF Panels Insulated doors Hinged type of size 1.5 m x 2.1 m with 80 mm PUF Panels Air Curtains Sectional overhead doors with 40 mm PUF of size 2.5 x 3 m high Dock seal of size 2.5 m x 3m high Dock shelter for opening of 2500 mm x 3000 mm height Qty 3545 1296 12 Unit Sq. m. Sq. m. No. Rate Total Amont


5 6 7 8

14 3 2 2

No. No. No. No.


Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems :

Particulars of item Air conditioning system with R134a complete of capacity 2 TR each for office & dock Air conditioning system with R134a complete of capacity 2TR each for Anteroom 1 , 2, & 3 High Stage Reciprocating comp. of capacity 48 TR with motor & others complete High Stage Reciprocating comp. of capacity 34 TR with motor & others complete Low Pressure Receiver Ammonia Liquid Pumps Air Handling Units, Cap.10.50 TR Gas & Liquid Cooler Oil Separator for comp. High Pressure Receiver, 2500 L Qty 2 Unit No. Rate Total Amount

Sr. No. 1




5 6 7 8 9 10

1 3 8 1 2 1

No. No. No. No. No. No.


11 12 13 14 15 16

Ammonia Condenser, 80 TR Cooling Tower, 100 TR Condenser water pumps, cap. 100000 LPH Insulation of suction & liquid pipe lines, low pressure receiver etc Refrigerated Auto Air Purger, imported Ammonia & GI pipes & fittings

2 2 2 1 1 1

No. No. No. Set No. Set

C. Refrigeration Related Electrical Work with Automation:

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Particulars of item Electrical Panel Board complete Power Cables & end terminations with GI cable trays & its covers Danfoss Denmark / equivalent make controls Automation com plete with PLC controls for comp. & others necessary Centralized emergency call bell system for all chambers Temp. & Humidifier controllers & Indicators as specified Qty 1 1 1 1 Unit No. Set Set Set Rate Total Amount

5 6

1 1

Set Set

D. (DE)Humidification:
Sr. No. 1 Particulars of item (De) Humidification system to maintain RH 60 75 % in all cold stores Qty 4 Unit No. Rate Total Amount

Sr. No. 1

Other Equipments:
Particulars of item Hand Operated Hydraulic Pallet Truck, Cap. 2500 kgs. Electronic Platform Weighing Scale, Cap. 100 kgs. Qty 4 Unit No. Rate Total Amount



The scope of work includes Design & Supply, Fabrication & Installation, Testing and Commissioning of material / equipment / systems as generally specified below : ( NOTE : Qty. not specified shall be considered by Contractor based on his estimate and layout) Sr. No. 1 Item description Tapping of 11 KV power supply from GEB OH line pole with HV cable-connection to line conductor, cable supports, GI pipe sleeve for cable protection, all required clamps, brackets, accessories, hardware, GI earth conductors, earthing, etc. complete as per applicable standards, rules, norms, guidelines of local authorities, statutory requirements, including liasoning with GEB and testing, approvals from all authorities concerned. All M.S. items to be duly painted with red-oxide zinc chromate primer and 2 coats of aluminium paint. Portions embedded in ground to be painted with 2 coats of bituminous paint. 11 KV, Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed, screened, armoured cable as per IS, to be run on pole, laid in ready excavated trench / hume-pipe etc. including sealing of pipe-ends. i) 3 C X 120 sq.mm. ii) 3 C X 150 sq.mm 11 KV Heat shrinking type termination for above cable including cable gland, cable lugs and all required accessories including earthing. Indoor i) 3 C X 120 sq.mm. ii) 3 C X 150 sq.mm Qty. Unit Rate Total Amount ( Rs.)

1 Set

150 1


3a 3b

2 1

No. No.

Outdoor i) 3 C X 120 sq.mm. ii) 3 C X 150 sq.mm 4 GEB approved outdoor compact type 11 KV metering cubicle having cable entry & termination arrangement for both incoming and outgoing connections. with 3 nos. CTs, 3 nos. PTs, arrangement for fixing electronic TOD meter, necessary terminal blocks, earthing terminals, mounting stand, foundation bolts, hardware, all accessories etc., earthing of CT, PT, body, cable armour etc. as per GEB norms using black painted copper flat, complete as per applicable standards, rules, norms, guidelines of local authorities, statutory requirements etc. including liasoning, coordination with GEB and testing, approvals from all authorities concerned. Necessary cable-supports, pipe sleeve for cable, all required clamps, brackets, accessories, mounting structure, foundation bolts, hardware etc. shall also be provided. Concrete foundation and grouting as required for metering cubicle with height above ground as per GEB norms. GEB approved electronic TOD meter including liasoning, coordination etc. with GEB and testing, approvals from authorities as required.

2 1

No. No.


5 6



2-pole structure with height / clearances as per rules, using RSJ 100 X 116 poles ( min. length 9 m.) with 10 mm. thk. base-plate in M20 PCC 1.5 mtr. deep foundation and 300 mm. dia. muffing, interconnection from metering cubicle, 1 set of 3 nos. 11 KV class lightening arrestors, 1 set of 11 KV, 200 Amp. single break vertically mounted A.B. switch, 1 set of 11 KV D.O. fuses with operating rod, interconnection from DOF to transformer with alkathyne pipe insulated conductor, 11 KV insulators as required, 95

ACSR conductor as required, M.S. channels, cross-bracings, supporting structure and all required clamps, connectors, hardware, accessories, double earthing of 3 nos. LA , 4 P structure, GOD, DOF using 40 X 6 mm GI flat, complete as per applicable standards, rules, norms, guidelines of local authorities, statutory requirements including liasoning, testing, approvals from all authorities concerned. All M.S. items to be duly painted with red-oxide zinc chromate primer and 2 coats of aluminium paint. Portions embedded in ground to be painted with 2 coats of bituminous paint



315 KVA, 3 ph. 50 Hz. 11 KV / 433 V transformer as per IS : 2026 and other applicable standards, vector group Dyn11, with off-circuit tap change switch having constant KVA taps in 6 steps of 2.5 %, low loss grain oriented silicon steel laminations, copper wound with minimum class A insulation, ONAN cooling with maximum 50 / 55 deg. temperature rise of oil / winding, outdoor type HV bushings, LV cable box suitable for 2 nos. 3.5 C X 185 sq. mm. AYFY cables, outdoor type LV neutral bushing, radiators, fittings and accessories as per IS including conservator, local winding and oil temperature indicators etc. complete with first fill of oil as per IS : 335 with 10 % extra for topping up at site, double earthing of neutral and transformer body using 40 X 6 mm GI conductor etc. as per applicable standards, rules, norms, guidelines of local authorities, statutory requirements, including liasoning , testing, approvals from all authorities concerned. Same as (8a) above, but of rating 500 KVA and with LV cable box suitable for 3.5C X 240 sq.mm cable. x 3 nos..



Rate only



630 Amp. 3 pole ACB ( 50 KA ) with earth fault relay, ammeter, voltmeter & indicating lamps in outdoor weather-proof sheet-steel powder coated enclosure having canopy, with terminal extensions, cable entry & exit boxes suitable for 2 nos. 3.5C X 185 sq.mm AYFY incomimg cables as well as 2 nos. 3.5 C x 185 sq. mm. Outgoing cables, mounting structure, accessories, hardware etc. including mounting frame, concrete grouting, double earthing using 40 X 6 mm GI flat, complete as per statutory requirements for transformer LV isolation. Civil foundation for transformer with channels embedded flush on surface for placement of transformer. Height of foundation above GL shall be as per applicable rules / norms.




Earthing stations including test-link as per IS : 3043 using: a) 600 x 600 x 6mm. GI plate electrode with 50 x 6 mm. GI strip upto ground level. b) 600 X 600 X 3 mm. copper plate electrode with 25 X 3 mm. copper strip upto ground level for transformer neutral. The earth electrode shall be buried at a depth of 3 m. below GL. The earth connection, test link, pipe and funnel shall be housed in a masonry chamber approximately 350 mm. length x 350 mm. wide x 300 mm. deep. The masonry chamber shall he provided with a cast iron ( CI ) cover resting over a CI frame embedded in masonry. The chamber top shall be atleast 100 mm. above the ground level. The earthing stations shall be complete as per applicable standards, rules, norms, guidelines. Minimum spacing between adjacent earth electrodes shall be 3 mtr.
Earth electrodes shall be interconnected using 50 X 6 mm GI conductor buried in ground at a depth of 150 mm.

17 4

No. No.



Switchyard fencing of 2.5 mtr. height comprising 8 SWG G.I. wire 40 mm. mesh chain link, vertical supports of 50 x 50 x 6 mm. MS angle at 2 mtr. interval, 40 x 40 x 5 mm. M.S. angle at top, middle and bottom so as to form a frame, 230 mm. thk. 400 mm. height brick wall duly plastered and painted, 2 nos. leaf type gates 3 mtr. wide, 2.5 mtr. height , made out of 40 mm. dia. G.I. pipe, 8 SWG GI chain link, M.S. angles etc. along-with locking arrangement and 2 nos. RSJ gate supports, earthing of fence vertical supports, gates etc. Fencing and gates shall be painted with red-oxide primer and 2 coats of aluminium paint. Supply, spreading and leveling of 40 mm. size, 150 mm. thk. stone gravel in fenced area is included. The clearances, fencing, gates, gravel etc. shall be as per applicable standards, rules, norms, guidelines of Electricity Board. 200 KVA, 3ph. & neutral, 50 Hz. 415V, 0.8 pf, heavy duty watercooled Diesel - Generator of Kirloskar Cummins make set with cable box suitable for 2 no. 3.5C X 185 sq. mm. AYFY cable, neutral earthing terminal, heavy duty batteries, engine mounted alternator for battery charging, manual control panel, local indicators, fuel tank, channel base frame, anti-vibration pads, complete with all required equipment, accessories, fittings, controls, safety devices, exhaust piping, fuel piping, silencer, double earthing of neutral and body etc. as per applicable standards, rules, norms, guidelines of local authorities, statutory requirements, including liasoning , testing, approvals from all authorities concerned.






Main Power Distribution Board ( PDB) Panel shall be totally enclosed cubicle type free standing, floormounting, compartmentalized and modular in construction, expandable on both sides, fabricated out of 14 gauge CRCA sheet steel duly pretreated and painted with 2 coats of red-oxide zincchromate primer and painted with synthetic enamel paint or powder coated. Panel shall have separate GEB / DG supply change-over & incomer section with door interlock and isolated horizontal / vertical bus-bar chambers. Bakelite / acrylic shrouds with danger lables shall be provided as required to cover live parts and busbars for safety purpose. Separate cable-alleys shall be provided. Component layout in individual modules shall be spacious with adequate clearances for ease of operation and maintenance. Capacitor modules when provided shall have adequate cooling arrangement such as louvres at rear and sides. Cable entry shall be top or bottom as per site conditions. Aluminium anodized labels shall be provided for components and feeders. 40 x 6 mm GI earth busbar shall be provided along panel length with terminals brought out at both ends. Necessary foundation frame / pedestal / mounting structure, sheet metal blanking covers, foundation bolts and all required material / accessories etc. shall be included. Vendor shall submit detailed SLD, G.A. & dimensional drawings, BOM and wiring diagram for Owner's approval. Panel shall be manufactured and tested in an approved manner as per IS:8623 and other applicable standards. MCC shall consist of following feeders: A . Change-over section (i) 630 Amp four pole switch-fuse load-break change-over switch with suitable cable-entry and termination arrangement for 2 nos. 3.5 C X 185 sq. mm. AYFY cables each for GEB and DG supplies.(Total 2 nos. cables) - 1 no. 99


(ii) 3 Nos. supply on LED type indication lamps with 3 Nos. HRC fuses for GEB and DG supply on indication. 2 sets (iii) 315 / 5 Amp., 10 VA Y-ph. CT on GEB supply side for APFC panel - 1 no. B. Incomer (i) 630 Amp ACB ( 50 KA ) with OL, SC, EF protections, operating handle and door interlock, etc.- 1 no. (ii) 0 to 500 V voltmeter, voltmeter selector switch, 3 Nos. HRC fuses etc. 1 set (iii) 0 to 630 Amp. ammeter, ammeter selector switch, 3 Nos. 630 / 5 Amp., 10 VA CTs, shorting links etc. 1 set (iv) Copper neutral link - 1 no. (v) Busbars 1 set 50 X 6 mm. main copper busbars with red, yellow, blue, black colour heat shrinkable PVC sleeves and mounted on epoxy / SMC insulator supports of tested quality as per IS. Other vertical copper busbars shall be rated for total compartment rating with current density of 1.5 Amp. per sq. mm. Minimum size 50 X 6 mm. Minimum clearance on all sides of each busbar shall be 25 mm. C. Outgoing Feeders Cables / wires used for switchgear power connections shall be PVC insulated multi-strand copper conductor as per IS with current rating atleast 40% more than feeder FLC. Minimum wire size shall be 2.5 sq. mm. ( to be used upto 16 Amp. MCB feeder). For feeder rating above 63 Amp, busbars shall be used. (i) 315 Amp TP MCB with protections, operating handle and door interlock . neutral link etc. for machine room, office, grading hall and refrigeration 1 nos. (ii) 100 Amp TPN SFU with protections, operating handle and door interlock . neutral link etc. for Air conditioning system 1 no. (iii) 100 Amp. TPN SFU with protections, operating handle and door lock, neutral link etc for lighting complete 100


LT Capacitor APFC Panel Automatic power factor correction compartmentalized, modular, cubicle type totally enclosed panel generally as per main PDB specification as under: A) Incomer : (i)315 Amp MCCB with OL,SC protections , operating handle, door interlock etc. 1 no. (ii) Supply on LED type indication lamps with HRC fuses 3 nos. (iii) Auto / Manual switch 1 no. (iv) APFC relay (Syntron / Sycon make) 1 no. (v) 0-60 sec. Timer for manual operation 1 set (vi) 0 to 500 V voltmeter, voltmeter selector switch, 3 Nos. HRC fuses etc.- 1 set (vii) 0 to 160 Amp. ammeter, ammeter selector switch, 3 Nos. 200 / 5 Amp., 10 VA CTs, shorting links etc 1 set. (viii) TPN Copper busbars 40 X 6 mm 1 set (ix) Copper neutral link 1 no. ( x) Other components, fans etc. for completion - Lot B) Outgoing Feeders: i) 125 Amp auto switch with contactor for Tranformer 1 no. C) Capacitor modules (i)25.0 KVAR capacitor module with capacitor, 63 Amp. SFU ( fuse rating as per capacitor mfr. recommendation), 63 Amp. contactor, start, stop push-buttons, indication lamp, control fuse switchgear, other components etc. 10 nos. (ii) 25 KVAR capacitor module as above but without capacitor bank - 2 nos. 1.1 KV grade PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, muilti-strand Al or Cu conductor as specified, armoured cables as per IS : 1554, to be laid in excavated trenches, hume pipes, readymade cable trenches, 101



cable trays, on wall/structure with necessary dressing,clamping, cleating, tagging etc. a) 3.5C X 185 sq.mm. - Aluminium b) 4 C X 6 sq.mm. Copper c) 4C X 4 sq.mm. Copper 180 1 1 1000 1500 M M M M M

d) 4C X 2.5 sq.mm. Copper e) 4 C x 1.5 sq. mm. Copper LT cable end termination using heavy duty crimping type lugs, bi-metal treatment in case of connection between dissimilar metals,, brass nickel plated double compression cable glands, PVC tape, PVC sleeves etc. a) 3.5C X 185 sq.mm. - Aluminium b) 4 C X 6 sq.mm. Copper c ) 4C X 4 sq.mm. Copper


8 1 1 75 .110

No. No. No. No. No.

d) 4C X 2.5 sq.mm. - Copper e) 3 C x 1.5 sq. mm. Copper 18 14 gauge GI trays with galvanizing as per IS : 2629, IS : 2633, IS : 4759 etc. to be mounted in trenches, wall, beam, structure etc. including accessories, hardware, anchor fasteners, brackets, supports etc. as per site requirement. Tray sizes as under : a) 300 mm perforated type with GI cover b) 150 mm perforated type with GI cover c) 100 mm perforated type with GI cover d) 75 mm perforated type with GI cover

100 150 75 200




Earthing as per IS : 3043 using conductors of following sizes inclusive of brazing, welding, jointing, clamping, hardware, bituminous paint at joints, connection to equipment and all required material, to be laid in outdoor trench at a depth of minimum 600mm , indoor in conduit, trays or on floor / wall / ceiling / roof / structure etc. with clamping at 500 mm. intervals. All electrical equipment, metal casings, frames, electrical panels, lighting panels, crane rails, tracks, metal pipes, conduits, cable trays etc. shall be earthed at two points. Steel columns, metallic staircases, ladders, hand rails etc. shall be earthed using single earth conductor bonded to each component with ends connected to two different points of the earth grid. Metallic sheaths, screens, armour of cables shall be earthed at both ends of cable. Lighting fixtures, fans, switch-sockets, switch-GAIC, junction boxes etc. shall be earthed by means of separate earth continuity conductor to be run along lighting cable, conduit, casing-caping etc. Neutral connections and metallic conduits / pipes shall not be used for equipment earthing. (Note : Sub-station earthing not included under this item as it is covered under resp. items) a) 50 x 6 GI strip b) 25 x 3 Copper c) 8 SWG GI wire d ) 12 SWG GI wire Lightening protection system for building as per IS : 2309 inclusive of brazing, welding, jointing, clamping, hardware, bituminous paint at joints, complete as per applicable standards, rules, norms, guidelines etc., comprising of : a) Vertical air terminals including rigid and strong mounting arrangement to sustain all weather conditions, wind load etc. and all required material. b) Horizontal / Vertical roof top conductor 25 x 3 mm. copper fixed on insulated supports at 750 mm interval along building 103

80 40 1 400




periphery All metallic items within a radius of two metres shall be bonded to the lightening protection conductor. Lightning down conductors shall be directly connected to earth electrodes with minimum bends. All joints shall be of brazed type. Down conductors shall not be connected to other earthing conductors above ground level.



Lighting panels ( LP ) (i) 50 Amp. 4 P-ELMCB as incomer and 10 Amp. SPMCB - 10 nos. as outgoing feeders for Cold Stores 3nos. (ii) 40 Amp. 4P-ELMCB as incomer and 10 Amp. SPMCB - 12 nos. as outgoing feeders for Office, Store, & Machine room 2 no. iii) 50 Amp. 4 P ELMCB as incomer and 10 Amp. SPMCB for Grading Hall & Despatch dock 1 nos. iv) 40 Amp. 4P ELMCB as incomer and 10 Amp. SPMCB for Ante rooms 1 & 2 2 nos. LPs shall be with IP:42 protection, factory fabricated out of CRCA sheet, powder coated, with metal door, top and bottom removable gland plates, universal mounting, complete with copper busbars, earth bus, terminals for looping, cable-ties, shrouds to cover live terminals, front blanking plate with cutout for MCB operation and all accessories etc. Rate shall be inclusive of mounting structure and all required material for installation.




Lighting Fixtures / fans a) 1 x 40 W general purpose box type channel tube fittings with transparent acrylic cover, lamp, mounting hardware, JB for looping, and all accessories for packing hall b) ------- do ----- but 2 x 40 W c) Self - contained emergency light unit 20 W with sealed rechargeable battery, battery-charger etc. complete in all respects for automatic switch on in case of supply failure. d) Ceiling fan 1200 mm. size with regulator and all accessories including anchor fastener with fan-hook in ceiling. e) Exhaust fan 225 mm. size including mounting frame, hardware and all accessories etc. f) Same as above, but of size 450 mm. Note : Above rates shall be inclusive of all required material / accessories eg. GI pipe brackets, clamps, M.S. conduit-pipes for suspension, ballsocket joints, three point ceilingroses, junction-boxes, PVC / wooden mounting blocks etc. Street light fixtures (i) 150 W HPSV outdoor type weather proof cast aluminium enclosure light fixture with lamp, ballast ,capacitor and all required accessories, hardware etc. for pole mounting (ii) 9 mtr. swaged type medium gauge welded pole as per IS with base plate, earthing stud, junction-box with MCB, terminals etc., 1 mtr. length lamp bracket, pole cap, wiring from jb to lamp using 2.5 sq.mm. PVC insulated flexible copper wire etc. complete for 150 W HPSV lamp fixing. 105 20 No.



4 4 3 3

No. No. No. No.







Point wiring from Grading hall LP to switch-board to light / fanpoints in PVC conduits on wall / ceiling inclusive of mains, submains, sunmica top wooden switch-board with 5 Amp. piano switch for each light fixture, 650 V grade PVC insulated flexible copper wires as specified below etc. 14 SWG copper earth wire to be used from sw. board to fitting. Rate shall be inclusive of conduit accessories, clamps, saddles, junction boxes, spacers and all required material. Note : 1 no. 5amp. 5 pin plug-socket & piano-switch shall be provided on each switch-board and shall be considered as half point and paid at half the unit rate. Wire Sizes (i) LP to sw. board - 3 nos. 2.5sq.mm. (ii)Sw. board to light 2 nos. 1.5 sq.mm. Neutral for individual circuit shall be run separately. Colour code:- Ph-Red, Neutral - Black, Earth- Green 1 ph. 5 Amp. 2 pin / 3 pin plug socket with piano-switch on sunmica top wooden board including wiring in PVC conduit as per Item ( 24a ) above in Grading hall & Anter ooms & Reception areas ). 63 Amp. TPN + E metal-clad industrial plug socket DB with 63 Amp. 4P-MCB in sheet metal box for welding / miscellaneous sockets 1 ph, 16 A metal-clad 3 pin plug socket DB with 16 A DPMCB in sheet metal box for utility power sockets in machine rooms Structural steel for cable supports, base frames, mounting frames, brackets, various other supports, miscellaneous requirements etc. The maximum sizes of sections shall be as under. a) ISMC 100 b) ISA 75 X 75 X 6 c) 25 X 6 mm M.S. flat 106 100 No.





2 5 3

No. No. MT

27 28

d) 6 mm. thk. chequered plate


Hume pipes of following ID to be laid below ground including jointing and sealing of ends to prevent water ingress a) 300 mm. b) 250 mm. c) 200 mm. d) 150mm. 1 1 1 1 M M M M

30 31

32 33

Providing man hole with masonry chamber and CI cover for laying or withdrawal of cables in hume pipes. Providing and laying in 600 mm. (W) X 1000 mm. (D) trench with sand layer 150 mm. thick and single brick layer on cable top including refilling the trench, levelling and providing metal cable markers at 3 mtr. intervals. Taking 6 inch bore in rocky soil upto minimum 3 mtr. depth or as required for GI pipe earth electrode. Fire Fighting and Safety equipment a) Fire fighting system as per statutory requirement of fire fighting & safety department with provision of latest equipments. b) Portable 5 kg capacity dry type fire extinguisher suitable for electrical fire as per IS and as recommended by TAC.



1 1

M No.

1 5

Set No.


c) Floor mounted bucket stand with 4 nos 13 litre buckets hung on hooks. The stand shall be 1.5 m L x 1.0 m H made out of MS angle frame duly painted with red oxide primer and 2 coats of red colour finish paint. d) Antiskid chequered type 415 V grade black rubber mat 1000 mm wide as per IS 5424 for panels, switches etc. e) First aid box with contents as per standard requirements. f) Shock treatment chart in English, Hindi and Gujarati with wooden frame and glass cover. g) Metallic permanently inscribed danger GAIC 11 KV and 415 V. h)Insulated hand gloves pairs 11 KV and 415V . TOTAL FOR DEHYDRATED ONION COLD STORESAGE,MAHUVA, RS.

2 1 2 2 2 2

Set Set No. No. No. No.


SECTION 8 TECHNICAL DEVIATION FORM : (Please attach separate sheet on original letter head) The following are the particulars of deviations from the requirements of the tender specifications

Section /Part No.

Item Description

Details of Deviation

Remarks / justification/description of deviated item

Date -

Signature & Seal of the Bidder



Drawings, layout plans, sections, elevations and other details












ADDITION / EDIT IN THE BOQ ITEMS. Item no. I-15 Item Description Providing and installing in position fabricated M.S. entrance gate (weight approx 50 kg/sq m) including I.S.J. side posts, heavy duty hinges, pad locks, and tower bolts and including three coats of oil paint to all steel surfaces all as per instructions of Engineer in charge. Quantity (only figures) 2 Unit SQM Tender Rate Amount in Rs.


Providing and constructing cable 1 trenches in brick masonry with concrete bedding and 5 mm thk. Checkered plate cover on m.s angle frame including inside plastering etc. complete, as per instructions of Engineer in charge. a Inside size up to 30 cm. X 45 cm Inside size up to 60 cm. X 90 cm. Inside size up to 90 cm. X 120 cm. Bore well up to the depth of 150RFT with 100 mm dia. clear bore with all accessories like 1 1 1


I-16b I-16c I-17



pipes, multistage water pump with motor, cable and electric panel etc complete. E-4 Indian patent stone (IPS) finish to all cold rooms , machine rooms, floor, over prelaid 150 mm P.C.C (1:2:4) bed in perfect line and level G1B Providing fabricating 25x25mm M.S. square hollow pipe (14 gauge) i.e. 2mm thik (spacing of 40 mm) for floor grating on 1st and 2nd floor level fixed(welded) to main support members considered in PEB structure. The ends are to be blocked with rubber/plastic plucks. The rate should also include three coats of red oxide and finish coat of paint to the grating members Providing and laying in position 1:3:6 P.C.C 150mm thk plinth protection course over 230 mm thk R.R. soling including leveling curing etc complete as per instruction of engineer in charge Insulated PUF panels 80 mm thk for panels walls & ceiling for 2nd floor of cold stores










RESPONSE TO QUERIES RAISED BY THE BIDDERS Sr. No. 1 Name of Participant M/S Jaimin Engineering Pvt Ltd. Queries by Participants Clarifications

I) Provide soil test report of location?

The soil testing report would be sent to all participants by Monday or Tuesday i.e. 12th or 13 instant. Varieties to be stored are: a. Crystal b. Talaja white local c. Agrifound white

ii) Which variety of fresh onion going to be stored?

iii) What will be the farm condition of onion that are going to be stored?

M/S Mech-Air Industries, Vadodara

For fresh onions: a. The neck tissue is tight b. Outer scales (2 nos.) are dried until they rustle. c..Water moisture content loss should be between 3 to 5 % iv) What will be the packing details 1.0 Dehydrated onions shall be of onion flakes ? stored in paper cartons / Jute bags etc 2.0 Fresh onions shall be stored in cartons or boxes i) Ref: In Section-5 D & Section -6 1) Since the ventilation system pg.28-59 for fresh onions has not yet been What is meant by the best commercially established in India


manufacturer is mandatory, as you have not given any technical details regarding air dehumidification and ventilation per 6.2D Pg.59. ii) No additional cooling load is mentioned for Dehumidification. You have provided only functional requirements and not technical details. Due to which we are confused. While maintaining dehumidified conditions, additional cooling load will be added. Have you calculated in your design? iii) As per Annexure 1 & 2 on pg.50 and Section 5 B 1. What is the exact storage temperature for fresh onion?

and hence we invited latest & proven technology for the same. Involving technology suppliers from abroad. The item is MANDATORY since without perfect ventilation, fresh onions cannot be stored long in cold stores. The additional cooling load has been taken care of for dehumidification.

2. What is the daily incoming product load of fresh onion?

1. The exact temp. of fresh onion will vary as per different varieties from minus 3 deg. C to + 2 deg. C( Average ) 2. Though this parameter is required only to calculate basically refrigeration load required. However, the average incoming product qty is 22 MT and 15 MT for dehydrated & fresh respectively per day.


3. What is the respiration load at that storage temperature? 4. What is the total storage life of fresh onion during storage in months /days? 5. What is the exact relative humidity required for fresh onion storage? Give RH with tolerance. Queries by Participants

3. ------------- as per the data published by ASHRAE USA. 4. 6 8 months

Sr. No.

Name of Participant

5. 65 75 % which is already specified in tender on page no. 47. Clarifications

For Dehydrated Onion Storage 1. What is the storage life? 2. What is the exact storage temperature for DH onion? 3. What is the exact RH required? 4. What is the exact storage cost of fresh onion and DH onion per kg per month considering all power consumption?

1. 6 12 months 2.0 As informed above it varies from minus 3 to 2 deg.C 3. 65 75 % as indicated above 4. There is no need at all to have the information on storage cost since it is an operational requirement.


Point 6.2 B.A) Condensing unit

Why only imported Copeland/Zanoti/ Emerson make condensing unit? Indian make are not competent with using above compressors?

Point 6.2 A.B.B) Air cooled condenser Cu tube of 13mm Dia. With 6-8 FPI Point 6.2.B.B) Air handling units & Cooling coil

Normally condenser for 4 TR capacity using R134a system, is from 3/8 O.D. with 12-13 FPI. Why you have 13mm Dia. With 68 FPI. Pls. clarify.

1. Why Star cooler / Guntner / Kueba /Helpman make only? No Indian make is competent enough? 2. As design room temp is 22-24 Deg.C, then why coil should be fabricated from 5/8 OD with 8 FPI. Please clarify. 3. Normally in air conditioning it is used 3/8 OD with 8-10 FPI, why to increase the cost?

We have observed & experienced that imported units or the ones manufactured with collaboration with international reputed brand, are high in efficiency, precision and more reliable. The design has been suggested by our consultant. The same design has been used in our earlier projects and all are working satisfactorily. The cost difference for these units is highly insignificant. For your information star cooler is an Indian manufacturer with collaboration from U.K. located at Jalgoan. Their products have been already tested earlier and found to be very efficient and power saver. Also if the imported units with proven records are available at competitive cost then why we should not go for that?


Working of the system throughout the year

Section 9 Drawing, layouts plans sections, elevations , other details

Now we understand that the storage life of fresh onion is not more than 4-6 months whereas the Dehydrated Onion can be stored for 1 year. So why are using the common refrigeration system for storing both the products? Ultimately the total power consumption burden comes on the customer/farmers. Are you happy with this? Is this the goal of the Gujarat Agro for the farmers/customers, who is putting the value added commodity for storage? Pls. refer the tender pages 113118 which you have put on your website & nprocure site, and take a printout. Please go through it and can you tell us the exact dimensions? We find it impossible to read. Too small.

The common ammonia refrigeration system is an international standard and all the chambers can be independently operated for different temperatures and humidity. Our consultant has designed this system to get operational saving. hence, there is no question of burden on farmers by GAIC.

This has been taken care of and clear readable drawings will be sent to all Bidders latest by Tuesday.



Section 4 pt. 1. What is the total cost of the 25- Eligibility project? 2. On what basis you have criteria decided to have Annual turnover of 10 crores in last three years? 3. On what basis you have asked for Solvency certificate of 5 crores from banker? Gujarat Agro ( Other Govt. of Gujarat Enterprise A Govt. of like GWSSB, GSFC, GIPCL, Gujarat GNFC, GSPC etc are giving Enterprise) exemption to NSIC/SSI unit and promote them. Why you are not incorporating such exemptions in your tenders? Other neighbouring state and all over India are also giving exemption to NSIC/MSME registered firm and promoting the small scale industries. Bid Looking to this short period, it submission seems that you are having some time 30-6tie up with big companies? After 2010 to 12-7- pre-bid meeting you are giving 2010 only 4 days to fill up the bid. Ingersoll Commercial Rand, Mumbai

1. Total estimated cost of the project will vary from 3.5 5.0 crores 2. This has been decided by of GAIC as per the relevant authority given GAIC. 3. This decision is also taken by GAIC Based on GAIC policy which is framed on the past experience, these exemptions as referred by you are not given to the participants. Everybody is treated at par as explained during the meeting.

This has been noted and the same will be put on website as corrigendum latest by 13th or 14th instant.


10 % payment against erection and commissioning to be released against commissioning of the cold storage within 45 days. Retention 5% money for 2 year to be reduced to 1 year Performance guaranty shall be for 1 year against performance Bank Guarantee instead of 2 years. Penalty shall be levied @ rate of 1% per week and subjected to maximum 5 % of contract value instead of 10 % of contract value. Warranty shall be 18 months from date of supply or 12 months from date of commissioning, which ever is early. Technical and commercial bid to be extended up to 22nd July as we have to get design information from principles

The tender terms for erection is final and can not be changed as it is common for all the bidders. Though this can not be changed. In case of any change, we shall let you know in advance. Though this can not be changed. In case of any change, we shall let you know in advance. The penalty clause shall be unchanged and as per tender document only. Though this can not be changed. In case of any change, we shall let you know in advance. This has been noted and it would be notified on our web site in advance.


We will give warrenty for equipment and workmanship and manufacturing defect only and not for product (Onion) going to be stored. Product How are dry Onion stored

You will have to specify quality of onions to be stored for giving this warrantee.

B 1 2

Generally in open sun or mechanized drier.

3 4 5 6

What is the weight of each storage For dehydrated it would be paper unit (bag,crate, box,bin) and cartons ot jute bags of sizes dimension varying from 5 kgs. To 25 kgs. For fresh onions it could be boxes or crates of size 15 25 kgs. Or even more. What wil be condition of dry onion Dehydrated will be dried and while loading in cold storage packed. Are they well cured Is onion treated with Maleaic Hydrazide in ther field. What is the condition of fresh onion Surely We may have specify it, if advantageous. Fresh onion shall be have 1. Neck tight 2. Two outer scales / layers dried until they rustle.


7 8 9 10 11

Do fresh onion come with the stalks What is the moisture % in fresh onion Does fresh onion require high RH (90 to 95%) What will be package weight when stored What will be grading , sorting require for small, medium and large onion What will be water loss permissible in your stores Refrigeration System We recommend DX - Freon based refrigeration system for the onion cold storage as exposure of onion to 1% of ammonia for 24 hours causes to turn yellow onion to brown and red onion to metalic black and white onion to green yellow. Kindly suggest.

Stems are cut & to be tight as explained above. 3 4 % lower than normal before storing RH required in 65 75 % As explained above As given in tender.

12 C 1


Ammonia id environment friendly and if erection is carried out perfectly, the possibility of leakages are nil.


For Air conditioner requirement, Trane make air conditioner is proven for better performance and energy saving advantage, Please consider in approved vendor. Ammonia compressor mentioned in tender is Frick, Wilter only, We request you to add Bitzer, Kirloskar, Refcomp or equivalent make. We proposed to add Ingersoll Rand make - Krack, Kobol evaporators and condenser in preferred supplier list. Insulation Panel Insulation panel quantity mentioned in page 33 of tender document is not matching with qty mentioned in page no 92.

We shall consider it in future, after technical verifications.

We do not recommend Bitzer for ammonia applicationas per our previous experience.

We shall consider it in future, after technical verifications.

This will be corrected and put on our web site

Structure and civil What will be the strucure loading design. Requested soil test report of site land. As per soil testing report to be given by 14th instant. As explained above.


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