Differential and Integral Calculus - N Piskunov
Differential and Integral Calculus - N Piskunov
Differential and Integral Calculus - N Piskunov
H. c. nncKyHOB
Ha aHeAuliCKOM R3bt/CI
Preface 11
1. Velocity of Motion . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2. Definition of Derivative . . . . . . . . . . 71
3. Geometric Meaning of the Derivative . 73
4. Differentiability of Functions . . . . . . . . .... 74
5. Finding the Derivatives of Elementary Functions. The Derivative of
the Function y=xn, Where n ls Positive and Integral . . . 76
6. Derivatives of the Functions y=sinx; y=cosx . . . . . . . . . . 78
7. Derivatives of: a Constant, the Product of a Constant by a Function,
a Sum, a Product, and a Quotient . . . . . . . . . . 80
8. The Derivative of a Logarithmic Function . . . . . 84
9. The Derivative of a Composite Function . . . . . 85
10. Derivatives of the Functions y=tanx, y=cotx, y=lnjxJ 83
4 Contents
1. Statement of the Problem. The Lower and. Upper Integral Sums . 396
2. The Definite Integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
3. Basic Properties of the Definite Integral . . . . . . . . . 404
4. Evaluating a Definite Integral. Newton-Leibniz Formula . 407
5. Changing the Variable in the Definite Integral . 412
Contents 7
N. S. Piskunov
No matter what a. is, it lies between two integral numbers N
and N +I. We divide the segment bet_ween N and N 1 into n +
parts; then a. wi II lie somewhere between the rational numbers
N +m n
and N +m+l. Since their difference is equal to_!_, each
n n
of them expresses a. to the given degree of accuracy, the former
being smaller and the latter greater.
Example. The irrational number 2 is expressed by rational numbers:
1.4 and 1.5 to one decimal place,
1.41 and 1.42 to two decimal places,
1.414 and 1.415 to three decimal places, etc.
I; I=:;:
The latter two properties follow directly from the definition of
absolute value.
16 Number. Variable. Function
In the study of natural phenomena and the solution of technical
and mathematical problems, one finds it necessary to consider the
variation of one quantity as dependent on the variation of another.
For instance, in studies of motion, the path traversed is (egarded
as a variable which varies with time. Here, the path traversed is
a function of the time.
Let us consider another example. We know that the area of a
circle, in terms of the radius, is Q = nR". If the radius R takes
on a variety of numerical values, the area Q will also assume
various numerical values. Thus, the variation of one variable brings
about a variation in the other. Here, the area of a circle Q is a
function of the radius R. Let us formulate a definition of the con-
cept "function".
Definition 1. If to each value of the variable x (within a certain
range) there corresponds one definite value of another variable y,
then y is a function of x or,'in functional notation, y=f(x), y=cp(x),
and so forth.
The variable x is called the independent variable or argument.
The relation between the variables x and y is called a functional
relation. The letter f in the functional notation y = f (x) indicates
that some kind of operations must be performed on the value of
x in order to obtain the value of y. In place of the notation
y = f (x), u = cp (x), etc., one occasionally finds y = y (x), u = u (x),
etc., the letters y, u designating both the dependent variable and the
symbol of the totality of operations to be performed on x.
The notation y = C, where C is a constant, denotes a function
whose value for any value of x is the same and is equal to C.
Definition 2. The set of values of x for which the values of the
function y are determined by virtue of the rule f (x) is called the
domain of definition of the function.
Example I. The function y =sin x is defined for all values of x. Therefore,
its domain of definition is the infinite interval -oo< x < oo.
X x, x.
1-----1 Xn
!I y, IJ2 1--~--1 Yn
t 2 3 4 5 6
I7 8 9
T 0 -I -2 -2 J -o.5J 3 3.5 4
This table defines T as a function ol t.
Ways of Represwting Functions 21
2 .' Iogx-sinx.
5x'+ 1 ' 2 x_v 5 + 3
If the functional relation y = f (x) is such that f denotes an
analytical expression, we say that the function y of x is represented
Examples of functions repreoented analytically are: 1) y=x 4 -2;
x+ 11 ; 3) y = Vt-x; 4) y =sin x; 5) Q == nR, and so forth.
2) y= x-
Here, the functions are represented analytically by means of a
single formula (a formula is understood to be the equality of two
analytical expressions). In such cases one may speak of the natural
domain of definition of the function.
The set of values of x for which the analytical expression on
the right-hand side has a fully definite value is the natural domain
22 . Number. Variable. Funt.:i:ion
Fig. 6. Fi;t. 7.
Fig. 8.
\ Fig. 9.
, y=xlt'J
Fig. 10.
Fig. /1.
Fig. 12.
24 Number. Variable. Function
Y rtYr-fYMl Y tax 3x zx
!J=(fY y=2)(
Fig. 16.
Fig. 17.
a single formula of the type y=f(x),
where the expression on the right-hand
side is made up of basic elementary func-
- - - - x tions and constants by means of a finite
o t 2 number of operations of addition,
Fig. 20. subtraction, multiplication, division and
taking the function of a function.
From the definition it follows that elementary functions are
functions represented analytically.
Examples of elementary functions:
logx+4 v;+2tanx
y= Y! +4 sin 2
x; y= wx-x+ 10
and the like.
Examples of non-elementary functions:
I. The function y = 123 ... n (y=f (n)] is not elementary because the
number of operations that must be performed to obtain y increases with n,
that is to say, it is not bounded.
2. The function given in Fig. 20 is not elementary either because it is
represented by means of two formulas:
f(x)=x, i!O.;;;;x.;;;;l,
f(x)=2x-1, ifl.;;;;x.,;;;;2.
The positive direction of the angle q:> is
reckoned counterclockwise. The numbers Q
and q:> are called the polar coordinates of the
0- X point M (Fig. 23).
We will always consider the radius vector
Fig. 23. Q nonnegative. If the polar angle q:> is taken
within the limits 0 ~ q:> < 2n, then to each
point of the plane (with the exception of the pole) there corre-
sponds a definite number pair Q and <p. For the pole, Q=O and q:>
is arbitrary.
Let us now see how the polar and rectangular Cartesian coordi-
nates are related. Let the origin of the rectangular coordinate
system coincide with the pole, and the positive direction of the
x-axis, with the polar axis. We establish a relationship between
the rectangular and polar coordinates of one and the same point.
From Fig._ 24 it follows directly that
x = Q cos q:>, y = Q sin <p
and, conversely, that
Polar Coordinate System 29
Fig. 24. Fig. 25.
Q I0 I::::::0. 78a I::::::1.57a I:::::: 2.36a I;,3, 14a I::::::'4.71 a I=:::6.28a I: : : 9.42a I: : : I2.56a
The corresponding curve is shown in Fig. 26. It is called the spiral of Archi-
Example 3.
Q=2a cos <p.
This is the equation of a circle of radius a, the centre of which is at the
point Q0 =a, <p= 0 (Fig. 27). Let us write the equation of this circle in rect-
Exercises on Chapter
= 4 cos ( x+ ~-) . 39. The function f (x) is defined on the interval L-I, I]
as follows:
f(x)=l+x for-lo;;;;;x<O:
f(x)= l-2x forOo;;;;x <!.
40. The f~;~nction f (x) is defined on the interval [0, 2] as follows:
f(x)=x' forOo;;;;xo;;;;l;
f(x)=x for lo;;;;xo;;;;2.
Plot the curves given by the polar equations: 41. Q=~ (hyperbolic sp!-
ral). 42. Q= a'l' (logarithmic spiral). 43. Q=a cos 2<p (lemniscate). 44. Q =
=a (!-cos <p) (cardioid). 45. Q=a sin 3<p.
Note 3. One should not think that every variable has a limit.
Let the variable x take on the following successive values:
x,= 2 ; x,=l- 4 ; x.= 8 ; x,=l- 16 ; ... ,
x,k= 1- 2.k; x,k+1 = 2k+'
(Fig. 30). Fork sufficiently large, the value x,k and all subsequent
values with even labels will differ from unity by as small a
a ' \:17
2e t l 2e
Fig. 29. Fig. 3U.
number as we please, while the next value x!k+t and all subse-
quent values of x with odd labels will differ from zero by as
small a number as we please. Consequently, the variable x does
not approach a limit.
In the definition of a limit it is stated that if the variable
approaches the limit a, then a is a constant. But the word "appro-
-aches" is used also to describe another type of variation of a
variable, as will be seen from the following definition.
Definition 2. A variable x approaches infinity if for every
preassigned positive number M it is possible to indicate a value
of x such that, beginning with this value, all subsequent values
of the variable will satisfy the inequality IxI> M.
If the variable x approaches infinity, it is called an j_nfinitely
large variable and we write x--..cx>.
Example 3. The variable x takes on the values
X 1 =-l; x 2 =-2; x 3 =-3; ... ; Xn=(-l)nn
This is an infinitely large variable quantity, since for an arbitrary M > 0 all
values of the variable, beginning with a certain one, are, in absolute
magnitude, greater than M.
that are not more distant from the point a than ll, the points
M of the graph of the function y = f (x) lie within a band of
width 28 bounded by the lines y = b- 8 and y = b 8. +
Note 1. We may define the limit of the function f(x) as x~a
as follows.
Let a variable x assume values such (that is, ordered in such
fashion) that if
lx*- a I> lx**-a I.
then x** is the subsequent value and x* is the preceding value;
but if
1 x*-
a 1= 1 x**-
a 1 and .x:~ < x**,
then x**
is the subsequent value and x*
is the preceding value.
In other words, of two points on a number scale, the subsequent
one is that which is closer to the point a; at equal distances, the
subsequent one is that which is to the right of the point a.
Let a variable quantity x ordered in this fashion approach the
limit a[x--+a or limx=a].
Let us further consider the variable y= f(x). We shall here and
henceforward consider that of the two values of a function, the
subsequent one is that which corresponds to the subsequent value
of the argument.
If, as x.--+a, a variable y thus defined approaches a certain
limit b, we shall write
lim f (x) = b
and we shall say that the function y. f (x) approaches the limit
y b as X-+a.
It is easy to prove that both
definitions of the limit of a function
are equivalent.
Note 2. If f (x) approaches the limit
b 1 as x approaches a certain number
a, so that x takes on only values less
than a, we write lim f (x) = b 1 and
call b 1 the limit of the function f (x)
o X on the left of the point a. If x takes
Fig. 32. on only values greater than a, we
write lim f(x)=b 2 and call b 2 the
x ..... a+o
limit of the function on the right of the point a (Fig. 32).
It can be proved that if the limit on the right and the limit on
the left exist and are equal, that is, b 1 = b 2 = b, then b will be
The Limit of a Function 37
Thus, given any e, for all values of x satisfying the inequality I x-21 <1-=
= 6, the value of the function 3x +I will differ from 7 by less than e. And
this means that 7 is the limit of the function as x - 2.
lxz-4_4, <e
(x- 2) (x+ 2)
I x-2
41=1 (x+2)-41 <e
(I + _!._) X
= I.
And this means that lim I) hm.
(I+-= x+l
- - = 1 (Fig. 33).
X-+ a> X X-+a> X
Fig. 33.
Knowin~ the meanings of the symbols x-+ oo and x -+- oo the meanings
of the following expressions are obvious:
uf (x) approaches b as x-+ + oo" and
uf (x) approaches b as x-+- oo", or, in symbols,
lim f (x) =b,
X-+ + QO
jxl=lx-01 <M=~.
Here ( - ~) > 0 for x < 0 and ( - +) < 0 for x > 0 (Fig. 35).
If the function t (x) approaches infinity as x--+ oo, we write
lim f (x) = oo,
For example,
40 Limit. Continuity of a Function
Fig. 84. Fig. 35:
Fig. 36.
Example 4. The function y=sin .!._ defined for all values of x, except
x=O, does not approach either a finite limH or infinity as x-+ 0. The
graph of this function is shown in Fig. 37.
y y=s;nf
------ -7\-fll'::t-rltH--( ~
_/!]\0 X
Fig. 37.
Fig. 88.
and, conversely, if
lim y =1
44 Limit. Continuity of a Function
' 1
Theorem 2. If a= a (x) approaches
zero as x --..a (or as x ---+ oo) and
does not become zero, then y=- a
-:0+-------l!J~---~x approaches infimty.
Proof. For any M > 0, no matter
Fig. 41. 1
how large, the inequality iUi > M will
be fulfilled provided the inequality jal< ~ is fulfilled. The latter
inequality will be fulfilled for all values of a, from a certain
one onwards, since a (x) - + 0.
Theorem 3. The algebraic sum of two, three and, in general, a
definite number of infinitesimals is an infinitesimal function.
Proof. We shall prove the theorem for two terms, since the
proof is similar for any number of terms.
Let u (x) =a (x) + ~ (x), where lim a (x) = 0, lim ~ (x) == 0. We
X-+0 X-+G
shall prove that for any 8 >0, no matter how small, there will
be a 0 > 0 such that when the inequality I x-a 1 < 0 is satisfied,
the inequality 1u I< 8 will be fulfilled. Since a (x) is an infinites-
imal, a 0 will be found such that in a neighbourhood with centre
at the point a and radius OP we will have
Ia (x) I< ; .
Since ~ (x) is an infinitesimal, we will have I~ (x) I< ~ in the
neighbourhood of the point a with radius 02
Let us take 0 equal to the smaller of the _two quantities 01 and
02 , then the inequalities Ia 1< ~ and I~ I< f
will be fulfilled in
the neighbourhood of the point a with radius {), Hence, in this
neighbourhood we will have
IuI = Ia<x> + ~ <x> I ~ 1a(x) I +I ~ (x) I < ~ +~ = 8,
lim x'~ 2x= lim (t+ ~)=lim I+ lim !=I+ lim !=1+0=1.
X-+-CXI X X-+00 X X-+00 . X-+IX> X X-+-CO X
lim (x+2)=4.
Example 5. Find lim - - . As x--+ I the denominator approaches zero
x-+-t x- 1
bilt the numerator does not (it approaches unity). Thus, the limit ol the
reciprocal quantity is zero:
48 Limit. Continuity of a Function
Example 7 Prove that !i~ 0 sin; =0. Indeed, Isin ; I < I sin xI Conse-
COSX= J-2sin 2 -f ,
Hence, the variable sin x lies between two quantities that have
the same limit (unity). Thus by Theorem 4 of the preceding
. l lsin-x= l.
X .... o X
. sin x
The graph of the functwn y = X- is shown in Fig. 44.
The Number e 51
y f
37T X
Fig. 44.
1) lim tan x = lim sin x _1_ = lim sin x lim _I_ = 1. _!_ = 1
x,.. 0 X x,.. 0 X COS X x,.. 0 X x-.o COS X I
2) )1m--= . k-
. sin kx . 11m sin kx k . sin (kx) k k
- = 11 m - - = 1 =
x-.o. X x-.o kx X-+O (kx)
3) l i m - - -
x-+o X
(t+ ~ r
where n is an increasing variable that takes on the values 1,
2, 3, ...
Theorem t. The variable ( 1 + ~
between the numbers 2 and 3.
as n----.. oo, has a limit
( 1+_!_)n
= l-j-1 +-1
(1 _ _!__)
+- 1
+ ...
+ 12 ~ .. n ( 1 - ~) ( 1- ~) ( 1 -
nn ) . (2)
1 )n
1 +n- <1+1+2+21+ +=~
1 1 1
1- ( -1 )n
=1+ 1,-q =1+ 1-]_
=1+ 2- 2
[ ( 1 )n-t] <3.
The Number e 53
(1 +! r < 3.
From equality (2) it follows that
(1 +*r~2.
Thus, we get the inequality
2 ~ ( 1+ ! ) < 3,
n (3)
( 1+-11)n+l
lim ( 1 + - 1
-)n =
n+ 1
lim (1+- -)n+l
n-++oo n+1 e
------'-..,..----'--=-"~ = - = e.
1 1
lim (1+--)
n-++ao n+ 1
Hence, by Theorem 4, Sec. 5,
(I +!)"=e. X
(1 +-I)" =
(1 - t +11)-t-1 = lim
(t +t 1 )-t-1 =
1 )1+1 ( 1 + T1 )I+ I=
= lim ( t+
-t- = lim
1-++ao 1-+ao
= /~U:, +
(1 + Y(1 + +) = e 1 =e.
The Number e 55
-1 0 )(
Fig. 45.
I) lim (r+_!_)n+=
Urn (l+...!..)n(l+....!...)'=
n R-+CD n
lim (r+....!...)'
n-+ oo n
2) lim
JC-+CIO ( 1+-XI )ax =lim
(1+-I )"' ( I+-I )"' ( 1+-I )"' =
lim (r+J..)"'.
X-+co X
Jim (I+_!_)"'
3) lim
xo+oo ( lim ( I+-y1 )2y =;e
I+-X2 )"' = IJ-+00 2
4) . (x+3)"'+
hm -- = hm. (x-1 +4)"'+ 1 = hm 4 )"'+' = '
( 1+ --
x-+oox-i x-+oo x-1 x-+oo x-1
4 )(X -tr+ 4 ( 1+-4 )Y+4=
x-+oo ( 1+--
y-+oo y
Urn (r+.!)"=e"l=e".
IJ-+00 y
56 Limit. Continuity of a Function
Yz A2 togto-t
7 X 8 g X
Fig. 46.
Yo= x!, Yo+ b,.y = (x 0 + b,.x) 2, b,.y = (x 0 + b..X) 2 -x! = 2x 0 b,.x + b..X 2 ,
lim b,.y = lim (2x 0 b,.x + b,.x 2) = 2x lim b,.x + lim b,.x Urn b,.x = 0
il.X-+0 il.X-+0 il.X-+0 il.X-+0 il.X-+0
for any way that b,.x may approach zero (Figs. 48, a and 48, b).
, y Ax>O, Ay>O
(a) (b)
.Fig. 48.
lim f (x) = f (x 0 ),
Continuity of Functions 59
lim x 1 =3 2 =9.
x .....
E xamp Ie 6. lim
In (1 + x) lim ..!..1n (1 +x)= lim In [(1 +x)x1. Since
x .... o X X-+0 X X-+0
lim In [(l
+ x) x 1=In [ lim X-+0
(I + x) x 1=In e = 1.
lim _!_ =+ oo; lim - = - oo
X-+0+0 X X-+0-0 X
(see Fig. 35). It is easy to show that this function is continuous for any
value x-# 0.
X yf(X) -f
the function is not defined at x=O. We have thus established the fact that
the functionf(x)= ; is discontinuous at x=O (Fig. 50).
1 1
Certai1t Properties of Contrnuous Functions 61
Fig. 52. Fig. 53.
Example. Given the function y=x'-2. Yx= 1 =-l, Y:c= 1 =6. It is conti-
nuous in the interval [1. 2]. Hence, in this interval there is a poit1t where
y = x'-2 becomes zero. Indeed, y=O when x= t/2 Wig. 53).
Fig. 54. Fig. 55.
Example 1. Let a =X, ~=sin 2x, where x-+ 0. The inflnitesimals a and ~
are of the same order because
. ~ . sin 2x
1lffi - = 1liD --=2.
X-+0 a X-+-0 X
Example 2. When x-+ 0, the infinitesimals x, sln3x, tan 2x, 7ln (1 +x) are
infinitesimals of the same order. The proof is similar to that given in
Example 1.
lim ~=1.
X-+0 X
. a-~ .
lim-~~.-= ltm - +
_3 = ltm I+
. x2
p X~ 0 X X X~ 0 X
Exercises on Chapter II
Ans. 4
. 6. lim x+ 1
Ans. l. 7.
n-...co n .
lim 1 +2+ ... +n
. Ans.
(n + 1) 3 -n 3 =3n'+ 3n + l.
18. lim (x+h) 3 -x'. Ans. 3x 2 19. lim [1 1 x -1 3 xJ- Ans. -I.
h-..o h X-+1
24. lim
3 --
)/ x-1
. Ans. 2 25. lim 'V -x- vr-a
~--"--- Ans. 'Vli.
x-+t V x-I 3' x-+a x-a ma
lim VI +x+x - l Ans. I 27. lim Vx 2 -3 Ans. l.
X-+0 X 2' x-++"' Vx'+I
Ans. I
. 34. lim x . Ans. 2 35. lim x cot x. Ans. I.
9 x-+o YI-cosx V2' X-+0
36. lim 1-2 cos v . Ans. y3. 37. Jim (1-z) tan nz . Ans. 2
u-+ ~ sin ( v - ~ )
z-+t 2
38. lim 2 arc sin x . Ans. 2 39. lim sln(a+x)-sln(a-x). Ans. 2 cos c.
X-+0 3x 3' X-+0 X
lim ( 1 --~-r. -.
42. Ans. 43. lim __ . Ans.
( X
X-+CO X e x-+"' I +x e
46. lim (I +cos x)' sec". Ans. e. 47. lim In (I +ax) Ans. a.
:n: X-+0 X
48. .
Ans. e. 49. lim (1 +3 tan x)co!' ". '
Ans. e.
50. lim (cos.!!._)m. Ans. I. 51. lim In(! +ea). Ans. 1 as a-++ oo, 0 as
m-..CD m a-.co a
a-+-oo. 52. lim~. Ans. ~ 53. lim - - ( a > 1). An.s. +.co
x ... o sin ~x x.,.., X
68 Limit. Continuity ol a Function
2.. ] eu-eil-"
as x . . .,. + oo, 0 as x -+- oo. 54. lim n [ a n - I . Ans. In a. 55. lim x
n~oo x-..o
Ans. a-~. 56. lim e~x-e~x Ans. 1.
r-+ o sin ax-sin ~x
Determine the points of discontinuity of the functions:
57. Y= x (x;D(~ 2 _ 4 ). Ans. Discontinuities of second kind for x= -2; -I;
x= n2 ;
3:rt ; ;
(2n + I) :rt ;
59. Find the points of discontinuity of the functions y=1+2x and con-
struct the graph of this function. Ans. Discontinuity of second kind at x=O
(y-...+oo as x--..0+0, y ....... l as X->-0-0).
60. From among the following infinitesimals (as x ....... 0); x 2 , V x (1-x),
sin 3x, 2x cos x V
tan 2 x, xe 2 x, select infinitesimals of the same order as x,
and also of higher and lower order than x. Ans. lnfinitesimals of the same
order are sin 3x and xe 2 x; infinitesimals of higher order, x 1 and 2x cos x ~an2 x, V
infinitesimals of lower order, V x (1-x).
61. Choose from among the same infinitesimals (as x ....... 0) such that are
equivalent to the infinitesimal ;.:: 2sin x, ~tan 2x, x-3x 2 , V2x 1 +xa,
2 g(t +M) ="2 g W+2t 6.t +6.t').
We find 6.s:
6.s=2: g(t'+2t M +M')-"2 gt'=gt M +2g 6.t.
We then find the limit of this ratio as !1x-+ 0. If this limit exists,
it is called the derivative of the given function f (x) and is denoted
f' (x). Thus, by definition,
f' (x) =lim
0 /).X
f' (x) =lim f (x + /lX)- f (x). (4)
ll.X -o /).X
tlX tlX
Passing to the limit, we get the derivative of the given function:
y' = lim tJ.y =lim (2x
t.x-+ o llX t.x-+ o
+ tlx) = 2x.
Hence, the derivative of the function y=x 2 at an arbitrary point is y' =2x,
2) When x=3 we have
y' \ x=a=23=6.
Example 2. y=..!..; find y'.
Solution. Reasoning as before, we get
1 I
lj =X ; y +
llY = X+ llX;
- 1 I X-X-llX /!lX
M= x+llx --x= x (x+f!lx) x (x+llx)'
llY I
tlX = -X (X+ /!lX) ;
y' = t.x-+ollXt.x-+o
lim l!ly lim [-
J= - .!.. .x2
Fig. 58.
Now if !lx approaches zero, the point M 1 will move along the
curve always approaching M 0 The secant M 0 M 1 will turn about
M 0 and the angle cp will change in !lx. If as !lx--+ 0 the angle cp
approaches a certain limit a, the straight
line passing through M 0 and forming an
angle a with the positive direction of
the abscissa axis will be the sought-for
Iine tangent. It is easy to find its slope:
tan a= lim tan cp =lim t::..y = f' (x).
, liX .... o llx .... o t::..x
t' (x) =tan a, (2)
tan a 1 =y' I x c:
1 =I;
tan a 2 =y' Ix:::-J
= -2.
Indeed, if
~~ =f' (X +y, 0)
Thus, this limit depends on the sign of ax. and this means that the function
has no derivative") at the point x =I. Geometrically, this is in accord with
the fact that at the pointx=l the given"curve" does not have a definite lin~
Now the continuity of the function at the point x= I follows from the
fact that
when ax< 0,
when ax> 0,
and, therefore, in both cases ay ..... 0 as ax ..... 0.
j The definition of a derivative requires that the ratio /lt/ should (as
. ax
/),x ..... 0) approach one and the same limit regardless of the way in which ax
approaches zero.
76 Derivative and Differential
M= V -(8x).
Find the limit of the ratio of the increment of the function to the incre-
ment of the argument:
. 8Y . V-
(8x) . I
hm - = lim - - - = l1m ---=+oo.
dx.-.ol\X 6x.-.o l\X dx.-.oV8x2
Thus, the ratio of the increment of the function to the increment of the argument
at the point x=O approaches infinity as l\X -..0 (hence there is no limit). Consequ-
ently, this function is not differentiable at the point x= 0. The line tangent to the
curve at .this point forms, with the x-axis, an angle ; , which means that it
coincides with the y-axis.
+ n <~~I) x"- 2
(/1x) 2 + ... + (~xt-x"
!1y = nxn-1 !1x + n ~n.;-1) xn- ~ (!:l.x)~ + ... + (!:l.x)".
3) We find the ratio
~~ = nx"-1 + n (7~1) x"-2 !1x + ... + (!:l.x)"-1.
4) Then we find the limit of this ratio
y' = I'1m-=
fix-+ o ~X
Example 4. y = .r- .
Represent y in the form of a power function:
y=x -2.
3 _2__. 3 -~ 3
y'= -2x 2 = -2x 2 =-2x2Vx'
. tlX
4) y' = lim llY = lim smT - - . lim cos ( x + 1'12x ) ,
lix-+ o t'lX lix-+ o llX 11x -+ o
but since
sin tlx
lim - - =1,
/1X-+ o I'! X
we get
llY sin 2 . ( tlx)
f'lX f'lX
2 '
sin t'lx
y' = lim M = - lim
lix - o t'lX lix -+ o
T2 sin(x + !12 x) = - lim
11x - o
sin (x+ ~x);
and, consequently,
y = I"tm -
I M= 0 ,
/).X-+- o.iX
that is,
The latter result has a simple geometric interpretation. The
graph of the function y=C is a straight line parallel to the x-axis.
Obviously, the line tangent to the graph at any one of its points
coincides with this straight line and, therefore, forms with the
x-axis an angle whose tangent y' is zero.
Theorem 2. A constant factor may be taken outside the deriva-
tive sign, i.e.,
if y = Cu (x) (C = const), then y' = Cu' (x). (V)
Proof. Reasoning as in the proof of the preceding theorem, we
y=Cu (x);
Y+ lly=Cu(x+ llx);
lly= Cu (x+ llx)-Cu (x) = C [u (x+ llx)-u (x)],
Derivatives of: A Constant, the Product of a Constant by a Function 81
Example 1. y = 3 Vx .
y'-3 (
1 )'
Yx =3 ( x -~)' ( I ) -~-~
= =3 -2 x 2
3 _...!._
=-2x 2,
, 3
- zxv:x
Theorem 3. The derivative of the sum of a finite number of diffe-
rentiable functions is equal to the corresponding sum of the
derivatives of these functions.*)
For the case of three terms, for example, we have
y=u(x)+v(x)+w(x); y'=u'(x)+v'(x)+w'(x). (VI)
Proof. For the values of the argument x
(for the sake. of brevity we drop the argument x in denoting the
For the value of the argument x+ ~x we have
y+ ~y= (u+~u)+ (v +~v) + (w+~w),
where ~y. ~u. ~v. and ~w are increments of the functions y, u,
v and w, which correspond to the increment ~x in the argument
x. Hence,
~y=~U-t-Llv+~w , -
= t,.x
+ -+-
t,.x '
x- - I'
1 )' 1 1
y'=3(x 4) ' - ( =34x-( -
3 )x 1
and so
y I = 12X '+ 3I I
Xy X
= ( lim
11x -+0 /).X
tJ.u) v +u lim tJ.u + lim flu lim tJ.V
I!..X-+0 /).X l!..x-+0 /1X-+0 /).X
(x 3 )' cos x-x (cos x)' 3x 2 cos x+x sinx
cos 2 x cos 2 x
if y = log 4 x, then 1
lj = ~ log 4 e. (I X)
l'lY =_!_.!_log ( 1
/).X X /).X a
+ llx) =_!_log a ( 1 + M)t.x.
Noting that loga e = In a , we can rewrite the formula as follows:
I 1 I
y =-xTrili.
The following is an important particular case of this formula:
ii a=e, then lna=lne= 1; that is,
if y= lnx, then y' =..!...
value of u, the derivative y;, = F' (u), then the composite function
y=F [<p(x)] at the given point x also has a derivative, which is
equal to
y: = F~ (u) <p' (x),
where in place of u we must substitute the expressi01t u=<p(x).
Yx= YuUx.
In other words, the derivative of a composite function is equal to
the product of the derivative of the given function with respect to
the intermediate argument u by the derivative of the intermediate
argument with respect to x.
Proof. For a definite value of x we will have
U=<p(x), y=F(u).
For the increased value of the argument x + !1x,
u + du = 'ljl (x + !1x), y + D..y = F (u -1- !1u).
Thus, to the increment !1x there corresponds an increment !1u,
to which corresponds an increment !1y, whereby /).u ---.... 0 and
!1y --o as !1x---.... 0. It is given that
. tlY ,
hm - = Yu
Llx~o /),.U
It is given that
ltm. /),.U= Ux,
J"1m CG= 0
Llx~o /),.X .:lx-+0
Derivative of .Composite Function 87
We find
y~=COSU, u:=2x.
Hence, by formula (4),
y~ = y~u~ =cos u 2xo 0
, I 0
yX = 3u 1 -=3
(In x)'-.
II a function y = f (x) is such that it may be represented in the form
y=f(u), U=!p(V), V='i'(x),
the derivative y~ is found by a successive application ol the foregoing theorem.
Applying the proved rule, we have
Yx =yuux
Applying the same theorem to find u~, we have
' I
Sutstituting the expression of u~ into the preceding equality, we get
y~= F~ (u) 'P'v(V) 'I'~ (x).
Example 3. Given the function y =sin [(In x) 1 ). Find Yx Represent the
!unction as follows:
y=slnu, u=v, v=lnx.
88 Deriuatiue and Differential
We then find
, I
In this way, by formula (5), we get
, , ., ' I
Yx =YuUvVx =3 (cos u) v2 x,
or finally,
. cosx
Proof. Stnce y= -.-,
we have
, (cos x)' sin x- cos x (sin x)' -sin x sin x- cos x cos ~
Y = sin 2 x = sin 2 x =
sin 2 x cos 2 x
= - sin 2 x = - sin 2 x
y'= I (Jlx)' =~ I .
cos Yx 2 Y x cos Y x 2
An Implicit Function and Its Dif!~rentiation 89
Fig. 62.
Indeed, substitution into equation (2) yields the identity
x +(a"-x")-a"= 0.
Expressions (3) and (4) were obtained by solving equation (2)
for y. But not every implicitly defined function may be represented
explicitly, that is, in the form y = f (x), *) where f (x) is an ele-
mentary function.
For instance, functions defined by the equations
y 0 -y-x=o
y-x- 41 smy=
. 0
and, therefore,
*) This formula was proved in Sec. 5, Ch. III, for the case when n is a
positive integer. Formula (I) has now been proved for the general case (for
any constant number n).
Derivatives of a Power Function for an Arbitrary Real Exponent 93
= v J..u u' + v' In u
y' = y ( v u~ + v' In u) .
Substituting into this equation the expression y= uTI, we obtain
y' = vuTI-lu' uTiv' In u.+
Thus, the derivative of an exponential function (composite expo-
nential function) consists of two terms: the first term is obtained
by assuming, when differentiating, that u is a function of x and v
is a constant (that is to say, if we regard uTI as a power function);
the second term is obtained on the assumption that v is a function
of x, and u = const (i. e., if we regard uTI as an exponential
Example 2. If y=xX, then y'=xxx- 1 (x')+x~(x')lnx
or y' =Xx +xx In x =xx (I+ In x).
Yx = cp' (y)
Noting that y: = f' (x) we get formula (XVI), which may also be
written as y
Yx= -;.
The result obtained is clearly illustrated
geometrically. Consider the graph of the A t---M
function y = f (x) (Fig. 69). This curve will
also be the graph of the function x = IJl (y),
where x is now regarded as the function
and y as the independent variable. Take some X
point M (x, y) on this curve. Draw a tangent
to the curve at this point. Denote by a and~ Fig. 69.
the angles formed by the given tangent and
the positive directions of the x- and y-axes. On the basis of the
results of Sec. 3 concerning the geometrical meaning of a derivative
we have
f' (x) =tan a, }
IP' (y) =tan~
l't 3l't
But if a> 2 , then, as is readily seen, ~ =
2 -a. Hence, in
any case
tan~= cot a,
tan a tan ~ = tan a cot a = 1,
tana=tan ~
Substituting the expressions for tan a and tan~ from formula (3),
we get
91\ Derivative and Differential
cosy= VI- sin y= V1-x,
, I
Yx= Jfl-~;
Example 2.
y=(arcsin ~ y,
Yl I
VIx1 - l .
, I I I
Yx= x~=- siny = - Yl-cosy"
But cosy= x, and so
, I
Yx = - ,/
r 1-x
In sin y = l-cos y the radical is taken with the plus sign,
since the function y =arc cos x is defined on the interval 0..;;; y..;;; n
and, consequently, sin y;;;:;;;:: 0.
Example 3. y=arcros (tanx),
y =- y I
(t anx) , = - y .
1-tanx l-tan 2 xcos 2 x
I 1 2
Y.x =---,=cos y
cosz Y = sec2 y =I +tan 2 y;
since tan y=x, we get, finally,
Y =I +x 2 '
Example 4. y =(arc tan x) 4 ,
y' = 4 (arc tan x) 1 (arc tan x)' = 4 (arc tan x)"
+I xz.
4) The fu net ion y = arc cotx.
Consider the function __......,.._______y ----------
X= cofy. (4)
This function is defined for all
values of y except Y=-kn(k=O, 1,
2). The graph of this function is
shown in Fig. 73. On the interval
0 < y < n, the function x=coty is
decreasing and has an inverse: ---==------;;t-----=----
Y= arc cot x.
Consequently, this function is de-
fined on the infinite interval - oo <
< x < oo, and its values fill the Fig. 73.
interval n > y > 0.
Theorem 4. The derivative of the function arccotx is- ~x 2 ;
i. e.,
if y =arc cot x, theny' = - 1 ~xz. (XX)
ProoL From (4) we have
X y = - -2-
si n y
z I I
Yx = - Sin y = - csc 2 11 = - I +cot 2y
102 Derivative and Differential
Yx=-1 +x2"
Let us now bring together into a single table all the basic for-
mulas and rules of differentiation derived in the preceding sections.
Y= canst, y' = 0.
Power function:
particular instances:
y= Vx, y
- ,= I
2 f X
Trigonometric functions:
y= sin x, y' =cos x,
y= cosx, y' =-sin x,
. ' . 1
y=arccotx, y ~-l+x
Exponential function:
y=a~, y'=a~lna;
Parametric Representation of a Function 103
in particular,
y=e"', y' =e"'.
Logarithmic function:
y = I og 0 X, y ' = X-
1 I oga e;
in particular,
y= I nx, y ' =-.
y=f(u), }
y~ = fu (u) q>~ (x),
x=a cost. (2')
Putting this expression into equation (1), we get
y=b sin t. (2")
The equations
x = a cos t, } 0 ..; t ..; 2n (2}
y= b slnt,
are the parametric equa lions of the ellipse.
106 Deriuatiue and DiUerential
Let us find out the geometrical meaning of the parameter t. Draw two
circles with centres at the coordinate origin and with radii a and b (Fig. 76).
Let the point M (x, y) lie on the ellipse, and let 8 be a point of the large
y y
circle with the same abscissa as M. Denote by t the angle formed by the
radius 08 with the x-axis. From the figure it follows directly that
x=OP=acost [this is equation (2')],
CQ = b sin t.
From (2") we conclude that CQ = y; in other words, the straight line CM is
r-arallel to the x-axis.
Consequently, in equations (2) t is an angle formed by the radius 08 and
the axis of abscissas. The angle t is sometimes called an eccentric angle. ,
Fig. 77.
The equations
x=a (t-sin t), } 0 ,;;;;;; t .;;;;; 2n (3)
y=a (I-eos t),
are the parametric equations of the cycloid. As I varies between 0 and 2rt,
the point M will describe one arc of the cycloid.
Eliminating the parameter t from the latter equations, we get x as a
function of y directly. In the interval O.;;;;;t.;;;;;:rt, the function y=a(l-cost)
has an inverse:
t =arc cos a-y .
Substituting the expression for t into the first of equations (3), we get
Note 1. The cycloid clearly shows that in certain cases it is more con-
venient to use the parametric equations for studying functions and curves
'than the direcf relationship of y and x (y as a function of x or x as a
function of y).
Raising the terms of both equations to the power 2{3 and adding, we get
lOB DerivaUve and Differential
Later on (Sec. 12, Ch. V) it will be shown
that this curve is of -the form shown in
Fig. 78. It can be obtained as the trajectory
of a certain point on the circumference of
a circle of radius af4 rolling (without
sliding) upon another circle of radius a
(the smaller circle always remains inside
the larger one; see Fig. 78).
Fig. 78. Note 2. It will be noted that equations
(4) and equation (5) define more than one
function y = f (x). They define two continuous functions on the intervai
-a.;;;;;x..;+a. One takes on nonnegative values, the other nonpositive
The Derivative of a Function Represented Parametrically 109
x=ac?st,} (Oe;;;;;t.;;;;;n).
y=a sm t
Find the derivative ~: 1) for any value of t; 2) for t =~,
l) , (a sin I)' a co~ t =-cot t;
Yx =(a cost)'= -a sm t
2 sin .!_ cos !.
, a sin t 2 2 t ( n t )
Yx=a(1-cost)= =cot2 =tan 2-2
2 sin 2~
e"" +2+e-x-ezx +2-e-zx
= 4 =1.
Further, noting that
ea+b + e-a-b
cosh(a+b)=, . 2 ,
Hyperbolic Functions Ill
we get
. . ea+e-aeb+e-b ea-e-aeb-e-b
cosh a cosh b + smh a smh b = - -
- - --
+- -
- - --
ea+b +e-a+b +ea-b +e-a-b +ea+b_e-a+b -ea-b +e-a-b
4 -
ea+b +e-a-11
= 2
=Cosh (a+b).
- - - - -1
Fig. 79. 0 X
Fig. 80. Fig. 81.
(sinh x)' = cosh .t, (tanh x)' = - h 2
(cosh x)' =sinh x, (coth x)' = - -,---h
Stn 2 X
which follow from the very definition of hyperbolic functions; for
instance, for the function sinh x = 2
we have
(smhx) =, (e"-e-")'
= eX +e-"
Hence, the derivative /' (x) may be regarded as the ratio of the
differential of a function to the differential of the independent
Let us return to expression (1), which, taking (2) into account,
may be rewritten thus:
lly = dy + allx. (3)
Thus, the increment of a function differs from the differential of
a function by an infinitesimal of higher order relative to llx. If
f' (x)+O, then allx is an infinitesimal of higher order relative to
dy and
. d-=
I lffi M 1 I'lffi -atJ.x
+ 1 I' a 1
' ( = + lffi f'-()= .
f )A
dX-+0 y ll.X-+0 X oX ll.X-+0 X
sin 46 = 2
-- + 2"
-- =0.7071 +0.70710.017=0.7194.
2 2 180
Example 3. If in (7) we put x=O, Ax=a, we get the following approxi-
mate equality:
Example 4. If f (x) =tan x, then by (6), we get the following approximate
tan (x +Ax) :::::::tan x +cos' x Ax,
for x=O, Ax=a, we get
tan a :::::a.
Example 5. If I (x) = yx, then (6) yields
dy = u dv + v du.
Other formulas (for instance, the formula defining the differen-
tial of a quotient) are proved in similar fashion:
. u udu~udv
tf y = -
v , then dy = v2
Example 7. y = y I +In x, dy = .r I
-I dx.
2 r I+ In x x
!r- dx = du, so we can write
y X
dy = ccs <Yxl d c v-:t).
*) Assuming that the function f (x) has a finite derivative at the point x,
we get a :p 2:rt ,
118 Derivative and Differential
Fig. 8.~. Fig. 86.
One should not think that the increment !!:..y is always greater
than dy. For instance, in Fig. 86,
!!:..y=M,N, dy=NT, and !!:..y<dy.
y =- sin x =sin ( x + 2 ~ ) ,
It should, however, be noted that equalities (1) and (2) (for n> 1)
hold only for the case when x is an independent variable.*)
d 2y d
dx 2 = dx
dx =
d (dy)
Cit dx dx '
dt I dt
dy) =dTdT dT
dx d (dy). dy d (dx)
-(jf(fl di
dt (dx
dt '
(dx) . dt .
: . .; .
124 Derivative and Differential
dy b cost =_~cot t;
dx -a slnt a
d 2y (-a sin t) ( -b sin t)-(b cost) (-a cost) b
dx 1 (-a sin /) 1 = - (i2 sin1 t
bu t smce ds consequen tl y,
v = dt,
d (ds) d's
a= dt di = dt 2 '
Sr=l :; I
T=V y~+ :: 2 =1 :: y y;+ II.
It is .further clear lrom this same figure that
PR=y, tana=y,y;,
and so
N= V y: + (y,y;) = jy, V 1 + y; \.
These formulas are derived on the assumption that y,
However, they hold i:-~ the gen~ral case as well.
> 0, u:> b.
128 Derivative and Differential
y- h =- : ( X - V2)
bx+ay-ab y'2 =0.
:2 =%(
The equation of the normal is
y- X - V2)
(ax-by) V2 -a 2 +b 2 =0.
The lengths of the subtangent and subnormal are
V2 a
ST= _.!!_ =y2'
SN=I h (--~)I= ;2 a
The lengths of the tangent and the normal are
T= ~! V (- :r +I = ; 2 V az + b':
Denote by f.l. the angle between the direction of the radius vector
and the tangent. It is obvious thatf.l.=q>-6,
tan !p- tan 6
tanf.l. =.,.....,......,....:--,.---""'
I +tan !Jl tan 8
Substituting, in place of tan cp, its expression (3) and making
the necessary changes, we get
t _ iQ'sln 0 +Q cos 8) cos.S- (Q' cos 6-Q sin 6) sin 6 _ Q
an f.l.- (Q' cos 0-Q sin 8) cos 8+(Q'sin 8+Q cos6) sine-?
Q; = Q COtf.l.. (4)
130 Derivative and Differential
cot f.l. = fLQ =a; that is, f.l. =arc cot a= const.
Ans. y' =_!__m
m x
+~- n".
n x
19. y = v
Xi -2Yx +5. Ans. y' =-3 d)-x.-
- Yx. 20.
I ax b x
Y= vx-+ X Yx- Yx . Ans.
V- ,5.!..3
y = 3 ax a - 2 bx
-- 1
+6x e.
21. y=(l +4x 8 ) (l+2x 2 ). Ans. y'=4x (I +3x+ 10x 8). 22. y=x (2x-1)(3x+2).
Ans. y' =2(9x 2 +x-1). 23. y=(2x-1) (x 2 -6x+3). Ans. y' =6x 2 -26x+ 12.
2x 4 4x 5 (2b 2 -x 2) a-x A , 2a
24. y=-b-x 2 Ans. y' (b 2 -x 2 ) 2 25 ' Y=a+x' ns. y =-(a+x) 2
t 12 (3+1 2) (s+4) 2
26. f (I)= 1 t. + Ans. f' (t) (I +t). 27. f(s)= 5
+ 3 . Ans. f (s) =
(s+2)(s+4) x +I , :c4 -2x 3 -6x 2 -2x+ I
(s +3) 2 28. Y= x- x-2. Ans. y = (x- x-2)"
xP , xP- [(p-m) xm-pam]
V x+Vx+
[1 + 2
(t + .~..,)].
2 I' x
39. y=sin 2 x. Ans.
132 Derivatiue and Differential
Ans. y = -
.50.y=a I-eos -
,x)'.An.,.y, =
X 2 Sin 2 X 2
= 2a sln 1 2X cos
. 51. u=
tan x. Anb. y' =tan x sec x. 52. y =In cos x.
tanx-1 , yl+sinx
=2cotx. 55. y= . Ans. y =sinx+cosx. 56. y=m .
secx 1
1 -snx
Ans. y' = -- . 57. y= In tan (~ + ~ ). An~. y' = --. 58. y=sin (x+a)x
4 2
1 1
X cos (x +a). Ans. y' =cos 2 (x +a). 59. I (x) =sin (In x). Ans. {' (x) =
cos (In x) sec (In x)
= X
. 60. I (x) =tan (In x). Ans. r (X)= X
. 61 f (x) =sin (COS x).
An~. f' (x) =- sin x cos (cos x}. 62. r = ~ tan 3 <p- tan (jl + <p. Ans ~~ = tan (jl.
63. /(x)=(xcotx) 2
An.s. {'(x)=2xcotx!cotx-xcscx). 64. y=ln(ax+b)
2x 66. y=
'a y=log(l(x+ 1). A
n.\. '
A.nb. y=ax+b" 65. y (x+l)lna
x A , 2 2
lnl-x ns. y =1-x 67. y= 1oga(X -snx).
A , 2x- cos x
ns. y =(x'-sinx)ln3.
I + x , 4x . , 2x + I
68. y= In - - -2
1 -x
Ans. y =-1 - -
y= In (x 2 +x). An~. y =-.--.
x +x
a 2x + 5). Ans. y' =x-2x+
70. y= In(x- I y=xlnx. Ans. y'=lnx+l
3x'- 2 . 7.
72. y=ln 1 x. Ans. y'=aln'x. 73.y=ln(x+JIT+xf). Anb. ~'=,r 1
x r I +x
1 1
74. y=ln(lnx). Ans.y'=-- - . 75. f(x)=ln .. /ll+x. Ans.f'(x)=-,
x 1nx V -x 1-x
Yx"+ 1-x 2 .r--
76. {(x)=ln .r . Ans. f' (x)=- .r . 77.. y= r a'+x-
r x-1 +x r I + x
a+ Jl a+x' Ya'+x Vx'+a"
-aln . Ans. y' = . 78. y= In <x+ Vx+a')-.;;..--=---
x X X
, V x + a cos x I x , I
Ans. y = x 79. y=- 2 sin' x + 2 In tan 2. Ans. Y = sin x
sin x , I + sln x 1 2
W. y-=---,-. Ans. !I= 81. y=- tan x+ln cos x. Ans. y' =
2 COS X 2 COS 1 X 2
=tan'x. ~2. y=ea". Ans. y'=aea". 83. y=e"'+-~. Ans. y'=4e'""+.
84. (J=a". An.s. 2xa"lna. 85. y=7""+"'. An.s. y'=2(x+l)7""+""1n7,
86. fi&:::Ca'-""'. An~. y' = - 2xca-x In c. 87. y = a/,.x, An~. y' = .~- eVX.
2 r x
Exercises on Chapter III 133
1 8
6 , o .In 8 dr a " 1na lna-1
88. r=a. Ans, r =a Ina. 89. .r=a . Ans. de= e =8 In a.
e:~- I A
90. y=e x ( 1 - x). A ns. y , =e x ( 1 - 2 x-x ) . 91 . y=ex+ , 2ex
. ns. Y =(ex+ I)
' I a - --
92. Ans. y=l+e"'' 93. y=-(ea -e a). Ans. y' =
I ~ -~
= (ea_+e a). 94. lj=elnx. Ans. y'=e 51"xcosx. 95. y=atannx. Ans. y'=
= na 13 " nx sec 2 nx In a. 96. Y= ecosx sin x. Ans. y' = ecos x (cos x -sin 2 x).
97. y=exlnsinx. Ans. y'=ex (cotx+lnsinx). 98. y=xne' 1"-". Ans. y'=
1 -
104. 1
y=xnx. I
Ans. y'=xnx (sin X
x-+lnxcosx ) .
=(sin x)x (In sin x+x cot x). y= (sin x) 13 " -". An.~. y' =(sin x)_13 " -"x
l-ex , evc I
X(l+sec xlnslnx). 107. y=tan l+ex Ans. Y =-(l+ex)z .l-ex
cos 1 +e'~
I v x (x
I) (I 2x
2 )
(x-1) 2 x+x 2 +1+x-l
(x + I ) +
2 ) 112 , (x + I) (5x 2 + 14x 5)
-5(x-3) ' y=(x+2J' :x+3)4 Ans. Y = - (x+2)'(x+3) 5
113. y
Vcx-t) Ans. y' -161x 2 +480x-2?1
V<x- 2)' Vex- 3) 7
134 Derivative and Differential
114. y
2x 2x A , 2 ( 2)
+(x+ I). 119. y=arc cot 1-x. ns. y = 1 +x. 120. y=arc cos x .
,. -2x arc cos x A , - (x + JfT=Xi arc cos x)
Ans. y=,r . 121.y=---. ns.y= .r .
y 1- x x x r 1 -x
X+ 1 I ,r=;--::; X
122. y=arc sm ,r-. Ans. y'=,r . 123. y=x r a-x+aarc sin- .
r 2 r 1-2x-x 2
Ans. y'=2Va-x. 124. Ans. y' =
= -./aa-+x'
V 125. v+a
u=arccotl-av Ans. du 1
dv=l+v 126. Y=
arccot 1_x
x Y3 Ans. y'
x 2 +1 .
x"+x+ 1 . 127. y=xarcsmx. Ans. y'=
=nrcsinx+y x
. 128. f(x)=arccos(lnx). Ans. f'(x)=-
Y 1-!nx
129. [(x)=arcsinYsinx. Ans. f'(x)= cosx . 130. y=.
2 Ysinx-sin 2 x
.. /I-eos x
=arccot V 1+cosx (Oo;;;;;;x<n). Ans.y'= 21 . 131. y=earcco t x.Ans.y'=
erc cot x ex -e-x 2 1 arc sin x
= I+x . 1.32. y=arccot 2 . Ans. y' e"+e x. 33. y=x .
136. a
y=arccot-+ln ~x-a ~ . 137.y=
- + . Ans. y , =-.--
=s+ 3cos x X X a X -a
l+x)4 I x2 3x 1 - l ,r;-;--::-;
=In ( l-x - 2 arctanx. Ans. y'=t-x 138, y=3T+Inr 1+x+
, x1 +1 I x+1 I 2x-l
+arctanx. An~. y =x'+x 139. y=-
3 ln Vx-x+ +,r-arctan ,;-.
1 r 3 r 3
Exercises on Chapter Ill 135
I + x Y2 + x
X -
A ns. y =-,-- . 140. y=ln.
1 J- X
Y 2 + x 2 +2arc tan -x1--Y2
, 4 Y2
-2 Ans. y =+ -.
1 X
x"-1 2n I xI"
141. y =arc cos --uz----- . Ans.
X +1 x(x 2"+ I)
dy f dy 2p
Find dx t. 142. Ans. dx=y 143.
dy x . dy
Ans. - = - - . 1<14. b2x"+a 2y 2 =a 2 b 2 Ans. -d
dx y x
145. y'-3y+2ax=O.
. 158. x=2 cost, y=sin I at the point x= 1: y=- Y23 . Make a
drawing. Ans.
2 ~3 159. x=a (t-sln t), y=a (I-eos t) when t= ~. Make
=v 0 cosat, y=v 0 sinat-2(g=9.8 mfsec 2 ). Knowing that a=60, v 0 =
=50 mfsec, determine the direction of motion when: 1) t =2 sec; 2) t =7 sec.
Make a drawing. Ans. 1) tan<p 1 =0.948, <p 1 =4330'; 2) tan<p1 =-1.012,
<p, = + 1347'.
Find the differentials of the following functions:
162. y=(a 2 -x 2) 5 Ans. dy=-!Ox (a 2 -x 2 ) 4 dx. 163. y=
Ans. dy= Yl +x 2
xdx I xlnx
= Y . 164. y=-3 tan x+tanx. Ans. dy=sec xdx. 165. y=-
3 4
I +x' 1 -x
In xdx
+ In (1-x). Ans. dy = (l-x).
Ans. 6 I. I 75 . y = xn.
C F"tn d y. + I) C . I 76 . y
" A ns. n (nxn+ = .r-,--,
r a -x . F"md y" .
Find. Ans. 2 cot X esc x. 182. f (x) = y sec 2x. Find. (x). Ans.
!I'. r (x) = r
s f (x). 183. y= _x.
= 3 [f (x))- xs Find t<J (x). A ns. (l-x)'.
4I 184 P =
Fmd d
dxy2 .Ans. ay2 .186. y=cosax. Find y 1n1 An~. ancos ( ax+n n)
2 .
187. y=a". Find ylnJ. Ans. (lnan)a". 188. y=ln(l+x). Find ylnJ.
A ns. (- 1) n-t(n-1)1
18 _1-x F" d (nJ A 2 -In
9. Y-l+x" tn y . ns_. (
) (l+x)n+t.
190. y=e"x. Find y1n'. Ans. e" (x+n). 191. y=xn- 1 1nx. Find y 1n1,
Exercises on Chapter Ill 137
1 1
Ans. (n x ) 192.y=!in2 x. Find ycnl. Ans. -2.n-t cos (2x + ; n). 193. y =X slnx.
2 (5 + 8Q 2 + 3Q 4 ) . d.Q
Ans. Q8
200. sec q> cos Q =C. Fmd dcp
tan 2 Q-tan 2 q> " y . d 2y (1-e"+Y) (e" -eY)
Ans. t 1 201. e +x=e +Y F1nd -d2 Ans.
(eY + l)a
an Q x
d 2q 2a 1 xy
202. y 1 +x'-3axy=0. Find d;. Ans. (y 2 -ax). 203. x=a (t-sint),
. d 2y I
y =a (I-eos t). Ftnd dx 2 Ans. ( t ) . 204. x=a cos 2t, y = b sin' t.
Sh ow th a t dy t F'111 d d'y 3 cost
0 20.
dx 2 =. 5 x=acost, y=asm. dx A ns.- asinst
dan dn+l .
206. Show that dxn (sinh x) =sinh x; d.tzn+t (sinh x) =cosh x.
207. Write tl~e equations of the tan~ent and normal to the curve y=x-
- 3x 2 -x+5 at the point M (3, 2). Ans. The tangent is Sx-y-22=0; the
normal, x+8y-19=0. 208. Find the equations of the tangent and normal
of the length of the subtangent and subnormal of the circle x'+u'=r at the
point M(x 1 , y 1). Ans. The tangent is xx,+yy 1 =r 2 ; the normal is x 1 y-y,x=0;
.I u: I
sr= -~ ; sN=I-x 1 j.
209. Show that the subtangent of the parabola y 2 =4px at any point is
divided into two by the vertex, and the subnormal is constant and equal to
2p. Make a drawing.
210. Find the equation of a tangent at the point M (x 1 , y1):
. x y xx, YYt l
a) To the ellipse az+b 2 =l. Ans. (12+()2=.
x y 1 A xx 1 yy,
b) To the hyperbola iii-b 2 =l. ns. (i2-/ii=l.
138 Derivative and DiUerential
21 I. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the Witch of Agnes!
y= 4a+x' at the point where x=2a. Ans. The tangent ts x+2y=4a; the
normal is y=2x-3a.
212. Show that the normal to the curve 3y = 6x -5x drawn to the point
(I,+) coor~inate
M passes through the
M (a, b) is -; f=2. +
~ r fr
+ ( =2 at the poinf
214. Find the equation of that tangent to the parabola, y 2 =20x, which
forms an angle of 45 with the x-axis. Ans. y=x+5 [at the point (5, 10)].
215. Find the equations of those tangents to the circle x 2 +y'=52, which
are parallel to the straight line 2x+3y=6. Ans. 2x+3y26=0.
216. Find the equations of those tangents to the hyperbola 4x 2 ~9y 2 =36,
which are perpendicular to the straight line 2y + 5x = 10. A ns. There are no
such tangents.
217. Show that the segment (lying between the coordinate axes) of the
tangent to the hyperbola xy=m is divided into two by the point of tangency.
218. Prove that the segment (between the coordinate axes) of a tangent
to the asteroid x + y =a is of constant length._
219. At what angle a do the curves y =a" and y = b" intersect? Ans.
In a-In b
tan a
220. Find the lengths of the subtangent, subnormal, tangent and normal
of the cycloid x=a(8-sin8), y=a(l-cos8) at the point at which 8=-i-.
Ans. sr=a; sN=a; T=a Y2; N=a 2.
221. Find the quantities sr, sN, T and N for the hypocycloid x=4acos t,
. t
y=4asin 1 t. Ans. sr::;-4asin 2 tcost; sN=-4asm t; T=4asin't; N=
= 4a sin t tan t.
Miscellaneous Problems
sin x I
Find the derivatives of the following functions: 222. y- - - - - X
-2 cos x 2
, COSX 2
224. y =arc sin (sin x). Ans. y =I cos xI 225. Y= V a _ b' X
Ans. y' =I; I' 227. u=arc sin y 1-x. Ans. y' =-,:I y /_x2.
Exercises on Chapter Ill 139
228. From the formulas for the volume and surface of a sphere,
a= Y b +c"-2bc cos A.
T=:n: v-i
In calculating the period T, how will the error be affected by an error of I%
in the measurement of: 1) the length of the pendulum I; 2) the acceleration
of gravity g? Ans. 1) ::::::: 1/2%; 2) :::::::1/2% .
. 232. The tractrix has the property that for any point of it, the segment
of the tangent T remains constant in length. Prove this on the basis of:
1) the equation of the tractrix in the form
-- a a- Y a-y
x=Jfa-y+- In
Y (a>O);
a+ a-y
2) the parametric equations of the curve
y=a sin t.
233. Prove that the function y = C,ex + c.e-X satisfies the equation
y + 3y' +2y =0 (here C1 and C2 are constants).
234. Putting y=ex sin x, z=ex cos x prove the equalities y" =2z, z"=- 2y.
235. Prove that the function y=sln(marcslnx) satisfies the equation
(1 -x 2 ) y -xy' my = 0.
.!!.... d y ( dt ).
236. Prove that if (a+ bx)e x =x, then x dx= x d~ -y .
0 a c1
Fig. 91. Fig. 92.
Note I. The theorem that has just been proved also holds for
a differentiable function such that cioes not vnnish at the end points
of the interval (a, b), but takes on equal values f(a)=f(b) (Fig. 91).
The proof in this case in exactly the same as before.
Note 2. If the function f(x) is such that the derivative does not
exist at all points within the interval [a, bJ, the assertion of the
theorem may prove erroneous (in this case there might not be a
point c in the interval (a, bJ, at which the derivative f' (x)
For example, the function
y=f(x)= 1- X2 V-
(Fig. 92) is continuous on the interval (-1, I J and vanishes at
the end points of the interval, yet the derivative
, <x>=-
within the interval does not vanish. This is because there is a
point x = 0 inside the interval at which the derivative does not
exist (becomes infinite).
The graph shown in Fig. 93 is another y
instance of a function whose derivative
does not vanish in the interval (0, 2].
The conditions of the Rolle theorem are
not fulfilled for this function either,
because at the point x =I the function has 0
no derivative. Fig. 93.
142 Some Theorems on Dif}erentiable Functions
What is the geometric signi fica nee of the function F (x)? First
write the equation of the chord AB (Fig. 94), taking into account
that its slope is f(b;=~(a)=Q and that it passes through the
y point (a, f (a)):
y-f (a)= Q (x-a);
y= f (a) +Q (x-a).
f(b)But F(x) = f(x)-[f(a) + Q(x-a)].
Thus, for each value of x, F (x) is
equal to the difference of the ordinates
of the curve y = f (x) and the chord
a c l( . y = f (a)+ Q (x- a) for points with
X the same abscissa.
Fig. 94. It will be readily seen that F (x)
. is continuous on the interval [a, b];
is differ~ntiable within this interval, and vanishes at the
end points of the interval; in other words, F(a)=O, F(b)=O.
Hence, the Rolle theorem is applicable to the function F (x). By
this theorem, there exists within the interval a point x = c such
F' (c)= 0.
F' (x) = f' (x)-Q.
And so
F' (c)=f' (c)-Q=O,
A Theorem on the Ratio of the Increments of Two Functions 143
Q= f' (c).
Substituting the value of Q in (2), we get
ftbl-f(a) = f' (c) (1 ')
b-a ' '
Cauchy's Theorem. If { (x) and <p (x) are two functions continuous
on the interval [a, b1 and differentiable within it, and <p' (x) does
not vanish anywhere inside the interval, there will be found, in
[a, b], some point x = c, a< c < b, such that
f(b)-f{a) f' (c)
q> (b)-q> (a)= q>' (c)'
144 Some Theorems on Differentiable Functions
It will be noted that cp (b)-cp (a) =1= 0, since otherwise tp (b) would
be equal to tp (a), and then, by the Rolle theorem, the derivative
cp' (x) would vanish in the interval; but this contradicts the state-
ment of the theorem.
Let us construct an auxiliary function
F (x) = f (x)- f (a)- Q [cp (x) -cp (a)].
It is obvious that F (a)= 0 and F (b)= 0 (this follows from the
definition of the function F (x) and the defi_nition of the number Q).
Noting that the function F (x) satisfies all the hypotheses of the
Rolle theorem on the interval [a, b], we conclude that there exists
between a and b a value X=C (a<c<b) such that F'(c)=O.
But F' (x) = f' (x)-- Qcp' (x), hence
F' (c)= f' (c)- Qq>' (c)= 0,
I' (c)
Q = cp' (c).
Substituting the value of Q into (2) we get (1).
Note. The Cauchy theorem cannot be proved (as it might appear
at first glance) by applying the Lagrange theorem to the nume~ator
and denominator of the fraction
<p(b)-cp (a)
Indeed, in this case we would (after cancelling out b-a) get the
f(b)-{(a) f'(c 1)
cp (b)-cp (a)= cp' (c 2 )
In which a< C1 < b, a< c, <b. But since, generally, C1 + c,, the
result obtained obviously does not yet yield the Cauchy theorem.
Let the functions f (x) and cp (x), on a certain interv a! [a, b],
satisfy the Cauchy theorem and vanish at the point x =a of this
interval; f (a)= 0 and cp (a)= 0.
The Limit of a Ratio of, Two Infinitely Large Quantities 145
The ratio ; ~;~ is not defined for x =a, but has a very definite
meaning for the values x=1=a. Hence, we can rais~ the question
of searching lor the limit of this ratio as x - a. Evaluating limits
of this type is usually known as evaluating indeterminate forms
of the type 0
We have already encountered such problems, for instance when
considering the limit lim sinx and when finding derivatives of ele-
x-.. o X
Note l. The theorem holds also for the case when the functions
f (x) or cp (x) are not defined for x =a, but
lim f (x) = 0, lim cp (x) = 0.
x-+a x-+a
since it is obvious that the limit of the ratio f ((x)) as x --+a does
(j) X .
not depend on_ whether the functions f (x) and cp (x) are defined
at x=a. 1
. f(
Applyi[lg- the L'Hospital rule to the ratw
+)) we find
1 1
'P\ z
lim f (x) = lim f ( ~) = lim f' ( ~) ( - ~) =
x-. oo 'P (x) z-. o qJ ( ~) z-. o qJ' ( +) (_ ~)
z -. o qJ' (
= lim
x _. a>
f',(x) ,
qJ (x)
f' (c)
< -,-< ' + 8.
lj1 c> < A
A- 8 (6)
Let us further consider the fraction
1- <p (a.)
<p (x)
1- f(a.)
f (x)
Fixing a in such manner that the inequality (6) will be fulfilled,
we allow x to approach a. Since f (x)~ oo and cp (x) ~-oo as
?'--+-a, we have
1- q>(a.)
lim 'P (x) =1
x-+a 1-f(a.)
1- e < <p (x) < l +e. (7)
f (x)
Multiplying together the appropriate terms of inequalities (6) and
(7), we get
1- <p (a)
(A-e)(1-e)<f' (c) <p(x)<(A+e)(1 +e)
<p'(c) _f(a)
I (x)
lim f (x) =A
x .... a'P(X)
or, by (1},
then equality (2) holds in this case as well. Indeed, from the
preceding expression it follows that
. <p' (x)
I tm - ,( )=0.
x .... a 1 x
Note 3. Once again note that formulas (2) and (8) hold only if
the limit on the right (finite or infinite) exists. It may happen
that the limit on the left exists while there is. no limit on the
right. To illustrate, let it be required to find
. x+slnx
I tm --x-
X-+ rD
Example 4.
. X I' I 0
I m
x-+ oo
-x= m -x=.
e x-+c:o e
Generally, for any integral n>O.
. xn I' nxn-1 I' n (n-I) ... I 0
I m -:;;=1m -x-== 1m " = .
x-+-e e X-+w e x-+oo e
Example 5.
lnx . 7 . xn
limxnlnx=lim - = h m - = - h m -=0.
x-+o x-+o I x-.o n .t-+o n
7 -X'f~Ti
b) Let
limf(x) =0, limcp(x)=O;
x-+a .x-+a
it is required to find
Jim [f (x)]Cjl <x>
or, as we say, to evaluate the indeterminate form 0.
152 Some Theorems on Differentiable Functions
+ 12
(x-a)" f<"l (a)
... n (5)
Designate by R,. (x) the difference of the values of the given
function f (x) and of the constructed polynomial P,. (x) (Fig. 95):
R,. (x) = f (x)- P,. (x),
I (x) = P,. (x) + R,. (x)
or, in expanded form,
I (x) =f (a)+ x~a f' (a)+ (x;a) f" (a)+ .. .
, (x-a)"f<n) ( )
... ,--n-L- a+ R,.x.
( ) (6)
!54 Some Theorems on Differ~ntiable Functions
y Rn (x)
is called the remainder. For
those values of x, for which the
remainder Rn (x) is small, the
polynomial Pn (x) yields an approxi-
mate representation of the function
f (x).
Thus, formula (6) enables one
to replace the function y = f (x) by
the polynomial y=Pn(x) to an
appropriate degree of accuracy
equal to the value of the remainder
0 a X X Rn (x).
Our next problem is to evaluate
Fig. 95.
the quantity Rn (x) for various
values of x.
Let us write the remainder in the form
Rn (x) = (n+ 1)1 Q (x), (7)
where Q (x) is a certain function to be defined, and accordingly
rewrite (6):
f (x) = f (a)+ x 1a f' (a)+ (x -;,a)2 f" (a)+ ...
(x-a}n (nl (x-a)n+1
.. +-nl-f (a)+ (n+1)1 Q(x). (6')
For fixed x and a, the function Q (x) has a definite value; denote
it by Q.
Let us further examine the auxiliary function of t (t lying
between a and x):
F (t) = t (x)-f (t)- X-; t f' (t)- (x-;lt)l r (t)- ...
_(x-t}nf<nl(t) (x-t)n+tQ
" nl . (n+l}l '
or, on cancelling,
F' (t) = - (x-:/)n t<n+t) (f)+ (x n/t Q. (8)
We, introduce the notation' I~I = q; then, noting that 0 < q < 1~
we can write (for n=N+I. N+2. N+3, etc.):
,=I TI ~ I ~ I I Nx 1 11 ~ I :I ~ I) ~I I<n
X X X X xN-I n- 'V+ 2
<-2'3 ... N-1qq .. _.q=(N-1)1q' I
I~ I= IN: I<
q; 1 q; ln:11<q.
But (N- 1) 1 is a constant quantity; that is to say, it is independy
ent of n, while qn-N+ approaches zero as n - oo. And so
. xn+l
n-+-oo n
1) 1 =0. (1)
ij XR+I
Consequently, R n (x) = e "(n + 1) 1 also approaches zero as n approaches
From the foregoing it follows that for any x (if a sufficient num
ber of terms is taken) we can evaluate e" to any degree of accuracy.
2. Expansion of the function f (x) =sin x.
We find the successive derivatives of f(x) = sin x:
I (x) =sin x, I <O> = o,
f' (X) =COS X= sin (X + ~ ) , f' (0) = l,
{" (x) = -- sin x = sin ( x + 2 ~ ) , f" (0) = 0,
f"' (~) = - cosx_; sin ( x +3 ~), f'" (0) = -1.
xn . :rt xn + t [ :rt ]
... + nT stn n 2 + (n + l) 1 sm ~ + (n + 1) 2 .
Since Jsin [~+(n+I)-i] ~~1, ~e have}~~ Rn(x)=O for all
values of x.
Let us apply the formula obtained for an approximate evaluation
of sin 20. Put n = 3, thus restricting ourselves to the first two
terms of the expansion:
. 20 = sm
. 9:rt 1 3
sm ~
9-31. ( 9:rt )
= 0.343 .
2 X
7 y=sinx
/ y=x-fxJ ~
/ I
/ I
Fig. 96.
Hence, the error is less than 0.001, and so sin 20~ = 0.343 to three
places of decimals.
Fig. 96 shows the graphs of the function f (x) =sin x and the
Exercises on Chapter IV 159
3. Expansion of the function f (x) =cos x.
Finding the values of the successive derivatives for x = 0 of the
function f (x) =cos x and substituting them into the Maclaurin
formula, we get the expansion:
cos x = I - x21 + x xn ( n )
41 - ... + ni cos n 2 +
+(nx:+1,)1cos [+(n+l) ~],
11; I< lxl.
Here again, lim Rn (x) = 0 for all .values of x.
Exercises on Chapter IV
17. Write the Cauchy formula for the functions f(x)=x, cp(x)=x on the
interval [I, 2) and find c. Ans. c = ~.
Evaluate the following limits: 18. lim x - 1 . Ans. ~. 19. lim e" -e-"
X-+1 xn-1 tl x-+o sin x
. tan x-x x I
Ans. 2. 20. 1tm . Ans. 2. 21. lim e - Ans. -2.
x... o x-slnx :X ... u cosx-1
22. lim Y . Ans. There is no limit (Y2 as x -++O, - Y2 as
x-+o I-eos x
X-+ -0). 23. lim In sin x . Ans. I 24. lim a"- u" . Ans. In .!:
n (n-2x) 1 B X-+0 X b '
Ans. 3 30. lim lnnx (where n > 0). Ans. 0. 31. lim
In (I +I_)
x . Ans. I.
2 x-+:J:> x x-+oo arc tan x
In x+l
82. lim _ _x_ Ans. -I. 33. lim ..1L . Ans. 0 for a > 0; oo for a< 0.
X-+""ln ~1 fl-++ooeay
Ans. l. 37. lim In (x-l)-x. Ans. 0. 38. lim (1 -x) tan ~. Ans. 2
2 1t
x-+l tan~ X-+l
39. lim [
x1 -i-x-1 ]
Ans. - - .
40. Urn
lnx In x
Ans. -1.
41. lim (sec p-tan <p). Ans. .
n 2
'I I
43. lim x cot 2 x. Ans. -1 44. lim xeXi. Ans. oo. 45. lim x 1 -x. Ans.
X-+0 2 .t-+o .c~t e
46. lim
{liz. Ans. 1. 47. lim
tan x. Ans. I. 48. lim (1
+.!:X )
I n
Ans. ea. 49. lim (cot x)lnx. Ans. 50. lim (cos x) 1
Ans. 1.
X-+;t> e x-..-n
Exercises on Chapter IV 161
66 . lim 2 (tan x-:ln x)-x 3 r. 67. lim [x-x ln(t+..!..)] AtlS . .!..
.t-+ o X X-+0 . X 2
68. lim (..!...-cot
Ans . ..!.:. . 69. lim
3 X-+0
(_!_ ~cot x).
Ans. 3...
6 -3388
which means f' (x) ~ 0, which is what we set out to prove. [If we
had f' (x) < 0, then for sufficiently small values cif ~x. relation(!)
would be negative, but this would contradict relationship (2).]
Let us now prove the second part of the theorem. Let f' (x) > 0
for all values of x on the interval (a, b).
Let us consider any two values x, and X 2 , x, < X 2 , on the
interval [a, b].
By the Lagrange theorem on finite increments we have
f (x.)- f (x.) = f' () (x 2 -X,), x, < < X2
It is given that f' () > 0, hence f (x 2 ) - f (x,) > 0, and this means
that f (x) is an increasing function.
There is a similar theorem for a decreasing (differentiable)
function as well, namely: ..
If f (x) decreases on an interval [a, b], then f' (x)..;;;;; 0 ori this
interval. If f' (x) < 0 on (a, b), then f (x) . decreases on [a, {J]. [Of
164 lnuestigatirig the Behuuiou; of Functions
X 0 X
(a) (b)
Fig. 97.
mum when x = x, if f (x, + ~x) < f (xJ for any ~x (positive and
negative) that are sufficiently small in absolute value.*)
For example, the function y = f (x), whose graph is given in
Fig. 99; has a maximum at x=x,.
Definition of a minimum. A function f (x) has a minimum at
x =X 2 if
f (X 2 + ~x) > f (x,)
for any ~x (positive and negative) that are sufficiently small in
absolute value (Fig. 99).
For instance, the function y=x 4 considered at the end of the
preceding section (see Fig. 98) has a minimum for x = 0, since
y = 0 when x = 0 and y > 0 for all other values of x.
0 Q Xt Xz Xj X
'") This definition is sometimes formulated as- follows: the function f (x)
has a maximum at x, if it is possible to find a neighbourhood (a, ~) of
x1 (a< x1 < Ill. such that for all points of this. neighbourhood diiTerent !rom
x 1 the inequality f (x) < f (x 1) is fulfilled.
166 Investigating the Behaviour of Functions
Fig. 103. Fig. 104.
From what has been said it follows that not for every critical
value does a function have a maximum or a minimum. However,
if at some point the function attains a maximum or a minimum,
this point is definitely critical. And so to find the extrema of a
function do as follows: find all the critical points, arid then,
investigating separately each critical point, find out whether the
function will have a maximum or a minimum at this point, or
whether there will be neither maximum nor minimum.
Investigations of functions at critical points is based on the
following theorem.
Theorem 2. (Sufficient conditions for the existence of an extre-
mum). Let there be a function f ( x) continuous on some interval
containing a critical point x, and differentiable at all points of
this interval (with the exception, possibly, of the point x, itself).
If in moving from left to right through this point the derivative
changes sign from plus to minus, then at x = x, the function has
a maximum. But if in moving through the point. x, from left to
right the derivative changes sign from minus to plus, the function
has a minimum at this point.
And so
. { f' (x) >0 when x<x,,
tf a)
f' (x) <0 when x>x,
then at x, the function has a maximum;
if b { f' (x) < 0 when x < x,,
) f' (x) >0 when x>x.,
:I .
then at x 1 the function has a minimum. Note here that the con-
ditions a) or b) .must be fulfilled for all values of x that are
sufficiently close to x., that is, at all points of some sufficiently
small neighbourhood of the critical point X 1
Proof. Let us first assume that the dei'ivative changes sign from
plus to minus, . in other words, that for all x sufficiently close to
x, we have
f' (x) > 0 when x < x,,
f' (x)<O when x>x,.
Applying the Lagrange theorem to the differe_nce f (x) -f (x.)
we have
f (x) -f (x.) = f' m(x_- x,)
where ~ is a point lying between x and X 1
170 Investigating the Behaviour of Functions
then at x < x. the tangent to the curve forms with the x-axis an
obtuse angle, the function decreases, and at x >x. the tangent
to the curve forms an acute angle, and the function increases.
At x = x. the function passes from decreasing to increasing, which
means it has a minimum.
If at x = x. we have f' (x.) = 0 and for all values of x sufficiently
close to x. the following inequalities are fulfilled:
f' (x) >0 when x<x
f' (x) > 0 when x >x .
then the function increases both for x < x. and for x > x . Th_ere-
fore, at x = x, the function has neither a maximum nor a mint
mum. Such is the case with the function y = x at x = 0.
Indeed, the derivative y' = 3x, hence,
(y')x=o = 0,
(y')x<o > 0,
(y')x>o >0,
and this means that at x = 0 the function has neither a maximum
nor a minimum (see above, Fig. 101).
The deriv alive is everywhere continuous and so there are. no other critical
3) Investigate the critical values and record the results in Fig. 106.
Investigate the first critical point x 1 = l. Since l = (x-1) (x-3),
for x <I we have y' = ( - H,-l,> Q,
for x> I we have y'=(+)-(_:_)<0.
Thus, when passing (from left to right) through the value x, =I the deri-
vative changes sign from plus to minus. Hence, at x = 1 the function has a
maximum, namely '
Thus, when passing through the value x = 3 the derivative changes sign
from minus 1.o plus. Therefore, at x=3
the function has a minimum, namely:
(Yh=a = l.
This investigation yields 1.he graph of the function (Fig. 106).
Example 2. Test for maximum and minimum the function
Y=(x-1) vx~.
2) Find the critical values of the argument: a) ftnd the points at which
th~ derivative vanishes:
y =3 vx-=0.
b) find the points at which the derivative becomes discontinuous (in this
instance, it becomes infinite). Obviously, that point is
(It will be noted that for x 2 =0 the function is defined and continuous.)
There are no other critical points.
3) Investigate the character of the critical points obtained. Investigate
the point x1 = ~.., . Noting that
(y') 2 < 0, (y') .. > 0,
x< 6 x>-i'-
174 Investigating the- Behauiour of Functi'Ons
we conclude that at x = S the function has a minimum. The value of the
function at the minimum point is
0 Maximum point
Minimum point
At x,= we have
I . I
(y")x=~ =-~2-42=- 3 < 0.
Thus, at x1 = : the function has a maximum:
(y)x,='~ =2~+ ~ = ~.
(y") an=-2(-1)-4(-1)=6>0.
Consequen tl y, at x4 = 3rc we h ave a mm1mum:
. .
(y) an=2(-1)-l=-3.
The graph of the function under investigation Is shown In Fig. 108.
2 y y=2sinX+COS2X
Fig. 108.
The following examples will show that if at a certain point x=x1
we have f' (x,)= 0 and f" (x 1 ) = 0, then at this point the function
f (x) can have either a maximum or a minimum or neither.
Example 2. Test 'the following function for maximum and minimum:
Solution. I) Find the critical points:
y' = - 4x 1 , -4x 1 =0, x=O.
2) Determine the sign of the second derivative at x =01
y" = - 12x2 , (.!i")x=o=O.
Testing a Function for~ Maximum and Minimum 177
. -
Fig. 109. Fif!.. 110.
(R)'!'=o= 0, (R) n
= 0.
dr = 2 (2nr-~)
!!!i. r2 '
(-d ~ . = 2 (2n + 32v) > 0.
. r r=r 1
. r r=r 1
But if r= v 2~ then
h = _.!!.__
:nr = 2 V 2n= 2r.
Therefore, for the total surface S of a cylinder to be a mtmmum
for a given volume v, the altitude of the cylinder must be equal
to its diameter.
Case t. n is odd.
a) Let f<"+' 1 (a)< 0. Then there will be an interval (a -h, a+ h)
at all points of which the (n+ l)st derivative is negative. If xis
a point of this interval then likewise lies between a-hand a+ h
and, consequently, [<"+' 1 () < 0. Since n+ I is an even number,
(X- ar+ > 0 for X =i=' a, and therefore the right side of formula
(2') is negative.
Thus, for x=foa at all points of the interval (a-h, a+h) we have
f (x)-f (a)< 0,
and this means that at x= a the function has a maximum.
b) Let f<"+'' (a)> 0. Then we have [<"+' 1 (S) > 0 for a sufficiently
small value of h at all points x of the interval (a-h, a+ h). He:1ce,
the right side of formula (2') will be positive; in other words, for
x =fo a we will have the following at all points in the given interval:
f (x) -f (a)> 0,
and this means that at x =a the function has a minimum.
Case 2. n is even.
Then n+ 1 is odd and the quantity (x-at+ has different signs
for x<a and x>a.
If h is sufficiently small in absolute value, then the (n +I) st
derivative retains the same sign as at the point a at all points of
the interval (a-h, a+h). Thus, f(x)-f(a) has different signs for
x <a and x >a. But this means that there is neither maximum
nor minimum at x=a.
It will be noted that if f<"+' 1 (a)> 0 when n is even, then
f (x) < f (a) for x <a and f (x) > f (a) for x >a.
But if f<"+' 1 (a)<0 when n is even, then f(x)>f(a) for x<a
and f(x)<f(a) for x>a.
The results obtained may be formulated as follows.
If at x=a we have
f' (a)= f" (a)= ... = f<"' (a)= 0
and the first nonvanishing derivative r+'l (a) is a derivative of even
order, then at the point a
f (x) has a maximum if f1"+' 1 (a)< 0,
f (x) has a minimum if fl"+ ' 1 (a) > 0.
But if the first nonvanishing derivative [<"+''(a) is a derivative
of odd order, then the function has neither maximum nor minimum
at the point a. Here,
f (x) increases if f'n+' 1 (a)> 0,
f (x) decreases. if rn+l) (a)< 0.
Convexity and Concavity of a Curve 183
y- f (x 0
) = f' (X 0 ) (x---: X0 )
From equations (1) and (2) it follows that the difference of the
ordinates of the curve and the tangent for the same value of x is
y- Y= f (x)- f (X 0 )- f' (xo>,(x- X 0 )
Applying the Lagrange theorem totb~ difference f(x)-{(x 0 ),
we get
y-y=f' (c) (X-X )-f' (X 0 0 );(X-X 0 )
(where c lies between x 0 and x) or
y-y= [f' (c)-f' (X 0 )] (X-X 0 ).
2) If f'(x)>O lor x<b and f" (x)<O lor x>b, then for x<b the
curve is convex down, and for x> b, it is convex up. Hence, the
point B of the curve with abscissa x = b is the point of inflection
(see Fig. 121).
y y
0 a x
Fig. 120. Fig. 121.
Thus, there is also a point of inflection on the curve for x1 = : i Its co-
ordinates are ( ;
, e- +). Incidentally, the existence of the second point
of inflection follows direct! y from the symmetry of the curve about the
4) From the foregoing it follows that
for - oo < x <- V the curve is concave;
1 1
for - V <x < V the curve Is convex;
2 2
for ; <x< oo the curve is concave.
5) From the expression of the first derivative
y' =-2xe-x
It follows that
for x<O y'>O, the function Increases;
for x > 0 y' < 0, the function decreases;
for x=O y' =0.
At this point the function has a maximum, .namely, Y==r l. Tl)e foregoing
analysis makes it easy to construct a graph of the curve (Fig. 122).
Fig. 122.
y=(x-1) .
Asymptotes 189'
*' We say the variable point M moves along a curve to infinity if lhc
distance of the point [rom the origin increases without bound.
190 Investigating the Behaviour of Functions
I. Vertical asymptotes.
From the definition of an asymptote it follows that
if lim f (x) = oo or lim f (x) = oo _or lim f (x) = oo,
x-+a+O x ... a-0 x ... a
1 ~
Example 3. The curve y =ex has a vert ica I asymptote x = 0, si nee lime x =
X-++ 0
= oo (Fig. 129).
Fig. 128.
lim ['
-k] = 0,
k= lim [(x). (4)
.t-++oo X
Thus, if the straight line y = kx b is an asymptote, then k and
b may be found from (4) and (5). Conversely, if the limits (4) and (5)
exist, then (3) is fulfilled and the straight line y = kx + b is an
asymptote. If even one of the limits (4) or (5) does not exist, then
the curve does not have an y
asy rn ptote.
It should be noted that we
carried out our investigation as
applied to Fig. 130, as x-++ oo,
but all the arguments hold also
for the case X - + - oo.
Example 4. Find the asymptotes
of the curve
x2 -f-2x-l
y= X
X-+ co
.'C X .
. Fig 131.
that is,
b =lim [y-x)= lim [xz-f-2x-l_x] ~ lim [xz+2x-l-xz] =
X-+ co X-+ co X X-+ "' X
= X-+
lim [2-.!_],=2,
co X
or, finally,
Therefore, the straight line
is an inclined asymptote to the given curve.
To investigate the mutual posi lions. of a curve and an asymptote, let us
consider the difference of the ordinates of the curve and the asymptote fol'
one and the same value of x:
x -f-2x-l_(x-f- 2) = - _.!_.
This difference is negative for x > 0, and positive for x < 0; and so for x>O
the curve lies below the asymptote, and for x<O, it lies above the asymptote
(Fig. 131).
7- 3388
194 Investigating the Behaviour of Functions
Example I. The function y=x is even, since ( -x) 2 =x 2 (see Fig. 5).
Example 2. The function y =cos x is even, since cos ( -x) =cos x (see
Fig. 17).
Note 2. If the function y = f (x) is odd, that is, such that for
any change in the argument the function changes sign, i.e., if
f (-x) = -f (x),
then it is sufficient to investigate this function in the case of
positive values of the argument. The graph of an odd function is
symmetric about the origin.
Example 3. The function y =X 3 is odd, since ( -x) 1 = - X 1 (see Fig. 7).
Example 4. The function y =sin x is odd, since sin ( -x) =-sin x (see
Fig. 16).
inflection; in exactly the same way, the points (0, 0) and ( Jl3, ~ 3 ) are
points of inflection.
6) Determine the asymptotes of the curve:
for x -+ +
oo y -+ 0,
forx-+-oo y-+0.
Consequently, the straight line y = 0 is the only inc! ined asymptote. The
curve has no vertical asymptotes because the function does not approach
infinity for a single finite value of x.
--------~I--L~o t
Fig. 132.
3 <x< oo the functio.n decreases.
does not vanish at a single point. Yet there are two points at which the
second derivative is discontinuous: x,=O and x.=2a.
Let us investigate the sign of the second derivative near each of these
for x <0 we have y" <0 and the curve is convex up;
for x >0 we have y" <0 and the curve is convex u_p.
2a x
Fig. 133.
V -x-1 =-1,
k= lim JL= lim lim ~-
X-+< X X-+< X X-+<
We find the values of the parameter t = ttt t,, ... , tk for which at
least one of the derivatives q>' (t) or 'I'' (t) vanishes or becomes
discontinuous. (We shall call these values of t critical values.)
By formula (3}, in each oftheintervals(/ 1 , t,); (t., t.); .. . ; (tk_J'tk)
and hence, in each of the intervals (x~' x.); (x x.); ... ; (xk_ 1 , xk)
(where xi= q> (ti )}, we determine the sign of ~, in this way determin-
ing the domain of increase and decrease. This likewise enables us
to determine the character of points that correspond to the values
of the parameter t,, t., ... , tk. Next, evaluate
d y . "'" (/) ljl' (t)-tp" (/) "'' (t) (4)
dx 2 = [tp' (t)]
~; = - 3a cos 2
t sin t, }
:r = 3a sin 2 t cost.
These derivatives vanish at t=O, ~ , rc,
2 , 2rc. Evaluate
dy 3a sln 2 t cost
-tan t. (3')
dx = -3a cos 2 t sin t
On the basis of (2') and (3') we compile the following table:
range of x
range of y
l ol dy
of X
(Y=f (X))
From the table it follows that equations (I') define two continuous functions
of the type y = f (x), for 0 <;tEO;; n y ~ 0 (see first two lines of the table),
for n < t E0;;2rc y < 0 (see two last lines of the table). From (3') it follows
lim dy =co
n dx
lim dy =co.
Solution. Both functions are defined for all values of t except t =-I. and
I lffi X= I'lffi -3at
-= + oo, . .
1 - oo;
I1m y= 1trn
1-+-t-o t-+-1 +ol + t 1--1-o 1-+-t-o I +1
x=- oo, lim
y= + oo.
Further note that
when f=O X=O. y=O,
when + oo
t:::::: x ---.. 0, y _.., 0,
when t :::::: - co x ---.. 0, y _.., 0.
dx dy
Find ([[ and ([[ :
2 dy 3at (2 - 13 )
([{ = (I+ ta)z ([[= (1+1 1 ) 2
Then we find
dy ([[ t (2-1 3 )
dx = dx= 2 (.!..-t)'
dt 2
202 Investigating the Behaviour of Functions
On the basis of formulas (1"), (2"), and (3") we compile the following table:
O<t <
V2 O<x<a V4 O<y <a V2 ,.. Increases
V2<t< v- a V4>x>aV2 a V2<y<aV4
2 - Decreases
Thus, the curve cuts the origin twice: with the tangent parallel to the x-axis
and with the tangent parallel to the y-axis. Further,
(:~)t=-'- =co.
(~~)~ =V2=o.
At this poinf the 'tangent to the curve is horizontal. Let us investigate the
question of the existence of an asymptote:
k= lim JL= lim 3at2(1+t') __ 1
x.,.++ooX t ... -t-o3at(1+t')- '
Exercises on Chapter V
Find the extremes of the functions: I. y =X 2 -2x +3. Ans. Ymln = 2 at
x1 7
X= 1. 2. y=3-2x 2 +3x+ I. Ans. Ymax= at x= I. 3. y=x 1 -9x 2 + 15x+3.
Ans. Ymax= 10 at X= I, Ymin= -22 at x=5. 4. y= -x 4 +2x 2 Ans. Ymax= l
at X= I. Ymtn=O at X=O. 5. y=x-8x~+2. Ans. Ymax=2 at x=O,
Ymtn=-14 at x= 2. 6. y=3x 5 -125x 1 +2160x. Ans. max at x=-4 and
x=3, min at x=-3 and x=4. 7. y=2-(x-1) Ans. Ymax=2 at X= I.
...!._ x 2 -3x+2
8. y=3-2 (x+ I) Ans. Neither max nor min. 9. y= x2 + ~+ . Ans. min
3 2
extrema. 30. y=sinxcos 2 x. Ans. min when _x=~; two max: when
x =arc cos V~ .and when x =arc cos(.- V~). 31. y =arc sin (sin x).
(4m+ I) 1t . (4m+3) n
Ans. max when x= . ; mtn when x= .
2 2
Find the maximum and minimum values of the function on tile indicated
intervals: 32. y=-3x'+6x 2 -1 (-2..o;;x,.;;;;2). Ans. Maximum y=2 at
X=::!:l. minimum y=-25 at x=2. 33. y=~-2x 2 +3x+1 (-1..;;;;x.;;;;5) .
. A ns M ax1mum
. 23 13
va I ue y=g a t x= 5 , mm1mum
. . va I ue y= - at. x=- 1.
x-1 3
34. y=x+l (O,.;;;;x.;;;;4). Ans. Maximum value u=r; at x=4, minimum
will require the smallest amount of !earl? Ans. Height, 0.2 metre, side of
base, 0.4 metre (the side of the base must be twice the height). .
44. A roofer wants to make an open channel of maximum capacity with
bottom and sides 10 em in width, and with the sides inclined at the same
angle to the bottom What is the width of the channel at the top? Ans.
20 em.
45. Prove that a conic tent of given storage capacity re_quires the least
material when its height is 2
times thE: radiu.s of the base.
46. It is required to make a cylinder, open at the top, the walls and
bottom of which have a given thickness. What should the dimensions of the
cylinder be so that for a given storage capacity it will require the least
material? Ans. If R is the inner radius of the base, u the inner volume of
the cylinder, then
R= V u
47. It is required to build a boiler out of a cylinder topped by two
hemispheres and with walls of constant thickness so that for a given volume
u it should have a minimum outer surface. Ans. It should have the shape of
a sphere with inner radius R= V :~ .
48. Construct an isosceles trapezoid, which lor a given area S has a mini-
mum perimeter; the angle at the base of the trapezoid is equal to a. Ans.
The length of one of the nonparallel sides is
.. / Is .
49. Inscribe in a given sphere of radius R a regular triangular prism of
maximum volume. Ans. The attitude of the prism Is .~R_
r a
50. It is required to circumscribe about a hemisphere of radius R a cone
of minimum volume; the plane of the base of the cone coincides with that
of the hemisphere; find the altitude of the cone. Ans. The altitude ol the
cone is R 3.
51. About a given cylinder o! radius r circumscribe a right cone of mini-
mum volume; we assume the planes and centres ol the circular bases of the
cylinder and the cone coincide. Ans. The radius of the base of the cone is
equal to
2 r.
52. Out of sheet metal, having the shape of a circb of radius R, cut
a sector such that it may be bent into a funnel of maximum storage. capacity.
Ans. The central angle of the sector is 2n
V . 3
53. Of all circular cylinders inscribed in a given cube with side a so that
their axes coincide with the diagonal of the cube and the circumferences of
the bases touch its planes, find the cylinder with maximum volume. Ans. The
altitude of the cylinder Is equal to a Y 3 ; the radius of the base is .~-.
3 r 6
54. Given, in a rectangular coordinate system, a point (x0 , y 0 ) lying in the
first quadrant. Draw a straight line through this point so that it forms
a triangle of least area with the positive directions of the axes. Ans. The
straight line intercepts on the axes the segments 2x 0 and 2y0 ; thus, it has the
equa t 10n -X + -y = I.
2Xo 2Yo
206 Investigating the Behaviour of Functions
have been obtained: x~> x 2 , , Xn- Show .that the sum of the squares ,of the
errors (x-x1 ) 2 +(x-x2 ) 2 + ... +(x-xn) 2 will be least if for x we take the
number x1 x;+ Xn. +
61. To reduce the friction of a liquid against -the walls of a channel, the
area in contact with the liquid must be a minimum. Show that the best shape
ol an open rectangular channel with given cross-sectiomil area is that for
which the width of the channel is twice its altitude.
Determine the points of inflection and the intervals of convexity and con-
cavity of the curves.
62. y=x 5 Ans. For x < 0 the curve -is convex; for x > 0 the curve is con-
cave; at x = 0 there is a point of inflection. 63. y =I -x 2 Ans. The curve
is everywhere convex. 64. y =x -3x 2 -9x 9. Ans. Point of inflection at
x=l. 65. y=(x-b)1 Ans. Point of inflection at x=b. 66. y=x. Ans. The
curve is everywhere concave. 67. y= x2 ~ 1 . Ans. Point of inflection at
x= ,;.,
y 3
. 68. y=tanx. Ans. Point of inflection at x=mt. 69. y=xe-"'.
. .
Ans. Point of inflection at x=2. 70. y=a-,Vx-b. Ans. Point of inflec-
tion at x= b. 71. y=a- V<x-b) 2 Ans. The curve has no point of inflection.
Find the asymptotes of the following curves: 72. y = --1 - Ans. X= I,
I a
y=O. 73. y=(x+ 2)"' Ans. x=-2, y=O. 74. y=c+(x-b) 2 Ans. x=b,
Exercises on Chapter V '207
y=c. 75. y=ex -!. Ans. x=O, y=O. 76. y=lnx. Ans. x'"'O.
77. y =6x'+x'. Ans. y=x+2. 78. y'=a-x. Ans. y+x,=U.
x' .
79. y=-2.a--x
--.Ans.x=2a.80. y'(x-2a)=x'-a'. Ans. x=2a, u=(x-j-a).
Investigate the following functions and construct their graphs:
8a 3 6x
81. y=x4 -2x+!O. 82. y=x+ 4a 83. y=e x. 84. y= I+x,
4+x x x+2 x ,
85. y=-.-. 86. y=-
2 - . 87. y=-,-. 88. y =- - . 89. y 2 =x -x.
90. y= ----..
3 -:x
v- 1
x'+!. 93. y= --.
x+ I
1 +x
v- yx-!
94, y=xe-". 95. y=x'e-"'. 96. y=x-ln(x-f:"l). 97. y=ln (x 2 +1)
Additional Exercises
Find the asymptotes of the following lines: 108. y=~:;. Ans. x=-l;
y=x-1. 109: y=x+e-x. Ans. y=x. 110. 2y(x+l)'=x'. Ans. x=-1;
y= ~ x-1. Ill. y'=a 1 -x2 Ans. x+y=O. t.12. y=e-xsinx. Ans. y=O.
x ~ In x
127. y=-1- . 12i:!. y=x+-. 129. y=xlnx. 130. y=e" -x. 131. u=
nx x
sin x
=lsin3xj. 132. u=--. 133. y=xarctanx. 134. y=x-2 arctanx.
135. y=e-Xsin3x. 136. g=jSinxl+x. 137, y=SinX1 138. g=COS 3 x+sin 3 X.
0 X0 X X+!JX X
Fig. 137. Fig. 138.
= y 1+(dy)". dx (1)
y' 1 + (~~ )
ds = dx (2)
ds = V dx" + dy". (2')
We have obtained an expression for the differential of arc
length for the cas-e when the curve is given by the equation
y = f (x). However, (2') holds also for the case when the curve is
represented by parametric equations.
If the curve is represented parametrically,
X=IJl (t), y="' (f),
dx = <p' (f) dt, dy ='I'' (t) dt,
and expression (2') takes the form
d s = =-[.IJl--,-----,(:-:-I):-:--]z +---,--------;--["'-;-,~(t ):-7:] dt.
*) Strictly speaking, (2') holds only for the case when dx > 0. But if
dx < 0, then ds=- Jf dx 2 +dy 2 For this reason, in the general case this
formula is more correctly written as Ids!= Jfdx 1 +dy 2
Curvature 211
the arc AB is not equal to the average
curvature of the arc A 1 BP although
the lengths of their arcs are the same.
What is more, at different points the
curvature of the curve differs. To cha-
racterise the degree of curvature of a
given line in the immediate neighbour-
hood of a given point A, we introduce Fig. 141.
the concept of curvature of a curve at
a given point.
Definition 2. The curvature KA of a line at a given point A is
the limit of the average curvature of the arc AB when the length
of this arc approaches zero (that is, when the point B approa-
ches the point A):
KA = lim Kav= lim :._ *).
B-+A AB-+0 AB
*) We assume that the magnitude of the limit does not depend on which
side of the point A we take the variable point B on the curve.
212 The Curvatwe of a Curve
K= lim ~=_!_.
a_,.oar r
choice of this point and is equal to
Note. It should _be noted that, generally speaking, for any curve
the curvature at its various points differs (this will be seen later).
ds =
.. /
V l+(dy)". dx
;tcp = dx
ds ds
. 1~1
K = [' + (~~rJ .,.. (3)
K x=o--
y=o P
Calculation of the Curvature of a Line Represented Parametrically 215
K __ \ azsz + 2az I = _!__ ez +2
-(azez+a)t. a (82+1)t.
lt will be noted that for
- large values of f) we have the
approx1rna 1 1es 82+2
. t e equa l't" --oz=::::
82 + 1
ez-:::::: 1; therefore, rep-
:::::: 1,
(a-x) =
2 -
1 +Y y'"R I
a=x y 1+g' .R.
(I+ !/)/,
and since R= I u"l
y' (I+ y'") ' l+y'"
a=x I y" I ' ~=Y=FTifT
In order to decide which signs (top or bottom) to take in the
latter formulas, we must examine the case y" > 0 and the case
y" < 0. If y" > 0, then at this point the curve is concave, and,
hence, ~ > y (Fig. 146), and for this reason we take the bottom
signs. Taking into account that in this case Iy" J = y", the formulas
of the coordinates of the centre of curvature will be
g' (I +y'') )
a=x- y"_ ,
+ y''
~ = y +----yo- .
f1 (7)
The Radius and Circle of Curvature. volute and involute 219
Similarly, it may be shown that formulas (7) will hold for the
case y" < 0 as well.
If the curve is represented by the parametric equations
X=cp(f), y='IJ(f),
a) a=3x+p, ~=
YP ; ly
Solution .. On the basis of Example 1 we, have, for any point (x, y)
of the parabola,
(2x) t.
Eliminating the parameter x from these.
equations, we get
~z= 27p (a- p)'.
Eliminating the parameter t, we get the equation of the evolute of the ell ips~
in the form
( r (! r= (a2a/2)".
~ +
Here, u and ~ are the coordinates of the evolute (Fig. 149).
Example 4. Find the parametric equations of the evolute of the cycloid
x=a(t-sint), y
y=a (1-cosl).
x'=a(l-cost); y'=asint;
x" =a sin t; y" =-a cost.
Substituting the expressions obtained
into (7'), we get
a=a (t +sin t),
Fig. 150.
equal to
d~ dx
da = da
Noting that [by virtue of the same equations (7')]
da 3y""y''-y'y'"-y' 3 y'"' '3y'y''-y"'-y'y"'
dx= = -y (1)
d~ 3!/y'-y'"-y'"y"'
dx=- (2)
we get the relationship
d~ I
da = -y-
But y' is the slope of the line tangent to the curve at the corre-
sponding point; it therefore follows from the relationship obtained
that the tangent to the curve and the tangent to its evolute at
the corresponding point are mutually perpendicular; that is, the
normal to a curve is the tangent to the evolute.
Theorem 2. If, over a certain segment M1 M2 of a curve, the
radius of curvature varies monotonically (i.e., either only increases
or only decreases), then the increment in the arc length of the eva-
lute on this segment of the curve is equal (in absolute value) to
the corresponding increment in the radius of curvature of the given
Proof. From formula (2'), Sec. 1, Ch. VI, we have
ds = da. + d~
where ds is the differential of the arc length of the evolute;
(::r r+ (:~ r. = ( ::
Substituting, here, the expressions (l) and (2), we get
ds)- ,z (3y'y" -y"'-y''y"') 1 2
( dx - ( l + Y ) !/'"
Then find (::r Since .
R =(I + y'"l'' + y' 1 3
R2 = (I )
y" , y"'
Differentiating both sides of this equation with respect to x, we
get the following (after appropriate manipulations):
dR 2(1 + y' 1 2
) (3y'y""-y"' -y' 1 y'")
2R dx = {y")s
The Properties of an volute 223
2 (I+ y'')S/2
Dividing both sides of the equation by 2R --'---'--;,i-'-- ,
we have
dR (I+ y' 2 ) ' /2 (3y'.r/''- i/"- y''y"')
dx y""
Squaring, we get
dR)' = 1 + y ,, ) (3y'y"'-y'"-y''y"')
( dx ( r/' '
Comparing (3) and (4), we find
Taking into account that CM =CM 0 =at, it is easy to obtain the equations
of the involute of the circle:
OP = x =a (cost+ t sin t),
PM =y=a (sin t-t cost).
It will be noted that the profile of a tooth of a gear wheel is most often
in l he shape of the involute of a ci rei e.
8 - 3388
226 The Curvature of a Curve
Fig. 154. Fig. 155.
Approximating the Real Roots of an Equation 227
f (x.) > 0; and on the interval [x., x.] the first derivative does not
change sign. Then there is one root of the equation f (x) = 0 in the
interval (x., x2 ). Let us assume that the second derivative does not
change sign in the interval [x., x.] either; this can be achieved by
reducing the length of the interval within which the root lies.
Retention of the sign of the second derivative on the interval
[x., x.] means that the curve is either only convex or only
concave on [x., x.].
Draw a tangent to the curve at the point 8 (Fig. 157). The
abscissa a. of the point of intersection of the tangent with the
x-axis will be an approximate value of the root. To find this
abscissa write the equation of the line tangent at the point 8:
y- f (x.) = f' (x.) (x- x.).
Noting that x =a, at y = 0, we have
f (xa)
al = x . - f' (Xa) (3)
22f:l The Curvature of a Curve
y B
Fig: 157. Fig. 158.
Exercises on Chapter VI
Find the curvature of the curves at the indicated points:
1. b 2x 2 +a y
2 2
= a2 b 2 at the points (0, b) and (a, 0). Ans. if at (0, b);
b2 at (a, 0).
2. xy = 12 at the point (3, 4). Ans.
3. y = x at the point (x 1 , y 1). Ans. Gx 1
(I +9x~ )' 12
4. 16y 2 = 4x'-x 6 at the point (2, 0). Ans.
2 .
230 The Curvature of a Curve
..!_ I .!_
5. x + y =a at an arbitrary point. Ans.
3 (axy)
Find the radius of curvature of the following curves at the indicated
points; draw each curve and construct the appropriate circle of curvature.
. 8o
6. y 2 =x' at the potnt (4, 8). Ans. R = - -- .
7. x2 = 4ay at the point (0, 0). Ans. R = 2a.
(b 4x 1 + a 4y 1) ' '
8. bzx-azy=a 1b2 at the point (x 1 , y 1). Ans. R= ab .
9. y=lnx at the point (1, 0). Ans. R=2 2.
10. y =sin x at the point ( ~ , 1) . Ans. R = I.
11. l't for t=t 1 Ans. R=3aslntcost.
Find the radius of curvature of the indicated curves:
X=3l }
12. lf= 3t-t for l=l. Ans. R=6.
24. x' +Y' =a'. Ans. a=x+3x' y; y'.
Exercises on Chapter VI 231
.a'+l5y4 _ ay-9y5 .
Ans. a= 6ay ' ~= 2a .
X=3t, 4 3
26. { Ans. a=--t; ~=31 2 --.
y=t 2 -6. 3 2
x=k In col
27. {
2 -kcost, (tractrix).
y= k sin t.
x =a (cos t + t sin t),
28. { y=a (sin t-t cost). Ans. a=acost; ~=asint.
{ x =a cos t,
y=asint. Ans. a= a cos t + 3a cost sin 2 t;
~ = a sin' t + 3a cos 2 t sin t.
30. Find the roots of the equation x'-4+2=0 to three decimal places.
Ans. x 1 = 1.675, x 2 = 0.539, x 3 = - 2.214.
31. For the equation f (x) =x5 -x-0.2 = 0, approximate the root in .the
interval (I. !.1). Ans. 1.045.
32. Evaluate the roots of the equation x'+ 2x 2 -6x + 2 = 0 to two decimal
places. Ans. 0.38 < x 1 < 0.39; 1.24 < x 2 < 1.25.
33. Solve the equation x'-5=0 approximately. Ans. x 1 ::::::: 1.71,
x2 , 3 =l.71 .
34. Approximate the root of the equation x-tan x=O lying between 0
and . Ans. 4.4935.
35. Evaluate the root of the equation sin x = !-x to three places of deci-
mals. Hint. Reduce the equation to the form f(x) =0. Ans. 0.5110 < <x
< 0.5111.
Miscellaneous Problems
36. Show that at each point of the lemniscate Q2 = a 2 cos 2<p the curvature
is proportional to the radius vector of the point.
37. Find the greatest value of the radius of curvature of the curve
Q=a sm.,<p . Ans. R = 3 a.
3 4
38. Find the coordinates of the centre of curvature of the curve y = x In x
at the point where y' =0. Ans. (e- 1 , 0).
39. Prove that for points of the spiral of Archimedes Q =a<p as <p-+ oo the
magnitude of the difference between the radius vector and the radius of cur-
vature approaches zero.
40. Find the parabola y=ax 2 +bx+c, which has common tangent and cur-
vature with the sine curve y =sin x at the point ( i , I) . Make a drawing.
nx n2
Ans. u = - 2 + 2 + ' - s
41. The function y = f (x) is defined as follows:
f(t)=x in the interval-co<x,.;;;;l,
f(x)=ax 2 +bx+c in the interval 1 <x<+co.
What must a, b and c be for the line Y= f (x) to have continuous curvature
everywhere? Make a drawing. Ans. a= 3, b = - 3, c = 1.
232 The Curvature of a Curve
42. Show that the radius of a curvature of a cycloid at any one of its
points is twice the length of the normal at that point.
43. Write the equation of the circle of curvature of the parabola y=x
at the point (I, 1). Ans. (x+4) 1 y
+ ( y- ~ = 1 ~.
the point ( : , I). Ans. ( x- n 4 lOr+ (y- :r
44. Write the equation of the circle of curvature of the curve y=tanx at
= \ :.
45. Find the length of the entire evolute of an ellipse whose semi-axes
4 (a1 -b 1 )
are a and b. Ans. ab .
46. Find the approximate value of the roots of the equation xe~=2 to
within O.Dl. Ans. The equation has only one real root, x::::::: 0.84
47. Find the approximate value of the roots of the equation x in x = 0.8
to within 0.01. Ans. The equation has only one real root, x::::::: 1.64.
48. Find the approximate value of the roots of the equation x2 arc tan x = 1
to within 0.001. Ans. The equation has only oRe real root, x::::::: 1.096.
whence we find
cos ncp in terms of the powers of sin q> and cos q>. For instance, if
n=3 we have
cos cp+ i 3 cos q> sin q>-3 cos q> sin' q>- i sin' cp =cos 3 cp+ i sin 3cp;
making use of the condition of equality of two complex numbers,
we get:
cos 3cp = cos' q>- 3 cos q> sin q>,
sin 3q>=- sin'q> + 3 cos q> sin q>.
2. Roots. The nth root of a complex number is another complex
number whose nth power is equal to the radicand, or
vr (cos q> + i sin q>) = Q (cos 'I'+ i sin '\j)),
rl (cos n 'ljJ +i sin n 'ljJ) =--= r (cos q> + i sin q>).
Since the moduli of equal complex numbers must be equal,
while their amplitudes may differ by a number that is a multiple
ol 2n, we have
Whence we find
n/- h-_IP+2k1t,
Q= V r, "' n
V -I = v
cos 0 + 1 sm 0 =
.. _ 0+2kn: . 0+2kn:
+ 1 sln-3- .
Setting k equal to 0, 1, 2, we find three values
of the root: A .
X1 = COS 0 + r Stn. 0 = 1; X 2 = COS
+I Sin
3 ;
41t ' . 41t
x, =COS 3 +I Stn 3.
Fig. 163.
Noting that
211: 1
; sin 3
2n 3 .
= -- . cos
-2; . 4n: V3
3 = -
2 2
= Slfi 3 = - -2- '
we get
x 1 = 1: x 2 =
- 21 + l --; x1 = -2 -
1 3 .
l --
2 2
In Fig. 163, the points A, B, C are geometric representations of the roots
x= vn/1-AI ( c o1ts
+-2kn: + t. sm
. 1t-+ 2kn:)
n - n- .
The expression in the brackets gives all the values of the nth
root of -1.
If A is a complex number, then the values of x are found lrom
formula (2}.
Example 2. Solve the equation
240 Complex Numbers. Polynomials
x = 11 cos 2k n + 1. sm
. 2k 2krr.
n =cosT+ . I 2krr.
1s n T .
Setting k equal to 0, I, 2, 3, WE' get
x 1 = cos 0+ i sin 0 = 1,
2n 2rc
X2 =Cos
4 +tsin ;r=i,
x1 =cos 44n +tsm. 4n
4 =-1,
6n 6n
x4 = cos + r sin = -I.
4 4
e +- =e(cos;-+isln:)=e(~2 +i ~2 ).
1 1
I. z=1+: i,
o+ ~I
2 . z= 0 + n2 t, e z =eo( cos n + tsn
.1 n ) =1,.
2 2
3. Z= I+ i, e'+'=e0 (cos I+ i sin I)=0.54+ i0.83,
. 4. z=x is a real number.
ex+ 0Y =ex (cos 0 i sin 0) =ex is an ordinary exponential function.
ez,+z 3 = e(x,+jg1 )+(Xz+iY 3 ) =e(X 1 +X 3 )+1 (y 1 +y 3 ) =
=exex, [cos (y, +Y 2 )+i sin (y 1+ Y2)]. (4)
On the other hand, by the theorem of the product of two complex
numbers in trigonometric form we will have
ez,ez, = ex,+iYeXz+IYz = ex, (cosy, + i sin yl) ex (cos Yz + i sin y2) =
=exex [cos(y,+y 2 )+isin(y 1 +Y 2 )l. (5)
In (4) and (5) the right sides are equa], hence the left sides are
equal too:
3. If m is an integer, then
(ez)m =emz. (7)
For m > 0, this formula is readily obtained from (3); if m < 0,
then it is obtained from formulas (3) and (6).
4. The identity
Indeed, from (3) and (1) we get
eZH1tl = eZeJrtl = tf (COS 2Jt + i Sin 2Jt) = ez.
From identity (8) it follows that the exponential function ez is a
periodic function with a period of 2ni.
5. Let us now consider the complex quantity
W= u (x) + iu (x),
242 Complex Numbers. Polynomials
where u (x) and v (x) are real functions of the real variable x.
This is the complex function of a real variable.
a) Let there exist the limits
lim u (x) = u (x 0 ), lim v (x) = v (X 0 ).
X-+ Xo X-+ X 0
These formulas are us.ed, among other things, to express the pow-
ers of cos <p and sin <p and their products in terms of the. sine
and cosine of multiple arcs.
eiY +e-iY)z 1 12. .
Examples: 1. cos 2 y= ( = - (e Y+2+e-'"Y)=
. 2 4
= i [(cos 2y+ i sin 2y) + 2 +(cos 2y-i sin 2y)J=
-t=cos -t sin e
The function
f (x) = A.xn + A xn-l + ... +An,1
n 5n 9n
Example 2. The numbers x 1 =
; x2 =
4 ; x1 =
4 ; ... , are the roots of
the equation cos x =sin x.
Note. All that has been said of the roots of the polynomial
f(x)=A 0 xn+A,xn-t+ ... +An,
may obviously be formulated in terms of the roots of the
algebraic equation
A 0 Xn+A,xn-t+ ... + .. .
Let us further prove the following theorem.
Theorem. If, for the polynomial f (x), a, is a root of multiplicity
k,>1, then for the derivative f' (x) this number is a root of
multiplicity k,- 1.
Proof. If a, is a root of multiplicity k,>l, thenitfollowsfrom
formula (l ') that
f (x) = (x- a,)kcp (x)
where cp (x) = (x-- a.)k ... (x- am)km does not become zero at x =a,;
that is, cp (a,) =1= 0. Differentiating, we get
f' (x) = k, (x- a.)k - <p (x) + (x- a,)k11p' (x) =
= (x-a.)k- [k,cp (x) + (x-a,)cp' (x)].
' (x) = k,cp (x) + (x- a,) cp' (x).
f' (x) = (x-a,)k,-' 'ljJ (x)
and here
'ljJ (a,)= k,\fi (a,)+ (a, -a,) cp' (a,)= k,cp (a,) =1= 0.
In other words, x =a, is a root of multiplicity k,-1 of the
polynomial f' (x). From the foregoing proof it follows that if k, = 1,
then a, is not a root of the derivative f' (x).
From the proved theorem it follows that a, is a root of multi-
plicity k -2 for the derivative f"(x), a root of multiplicityk,-3
for the derivative f'" (x) ... , and a root of multiplicity one (simple
root) for the derivative [<k,-,, (x) and is not a root for the deri-
vative f<k,, (x), or
f(a)=O, f'(a,)=O. r<a,)=O, ... , f<k,-t>(a,)=O,
where p= -2a, q=a 2 b 1 are re_al numbers.
If the number a+ bi is a root of multiplicity k, the conjugate
number a- bi must be a root of the same multiplicity k, so that
factorisation of the polynomial will yield the same number of
linear factors x-(a+bi) as those of the form x-(a-bi).
Thus, a polynomial with real coefficients may be factored into
real factors of the first and second degree of corresponding
multiplicity; that is,
f (x) = A 0 (x- a.)k (x -a 2
)k ..
, .. (x-ar)kr(x'+p.x+q 1 ) 1 (x'+psx+qsY'
250 Complex Numbers. Polynomials
I, {1) put x=x.; then, taking into account equality (2), we get
Yo= C 0 (x 0 -x,) (x 0 - X 2 ) (x 0 -Xn),
C = Yo
o (x0 -x 1 )(x0 -x1 ) ... (x 0 -Xn)
Then, setting x = x,, we get
y,=C,(x,-x.)(x,-x.) ... (x,-xn),
c t
(x 1 -x 0) (x, -x 1 )
(x1 -xn)
C = Yn _
n (Xn -x0 ) (Xn-X 1 ) (Xn-X 1 ) (Xn -Xn- 1 )
Substituting these values of the coefficients into (1), we get
p (x) = (x-x,) (x-x1 ) (x-xn) Y +
(x0 -x 1 ) (x 0 -x 2 ) (x 0 -xn) 0
+ -,---(x,_,('-x-x
_x-7)-i-(x_-_x.,>_._.._,(7-x_x"-"n)c..,. y-,-
)(x -x1 2 ) (x -xn) '
Here, C'/: are binomial coefficients, (j) ('~) is the value of the
given function at the point X= m The expression Bn (x) is an nth
degree polynomial called the Bernstein polynomial.
*) It will be noted that the Lagrange interpolation formula (see (3) Sec. 9]
cannot yet answer this question. Its values are equal to those of the function
at the points x 0 , x 1 , x2 , . . . , Xn, but they may be very far from the values
o! the function at other points of the interval [a, b].
Exercises on Chapter VII 253
-i; i - {
+ i sin
sions in terms of powers of sin x and cos x: sin 2x, cos 2x, sin 4x, cos 4x,
3 . 9. Express the following expres-
sin 5x, cos 5x. to. Express the following in terms of the sine and cosine of
multiple arcs: cos 2 x, cos x, cos' x, cos 8 x; sin2 x, sin' x, sin 4 x, sin5 x. 11. Divide
{(x)=x'-4x 2 +Bx-1 by x+4. Ans. f(x)=(x+4) (x 2 -8x+40)-161, that
is, the quotient is equal to x 2 -8x+40; and the remainder is f(-4)=-161.
12. Divide {(x)=x 4 +12x'+54x"+108x+81 by x+3. Ans. f(x)=
=(x+3)(x'+9x"+27x+27). 13. Divide f(x)=x 1 - l by x-1. Ans. f(x)=
8 8
= (x-1) (x +x +x+x' +x" +x+ 1).
254 Complex Numbers. Polynomials
Bdx)= 3 r3
tion y =sin nx on the interval [0, 1). Ans. B.(x) =0; 8 2 (x) = 2x (1-x);
x(1-x); 8 (x)=2x(1-x)[(2 y2 -3)x 2 -(2 V2 -3)x+ V2].
;~I 0
I 3
I 0 I 1.5 2 3
:1 0 2 3 4 6
3 0 3 4.5 6 9
4 0 4 6 8 12
lim [f (x 0 +~X, Yo+ ~y)- f (X 0 , Yo)l = 0. (1")
lly-+ 0
We set ~Q= V(~x) 2 + (~Y) 2 (see Fig. 168). As ~x-0 and ~y-0,
~Q-0; and conversely, if ~Q-0, then ~x-+0 and ~y--.0.
Noting further that the expression in the square brackets in (1")
is the total increment of the function ~z, (1") may be rewritten
in the form
lim ~z=O. ( 1'")
X d
Fig. 170. Fig. 171.
This means that a function z along any straight line passing through the
origin retains a constant value that depends upon the slope k of the line.
Thus; approaching the origin along different paths we will obtain different
limiting vaiues, and this means that the function f (x, y) has no limit when
the point (x, y) in the xy-plane approaches the origin. Thus, the function is
discontinuous at this point. It is impossible to redefine this function at the
coordinate origin so that it should become continuous. On the other hand, it
is readily seen that the function is continuous at all other points.
Example 3.
u =x2 + y 2 +xtz',
au B au au z au 1
i}x=2x+tz; -ay=2y; i}z= 3xtz; i}t =XZ.
Since it is assumed that the partiai derivatives are continuous,
lim at (i, Y+ l'lY> = at(x, y) .: }
AX-+0 ax ax
~-0 ~)
lim at (x, y) =at (x, y)
Ax-+o ay ay
(because andx y
respectively lie between x and x 6-x, and y +
and y+ 6-y, x
and y
approach x and y, respectively, as flx-+0
and 6-y.-+ 0). Equalities (6) may be rewritten in the form
The sum of the two latter terms of the right side is an infini-
tesimal of higher order relative to flQ= 6.x 2 fly 2 Indeed, the +
ratio y,tlx -+0 as AQ-+0, since '\'t is an infinitesimal and tlx
i'lQ AQ
Totq,l" Increment and Total Dif!erential 267
M=30.1 + 20.2+0.10.2 =0.72;
dz=30.1 +2-0.2=0.7.
Fig. 173 is an illustration of this example.
f(x+Ax, y+Ay)=f(x,y)+dz. (I)
We had the approximate formula
dz:::::::.dz, (2)
iJf iJf
dz =ax dx+ a-yAy. (3)
But since
270 Functions of Se.ver(ll Variables .
wt> get
Comparing the results of. (5) and (6), we see that they differ by the quan-
tity n(Hk 2 +2Rk'+k'), which consists of terms of second and third order of
smallness relative to k.
Let us apply these formulas to numerical examples.
Let R=4 em, H=20 em, k=O.I em.
Applying (5), we get, exactly,
v = n (24 -20-0.1 +4'0.1 +20-0.l'+ 2-4 -O.J2+ 0.1') = 17.88ln.
Applying formula (6), we have, approximately,
v:::::: n (2-4 -20-0.1 + 4 2 -0.1) = 17 .6n.
Hence, the approximate formula (6) gives an answer with an error less than
0.3n, which is 100 ~~:~n % . which is less than 2% of the measured
Here, the values of the partial derivatives and the errors of the
arguments may be either positive or negati\'e. Replacing them by
the absolute values, we get the inequality
I. Let tl=x+y+z. then
I ~u 1=1 ~x 1+1 ~*y 1+1 ~*z 1.
2. Let u=x-y, then
I~ *u I= I~ *xI+ I~ *y I
3. Let u = xy, then
1~ *u I= I x II~ *y I+ IY II~ *xI
4. Let u = .=_
, then
5. The hypotenuse c and the leg a of a right triangle ABC, determined with
maximum absolute errors l~*cj=0.2, l~*al=0.1, are, respectively, c=75,
a=32. Determine the angle A from the formula slnA=~; and determine the
maximum absolute error 1~A 1 when calculating the angle A.
Solution. sinA=~. 'A=arcsln~. hence,
c c
oA oA a
iJa vc-a' iJc = c }fc-a'
From formula (2) we get
6. In the right triangle ABC, let the. leg b = 121.56 and the angle
A =2521'40", and the maximum absolute error in determining the leg b is
1 ~ *b 1=0.05 metre, the maximum absolute error in determining the angle A
is I~*A1=12".
Determine the maximum absolute error in calculating the leg a from the
formula a=b tan A.
Solution. From formula (2) we find
l~*al=ltan All~*bi+~I~*Ai.
cos :
Substituting the appropriate values (and remembering that I~* A 1 must be
expressed in radians), we get
fur 1
= /;f l1 Ll*xl + l~f l1 Ll*yl+ + l:fl, Ll*t 1. (4)
at at a!
ax f at a
T=axa In!!; ay a If !;
y=ay!n ... , y,= at In If I
For this reason, (3) may be rewritten as follows:
16* u I= \:x In If I jiLl* xl + jfx In If !\ill *y I+ ... +~~ ln If 1\1 Ll*t 1... ,(5)
or briefly,
l6*ul=lll*lnlfll (6)
From both (3) and (5) it follows that the maximum relative error
of the function is equal to the maximum absolute error of the
loga(ithm of this function.
From (6) follow the rules used in approximate calculations.
1. Let u= xy.
Using the results of Example 3, we get
l 6*u I= I x II t:.*x I+ IY II t:.*y l= I t:.*x I+ I t:.*YI = 16* X J + 16*y I'
I xy I I xy I Ix I IY I '
that is, the maximum relative error of a product is equal to the
sum of the maximum relative errors of the factors.
2. If u = ; , then, using the results of Example 4, we have
16* u I= )6* X I+ 16*y I
The Derivative of a Composite Function 273
T=2~-v ~,
where l is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceleration of gravity.
What relative error will be made in determining T when using this for
mula if we take 1t::::::: 3.14 (accurate to 0.005), l =I m (accurate .to 0.01 m),
g= 9.8 mfsec 2 (accurate to 0.02 mfsec 2).
Solution. From (6) the maximum relative error is
I b*T 1=1 d*lnT 1.
I 1
In T= In 2+ In n+ In l - 1ng.
2 2
Calculate 1d *InTI . Taking into account that 1t::::::: 3.14, d *1t = 0.005,
1=1 m, d*I=O.Ol m, g=9.8 mfsec 2, d*g=0.02 mfsec 2 , we get
I T= d*:t +d *I+ d*g = 0.005+0.01 + 0.02 =O 0076
d n n 21 2g 3.14 2 29.8
Thus, the maximum relative error is
b*T = 0.0076 = 0. 76%.
z = (x2 +y2)a (eX+JI + l)a + (x2+ y2) + l.
274 Functions of Sev'l!ral Variabtes
Now suppose that the functions F (u, v), <p (x, y), ' (x, y) have
continuous partial derivatives with respect to all their arguments;
az az .
and we pose the problem: evaluate ax and ay on the basts of
equations (1) and (2) without having recourse to equation (3).
Increase the argument x by llx, holding the value of y cons-
tant. Then, by virtue of equation (2), u and v will increase by
/)."11 and l::i"v.
But if u and v receive increments llxu and llxv, then the func-
tion z = F (u, v) will receive an increment llz defined by formula
(5), Sec. 7, Ch. VI II:
ap ap
llz = au llxu + av Axv + 'Yt llxu -+- 'Yzllxv.
Divide all terms of this equality by llx:
~_~~xU+~ flxV + flxU+ flxV
flX- au flX av flX 'Yt flX 'Yz flX
If llx- 0, then llxu-+ 0 and llxv _,. 0 (by virtue of the conti-
nuity of the functions u and v). But then y1 and 'Yz also approach
zero. Passing to the limit as llx-0, we get
. l lflZ
1I az . I' flxu au. I' flxV
-=-, Ill-=-, Ill-=-,
dX-+O flX ax dX-+O /).X ax dX-+O flX ax
limy 1 =0; limy 2 =0
dX-+0 dX-+0
and, consequently,
~-~&+M~ (4)
ax - au ax av ax .
If we increased the variable y by fly and held x constant, then
by similar reasoning we would find that
az=aFau+oFav (4')
ay au ay av ay
Example 2.
z=ln(u'+v); u=e"+Y", v=x 2 +y;
az 2u iJz I
au=u+v; av=u 2 +v;
iJU 1 au -_ OV OV
QX -
iJy- 0 0 -=2x ay
ax -=1.
~-!!!. . az dy
dx- ax -r- aydx
+ auaz ~ + ~ dv
dx av dx . (6)
Example 3.
z=x 2 + Yy; y=sinx,
az az I dy
ax=2x; ay=2 Yy; dx=COSX.
dz dz iJz d y I . _ I
d-=-a +-a d-=2x+ .r- cosx-2x+ y cosx.
X X Y X 2 y y 2 Sin X
276 Functions of Several Variables
aF aF
ax llx + ay lly + Y1 llx + YzllY = 0.
Divide the latter equality by !lx and calculate ~~ r
flY ax +'Yt
ay +'Yz
Let !lx approach zero. Then, taking into account that y 1 and Ya
also approach zero and that ~~=FQ, we have, in the limit,
Yx=- aF. (1)
We have proved the existence of the derivative of a function y;
defined implicitly, and we have found the formula for calcu-
lating it.
Example 1. The equation
defines y as an implicit function of x. Here,
aF aF
F(x, y)=x 2 +if-1, ax=2x; ay=2y.
It will be noted that the given equation defines two different functions
[since to every value of x in the interval (-1, 1) there correspond two
values of y]; however, the value that we found of y:
holds for both functions.
Example 2. An equation is given that connects x and y:
eY-e" +xy =0.
Here, F(x, y)=eY-e"+xy,
aF x aF
ax=-e +y; ay=eY+x.
aF aF iJF
ax =2xy; ay =x; Fz =ez +I;
az 2xy az x
. ax= - e + I ; ay = - e + I '
:: =2xy; ~y=x2+3yz;
;;! = 2y; a~~~Y =a ~:y) = 2x;
ay ax=
a(x + 3y
Example 2. Compute axtay and - - i 2 2 az
2 f z=y eX+x y'+l.
ay ax
Solution. We successively find
ax2 ay = ye
2 X
+ 6y '
axz= 2ye"+6y.2
au -
ax -Z e
2 X+Y"
ar (x, y, t) and at (x, y, t)
ax ay at at ax ay '
and so forth. It turns out that the following theorem is true.
Theorem. If the function z=f(x, y) and its partial derivatives
f~, f~, fxu and f;x
are defined and continuous at a point M (x, y)
and in some neighbourhood of it, then at this point
azr ar
ax ay= ay ax
Partial Derivatives of Different Orders 281
1jl' (Y)=f~ (x + 11x, Y)- f~ (x, y).
Again applying the Lagrange theorem we get
f~ (x + 11x, y)- f~ (x, y) = 11xf~x (x, y),
where x
lies between x and x+ 11x.
Thus, the original expression of A may be written in the
A= !1y !1xf~x (x, y). (2)
The left members 'Of (1) and (2) are equal to A, therefore the
right ones are equal. too; that is,
11x.i::.yt;u (x, Y) = 11y !1xf~x (x, y),
t:u (~ Y> = f~x (x, y).
Passing to the limit in this equality as 11x -+0 and 11y-+ 0,
we get
lim t:u (x, Y) = lim f~x (x, y).
ax -+ 0 l;.x -+ 0 .
liy -+ 0 liy -+ 0
Since the derivatives fxu and fux are continuous at the point
(x, y), we have lim t:u (x, Y) =fxy (x, y)
lix-+ o
liU-+ o _, .;
and lim f~x (x, Y) = f~x (x, y). And finally we gef
lix-+ o
liy -+ 0
f;y (x, y) = f~x (x, y),
as required.
A corollary of this theorem is that if the partial derivatives
anr anr
-.,---'-~ and k k are continuous, then
axk ayn -k ayn- ax
anr - anr
axkayn-k- ayn-k axk"
A similar theorem holds also for a function of any number of
au au . _ xy I
Example 4. Find . ax ay az and ay az ax I 1 u -e s n z.
au au
ax =ye"Y Sin Zi. ax ay =e"Y Sin Z+xye"Y slnz =e"Y (I +xy) slnzj
Level Surfaces 283
as u . au azu
a a a =e"Y (1 +xy) cosz; -a =xe"Y slnz; - - =xe"Y cosz;
X y z y ax az
ay az ax =e"Y COS z +xye"Y cos z =e"Y {1 + xy) cos z.
as u au
ax ay az = ay az ax
(also see Examples 1 and 2 of this section).
Fig. 175. Fig. 176.
Fig. 177.
Directional Derivative 285
f).s from its origin, let us consider a point M, (x+ /).x, Y+ f).y, z+ f).z).
/).s = V /).xz + f).yz + f).zz.
We shall assume that the function u (x, y, z) is continuous and
has continuous derivatives with respect to their arguments in the
region D.
As in Sec. 7, we will represent the total increment of the
function as follows:
~ ~ ~ ..
f).u = ;;- f).x + ;;- Ay + :o f).z + ~'\ f).x + .8 2 /).Y + eaf).z, (1)
vX vy ~ .
It is obvious that
t:.x t:,.y t:,.z
t:,.s =cos a, t:,.s =cos~. t:,.s =cosy.
I 3
cos f} = .r-
f 14
cos v= .lOA.
f 14
au au .. 2. au I au 3
Fig. 178. as, =ax T4+.~y Vl4 + az VI4.
axau =2.t,; ay
Tz =2z;
au I I I
asz = 2. 3 + 2. 3 + 2. 3 = v63 = 2 ,r-3.
We note here (and it will be needed later on) that 2 Y3 > .J:__
f 14
(fig. 178).
then obvious that MP =I grad u I cos cp, if q> is the angle between
the directions of the gradient and the segment MP (here, cp < ~ ) ,
or MP = ~~. Obviously, when the direction of the vector S is
will be
2 1 I
cos a- = - ' cos~= ,r 3 ' cos v= ,r-3 .
- y 2 +2 + 2
2 2 2
3 , y
And so
iJs =I grad u I
Note. If the function u = u (x, y) is a function of two variables,
then the vector y
au- t"+au
gra d U =OX -J.
Fig. 182. Fig. 183.
2 2
Example 2. Determine the gradient of the function u= x +Y (Fig. 182)
2 3
at the point M {2, 4).
290 Functions of Several Variables
Solution. Here
grad u=2i+yJ.
The equation of the level line (Fig. I83) passing through the given point
will be
+ 2iI [A (x-a) + 2B
(x-a) (y-b) + C (y- b) + R 2
] 1, (1)
where TJ 1 = b + 91 (y- b), 0<9 1 <1. Expand the functions f (x, b),
f~ (x, b), f~y (x, b) in a Taylor's series in powers of (x-a), con-
fining yoursell to mixed derivatives up to the third order inclu-
Taylor's Formula for a Function of Two Variables 291
f (x, b)=
=f(a, b)+x 1 nf:(a, b)+(x 1 .;) f~x(a, b)+~. ~~f~:x(~ 1 , b), (3) 2
~.=x+8.(x-a), 0<8.< 1;
f~(x, b)=f~(a, b)+x-;-aJ:x(a, b)+<\. 2a)f~~x( 2 , b), (4)
~.=x+ 8.(x-a), 0<8.< 1;
f~u(X, b)= f~u (a, b)+ x 1 a f~~x (~ b), (5)
Sa =x+64 (x-a), 0<6 <1. 4
Substituting expressions (3), (4) and (5) into formula (2), we get
x-a ' (x-a) 2 "
f (x, y)=f(a, b)+-1-fx(a, b)+-r:2 fxx(a, b)+
(x-a)1 '" y-b [ ' x-a
+~fxxx(~ 1 b)+-1- fu(a, b)+-1-fux(a, b)+
2 2
x-a "' ]
fuxx (~ b) +-
"' (y-b)]
1 .-
fuu (a, b)+ - 1- fuux (~ b) +
(y- b) "'
+~ fuuu(X, TJ).
R,=3i1 [L\x"
M" "'
L\X L\y
fxxx(~ 1 , b)+3~ xxy(~ 2 , b}-j-
L\XL\y "' L\y' "'
+3 ~ fxuu (~ b)+ M"
fuuu (a, t'J)] ilQ
Since I Llx I< ilQ, ILly 1< L\e and the third derivatives are bounded
(this is given}, the coefficient of Lle" is bounded in the domain
under consideration; let us denote it by a 0
Then we can write
R. = aolle'.
In this notation, Taylor's formula (6) will then, for the case n = 2,
lake the form
f (x, y) = f (a, b)+ Llxf: (a, b)+ Llyf~ (a, b)+
+ ;, [llx t:x (a, b)+ 26.x.!ly t: 11 (a, b)+ Lly fuu (a, b)]+ a 0 ilQ1 {6')
Fig 184.
sin (x 2 +y )>02
and therefore
f (x, y)<f (0, 0).
Let us now denote the values of the second partial der ivatlves
at the point M 0 (x 0 ,. Yo) in terms of A, B, C: '
(ax M,.= A.
. .(iJxiJy
at ) Mo = B; (at)
ay Mo =c.
296 Functions of Several Variables
M= ; 2
(AQ) 2 [A cos cp + 28 cos cp sin cp + C sin cp + 2a.Ae1. 2
3') Let AC- B 2 <0, A >0. In this case the function has neither
a maximum nor a minimum. The fundion increases when we move
from the point (X 0 , Yo) in certain directions and decreases when
we move in other directions. Indeed, when moving along the ray
<p = 0, we have
(iJ z) (az)
2 02
A- -6 8- ( z ) --3 c = a----z = 6;
- OX 2 X=l- ' - OXOy X = l - ' Y x=t
Y=l y=t y=l
Investigate the character of the critical points using the sufficiency condi-
tions. Find the second-order partial derivatives of the function u:
0 2U 0 2U
i}x2= -2y; OX oy =a-2x-2y; oy'= -2x.
Which means that at the point M 2 there is neither a maximum nor a mini
n1um. At the point M 1 (a, 0) we have A=O, B=-a, C=-2a:
AC-8 1 = -a 2 <0.
At M 1 too there is neither a maximum nor a minimum. At the point
~ ~) we have A=- ; ; B ~- ~ ; C = - ~;
M4 ( ,
4a 2 a2
AC-B'=g--g-> 0; A< 0.
Hence, at M 4 we have a maximum.
The latter equality is fulfilled at all extremum points. Choose 'A
such that for the values of x and y which correspond to the extre-
302 Functions of Several Variables
ax ax ,
~+ 1.. acp=O (6)
ay ay '
cp(x, Y)=O.
From these equations determine x, y, and A.; the latter only played
an auxiliary role and will not be needed an more1
From this conclusion it follows that equations (6) are necessary
conditions of a conditional extremum; or equations (6) are satisfied
at the extremum points. But there will not be a conditional extre-
mum for every x and y (and A.) that satisfy equations (6). A sup
plementary investigation of the nature of the critical point is re-
quired. In the solution of concrete problems it is sometimes pos-
sible to establish the character of the critical point from the
statement of the problem. It will be noted that the left-hand sides
of equations (6) are partial derivatives of the function
F (x, y, 1..) = f (x, y) + l..cp (x, y) (7)
with respect to the variables x, y and 1...
Thus, in order to find the values of x and y which satisfy con-
dition (2), for which the function u = f (x, y) can have a condi-
tional maximum or a conditional minimum, one has to construct
an auxiliary function (7), equate to zero its derivatives with re-
spect to x, y, and 1.., and from the three equations (6) thus
obtained determine the sought-for x, y (and the auxiliary factor A.).
The foregoing method can be extended to a study of the condition-
al extremum of a function of any number of variables.
Let it be required to find the maxima and minima of a function
of n variables, u = f (x1 , x .. , xn) provided that the variables
*) For the sake of definiteness, we shall assume that at the critical points
~: ~ o.
Maximum and Minimum of a Function of Several Variables 303
~ +A,
OXn , 1
iJ<p, + .. +A,
m OXn
= 0 J
and from the m + n equations (8) and (9) determine x" x., ... , xn
and the auxiliary unknowns A.,, ... , 'A.m. Just as in the case of a
function of two variables, we shall, in the general case, leave
undecided the question of whether the function, for the values
found, will have a maximum or minimum or will have neither.
We will decide this matter on the basis of additional reasoning.
Example l. Let us return to the problem formula ted at the beginning of
this section: to find the maximum or the function
v =xyz
provided that
xy+xz+yz-a=O (x>O, y>O, z>O). (10)
We form the auxiliary function
F(x, y, A.)=xyz+A.(xy+xz+yz-a).
Find its partial derivatives and equate them to zero:
yz +A. (y + z) = 0, }
xz+A.(x+z)=O, (I i)
The problem reduces to solving a system of four equations (10) and (II)
In four unknowns (x, y, z and A.). To solve this system, multiply the first of
304 Functions of Several Variables
equations (11) by x, the second by y, the third by z, and add; taking (10)
into account we find that /., = -
~~z. Putting this value of /., into equations ,
(II) we get
yz [1-~ (y+z)J =0,
xz [1-~(x+z)J =0,
xy [1-~(x+u)J =0.
Since it is evident from the statement of the problem that x, y, z are diffe-
rent from zero, we get from the latter equations
3x 3y 3z
2li (y + z) = I, a (x + z) = 1, 2a (x + y) = 1.
From the first two equations we find x=y, from the second and third equations,
y=z. But then from equation (10) we get x=y=z= ]-.This is the y
only system of values of x, y, and z, for which there can be a maximum or
1t can be proved that the solution obtained yields a maximum. Incidentally,
this is also evident from geometrical reasoning (the stat~ment of the problem
indicates that the volume of the box cannot be big without bound; it is
therefore natural to expect that for some definite values of the sides the
volume will be a maximum).
Thus, for the volume of the box to be a maximum, the box must be a
cube, an edge of which is equal to y: .
Example 2. Determine the maximum value of the nth root of a product
of numbers x 1 , x,, ... , Xn provided that their sum is equal to a given num
ber a. Thus, the problem is stated as follows: it i~ required to find the max-
imum of the function u = JY
x 1 Xn on the condition that
x 1 +x,+ ... +xn-a=O
(x 1 > 0,
X 2 > 0, ... , Xn > 0).
is fulfilled (since it has already been proved that ~ is the maximum of this
function). Now substituting into (13) the value of a obtained from (12), we get
This inequality holds for all positive numbers xl' x 2 , , Xn The expression
on the left-hand side of (14) is called the geometric mean of these numbers.
Thus, the geometric mean of several positive numbers is not greater than
their arithmetic mean.
x2 y2 aF 2x aF 2y
F(x, Y)=az+fiZ-l; ax=i2; ay=fi2
the derivatives ~~ and ~: vanish on\~ when x = 0, y = 0, but th~se
values of x and y do not satisfy the equation of the ellipse.
Consequently, the ellipse does not have any singular points.
Without undertaking a detailed investigation of the behaviour
of a curve near a singular point, Jet us examine some examples
of curves that have singular points.
Example I, Investigate the singular points of the curve
y 2 -x(x-a) 2 =0 (a>O).
Solution. Here, F (x, g)= y 2 -x (x-a) 2 and therefore
aF aF
ax =(x-a)(a-3x); ay=2y.
Solving thethree equations simultaneously,
aF aF
F (x, y) =0, ax =0, ay =0,
we ftnd the only system of values of x and y that satisfy them:
Xo=a, Yo=D.
Consequently, the point M 0 (a, 0) is a singular point of the curve.
Let us investigate the behaviour of the curve near a singular point and
then const rud the curve.
Singular Points of a Curve 307
u=-~ vf-
On the interval 0 < x <a we have y < 0; for x > 1- y' > 0; as x- oo y- oo.
For x =a we have y' = Va, which means that at the singular point M 0 (a, 0)
the branch of the curve y= +(x-a) Yx has a tangent
u= Ya (x-a).
corresponds, since the branch of the curve corresponding to the minus sign is
symmetric with the first about the x-axis.
The function y is defined only for x ;-;. 0, it is nonnegative and increases
as x increases.
Let us find the first and second derivatives of the function y= Yx 1 :
y'=; Yx;
For x=O we have y=O, y' =0. And so the given branch of the curve has a
tangent y = 0 at the origin. The second branch of the curve y = - YXJ also
passes through the origin and has the same tangent y = 0.
Y Thus, two different branches of the curve meet at the ori-
gin, have the same tangent, and are situated on different
sides of the tangent. This kind of singular point is called
a cusp of the first kind (Fig. 188).
Note. The curve y 2 -x1 =0 may be regarded as a limit-
ing case of the curve y 2 =x (x-a) 2 =0 (considered in Exam-
ple 1) as a->- 0; that is, when the loop of the curve is
contracted into a point.
x Example 3. Investigate the curve
Solution. The coordinates of the singular points are de-
fined by the following set of equations:
-4x(y-x 2)-5x 4 =0; 2(y-x')=0,
Fig. 186. which has only one solution: x=O, y=O. Hence, the
oTJgln is a singular point.
Rewrite the given equation in the form
Y=x 2 Yx'.
From this equation it follows that x can take on values from 0 to + oo.
Let us determine the first and second derivatives:
Thus, in this case the two branches of the curve meet at the ongtn; both
branches have the same tangent and are situated on the same side of the
tangent near the point of tangency. This kind of singular point is _called a
cusp of the second kind. The graph of this
function is shown in Fig. 189. Y
Example 4. Investigate the curve
y 2 -x'+x'= 0.
Solution. The origin is a singular point.
To investigate the curve near this point re-
write the equation of the curve in the form
y= X 2 v1 x2
Since the equation of the curve contains
only even powers of the variables, the curve
is symmetric about the coordinate axes and,
consequentlr, it is sufficient to investigate
that part o the curve which corresponds to Fig. 189.
the positive values of x and y. From the
latter equation it follows that x can vary over the interval from 0 to I, that
is, O..;;;;xo;;;;l.
Let us evaluate the first derivative for that branch of the curve which is
a graph of the function y= +x' V1-x2 :
y' x (2-3x 2)
V1-x 2
For x = 0 we haye 1J = 0, 'y' = 0. Thus, the curve touches the x-axis af the
For x=1 we have y=O, y'=(Y); consequently, at the point (1, 0) the
tangent is parallel to the y-axis. For x= Yi the function has a maximum
(Fig. 190).
At the origin (at the singular point) the two branches of the curve corre-
sponding to plus and minus in front_ of the radical sign are mutually tangent.
A singular point of this kind is
Y called a point of osculation (also
known as tacnode or_ double cusp).
yt-x"'+xs=o Example 5. Investigate the curve
y 2 -x 2 (x-1)=0.
Solution. Let us wr_ite the sys-
tem of equations defining the sin-
gular points: -
y 2 -x 2 (x-1)=0;
Fig. 190. -3x 2 +2x=0, 2y=0.
This system has the solution
x = 0, y = 0. Therefore, the- point
(0, 0) Is a singular point of the curve. Let us rewrite the given equation in
the form
u= x Vx--=-1.
310 Functions of SetJerar Variables
It is obvious that x can vary from I to oo and also take the value 0 (in
which case y=O). .
Let us investigate the branch of the curve corresponding to the plus sign
in front of the radical. As x increases from I to oo, y increases from 0 to oo.
The derivative
, 3x-2
y = .
2 Yx-1
Ans. - = -
az 2 az 2x
8. u=e
au 1 y'
ax . Vx+u"
ay= y Y x'+y'
ax y e
au X .:._ Z _:_ au 1 ..!. az
y y2 ' az y
z= arc sin (x+ y).
9. Ans. ax=
I az z=.arc tan,/ x u".
az y
10. Ans. ax= y~;
= Jfl-(x+ y) 2 JY V x'+y" x x-y
P? _-y
oy vx-y .
Find the total diFferentials of the-following functions: 11. z=x'+xy'+slny.
Ans. dz=(2x+y")dx+(2xy+cosy)dy. 12. z=ln(xy). Ans. dz=dx+~.
X y
Exercises on Chapter V Ill 3\l
, / 1 +x 1
19. Do the same for V 1
+u+ . Ans. 1 +
2 2 (x-y-z).
. i'Jz
20. F !nd l.fX and
ay 'tf Z=u+o; o=ln (x+y).
& 1 & . 1
Ans. a-=2x+2o-+
X X y ; vy;;-=Cosy+2o-+ X y .
02 a2. , /I+ u i'Jz
21. Find i'Jx and oy tf z = V o=cosx. Ans. ;rx=
1 + 0 ; u = -cos x;
1 02
=---X ; Oy =0.
2 cos
22. Find ~ and~ if z=eu-u, u=sin x, o=.r'+!l Ans. !;=
=eU-11/D (COS X-6X 2 ), i)y ==ieU-11/D (0-2 2y) = -'-4yea-HJ.
23.Find the total derivatives of the given functions: z =arc sin (u + o);
oz . n n
U=Sinxcosa; ti=COSXSina. ~ns. i'Jx=1 If 2kn-2<x+a<2kn+2 1
oz . n n e"x (y-z)
;rx=-ltf2kn+ 2 <x+a<(2k+1)n+ 2 . 24. u=
; y=asinx;
ou , r::;-:-;; i'Jz
Z=COSX. Ans. ax=eax sin x. 25. Z=ln (1-x'); X= f sm6; aa= -2 tan 6.
Find the derivatives of implicit functions of x given by the following equa-
x y dy b2 x x y 2 dy
tions: 26. a2 +-b.-1=0. Ans. d-=- x 2a - -.-b 2 =1. Ans. -d
y . 27. a~ x
b X x dy yxY-l-yX iny
= % - 28. y =xY.Ans. -d = x Yl . 29. sin(xy)-exY-xy=O.
a y x xy - 1 '-X n x
312 Functions of Several Variables
dy y [cos (xy)-exY-2x] x 2 y 2 z2 oz o?
Ans. -dx = x [ x +xy
e -cos (xy )]' 30. .a2 +b.+ 2c =1; fmd ;;-and;;-
vX vy
oz c2x. oz c2y . . ow ow iJw
Ans. ;;- = - 2 , ;;- =- b2 . 31. u-v tan aw=O, fmd ;;-and;;-. Ans. ;;- =
vX a Z vy Z vU vV vU
= cos 2 aw ; ow=_ sin 2aw . 32 22 + ~ = y yz_ 22 show that xz!!! + _!_oz =..!. .
av OV 2av X ' OX y oy Z
33. !__ = F show that x ~z + y ~z =z, no matter what the differentiable
X Z vX vy
function F.
Compute the second-order partial derivatives:
ozz ozz
34. Z=X 3 -4x 2y+5y 2 . Ans. oxz=6x-By; iJyox -Bx; =
azz x sin y
35. z=eXiny+sinyinx. Ans. sz=e lny --2-'
vX. X
azz ex .
oyz=- y' -smy In x.
o o
36. Prove that tf U=v xz +I yz + zZ 'thena-z+;;z+-a
vy z
. . ox.
semt-axts of
Ans. -ox
43. f(x, y)=x 3 +3x 2 +4xy+y 2 Show that at the point M ( ~ , -~)the
derivative in any direction is equal to zero (the "function is stationary").
44. or
all triangles with the same. perimeter 2p, determine the triangle
with greatest area. Ans. Equilateral triangle.
45. Find a rectangular parallelepiped of greatest volume for a given total
surface S. Ans. A cube with edge V~ .
Exercises on Chapter VIII 313
46. Find the distance between two straight lines in space whose equations
x-1 y z x y z V2
are -1-=2=T' y=y=T Ans. T
Test for maximum and minimum the functions:
47. z=x 3 y 2 (a-x-y). Ans. Maximum z at x=]-;y=;.
Fig. 193.
Let us write the equation of the helix, denoting by x, y, and z the coor-
dinates of its variable point M and by t the angle AOP (see Fig. 194). Then
x=acost, y=asint, Z=PM=AP tan e,
where e denotes the acute angle of the triangle C,AC. Noting that iP =at,
since AP is an arc of the circle of radius a corresponding to the central angle
t, and designating tan in terms of m, we get the parametric equations of
the helix in the form
x=a cost, y=a sin t, z=amt
X C,
Fig. 194.
x am
Tllis is the so-called helicoid. It is generated as the trace of a half-line
parallel to the xy-plane if the end point of this half-line lies on the z-axis and
if the half-line itself rotates about the z-axis at a constant angular velocity,
and rises with constant velocity so that its extremity is translated along the
z-axis. The helix is the line of intersection of these two surfaces, and so can
be represented by two equations:
x 2 +y'=a2 , .!L=tan.!.....
x am
The Limit and Derivative of the Vector Function 317
lim lr(t)l=lrol
If the functions cp (t), 'iJ (t), x(t) have derivatives for the chosen
value of t, the factors of i, j, k will in the limit become the de-
rivatives tp' (t), 'I>' (t), x' (t) as M -0. Therefore, in this case the
limit of!~ asM-Oexistsand isequaltothevectorcp' (t)i+'i''(t)j+
+X' (t)k:
lim !~ = cp' (t) i +'I>' (t) j + x' (t) k.
a<D, d:r: + a<D, +
dy a<D, dz =O }
ax dt ay dt (}z dt
a<Da dx + a<D. dy + a<D. dz = 0. (9)
ax dt ay dt az dt
a<D. a<D.
ax au
These formulas are meaningful only when at least one of the
determinants mvolved is different from zero. But if at some point
3~2 A pp/ications of Differential Calculus to Solid Geometru
a<I>. = 2x a<I>.=2y-2r
OX '
a<I> 1 =2r
v r ..:.
For this reason the equation of the tangent line has the form
X-r Y-r Z-r Jl2
-o-= Jf2= -I
The equation of the normal plane is
Jf2 (Y -r)-(Z-r Jf2)=0.
=<p; (t) l + \jl; (t)}+ x; (t) k+ <p: (t) l + \jl~ (t)}+ x~ (t) k=r; +r~.
d [r1 (t) +r 2 (t)] = dr1 + dr 2
dt dt dt
I I. The derivative of a scalar product of vectors is expressed by
the formula
2edl =0,
that is, the scalar product
ecn =0,
The arc length*) of a space curve M 0 A = s (Fig. 198) is deter-
mined just as in the case of curves in a plane. When a variable
point A (x, y, z) moves along a curve, the arc length s varies;
conversely, when s varies, the coordinates x, y, z of a variable
point A lying on the curve also vary. Therefore, the coordinates
x, y, z of a variable point A of the curve may be regarded as
functions of the arc length s:
x = <p (s),
y = 'll (s),
z = x (s).
*) The arc length of a space curve is defined in exactly the same way as
\he arc length of a plane curve (see Sec. I, Ch. VI and Sec. 3, Ch. XII).
First and Second Derivatives of Vector with Respect to Arc Length 325
AB = ~r= r (s + ~s)-r(s),
6,s = AB .
Hence, s
is a unit vector in the direction of the tangent; let us
denote it by 0':
as=a. (2)
If the vector r is represented by the projections
ds dsJ
ds '
tion ~7., that is, the derivative with respect to s, and deter-
mine its geometric significance.
From formula (2) it follows that
r d
ds 2 = ds
ds =
O'+~O'=O'+L 1 K.
But then from (4) it follows that ds = K; which means that the
length of the derivative of a unit vector*) of a tangent with res-
pect to the arc length is equal to the curvature of the line at the
given point. Since the vector o is a unit vector, its derivative
dd~ is perpendicular to it (see Sec. 3, Ch. IX, Corollary).
_!_ _ -. /
R - V
(ddsx)' + (dds'y)' + (d'z)'
ds' (6')
I ~,.=
1 *)
we have
( ~)
dt = (~)
dt (8)
Substituting into formula (6) the expression obtained for :7z we get
- (~)'
. ds d 2s
Expressmg dt and dt' by formulas (8) and (9) in terms of the
derivatives of r (f), we get*)
dr by {(dr)'}'
square of the vector dt; iii , the third power of (dr)'
ill . The ex-
. (dr).
pressiOn di 1s meanmg . 1ess.
*"') We uhlised the identity a 2b 2 -(ab) 2 =(axb? whose validity is readily
recognisable if one rewrites the identity as foUows: a 2 b 2 -(ab cos <p) 2 = (ab sin <p) 1
Osculating Plane. Binormal. Torsion 331
~~ = - i a sin t +1 a cos I+ k am,
d 2r
dt=- i a cos t-1a sin I,
i 1 k
dr d 2r
ill x dt= -a sin t a cost am = ia 2 m sin t -1 a 2m cost+ ka 2,
-a cost -a sint 0
1 a 4 (m"+l)
R= [a (I+ m2 ) ] 1 = a (1 +m 2) ' '
R=a (1 m2 ) =const.
Thus, the helix has a ronstant radius of curvature.
Definition 1. The plane passing through the tangent line and the
principal normal to a given curve at the point A is called an
osculating plane at the point A.
For the plane of a curve, the osculating plane coincides with
the plane of the curve. But if the curve is not a plane curve,
and if we take two points on it, P and PI' we get two different
osculating planes that form a dihedral angle f.t. The bigger the
angle f.t, the more the curve differs in shape from a plane curve.
To make this more precise, let us introduce another definition.
Definition 2. The normal (to a curve) perpendicular to an oscu-
lating plane is called a binormal:
On the binormal let us take. a unit vector b and make its
direction such that the vectors a, n, b form a triple with the
332 Applications ot Differential Calculus to Solid Geometry
1:: I= i;
db I
ds =yn (4)
Osculating Plane. Binormal. Torsion 333
l ~j=
lim _j.l_.
6.s-+o ills I
To summarise, then, the torsion of a curve at a point_ A is
equal, in absolute value, to the limit which is approached
(as dS-+0), by the ratio of the angle 1-1. between the osculating
planes at the point A and the neighbouring point B to the length
I dsj of the arc AB.
If the curve is plane then the osculating plane does not change
its direction and, consequently, the torsion is equal to zero.
From the definition of torsion it is clear that it is a measure
of the deviation of a space curve from a plane curve.
The quantity T is called the radius of torsion of the curve.
Let us find a formula for computing torsion. From (3) and (4)
it follows that
T ds (5)
d 2r
But since n = R CfS2, we have
dn d 3r dR d 2r
ds = R ds 3 +ds ds 2
334 Applications of Diffuential Calculus to Solid Geometry
[ n x Ts =
J d 2r J d'r dR d r }
+ Ys
R "'ifSi" x l R ""liSi
CiS" =
[_n X ds = R [d~
X ds'
*) Indeed,
dr drds
Differentiating this equality once again with respect to t, we get
d2 r d (dr) ds ds dr d 2s d 2r ( ds)' dr d 2s
dt =ds ds dtdt+dsdt= ds 2 dt, +dS dt
Differentiate it once more with respect to t:
2 2 2
d'r d ( d r) ds ( ds)" d r 2 d s d s d (dr) ds d 2s dr d's
dt'=ds ds dt dt +ds" dtdt 2 +ds ds dtdt 2 +dsdt 1 =
d'r (ds)' d 2r ds d 2s drd's
= dSS dt +3 ds 2 dt dt 2 + ds dt'
Let us now form a triple product:
dr ( d"r d r)
dt dt 2 X (jj8 =
drds { [ d r (ds) dr
=CIS 'iii ds 2 'iii +ds d/ 2
ds] X [ddsr(dsds )' + 3 ddsr iflds d's
2 1
1 1
dr d'r J}
dt +ds dt
2 2 1
dt d/ X dt 1 ds ds X ds 1 dt '
Osculating Plane. Binormal. Torsion 335
section, that
dr[ d'r
dr J
dr[ d r X d r
J= di ([l!x(W
{ (~r}'
ds ds ds
dr [ d'r
dt ([[2xdf3
dr J
-r=- '[~x:;~r . (7)
( ~)
= (t!!.)2
dl '
then M is called a singular point of the surface. If at M (x, y, z)
all three derivatives ~= ~: ~~ exist and are continuous, and at
least one of them differs from zero, then M is an ordinary point
of the surface.
We can now formulate the following theorem.
Theorem. All tangent lines to a given surface (1) at an ordinary
point of it P lie in one plane.
Proof. Let us consider, on a surface, a certain line L, (Fig. 202)
passing through a given point P of the surface. Let this curve be
represented by parametric equations:
X= (jJ (t); y = 'iJ (t); z =X (t). (2)
A Tangent Plane and Normal to a Surface 337
The vector
~= :; i :r
+ J+ :: k. (5)
From the latter equality it follows that the vector N and the
tangent vector ~; to the curve (2) at the point P are perpendicu-
lar. The foregoing reasoning holds for any curve (2) passing
through the point P and lying on the surface. Therefore, every
tangent to the surface at the point P is perpendicular to one and
the same vector N and for this reason
all these tangents lie in a single plane
that is perpendicular to the vector
N. The theorem is prov-ed.
Definition 2. The plane in which
lie all the tangent lines to the lines
on the surface passing through the
given point P is called the tangent
plane to the surface at the point P
(Fig. 203).
Fig. 203. It should be noted that there
may not exist a tangent plane at
the singular points of the surface. At such points, the tangent
lines to the surface may not lie in one plane. For instance, the
vertex of a conical surface is a singular point. The tangents to
the conical surface at this point do not lie in one plane (they
themselves form a conical surface).
Let us write the equation of a tangent plane to a surface (I)
at an ordinary point. Since this plane is perpendicular to the
vector (4), its equation has the form
aF ap aF
ax az (Z-z)=O.
ay (Y-y)+- (6)
If the equation of a surface is given in the form
z=f(x, y), or z-f(x, y)=O,
ap at - aF at ap
ax = - ax ' ay = - ay ' az = 1'
and the equation of the tangent plane is then of the form
that is,
N=grad u.
We have thus proved that the gradient of the function u (x, y, z)
ts tn the direction of the normal to the level surface pas:;ing through
the given point.
340 Applications of Differential Calculus to Solid Geometry
Example. Write the equation of the tangent plane and the equations of
!he norn;tal to the surface of the sphere x + y + z = 14 at the point P (1, 2, 3).
aF aF aF
F(x, y, Z)=x+y 2 +z"-14=0; ax =2x; ay =2y; az =2z;
for x=l, y=2, z=3 we have
axF = 2; aF = 4 aF = 6.
a ay ' az
Therefore, the equation of the tangent plane will be
2 (x-1) +4 (y-2) +6 (z-3)=0 or x+2y +3z-14=0.
The equations of the normal are
x-1 y-2 z-3
-2-= -4---6-
x-! y-2 z-3
Exercises on Chapter IX
Find the derivatives of the vectors: 1. r=lcott+jarctan t.
Ans. r' = - si~ 1 l + 1 ~ 1.J. 2. r=le- 1+ j2t +kIn I. Ans. r' =-le-t+
2 k tJ j k
-y+p A 2l j
ns. r' =I+Ji-iT"
4. Find the vector of a tangent, the equations of the tangent and the
equations of the normal plane to the curve r= tl + tj+ t 1k at the point
x-3 y-9 z-27
(3, 9, 27). Ans. r'=l+6J+27k; tangent: --=--=~; normal
1 6
plane: x+6y+27z=786.
5. Find the vector of a tangent, the equations of the tangent and the
equation of the normal plane to the curve r= l cos ~ +} j sin t +k: sin ~ .
Ans. r' = - ; l sin t +~}cos t +; k cos {r; the equation of the tangent
X -cos Y- I II Z It
2 2 sn -sn
-sin cos 1 I the equation of the normal plane:
1 1
cos 2
t t
+X sin t-Y cost -Z cos = - x sin t + y cost +z cos
2 2 where x, y, .z are the
coordinates of that point of the curve at which the normal plane is drawn
(that is, x=cos 2 ~, y= ~ sin t, z.= sin~). .
6. Find the equations of the tangenttothe curve x=t-slnt, y=l-cost,
z = 1 sin ~ and the cosines of the angles that it makes with the coordinate
Exercises orl Chapter I X 341
It is easy to see that if for the given function f (x) there exists
an antideri vative, then this anti derivative is not the only one.
In the foregoing example, we could take the following functions
as antiderivatives: F(x)=~+l; F(x)=~-7 or, generally,
F(x)=x; +C (where C is an arbitrary constant), since
(x; +C)' = x.
On the other hand, it may be proved that functions of the form
~ + C exhaust all anti derivatives of the function x. This follows
from the following theorem.
Theorem. If F, (x) and F 2 (x) are two antiderivatives of the
function f (x) on the interval [a, b ], then the difference between
them is a constant.
Proof. By virtue of the definition of an antiderivative we have
F; (x) = f (x), } (1)
F, (x) = f (x)
for any value of x on the interval [a, b].
Antiderivative and the Indefinite Integral 343
Let us put
Then by (1) we have
F; (x)- F~ (x) = f (x)- f (x) = 0
<p' (x) = [F 1 (x)- F. (x) ]' =0
for any value of x on the interval [a, b]. But from cp' (x) = 0 it
follows that <p (x) is a constant.
Indeed, let us apply the Lagrange theorem (see Sec. 2, Ch. IV)
to the function <p (x), which, obviously, is continuous and differen-
tiable on the interval la, bl.
No matter what the point x on the interval [a, b]; we have,
by virtue of the Lagrange theorem,
<p (x)-<p (a)= (x-a) <p' (6),
where a<6<x.
Since <p' (s) = 0,
<p (x)-<p (a)= 0
w(x) = <p (a). (3)
Thus, the function <p (x) at any point x of the interval [a, b]
retains the value cp (a), and this means that the function 'P (x) is
constant on [a, b]. Denoting the constant <p(a) by C, we get,
from (2) and (3),
F 1 (x)-F. (x) =C.
From the proved theorem it follows that if for a given function
f (x)some one antiderivative F (x) is found, then any other anti-
derivative of f (x) has the form F (x) + C, where C = const.
Definition 2. If the function F (x) is an anti derivative of f (x),
then the expression F (x) + C is the indefinite integral of the
function f (x) and is denoted by the symbol ~ f (X) dx. Thus, by
~ f (x) dx = F (x) + C,
F' (x) = f (x).
Here, the function f (x) is called the integrand, f (x) dx is the element
of integration (the expression under the integral sign), and ~ is
the integral sign. .
Thus, an indefinite integral is a family of functions Y.= F (x) +C.
344 Indefinite I nlegra/s
5. S d~
6. S ~~
Sin X
= -cotx+C.
7. ~ tan x dx = -In I cos xI+ C.
8. ~ cotxdx=lnl sinxj+C.
9. ~ e"' dx=e"'+C.
11. S ~x=arctanx+C.
11 ,. sa
z---+ dx I
.x =-a arc tan-+
2 a C.
12 s~=_!_lnla+xi+C.
a-x 2a a-x
13 Svdx =arcsinx+C.
13' Sy- dx
a-x =arc sin!....a +C.
14. S y dx =In I x+ Vx"aJ +C.
x 2 a2
Note. The table of derivatives (Sec. 15, Ch. III) does not have
formulas corresponding to formulas 7, 8, 11', 12, 13' and 14.
However, differentiation will readily prove the truth of these as
In the case of formula 7 we have
(-In I cosx I)'=- -slnx =tanx,
(~lnj~:;j)' =~[inla+xl-lnla-xl)'=
=~ [a~x+a~x] =a
x 1 '
5 a~=_.!_
-x 2a
It should be noted that the latter formula will also follow from
the general results of Sec. 9, Ch. X.
In the case of formula 14,
(Inlx+Vx"a /)'=
x+ ; x a2 2
(I+ yx xa )=vx a
1 2
2 2
This formula likewise will follow from the general results of Sec. II.
Formulas ll' and 13' may be verified in similar fashion. These
formulas will later be derived from formulas II and I3 (see Sec.4,
Examples 3 and 4).
For proof, let us find the derivatives of the left and right sides
of this equation. On the basis of (4) of the preceding section we
(~ [f, (x) fz (x)] dx)' = f, (x) fz (x), +
0 f, (x) dx+ ~ f (x) dx)' =
Thus, the derivatives of the left and right sides of (1) are equal;
in other words, the derivative of any antiderivative on the left-
hand side is equal to the derivative of any function on the right-
hand side of the equation. Therefore, by the theorem of Sec. 1,
Ch. X, any function on the left of (1) differs from any function
on the right of (1) by a constant term .. That is how we should
understand (1).
Theorem 2. The constant factor may be taken outside the integral
sign; that is, if a=const, then
The derivatives of the right and left sides are equal, therefore,
as in (1 ), the difference of any two functions on the left and
right is a constant. That is:how we should understand equation (2).
When evaluating indefinite integrals it is useful to bear in mind
the following rules.
I. If
~ f (x) dx = F (x) + C,
Sf (ax) dx=~ F (ax) +C. (3)
Ill. If
~ f (x) dx=F (x) + ~
St(ax+b)dx=! F(ax+b)+C. (5)
Equations (4) and (5) are proved by differentiation of the right
and left sides.
Example I.
~ (2x'-3slnx+5Jfx)dx= ~ 2x'dx-~ 3slnxdx+) 5 Vxdx=
= 2 ~ x dx- 3 ~ ~x
sin x dx + 5 dx =
x'+ 1 X I . 10
31 -3 (-cosx)+S-1- - +C= x+3cosx+ x
2 3 Yx+C.
+ 2+1
Example 2.
Example 3.
Sx+ 3 =In I x+31 +C.
Example 4.
Scos 7x dx=; sin 7x+C.
Example 5.
Ssin (2x-6) dx= -~cos (2x- 6>+C.
'ljl' (x) dx= dt,
'ljl' (x) dx
S 'ljl (x) =
T =In It I+ C =In I 'ljJ (x) I+ C.
The following are a number of instances of integration by
Exa~ple 1.. ~ Jfsinx cosxdx=? Wr; mal<e the substitution t=slnx; then
v~inxcosxdx= s
dl=COS xdx and, consequently, s Ytdt= s t dt=
2tf. 2
=T+C= 3 sin ''x+C.
x dx s xdx
Example 2. l+x =?We putt=l+x 2; thendt=2xdx and l+x=
= 2I sdt I
t+C= 21 In(I+x')+C.
dx 1 s a dt 1 s dt 1 1 x
S a'+x=(l! I+t=a I+l 2 =a arc tant+C=aarc tana+C.
Example 4. S dx
,r 2 2 = -
y a -x
. ' 1- ( -x ) 2
sV x
We put 1=-; then
dx=adt, r dx =-
1 s
.radt =
s .r-=arcsm
dt . t+C=
S 2
y a - x2 a y 1-1 2 y 2 l-1
=arc sin!_+ C (if is assumed that a>O).
The formulas 11' and 13' given in the Table of Integrals (see above, Sec. 2)
are derived in Examples 3 and 4.
ax 2 +bx+c=a [x 2 +~x+ ~] =
=a[(x+ 2~r+ ~ - 4b;~)J =a[(x+ ~Yk 1] ,,
c b2 2
a - -4a-2 -
S2x +:+20
352 Indefinite Integrals
= 5 dx
2x"+Bx+20 =2
I s dx
x'+4x+ 10 =
Is x2 +4x+4+ I0-4
Is ~
Let us make the substitution x+2=t, dx=dt. Putting It into the integral
we get the tabular integral
1= 2
I st+
6= 2
Substituting in place of t its expression in terms of x, we finally get
I x+2
I= .r-are tan .r- +C.
2 f 6 f 6
The latter integral is- the integral It> which we are able to
evaluate. In the first _integral make a substitution:
ax"+bx+c=t, (2ax+b)dx=dt.
S~~~~~!)~:= S =In It I +C= In I ax"+ bx+cJC.
And we finally get
1, = :a In Iax + bx + c I+ ( B- ~:) I 1
x+ 3
z.- 2
x x - 5-
-~{(2x-2>+(3+}2) dx =
xz -2x - 5
- _!_ (2x-2) dx 4
- 2 x2 -2.t-5 +
x2 -2x-5
=}lnJx 2 -2x-51+4 S(x-~;._ 6 =
I 2 I /J/6-(x-1)1
2 lnJ..:
r 6
III. Let us consider the integral
Bv means of transformations considered in Item I, this integral
reduces (depending on the sign of a) to tabular integrals of the
Example 3.
Sx+ 3 )"2(2x+4)+(3-IO)
) -;r:=:;=:;~=;=;:;;: dx = dx =
Y x2 +4x+ 10 + 10
= ~
J Yx
2x + 4
+4x+ 10
dx -7 s
V(x+2) 2 + 6
Finally we get
~ x'e" dx =x'e" -2 (xe" -e") +C=x'e" ~2xe".+2e" +C =e" (x'-2x+2>+C.
Example 4. It is required to evaluate ~ (x 2 + 7x-5) cos 2x dx. We let
u=x'+ 7x-5; dv =Cos 2x dx; then
du=(2x+1)dx, v = -- ,
. 2x+7
Apply Integration by parts to the latter integral, lethng u 1 = -- , dv 1 =
=sin 2x dx; then
3f6 Indefinite Integrals
J Va'-x'=
dx s X
X dx
-xYa'-x'+ S Va 2 -x 2 dx.
Putting the last result In the earlier obtained expression of the given integral,
we will have
Transposing the integral from right to left and performing elementary trans-
formations, we finally get
-- a X X -
2 -
SVa2-x2dx=2arc sin a-+"2 Jf a -x'+C.
Example 6. Evaluate the integrals
Se 4
" cos bx dx = +e4 " sin bx- : Se 4
" sin bx dx.
Again apply the method of integration by parts to the last integral;
u=eax, du=ae 4 ",
dv =sin b~ dx, v=--cosbx
b .
Se 4
" sin bx dx = --1;- e 4
" cos bx +~ Se 4
" cos bx dx.
Partial Rational Fractions and Their Integration 357
Similarly we find
I a- 5 ax . b dx- eax (a sin bx-b cos bx) +C
e sm x - a~+ b' .
x 2 +2x +1
358 !_ndefinite I nlegrals
Dividing the numerator by the denominator (by the rule of. division of
polynomials), we get
x'-3 4x-6
x'+2x +I =x'-2x+3-x'+2x +I
Since integration of polynomials does not present any difficul-
ties, the basic barrier when integrating rational fractions is the
integration of proper rational fractions.
Definition. Proper rational fractions of the form:
I. x=a
II. (x~ a)k (k is a positive integer~ 2),
III. Ax+B (the roots of the denominator are complex, that
x'+ px+q
. p )
IS, 4-q<O ,
IV. (x+px+q)k (k is a positive integer ~ 2; the roots of the
denominator are complex) are called partial fractions of types I,
II, Ill, and IV.
It will be proved below (see Sec .. 8) that every rational fraction
may be represented as a sum of partial fractions. We shall there"
fore first consider integrals of partial fractions.
The integration of partial fractions of types I, II and III does
not present any particular difficulties so we shall perform their
integration without any remarks:
I. Sx~adx=:'Alnlx-ai+C.
S--"dx= A
. (x- a)
s "
(x-a)- dx= A
+C= .
A .
- ",+C.
(1-k)(x-a) -
- . l . +C.
(l-k) (x'+px+q)k-l
= _!_ s
m u+m>k-1
dt - _!__ s
m W+m'>k .
t dt (1)
_ _!,_S'dw+m'l__: _ _._l_Std( 1 )
- 2 (t"+m')k - 2(k-l) W+m')k- 1
360 Indefinite Integrals
I -s
Putting this expression into (1), we have
(t'+m')k m
JI (t'+ dtm)k- +
+ ~'2(k -l> [ua+~>k-- S(l~+d~>k-] =
= t + 2k-3
2m 2 (k-l) (t'+m 2 )k-
2m 2 (k:.._ I)
s UZ+ m)k-
On the right side is an integral of the same type as I"' but. the
exponent of the .denominator of the integrand is less by unity
(k-1); we have thus expressed I k in terms of I k-
Continuing in the same manner we will arrive at the familiar
dt 1 t
I.= 5t+m=m arctan-;n+C.
Then substituting everywhere in place of t and m their values, we
get the expression of integral IV in terms of .x and the given
numbers A, B, p, q.
Example 2.
~ 5 ~
_!_ (2x + 2) + (-1 -I)
x-1 2
(x 2 +2x+3) 2 dx= (x 2 +2x+3) 2 dx=
5 dt I 5 t
=2 1 +2-2 (1 +2) dl=
2 2
I t 1
y2"arctan y2'-2
s+ (t 2
t dt
2 )a'
Decomposition of a Rational Fraction into Partial Fractions 361
t dt I
5 td (t' + 2)
(!2+2)2 = -2
1 5( td f2
1 )
+ 2 =
-2 12
t 5
+2+2 t +2=
t 1 t
= - 2 (t2 + 2) + 2 Jf"2 arc tany 2
(we do not yet write the arbitrary constant but will take it into account In
the final result).
dx 1 x+ 1
(x2+ 2x+3)z 2 V2arc tan Y2-
2 (x2 + 2x + 3) + 2
Y2 arc tan
Finally we get
x-1 x+2
5 (x 2 +2x+3) 2 dx=- 2 (x 2 +2x+3)
(which is true for every A) and let us define the constant A so that
the polynomial F (x)- Af, (x) can be divided by x_:a. For this,
by the remainder theorem, it is necessary and sufficient that the
following equality be fulfilled:
F (a)- Af, (a)= 0.
Since f, (a) =1= 0, F (a) =1= 0, A is uniquely defined by
where <I>, (x) is a polynomial of degree less than that of the poly
nomial (x+px+q)""-'<p,(x).
Proof. Let us write the identity
F (x) F (x) Mx+N F(x)-(Mx+N) q>.(x)
f (x) = (x+ px + q)~'-q>, (x) = (x 2 + px + q)l'- + (x 2 + px+ q)l'- q>.(x) (
8 8, 8~- 1
+ (x-b)~+ (x-b)~- + + x-b +
. . ~~~~ . . . ~~~~~~ . . . . . M~_-,x+N~_,. 1 (5)
+ (x 2 +px+q)~'- +(x 2 +px+q)l'--+ x 2 +px+q+ +
0 0 0 0 0
and then
Sf~~~ dx = Sx~ a dx + Sx~ b dx + " + Sx D d dx =
=Ainjx-ai+Blnlx-bl+ ... +Dlnlx-di+C.
Case II. The roots o/ the denominator are real, and some of them
are multiple:
f (x) = (x-at (x- b)~ ... (x-.:. d) 6
25 x-2=2
dx I I I 2 2
<x+IJ'~ 3 (x+ I)---gin lx+ll+g-lnlx-2.1+C=
2x- I 2 -~x-21
=-6(x+l) 2 +-gln x+l +C.
Case Ill. Among the roots o/ the denofrtinator there- are . complex
nonrepeating (that is, distinct) roots:
f(x) = (x" + px + q) (x+ lx + s) .. (x-at ... (x- d)0
In this case the fraction n;~ is decomposable into partial frac-
tions of types I, II, and III.
5 (x + ~)~:- U = - ~ 5; + \ dx + ~ 5x~ 1 =
I 5xdx I
x"+1 +2
5 dx 1
x+ 1+2
5 dx
1 I 1
4 lnJx'+II+ 2 arctanx+ 2 lnJx-IJ+C.
Case IV. Among the roots of the denominator there are complex
multiple toots
f (x) = (X 2 + px+ q)"" (x" + lx+ sr .. .(x--at .. . (x-d)~.
In this ease, decomposition of the fraction f~~~ will also contain
partial fractions of type IV.
Example 3. It is required to evaluate the integral
x 4 +4x'+ llx 2 + 12x+8 d
5 (x 2 +2x+3) 2 (x+ I) x.
Solution. Decompose the fraction Into partial fractions:
x 4 +4x'.f-1Jx"+l2x+B Ax+B . Cx+D .E
(x 2 +2x+3) 2 (x+ l) (x 2 + 2x+3) 2 + (x 2 +2x +3) + x+ 1'
x 4 +4x1 + llx"+ 12x+8=
=(Ax+ B) (x +I) +(Cx+ D) (x"+2x+ 3) (x+ I)+ E (x 2 +2x+3) 1 .
Combining the above-indicated methods of' determining coefficients, we find
A= l, B = - l, C = 0, D = 0, E = l.
Thus, we get
5 x+4x'+11x"+12x+8
rx+2x+3) 2 (x+l) dx=
5(x +2x+3)
x-1 5 dx
dx-{- x+1 =
=- 2(x"+ 2x+ 3)
V2 x+1
- 4-arctan ]12 +lnJx+1l+C.
The first integral on the right was considered in Example 2, Sec. 7, Ch. X.
The second integral is taken directly.
r dx
J(x'-1) 2 =
-!X + Jr -!
x-1 x- 1 dx.
The denominator of the latter integral has only simple roots, thus making it
easy to compute the integral. We finally obtain
r x;:,.
J x
~ ~ 2
x dx
~=4 5 1
t+i t dt=4 5
1 t at=4 5
t+i ( t- .+
r ) dt=
1 1
x +I
=45t'dt-4 5~dl=4~-i.lnjl
I +I 3 3
1 +1l +C=
=~ [x7-lnjx~+ll]+c.
1 The notation R (x, x.!fi- ... , x-f)
indicates that only rational operations
are performed on the quantities x, x n , ... , x s.
This is precisely the way that the following notations are henceforwan1 to
s Vxx+4 dx.
- x - dx=2 s t 2 _t
4 dt =2
J( I+ 12 _4
) dt =2 s s
dt +B dt
11 _ 4 =
=2t+21n 1t-2~
I+ 2 +C=2 .
rr -
x+4+2ln Vx+4-21
Vx+ + +C.
4 2
SEC. 12. INTEGRALS OF THE FORM ~R(x, Vax"+bx+c)dx
Solution. Since here a= 1 > 0, we put Y x + C = -x + t;
dx =2t"J dt,
t-c =t 2-+C
Yx +C=-x+t=---+t
2t 2t-
Returning to the initial integral, we have
dx 2f2 dt 5T=lnlt!+C
dt -- .
SYxz+c= S~ =
=1nlx+Yx +CI+CL
[see formula 14 in the Table of Integrals).
1- r l+x+x 2 = -2t"+t
.r _ ,
1 1
Putting the expressions obtained Into the original integral, we find
+x+x)' dx =S(-2t'+WO-t"l"(l-l"l (21-21 + 2> d _
('(1- J11
J x'Yl+x+x' 11-12 ) 1 (21-1) 2 (1 2 -1+1)(1-/ 1 ) 2 X-
= +2 5bdt+C=-2t+ln ~~~+C=
2(Vl +x+x'-l) +In lx+ J/1 +x+x'-II+C=
x x- Vr +x+x+ I
( J/l +x+x'-l) +In J2x+2 VI +x+x+ 11 +C.
X .
1. Let p be an integer. Since q is a rational number, we denote
it by .!_. Integral (1) is then of the form
~ R (zs, z) dx.
As was pointed out in Sec. II, Ch. X, it reduces to an integral of a
rational function by the substitution z = ts.
2. Let m+l be an integer. Then q=m+l_I is also an integer.
n n
The number p is rational, p=!::__. Here the integral (I) is of the
~ R [xq, (a+ bz)~] dx. "
This integral was considered in Sec. II, Ch. X. It reduces to an
integral of a rational function by the substitution a+ bz = tiJ..
3. Let m+l+p be an integer. But then m+ -1-tp=q+p is
n n
an integer. We transform integral (1):
SR [z.(a~bz)T] dz.
This integral was considered in Sec. 11, Ch. X. It reduces to an
integral of a rational function by the substitution a+ bz = t 1
' z
Let us examine examples of integration in all the three cases.
Example I. Vx 2 (l+Vx 2 )=
s x
(l+x) 3
1 -1
Now make the substitution z 2 =t. Then z=l 1 , dz=21dl and
Example 2. sV xa
1-x 2
dx = s
x (1 -x
3 2
2 dx.
m=3, n=2,
In order to make the second parenthesis rational we put (l-z) 2 = t; then
l-z=l ; z=t -l; dz=2tdt. Hence,
1 2
378 Indefinite Integrals
Example 3. jx
V dx
(I +x 2
x- 2(1 +x')
dx. Here, m=-2, n=2, p=.-'--
and m +
+p= -2 (integer). We reduce the expression in the parentheses to
a linear function: 1 1
- I --
x 2 =z; x = z 2 ; dx = - z 2 dz;
c~zt =t;
I +z _ z. _ I _ 21 dt
--:-z-t, z- 1._ 1 , dz--(t'-l)''
1 1 1 1
= -(1 +z)!
z '
-(-z )2 + C=-(l+x')2 -(___::._)! +C=
+z x 1 +x 2
1 2
_ Yl+x 2 _ x, +C.
x Yl +x'
Note. The noted Russian mathematician P. L. Chebyshev proved
that only in the above three cases in an integral of binomial
differentials with rational exponents expressed in terms of elemen-
tary functions (provided, of course, that a+.O and b=FO). But if
neither p, nor m + 1 , nor m + + p are integers, then the integrai
n n
cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions.
2sln cos 2 2tan 2 21
. 2 2 2
sln1 ~ -i-cos 2 ~ - I +lani = +t''
cos 2 ~-sln
2 cos 2-s1n
2 x 1 x
2 1- t an z 2 x I -t
COS X= ---.,--1- - - . X X =
X = I+ t'
cos + stn I+ tan
2 2 2
x=2arctant, dx=l+t
In this way, sinx, cosx and dx are expressed rationally in
terms of t. Since a rational function of rational functions is a
rational function, by substituting the expressions obtained into the
integral (1) we get an integral of a rational function:
21 1-t]
SR [l+t''
SR(sinx, cosx)dx= l+t' 1_ 1,.
On the basis ~r the foregoing formulas we have
Ss~:x=S tt.'
= S=In I IJ+C=In Itan i I+C.
. I +t
This substitution enabies us to integrate any function of the
form R(cosx, sinx). For this reason it is sometimes calleu
a "universal trigonometric substitution". However, in practice It
[requentl.y leads to extremely complex rational Junctions .. It i&
380 Indefinite Integrals
dx= l +tz
After the substitution we obtain an integral of a rational
Example 2. Compute the mtegral .
+sin' x dx.
2 cosx
Solution. This integral is readily reduced to the form ~ R (cos x) sin x dx.
SJn X dX= SSillr XSillXdX sl-COS 1 X. d
S2 + COS X :l + COS X 2+
SlnX X.
s2~nco: s~+:'
z 2
x dx=(-dz)= :z+; dz=
cos x
z-2+ z!2) dz= s S(
= -2z+3In (z+2>+C=---2 cosx+3ln (cosx+2)+C.
2 2
Integration of Certain Trigonometric Functions 381
Example 3. Compute 2 -sln"x.
Make the substitution tan x = t:
~ 2-~~nx ~ ( 2 _~) (l + t) = -~ 2 : 1 J
.= 2 arc tan~~+
=-!-. [x-sln 2x+~ S(I +cos 4x) dx l =} [-} x-sln 2x+ sln84x] +C.
c) If both exponents are even, and at least one of them is
negative, then the prec;eding technique does not give the d~sired
result. Here, one should m;tke the substttuti_b!J . tan =t' (or x
cotx= t).
Example 6.
sin xdx_sstn"x(stn"x+cosx)d
cos'x - cos'x
x- . an x
(l+t. z )ld
an x x.
' dt .
Put tan x = t; then x =ate tan t, dx = + t and we get
cos x
dx=S t
(l +t 2 ) 2 ~=s
_tan x1
I + t2
t 2 (1 +t") dt =e:__+~+C
tan x+C
3 5
- 3 + 5 .
1 s
Example 7.
sin Bx sin 2x
S,sin 5xsin3x dx= 2 [-cos Bx+cos 2x] dx= - 16 + -4-+C.
2. Let a>O, c- 4a<O. Then
c-4a= -n.
V ax + bx +c= Vmt-n.
3. Let a< 0, c- 4a >0. Then
a= -mZ,
Vax + bx+c= V n-mt.
b' ~~--~--
4. Let a< 0, c- 4a < 0. In this case V ax + bx-+- c is a com-
plex number for every val'ue of x.
In this way, integral (1) is reduced to one ol the following
types of integrals:
I. SR (t, V mt + n) dt. (3. 1)
SY(a:~x 2) 1
5V l-k sin 2 2
x dx, J1~xx and many others.
In all such cases, the antiderivative is obviously some new
function which does not reduce to a combination of a finite
number of elementary -functions.
For example, that one of the antiderivatives
~ e-x 3 dx+C,
which vanishes for x=O is called the Gauss function and is deno-
ted by <l>(x). Thus,
<D (0) =0.
This function has been studied in detail. Tables of its values
for various values of x have been compiled. We shall see how
this i~ done in Sec. 21, Ch. 2XVI. Figs. 204 and 205 show the
graph of the integrand y =e-x and the graph of the Gauss func-
tion y = <D (x). That one of the anti derivatives
~ Vl-k 2 sin 2 xdx+C (k< 1),
which vanishes for x=O is called an "elliptic integral" and is
386 Indefinite Integrals
denoted by E (x),
E(x)= SV1-k 2
sin 2 xdx+C.,
E (0) =0.
-4s:-. 0
Fig. 204.
Fig. 205.
Exercises on Chapter X
Integration by substitution: 8. Se 5
dx. Ans. ! e5" +C. 9. Scos 5x dx.
Ans. -~~
-+C. s smaxdx. Ans. ~u
10. 11. X dx.
19. S co~~y . Ans. - ! In I cos 3y I+ C. 20. Scot 4- dx. Ans. 3 In sinI 4-l +C.
21. Stan cp -sec cp d cp. Ans. 22. S(cot ex) ex dx.
-41n sin S +C. 24. 5sm. x cos x dx.
- 3 -x +C. 25. S cos 3x sin x dx.
Ans. sin
Ans. -cos
--x +C. 26. s .r
r x + 1 x dx. Ans. +Y (x'+I)'+C.
jf' ./dx . Ans. _!_y2x 2 +3+C. 28. s x'dx . Ans. -2r ,x'r+-1 +C.
r2x 2 +3
cos x dx
sin 2 x Ans.
_ _1_ C 30
sin x + '
s Yx'+1
sin x dx
cos' x
_I_ C
ns. 2 cos 2 x +
tanx dx.
cos x Ans.
tanx +C
--z- . 32.
s sinz x x. Ans. _co~x +C.
cotx d
33. s dx
cosx Y tanx-1
Ans. 2 Ytan x-1 +C. 34. sln(x+1) dx.
Ans. ln (x+1)+C. 35. cosxdx s
Ans. Y 2sinx+ 1 +C.
sin 2x dx
(I+cos2x) 2
+C. 37 sin 2x dx
YI +sinx'
A ns. 2 .r1+sin
r 2 x+C. 38. Y tanx+
cos x
1d A S2
x. ns. 3 .r(tanx+1)'+C.
39 cos 2x dx
. 1
Ans. - - 1
12(2+3sin2x) 2
+C. 40.
s -===-
sin 3x dx
Vcos4 3x
Ans. 1
Vcos3x +C.
r ln 2
X dx.
Ans. In X+ c. 42.
s arc sin X dx
Y1-x 2
arc sin X+ c 43
5 arc tan X dx
1 +x' .
arc tan X+ c 44
2 .
arccos X d
YI-x x.
arc cos' x
3 + C. 45.
arc cot x d
+x' x. Ans.
_arc cot' x C
2 +.
X dx
x+ Ans. 1 2
2 In(x+1)+C. 47.
X+ 1
x'+2x+ 3 dx.
Ans. 2 1n (x 2 +2x+3)+C. 48.
cos x dx 1 s
2 sinx+ 3 . Ans. 2 In (2 sinx + 3)+C.
49. r\ -dx
- . Ans. lnlnx+C.
.; x 1nx
50. 2x(x 2 +I) 4 dx. Ans. (x- +
s )5 C .
- I=
tan x dx 5
. .5
51. tan xdx. Ans. - 3--tanx+x+C. 52. ( 1 +x)arctanx'
388 Indefinite Integrals
Ans. +sin (a+!Jx) +C. 59. Sezx dx. Ans. +ezx+C. 60. Se> dx.
Ans. 3e 3
+C. 61. ~ e51 " x ~os x dx. Ans. e51 " x +C. 62.
Ans. 2~na+C. 63.
s X
eli dx. Ans. aea +C. 64.
X s (e2X) 2 dx. Ans.
65. s3XeXdx. Ans. ln3;~1+C. 66. Se..;.'xdx. Ans. -!e-'X+C.
~(esx+ 1~ :+c).
2 ex"+x+'+C. 69.
axbx dx. Ans.
Ina-In b
r-( ~ r 2x+C.
ex dx I s ezx dx I
70. + ex. Ans. 4 1n (3+4ex)+C. 71. 2 +e'x. Ans. 2 1n (2+e9+C.
S3 4
dx I .r-
+ x Ans. y] arc tan ( r 2x) +C.
1 2 2
" dx
y 1 _ 3xz . J
A ns. I arc sin ( .r-
r 3
r 3x) +C. 74. sY dx
16-9x 2
. -3x+C .
-I arc sm
dx x dx I x
Sr 9-xr 2
. Ans. arc s1n -+C.
4 +x 2
Ans. -arc tan -+C .
2 2
77. dx 1 3x
Sgxz+ 4 . Ans. 6 arc tan 2 +C. 78.
_gxz. Ans. ~In I~+~~ +C.
+Y b'+a'x'\+C. 82. S
~x Ans.~cln /:+~I+C.
x 2 dx
5-x 83.5
4ns. 1
x'+ y
x- 5
l vsr
+C. 84.
' xdx
J y 1-x' . Ans.
-arc slnx 2 +C.
x dx 1 x2 s ex dx .
5- - . Ans. -arc
x+a 2a
tan-+ C. 86.
a' Yi-e 2x
Ans. arc sin ex+ C.
Exercises on Cllapter X 389
y d
x. Ans.
--(arc cosx) 2 + r l-x 2 +C.
S 1-x 2
~ ~lnx
2 VI+Yx
92. Yl dx. Ans. - Yll+lnx)'+C. 93. dJC.
3 Vx
Ans. : Jl (I+ Y x)'+C. 94. dx J
. Ans. 4 Vl+ V x+G.
5 e"+ dxe :x. Ans. arc tan eX +C.
96. sVCOS X dx . Ans. 3 v-- slnx+C.
97. .r
Vtanx 3
dx. Ans. - Vtan'x+C.
101. 5 dx
2 sin"x+3 cosx
) - arc tan ( --./- tan x) +C.
r 6 V 3
5x+dxx+S' 2 Ans. 2
I x+I
arctan-r+C. 103.
53x-dx2x+ 4
I 3x-l
Ans. ,r-arctan .r- +C. 104.
dx I
"+ +I" Ans.,r_ln V 5
r2x+3- V51
r II r II x 3x r 5 2x+3+ 5
dx ,x-5,-
x 2 -6x +5
Ans. I
41n x-1 +C. 106
2 +I 52z ~~'
Ans. arctan(2z-IJ+C. 107.
. 3x-l
3x-d;x+ 2 . Ans. .r- arc tan ,,r- + C. , 5 , ~
(6x-7)dx , (3x-2) dx
S 3xz-?x+ll. Ans.
1nl 3x -7x+lli+C. 109.
55x 2 -:- 3x + 2 '
~ II - IOx-3 3x-l
Ana. - In
(5x 2
-3x+2l- .r-
5 , 31
arc tan .r-
, 31
Sx'-x+l dx.
. 3 I 2x- t 7i+l
Ans. -2 In (x 2 -x + 11+ ,,r-are
tan ,/'-+C.
, 3
56x"+ x-1 dx.
390 I ndefin'ite I nfegrals
2 I 2x-1
Ans. 112.
3 1n (3x-l)+T In (2x+ I)+C. S5x 2- x+2 dx.
Ans. - In (5x 2 -x + 2)
5 r 39
+ lOx -I
arc tan .r- +C. 113.
r 39
6x 4 -5x'+4x 2
2x2 -x + 1 dx.
x 1 I 2 I I t 4x- I C
A ns. x - 2 + 4 nj 2x -x+ 1+ y""forc an V'f + .
dx 2 2 tan x +I
S 2 cos x +sin x cos x + sin x 2 Ans. Y'f arc tan Y
+ C.
y 2 _ x- x 2 Ans.
3 4
2 arcsln
+C. 116. y4T s dx
Ans. lnJx+- +Yx+x+lJ+c. 117. Sv dS 2 .
Ans. lniS+a+
+ Y2aS+S 2
I+C. 118. s Y dx
. Ans . .)_arcsin~~+?+
r 3 r 109
Ans . .)_ ln(!Ox-i+Jf20(5x"-x-I)+C. 122. l ax+b dx.
r 5 .) V ax" + bx + C
Ans. ! Y 4x +4x+3+ 2
I .r s
Jf3+66x-llx 1 '
Ans. - - r 3+66x-llx"+C.125. Y (x+3) dx . Ans.- 1 .r.
r 3+4x-4x"+
+- 7
arcsln--+C. 126.
s Y
dx. Ans.
3 . r -- 23
-2 r 2x 2 -x+ .r-X
4 r 2
X In (4x-l + Jf8 (2x 2 -x) )+C.
Ans. x (lnx-1)+ C. 131. ~arc slnx dx. Ans. x arc sinx+ Y1-x 2 +C
Exercises on Chapter X 391
137. S arc tan Vx dx. Ans. (x +I) arc tan Vx- Vx +C.
arc sin
Y x
Yx dx. Ans. 2r,,-xarcsinr,,-x+2r,,-
s .V/-x
arcsin x+l d,
x I
Ans. -+-xsin2x+- I cos2x+C. 141. sxarcsinx
,, dx. Ans. x-r.~ 1-xx
4 4 8 r 1-x
x arc tan x d A x I t
sS ,,--
xarc sinx+ C. 142. (x'+ I)' x. ns. 4 (I +x') +4 arc an x-
1 arctanx+C . 143. xarctan r x"-l dx. Ans. -I x 2 arctan , ,-
r x'-l-
2 l+x2 2
- 2I ,r ,x"-I+C.
144. sarc
-x- sin x
2-dx. Arts. In 11- VI
x -x 1-x-arcsinx+O.
S arc smx
. V (Ixdx
. A
ns. arc sin x +..!..In ~1-x
Yl-x 2 I +x
Use trigonometric substitutions in the following examples:
Va-x Va-x x
S -dx. Ans. -
X 2
X I ,,-- I
arc sin -+C.
Ans. 2arc sin
2 - 2 x y 4-x+ 4 x r 4 -x"+C.
Ans. -
Yl+x +C.
s Vx-a dx.
Ans. ,
r, --
cos- +C.
dx x I
151. V . Ans. 2 Y
S ("a'+x') 1 a a+x'
I (x+3)' s x+x-8 x x
Ans. 8 1n (x+S)'(x+ I). 154. x- 4x dx. Ans. T+T+4x +
x 2 (x-2)'1
l(x + 2>. +C. 155.
s xdx
(x'-l)(x+ 21 . Ans.
2 -2x+crlnx
(x-1) 16
X<x+Il"+ 3 1n(x+2l+C. 156.
s dx
(x- 1)'(x- 2). Ans.
x- 1 +
+ 1n - + C.
X- 1
157. s 1 -
x-8 +
4X 2 4X
dx. Ans. __2_2+ln (x 22)'+ C.
158.. Sx(x+t>dx.
3x + 2
4x + 3 x
Ans. 2 (x+ w+ln (x+I)'+C.
s x dx
2x 2 -3x-3 2
t x-! +C
Ans. In (x -2x+5) + I
S (x-I) (x 2 -2x+5) dx. x- 1 2 nrc anT .
x'-6 x +4
3 x 3 x
162. x'+ 6x'+B dx. Ans. In Yx'+ + 2 arctan 2 - V_ arctan Y +C.
2 2 2
dx I (x + I )2 1 2x -I
163. x + 1 . 6 In x 2 - x + 1 + y 3 arc tan y"3 +C.
S Ans.
3x-7 2
x +4 I x
x+x'+ 4x+ 4 . Ans. ln(x+l)+'2arctan 2 +C. 165.
Ans. I
,.. 2
x'+x Y2 +I
2 +I
.r- x Y2
1 -x
s x
1)I +
A ns. 1 [x + In (x- c.
. 67. sx+x-!
(x'+ ) dx. Ans. 2-x + 2 2
3 4 (x'+ 2) .In (x +2) -
I x
- 4 Y2arctan V'2+C. 168.
s 2
(4x 2 -8x) dx
(x-l)'(x 2 +I)'. Ans.
3x 2 - l
(x- 1)(x+ 1l +
(x- 1) 2
X 1
+arc tan x+C. 169. (X 2 - X
)( 2
X -X
s l)l' Ans. In-
10 2x-I 2x-1
- .r-are tan .r- - 3 ( 2 )+C.
3 I' 3 I' 3 X -X-- 11
Integration of irrational functions:
V v-x
~ x +I
dx. Ans.
vxa-VxV - dx. Ans. 272 V4-.x -
X 212 1"i
13 vx +C. 172.
V dx.
6 x1 + x
6 12
Atis. -,v-;+;y;+2Inx-241n ('2/- )
V x+! -f-C.
Exercises on Chapter X 393
+s-vx I 14Fsj
+. C 177. f ,V/2+3x d
x- 3 x.
ns. .r 2
7 - 6 + 11
r 3x - x V 2 3
178. s Yx~.:_x+3.
x Ans.
179 f y dx . Ans.
.)x 2+x-x2
180. dx . Ans.
Sx Y x'+ 4x-4
Ans. Vx+2x+1nlx +I+ vx+2xi+C. 182. s dx
Y(2x-x 2 ) 1
s V2x-x dx.
- - 1n)x+rx 1 -1i+C.
185. j' (I +x)
I+ x+x
Ans. In
I x + VI + x + x
2 +x+ Yl+x+x +C.
I 186.
s (X+ I)
(2x+x) Y2x+x dx.
1 2 1
192. S dx .!...Ans.-(l+x)-+(2x+~)+C.193JVC+x+)'dx.
x 2
(1 +xZ)
2 (4 + 3 V -x) (2-
v- x)
x:; 3 (I+ x 0 1
cos -+C.
198. s cosxsln 1 x. Ans. - 51 cos 5 x +1 cos7 x +
S sin x x.
Ans. esc x-
esc x+C. 200. Scos x dx.
X I 3 sin 2x +sin 4x + C.
2 + 4 sin2x+C. 201.
SsnI x dx.
4 A ns.
8 x - -4- 32
202. S cos x dx. Ans. j] . 2x -sin
I ( 5X + 4 Stn -- 2x+ 3 SIO
. 4X ) +C ,
3 4
203. Sstnxcosxdx. Ans.
1 ;8 (3x-sln4x+si~Bx)+c. 204. Stan 3 xdx.
Ans. tan
- 2- x +In I cos xI +C. 205.
s cot x dx. Ans. - I cot x+ I cot' x +
4 2
cot x
+In I sin x I+C. Ans. - ---ln I slnx I +C.
Scot' x dx. 2
207. sec 8 x dx. Ans. tan x+3tanx+t an 3 x +t an x +C .
S 7 5
Exercise.~ on Chapter X 395
sin 3 x d!C
. Ans.
s x+3 cos
-a +C. 212. Ssin x sin 3x d:c.
SV cos x 5
sin 4x
- -- + --+C.
8 4
sin 2x 213.
s cos4xcos7xdx. Ans. sin 11x+sin3x+a
22 6
cos 6x cos 2x 1 3
Scos2xsin4xdx. Ans. -----rr-- 4
-+C. 215.
Ssin 4 x cos 4 xd:c.
cosx 1
- -2-+ cos 2 x+C. 216.
s dx
4 _ 5 sinx. Ans.
1 tan2- 2
3 tn 2tan ~-1 +C.
2 L
S5-3 cos x Ans.
- arc tan 12 tan !!_ 1+C.
2 2
218. Sl+sinx
sin x d:c ,
2 cos 1C dx x
+x+C. 219.
.Ans. x-tan - +C.
. 2
1 +tan
S(l +~~s x) 2
so that
x 0 <x, <x 2 < .. .<xn,
and put .
.x 1 -X 0 = 6-x,; X2 -X 1 = 6.x 2 , , Xn-xn_ 1 = 6-xn.
Then denote the smallest and greatest values of the tunction f (x)
on the interval [x 0 , x,] by m, and M,
on the interval [xP X2 ] by m 2 and M 2
- n
s, = M,~x, + M 2 ~X 2 + ... + Mn~Xn = ~ Mi~Xi. (2)
The s urn sn is called the lower (integral) sum, and the sum s,.
is called the-upper (integral) sum.
If f (x) ~ o, then the lower sum is numerically equal to the area
of an "inscribed step-like figure" AC 0 N,C,N 2 . : . C,_,NnBA bound-
ed by an "inscribed" broken line, the upper sum is equal numer-
ically to the area of an "circumscribed step-like figure"
AK.C,K, ... Cn_,Kn-,CnBA bounded by an "circumscribed" bro-
ken line.
The following are some properties of upper and lower sums.
a) Since mi ~ Mi for any i (i,;, 1, 2, ... ,. n), by formulas (1)
and (2) we have
This sum is called the integral sum of the function f (x) on the
interval [a, b ]. Since for an arbitrary s; belonging to the interval
[x;_,, xJ we will have
m; .;;;;.f (s;),;;;;;, M1
and all Axi >0, it follows that
m;AX; .;;;;.f (~;)Ax;,;;;;;, M; Ax;,
and consequently
n n n
tt~ mi Axi .;;;;,i~~(si) Ax; 4~MiAxi,
The geometric meaning of the latter inequality for f(x);;;;;:O con-
sists in the fact that the figure whose area is equal to sn is
y:,.r(x) bounded by a broken line
y '-1----='~n lying between the "inscribed
broken line and the "circum-
scribed broken line.
The sum sn depends upon
the way in which the interval
[a, b] is divided into the sub-
--,0;t---'-::-t---'--!--'----4--.l....:-- x inte rv a Is [xi_ 11 xi] and a Iso
~2 X2 Xn-t ~n Xn-b upon the choice of points 1
Fig. 209. inside the resulting subinter-
Let us now denote by max [x;_ 1 , x;] the largest of the lengths
of subintervals [x0 , x,], [x 1 , x.], ... , [xn-P xn]. Let us consider
different partitions of the interval (a, b] into subintervals
[x;-p x;] such that max {xi-1' x;] -0- Obviously, the number
of subintervals n approaches infinity here. Choosing the appro-
The Definite Integral 393
~ f(si) 11x1 =Sf
.... o =I a
(x) dx.
lim ~
.... o=l
M 1 11x; =Sf (x) dx.
5f (x) dx
(x) dx 5
= f (t) dt = ... = f
(z) dz.
Sxdx = - 5 1(
Sn=k [ na+
n(n-I)b-a] b-a
2 -n- --n-=k
l n-Ib-a]
u+-n---- (b-a).
402 The Definite Integral
The area of ABba (Fig. 211) is readily computed by the methods of ele-
mentary geometry. The result will be the same.
Example 2. Evaluate Sx' dx.
Solution. The given integral Is equal to the area Q of a
curvilinear trapezoid bounded by a parabola y=x', the
ordinate x=b, and the straight line y=O (Fig. 212).
Divide the interval [a, b) into n equal parts by the
For the \;{ points take the right extremities of each subin-
Xn=b=n~x. ~x=-.
Example 3. Evaluate S m dx (m = const).
=m lim L ~x;=m(b-a).
max D.xt-. o l=l
The Definite Integral 403
Here, ~ ;:..x; is the sum of the lengths of the subintervals into which
the interval [a, b) was divided. No matter what the method of partition,
the sum is equal to the length of the segment b-a.
Take the left extremities as the points Si Then form the sum
Sn=ea;:..x+ea+t.x;:..x+ +ea+(n-t)t.xf:..x=
=ea (1 +et.x +ezt.x + ... + e<n-t) t.x) ;:..x.
The expression hi the brackets is a geometric pr.ogression with .common
ratio .et.x and first term I; therefore
ent.x_l tJ.x
sn '= ea ;:..x = e0 (ent.x- I) - - -
et.x_1 et.x_l
Then we have
ntJ.x=b-a; l1m -,..-x--=1.
t.x ..... o e -1
z I
(By L'~{ospital's rule lim - 3 - = llmz-=1.) Thus,
z ..... oe-1 z ..... oe
lim Sn= Q =e0 (eb- 0 -1)1 =e0 -e0 ,
n ..... c:n
that is,
=A lim
f (~;) l'lx; =A ~
f (x) dx.
max.1.x-+o i=l
l ~ f1 (1) l'lx; + ~ f2 (~;) l'lx;l =
n n
= lim ~f~(~;)l'lx;+ lim ~f 2 (~;)1'lx;=
max.1.x-+O i=l max,1.x-.o i=l
b b
~ cp (x) dx- ~ f (x) dx =
J[cp (x)-/ (x)l dx =
lim ~ (cp (s;)-f (;))~xi.
max6.x-+o j;t
b b
m~b~a St(x)dx~M.
a 5f (x) dx = 11 where m ~ 11 ~ M.
) f (x) dx = f () (b -a).
interval [a, b], into two sums: ~. which corresponds to [a, c], and
~. which corresponds to [c, b]. Then
~f(x)dx=- ~ f(x)dx.
b c
b c b
In a definite integral
let the lower limit a be fixed, and let the upper limit b vary.
Then the value of the integral will vary as welll that is, the
integral is a function of the upper limit.
So as to retain customary notations, we shall denote the upper
limit by x, and to avoid confusion we shall denote the variable
408 The Definite Integral
value of the integral.) We get the integral ) f (t) dt. For constant a,
this integral will be a function of the upper limit x. We denote
this function by <D (x):
that is,
~<D= ~ f (t) dt.
Evaluating a Definite Integral 409
<D' (x) = lim ~~ = lim f ().
6K-+0 ~X .lx-+0
~ f(t)dt=F(b)-F(a),
*) It is necessary to point out that the name of formula (2) Is not exact,
since neither Newton nor Leibniz had any such formula. The important thing,
however, is that namely Leibniz and Newton were the first to establish a re-
lationship between integration and differentiation, thus making possible the
rule for evaluating definite. integrals.
Evaluating a Definite Integral 411
5xdx=-x 1b = --a
2 a
-. 2
Example 2.
Example 3.
Example 4.
~ e" dx = e" I~ = e0 - e0
Example 5.
Example 6.
~ f (x)dx,
where the function f (x) is continuous on the interval [a, b].
Introduce a new variable t using the formula
X= (jl (t).
1) cp(a)=a, cp(~)=b,
2) cp (t) and cp' (t) are continuous on [a, ~].
3) f [cp (t)] is defined and is continuous on [a, ~]. then
b f:l
~ f (x) dx =) f[cp (t)) cp' {t) dt. (1)
a a
Proof. If F (x) is an antiderivative of the function {(x), we can
write the following equations:
~ f (x) dx = F (x) + C, (2)
~ f [cp (t)l cp' (t) dt = F [cp (t)]+C. (3)
. . .
The truth of the latter equation is checked by differentiation of
both sides with respect to t. [It likewise follows from formula (2),
Sec. 4,_Ch. X.) From (2) we have
b . b .
~ f (x) dx = F (x) Ia = F (b) -F (a).
Integration by Parts 413
~ ~
0 0
uv 1: = ~ v du+ ~ udv,
a a
or, finally,
b b
~ u dv = uv 1: - ~ u du.
a a
Example. Evaluate the integral In=~ sinn x dx.
n n: n:
2 2
cosx/: +<n-1)
~ sinn-xcosxcosx.dx=
=(n-1) ~ sinn-xcos 2 xdx=
=(n-1) ~ slnn-x(1-sln 2 x)dx=
n: n
=(n-1) ~ sinn-xdx-(n-1) ~ slnn x dx.
0 0
whence we find
ln=-n-ln- (2}
and so
n-l n-3
In=-- --2/n-4
n n-
Confinuing in the same way, we arrive at I 0 or I 1 depending on whether
the number n is even or odd.
Let us consider two cases:
1) n is even, _n=2m:
2m-1 2m-3 3 1
1m = 2 m ' 2m-2 4 ' 2 10;
2) n is odd, n=2m+l:
2m 2m-2 4 2
m+~=2m+t'2m-I s'3 11 '
but since
2 2
11 = ~ sinxdx=l,
we have
2m-! 2m-3 5 3 1 n
Ism= Ssin x dx = ~ 2m-2 ... 6 4 2 2
2m+ 1 d 2m 2m-2 6 4 2
I am+t=
x x=2m+I '2m-l ... 7'5'3
From these formulas there follows the Wallis formula, which expresses the
number ~ in the form of an infinite product.
Indeed, from the latter two equations we find, by means of termwise dt.
n ( 246 ... 2m ) I 12 ,
2= 35 .. (2m-l) 2m+l lsm+l.
4!6 The Definite Integral
lim lzm-t=lim 2m+I=l.
m-+r:~>l 2 m+Jm-+<~> 2m
From inequality (4) we have
lim ~=1.
m-+ "'12m+t
Passing to the limit in formula (3), we get Wallis' formula (Wallis' product) for
n r [( 246 ... 2m ) 2 1
2=m~"' 35 ... (2rn-l) 2m+I
This formula may be written in the form
n . ( 2 2 4 4 6 2m-2 2m 2m )
2=ml~"' T'3'3'5'5"'2m-1 '2m-l '2m+l'
!(b)=~ f(x)dx.
This integral is meaningful for any b >a. The integral varies with
b and is a continuous function of b (see Sec. 4, Ch. XI). Let us
consider the behaviour of this integral when b oo (Fig. 218). -+
Improper Integrals 417
then this limit is called the improper integral of the function f (x)
in the interval (a, + oo) and is denoted by the symbol
~ f (x) dx.
Fig. 219.
S dx =
l+ X 2
S I+dx X
2 = lim arctanxlb=
b->+oo o
lim arctanb=l't
b..,.+ao 2
0 0
Sd;x =-~-x~-"lb
1-a 1
we have
S d;=
Y=-f xa lim _I_(IJI-11_1).
x b .... +oo 1-a
dx 1
If a 1, then
S7 =a _ 1 , and the
if a< 1, then S ~: = oo, and the integral diverge$.
Whe,n a= 1, s d: =In X roo= oo, the integral diverges.
Example 3. Evaluate S 1 :.t2
+cc 0 +e
I ~x 2 = s
I ~x 2 + s I !\ 0
2 '
The second integral is equal to ~ (see Example 1). Compute the first InTegral:
S 1+x
--2 =
-dx- = .
1+x 2 a-+-oo
arctanx j =
. n
= a-+-ao
1rm (arc tan 0-arc tan a)=-.
for convergence.
420 The Definite Integral
2 dx=--
I+"' =I.
x 2 (1 +e"')
We notice that
x+ I x I
Vx yxa vx
dx .r-~b
lim 2 r x =+ oo.
S .r-=
rx b-++"' 1
5 x' x x.
sin d .
Therefore, the integral sI
slnxl dx converges. Whence it follows that the
Example 7. Evaluate
5 Vl-x
5- - - = -
dx- = 11m. dx . 2 .y r1---~b =
Y i-x b __,. 1 - o 0
Y I -x
b-+ 1 - o
= - lim 2 [YT=b"-11=2.
Example 8. Evaluate, the integral
5Xi ..
Solution. Since inside the interval of integration there exists a point x=O
where the integrand is discontinuous, the integral must be represented as the
sum of two terms:
1 8t t
5x ~= lim
e, -+ - o
5xt!!.+ 2 lim
e, -+ + o
5x dx
-1 -1 e2
Calculate each limit separately:
e -+- o
I'm -I le, = - 1.Jm ( -
e -+- o x -I
1 --
e,-+- o e.
1 ) =00.
1 -I
Thus, the integral diverges on the interval [-I, 0]:
5 x = - _!_1
=-(_!_I __I ) = - 2,
-1 -1
y=fr -I
The same applies also to the integrals S (x
a)" dx.
Vx +4x' < Vx
The improper integral
- , - exists. Consequently, the improper integral
X 12 .
At the end of Chapter X it was pointed out that not for every
continuous function is its antiderivative expressible in terms of
elementary functions. In these cases, computation of definite in-
tegrals by the Newton-Leibniz formula is involved, and various
methods of approximation are used to evaluate the definite inte-
grals. The following are several methods of approximate integration
based on the concept of a definite integral as the limit of a sum.
I. Rectangular formula. Let a continuous function y = f (x) be
given on an interval [a, b]. It is required to evaluate the definite
~ f (x) dx.
(x) dx::::::: -n- (y 1 + Yz + + Yn). ( 1,)
Yn-1 Yn
Fig. 223.
Fig. 225. Fig. 226.
S= s(Ax'+ Bx+
C) dx= [At+ ;' +Cx] ~h =
~ (2Ah" + 6C).
But from equalities (4) it follows that
Yo+ 4y. + y, = 2Ah' + 6C.
which is what had to be proved.
Let us come back to our basic problem (see Fig. 225). Using
formula (3) we can write the following approximate equalities
(h= Ax):
Xso ~X
f(x) dx ~ 3 (y 0 + 4y 1 + Y1 ),
428 The Definite Integral
Sf(x) dx ~ t-.; (Y 2 +4Y 1 +y,),
Adding the left and right sides, we get (on the left) the sought-
for integral and (on the right) its approximate value_:
Sf (x) dx ~ t-.; (y 0 + 4y + 2y
1 2 7" 4y + ..
1 o
+ 4 (Yt + Ya + + Y.m-t)J.
0 X 2
Solution. Divide the interval (I, 2] into 10 equal parts (Fig. 227). Assuming
/',X= ""T(i"'" = 0 .J,
*) To find out how many division points are needed to compute an inte-
gral to the desired number of decimal places, one can make use of formulas
lor estimating the error resulting !rom approximating the integral. We do not
give these estimates here. The re,ader will find them in more advanced courses
ol analysis; see, for example, Fikhtengolts, "Course of Differential and
Integral Calculus", 1959, .Vol. II, Ch. IX, Sec. 5. (R usdan edition).
Approximating Definite Integrals 429
X y=- X y=-
X 0 = 1.0 y 0 = I 00000 x 6 = 1.6 y.=0.62500
XI=).) y 1 =0.90909 X1 =!.7 y 7 =0.58824
x 2 =1.2 y 2 =0.83333 x 8 = 1.8 y 8 =0.55556
x,= 1.3 y,=0.76923 x. = 1.9 Yo =0.52632
x4 = 1.4 y.=0.71429 x 10 =2.0 y 10 = 0.50000
x. = 1.5 y,=0.66667
It follows directly from Fig. 227 that in this case the first formula yields
the value of the integral with an excess, the second, with a defect.
II. By the trapezoidal rule (2), we have
0 1
= 3 (I+ 0.5.+22.72818 -j- 4J.45955) =0.69315.
Actually, In 2= s 2
--x-=0.6931472 (to seven places of decimals).
Thus, .when dividin~ the. interval (0, I) i~to 10 parts by Simpson's rule, we
get five s1gmficant dec1mals; by the trapezoidal rule, only three; and by the
rectangular formula, we are sure only of the first decimal.
430 The Definite Integral
X =a+b +b-at
2 2 '
where q> (t) denotes the function of t under the integral sign.
Thus, the problem of integrating the given function f (x) on the
interval [a, bj can always be reduced to integrating some other
function q> (x) on the interval [- I, 1].
To summarise, then, the problem has reduced to choosing, in
the formula
On the other hand, the sum on the right side of (6) will, on the
basis of (7), be equal to
C,. [na 0 +a, (x 1 + X 2 + ... + x,.) + a 2 (x~ + x: + ... + x~,) + ...
2 ( ao + t + ~ + ~ + . ) =
2 =C n nor Cn =-
n '
X1 + X -t- ... +X,.= 0;
. + + 2
x, + x. . . . x, = 3C,.
n .
= "3 ' (10)
x: + x: -t- .. , -t- X~ = 0; 2 n
X~ f X~+ ... + X~= 5-C-,. =s;
From the_ latter .n equations we find the abscissas x,~ x 1 , . , x,..
These solutions were found by Chebyshev for various. values of n.
Chebyshev's Formula 433
The following solutions are those that he found for cases when the
number of intermediate points n is equal to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9:
Number' of
ordinates n
Coefllcten t
I Values of abscissas
x1 x2 ...., Xn
2 x1 = - x 3 =0.707107
3 X 2 =0
I x, = - x 4 = 0. 794654
2 X2 = - X 3 = 0.187592
2 x, = - x, = 0.832498
5 X 2 = - x4 =0.374541
5 x 3 =0
I x1 =-x,=0.866247
6 x2 =-X5 =0.422519
3 X3 = - X 4 =0.266635
x, = - x, = 0.883862
2 X2 = - X8 = 0.529657
7 x3 = - x 5 =0.323912
. X4 =0
x, = - x 9 = 0.911589
2 x2 =-x 8 =0.601019
9 y x. = - x, = 0.528762
x, = - x. =0.167906
where X 1 =b+a
-+- . d
2 -x1 (t=l, 2, ... , n) an x 1 have the values
given in the table.
The following example illustrates the use of Chebyshev's approx-
imation formula for calculating an integral.
5 s
I 1
= __!!!.__
3+t '
I -1
1(0.707107) 3+0.7~7107 = 3.7~7107 0.269752,
f (0) = 3 +O =0.333333,
I 1
l< -0.707107) = 3-0.707107 = 2.292893 =0.436130,
we have
s3~1 = i
=:rl.039215 =0.692810::::::: 0.693.
Integrals Dependent on a Parameter 435
Comparing this result with the results of computation using the rectan-
gular formulas, the trapezoidal rule, and Simpson's rule (see the example
in the preceding section), we note that the result given by Chebyshev's
formula (with three intermediate points) is in better agreement with the
true value of the integral than the result obtained by the trapezoidal rule
(with nine intermediate points).
1 (a+ L1a)-l
(a)=~ f (x, a+ L1a) dx- ~ f (x, a) dx= \
*) The integrand in the integral ~ e da approaches zero as ,ila~ O.. From
. a .
the fact that the integrand approaches zero it does not always follow that
lhe integral also appro_aches zero. Howev,er, in the given case, ~ e dx
. I Q I
approaches zero .a~ ,ila .:...:...a. We accept .this fact without proof.
Integrals Dependent on a Parameter 437
~~ = S f~(x, a)dx.
Substituting into (3) the expressions obtained for the derivatives,
we have
Then its derivative with respect to a is found from the above-!jerived Leibniz
I' (a)=
S[ sin ax]' dx =
e-x -x-
*) Leibniz' formula was derived on the assumption that fhe limits of inte.
gration a and b are finite. However, in this case Leibniz' formula also holds,
even though one of the limits of integration is equal .to inflnity.
438 The Definite Integral
I (0)= - e-" -
slnOx s
S x - dx = 0 dx=O.
0 0
Exercise~ on Chapter xt
1. Forming the integral sum sn and passing to the limlf, compute the
definite integrals
~ x 2 dx.
ns. 4 .10.
sY ~x 1 . Ans. : . 11. s tan x dx. Ans. In 2.
8 X X X
12. S~: . Ans. 1 . . 13. Sd: .An~.lnx. 14. Ssin x dx. Ans. 2sin 2
15_. S x'd>J.
1 1
z 2
x 3 -a
Ans. - - .
16. s 2xdx 1 . Ans. In (2z-l). 17. S cos x dx. Ans. .:!.
slnxcos xdx,cosx=t.Ans.! .20. S3 +:;osx, tan ~=t.Ans.
4 I
xdx 3 Y2
SY 2+4-17 , 2+4x=t
Ans. - 2- . 22. S(! ~~)' x=tant.
440 The Definite Integral
23. sr:-5 --
dx, x-1c=l 2 Ans. 2 (2- arc tan 2).
24 s3
z Yz'+
, Z=-. Am. In
2 .
Ans In
3 1 1
x dx
1-x 2
Am. I.
30. Se-x dx. Ans. I. 31. s"' dx
a'+x 1
Ans. 2a (a> 0). 32. sJIT=Xl"
dx Ans.
33. s~~.
Ans. +. I
34. SIn x dx. Ans. - l . 35. S x sin x dx. Ans. The inte-
"' +a>
s s sy
I 2 a>
31$. vdx . Ans. . 39. d: . Ans. The integral diverges. 40. dx .
X 2 X X ~~1
I) 0 1'
I a>
Ans. ~ . 41. S~:. Ans. The integral diverges. 42. Se-ax sin !lxdx (a> 0).
-1 0
Ans. az ~ b'. 43. Se-ax cos bx dx (a> 0). Ans. a'~ bz.
48. Slog nx dx
1 by the trapezoidal rule. and by Simpson's rule (n= 10).
dx app Iymg
+x 2
slnx .
Simpson's rule (n = 10). Ans. 3.14159. 50. dx by S1mpson's rule (n = 10).
Ans. 1.371. 51. EvaluateS e-x xn dx for integral n > 0 by proceeding from the
equality Se-x dr=~ where a> 0. An~. nl 52. Proceeding from the equality
0 -
"' d.t
Sx+a= 2 y 0 ,evauae
n I t th . t
I s"' dx A n 135 ... (2n-1)
(xz+l)n+t' ns. 2 2nnl ,
"' 1-e-x
53. Evaluate the integral
S xe" dx.Ans.ln(l+a)(a>-1).54.Utilising
the equality Sxn . J dx= ~ , compute the integral S xn-t (In x) dx.11
k kl
An.s. (-1) .-k-.
n +
Q= ~ It (t> I dx.
Example t. Compute the area Q bounded by the sine curve y =sin x ahd
the x-axis, for 0 ~ x,.;:;; 2n (fig. 229).
Computing Areas in Rectangular Coordinates 443
Solution. Since sinx;;:;;.O when O..:;;;x,.;:;;;n and sin xo;;;;;O whenn <x.;;;;;2n,
we have
lt 2lt 2lt
Q= ~
sin x dx + I~ sin x d x I= ~ I sin x I dx,
lt 0
~ sinxdx=-cosxl:n =-(cos2n-cosn)=-2.
Consequently, Q=2+1-21=4.
Fig. 229. Fig. 230.
If one needs to compute the area bounded by the curves y =f. (x),
1 y = fz (x) and the ordinates x =a, x = b, then provided f. (x);;::. f 2 (x)
we will obviously have (Fig. 230)
b b b
Q =~f. (x) dx- ~f. (x) dx = ~ (f. (x) -f 2 (x)] dx. (2)
a a a
(J)(a)=a, (J)(~)=b.
Q = ~ f (x) dx = ~ y dx.
a a
0\ 1 X
'' '
' .................
Fig. 231. Ftg. 232.
Example 4. Compute the area bounded by the x-a:ds and an arc of the
x=a (t-sln t), y=a (1-cos f)
Solution. The variation of x from 0 to 2n: a corresponds to the variation
ol I !rom 0 to 2n:.
From (4) we have
zn zn
Q=~ !l(1-cost)a(l-cost)dt=a2 ~ (1-cost)'dt=
zn zn
~ dt-2~ costdt+~ cos 2 tdt;
0 0 0
2 1 0521
S dt=2n; S cos tdt=O; S cos tdt=S dt=n.
fl 0 0 0
We finally get
Q =a (2n: + n)=3na 2
The sum
n n
Qn = ~ ~ Q: M; = { ~ [f (01W Ml
. t'='l t .. l
Q dO (I)
or li
Q S [f (OW dO. (1')
Ex amp Ie. Compute the area bounded by the lemniscate
Q=a Vcos 26.
(Fig. 234).
Solution. The radius vector will describe a fourth of the sought-for area
il e varies._,between 0 and ' : :
*) It might be shown that this determination of the area does not contradict
that given earlier. In other words, if one computes the area of a curvilinear
sector by means of curvilinear trapezoids, the result will be the same.
The Arc Length of a Cur.ue 447
0 OX, X;-f X; X
1=1 Xz
The length, s, of the arc AB is the Fig. 235.
limit which the length of the inscribed
broken line approaches when the length of its greatest segment
approaches zero:
s= lim L" As
max .&s~: .... o t-=-J
1 ( 1)
We shall now prove that if on the interval a so;;. x so;;. b the func
tion f(x) and its derivative f' (x) are continuous, then this limit
exists. At the same time we shall specify a technique for computing
the length of the arc.
Let us introduce the notation
Ay1 = f (x1) - f (x1 _ 1 ).
As1 = V (Ax1) 2
+(Ay1) =
y"t + ( !~:Y Ax 1
448 Geometric and Mechanical Applications of the Definite Integral
l!:.s; = V1 + [t' (s;W l!:.x;.
Thus, the length of an inscribed . broken line is
s= SV 1 + [f' (x)]"
dx =
SV 1 + (:~)".dx. (2)
r + ~ dx = sr v r sin~r 1o, = r
s = sr .. 11 dx = r arc :rt .
4 r - X rZ _ x2 2
0 0
Let us now find the arc length of a curve when the equation
of the curve is represented in parametric form:
X= <p (t), y = 'ljJ (t) (a.:;;:; t.:;;:; ~), (4)
where <p (t) and 'ljJ (t) are continuous functions with continuous de-
rivatives, and <p (t) does not vanish in the given interval. In this
case, equations (4) define a function y=f(x) which is continuous
and has a continuous derivative:
dy 'lj!' (/)
dx = <p' (/)
Let a= <p (a), b =If(~). Then substituting in the integral (2)
X= <p (t),
dx=<p' (t)dt,
we have
5.V. ~ 1 + ['lj!' (/)]
<p' (t)
2 1
<p (t) dt,
or, finally,
s= )V<p' (t) + 'IIJ' (t)
2 2
dt. (5)
Note 2. It may be proved that formula (5) holds also for curves
that are crossed by vertical lines in more than one point (in
particular, for closed curves), provided that both derivatives <p' (t)
and 'ljl' (t) are continuous at all points of the curve.
Example 2. Compute the length of the hypocycloid (astroid):
x=acost, y=asint.
Solution. Since the curve is symmetric about both coordinate axes, we shall
first compute the length of a fourth part oL it located in the first quadrant.
We find
:t = - 3a cos t sin t,
450 Geometr-ic and Mechanlca-1 Applicatlons of the Definite Integral
! S
Y9a cos t sin t+9a"sin t cos t dt=3a 2
SY cos t sin
t dt =
= 3a
S . sin t
sw t cos t dt = 3a - 2-
Iz = n
; s = 6a.
S=) VQ' 2
+Q" dO.
=2a) V2+2 cos s de=
" e e n
=4a ) cos 2 dO= 8a sin 2 jo =Ba.
:.: 0
452 Geometric and Mechanical Applications of the Definite Integral
~ =S Ya 2
sin 2 t+b 2 cos 2 tdl=
n n
2 . I
= S Va (I-eos t)+b 2
cos t dt = S
0 0
v....,.a~b 2 cos 2 tdt=a s
s vi-i
COli t dt::::::: 1.298,
and so the. leng'th of the arc of the entire ellipse, is approximately equal to
.s:::::::25.96 units of length.
Computing the Volume of a Solid from the Areas of Parallel Sections -453
Q = Q (x).
We assume that Q (x) is a continuous
function of x and calculate the volume
of the body .
. Draw the planes x =a, x = x., x = x,,
... , X=Xn=b. Fig. 237._
These_ planes will cut the solid up
into layers (slices).
In each subinterval x 1_ 1 .:;;:; x.:;;:; x 1 we choose an arbitrary point
~~ and for each value i =I, 2, ... , n we construct a cylindrical
bo.dy, the generatrix of which is parallel to the x-axis, while the.
directrix is the boundary of the slice of the solid T made by the
plane X=~~
The volume of such an elementary cylinder, the area of the
base of which is
un =
L Q (~;) ~x 1
Fig. 238.
with semi-axes
But the area of such an ellipse is :tb 1c1 (see Example 3, Sec. 1).
Q (x)=:tbc ( 1- ;: ) .
In the particular case, a= b =c, the ellipsoid turns into a sph'ere, and we
The Volume of a Solid of Revolution 455
y= ~ ( e~ +e-: )
about the x-axis on the interval from x =0 to x = b (Fig. 239).
b X X b !X 2t
v=n ~
or the sum
Pn= n~ [f(x;_J+
extended to all segments of the broken. line. The limit of this
sum, when the largest segment A.s 1 approaches zero is called the
area of the surface of revolution under consideration. The sum (l)
is not the integral sum of the [unction
2nf (x) JII + f' (.tV, (2)
because the term corresponding to the interval [x 1_" X;) involves
several points of this interval X;_" x 1, S; But it is possible to
prove that the limit of the sum (I) is equal to the limit of the
Computing Work by the Definite Integral 457
P=21t s a
Jf2px V x~p 2
dx=21t riJSY2x+p d
0 0
=2n .r-
r p 2 (2x+p> 'I I a 2n YiJ [(2a+p)'I -p 'I ).
3 2 0 3
A= ske~ dr=
ke,e 2
When e2 =!, A= k ~. This quantity is called the potential of the field
generated by the charge e1
b b
a a
x dx
a ,"r 2 --
~a r a -x -a Va'-x'l':a 0
X- = =-=0.
a s
c- a . X na
dx aarcsm-
a -a
Coordinates of the Centre of Grauity 461
SJfa-x y a-x
a dx
Yc= na
2. The centre of gravity of a plane figure. Given a figure
bounded by the lines y = f 1 (x), y =f. (x), x =a, x = b, which is a
material plane figure. We con-
sider constant the surface Y
density, which is the mass
of unit area of the surface.
It is equal to 6 for all parts
of the figure.
Divide the given figure by.
straight lines_x=a, x=xl' .. ,
X=Xn=b into strips of width
t!xl' flx ... , flxn. The mass
of each strip will be equal to
the product of its area by
the density 6. If each strip
is replaced by a rectangle Fig. 242.
(Fig. 242) with base flx;
and altitude f. (~;)-f 1 (~;), where ~i = x;-2
+xi, then the mass of a
strip will be approximately equal to
8mi=6[f.(~i)-f 1 (~i)]/1xi (i=l, 2, ... ,n).
The centre of gravity of this strip will be situated approxi-
mately in the centre of the appropriate rectangle:
(xi)c=~i; (yi)c=fdsil~fdsil.
Now replacing each strip by a material point, whose mass is
equal to the mass of the corresponding strip and is concentrated
at the centre of gravity of this strip, we find the approximate
value of. the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the entire
figure [by formulas (I) and (2)]:
x Rl ~ sic5 !f. (sil-tt (silJ11x.-
c ~ c5 <s;)-tdsi)J/1x; u.
L. u. (s1l + t~ <1)] c5 tf. <s;l- t~ (s;)J/',x;
y Rl ,.., .
C ~c5[f 1 (E;)-f 1 (E;))/1Xj
462 Geometric and Mechanical Applications of the Definite Integral
Yc =---'a=----:-.:---------
1. Find the area of a figure bounded by the lines y 2 = 9x, y = 3x. Ans. i.
2. Find the area of a figure bounded by the equilateral hyperbola xy = a 2 ,
!hex-axis, and the lines x=a, b=2a. Ans. a In 2.
3. Find the area of a figure lying between the curve y=4-x 2 and the
x-axis. Ans. 10{ .
2 2 2
4. Find the area of a figure bounded by the hypocycloid x 3 +uT=aT.
An~. B na.
Exercises on Chapter XII 463
Computing Volumes
x y'
\9. The ellipse iii' +p= I revolves about the x-axis. Find the volume of
2 2 2
23. A figure bounded by the hypocycloid x T +Y3 =aT is revolved about
the x-axis. Find the volume of the solid of revolution. Ans. ~;;'.
24. A figure bounded by one arc of the sine wave y =sin x and the x-axis
is revolved about the x-axis, Find the volume of the solid of revolution.
2 .
25. A figure bounded by the parabola y 2 =4x and the straight line x=4 is
revolved about the x-axis. Find the volume of the solid of revolution. Ans. 32:rt.
26. A figure bounded by the curve y = xex and the straight I ines y =0, x =I,
is revolved about the x-axis. Find the volume of the solid of revolution.
Ans. ~ (e 2 -l).
27. A figure bounded by one arc of a cycloid x =a (t -sin t), y =a (I-eos I)
and the x-axis is revolved about the x-axis. Find the volume of the solid of
revolution. Ans. 5:rt 2a 3
28. The same figure ~s in Problem 27 is revolved about the y-.axis. Find
the volume of the solid of revolution. Ans. 6:rt 3a 8
29. The same figure as in Problem 27 is revolved about a straight line that
is parallel to the y-axis and passes through the vertex of a cycloid. Find the
.. ' " :rt 3
volume of the solid of revolution. Arts. : (9:rt 2 -16).
30. The same figure as in Problem 27 is revolved about a straight line pa-
rallel to the .x-'axis and passing through the vertex of a cycloid. Find the vo-
lume of the solid of revolution. Arts. 7:rt 2a 1
31. A cylinder of radius R is cut by a plane that passes through the dia-
meter of the base at an .angle u to the plane of the base. Find the volume of
the cut-off part. Ans.
3 R" tan u.
32. Find a volume that is common to the two cylinders: x 2 +y 2 =R 1 , g 1 +
16 8
+z 2 =R 2 Ans. R
33. The point of intersection of the diagonals of a square Is in motion along
the diameter of a circle of radius a; the plane in which the square lies remains
perpendicular to the plane of the circle, while the two opposite vertices of the
square move along the circle (as a result of this motion, the size of the
square obviously varies). Find the volume of the solid genrrated by this moving
square. A ns. 8 a3 .
34. Compute the volume of a segment cut off the elliptical paraboloid
yz zz .~
p+2q=x by the plane x=a. Ans. :rta 2 r pq.
35. Compute the volume of a solid bounded by the planes z=O, y=O, the
cylindrical surfaces x 2 =2py and z 2 =2px and the plane x,;,a. Ans. a
7r p
(in first octant). .
36. A straight line is in motion parallel to the yz-plane, and cuts two el-
xz yz x z2 .
lipses az+
b':=l . az+C"=l lying in the xy- andxz-planes. Compute the vo-
lume of the solid thus obtained. Arts. abc.
Exercises on Chapter XII 4~.
44. Find the length of the spiral Q =ea'f' from the pole to the point (Q,cp).
Ans. ~
ea'l'=_g_ Yl -f-a
45. Find the entire length of the curve Q =a ~in . Ans. 23 na.
3 2
46. Find the length of the evolute of the ellipse x =-ac cos' t, c2
y =b sin' t.
4 (a'- b')
Ans. ab .
47. Find the length of the cardioid Q=a.(l+cosq>). Ans. Ba.
48. Find the arc length of the involute of the circle x =a (cos q> -f-q> sin <p),
y =a (sin q> -q> cos q>) from q>= 0 to (jl =q> 1 . Ans. ~ aq>~.
Compu ling Areas of Surfaces of Solids of Revolution
49. Find the area of a surface obtained by revolving the parabola y 2 =4ax
56 2
about the x-axis, from the origin 0 to a point with abscissa x = 3a. Ans. na
50. Find the area of the surface of a cone generated by the revolution of
a line segment y=2x from x=O to x=2: a) About the x-axis. Ans:-'81t VS:
b) About the y-axis. Ans. 4n V5.
51. Find the area of the surface of a torus obtained by revolving the circle
x-t-(y-b) 2 =a 2 about the x-axis. Ans. 4n 2 ab.
52. Find the area of the surface of a solid generated by revolving a car-
dioid about the x-axis. The cardioid is represented by the parametric equations
1 8
x=a (2 cos p-cos 2q>), y=a(2 sinq>-sln 2q>). Ans. ~ na 2
466 Geometric and Mechlinlcal Applications of the Definite Integral
53. Find the area of the surface of a solid obtained by revolving one arc
64na .
of a cycloid x=a(t-sint), y=a(1-cost) about the x-axis. Ans. - - .
54. The arc of a cycloid (see Problem 53) is revolved about the y-axis.
Find the surface of the solid of revolution. Ans. 16rc a
1 1
55. The arc of a cycloid (see Problem 53) is revolved about a tangent line
parallel to the x-axis and passing through the vertex. Find the surface of the
so I 1'd of revo I u t'ton. A ns. - na- .
56. The astroid x=a sin' t, y=a cos' t is revolved about the x-axis. Find
the surface of the solid of revolution. Ans. ~a'.
57. An arc of the sine wave y=sinx fromx=Otox=2:t is revolved about
the x-axis. Find the surface of the solid of revolution. Ans. 4n [Jf2+
+In (Jf2+1)].
58. The ellipse:.+
tz =
1 {a> b) revolves about the x-axis. Find the sur-
. . arcsine
face of the solid of revoluhon. Ans. 2rcb 2 +2nab-- , wheree=
Va 2
-b 1
c a
, 68. The upper. edge of a canal lock has the shape of a square with a side
of 8 m lying on the surface of the water. Determine the pressure on each part
of the lock formed by dividing the square by one of its diagonals.
Ans. 85,333.33 kg, 170,666.67 kg.
69. Compute the work needed to pump the water out of a hemispherical
vessel of diameter 20 metres. Ans. 2.5x 106n kg-m.
70. A body is in rec-tilinear motion according to the law X=cl 3, where X
is the path length traversed in time 't, c=const. The resistance of the medium
is proportional to the square of the velocity, and k is the constant of pro-
portionality. Find the work done by the resistance when the body moves from
27 3/-
the point x=O to the point x=a. Ans. k y c2a7
71. Compute the work that has to be done in order to pump a liquid of
density y from a reservoir having the shape of a cone with vertex pointing
down, altitude H and radius of base R. Ans. - - - .
72. A wooden float of cylindrical shape whose basal areaS= 4,000 em and
altitude H =50 em is floating on the surface of the water. What work must be
done to pull the float up to the surface? (Specific weight of the wood, 0.8).
Ans. - -
vHs = 32
73. Compute the force with which the water presses on a dam in the form
of an equilateral trapezoid (upper base a= 6.4 m, lower base b = 4.2 m, alti-
tude H=3 m). Ans. 22.2 m.
74: Find the axial component P kg of total pressure of steam on the sphe-
rical bottom of a boiler. The diameter of the cylindrical part of the boiler is
D mm, the pressure of the steam in the boiler is P kgfcm. Ans. P = n:o~
75. The end of a vertical shaft of radius r is supported by a flat thrus~
bearing. The weight of the shaft P is distributed equally over the entire sur-
face of the support. Compute the total work of friction in one rotation of the
~haft. Coefficient of friction is fl. Ans. ! 1tJLPr.
76. A vertical shaft ends in a thrust pin having the shape of a truncated
cone. The specific pressure of the pin on the thrust bearing is canst ant and
equal to P. The upper diameter of the pin is D, the lower, d, and the angle
at the vertex of the cone is 2a. Coefficient of friction, fl.
Find the work of friction for one rotation of the shaft. Ans.
77. A prismatic rod of length I is slowly extended by
6 stn a (D -d
n ~fl. 3 0
a force increasing
from 0 to P so that at each moment the tensile force is balanced by the for-
ces of elasticity of the rod. Compute the work A expended by the force on
tension, assuming that the tension occurred within the limits of elasticity. F
is ,the cross-sectional area of the rod, and E is the modulus of elasticity of
the material.
Hint. If x is the elongation of the rod and f is the corresponding force,
then f= F7 x. The elongation due to the force P is equal to 111 = :~ .
pIll P 21
Af1~ A=y=2EF'
78. A prismatic beam Is suspended vertically and a tensile force P is ap-
plied to its lower end. Compute the elongation of the beam due to the force
of its weight and to the force P if it is given that the original length. of the
468 Geometric and Mechanical Applications of the Definite I nlegral
beam is l, the cross-sectional area F, the weight Q and the modulus of elas-
ticity of the material E. Ans. M = (Q t2J)
79. Determine the time during which a liquid will flow out of a prismatic
vessel filled to a height H. The cross-sectional area of the vessel is F. the
area of the aperture f, the exit velocity is computed from the formula
v= 11 Y2gh, where J.t is the coefficient of viscosity, g is the acceleration of
gravity, and h i3 the distance from the aperture to the level of the liquid.
Ans. -T= 2FH _!__ --. /2H.
1-1-f y2gH 1-1-f V g
80. Determine the discharge Q (the quantity of water flowing in unit time)
over a spillway of rectangular cross section. Height of spillway, h, width, !J.
Ans. Q =
2 .r-
!J-bh r 2gh.
81. Determine the discharge of water Q flowing from a side rectangular
opening of height a and width IJ, if the height of the open surface of the wa-
3 3
ter above the lower side of the opening is H. Ans. Q = 2bJ.t g [H 2 -(H -a)2].
This relation connects the unknown function v and its derivative ~~, which
is a differential equation in the unknown function v. To solve the differen
tial equation is to find a function v=f (t) such that identically satisfies the
given differential equation. There is an infinitude of such functions. The stu-
dent can easily verify that any function of the form
--1 ma
v= Ce m +-f (2)
satisfies equation (I) no matter what the constant C is. Which one of these
470 Differential Equations
Now suppose that the equation of the sought-for curve may be written in
the form y = f (x). Here, f (x) is an unknown function that has to be found.
It will be noted that
tan !p= {' (x) = :~.
dy 1
dx=as (4)
ds= , / 1+(dy)".
dx Jl dx
Substituting this expression into equation (5), we get the differential equa-
tion of the sought-for curve:
d y =_!_ , I I+ (dy)'. (6)
dx 2 a Jl dx
It expresses the relationship between the first and 'second derivatives of
the unknown function y.
Without going into the methods of solving the equations, we shall note
that any function of the form
satisfies equation (6) for any values that C 1 and C2 may assume. This is evi-
dent if we put the first and second derivatives of the given function into (6).
We shall indicate, without proof, that these functions (for different C 1 and
C2 ) exhaust all possible solutions of equation (6).
The graphs of all -the functions thus obtained are called catenaries.
Let us now find out how one should choose the constants C 1 and C2 so as
to obtain precisely that catenary whose lowest point M has coordinates (0, b).
Since for x=O the point of the catenary occupies the lowest possible position,
the tangent here is horizontal, ~~ =0. Also, it is given that at this point
the ordinate is equal to b, y= b. /
From (7) we find /
I ( ~+C, -e - (~+c))
ea a .
The equation
y" + ky'- by-sinx= 0
is an equation of the second order, etc.
The equation considered in the preceding section in Example 1
is an equation of the first order, in Example 2, one of the second
Definition 3. The solution or integral of a differential equation
is any function y = f (x), which, when put into the equation,
converts it into an identity.
Example 1. Let there be an equation
The functions y=sinx, y=2cosx, y=3slnx-cosx and, in general,
functions of the form y = C, sin x, y = C2 cos x
y=C 1 sinx+C 2 cosx
are solutions of the given equaHon for any choice of constants C1 and C2 ;
this i~ evident if we put these functions into the equation.
Example 2. Let us consider the equation
y'x-x 2 -y=0.
Its solutions are air" functions of the form
y=x 2 +Cx
where C is any constant. Indeed, differentiating the functions y=x'+Cx, we
Putting the expressions for y and y' into the initial equation, we get the
fig. 245.
and let y = <p (x, C) be the general solution of this equation. This
general solution determines the family of integral curves in the
For each point M with coordinates x and y, . equation (I')
defines the value of the derivative ~, or the slope of the tangent
line to the integral curve passing through this point. Thus, the
differential equation (I') yields a collection of directions or, as
we say, defines a direction-fieLd in the xy-plane.
First-Order Differential Equatlons 477
Fig. 246.
Since only one curve of the famtly passes through each point
of the plane, for every number pair x and y, a unique value of
Differential Equations
M dx) d
M 2 (x) X
+ NN (y)
d =
(y) y
that is, to an equation like (2).
Example 2. Given the equation
dy y
Separating variables, we have
dy dx
Integrating we find
Integrating we obtain
In!xl+x+lnlyl-y=C or lnlxul+x-y~C.
This relation is the complete integral of the given equation.
Example 4. It is known that the decay rate of radium is directly propor-
tional to its quantity at each given instant. Find the law of variation of a
mass of radium as a function of the time if at t=O the mass of radium was m9
The decay rate is determined as follows. Let there be mass m at time r,
+ +
and mass m !!,.m at time t M. During M mass !!,.m decays. The ratio
!7' is the mean rate of decay. The limit of this ratio as M ---+0
. !!,.m dm
Il i D - = -
lJ.t-+oM dt
is the rate of decay of radium at time t.
It is given that
dt=-km, (4)
-kt0 =ln (1-~
k =-_!__In
t0 ( !-~)
Thus, it has been determined that for radium k = 0.00044 (the unif of
measure of time is on.e year).
Putting this value of k into (6) we obtain
m=m 0e
Let us find the radium half-life, which is the interval of time during
which ltalf of the original mass of radium decays. Putting ~ 0 in place of m
16- 3388
482 Differential Equations
-0.00044T=-In 2
In 2
T=o.ooo 44 =1.590 years.
f (x, y) = f ( 1, f) .
Thus, a homogeneous function of zero degree is dependent only
on the ratio of the arguments.
In this case, equation (1) takes the form
:~ =f ( 1' ~ ) . (1 ')
Making the substitution
U= x' or y=UX,
we get
dy du
dx= u + dxx.
Putting this expression of the derivative into equation (1 '), we
dx= f (1, u).
u+x du
This is an equation with variables separable:
du du dx
xdx=f(l, u)-u or f(I,u)-u=x
Integrating we find
du =S dx +C
S /(1, u)-u x
484 Differential Equations
Substituting u= 1L,
we get the general solution of the original equation:
- 2y =In ICy I
It is impossible here to get y as an explicit function of x in terms of _ele-
mentary functions. Incidentally, it is very easy to express x in terms of y:
x=yY -2C In I CyJ.
dy dy, (2)
d.~= dx1
Equations Reducible to Homogeneous Equations 485
J~. t,J=o,
i. e., ab,=a,b. But if : = !'="-, that
is, a, ="-a, b,-;M, and,
hence, equation (1) may be transformed to
dy (ax+ by) +c
dX='A.(ax+by)+c, (5)
Then by substitution
z =ax+ by (6)
and the equation is reduced to one with variables &ep~raple.
dy 1 dz a
dx=bdX-b (7)
Putting into (5) expressions (6) and (7), we get
I dz a z+c
which is an equation with variables separable.
The device applied to integrating equation (1) is also applied
to the integration of the equation
dy f( ax+by+c )
dx = + b1y +c, '
a 1:c
where f is an arbitrary continuous function.
486 Differential Equations
1 dx,-1-u '
u= J~ (~l dx +C.
y = v (x) [J ~ g~ dx + C]
First-Order Linear Equations 489
y= v (x) S~ (~] dx+Cv (x). (6)
Note. It is obvious that expression (6) will not change if in
place of the function v (x) defined by (5) we take some function
v 1 (x)=Cv(x). Indeed, putting v, (x) in (6) in place of v(x), we
y = Cv (x) S!!
(x) dx = CCv (x).
Cv (x)
The C's in the first term cancel out; in the second term the product
CC is an arbitrary constant, which we shall denote by C, and we
-again arrive at expression (6). If we denote S~(~) dx = q> (x), then
expression (6) will take the form
y = v (x) q> (x) + Cv (x). (6')
H is obvious that this is a complete integral, since C may be
chosen in such manner that the initial condition will be fulfilled:
when X=X 0 , y=y 0
The value of C is determined from the equation
Yo v (X 0 ) q> (X 0 ) Cv (x0 ).
Example. Solve the equation
- - -2- y=(x+ 1)s,
dx x-1-1
Solution. Putting
we have
dy =Udv + du v
dx dx dx
that is,
dv 2dx
tnv=21n(x+l) or. V=(x+l) 2
Pulling the expression of the function v into equation (7), we get the
following equation for u1
(x + 1)2 du
dx = (x + 1)
dx = (x+ 1),
U= (x+ I)" +C.
Thus, the complete integral of the given equation will be of the form
y=(x11)' +C(x+l)".
The family obtained is the general solution. No matter what the initial
condition (x 0 , y 0 ), where x 0 #- I, it is always possible to choose C so that
the corresponding particular solution should satisfy the given initial condi-
tion. For example, the particular solution that satisfies the condition y 0 =3
when x 0 = 0 is found as follows:
3 = (O t I)'+ C (0 + I )2 ;
y = (x 11 )' + } (x + I)".
dv + mA 1 V= -~ vn,
dt m
Bernoulli's Equation 491
we have
Substituting into (2), we get
dx+<-n+ l)Pz=(-n+l)Q,
This is a linear equation.
Finding its complete integral and substituting the expression
y-n+J for z, we get the complete integral of th~ Bernoulli equation.
Example. Solve the equation
:~ +xy=xsys. (3)
we get
dz __ y_ 3 dy
dx- 2 dx'
Substituting into equation (4), we obtain
--2xz=-2x3 , (5)
This is a linear equation.
Let us find its complete integral:
dz dv du
z=uv; dx=u dx + dx v.
dv du
u dx + dx v-2xuv=- 2x1
492 Differential Equations
In v=x; v=ex,
For u we get the equation
-ay (4)
that is, (2) is a necessary condition for the left side of (I) to be
an exact differential of some function u (x, y). We 'shall show that
this condition is also sufficient: if (2) is fulfilled then the left
side of (I) is an exact differential of some function u (x, y).
From the relation
ax =M (x, y)
we find
u = ~ M (x, y) dx + cp (y),
ay-dx+ q> , (y) = N (x, y);
that is, N (x, y) 1~o q>' (y) = N (x, y)
N (x, y)-N (X 0 , y) + q>' (y) = N (x, y).
q>' (y) = N (X 0 , y)
aya SM (x, y) dx= SoMiJy dx. This follows from . , t heorem for. d'ff
Lei bmz 1 eren-
xo Xo
tiating a definite inlegral with respect to a parameter (see Sec. 10; C:h. XI),
Integrating Factor 495
we have
For !I'# 0, condition (2) is fulfitled. Hence, the left side of this equation is
an exact differential of some unknown function u (x, y). Let us find this
. au. 2x
S1nce a-=
X 3y , it fotlows that
2x x2
5ya dx + cp (y) = a+ cp (y),
where cp (y) fs an as yet undefined function of y.
Differentiating this relation with respect toy and noting that
au y 2 -3x 2
we find
3 2 3
x+ '() y - x .
-Y' cp Y =-u--,
cp'(y)=; cp(y)=-~+C,,
x1 I
u (x, y)=-a--+C,.
y y
Thus the complete integral of the initial equation is
x I
ya y
aN aM
Similarly, if the expression Tx~ay is not dependent on y but
only on x, then it is easy to find an integrating factor that
depends only on x.
Example. Solve the equation
(y +xy 2 ) dx-x dy=O.
Solution. Here, M=y+xy 2 ; N=-x;
aM aN aM aN
y =l+2xy; -a
=-1; -a
y -a
Thus, the left side of the equation is not an exact differential. Let us see
whether this equation allows for an integrating factor dependent only on y or
not. Noting that
aN aM
-l-l-2xy 2
y+xy y
we conclude that the equation permits of an integrating !actor dependent
only on y. We find it:
In J.1 = - 2ln y, i. e., J.1 = y.
After multiplying through by the integrating factor J.l., we obtain the equation
Fig. 250. Fig. 251.
From equation (2) of the envelope we find the slope of the tan-
gent to the envelope at the point M (x, y). Differentiate (2} with
respect to x considering that y is a function of x:
aa> + aa> ac + laa> + aa> ac J , = 0
ax ac ax ay ac ay Y
. , [acax+ acay Y'] = 0
<D.. + <DuY +<De (3)
The slope of the tangent to the curve of the family (1) at the
point M (x, y) is found from
<D: + <D~y' = 0 (4)
(on this curve, C is constant).
We assume that <l>'y =1= 0, otherwise we would consider x as the
function and y as the argument. Since the slope k of the envelope
is equal to the slope k of the curve of the family, from (3) and
(4) we obtain
ac + ac
<D'e [ Tx ay Y'] = 0
But since on the envelope C (x, y) =1= const, it follows that
ax ay Y
and so for its points the following equation holds:
<D~ (x, y, C)= 0. (5)
Thus, the following two equations serve to determine the envelope:
<D(x, y, C)=O, }
<De (x, y, C)= 0.
Conversely, if, by eliminating C from these equations, we get an
equation y = cp (x), where cp (x) is a differentiable function, and
C =1= const on this curve, then y = cp (x) is the equation of the
Note 1. If for the family (1) a certain function y=cp (x) is the
equation of the locus of singular points, that is, of points where
<D~ = 0 and <D~ = 0, then the coordinates of these points also satisfy
equations (6}. .
Indeed, the coordinates of singular points may be expressed
in terms of the parameter C that enters into equation (1):
X= A (C), y = fl {C). (7)
500 Di(Jereiitial Equations
This is a circle. It is the envelope of the family (and not the' locus of singu-
lar points, since straight lines do not have singular points) (Fig. 252).
Example 4. Find the envelope of the trajectories of shells fired from a gun
Y with velocity v0 at different angles of incli-
nation of the barrel to the horizon. We shall
consider that the gun is located at the
coordinate origin and that the trajectories of the sheJls He in the xy.plane
(air resistance is disregarded).
Solution. First find the equation of the trajectory of the shell for the case
when the barrel makes an angle a with the positive x-axis. In flight, the
shell participates simultaneously in two motions: a uniform motion with
velocity v0 in the direction of the barrel and a falling motion due to the
force of gravity. Therefore, at each instant of timet th'e position of the shell M
(Fig. 253) will be defined by the equations
X=v 0 tcosa,
y=v 0 t sina-y.
These are parametric equations of the trajectory (th.e parameter is the time t).
Eliminating t, we get the equation of the trajectory in .the form
1 2
y=.4a- ax'
502 Differential Equal ior;s
Fig. 254.
or or
y=x. y=x--g.
We have obtained two straight lines: y=x and y=x-f. The first is a locus
of singular points . the second is an envelope (Fig. 256).
""df= VRCI/
y .. <*l
Separating var_iables, we obtain
.r -dx.
r R 2 -Y 2
Whence, integrating, we find the complete integral:
(x-C) 2 +Y 2 =R.
It is easy to see that the family of integral lines is a family of circles of
radius R with centres on the x-axis. The pair of straight lines y = R will
be the envelope of the family of curves.
The functions y = R satisfy the differential .equation (1). This, conse
qu~ntly, is a singular integral.
y= X ~~ + ~ ( ~~ ) . (1)
X -1- \jl' (p) = 0. (3)
1) Integrating (2) we obtain p = C (C = const). Putting this
value of p into (1 '), we find its complete integral:
y=xC +'I' (C), (4)
which, geometrically, is a family of straight lines.
2) If from (3) we find p as a function of x and put it into
(1 '), we obtain the function
y=xp(x)-1-'P[p(x}], (1")
which may be readily shown to be the solution of equation (1).
Indeed, by virtue of (3) we have
~~ =p-t-[x-t-\jl'(p)] ~~ =p.
And so, by substituting the function (1") into equation (l) we get
the identity
xp + \jl (p) = xp + \jl (p).
The solution of (1") is not obtained from the complete integral (4)
for any value of C. This is a singular solution; it is obtained by
elimination of the parameter p from the equations
x+'P' (p) =0,
or, which is the same thing, by eliminating C from the equations
y=xC +'I' (C),
Thus, the singular solution of Clairaut's equation defines the
envelope of a family of straight lines represented by the complete
integral (4).
Example. Find the general and singular solutions of the equation
y 1+( :~ r
dy adx
y=xC+-----=- ===
y' 1 +ca
Lagrange's Equa( ion 507
x+ a =0 .
(1 +C')
The singular solution (the equation of the
envelope)" is obtained in parametric form (where
1 aC 3
l !1= (1 + C')+
Eliminating C, we get a direct relationship Fig. 258.
between x and y. Raising both sides of each
equation to the power ~ and adding the resultant equations termwise, \'lC
p-ep (p) = [xcp' (p) +'I'' (p)] :~. (1 ")
From this equation we can straightway find certain solutions:
namely, it becomes an identity for any constant value p = p0
that satisfies the condition
Po -cp (P 0 ) = 0.
Indeed, for a constant value p the derivative ~: :::=0, and both
sides of equation (1") vanish.
The solution corresponding to each value p = p 0 , that is, :~ = p0
is a linear function of x (since the derivative ~~ is constant only
in the case of linear functions). To find. this function it is suf-
ficient to put into (1 ') the value p = p0 :
Y = xcp (Po)+ 'I' (Po).
If it turns out that this solution is not obtainable from the gener-
al solution for any value of the arbitrary constant, it will be a
singular solution.
Let us now find the general solution. Write (1") in the form
dx c:p' (p) 'IJ' (p)
([ji-x p-c:p(p) p-c:p(p)
Let us find the singular solutions. Since p=p 2 for p 0 =0 and p 1 =1. the
solutions will be linear functions (see (1')):
y=x0 2 +0 2 , that is, y=O,
Orthogonal and Isogonal Trajectories 509
When we find the complete integral, we will see whether these functions arc
particular or singular solutions. To find it, write equation (I") in the form
dx 2p 2
dp p-p 1-p
and we shall regard x as a function of the independent variable p. Integrating
this linear (in x) equation, we find
x=-l+(p-l) 2 (II)
Eliminating p from equations (I') and (II), we get the complete integral
y=(C+ Yx+l)'.
The singular integral of the initial equation is
since this solution is not obtainable from the general solution for any- value
of C.
However, the function y=x+ 1 is not a singular but a particular solution;
it is obtained from the general solution when C=O.
We shall show that the flow lines are the orthogonal trajectories
of a family of equipotential lines (Fig. 260).
Let <p be an angle formed by the velocity vector 'V with the
x-axis. Then by relation (4)
au (x, y) =\'VI cos cp au (x, y) =I 'VI sin <p,
ax ' ay
whence we find the slope of the tangent to the flow line
au (x, y)
U. X, y
)' (G)
We obtain the siope of the tangent to the equipotential line by
differentiating, with respect to x, relation IJ
dy ax
dx= -au. (7)
Thus, in magnitude and sign, the slope 0 x
of the tangent to the equipotential line is Fig. 260.
the inverse of the slope of the tangent to
the flow line. Whence it follows that equipotential lines and flow
lines are mutually orthogonal.
In the case of an electric or magnetic field, the lines of force
of the field serve as the orthogonal trajectories of the family of
equipotential lines.
Example 1. Find tile orthogonal trajectories of the family of parabolas
Solution. Write the differential equation of the family
y' ~2Cx.
Eliminating C, we get
y' 2
Substituting -..!,
for y', we obtain a differential equation of the family of
orthogonal trajectories
512 Differential Equations
Its complete integral is
4 2 .
Hence, the orthogonal tr-ajectories of the given family of parabolas will be
represented by a certain family of ellipses with semi-axes a=2C, b=C 2
(Fig. 261).
Fig. 261.
that is,
dyT_ k
d11 dx
d~ = -k--,-dy_T_+_l (2')
Substituting this expression into
equation (1 ') and dropping the sub-
script T, we obtain the differential
equation of isogonal trajectories.
Example 2. F.ind the isogonal trajec-
tories of a family of straight lines,
y=Cx, (8)
that cut the lines of the given family
at an angle a, the tangent of which Fig. 263.
equals k: tan a= k..
Solution. Let us write the differential equation of the given family. Diffe-
rentiating equation (8) with respect to x, we find
On the other hand, from the same equation we have
. r-- I y
r x"+y'=karctan x-+lnC, (9)
which defines the family of isogonal tralectories. To find out precisely which
514 DiUerential .Equations
Consequently, the family of isogonal trajectories Is a family of logarithmic
spirals (Fig. 263).
51'6 Differential Equations
I) to find its general solution (if the initial conditions are not
given) or
2) to find a particular solution of the equation that satisfies
the given initial conditions (if there are such).
In the following sections we shall present methods of solving
various equations of the nth order.
y'n-l> = ~ f (x).dx+C 1 ,
,= Ssin kx dx + C = - I
cos kx-
1 + .C I
x ( cos kx - I )
k dx +J
r C, dx+C 2
0 0
sin kx x
y=- ~+k+C,x+C2
sin kx ( I )
y=-~+x k+l .
Differential equations of this kind a~e encountered in the theory of the
bending of girders. . .
Example 2. let us consider an elastic prismatic girder bending under the
action of external forces both continuou,sly distribu.ted (\,Veigh1, load~, and
concentrated. Let the x-axis be horizontal -
along the axis of the girder in its underformed L-x
state and let the y-axis be directed vertically x
downwards (Fig. 264). X
Each force acting on the girder (the load
of th~. girder, .and the reaction of the supports,
for instance) has a moment, relative to some
cross section of the girder, equal to the prod-
uct of the force by the distance of thr pojnt p
of application of the force from the given y
cross section. The sum, M (x), of the moments
Fig. 264.
of all the forces applied to that part of the
girder situated to one side of the given cross
section with abscissa x is called the bending moment of the girder relative
to the given cross section. In courses of strength of materials, it is proved that
the bending moment of the girder is
where E is the so-called modulus of elasticity which depends on the material
of the girder, J is the moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area of the
girder relative to the horizontal line passing through the centre of gravity of
the cross-sectional area, and R is the radius of curvature of the axi:s of the
bent girder, which radius is expressed by the formula (Sec. 6, Ch. VI)
(I+ y'z)t.
R= y" .
518 . Differential Equations
Thus, the differential equation of the bent ais of a girder has the form
y" M (x)
(I+ y'") 'I =:/.
II we consider that the deformations are small and lhat the tangents to
lhe axis of the girder, when bent, form a small angle with the x-axis, we can
disregard the square of the small quantity y'' and consider
Then the differential equation of the bent girder will have the form
M (x) (2')
but lhis equation is of the form of (1).
Example 3. A girder is fixed .in place at the extremity 0 and is .subjected
to the action of a concentrated vertical force P applied to the end of the
girder L at a distance l from Q (Fig. 264). The weight of the girder is ignored:
We consider a cross section at the point N (x). The bending .moment rela-
tive to section N is, in the given case, equal to
M (x)=(l-x) P.
The differential equation (2') has the" r'orm
Y* l )
p <.-x.
= EJ
The initial conditions are: for x=O the deflection y is equal to zero and ~h.e
tangent to the bent axis of the girder coincides with the x-axis; that is,
Yx=o=O, u:=O =0.
Integrating the equation, we find
p (
y=2EJ. Ix'-3 x) (3)
. ,: ,.
:~=f(x.~~) (1)
. '
d 2y dp
dx= dx'
and we get a first-order differential equation in the auxiliary function p of .xJ
dp l .r +-2
dx=a-r 1 P
Separating variables, we have
In (P + V 1 +P = !_+C,,
1 (
='2 e
- (: -c,))
But since p = :; , the latter relation is a differential equation in !he sought-
lor function y. Integrating it, we obtain the equation of a catenary (se'e
520 DlOerentlal Equations ;.
Sec. 1):
a ( !..+c, - ( ~ +C,))
Y=2 e a +11 +C 1.
Let us find the particular solution that satisfies the following initial con-
.The first condition yields C1 =0, t~e second, C1 =;:0.
We finally obtain
3y"=y. a
3p dp =Y
dy ' ....
Integrating this equation, we find
p= Vc, -y-t.
. dy
But p = dx; consequently, for a determination of y we get the equation
, .. i
whence .
dy=3t (t 2 +1)'1 - - dt.
Finally we get
x+C.= _!._ V c,y'l-1 (C,y''+2).
Example 3. Let a point move along the x-axis under the action of a force
that depends solely on the position of the point. The differential equation
of motion will be '
d 1x
m dt=F (x).
At t=O let X=X 0, (i[=v 0
1 ( -dx) --mv
-m 1 = sx F(x)dx
2 dt 2 0 .
(:;y + [-SF J
; m (x) dx = ~mv:=const.
The first term of this equation is the kinetic energy, the second term,
the potential energy of the moving point. From this equation if follows that
y the sum of the kinetic and potential energy re-
mains constant throughout the time of motion.
The problem of a simple pendulum. Let there
be a material point of mass m, which is in
motion (by the force of gravity)along the Circle L
lying in the vertical plane. Let us find the equa-
tion of motion of the point neglecting resistance
forces (friction, air resistance, etc.).
Putting the origin at the lowest point of the
circle, we put the x-axis along the tangent to
the circle (Fig. 265).
Denote by l the radius of the circle, by s the
arc length from the origin 0 to the variable point
M where the mass m is located; this length is
taken with the appropriate sign (s > 0, if the
point M is on the right of 0; s < 0 if M is on
the left of 0).
Our problem consists in establishing s as a
function of the time t.
Let us de.compose the force of gravity mg into
Fig. 265, tangential and normal components. The former,
Some Types of Second-Order ,Dif!erential. Equations 523
equal to -mg sin q>, produces motion, the latter is cancelled by the reaction
of the curve along which the mass m is moving.
Thus, the equation of motion is of the form
d 2s
m dtz= -mg sin<p.
Since the angle q>=y for a circle, we get the equation
d 2.~ s
This i~ a Type q differential equation (since it does not contain the lnde
pendent variable t explicitly).
Let us integrate it in the appropriate fashion:
. dp' . '. s
pdp= -g sin T ds,
p 1 =2glcos ; +C 1
Let us denote by s0 the greatest arc length to which the point M swings.
For s='=s~ the 'velocity of the point is zero:
dt s
This enables us to determine C11
=--pi =- .
0=2gl cosf+ C,,
= 2gl ( cos--
p'= ( -ds)' s s )
. dt I l
or, applying to the latter expression the formula for the difference of cosines,
.... :( dl
s+.~. s -s
=4gl.sln 21 sln 2 l ' (5)
524 . Dif}eren tial Equatiotts
We shall assume, for the time. being, . that s =F s0 , then the denominator of
the fraction is different from zero. If we consider that s=O for 1=0, then
from (7) we get
J ~Vf . s +S
I -s
2 Jlgk (8)
0 sm 2 l s n
This is the equation that yields s as a function of t. The integral on the
left cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions; neither can
the function s of t. Let us consider this problem approximately. We shall
assume that the angles Ts s
and -{ are ~mall. The angles
s +s
T and T
s -s
will not exceed sl In (6) let us replace, approximately, the sines of !he
angles by the angles
ds = 2 Vl ~ Is+ s0 s0 -s
dt g 21 21 v
~ ~ /( ")
dt= Vlg
TV so-s (6')
Ceparating variables, we get (assuming, for the time being. that s-/:. s
-v f
ds (7')
}I s~-s
Again we consider that s = 0 when t = 0. Integrating the latter equation, we get
*) We put the plus sign in front of the root. From the note at the end of
the solution it follows that there is no need to consider the case with the
minus sign.
Some Types of Second-Order Diflerenlial Equations 525
where r Is the distance between the ce'ntre of the earth and the centre of
gravity of the body, and .k is the gravitational constant.
The differential equation of motion of this body with mass m will be
d2r M m
dt2 r
The minus sign indicates that the acceleration is negative. The differen-
tial equation (10) is an equation of type (2). We shall solve it for the fol-
lowing initial conditions:
for t =0
Here, R Is the radius of the earth and o 0 Is the launching velocity. We deneb
dr d'r do du dr du
dt=U, dt 2=dt=dr' Cfl=U dr'
where o is the velocity of motion. Putting this Into (10), we get
do M
0 - = - kr.-1
Separating variables, we obtain
odo = -kM r.
Integrating this equation, we find
o I
'2= +kM ;-+C1 (11)
526 Differentidl Equations
From the condition that V=v 0 at the earth's surface {for r=R), we deter-
mine C1 :
v~ I
2=+kM J[+C 1
kM v!
We put the value of C1 into (11): .\
v 1 kM v!
It is given that the body should move so that the velocity Is always positive;
hence, ~ > 0. Since for a boundless increase of , the quantity k~ becomes
V0 = y 2 ~M' (14)
k=6.66I0- 8 cm 3 /gmsec 1 ,
R = 63107 em.
At the earth's surface, for r = R. the acceleration of gravity is g (g = 981 cmjsec~.
For this reason, from (10) we obtain
g=k R'
y~ =tan qJ; 1 + y' = 1 + tan 2 IP = sec 2 q;; (1 + y' 2
)"' =
I . I I
= Isec <p = 1cos <p I '
y" = R 1 c~s cp I . (3)
Now putting into (1) the expressions obtained for y lind y", we
R Ieos <pI
f (x, y, tan IJJ)
R =I cos <plf (x,y, tan <p) (4)
It is thus evident that a second-order differential equation deter-
mines the magnitude of the radius of curvature of an integral
curve if the coordinates of the point and the direction of the
tangent to this point are specified.
*) Up till now we have always considered the radius of curvature positive;
in this section we shall consider it a number that can take on both positive
and negative values: if the curve is convex (y" < 0), we consider . the -rai!Tus
of curvature negative (R<O); if the curve is_ concave (y">O), it is positive
(R>O). '
528 . DiUerential Equations
Through the point J\10 (x., y.) draw a ray M.T. with slope y' =
= tan <p = y~ (Fig. 266). From equation (4) we find the magnitude
of R = k. Lay off a segment M.c., equal to R., perpendic~lar
to 111 T , and from the point c. (as centre) strike an arc M.Md
with radius R.. It should be note
NJ 7f Tz that if R.<O, then the segment .M.c.
To must be drawn in that direction so
that the arc of the circle is convex
Yil upwards, and for R.>O, convex down
(see footnote on page 527).
Then let X 1 , y 1 be the coordinates
of the , point 111 1 which lies on the
constructed arc and is sufficiently
close to the point M. while tan <p; is
0 Xo x the slope of the tangent M 1 T, to the
Fig. 266. circle drawn at M,. From equation {4)
we find the value of R =R, that cor-
responds to M,. Draw the segment M.G., perpendicular to M,T,,
equal to R., and from C, (as centre) strike an arc M')i. with
radius R . Then on this arc take a point M. (x., y.) close to M,
and continue construction as before until we get a sufficiently
large piece of the curve consisting of the arcs of circles. From
the foregoing it is clear that this curve is approximately an integral
curve that passes throught the point M 0
Obviously, the smaller the arcs 111:111., M~M., ... , the closer
the constructed curve will be to the integral curve.
*) A curve is called smooth if it has tangents at all points and the angle
of inclination of the tangent is a continuous function of the arc length s.
Homogeneous Linear qu11t ions 529
ln W = - 5a, dx +In C
C -5 a dx X
I '
~ a dx 1
where we put
(y,h=xo=Yto; (yz)x=xo=Yzo; (y;).<=.ta=Y;o; (y~)x=xo=Yzo
Homogeneous Linear E qwations 533
From the system (9) we can determine C1 and G_ since the deter-
minant of this system
Y,,o Y~o
Y1o Yo I I=
Y10 Y:o -y;oY2o
whose coefficients a,=__!_ and a2 = ~ are continuous on any interval that does
not cont<lin.~he point x=O, permits of the particular, solutions
I . . ,
y, =:=x. u.=-x .
(this is readily verified by substitution). Hence, its general solution is of
t.he form
-J a,dx
y, u: dx+c
' ..
Since we are seeking a particular solution, we get (by putting
C 1 =0 and C= 1)
-J a,dx.
Ys=Y, STdx. (10)
II. The roots of the auxiliary equation are compl~x. Since complex
roots are conjugate in pairs, we write
k 1 =a+ i~; k 1 = a-,.i~,
From what has been proved, the particular solutions of ('l) are
the real functions
i/1 = e~x cos ~x. (6')
= eu sin ~x. (6")
The functions y, and Yz are linearly independent, since
y e~X COS ~X
--d- = ~x . ~ =cot ~x+const.
Yz e sm x
Consequently, the general solution of equation (1) in the case of
complex roots of the auxiliary equation is of the form
y= Ay + By
1 1
= Aeax cos ~x + Beu sin Px
y=e~x (A cos ~x+ B sin ~x), .(7)
where A and B are arbitrary constants.
Example 2. Given the equation
y" +2y' +5y=0.
Find the complete integral and a particular solution ~hat satisfies the initial
conditions Yx=o=O, y~=o= 1. Construct the graph.
Solution. 1) We write the auxiliary equation
k 2 +2k +5=0
and find its roots:
k,=-1+2t, k.=-l-2i.
Thus, the complete integral is
y=e-x (A cos 2x+ Bsln 2x).
2) We find a particular solution that satisfies the given initial conditions
and determine the corresponding values o! A and 8.
From the first condition we find
O=e- 0 (A cos 20+ B sin 20), whence A =0.
Noting that
y' = e -x28 cos 2x ..:.....e-x 8 sin 2x
we obtain !rom the second condition
1 = 28. so 8=-
Thus, the desired particular solution is
Ill The roots of the auxiliary equation are real and equal.
Here, k 1 = k1
538 Different_iaL Equations
------ X
Fig. 267.
(i;" + aJj' + a,y) + (y*" + a 1 y*' + a,y*) = f (x). (4)
Since -y is a solution of (2), the expression in the first brackets
is identically zero. Since y* is a solution of ( 1), the expression
in the second brackets is equal to f (x). Consequently, (4) is an
identity. Thus, the first part of the theorem is proved.
We shall now prove that expression ( 3) is the general solution
of equation (1); in other words, we shall prove that the arbitrary
constants that enter into the expression may be chosen so that
the following initial conditions are satisfied:
, = Yo' } (5)
no matter what the numbers X 0 , Yo and [provided that x 0 is y;
taken from the region where the functions a 1 , a. and f (x) are
Noting that y
may be given in the form
y=C y +C.y., 1 1
and c.; in other words, there exist values C, and c. such that
formula (3) defines the solution of equation (I) which satisfies
tlie given initial conditions. The theorem is completely proved.
Thus,. if we know the general solution y of the homogeneous
equation (2), the basic difficulty, when integrating the nonhomo-
geneous equation(!), )jes in finding some particular solution y*.
We shall give a general method for finding the particular so-
lutions of .a nonhomogeneous equation.
The method of variation of arbitrary constants (parameters).
We write the general solution of the homogeneous equation (2):
y=C,y, +C.y.. (7)
We shall seek a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous
equation (1) in the form (7), considering C, and c. as some (as
yet) undetermined functions of x.
Diffe~e'ntiate' (7):
.. . y'=C,y;+C.it~+C;y,+C~y .
Now choose the needed functi9ns C, and c. so that the following
equation is fulfilled:
If we 'take note of this additional condition, the first derivative y'
will take the form
y' = c ,y; + c.y;.
Differentiating this expression, we find y":
y" = C,y; +C.y; +C;y; + C~y:.
Putting y, y' and y" into (1), we get
C,y; +C.y:+c;y; + C~y~+ a, (C,y; + C.y;) +
+a. (C,y, +C.y,)=f(x)
C, (y; + a,y; + a.y,) +C. (y: + a,y~ + a.y.) + c; y; + C~y; = f (x).
The expressions in the first two brackets vanish, since y, and y.
are solutions of the homogeneous equation. Hence, the latter equa-
tion takes on the form
c;y; + c;y; = f (x). (9)
Thu~ . the function (7) wili be a soi~tion of the .nonhomogeneous
equation (I) provided the functions C, and C1 satisfy the system
. c;~, +
of equations (8) and (9); that _is, if
C~y. = o, c;y; +c;y: = f (x).
544 . Differential Equations
*) We remark that all the results given above also hold for the case
when a is a complex number (this follows from the rules of differentiation of
the function em", where m is any complex number; see Sec. 4, Ch. VII).
Non homogeneous Second-Order Linear Equations 547
1 4
Y =3x--g.
The general solution of y = !i + y* will be
648 Differential Equations
Since the coefficient 3 in the exponent is not a root of the auxiliary equa-
tion, we seek the particular solution in the form
y = Q2 (x) e'"' or y = (Ax 2 + Bx= C) e8"'.
Substituting this expression in the differential equation, we will have
(9 (Ax 2 + Bx+C>+ 6 (2Ax+ B)+2A +9 (Ax'+ Bx+ C)] e8"' = (x 2 + l)e1 "'.
Cancelling out e8"' and equating the coefficients of identical degrees of x, we
18A=1, 12A+188=0, 2A+6B-{-18C=1,
1 1 5
whence A= ; B = - 2't; C = 8I. Consequently, the particular solution is
y - x2- 1
27 x
8I eIX
and the general solution is
y=C 1 cos 3x+Ca sin 3x+ (t18 x 2 -bx+~) e'"'
Example 3. To solve the equation
y- 7 y' 6y = (x- 2) e"'.
Solution. Here, the right side is of the form P 1 (x) e1"' and the coefficient 1
in the exponent is a simple root of the auxiliar polynomial. Hence, we seek
the particular solution in the form y* = xQdx) e or
y =X (Ax+ B)e"';
puttii:Ig this expression in the equation, we get
[(Ax'+Bx)+ (4Ax+2B)+2A-7 (Ax 2 + Bx)-7 (2Ax+B)+
6 (Ax'+ Bx)] e"' = (x-2) ex
(-lOAx-58 +2A) e"' =(x-2)e"'.
Equating the coefficients of Identical degrees of x, -we gel
-lOA=l. -5B+2A=-2,
whence A=- , 8=: .. Consequently, the particular solution is
10 5
y* =X ( - 110 X-{-~) e"'
and the general solution Is
y= C1eex 2
I 259) ex .
+ C ex +x ( -rox+
II. Let the right side have the form
1 (x) = P (x) eu cos ~x Q (x) e~"' sin ~x, (5)
where P (x) and Q (x) are polynomials. , . , ,
This case may be considered by_ the technique used in the pre-
ceding case, if we pass from trigonometric functions to exponential
Nonhomogeneous Second-Order Linear Eq11ations 549
C1 Y
ll (4)
Multiplying the terms of the first, second, ... and, finally, second
to the last equation by an, a,;_,, ... , aP respectively, and adding,
we get
y*<n) a,y'*<n-1) + ... +any*= f (x),
since y 11 Yz ... , Yn are particular solutions of the homogeneous
equation; for this reason, the sums of the terms obtained in adding
vertical columns are equal to zero.
Hence, the function y*=C,y,+ ... +CnYn [whereC" ... ,Cn
are functions of x determined from equations (4)) is a solution of
the nonhomogeneous equation (1), and since this solution depends
on the n arbitrary constants CP C1 , , Cn it is the general
The proposition is thus proved.
For the case of a higher-order nonhomogeneous equation with
constant coefficients (cf. Sec. 24), the particular solutions are found
more easily, namely:
I. Let there be a function on the right side of the differential
equation: f(x)=P(x)eu, where P(x) is a polynomial in x; then
we have to distinguish two cases:
a) if a is not a root of the auxiliary equation, then the parti-
cular solution may be sought in the form
. where Q (x) is a polynomial of the same degree as P (x), but with
undetermined coefficients;
b) if a is a root of multiplicity ~t of the auxiliary equation,
then the particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation may
be sought in the form
y* = x"Q (x) eu,
where Q (x) is a polynomial of the same degree as P (x).
II. Let the right side of the equation have the form
f(x) = M cos Px+ N sin px,
where M and N are constants. Then the form of the particular
solution will be determined as follows:
. a) if the number .pi is not a root of the auxiliary .equation, then
the particular solution has the form
y* =A cos Px+B sin px,
where A and B are constant undetermined coefficients;
b) H the. number ~~ is a root of the auxiliary equation of mul-
tiplicity I' then .
y* = x" (A cos ~x B sin px).
554 .DifJereMwl Bqu<Jtions
III. Let
f (x) = P (x) e"" cos~x + Q (x) e"" sin ~x,
where P (x) and Q (x) are polynomials in x. Then:
a) if the number a+ ~i is not a root of the auxiliary polynomial,
then we seek the particular solution in the form
y* = U (x) e"" cos ~x+ V (x) e"" sin ~x,
where U (x) and V (x) ar~ polynomials of degree equal to the high-
est degree of the polynomials P (x) and Q (x);
b) if the number a+ ~i is a root of multiplicity Jl of the auxiliary
polynomial, then we seek. the particular solution in the form
y* = x"' [U (x) e"" cos ~x + V (x) eux sin ~x],
where U (x) and V (x) have the same meaning as 'in Case a:
General remarks on Cases II and Ill. Even when the right side
of the equation contains an expression with only cos ~x or. only
sin ~x, we must seek the solution m the form indicated, that is,
with sine and cosine. In other words, from the fact that the right
side does not contain cos ~x or sin ~x. it does not in the least
follow that the particular solution of the equation does not contain
these functions. This was evident when we considered Examples -4,
5, 6 of the preceding section, and also Example 2 of the present
Example I. Find the general solution of the equation
YIV -y=xa+ 1.
Fig. 268.
I Fig. 269.
dt 2 + p dtdy + qy = f (t), (2')
f (t) = - k<p (t) + A.<p' (t)
We thus have a nonhomogeneous second-order differential
Equation (l') is called an equation of free oscillations, equation(2')
is an equation of forced oscillations.
1) Let ~~ > q. Then the roots k 1 and k 2 are real negative num-
bers. The general solution is expressed in terms of exponential
From this formula it follows that the deviation of y for any
initial conditions approaches zero asymptotically if t _,. oc. In the
given case, there will be no oscillations, since the forces of resist-
ance are great compared to the coefficient of rigidity of the
spring k.
2) Let ~~ = q; then the roots k 1 and k. are equal (and are
also equal to the negative number - ~ ) . Therefore, the general"
solution will be
-~ t . -~t _~!!_
y . C,e +C.te 1
. (C 1 +C 2 t)e (2)
Here the deviation also approaches zero as t-+ oc, but not so
rapidly as in the preceding 'case (due to the factor C1 +Cat).
558 DifJerenlial. Equations
a=-f<O, ~= yq-~
where 2
y = Ae~ 1 sin (~t + rp 0). (4')
Here, for the amplitude we have to consider the quantity Aeat
which depends on the time. Since a< 0, it approaches zero as
----- t
,. ,.
Fig. 271.
t __.... oo, which means that here we are dealing with damped oscil-
lations. The graph of damped oscillations is shown in Fig. 271.
and is equal to
The graphs of the function D (A.) for various values of y are shown
in Fig. 272 (in constructing the graphs we put a= 1, ~. = 1 for
the sake of definiteness). These curves are called resonance curves.
From formula (5) it follows that for small y the maximum
value of amplitude is attained for values of .A close to unity, that
is, when the frequency of the external force is close to the fre-
quency of free oscillations. If y=O (thus, p=O), that is, if there
is no resistance to motion, the amplitude of forced vibraUons
increases without bound as A-+ 1 or as w-.. ~~ = Jlq:
lim D (A.)= ..oo.
A, r
'l ~
~~~ 1\~,\
0 0.25 0.5 Q75 1.0 1.25 f.!i t75 2.0 2.25' A.
Fig. 272.
M=- 2: ; N=O.
y* = - 2~ t cos wt.
The general solution will have
the form '
y =A sin (~t + cp 0 ) - 2: t cos ~t.
The second term on the right '
side shows that in this case the Fig. 273.
amplitude increases without bound
with the time t. This phenomenon, which occurs when the
natural frequency of the system coincides with the frequency of
the external force, is called resonance.
The graph of the function y* is shown in Fig. 273.
In the solution of many problems it is required to find the
functions y, = Y, (x), Y2 = Y. (x), ... , Yn = Yn (x), which satisfy a
system of differential equations containing the argument x, the
unknown functions yP y 2 , , Yn and their derivatives.
Consider the following system of first-order equations:
=f (
' x, y,, Yz .. I Yn), 1
dx =
f z (X, Yp Yz Yn), ~ (I)
where yl' Ys ... , y,.. are unknown functions and x is the argu-
A system of this kind, where the left sides of the equations
contain first-order derivatives, while the right sides do not
contain derivatives, is called normal.
To integrate the system means to determine the functions
y,. y 2 , , y,., which satisfy the system of equations (l) and the
given initial conditions:
{yl)x=xo = Yto (Yz)x=xu = Yzo (Y,.)x=xo = Yno (2)
Integration of a system like (1) is performed as follows. Differen-
tiute the first equation of ( 1) with respect to x:
dy,_ at,--!- at, dy,
dx -ax . ay, dx
+ . . . +~ dy,.
ay,. dx .
R ep Iacmg th e d enva . t'tves dy, dy. , ... , dX
dx , dx dy,. 'th th etr
. ex-
pressions {,, {2 , , f,. from equations (l ), we get the equation
dx - F (x, y,, ... , y,.).
Differentiating this equation and then doing as bef.:)re,. we obtain
dx = F' (x, y,, Yz y,.).
Continuing in the same fashion, we finally get the equation
dx" = F,. (x, y,, ... , y,.).
We thus get the following system:
dx = f 1 (X Yt
dy,_ '
. Yn)
dx- dx dx
Putting the expressions :~ and ~; from equations (a) into this equation,
we get
d:.=(y+z+x) +<- 4y-3z +2x) + 1
dx 2 =-3y-2z+3x+1. (c)
d"y=-3y-2 (dy_y-x)+3x+l
dx dx
d 2y dy
dx 2 + 2 dx +Y= 5x+!. (e)
Choosing the constants C1 and C2 so that the initial conditions (b) are
(Y)x=o= l. (Z)x=o=O,
we get, from equations (f) and (g),
I =C 1 -9, 0=C1 -2C 1 + 14,
whence C, = 10 and C2 =6.
Thus, the solution that satisfies the given initial conditions {b) has the
y=(10+6x)e-x+5x-9, z=(-14-12x)e-x-6x+14.
Note 2. In the foregoing we assumed that from the first n-1
equations of the system (3) it is possible to determine the
functions y.. Y ... , Yn It may happen that the variables
y ... , Yn are eliminated not from n, but from a smaller number
of equations. Then to determine Y1 we will have an equation
of order less than n.
Example 2. Integrate the system
dx dy dz
dt=y+z; dt =x+z; d{=x+y.
Putting into the third of the given equations the expressions that have been
found for x and y, we get an equation for determining z:
dz+ z= 3C 2ezt .
curve (lying, for example, in the xy-plane), we get a system of two equations
for determining the functions x (t) and y (t):
(t, X, y, :; , :n, (9)
d y ( dx dy) (10)
mdt=Fy t, x, y, iH' dT .
It is possible to solve a system of differential equations. of higher order
by reducing it to a system of first-order equations. Using equations (9) and
(10) as examples, we shall show how this is done. We introduce the notation
dx dy
dt=U, g=V.
d'x du
The system of two secondorder equations (9) and (10) with two unknown
functions x (t) and 1J (t) is replaced by a system of four first-order equations
with four unknown functions x, y, u, v:
dx _
dt = .v,
md[=Fx(t, x, y, u, v.),
mdt=fy(t, x, y, u, v).
d2 z
Solution. Differentiate, with respect to x, both sides of the first equation
But dx=g, and so we get a fourth-order equation:
dx=y. ;. .. '
Integrating this equation, we obtain lts general solution (see Sec. 22,
Example 4):
Systems of Linear Differential Equations 569
Finding d:.
d' .
from this equation and putting it into the first equation, we
find z:
~. 11 X 1 +a 12X 2+...
dt=a + a ,.Xm 1 l
dx = az.x. + auxz + ... + az,.x,.,
Tt 2
~ (1)
a I 0 I I 0 o
where the coefficients ail are constants. Here, t is the argument,
and X1 (t), x, (t), ... , x,. (t) are the unknown functions. The
system (I) is a system of homogeneous linear differential equations
with constant coefficients.
As was pointed out in the preceding section, this system may
be solved by reducing it to a single equation of order n, which
in the given instance will be linear (this was indicated in Note
I of the preceding section). But system (1) rriay be solved in
another way, without reducing it to an equation of the nth order.
This method makes it possible to analyse the character of the
solutions more clearly.
We seek a particular solution of the system in the following
Cancel out ekt. Transposing all terrris to one side and collecting
coefficients of a,, a 2 , , an, we get a system of equations:
(a 11 - k) a,+ a 12 a 2 + ... :a, nan= 0, }
a2lal +(au-k) a!+ ... ,a:nan -0,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
an,a, + an:a1 + ... +(ann- k) an= 0.
Choose a,, a 2 , , an and k such that will satisfy the system (3).
This is a system of linear algebraic equations in a,, a 2 , , an.
Let us form the determinant of the system (3):
a 11 -k a 12 ... a,n
an au-k .. atn
1!:. (k) = (4)
an, an2 (ann- k)
If k is such that the determinant 1!:. is different from zero, then
the system (3) has only trivial solutions u, = a 2 - ; =an= 0
and, hence, formulas (2) yield only trivial solutions:
X1 (t) =X1 (t) =, .. =Xn (t) =0.
Thus, we obtain nontrivial solutions (2) only for k such that
the determinant ( 4) vanishes. We arrive at . an equation of order
n for determining k:
a 11 -k au ... a,n
a11 a 12 -k ... a 2 n
=0. (5)
(2-l)ap>+2a~ 1 l=o,}
la~l) + (3-1) a~ l =01
a! 1 >+2a~ 1 >=o,
a\ 1 J+2al1 >=o,
572 Differen-tial Equa,t{ons
whence a<l)=
_ _!_a<l).
2 I Putting a(!>=
I. we get a(l>=-
. Thus, we obtain
the solution of the system:
X2 2 .
Now form the system (3) for the root k 2 =4 and determine a~l and a~>:
- 2a\> + 2a~> = 0,
a\ 21-2a~> =0,
whence a\ 2 >=a~> and a:>=l, a~l=J. We obtain the second solution of
the system:
The coefficients ex? 1 and exj" 1 are determined fro~ the system of
equations (3). :.
Just as in Sec. 21, it may be shown tpat the real and imagi-
nary parts of the complex solution are also solutions. We thus
obtain two particular solutions:
~}'' = e~ (~}'>cos ~x+ ~} sin ~x), }
x}" 1 = et (A.}' 1 sin ~x + A.} 21 cos ~x),
where A.J 11 , A.} 21 , W', X}" 1 are real numbers determined in terms
of ex? 1 and ex~>. . .
Appropriate combinations of functions (9) will enter into the
general solution of the system.
Systems of Linear DiOerential Equations 573
-5-k =O
or- k" + 12k + 37 = 0 and find its roots:
k,=-6+i. k.=-6-l.
Substituting k 1 = - 6 + i into the system (3), we find
a\''=1, a~''=I+i.
We write the solution (7):
x\') = le<-+ill, x~'l =(I+ i) e<-+ilt. (7')
Putting k 2 = - 6-i into system (3), we find
.a~> = I, a~> = 1-l.
We gtf a second system of solutions (8):
x~>=e<--ht, xi'' =(1-i) e<-&-i)t. (8')
Rewrite the solution (7'):
x~ll =e-at (cost+ i sin I),
xi' 1
= (1 + i) e- 81 (cost + i sin t)
x~'l = e-1 cost+ ie-1 sin t,
x~ l = e- 81 (cost -sin t) + ie- "1 (cost+ sin t).
Putting these expressions into system (10) and .cancelling out ekt
we get a system of equations for determining a:, ~ and k:
(a 11 -k )a:+a!~~=0,}
a21 a+(a 11 - k )~=0.
dta = - x+y.
Systems of Linear Differential-Equations 575
Soluti.on. Write the characteristic equation (12) and find its roots:
l-k 2
l -I
We shall seek the solution in the form
x<J=a<Jeit, y(I) =~(I) eit,
x<J =a<J e-it, y<l = ~<1 e-it,
x<J=a<l eV>t, y(l) =~(I) eVo t,
x<''=a<J e-Vat, y<'l = ~('le -VII,
a<l=I, lt(2)-
t' -2.
a< 1l= I, ~(1)_=-2
a<''= I, ~(''=-2.
::=ff (t,x,y),}
(.[[ = 2 (t, X, y). .
(1 ')
On Lyapunov's Theory of Stability 577
y=Ce- 1 + I. (b)
Find- a particular solution that satisfies the initial condition
Yt=o= I. (c)
It is obvious that this solution y= 1 results when C=O (Ftg. 274). Then find
the particular solution that satisfies the initial condition
Find the value of C from equation (b):
Yo=C + 1,
Putting this value of C into equation (b), we get
The solution y = 1 is obviously stable.
19- 3388
578 DifferenUal Equations
y-y= !(i0 -l)e- 1 1]-1 = (Yo-1) e- 1 .... 0
when t-+ co.
Hence, inequality (3) will be fulfilled for an arbitrary e if the following
inequality is fulfilled:
~; =cx+gy, }
dy (4)
'ill= ax+ by,
assuming that the coefficients a, b, c, g are constant and g=I=O.
Let us find out what conditions the coefficients must satisfy
so that the solution x = 0, y = 0 of system (4} should be stable.
Differentiating the first equation and eliminating y, we get a
second-order eq'uation:
d'x dx
dt =c dt + g dtdy =c dtdx +g(ax+ by)=c iH
+ agx+ b (dx
d~ ' ~ '
dt 2 -
dt bc)x= 0 (5)
x=C I e"'+C 2e'1'
y=[C 1 (A 1 -C)eKI+C,(A.,-c)etJ!,
y =: {C 2 (A.-c) e'
and the solution, as in the preceding case, proves stable.
3. Let t.., =A..< 0. Then
x= (C, + C,t) e\1,
y= J._e'
!C, (1..,-c) + C2 (I+ J..,t-ct)l.
tekt ~ 0 and e'1--+0 when t--+ oo,
it follows that for sufficiently small C, and C 2 {that is, for suffi-
ciently small X 0 and Yo) we will have Ix (l) I< 8 and IY (t) I< e
for any t > 0. The solution is stable.
4. Let A.,= A2 = 0. Then
x=C, +C2 t.
g [-cC I +C2 -cC 2 tJ "
We see that for an arbitrarily small C 2 =fo 0 both x and y approach
infinity (as t---. oo), which means that the solution in this case
is unstable.
5. Let at least one of the roots A., and A., be positive; for
instance, f..,> 0.
From formula {7) it follows that no matter how small x 0 and
Yo if
ex.+ gy 0 - X 0 A2 =fo 0,
that is, if C, =I= 0, then Ix (t) 1- oo as t ~ oo.
Hence, in this case too the solution is unstable.
6. The roots of the auxiliary equation are complex with nega-
tive real part:
580 DiUeren!ial Equations
In this case,
X= Ceot sin (~t + ~), }
y= ~ ce~ 1 ((a-c) sin (~t + 6) +~cos (~t + ~)). .(8)
It is obvious that for any 8 > 0 it is possible to choose X 0 and Yo
such that we will have 1C I< 8 and 1a-c I+ I~ I < s and, conse-
1 dl
/x{t)/<8 and ly(t)1<8.
The solution is stable.
7. The roots of the auxiliary equation are pure imaginaries:
AI=~~, A2 = -~t.
In this case,
x=C sin (~t+6),
y= g C [~cos (~t +6)-c sin (~t. +6)1
lies to the right of the axis of imaginaries, or both roots are equal
to zero, then the solution is unstable.
Let us now consider a more general system of equations:
Then it may be proved that, save for the exceptional case, the
solution of the system (4') will be stable when the solution of
the system
dy (4)
is stable, and unstable when the solution of the system ( 4) is
unstable. The exception is that case when both roots of the auxil-
iary equation lie on the axis of imaginaries; in this case, the
question of the stability or instability of solution of the system
(4') is considerably more involved.
Lyapunov *) investigated the question of the stability of solutions
of systems of equations for rather general assumptions concerning
the form of these equations.
... I Ilk
I Yh+X
I ll.yk=(Yh+x,,) h
We have found the approximate value yl.~= 1 =3.1703. The exact solution
of this equation that satisfies the indicated initial conditions is
Ylx=t = 2 (e -I)= 3.4365.
will be
Yo Y.. Yz , Yn
The first differences, or differences of. the first order, are
tlyo=Y,-Yo tly,=yz-Yl' llYn-=Yn-Yn-J'
The second differences, or differences of the second order, are
ll Y0 = tly,- tlyo = Yz-2Y, + Yo
tlzy, = tlyz- tly, = Y3- 2y2 + y,,
ll Yn-z = tlYn-1- tlYn-2 = Yn-2Yn- + Yn-z
Differences of the second differences are called differences of the
third order, and so forth. We denote by y~. y;, ... , y~ the approx-
imate values of the derivatives, and by y:.
y';, ... , y~ the
approximate values of the second derivatives, etc. Similarly we
determine the first differences of the derivatives:
tly~=y;-y~. tly',=y:-y;, ... , tly~_,=y~-Y~-"
the second differences of the derivatives:
tl 2 y~=tly;-tly~, tl 2 y:=tly:-tly;, ... ,tl 2 Y~-z=tly~-1-tly~-2>
and so on.
A Difjerencc Method for Approximate Solution of Difjerential Equations 585
-ax ayY I (3)
Substituting into the right side the values X0 , Yo y we find
OX Oy x=x 0 y=y0 , y' =y
) From now on we shall assume that the function f (x, !I) is differentiable
with respect to x and y as many times as is required by the reason in~.
u) If we were to seek the solution with greater accuracy, we would have
to compute more than the first three values of !I This is dealt with in
detail by Ya. S. Bezikovich in "Approximate Calculations" (Gostekhizdat,
1949) (Russ:an edition).
' 586 Differential Equations
we find
Y~=f(x., Y.). y;=f(x,, y.), y~=f(x Y.).
Knowing y~. y;, y;, it is possible to determine f).y~. f).y;, !).y~.
Tabulate the results of the computations:
I y
I y'
I IJ.y'
I IJ.'y'
I Yo
I Yo I I
I I I &y. I
x 1 =x 0 +h
I Yt
I y,
I I &u~
I I I tJ.y,
x 2 =x0 +2h
I Yz I IJz I I
... I ... I ... I I ... . ..
X.t- 2 =x 0 +(k-2) h
I Yk-z
I Yk-z I . I
I I I I i!J.Yk -
X.t- 1 =x 0 +(k-1) h
I Yk-t I '
!lk-t I I &y;_.
I I I: i!J.Yk-t
xk=x0 +kh
I Y.t
I Yk' I r
Now suppose that we know the values of the solution
Yo y,, Y Yk
Prom these values we can compute [using equation (1)] the values
of the derivatives I I I I
Y y,, Y2o . , Yk
and, hence,
1 1
A! A! A2 '
u y., u y,, ... , u Yk-.
Let us determine the value of Yk+t from Taylor's formula (see
Ch. V, Sec. 6), setting a=xk, X=Xk+J =xk+h:
h , h
+ ... +.mtYk
+ R m m (m)
A Difference Method for Approximate Solution of Difjerential Equations '037
Yk+a=Yk+~Y~+ ~ ~Y~-~+~~~y~-~+~~y~-a
Here, yk+a is determined by means of the. values yk, Yk-t Yk-z
and Yk-a Thus, in order to begin computation using this formula
we must know the first four values of the solution: Yo, y" y 1 , y .
When calculating these values from formulas of type (4), one
should take five terms of the expansion.
Example I. Approximate the solution of the equation
that satisfies the initial condition
Yo= 1 when X 0 =0.
Determine the values of the solution lor x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4.
Solution. First we find !11 and Yz using formulas (4) and (4'). From the
uquation and the initial data we get
Y~ = (y -f-x)x=o=Yo-f-0= 1 +O= 1.
Differentiating the given equation, we have
y"=y' +I.
u:=(y' + l)x=o= 1+ 1=2.
Differentiating once again, we get
I O.tl
I 0.'y
Hence, Yx=o.4 =2e 0 4 -0.4-1 = 1.5836. The absolute error is 0.0024; the rela-
tive error, ~:~~:=0.0015~0.15%. (In Euler's method, the absolute error
of y. is 0.06, the relative error, 0.038~ 3.8/ .)
Example 2. Approximate the solution of the equation
y' =u'+x'
that satisfies the initial condition y 0 =0 for x 0 =0. Determine the values of
the solution for x=0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4.
Solution. We find
u:=o=(2yy' +2x)x=o=0,
u:~o = (2y'" + 2yy" + 2)x=o = 2.
By formulas (4) and (4') we have
(0.1)' (0. 2) 1
y 1 = 31 2 = 0.0003, Ya=-aJ 2=0.0026.
From the equation we find
y~=O, y; =0.0100, y~=0.0400.
Using these data, we construct the first rows of the table, and then deter-
mine the values of y1 and y4 from formula (12).
I v
I &v
I y~=O I
x 0 =0 Yo=O
I u: =0.0100 ~y~=0.0200
X 1 =0.1 y,= 0.0003
I I I Ay; =0.0300 I
I ~ u; = 0.0201
x2 =0.2 /j 1 =0.0026 u:=0.0400
x1 =0.3 1J1 =0.0089!1:=0.0901
x4 =0.4
An Approximate Method for Integrating Differential Equations 391
01 0
y3 =0.0026+ j 0.0400+ ;} 0.0300+ ; .0.10.0200=0.0089,
0 5 0
u.=O.OOB9+ / 0.0901 + ;} 0.0501 + 0.10.0201 =0.0204.
We note that the first four correct decimals in y, are y,=0.0213. (This
may be obtained by other, more accurate, methods with error evaluation.)
592 Differential Equations
. I ,I I( I IJ.!I
II 2 I z'
I IJ.z'
I ar
I Yo
I Yo
I I'
llY 0
x, y, y, !l'y' z, z, /l 2 Z0
I I I I II I I )
I I I fly,
ll y, z. z. ,1 1z;
I Yz I Y. I I I I I
I I I I I I I /lZ 2
z, z,
An Approximate Method for Integrating Differential Equations 593
From formulas (4) and (5) we find Ys and Z3 , and from equations
(1) and (2) we find y; and x:.
Computing Ay~, tJ.y;, Az~, tJ.z;,
we find Y4 and y 5 , etc., by applying formulas (4) and (5) once
Example. Approximate the solutions of the system
y' =z, z' =y
with _initial conditions Yt=O and z0 = I for x=O. Compute the values of the
solutions for x=O, 0.1, u.2, 0.3, 0.4.
Solution. From the given equations, we find
z~ = Yx=o = 0.
Differentiating the given equations, we find
u: = (y")x=o = (z')x=o = 0,
z: = (z")x=~ = (y') x=o = I,
Yo'" =y
( "')x=o=(z") x=o=l,
y, l 12 31 .
0.2 (0.2)' (0.2) 3
Y2 = 0 +--I+IT0+-- -1=0.2016,
1 31
z,= I+ j O+ (~.'r I+
0 1
(O;r 0= 1.0050,
2 3
O+ (Oz~) (03~)
Z2 = I+ j i+ 0= 1.0200.
I l'>.y"
I 6.'11
I y~=l
x =0 Yo=O
x,=O.I I y, =0.1002 u: = 1.0050 ~~y~=O.OIOO
I I I M: =0.0150 I
X2 =0.21 y 2 = 0.2016
I u; = 1.0200
~ 2y; =0.0109
I I I M~=0.0259 I
Xs=0.31 Ys = 0.3049
I . y~ = 1.0459
.I I I
I X 2
I 2'
I liz'
I ll 2 z~
I Z~=O
x =0 z0 = I
I I I. M~=0.10021
x,=O.l I z,= 1.0050
z; =0.1002
I I~~z;=0.0012
I I I ~z; =0.1014 I
X2 =0.21 21 == 1.0200
Illlz;=0.1033 I ~~z; =0.0019
x,=0.31 z,= 1.0459
I z;=0.3049 I I
x,=0.41 z,= 1.0817
Exercises on Chapter XI II 595
and similarly
y,=0.3049+ / 1.0459 +
0.0259+ ~ 0.10.0109=0.4117,
0 5
z,= 1.0459+ 0 / 0.3049+ ;} 0.1033+ .0.10.0019= 1.0817.
It is obvious that the exact solutions of the system of equations (the so
lutions satisfying the initial conditions) will be
1 I
y=2(eX-e-X), Z=2(eX+e-X).
c, ca
u=-x+ d'y-1-~dy=O
dx 2 x dx
596 Differential Equations
~ t-a ~
Ans. (y-a)=Ce" .14. zdt-(tf-a 2 )dz=0. Ans. za=Ct+a 15. dy=
I +x' y+C .r- .r-
+u'. Ans. x= i-Cy' 16. (1 +s') dt- I' t ds=O. Ans. 2 r t-
-arctans=C. 17. dQ+Qtan8d8=0. Ans. Q=Ccos8. 18. sin8cos<pd8-
-cos 8 sin<p d<p=O. Ans. cos <p=C cos 8. 19. sec atan <p d8+sec 2 <p tan 8d<p=0.
Ans. tan 8 tan <p=C. 20. sec 2 8 tan <p d<p+sec 2 <p tan 8 d8=0. Ans. sln 2 8+
+sin <p=C. 21. (1+x')dy-Vi-y dx=0. 2
Ans. arcslny-arctanx=C.
22. VI-xdy- Vl-y 2 dx=0. Ans. yVl-x 2 -x Vl-y 2 =C. 23. 3eX tan yx
xdx+(l-e")sec 2 ydy=0. Ans. tany=C(l-tr) 3 24. (x-y 2x)dx+
+(y-x 2y)dy=0. Ans. x'+y 2 =xy+C.
35. By Newton's law, the rate of cooling of some body in a1r 1s propor.
tiona! to the difference between the temperature of the body and the tempe-
rature of the air. If the temperature of the air is 20 C and the body cools
lor 20 minutes from 100 to 60 C, how long will it take lor its temperature
to drop to 30 C?
Solution. The differential equation of the problem is : ; =k(T-20). In-
tegrating we find: T-20=Cek 1; T=iOO when t=O; T=60 when t=20; there-
-du=-0.5udt=-0.3 V2ghdt.)
On the other hand, due to the outflow, the height of the water receives a
negative "increment" dh, and the differential of the volume of water outflow
V- -
-s C
te1=Cors=t!n-. 46. xy'dy=(x 3 +y 3 )dx. Ans. y=x 3lnCx.
47. xcoslL(ydx+xdy)=ysin Y (xdy-ydx). Ans. xycos !I =C.
Integrate the differential eq4ations that lead to homogeneous equations:
48. (3y-7x+7)dx-(3x-7y-3)dy=0. Ans. (x+y-l) 5 (x-y-1) 2 =C.
49. (x+2u+ 1) dx-(2x+4y+3) dy=O. Ans. In (4x+8y+5)+8y-4x=C.
. . ' 4 +5
50. (x+Zu+ 1) dx-(2x-3) dy=O. Ans. In (2x-3)- ~_ =C.
2 3
51. Determine the curve whose subnormal is the arithmetical mean between
the abscissa and the ordinate. Ans. (x-y) 1 (x+2y)=C.
52. Determine the curve in which the ratio of the segment cut off by a
tangent on th~ y-axis to the radius vector is equal to a constant.
Solution. By hypothesis,
( x
m. whence -C
)m - (-C )m =-.
y X2 +Y 2 . X X
53. Determine the curve in which the ratio of the segment cut off by the
normal on the x-ax is to the radius vector is equal to a constant.
Solution. It is given that .r . ;,m, whence x'+u'=m 2 (x-C) 1
r x+u'
54. Determine the curve in wbich the .segment cu! off by a tangent on the
y-axis is equal to a sec 8, where 8 is the angle between the radius vector and
the x-axis.
Solution. Since tan 8= fL and by hypothesis
y-x d.x =a sec 8,
we ohtain
dy ~
y-x dx=a x '
-~ [~+b
Y- 2 e -e
-(:+b)] .
55. Determine the curve for which the segment cut off on the y-axis by
a normal drawn to wme point of the curve is equal to the distance of this
point from the origin.
Exercises on Chapter XIII 599
Solution. The segment cut off by the normal on they-axis is y + ..;; there-
fore, by hypothesis, we have
x 2 =C(2y+C).
56. Find the shape of a mirror such that all rays emerging from a single
point 0 would be reflected parallel to the given direction. .
Solution. For the x-axis we take the given direction, and 0 as the origin.
Let OM be the incident ray, MP the reflected ray, and MQ the normal io
the desired curve.
a=P; OM=OQ, NM=y,
(x-y) 2 (x-y)"
x_- ] dy=O
x x-y
In _!_.EL._ =C.
76. 2 (3xy 2 +2x 3 ) dx+ 3 (2x 2 y +y 2 ) dy=O. Ans. x 4 + 3x 2y 2 + y' =C.
77. xdx+( x+y) dy 0. Ans. In (x+y)- +x =C. 78. (-;+- 3Y-,2 ) dx= 2-Y-~_Y
(X+ y) 2 X y X X X '
A n8. X 2 +Y 2 = C'X.
79 x dy-yzdx
x-y )Z = 0 . A ns. -xy= C. 80. X dx+ydy=
y dx-x dy A .. z+ 2 2 t x C
= x 2 +yz . ns. X y - arc any= .
81. Determine the curve that has the property that the product of the
square of the distance of any point of it from the origin into the segment
rut off on the x-axis by the normal at this point is equal to the cube of the
abscissa of this point.
Ans. y 2 (2x 2 +y 2)=C.
82. Find the envelope of the following families of lines: a) y = Cx + C 2 .
X X y
Ans. x 2 +4y=O. b) y=c-f-C 2 Ans. 27x 2 =4y1 c) C-C, =2. Ans.
27y=x'. d) C2x+Cy-1=0. Ans. y 2 +4x=O. e) (x-C) 1 +(y-C) 2 =C 2 Ans.
x=O; y=O. f) (x-C) 2 +y'=4C. Ans. y 2 =4x+4. g) (x-C)'+(y-C) 2 =4.
Ans. (x-y) 2 =8. h) Cx 2 +C 2 y=l. Ans. x 4 +4y=0.
83. A straight line is in motion so that the sum of the segments it cuts
off on the axes is a constant a. Form tr.e equation of the envelope of all
positions of the straight line. Ans. x'l + y'l =a'' (parabola).
84. Find the envelope of a family of straight lines on which the coordi
2 2 2
, ,a A C 2 2C- p' .
90 .y=xy
,a + ,, A
89.y=xy+y. ns.x= p,- 3 p; y=~ y. ns.
y=(Yx+I+C). Singular solution: y=O. 91. y=x(l+y')+(y') 2 Ans.
x=Ce-P-2p+2; y=C (P+ I) c-P-p 2 +2. 92. y=yy'"+2xy'. Ans.
Exercises on Chapter XIII 601
solution: y'=-~x 2
99. The area of a triangle formed by the tangent to the sought-for curve
and the coordinate axes is a constant. Find the curve. Ans. The equilateral
hyperbola 4xy = a 2 Also, any straight line of the family y = Cx a Y C.
100. Find a curve such that the segment of its tan~ent between the coor-
dinate axes is of constant length a. Ans. y = Cx Ya . Singular solution:
l+C 2
xt. + y'la = at.
101. Find a curve the tangents to which form, on the axes, segments
whose sum is 2a. Ans. y=Cx- aCC. Singular solution: (y-x-2a) 2 =8ax.
102. Find curves for which the product of the distance of any tangent line
to two given points is constant. Ans. Ellipses and hyperbolas. (Orthogonal
and isogonal trajectories.)
103. Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves y=axn.
Ans. x 2 +ny 2 =C. ~ .
104. Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of parabolas y 2 = 2p (x-a)
108. Find the orthogonal trajectories of the cissoids y 2 = a-x. Ans.
(x"+y 2 ) 2 =C (y 2 +2x 2 ).
109. Find the orthogonal trajectories of the lemn iscates (x 2 +y 2 2
) = (x 2 -y 2) a=.
Ans. (x 2 +y 2 ) 2 =Cxy. _
I 10. Find the isogonal trajectories of the family of curves: x 2 = 2a (y -x Y 3 ),
where a is a variable parameter if the constant angle formed by the trajec-
tories and the lines of the family is ro=60.
Solution. We find the differential equation of the family y' ='2:.!!.-
and for y' substitute the expression q=t~~t;annroro. lf w=60, then
602 Di{jerential Equations
1 +
y' 3
3 y'
and we get the differential equation
y'- V3
1 + y'
~ - V3.
The complete integral y 2 =C (x-y 3) yields the desired family of trajec-
ttl. Find the isogonal trajectories of the family of parabolas y 2 =4Cx
_!__ arc tan II-X
when ro=45. Ans. y 2 -xy+2x 2 =CeY1 x Y?.
112. Find the isogonal trajectories of the family of straight lines y= Cx for
2 Ys arc tan }!_
x 2 +y 2 =e x.
the case ro=30, 45. Ans. The logarithmic spirals
{ 2 arc tan L
x 2 +y 2 =e x .
ll3. Y=C 1ex+c,e-x. Eliminate C1 and C,. Ans. y"-y=O.
114. Write the differential equation of all circles lying in one plane. Ans.
{1 +y'") -3y'y"1 =0.
115. \vrite the differential equation of all second-order central curves
whose principal axes coincide with the x- and y-axes. Ans. x (yy" + y' 1 )-y' y = 0.
ll6. Given the differential equation y'"-2y"-y'+2y=0 and its general
solution y= C,ex +C 2 e-x +C,ezx.
It is required to: 1) verify that the given family of curves is indeed the
general solution; 2) find a particular solution if for x = 0 we have y =I,
y'=O, y"=-1. Ans. y=i (9ex+e-x-4ezx).
ll7. Given the differential equation y= 2~, and its general solution
y= a2 {x+C,)- 1
It is required to: 1) verify that the given family of curves is indeed the
"!eneral solution; 2) find the integral curve passing through the point (1, 2)
if the tangent at this point forms with the positive x-direction an angle of
45. Ans. y~f J!Xi+~
Integrate some of the simpler types of differential equations of the second
order that lead to first-order equations.
118. xy"' =2. Ans. y=x'ln x+C,x 2 +C.x+C 1 ; pick out a particular solu-
tion that satisfies the following initial conditions: x=l; y=1; y'=1;y"=3.
(n) m ml xm+n n-1 " 2
119. y =X. Ans. y=(m+n)l +C,x + ... +Cn_ 1x+Cn. 120. y =ay.
Ans. ax=ln (ay+ Vay+C,)+C1 or y=C1e0 x+c,e-ax. 121. y"=!!.,. Ans.
. y
(C 1x + C2 ) 1 = C,y-a.
In Nos. 122-125 pick out a particular solution that satisfies the following
initial conditions: x=O, y=- 1; y' =0. 122. xy" -y' =xex. Ans. y=
=ex(x-1)+C 1x 2 +C. Particular solution: y=ex(x-1). 123. yy.-(y')'+
+(y')1 =0. Ans. y+C,Iny=x+C,. Particular solution: Y=-1.
124. y"+y'!anx=sln2x. Ans. y=C 2 +C,sinx-x-~sln2x. Particular
solution: y=2slnx-slnxcosx-x-1. 125. (y") 2 +(y') 2 =a 2 An.S. y=C 2 -
~acos(x+C1). Particular solutions! y=a-1-acosx; y=acosx-(a+I).
Exerdses on Chapter XIII 603
y=e- 2 xx[Acos(~ 3
+ B sin ( ~3 x) J.
138. Two identical loads are suspended from the end of a spring. Find
the motion imparted to one load if the other breaks loose. Ans. x=
=a cos ( yf t ). where a is the increase in length of the spring under
the action of one load at rest.
139. A material point of mass m is attracted by each of two centres with
a force proportional to the distance. The factor of proportionality is k. The
distance between the centres is 2c. At the initial instant the point lies on
the line connecting the centres at a distance a from the middle. The initial
velocity is zero. Find the law of motion of the point. Ans. x=a cos ( y-~ t) .
140. y 1V-5if+4y=O. Ans. y=C 1ex+c.e-x+c,ezx+c,e-u. 141. y"-
-2y'-y'-l-2y=0. Ans. y=C 1e2x-I-C 2 ex+c.e-x. 142. y"-3ay"+3a 2 y'-
-ay=0. Ans. y=(C 1 -I-C 2x+C 3x 2 )eax. 143. yv -4y'"=O. Ans. y=C 1 +
+C2 x+C,x'+C,ezx+c.e-zx. 144. y 1v +2y"+9y=0. Ans. Y=(C 1 cos V2x+
+C 2 sln V2X)e-x+(C 3 cos V2x+C,sin Jf2x)ex. 145. y 1v-8y"+l6y=0.
Ans. y = C 1eox + C2 e-x + C3xex + C,xe-ox. 146. y v + y = 0. Ans. y =
ev \.
fc 1 cos x
V2+ c1 sm
. Vx ) - v2(c cos V"2
x c
+ , sin V
x )
+ e
2 .
147. y v -a'y=O. Find the general solution and pick out a particular
solution that satisfies the initial conditions forx 0 =0, y=l. y'=O, y"=-a,
y"' =0. Ans. General solution: y = C,eax C2e-ax + C 3 cos ax+ C, sin ax. Par-
ticular solution: y0 =cosax.
Integrate the following nonhomogeneous linear differential equations (find
the general solution):
148. y" -7y'+l2y=x. Ans. y= cx ,e cx
2e++~ 12x+7 1 9"
4. s -as=t+l.
. t+ 1
Ans. s=C 1ea 1 +C,.e-at - 2 - . 150. y"-1-y' -2y=8sin 2x. Ans. y=C,eX+
604 DiUerential Equations
153. !I +6y' +5y=e2X. Ans. y=C 1e-x +C,e-sx +; e". 154. y" +9y=6e'x.
Ans. y=C 1 cos 3x+C 2 sin3x+ eax. 155. !l-3y' =2-6x. Ans. y=C1 +
+C,e'x+x'. 156. y"-2y'+3y=e-xcosx. Ans. y=ex(Acos'V2x+
- e-x
+Bsin Y2x)+ 4!(5cosx-4sinx). 157. if+4y=2sin2x. Ans. y=
2 cos2x. 158. y"'-4y"+5y'-2y=2x+3. Ans. y=
=(C 1 +C 2 x) ex +C,eZX-x-4. 159. y 1v -a4 y=5a4e= sin ax. Ans. y=(C 1 -
- sin ax) eax + C,e-ax +Ca cos ax+ C4 sin ax. 160. y 1V + 2a 2y" + a 4 y=8 cos ax.
Ans. y=(C 1 +C 2x) cos ax+(C,+C4 x) slnax- 2 cosax.
161. Find the integral curve of the equation y + k"y =0 that passes through
the point M(x 0 , y 0 ) and is tangent at the point of the curve y=ax.
An~. y =Yo cos k (x-x 0 ) + k sink (x-x 0 ).
162. Find a solution of the equation y" +2hy' +n 2y=0 that satisfies the
conditions y=a, y' =C when x=O. Ans. For h < n y=e-hx (a cos Y n2 -h 2 x+
+~+ah sinJfn'-h'x);for h=n y=e-hx[(C+ah)x+aJ; for h>n
C+a(!t+Jf~ -(h-Vh-n)x C+a(h-Yiii=fil) -(h+Yh-n)x
y- ~ - e
- 2 Jfi! 2 -n 2 2 Yh'-n'
163. Find solutions of the equation y" +n'y=h slnpx (P :/= n) that satisfy
the conditions: y=a, y'=C for x=O. Ans. y=acosnx+
2 2 2
+ C (nn (-p )-hp
n -p2 sinnx+-
n -p 2- -2
164. A load weighing 4 kg is suspended from a spring and increases its
length by I em. Find the law of motion of this load if we assume that the
upper end of the spring performs harmonic oscillations under the law
y =sin Y 100 gt, where y is measured vertically.
Solution. Denoting by x the vertical coordinate of the load reckoned from
the position of rest, we have
4 d 2x
g dt'=-k(x-y-l),
where l Is the length of the spring in the free state and k =400, as Is evi-
dent from the initial conditions. Whence~::+ IOOgx=IOOg sin JflOOgt + 100 lg.
We must seek the particular integral of this equation In the form
t(C 1 cos V100gt+C 2 sin VlOOgt)+g,
Exercises on Chapter XIII 605
since the first term on the right enters into the solution of the homogeneous
165. In Prob Iem 139, the initial velocity is u0 and the direction is per-
pendicular to the straight line connecting the centres. Find the trajectorie.c;.
Solution. If for the origin we take the mid-point between the centres, the
differential equations of motion will-be m:;:=k(C-x)-k(C+x>= -2kx,
md .=-2ky. The initial data for 1=0 are
dx dy
x=a; d/=0; y=O; dt=t1 0
Integrating, we find
x =a cos ( y ~ t) , y = t1 0 y~ sin ( y~ t) .
x y'2k
Whence + - - = 1 (ellipse).
a mu~
166. A horizontal tube is in rotation about a vertical axis with constan~
angular velocity ro. A sphere inside the tube slides along it without friction.
Find the law of motion of the sphere if at the initial instant it lies on the
axis of rotation and has velocity u0 (along the tube).
Hint. The differential equation of motion ic; dl 2 =ro 2r. The initial data
are: r = 0, dt = t1 0 for t =0. Integrating, we find
l U+ !f=COS t.
06 Differential Equations .
174. J dx
d 2x dy 1
dt 2 + di + x = e ' Ans. x=C 1 +C.t +Cat- i t +e
8 1
l d2 q
dt+dt"=l. y=C4 -(C 1 +2C 8) t- ~ (C 2 -1) t-
- 31 C8 ts + 24I t -e.I
dy Ans. y=(C 1 +C 2x) e-zx,
{ dz
z= (C 2 -C 1 -C2x) e-zx.
Ans . ..!JL=C. 183. y=xy''+ y''. Ans. y=(Vx+ I +C) 2 Singular solutions:
y=O; x+J=O. 184. y"+y=secx. Ans. y=C1 cosx+C 2 slnx+xsinx+
+cosxlncosx. 185. O+x 2 )y'-xy-a=O. Ans. y=ax+CJ"T"+?.
dt sin .lL
186. xcos!LdY=ycos!L-x. Am. xe =C. x187. y"-4y=e2Xsin2x.
Ans. 1J=C1e-2X+C 2e2X- (sin2x+2cos2x). 188. xy'+y-y 2 lnx=0.
Atts. (In x+ 1 +Cx) y= I. 189. (2x+2y-1) dx+(x+y-2) dy=O. Ans. 2x+
+y-3ln(r.+y+1)=C. 190. 3extanydx+(l-ex)sec 2ydy=0. Ans. tany=
= C (!-ex).
Investigate and determine whether the solution x=O, y=O is stable for
the following systems of differential equations:
191. J Ans. Unstable.
l dq
192. { dy Ans. Stable.
Jl. ~~=12x+l~y. Ans. Unstable.
dy = - 8x-12y.
194. Approximate the solution of the equation y' = y 2 +x that satisfies
the initial condition y= 1 when x=O. Find the values of the solution for x
equal to 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5. Ans. Yx=o.s = 2.114.
195. Approximate the value of Yx=t. 4 of a solution of the equation
y'+_!_y=ex that satisfies the initial conditions y=l when x=l. Compare
the result obtained with the exact solution. .
196. Find the approximate values of xt=t. and Yt .. 1 . 4 of the solutions of a
a system of equations ~~=y-x, ~~=-x-3y that satisfy the initial con-
ditions x = 0, y = 1 when t = 1. Compare the values obtained with the exact
where the first sum contains terms that correspond to the subre-
gions of DP the second, those corresponding to the subregions of
D,. Indeed, since the double integral does not depend on the
manner of partition, we divide the region D so that the common
boundary of the regions D 1 and D 2 is a boundary of the subre-
gions ilsi. Passing to the limit in (4) as ilsi -0, we get (3).
This theorem is obviously true for any number of terms.
*) An interior point of a region is one .that does not lie on the boun
dary of the region.
Calculating Double Integrals 611
0 X 0 X
Fig. 279. Ftg. 280.
ID = ~ ( ~ f (x, y) dy) dx
a QJ 1 (x)
*) We do not here prove that the !unction <1> (xl is. c'onfin'uous.
612 Multiple Integrals
1 x
(x2 +y 2
) dy ) dx.
It may happen that the region D is such that one of the func-
tions y = q:> 1 (x), y = cp 2 (x) cannot be represented by a single
y y
0 X
o a c
Fig. 281. Ftg. 282.
where 'ljl (x) and x(x) are analytic functions (Fig. 282). Then the
Calculating Double Integrals 613
= ~ [ ~ f (x, y) 1y dx + ~
a <p 1 (x)
J c
[ ~ f (x, y) dy Jdx =
cp 1 (x)
c <p 2 (x) b cp,(x)
= ~
[ ~ f (x,
y) dy dx J +~ [
c X(x)
~ f (x, y) dy dx.
c cp 2 ( x) b <p,(x)
, b
q>J(X) cp, (X)
= ~ [ ~ f (x, y) dy + J
~ f (x, y) dy dx =
a q> 1 ex) q>:(x)
ql I (X) b cp, (X)
b Ql 2 (x) a1 Ql 2 (x)
since <p: (x) = <p 2 (x) on the interval (a, a,] and on [9" b], it
follows that the first and third integrals are identically zero.
Ql' (x) b1 Ql 2 (x)
Here, the first integral is an iterated integral over D" the second,
over D . Consequently,
ln= ID, + ID,
The proof will be similar for any position of the cutting straight
line M,M 2 If M,M. divides D into three or a larger number of
regions, we get a relation similar to (1), in the first part of
which we will have the appropriate
number of terms.
Corollary. We can again divide l'!t.
each of the regions obtained (using
a straight line parallel to the y-axis '0:
or x-axis) into regular y-direction ....
regions, and we can apply to them
equation (2). Thus, D may be divided
by straight Jines parallel to the
coordinate axes into any number of
regular regions 0 a b X
We then have
b Q>, (Xl b
1 0 =~( ~ {(x, y)dy)dxoe;;;;~Ml!Jl 2 (X)-!p 1 (x)]dx=MS,
a q> 1 (X) a
that is,
10 oe;;;;MS. (3')
q>, (Xl IP IX)
b b
I0 = ~ <1> (x) dx ;;;a.~ m [<p, (x) -!p 1(x)j dx =mS,
a a
that is,
I0 ;;;;;. mS.. (3")
From the inequalities (3') and (3") follows the relation (3):
mS=e;;;; 10 oe;;;;MS.
In the next section we will determine the geometric meaning of
this theorem.
Property 3. (Mean-Value Theorem). An iterated integral 10 of
a continuous {un::tion f ( x, y) over a region D with areaS is equal
to the product of the area S by the value of the function at some
point P in the region D; that is,
b '1'2 (X)
the right side of (2) does not depend on n. Thus, passing to the
limit in (2), we obtain
lv= lim ~f(P;)L1s;= lr f(x, y)dxdy
dlam <ls;-+o J J
Hf(x, y) dxdy= lv. (3)
Note t. For the case when f(x, y);;;;. 0, formula (4) has a pic-
torial geometric interpretation. Consider a solid bounded by the
surface z = f (x, y), the plane z = 0, and a cylindrical surface
whose generators are parallel to the z-axis and the directrix of
which .is the boundary of the
region D (Fig. 285). Calculate
z the volume of this solid V.
It has already been shown
that the volume of this solid
is equal to tne double integral
of the function f (x, y) over
the region D:
V=~~f(x, y)dxdy. (5)
Now let us calculate the
x volume of this solid using
Fig. 285.
the results of Sec. 4, Ch.
XI I, on the evaluation of
the volume of a solid from
the areas of parallel sections (slices). Draw the plane x= const
(a<x<b) that cuts the solid. Calculate the area S(x) of the
figure obtained by cutting x = const. This figure. is a curvilinear
trapezoid bounded by the lines z = f (x, y) (x . canst), z = 0, y = qJ,(x},
u= qJ2 (x). Hence, this area can be expressed by the integral
<J>2 (X)
In formulas (5) and (7) the left sides are equal; and so the right
sides are equal too:
b cp, (X)
~~f(x, y)dxdy=~ [ ~ f(x, y)dy]dx.
D a q.., (X)
, ''
----\ ' I
0 ,,
2 y
X x=vy
Fig 286. Fig. 287.
~= S[S (4 -x 2
- y
) J
dx dy= S [ 4x-yx-:-i J: dx=
0 0
.,. 0
= s(4-y-~) dy=( 4y-Y; -~y) I =~5.
0 0
[Vi/ +~+Y VY' -~] dy=
2 +!
+3y'+~ _fL]~ 44 .r-
_ [2y
- 3 4 5 6 o . 15 r 3
I 1/
~ ~
~ ~
)oc; ~ I
0 X 0 X
~ ~ ex dx = ~ [ ~ e-;:d y] dx = ~ [ xe
] : dx =
0 0 0 0
I 1
= 5
x(e-l)dx=(e-1) ~ 1=e
622 Multiple Integrals
;_-2 X
0 X
over the region D which lies between two squares with centre at the origin
and with sides parallel to the axes of coordinates, if each side of the inner
square is equal to 2 and that of the outer square is 4 (Fig. 292).
Solution. The region D is irregular. However, the straight lines x= - I
and x= I divide it into four regular subregions D~> D 2 , D 3 , D 4 Therefore,
eX+Y dx~ ~ ~
eX+Y ds+ E
eX+Y d.s+ ~ ~ e~+f da+
D, '
eX+Y ds.
Calculating Areas and Volumes 623
+ ~ [ ~ e"+Y dy
-1 -2
J H~dx+
1 -2
e"+Y dy Jdx=
= (e 2 -e- 2 } (e--e- 2 ) +(e 2 -e) (e-e- 1} +(e- 1 -e- 1 ) (e-e- 1) +
(e-e- 2 ) (e-e) =(e-e-')(e -e- 1 ) =4 sinh 3 sinh 1.
I0 = ~ [ ~ f (x, y) dy Jdx,
a q> 1 (x)
we will drop the brackets containing the inner integral and will
write b q> 2 (xl
I0 = ~ ~ f (x, y) dy dx.
a q> 1 (xl
Here, just as in the case when we have brackets, we will consider
that the first integration is performed with respect to the variable
whose differential is written first, and then with respect to the variable
whose differential is written second. [We note, however, that this
is not the generally accepted practice; in some books the reverse
is done: integration is performed first with respect to the variable
whose differential is last.*>]
where D is (in Fig. 293) the shaded triangular region in the xy-plane bounded
by the straight lines x=O, y=O, and x+y = 1. Putting the limits in the
double integral, we calculate the volume:
Thus. V = cubic units.
Note t. If a solid, the volume of which is being sought, is
bounded above by the surface z = <D, (x, y).;;;;= 0, and below by the
surface z = <D, (x, y) ;;;;;= 0, and the region D
is the projection of both surfaces on the z
xy-plane, then the volume V of this solid
1 y y
Fig. 293. Fig. 294.
If D is regular (see, for instance, Fig. 280), then the area will
be expressed by the double integral
b cp 2 (X)
S = ~ [ ~ dy dx.
a <p, (.<)
Performing the Integration in the brackets, we obviously have
x 2 +x-2=0,
x 1 =-2
x, = 1.
We get two points of intersection: M 1 ( - 2, - 2), M2 (I. l). Hence, the
required area is
t 2-X1 I
5( 5 )
2 1
(2-x 2 -x)dx= [ 2 xx
- - -x- ]
-2 X
dy dx=
3 2 -
) A ray is any half-line issuing from the coordinate origln, that is, from
the pole P.
The Double Integral in Polar Coordinates 627
The outer summation sign signifies that we take together all the
sums obtained in the first summation (that is, we sum with
respect to the index k).
Let us find the expression of the area of the subregion 11s,.k
that is not cut by the boundary of the region. It will be equal
to the difference of the areas of the two sectors:
Suppose that 11Qi .,..........Q and /1Gk remains constant. Then the
expression in the brackets wiJI tend to the integral
<I>, ( a;)
~ F (e;, Q) Q dg.
<I>, ( 8~)
l We can consider the Integral sum in this form because the limit of the
sum does not depend on the position of the point inside the subregion.
**) Our derivation of formula (:'l) is not rigorous; in deriving this formula
we first let ~Q; approach zero, leaving ~ek constant, and only then made ~ek
approach zero. This does not exactly correspond to the definition of a double
integral, which we regard as the limit of an integral sum as the diameters
of the subregions approach zero (i. e., in the simultaneous approach to zero
ol ~ek .and ~Q;). However, though the proof lacks rigour, the result is true
fi. e., formula (3) is true). This formula could be rigorously derived by the
same method used when considering the double integral in rectangular
coordinates. We also note that thi!> formula will be derived once again in
Sec. 6 with different reasoning (as a particular case of the more general
formula lor transforming coordinates in the double integral).
The Double Integral in Polar Coordinates 629
Solution. For the region of integration here we can take the base of the
cylinder x 2 +y 2 -2ay=0, that is, a circle with centre at (0, a) and radius a.
The equation of this circle may be written in the form x 2 +(y-a) 1 =a2
(Fig. 298).
We calculate ! of the required volume V, namely that part which is
situated in the first octant. Then for the region of integration we will have
to take the semicircle whose boundaries are defined by the equations
X=!p 1 (y)=O, x=cp2 (y)= Y,..2ay-y 2 ,
y=O, y=2a.
The integrand is
z =I (x, y) = Y 4a 2
-x 2 - y 1
630 Multiple/ ntegrals
ta Ytay-y
! V= S( S 0 0
Y4a 2 -x 2 -y 2 dx) dy.
it follows that
He11ce, in polar coordinates (Fig. 299), the boundaries of the region are
defined by the e~uations
Q=Cll 1 (e)=0, Q=Cll,(e)=2asine, a=O,
and the integrand has the form
F (e, Q)= V4a 2 -Q1
Thus, we have
ta sin a
~ = S( S V4a
-Q Q
dQ)de= S[
0 0 0
_=- ~ S((4a"-4a 1
stne)'1 - (4a 2)''I dll =
:= 3sa s . 4
(1-cose) de =-g a (3n-4).
The Double lntegr.al in Polar Coordinates 631
Solution. First evaluate the integral I R= ~ ~ e-x -Y' dx dy, where the region
of integration D is the circle
(Fig. 300).
Passing to the polar coordinates e, Q, we obtain
mR m R
We shall show that the integral ~ ~ e-x'-Y' dx dy approaches the limit :rt
if the region D' of arbitrary form t!Xpands in such manner that finally any
point of the plane gets into D' and remains there (we shall conditionally
indicate such an expansion of D' by the relationship D'---+- oo).
Let R 1 and R, be the least and greatest distances of the boundary of D'
from the origin (Fig. 301 ).
Since the function e-x-y is everywhere greater than zero, the following
inequalities hold:
IR,,;;;;, s
~ e-x~-Y' dx dy ~IR,.
632 Multiple lnLegrals
R.' R..
n(1-e- ).;;;;~~e-x'-Y'dxdy.;;;;n(l-e- ).
Since for D' ____,. oo it is obvious that R1 - oo and R ____,. oo, it follows
that the extreme parts of the inequality tend to one and the same limit n.
Hence, the median term also approaches this limit; that is,
pm ~ ~ e-x-y dx dy =n. (5)
0 -+a> 0'
We pass to the limit in this equation, by making a approach infinity (in the
process, D' expands without limit):
a +"'
Jim \\ e-X'-Y' dx dy= lim 8~= Jim [ \ e-X' dx] = [ r
e-X' dx]".
D' -+ oo J J a -+ co a -+- oo J J
0' -a -a>
Changing Variables in a Double Integral (General Case) 633
[~ e-...'dxr=rr..
This integral is frequently encountered in probability theory and in statistics.
We remark that we would not be able to compute this integral directly (by
means of an indefinite integral) because the derivative of e-x is not e:xpres-
sible in terms of elementary functions.
0. U U+LlU u
Fig. 302. Fig. 303.
x and y. Further, suppose that the functions qJ and 'ljJ are such
that if we give x and y definite values in D, then by formulas (I)
we will find definite values of u and v.
Consider a rectangular coordinate system Ouv (Fig. 302). From
the foregoing it follows that with each point P (x, y) in the
634 Mul(iple Integrals
xy-plane (Fig. 303) there is uniquely associated a point P' (u, (,')
in the uv-plane with coordinates u, v, which are determined by
formulas (1 ). The numbers u and v are called curvilinear coordi-
nates of the point P.
If in the xy-plane a point describes a closed line L bounding
the region D, then in the uv-plane a corresponding point will
trace out a closed line L' bounding a certain region D'; and to
each point of D' there will correspond a point of D.
Thus, the formulas (1) establish a one-to-one correspondence
bet~:een the points of the regions D and D', or, the mapping, by
formulas (1 ), of the region D onto region D' is said to be one-to-one.
In the region D' let us consider a line u = const. By formulas (1)
we find that in the xy-plane there will, generally speaking,. be a
certain curve that will correspond to it. In exactly the same way,
to each straight line v = const of the uv-plane there will correspond
some line in the xy-plane.
Let us divide the region D' (using the straight lines tt = const
and v = const) into rectangular subregions (we shall disregard
subregions that overlap the boundary of the region D'). Using
suitable curved lines, divide D into certain curvilinear quadran-
gles (Fig. 303).
Consider, in the uv-plane, the rectangular subr('gion !ls' bounded
by the straight lines u=const, u+flu=const, v=const, v+!lv=
=const, and consider also the curvilinear subregion !ls corresponding
to it in the xy-plane. We denote the areas of these subregions
by !ls' and !ls, respectively. Then, obviously,
!ls' =flu!lv.
Generally speaking, the areas !ls and !1s' are different.
In the region D, let there be a continuous function
z = f (x, y).
To each value of the function z = f (x, y) in the region D there
corresponds the very same value of the function z=F (u, v) in
the region D', where
F(u, v)=fl<p(u, v), '(u, v)].
Consider the integral sums of the function z over D. It is obvious
that we have the following equation:
~~ (x, y) !ls = ~ F (u,: v) !ls. (2)
. Let us. compute !ls, which is the area of the curvilinear quad-
rangle f\P 2 P 3 P 4 in the xy-plane (see Fig: 303).'
Changing Variables in a Double Integral (General Case) 635
v) + ~~ l!.v.
x.=<p(u, v)+ ov l!.v, . Y. = ' (u,
tluL\v.* 1
. "I The doubled .Jines in the determinant indicate that the absolute 'value
of the determinant is taken.
636 Multiple integrals
N ~ ' N'
s L( A'
X 0 "Q' 6 8
~ ~ (y-x) dxdy
= SS +ududv = S S! ududv=-!8.
D' 7 -3
We shall call the limit cr of this sum, when the greatest of the
diameters of the subregions !lcr1 approaches zero, the area of the
surface; that is, by definition we set
cr= lim ~ !lcr1. (2)
dlamt.o,_,.o i=l
Now let us calculate the area of the surface. Denote by 'Y; the
angle between the tangent plane and the xy-plane. Using a fami-
liar formula of analytic geometry we can write (Fig. 308)
11s; = licr 1 cos 'Y;
... ' /lSJ
f1rJ; = cos yl. (3)
The angle y 1 is at the sa.me .time the angle between the z-axis
and the perpendicular to the plane (I). Therefore, by equation
640 Multiple Integrals
(J = lim
dlam dSj-+0 1
.= -{I + r~ (~;.
lJ;) + t~ C;. lJ;) 6.s;.
Since the limit of the integral sum on the right side of the last
equation is, by definition, the double integral
1 (4)
where D' and D" are the regions in the xy-plane and the xz-piane
in which the given surface is projected.
Example I. Compute the surface cr of the sphere
x+u'+z'= R' ..
Solution. Compute the surface of the upper half of the sphere;
Z= Y R -x1 2 -y 1
i)z y
iJy = - VR-x-y
Example 2. Find the area of that part of the surface of the cylinder
x 2 +y2 =a2
which is cut out by the cylinder
Solution. Fig. 310 shows 1/Sth of the desired surface. The equation of the
surface has the form y = Va-x; z
Fig. 309.
642 Multiple Integrals
a Ya-x a Y~ a
~a= S( S a
Y az-x' dz)dx-a
- ,}
r Y a2-x2
z 1 dx=a5dx=a 2
0 0 0 0 0
0=8a 1
M= ~ ~ k Y x2 + y 2 dx dy,
"') The relationship l'l.s1 -+ 0 is to be understood in the sense that the dia-
meter of the subregion f'lsl approaches zero. .
644 Multiple Integrals
The integrals
fyy= Hx"dxdy
10 = ~) (x"+y') dx dy.
To evaluate this integral we transform to the polar coordinates 8, Q The
equation of the circle in polar coordinates is Q= R.
I= I YY sin 2 cp-21 xy sin cp cos cp +I xx cos 2 cp; (4)
here, I YY = ~ ~ X
dx dy is the moment of inertia of the figure
relative to they-axis, I xx = ~ ~ Y 2 dx dy is the moment of inertia
relative to the x-axis, and I xy = Hxy dx dy. Dividing all terms
of the latter equation by I, we get
l =I
_ 21 ~y (sin.!)
y I (cos
qJ) +I (slnqJ)
yy YI
On the line OL take a point A (X, Y) such that
To the various directions of ihe OL-axis, that is, to various values
The Moment of Inertia orthe Area of a Plane Figure 641
(H D
{<pdxdy )"< ~~
f 2 dxdy HD
<p dxdy.
X = y = -=--=------
c ~~ y (X, y) d:c dy c ~ ~ y (X, y) dx dy
t(~VT ~).,
~s va 2
x'x dx
0 4a
,, t(~VT } 1
4 '
650 Multiple Integrals
y=<p 1 (x), y=<p 2 (x), x=a, y= b.
Then a threefold iterated integral of the function f (x, y, z)
over the .region V is defined as follows:
b q> 2 (x) 1jl (x, y)
Setting up the limits in the twofold iterated integral over the region D, we
D X (x, y)
ljJ (x, y) ljl(x, y) ljl(x, y) ,P(x, y) ,
I v= ~ ~ ["' <1 uJf (x, y, z) dz] dcr ~ ~ ~ M ['IJ(x, y) -x (x, y)] dcr =
D X (x, y) D
cp (x)
.P (x, y)
~ f (x,
1(. (x, y)
y, z)dz} dy J dx=f(P) V. (2)
The proof of this property is carried out in the same way as that
for a twofold iterated integral [see Sec. 2, Property 3, formula (4)].
We can now prove the theorem for evaluating a triple integral.
Theorem. The triple integral of a function f (x, y, z) over a
regular region V is equal to a threefold iterated integral over the
same region; that is,
~ Hf (x,
y, z) dv = f(cp.r)
a cp1
{lj! T
Y)f (x, y, z) dz} dy] dx.
:X. (x, y)
V= ~ ~ ~ dx dy dz. (5)
Example 2. Compute the volume of
the ellipsoid
x2 y2 z2
a +-b +----z-=1.
c z-cVt-1rfzi
Solution. The ellipsoid (Fig. 319) Fig. 319.
is bounded belQW by the surface
V 1 -x- - -
y , and above by,the surface z=c
1 -x2- - y
,!~e projection of this ellipsoid on the xy-plane (region D) is an ellipse,
-a- ( c -( -x
a b a- -u
- ) 2 2 b1 l
V=~ r ~ _ ~ dz dyJdx=
-aL-b-( a3x - c-( ---- x y-- a2 b2
a --
by-x> a
~-- y1- ~:- ::
l -a
-( x
When computing the inside integral, x is held constant Make the substitu-
dy dx.
V-x. -v-x
y =b 1- -
sm t, dy = b 1- -
cos t dt.
~ 2cb!. [( ~)
1- t ooo' }x ~ ':: x:(a' -x~ dx ~ <~bo ,
I dt
V= n;abc.
If a= b =c, we gel the volume of :the sphere:
V ="3 n:a1
fig. 320. Fig. 321.
s[i'- ~~]
Fig. 322. Fig. 323.
angle between the radius vector and the i-axis, 9 is the angle between
the projection of the radius vector on the xy-plane and the x-axis
reckoned from this axis in a positive sense (counterclockwise)
(Fig. 322). For any point of space we have
O<r<oo, O<cp<n; 0<9 <2n.
Divide this region V into volume elements du by the coordi-
nate surfaces r=const (sphere), <p=const (conic surfaces with vertices
at origin), 9=const (half-planes passing through the z-axis). To
within infinitesimals of higher order, the volume element du may
be considered a parallelepiped with edges of length Ar, rdcp,
r sin cp~9. Then the volume element is equal (see Fig. 323) to
du = r2 sin cp dr d9 dcp.
The triple integral of a function F (9, r, cp) over the region V
has the form
1= ~ ~ ~ F(9, r, cp)r 2 sincpdrd9dcp. (I')
The limits of integration are determined by the shape of
the region V. From Fig. 322 it is easy to est.ablish the expressi-
ons of Cartesian coordinates in terms of spherical coordinates:
y = r sin cp sin 9,
z = r cos cp.
Change of Variables in_ a Triple Integral 659
For this reason, the formula for transforming the triple integral
from Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates has the form
~ ~ ~ f (x, y, z) dx dy dz =
= ~ Hf(r sin rp cos 8, r sin q; sin 0, r cos rp) r
sin cp dr d6 drp.
~ ~ ~ zy (x, y, z) dx dy dz
Zc = E~ y (x, !J, z) dx dy dz
where 'Y (x, y, z) is the density.
. Example 2. Determine the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the
up per half of a sphere of radius R with centre at the origin, considering the
density Yo constant.
Solution. The hemisphere is bounded by the surfaces
Z= YR -x"-.r/,
The z-coordinate of its centre of gravity is given by the formula
~ ~ ~zy 0 dx dydz
Zc = -;;-;;v-;;-----
~ ~ ~ y0 dx dy dz
662 Multiple Integrals
R' I
2l't 42 3
ec= :rt =-4--=sR.
2:rt 2 R -rtR'
Vo ~ [
~ ( ~ r 2 sin <p dr) dq>
0 0
JdEl 6
I (a)= Sf (x, a) dx
is a continuous function on [a,, a.]. Consequently, the function
I (a) may be integrated with respect to a on the interval [a 1 , a.]:
a1 a2 b
S [Sf (x,
a1 a
a) dx] da = S f (x,
a) da] dx.
e-"xdx = ~(a> 0).
a o
e-x dx Jda =5 ~a= In
: .
Changing the order of integration in the first integral, we rewrite this equa-
tion in the following form:
(1J b
o a
e-axda] dx=ln~,
whence, computing the inner integral, we get
e-ax -e-bx b
x a
1 2 4 2
*) If the integral is written as 55f (x, y) dx dy then, as has already
been stated, we can consider that the first integration is performed with
respect to the variable whose differential occupies the first place; that is,
55 f
(x, y) dx dy = 5-( 5f (x, y) dx) dy.
664 Multiple Integrals
a x a ay
5, (' Sxdydx
.) xa+ya'
Ans. lt a-
a arc tan -
a 6.
Sv Sxy dx dy. Ans. '24 .
0 X o -a
7. ss
b 0
Q dO dQ. A ns. 3
16 n
Determine the limits of integration for the Integral SSf (x, y) dx dy where
the region of integration is bounded by the lines: 8. x=2, x=3, y= -1,
a a 1 1-x
+~ ~ f (x, y) dy dx.
0 0
Compute the following Integrals by <!hanging to polar coordinates!
aYa-x 2 a
18. S S Ya 2 - X 2 -y 2 dy dx. 1Ans. SSVa 2 2
Q QdQdEI= ~ a
Q 0 Q
Exercises on Chapter XIV _665
a'Va-y a
s s (x'+ y 2 ) dx dy. Ans. ss Q' dQ
de= 8na . 20. S"'"'Se-<x'+Y>dy dx.
0 0 0 0
3t 3t
2 2Q v.ax-x 2 2a cos 9
Ans. ss
0 0
e-P" Q dQ dO=~ . 21.
s s dy dx. Ans.
ss QdQ dO=
Transform the double integrals by introducing new variables u and u con-
e ~x
nected with x and y by the formulas x=u-uu, y=uu: 22. ) ) f (x, y) dy dx.
o ax
~ e
1+~ t=V c b
Ans. ) ) f (u-uu, uu) u du du. 23. ) ) f (x, y) dy dx.
a u-o 0 0
b c b
b+c t=V 1 v
Ans. ) ~ f(u-uu, ~u)ududu+ ~ )t(u-uu, uu)ududu.
b 0
24. Compute the area of a figure bounded by the parabola y 2 =2x and the
straight line .11 =X. Ans. ; .
25. Compute the area of a figure bounded by the lines y 2 = 4ax, x + y = 3a,
lO 2
y=O. A ns. a.
1 1 1
26. Compute the area of a figure bounded by the lines x 2 +Y2 =a-;:
x+y=a. Ans. . 3
27. Compute the area of a figure bounded by the lines y=sinx, y=cosx,
x=o: Ans. 2-1.
28. Compute the area of a loop of the curve Q=a sin 28. Ans. B.
29. Compute the entire area bounded by the lemniscate Q2 =a 2 cos 2<p.
Ans. a. 2 2
30. Compute the area of a loop of the curve ( i2 y ) ' = 7.
x +bT 2xy
Hint. Change to new variables x=Qa cos 8 and Y=Qb sinS. Ans.
a2 b 2
666 Multiple Integrals
Calculating Volumes
43. Compute the area of that part of the surface of the cone x + y 2 = z
which is cut out by the cylinder x+y 2 =2ax. Ans, 2n:a J(2.
44. Compute the area of that part of the plane x y + z = 2a, which lies
in the first octant and is bounded by _the cylinder x'+y 2 = a. Ans. n:: 3.
45. Compute the surface area of a spherical segment (minor) if the radius
of .the sphere is a, while the radius of the base of the segment is b.
Ans. 2n: (a 2 -a Va- b 2 ).
46. Find the area of that part of the surface of the sphere x+y 2 +z 2 =a 2
2 2
which is cut out by the surface of the cylinder ~ 2 +p= 1 (a> b). Ans.
50. Compute the area of that part of the surface of the paraboloid
y'+z'=2ax, which lies between the parabolic cylinder y 2 =ax and the plane
x =a. Ans. 1 na (3 .r-
r 3-1).
(In Problems 5164 we consider the surface density constant and equal
to unity.)
51. Determine the mass of a ~lab in the shape of a circle of radius a, if
the density at any point P is inversely proportional to the distance of P
from the axis o'f the cylinder (the proportionality factor is K). Ans. naK.
52. Compute the coordinates of the centre of gravity of an equilateral
triangle if we take its altitude for the x-axis and the vertex; of the triangle
f or t he coor d.tna t e ongw.
- A ns. x= a- Jl3
- ; Y= 0 .
53. Find the coordinates of the centre of gravity of a circular sector of
radius a, taking the bisector of its angle as the x-axis. The angle of spread
. 2aslna
of the sector ts 2a. Ans. Xc = - - , Yc=O.
3a .
54. Find the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the upper half of the
circle x 2 +Y 2 ':"'a 2 Ans. Xc=O; Yc=- rr.
. 55. Find the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the area of one arc
of the cycloid x=a(t-slnt), y=a(l-cost). Ans. Xc=an, Yc= :.
56. Find the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the area bounded by
a loop of the curve Q2 =a cos 20. Ans.
Xc=--- , Yc=O.
57. Find the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the area of the car
dioid Q=a(l+cosO). Ans. x~= 5:, Yc=O.
58. Compute the moment of inertia of the area of a rectangle bounded by
the straight lines x=O, x=a, y=O, y=b relative to the origin. Ans.
ab (a'+ b')
2 2
59. Compute the moment of inertia of the ellipse :. + ~. = ll a) relative
63. The density at any point of a square slab with side a is a proportion
al to the distance of this point from one of the vertices of the square.
Compute the moment of inertia of the slab relative to the side passing
through this vertex. Ans. ka 5 [7 V2+31nCV2+1)] where k is the
proportionality factor.
64. Compute the moment of inertia of the area of a figure, bounded by
the parabola y=ax and the straight line x=a, relative to the straight line
u=-a. Ans.
8 sa.
Triple Integrals
I 0 -_abc( a'+b+ c2 ) .
69. Compute the moment of inertia of a circular right cone relative to its
axis. Ans. nhr where h is the altitude and z; is the radius of the base of
the cone.
70. Compute the volume of a solid bounded by a surfac with equation
(x 2 +y 2 +z 2 ) 2 =a 8x. Ans. 8
3 na
71. Compute the moment of inertia of a circular cone relative to the
nhr 2
diameter of the base. Ans. 6o (2h 2 + 3r 2 ).
- 72. Compute the coordinates of the centre of gravity of a solid lying
between a sphere of radius a and a conic surface with angle at the vertex 2a,
if the vertex of the cone coincidEs with the centre of the sphere. Ans. Xc=O,
3 -
Yc=O, Zc=s a(l+cosa) (the z-axis is the axis of the cone, and the ver-
tex lies at the origin).
The letter L under the integral sign indicates that the integration
is performed along the curve L.
We note two properties of a line integral.
Property 1. A line integral is determined by the element of
integration, the form of the curve of integration, and the sense
of integration.
(M) (M) (I()
Fig. 327.
frequently denoted also by the symbol p
X dx+
Note. We arrived at the concept of a line integral while consi-
dering the problem of the work of a force F on a curved path L.
Here, at all points of the curve L the force F was given as
a vector function F of the coordinates of the point of applica-
tion (x, y); the projections of the variable vector F on the coor-
dinate axes are equal to the scalar (numerical, that is) functions
X (x, y) and Y (x, y). For this reason, line integral of the form
j X dx + Y dy may be regarded as an integral of the vector
function F given by the projections X and Y.
The integral of a vector function F over the curve L is deno-
ted by the symbol
~ Fds.
into subarcs 11s1, provided that !1st-+ 0 and do not depend on the
choice of the point M 1 (x1 , y1) on the subarc f1s.; they are called
line integrals and are denoted as '
lim ~ X (x1 , y;) 11x1 = SX (x, y) dx,
lixj-+ o /=1 L
lim ~ Y (x1, y;) 11y1 = S Y (x, y) dy.
dYI-+ 0 /=1 L
f1x1 =X; -x1_ 1 = qJ (t;)-cp (t;- 1 ).
Transform this latter difference by the Lagrange formula
11X; = qJ (t; )-cp (i;-1) = cp' ('t'l)(t;-t;-l) = cp' ('t';) M;,
where 't'; is some value of t that lies between the values t 1 - I
and t1 Since the point x1, y1 on the subarc 11s1 may be chosen
at pleasure, we shall choose it so that its coordinates correspond
to the value of the parameter 't';:
X;=Cfl('t';). Yi='ijl('t';)
Substituting into (3) the values of x1, y1 and 11x1 that we have
found, we get
(N) n
S X(x,y)dx= lim ~X[cp('t';)'iJl('t';)]cp'('t';)M 1
1M) At1-+ o i=1 .
On the right is the limit of the integral sum for the continuous
function of a single variable X [cp (t), 'ljl (t)] cp' (t) on the interval
[a, ~].
Evaluating a Line Integral 675
~ X dx + Y dy + Z dz
over the space curve defined ?Y the equations x = cp (t), y = ~ (t),
z =X (t).
Example I. Compute the line integral of three functions: x 3 , 3zy 2 , - xy
(or, which is the same thing, of the vector function x"i+3zy 2j-x 2yk) along
a segment of a straight line issuing from the point M (3, 2, 1) to the point
N (0, 0, 0) (Fig. 329).
Solution. To find the parametric equations of the line M N, along which
the integration is to b~ performed, we write the equation of the straight line
that passes through the given two points:
X y Z
and denote all these relations by a single letter t; then we get the equations
of the straight line in parametric form:
x=31, y=2t, z=t.
Here, obviously, to the origin of the segment MN corresponds the value of
the parameter t = 1, and to the terminus of the segment, the value t =0. The
derivatives of x, y, z with respect to the parameter t (which will be needed
for evaluating the line integral) are easily found:
676 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals
here, the abscissa x of the point of the curve serves as the parameter, and
the parametric equations of the curve are
X=X, Y=X~.
The parameter x varies from x 1 = 1 to x 2 = 2. The derivatives with respect
to the parameter are readily evaluated:
<=I. Y~=3xz.
(N) 2
= ~ (6x 5 + 30x 9) dx = (x 8 + 3x 10
]: = 1084.
Evaluating a Line l11tegral 677
~Y 2 (x)dx= ~ ydx.
The second integral is a line integral over. the curve 11 (MQN),
that is,
~ !:/ (x) dx =
1 ~ y dx.
By Property 1 of the line integral we have
~ ydx=- ~ y dx.
S = - ~ y dx- ~ y dx = - ~ g dx. (5)
678 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals
We note that formula (7) and formulas (5) and (6) as well hold
true also for areas whose boundaries are cut by coordinate lines
in more than two points (Fig. 333).
To prove this, we divide the y
given region (Fig. 333) into two
regular regions by the line l*.
y y-Y2{x)
0 X
Formula (7) holds for each of these regions. Adding the left and
right sides, we get (on the left) the area of the given region, on
the right, a line integral (with coefficient '/ 1 ) taken over the entire
boundary, since the line integral over the division line l* is taken
twice: in the direct and reverse senses; hence, it is equal to zero.
Green's Formula 679
SS:: dx dy = S[ S
b Y2 (X)
~: dy] dx =
SX (x, y)
r (X)
dx =
D a Yt (X) a Yt (X)
=) [X (x, Y (x))-X (x, y 2 1 (x))] dx. (I)
We note that the integral
) X (x, y 2 (x)) dx
is numerically equal to the line integral
) X (x, y) dx
(see Sec. 1, Property 1). And so formula (4) may be written thus:
SS~: dxdy S X (x, y)dx+ S X (x, y) dx.
But the sum of the line integrals on the right is equal to the line
integral taken along the entire closed curve L in the clockwise
direction. Hence, the last equation can be reduced to the form
SS~: dxdy= S X (x, y) dx. (5)
D L (In the clockwise sense)
SS(~:-~~)dx dy=
L (In the clockwise sense)
X dx+ Y dy.
~X dx+ Y dy,
~X dx+ Y dy=O.
In this formula, the line integral is taken around the closed con-
tour I:., which is made up of the curves MPN and NQM. This
contour L may obviously be considered arbitrary.
Thus, from the condition that for any two points M and N the
line integral is independent of the shape of the curve connecting
them and is dependent only on the position of these points, it
follows that the line integral along any closed contour is equal io
zero . .
The converse conclusion is also true: if a line integral around
any closed contour is equal to zero, then this line integral is inde-
pendent of the shape of the curve connecting the two points, and
depends only upon the position of these puints. Indeed, equation (1)
follows from equation (2). .
In Example 4 of Sec. 2, the line integral is independent of the
path of integration; in Example 3 the line integral depends on the
path of integration because here the integral around the closed
contour is not equal to zero, but yields an are.a bounded by the
Conditions for a Line Integral Being Independent of the Path 683
5DS(~~- ~~ ) dx dy = SL X dx + Y dy.
If condition (3) is fulfilled, then the double. integral on the left
is identically zero and, hence,
~X dx+ Y dy=O.
is the gradient of the function u (x, y); the function u (x, y), the
gradient of which is equal to the vector Xi+ Y j, is called the
potential of this vector.
Conditions for a Line Integral Being Independent of the Path 685
We shall prove that in this case the line integral I= ) X dx+ Y dy
. (Ml
along any curve L connecting the points M and N is equal to the
difference between the values of the function u at these points:
(N) (Nl
I =S [auax ax+
at au
au ay]
at dt.
I= S~; dt = u [cp (t), 'IJ (t)] I[.= u [cp (t), 'I' (t)]
-u [cp (t 0 ), 'I' {t 0 )] = U (N)-'-U (M).
~X (x, y) ds = ~X [cp (t), 'iJ (t)] V cp' (t) + 'lj>' (f)" dt.
L a
We can consider the line integral along the arc of the space
curve x=cp(t), y='ljl(t), z=x,(t):
~X (x, y, z)ds= ~X [cp(t), 'lj>(t), x.(t)]Vcp' (W+~' (W+x.'(t)1 dt.
L a
Example. Find the coordinates of the centre of. gravity of one turn of the
X= a cost, y =a sin t, z = bt (0 ....;; t < 2n),
... 'l
~a cost Va'+b'dt
o a V a+ b 2 0
--m - -0
-2n Va 2 +b 2 -
~ Va 2 +b"dt
Similarly, Yc=O,
~ bt l.ra sin t + a cos t + b' dt
Zc = ;;_------2-n-Y:-;.=a==+=b=.-----
Thus, the coordinates of the centre of gravity of one turn of the helix are
Xc=O, Yc=O. Zc=nb.
Thus, by definition*)
dlam 6.01-+o
L F n fla = ~ ~ Fn da.
1 1 1
Each term of the sum (1)
F 1n1flal = F1flai cos (ni, F 1) (3)
may be interpreted mechanically as follows: this product is equal
to the volume of ~cylinder with base fla 1 and altitude F1 cos (ni, F1).
If the vector F IS the rate of flow of a liquid through the sur-
face a, then the product (3) is equal to the quantity of liquid
flowing through the subregion !J.ai in unit time in the direction
of the vector n1 (Fig. 336).
*)If the surface a is such that at each point of it there exists a tangent
plane that constantly varies as the point P is translated over the surface,
and if the vector function F is continuous on this surface, then this limit
exists (we accept this existence theorem of a surface integral without proof).
Evaluating Surface Integrals 689
Let the surf ace o be such that any straight line parallel to the
z-axis cuts it in one point. Then the equation of the surface
may be written in the form
z=f(x, y).
Denoting by D the projection of the surface o on the xy-plane,
we get (by the definition of a surface integral)
~ ~ Z (x, y, z) cos (n, z) do=
lim L Z (xi,
dlam tJ.<J;-+ o l=l
Yi zi) cos (ni, z) Lloi.
690 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals
We shall call the outer normal the positive direction of the normal.
In this case, the surface may be divided into two parts: lower and upper;
their equations are, respectively,
z=ft<x, y) and z=fs(x, y).
Denote by D the projection a on the xy-plane (Fig. 338); then
z cos (it, z) da = HD
fa (x, y) dx dy-:- ~~
/ 1 (x, y) dx dy.
Evaluating Surface Integrals 691
The minus sign in the second integral is taken because in a surface integ-
ral the sign of dx dy on a surface z = / 1 (x, y) must be taken negative, since
for it cos (n, z) Is negative.
But the difference between the integrals on the right in the last .formula
yields a volume bounded by the surface a. This means that the volume of
the solid bounded by the closed surface a is equal to the following integral
over the surface
v = ~ ~ z cos (n, z) dcr.
Example 2. A positive electric charge e placed at the coordinate origin
creates a vector field such that at each point of space ihe vector F is defined.
by the Coulomb law as
F=k 2 r,
where r is the distance of the given point from the origin, r is the unit
vector directed along the radius vector of the gtven point (Fig. 339); and k
is a constant coefficient.
Determine the vector-field flux through a sphere of radius R with centre
at the origin of coordinates.
Solution. Taking into account that r=R=const, we will have
cos (n,
x) = , /1 (at )2 (at )2;
V + ax + ay
cos (n,
Y)= (;y
Y + ax + (~)';
oy j
( 1)
cos (n,
ax iJf SS ax at (6) ,
SsD oydxdy= a azaycos(n, z)da.
Adding the left and right sides of (8), (8'), and (8"), we get
the formula
then the line integral along any closed space curve A. is zero:
~ X dx + Y dy + Z dz = 0. ( 11)
~ Xdx+Ydy+Zdz= ~ du=u(N)-u(M).
(M) (M)
Take the integral along the trajector-y connecting the points M 1 and M2 :
!M 2 ) (M,)
=- km S ',~' = km S d ( : )
(M 1) (M 1)
(since r 2 =x 2 2
+z 2, rdr=xdx+ydy+zdz). If we denote by r1 and rz
the lengths of the radius vectors of the points M 1 and M 1 , then
A =km (__!,.-..!..)
r r 1
Thus, here again the line integral does not depend on the shape of the
curve of integration, but only on the position of the initial and terminal
Points. The function u = km
is called the potential of the gravitational field
Ostrogradsky's Formula 697
I= SS( S ~; dz dx dy =
D f1 (x, V)
= ~ ~ Z (x, y, f. (x, y)) dx dy- ~ ~ Z (x, y, f1 (x, y)) dx dy. (1)
On the normal to the surface, choose a definite direction, name-
ly that which coincides with the direction of the outer normal
to the surface o. Then cos (n, z) will be positive on the surface
a. and negative on the surface o 1 ; on the surface 0 3 it will be
The double integrals on the right of (1) are equal to the cor-
responding surface integrals:
HZ (x,
y, f 2 (x, y)) dx dy = ~ ~ Z (x,
y, z) cos (n, z) do, (2')
In the last integral we wrote [-cos (n, z)] because the elements
of surface cr, and cr! and the element of area l!..s of the region D
are connected by the relation l!..s =I!.. a [-cos (n, z)], since the
angle (n, z) is obtuse.
Sss( ax
+ iJy
av + iJz
az)dx dy dz =
= ~~ (X cos (n, x) + Y cos (n, y) + Z cos (n, z)) dcr. (2)
Th e expression ax+aY+iJZ
ax iJy iJz .IS ca II e d th e d.tvergence o f th e vec-
tor (or the divergence of the vector function):
and is denoted by the symbol div F:
d tv F- ax+av+az
-ax iJy iJz
We note that this formula holds good for any region which
may be divided into subregions that satisfy the conditions indi-
cated at the beginning of this section.
Let us examine a hydromechanical interpretation of this
Let the vector F= Xi+ Yj Zk be the velocity vector of a
liquid flowing through the region V. Then the surface integral in
formula (2) is an integral of the projection of the vector F on
the outer normal n; it yields the quantity of liquid flowing out
of the region V through the surface cr in unit time (or flowing
into V if this integral is negative). This quantity is expressed
in terms of the triple integral of div F.
If div F=-0, then the double integral over any closed surface
is equal to zero, that is, the quantity of liquid flowing out of
(or into) something through any closed surface cr will be zero
(no sources). More precisely, the quantity of liquid flowing into a
region is equal to the quantity of liquid flowing out of this
In vector notation, Ostrogradsky's formula has the form
VF = ( i :x + j :y + k ~) (iX + jY + kZ) =
=!!... X + !._ Y + i. z =ax+ av + az = d iv F
ax ay az ax ay az
(see Sec. 8). Thus,
vF=- div F. (5)
The Hamiltonian Operator and Certain Applications of It 701
Applying the del operator v, we can write (7) as follows [on the
basis of (4) and (5)]:
(V X Vtt) = 0. (7')
Taking advantage of the property that for multiplication of a
vector product by a scalar it is sufficient to multiply this scalar
by one of the factors, we write
(V XV) u = 0. (7")
Here, the del operator again has the properties of an ordinary
vector; the vector product of a vector into itself is zero.
The vector field F (x, y, z), for which rot F = 0, is called irro-
tational. From (7) it follows that every potential field is irrota-
The converse also holds: if some vector field F is irrotational,
then it is potential. The truth of this statement follows from
reasoning given at the end of Sec. 7.
5) A vector field F (x, y, z) for which
div F=O,
that is, a vector field in which there are no sources (see Sec. 8)
is called solenoidal. We shall prove that
div (rot F)= 0 (8)
or that the rotational field is free of sources.
Indeed, if F=iX+iY+kZ, then
rot F = i(az az + j (ax_
ay _ av) az az)
ax +k (av
ax _ax)
and therefore
div(rotF)=~(az_av)+~ o.
ax ay az ay (ax_az)+2..(av
.Oz ax az ax _ax)
Using the del operator, we can write equation (8) as
v(vxF)=O. (8')
The left side of this equation may be regarded as a vector-scalar
(mixed) product of three vectors: v, v. F, of which two are the
same. This product is obviously equal to zero .
. 6) Let there be a scalar field u = u (x, y, z). Determine the
gradient field:
.au+ .au
gra d u ='ax 1 ay + kauaz
The Hamiltonian Operator and Certain Applications of It 703
Then find
(gra d u)= ax
d tv a (au)
ax + aya (auay ) + aza ( au)
. au au au
dtv (grad u) = ax+ ay+ az. (9)
is called Laplace's equation. The function that satisfies the Lap-
lace equation is called a harmonic function.
Exercises on Chapter XV
Compute the following line integrals:
1.5 y'dx+2xydy over the circumference x=acost, y=aslnt.
Ans. 0.
2. ~ ydx-xdy over an arc of the ellipse x=acost, y=bsint.
Ans. -21tab.
3. S(x~y dx- x'~ydy) over a circle with centre at the origin.
Ans. 0.
4. S(y d~+x,dy) over a segment of the. straight line y=x from x= I to
x +u .
x=2. Ans. In 2.
5. ~ yzdx+xzdy+xydz over an arc of the helix x=acost, y=slnt,
z = kt as t varies from 0 to 2n. Ans. 0.
704 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals
7. s
3 at
x dy- y dx over the loop of the folium of Descartes x = - -
1 +t' '
y= I +t'' Ans. 2 a (the double area of the region bounded by the indicated
8. ~ x dy-y dx over the curve x=a(t-sin t), y=a(l-cos t)(O..;;; t E;;;2n).
Ans. -6na 2 (the double area of the region bounded by one arc of a cycloid
and the x-axis).
Prove that!
9. grad (ccp) =C grad cp where c is a constant.
10. grad (c1cp+c.1Jl)=c1grad cp+c.grad 1Jl where cis a constant.
11. grad (cp'IJl) = cp grad 1Jl +1Jl grad cp,
12. Find grad r, grad r, grad ..!..,
grad f (r) where fi = Y x + y 2+ z. Ans.
r , 2r, - rf'()r
r 1r , r-.
13. Prove that div(A+B)=divA+divB.
14. Compute divr, where r=xl+uJ+zk.
Ans. 3.
15. Compute div (A cp), where A is a vector function and cp is a scalar
function. Ans. cpdivA+(gradcpA).
16. Compute div (r-c), where cis a constant vector. Ans. (cr)
17. Compute div 8 (rA). Ans. AB.
Prove that:
18. rot (c1 A1 + c2 A2) =C1 rot A1 +c1 rot A1 where C1 and c1 are constants.
19. rot(Ac)=grad Axe where o is a constant vector.
20. rot rotA=graddivA-VA.
21. Axrotcp=rot(cpA).
Surface Integrals
26. Compute the coordinates of the centre of gravity of a segment of the surface
ofthespherex 2 +y 2 +z 2 =R 2 cutoff by the plane z=H. Ans. (o. 0, RtH).
27. Find ~ ~ [x cos (nx) + y cos (ny) +z cos (nz)] da, where a is a
closed surface. Ans. 3V, where V is the volume of the solid bounded by the
surface a.
28. Find~~ zdxdy where Sis the external side of a sphere x"+u"+z"=
= R 2 Ans. ~ nr'.
29. Find~~ x 2 dydz+y 2 dzdx+z 1 dxdy where SIs the external side of
the surface of a sphere x+u+z 2 =R 1 Ans. nR'.
30. Find ~ ~ Yx 2 +y 1 ds where S is the lateral surface of a cone
x y 2 z 2na Y a+ b 2
a+az-p=O, O.e;;;;z.e;;;;b. Ans. 3
31. Using the Stokes formula, transform the integral ~ y dx +z dy +x dz.
Ans. - ~ ~ (cos a+ cos ~+cosy) ds.
Find the line integrals, applying the Stokes formula and directly: 32.
~ (y+z)dx+<z+x)dy+(x+y)dz where L is the circle x 2 +y"+z=
L .
=a, x+y+z=O. Ans. 0. ~3. ~ xyd.t+dy+zdz where L is the circle
x+y 1 =R 2 , z=O. Ans. -
8 .
Applying the Ostrogradsky formula, transform the surface Integrals into
volume integrals: 34.~ ~ (x cos a+ y cos~+ z cosy) ds. Ans. ~ S~ 3 dx dy dz.
s v
35. s~ (x +y."+z")(dydz+dxdz+dxdy). Arts. ss~ (x+y+z)dxdydz.
s v
36. SS xydxdy+yzdydz+zxdzdx. Ans. 0. 37. SS ~~dydz+~ dxdz+
+~~xdy. Ans. SSS(~;+~+::~)dxdydz. s
Using the Ostrogradsl<y formula compute the following integrals: 38.
s~ (xcosa+ycos~+zcosy)ds where s is the surface of the ellipsoid
23 - 3388
706 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals
x y z'
iii+b'+?=l. Ans. 4:rtabc. 39. 55 (x 3 cosa+y 1 cos~+z'cosy)ds wher<! S
is the surface of the sphere x+y 2 +z'=R 2 Ans. ~:rtR 5 40. 55 x'dydz+
y' z2 x
+y'dzdx+z 2 dxdy where Sis the surface of the cone 2a +--.--=0
b c
(O~.;;;;;b). Ans. :rca;b. 41. 55 xdydz+ydxdz+zdxdy where S is the
surface of the cylinder x 2 +y'=a', -H.;;;;;z,;;;;;;.H. Ans. 3:rta2H.
42. Prove the identity 55(~;+:~) dxdy= 5~ds, where Cis a con-
tour bounding the region D, and ~ is the directional derivative of the outer
\5(~;+~~) dx dy=5-Ydx+Xdy=5 [~Ycos(s, x)+Xsin(s, x)]ds,
~ c c
where (s, x) is the angle between the tangent line to the contour C and the
x-axis. If we denote by (n, x) the angle between the normal and the x-axis,
then sin(s, x)=cos(n, x), cos(s, x)=-sin(n, x). Hence,
SSS L\udxdydz=SS~~da,
V cr
azu asu azu .
where L\u= axz+ ayz+ aza (Laplactan).
Solution. In Green's formula, which was derived in the preceding section,
put v=l. Then L\v=O, and we get the desired identity.
45. If u (x, y, z) is a harmonic function in some region, that is, a func-
tion which at every point of this region satisfies the Laplace equation
asu iJ2u a~u
axz + dyz + azz = 0,
a +a
Q 55 au
_ an
1 da=O.
~z 55 u da = ~ 2 55 u da. (I)
(J 0
Exercises on Chapter XV 709
:2 ss da = 4~~z = 4n.
Hence, as Q-+ 0 we gef
Q2 iJ u da -+ u (x1 , y 1 , z1) 41t.
Further, since the left side of (1) is independent of Q, it follows that a
Q-+ 0 we finally get
; 2 S5 u da = 41tu (x 1, Yu z1)
u (x 1, y1 , z1) = 4;Ra iS a
u da.
The expression
U1 +u.+u,+ ... +un+ (1)
is called a numerical series. Here, the numbers ut' u 1 , , un,
are called the terms of the series.
Definition 2. The sum of a finite number of terms (the first n
terms) of a series is called the nth partial sum of the series:
Sn=U 1 +u.+ . +un.
Consider the partial sums
S1 =U 1 ,
S2 =U 1 +u 2,
s3 = u 1 + u. + u 3,
Sn = U1 + U + U + ... + Un-
2 3
it is called the sum of the series (1) and we say that the series
If lim sn does not exist (for example, Sn-+oo as n-+oo),
then we say that the series (1) diverges and has no sum.
Example. Consider the series
a+aq+aq'+ ... +aqn- + ... 1
This is a geometric progression with first term a and ratio .q (a .p 0).
) A sequence is considered specified if we know he law by which it is
possible to determine any ierm Un for a given n.
Series. Sum of a Series 711
a aq"
2) If I q I> 1, then 1q" I-+ oo as n-+ oo and then - -+ oo as n-+ oo,
1 -q
that is, lim s,. does not exist. Thus, when Iq 1 > 1, the series (2) diverges.
3) If q =I, then the series (2) has the form
In this case
s,.=na, lim s,.= oo,
and the serie~ diverges.
4) If q=- 1, then the series (2) has the form
a-a+a-a+ ...
In this case
0 when n is even,
" = { a when n is odd.
Thus, s,. has no limit and the series diverges.
Thus, a geometric progression (with first term different from zero) conver-
ges only when the ratio of the progression is less than unity in absolute
Thus, the series (4) converges and its sum is equal to cs.
Theorem 3. If the series
a, +a.+ ... (5)
converge and their sums, respectively, are sand S: then the series
(a, +b,)+(a,+b,)+... (7)
also converge and their sums are s+s and s-S, respectively.
Proof. We prove the convergence of the series (7). Denoting
its nth partial sum by an and the nth partial sums of the series (5)
and (6) by sn and ';n, respectively, we get
crn=(a,+b,)+ ... +(an+bn)=
=(al + ... + an)+(b, + ... +bn)= sn+~n
Necessarg Condi lion for Conoergence of a Series 713
where s is the sum of the series (a finite fixed number). But then
we also have the equation
lim sn-l = s,
lim (sn-sn_ 1 ) = 0.
714 Series
lim Un= 0,
16 terms
Denote by s~1 > the sum of the first n terms of the harmonic
series ( 1) and by s~2 > the sum of the first n terms of the series (2).
Since each term of the series (1) is greater than the correspond-
ing term of the series (2) or equal to it, then for n > 2
4 terms 8 terms
4 terms 8 terms
From the fact that the terms of the series ( 1) and (2) are posi-
tive, it foJiows that an< a, and then by virtue of (4)
We have thus proved that the partial sums sn are bounded.
We note that as n increases, the partial sum sn increases, and
from the fact that the sequence of partial sums is bounded and
increases, it follows that it has a limit*)
lim sn=s,
n .... oo
But the last series converges because its terms, beginning with the second,
form a geometric progression with common ratio ; . The sum of this series
.is equal to 1 ~ . Hence, by virtue of Theorem 1, the given series also con-
verges, and the sum does not exceed I .
Theorem 2. If thP terms of the series (1) are not smaller than
the corresponding terms of the series (2); that is,
and the series (2) diverges, then the series (1) also diverges.
Proof. From condition (5) it follows that
Since the terms of the series (2) are positive, its partial sum a,.
increases with increasing n, and since it diverges, it follows that
lim a,.= oo.
true when some of the terms of the first or second series are zero.
But these conditions do not hold if some of the terms of the
series are negative numbers.
I l. i D Un+l l
--=' (2)
n .... .., Un
I) the series converges for l < 1,
2) the series diverges for l > 1.
(For l = 1, the theorem cannot determine the convergence or
divergence of the series.)
Proof. 1) Let l < 1. Consider a number q that satisfies the
relationship l < q < 1 (Fig. 342).
From the definition of a limit and relation (2) it follows that
for all values of n after a certain integer N, that is, for n ~ N,
we will have the inequality
Indeed, since the quantity un+J tends to the limit l, the dif-
ference between the quantity 11 n+l an~ the number l may (after a
Un .
certain N) be made less (in absolute value) than any positive
number, in particular Jess than q- L; that is,
series (1), after uN+t are Jess than the terms of the series (I').
By Theorem I, Sec. 3, and Theorem I, Sec. I, it follows that
the series ( 1) converges.
2) Let l >I.
Then from the equation Jim un+t =I (where I> I) it follows
n-+ co Un
that, after a certain N, that is for n;;;;. N, we will have the
(Fig. 343), or un+ > un for all n;;;;. N. But this means that the
terms of the series increase after the term N +I, and for this
reason the general term of the series does not tend to zero. Hence,
the series diverges.
Note 1. The series will also diverge when lim un+t = oo. This
n-+ ao Un
follows from the fact that if Jim un+t = oo, then after a certain
n-+ c:o Un
Un+l n 2 +2n+ I
-= n2+2n > 1.
Cauchy's Test 721
Example 4. Using the d' AI em bert test, examine the harmonic series
1 1 1
1 +2+a++r1+
1 1
We note that u 11 =n, u 11 + 1= n+
and, consequently,
n (n+i)
we can write the given series in the form
The partial sum of the first n terms, after removing brackets and cancell-
ing, is
Sn= 1- n +1.
lim sn= lim
11 ..... "' 11-+> n+1
That is, the series converges and its sum is I.
un> I.
But if all the terms of this series, after uN, exceed 1, then the
series diverges, since its general term does not tend to zero.
Example. Test for convergence the series
5 + 7 + ... +
( 2 )' ( 3 )
. ( n
)n +
Solution. Apply the Cauchy test:
lim yn/-
un= lim
V'( _n_ )n = lim - -
n =-
n ..... .., 2n+!
< 1.
JYii: = lim
V..!.. =I.
. In
I 1m VT . -=lim
n--+-aJ n
Here, the numerator and denominator of the fraction approach
infinity. Applying !'Hospital's rule, we find
. In
VT -= I"tm--=
-n 0
n n-+-oo 1
l +I+ 1 + . 1 .
T 22 32 -t-n2+
we also have the equality
un= lim
VT -.= lim
n n-+ctJ
but this series converges, since if we suppress the first term, the
terms of the remaining series will be less than the corresponding
terms of the converging series
1 1 l
1.2+2.3+ ' + n(n+l)+ ''
(see Example 5, Sec. 4).
~ f (x) dx
converges (see Sec. 7, Ch. XI), then the series (I) converges too;
2) if the given integral diverges, then the series (I) diverges
as well.
Proof. Depict the terms of the series geometrically by plotting
on the x-axis the numbers I, 2, 3, ... , n, n + 1, ... of the terms
of the series, and on they-axis, the corresponding values of the terms
of the series u" U 2 , , un, ... (Fig. 344).
In the same coordinate system plot the graph of the continuous
nonincreasing function
y= f (x)
which satisfies condition (2). .
An examination of Fig. 344 shows that the first of the construct-
ed rectangles has base equal to I and altitude f (I)= u,. The
area of this rectangle is thus u,. The area of the second one is U 2 ,
and so on; finally, the area of the last (nth) of the constructed
rectangles is un. The sum of the areas of the constructed rectangles
is equal to the sum sn of the first n terms of the series.
On the other hand, the step-like figure formed by these rectangles
embraces a region bounded by the curve y = f (x) and the straight
lines x=I, x=n+I, y=O; the area of this region is equal to
~ I (x) dx. Hence,
Sn > ~ f (x) dx. (3)
Let us now consider Fig. 345. Here the first of the constructed
rectangles on the left has altitude u,; and so its area is u,.
The area of the second rectangle is U 2 , and so forth. The area
of the last of the constructed rectangles is u.,+ Hence, the sum
of the areas of all constructed rectangles is equal to the sum of
all terms of the series beginning from the second to the (n I) st +
The Integral Test for Convergence of a Series 725
0 .-
0 f 2 3 n n+! x
Pig. 344. Pig. 345.
~ f (x) dx
< 5f (x) dx,
This function satisfies all the conditions of the theorem. Consider the
5:: = 1
1 _P x -P
1 IN =
I 1
1 _p (N -P-1) when p ;e 1,
In x !i" =In N _ when p = 1.
F or p > 1,
S dx
xP = p-1 1 , th e in t egra I is fimite and, hence, the series
for p < 1, s~;=oo, the integral is infinite, and the series diverges;
for p = 1, S dxx =co, the integral is infinite; and the series diverges.
Alternating Series. Lei bniz' T!t'eonem 727
We note that neither the d'Alembert test nor tlie Cauchy test, which
were considered earlier, decide whether the series is convergent or not, since
Urn ....!!...!.= lim ( n )P =1,
n-+co Un n-+(X) n 1
lim Vn/-
Un= lim
n .... "'
VT- = lim (VT)P
- =lP =1.
n .... "' n
then the series (I) converges, its sum is positive and does not
exceed the first term.
Proof. Consider the sum of the first n =2m terms of the
series (1):
s.m = (ul- u.) +(us- u4) + ... + (u2m-t-u2m>
From condition (2) it follows that the expression in each of
the brackets is positive. Hence, the sum s 2 m is positive,
and increases with increasing m.
Now write this sum as follows:
S2m= U 1- (u 1- U 8}- (U 4- u 5)- .. - (u 2m_ 2- U 2m_ 1)-u 2;;..
By virtue of condition (2}, each of the parentheses is positive.
Therefore, subtracting these parentheses from u 1 we get a number
Jess than U 1 , or
728 Series
S 2 m+t = lim
S21n + lim
Uzrn+t = Jim
Szm = S.
us-auau6+ ~
:1 I
even partial sums lie on
the left of s, and those
~~rrt~~~7~~~goios~dd sums,
Note 2. If an alternating
---~>---.t>--~---c>---.1>-----0---o.---" series satisfies the statement
S2 8+ s6 s S5 S3 s1-u1 of the Lei bniz theorem,
Fig. 346. then it is easy to evaluate
the error that results if
we replace its sum, s, by the partial sum sn. In this substi-
tution we suppress all terms after un+t' But these numbers form
by themselves an alternating series, whose sum (in absolute value)
is less than the first term of this series (that is, less than un+ 1 ).
Thus, the error obtained when replacing s by sn does not exceed
(in absolute value) the first of the suppressed terms.
Plus-and-Minus Series. Absolute and Conditional Convergence 729
converges, since
1 I
1) 1 > 2> a-> ... :
2) lim Un = lim _!_ = 0.
n-..~ n-+r.:n 11
Also, let s~ be the sum of all the positive terms, and s~. the
sum of the absolute values of all the negative terms of the first
n terms of the given series; then
Sn = s'n -s:; an= s~ +s:.
By hypothesis, an has the limit a; s~ and s: are positive in-
creasing quantities less than a. Consequently, they have the
limits s' and s". From the relationship [sn=s~-s: it follows that
sn also has a limit and that this limit is equal to s' -s", which
means that the alternating series (I) converges.
The above-proved theorem enables one to judge about the
convergence of some alternating series. In this case, the test for
convergence of the alternating series reduces to investigating a
series with positive terms.
Consider two examples.
Example 1. Test for convergence the series
sin a +sin 2a +sin 3a + +sin na + (3)
la 22 32 ... n2 ... '
The series (5) converges (see Sec. 6). The terms of the series (4) are not
greater than the corresponding terms of the series (5); hence, the series (4)
also converges. But then, in virtue of the theorem just proved, the given
series (3) likewise converges.
Example 2. Test for convergence the series
:rt :rt :rt :rt
cos cos3 coss cos(2n-l)T
4 4 4
-3-+--32-+ 32 ++ 3n + (6)
which diverges. The series itself converges (this can be readily verified by
Leibniz' test).
Example 4. The alternating series
I 1 1
I-2T+3T-4f+ ...
is absolutely convergent, since a series made up of the absolute values of
its terms,
l( 1
=} 1- ~ ) + ( ~ - {-) + + ( 2k 1- 2k)] =
1( 1 1 I 1 1) 1
=2 1-2+3-4+ooo+2k-l-2k =2s2ko
1tm '
s,k =
tm -1 s2k = -
k .... "' k .... "' 2 2
Functi011al Series 733
And we obtain
. s,.'
Iun = s
' = 21 s.
n-+ co
Thus, in this case the sum of the series changed after its terms were
rearranged (it diminished by a factor of 2).
Denote by s,. (x} the sum of the first n terms of the series ( 1).
If this series converges and its sum is equal to s (x), then
s (x) =s,. (x) +r,. (x),
where r,. (x) is the sum of the series u,.+ 1 (x) + u,.+s (x) + ... , i.e.,
r,. (x) = u,.+ 1 (x) + u,.+s (x) + ...
734 Series
Here, the quantity rn (x) is called the remainder of the series (1).
For all values of x in the domain of convergence of the series we
have the relation lim sn (x) = s (x); therefore,
be dominated on the interval [a, b]. Let s (x) be the sum of this
series and sn (x) the sum of the first n terms of this series. Then
for each arbitrarily small number e > 0 there will be a positive
integer N such that for all n ~ N the following inequality will be
Is (x)-sn (x) I< e,
no matter what the x uf the interval [a, b].
Proof. Denote by a the sum of the series (2):
a= a1 + a2 +a~ + ... + an + an+ + ... , 1
where an is the sum of the first n terms of the series (2), and en
is the sum of the remaining terms of this series; that is,
f,n = an+ 1 +an+ 2 + ...
Since this series converges, it follows that
lim an= a
and, consequently,
lim en= 0.
Let us now represent the sum of the functional series (1) in the
S (x) = Sn (x) +
r n (x),
Sn (x) = U 1 (x) + ... +
Un (x),
r n (x) = un+ 1 (x) + Un+z (x) ttn+z (x) + ...
and therefore
Ir n (x) I ,;;;;; en
for all x of the range under consideration.
Is (x)- Sn (x) I <en
for all x of the interval [a, b], and Bn-+0 as n-+oo,
Note t. This result may be represented geometrically as follows.
Consider the graph of the function y = s (x). About this curve
construct a band of width 2en; in other words, construct the
736 Series
curves y = s (x) +en and y = s (x)- en (Fig. 347). Then for any en the
graph of the function sn (x) will lie completely in the band under
consideration. The graphs of all successive partial sums will like-
y wise lie within this band.
Note 2. Not every function-
/'' .... -- en al series convergent on the
', ,/I interval [a, b1 has the pro-
perty indicated in the forego-
ing theorem. However, there
are nondomi nated series such
that possess this property.
A series that possesses this
-.jf---L--------+___,~x property is called a uniform-
a a b ly convergent series on the
. interval [a, b].
Ftg. 347. Thus, the functional series
U1 (x)+ua (x) + ... + un (x)+
+. . . is called a uniformly convergent series on the interval [a, b]
if for any arbitrarily small e > 0 there is an integer N such that
for all n;;;;;;. N the inequality
Is (x)-sn (x) I< e
The terms of this series (each term is bracketed) are continuous functions for
all values of x. We shall prove that this series converges and that its sum
is a discontinuous function.
We find the sum of the first n terms of the series:
Fig. 348.
24 -3388
738 Series
n-+ctJ a
+ a~ Un (x) dx ]} = 0,
lim U
U1 (x) dx + ... + a~ u,. (x) dx J= ~ s (x) dx.
~ s(x) dx= ~ U 1 (x)dx+ ~ U 2 (x) dx+ ... + ~ u,. (x) dx+ ... ,
a a a <t
that the integral ~ s (x) dx of the sum of the series (l) is not always
Integration. and Differentiation. of Series 741
equal to the sum of the integrals of its terms [that is, to the sum
of the series (4)].
Theorem 2. If a series,
U1 (x) + U 2 (x) + ... + un (x) + ... , (5)
made up of functions having continuous derivatives on the interval
[a, b] converges (on this interval) to the sum s (x) and the series
d.(x) + u: (x) + ... + Un (x) + ... (6)
made up of the derivatives of its terms is dominated on the same
interval, then the sum of the series of derivatives is equal to the
derivative of the sum of the original series; that is,
s (x) = U1
(x) +
U2 (x) +
Ua (x) + ... + Un
(x) + ...
Proof. Denote by F (x) the sum of the series (6):
F (x) = u: (x) + u:(x) + ... + u~ (x) + ... ,
and prove that
F (x) = s' (x).
Since the series (6) is dominated, it follows, by the preceding
theorem, that
) F (x)dx = s(x)-s(a).
2) if a series diverges for some value x~, then it diverges for every
x for which
Power Series. Tnterval of Convergence 743
series (2) are less than the corresponding terms of the series (3),
the series (2) also converges, and this means _that the series (Ia)
or (I) converges absolutely.
2) It is now easy to prove the second part of the theorem: let
the series (I) diverge at some point x:.
Then it will diverge at
any point x that satisfies the condition IxI> Jx: 1. Indeed, if at
some point x that satisfies this condition the series converged, then
by virtue of the first part (just proved) of the theorem, it shou"ld
converge at the point x: as well, since I I< I xI But this con
tradicts the condition that at the point x:
the series diverges.
Hence the series diverges at the point x as well. The theorem is
thus completely proved.
Abel's theorem makes it possible to judge the position of the
points of convergence and divergence of a power series. Indeed,
if X 0 is a point of convergence, then the entire interval (-I x 0 1.
lxo 1) is filled with points of absolute convergence. If x~ is a point
of divergence, then the whole infinite half-line to the right of the
point I x~ I and the whole half-line to the left of the point -I x~l
consist of points of divergence.
From this it may be concluded that there exists a number R
such that for IxI< R we have points of absolute convergence and
for IxI> R, points of divergence.
744 Series
-v::= I
its general term does not tend to zero.*) But then neither does
the general term of the given power series (I) tend to zero, and
this means that (on the basis of the necessary condition of con-
vergence) this power series diverges (when IxI>~ ) .
From the foregoing it follows that the interval ( - ~ , ~ ) is
the interval of convergence of the power series (1):
1"tm __
R =L-I = 11-+oo a n_
n+T 11
( 2x)n = I:_m I +n I
n 1 12x I= 12x I
The series converges if J2x 1 < I. that is, if I xI < ; ; when x=
2 the series
converges; when X=-; the series diverges.
I Un+tl= lim
Un n-+oo
]= n-+oo
lim 1-x-1=0 < 1
n+l '
Since the limit is independent of x and is less than unity, the series con-
verges for all values of x.
Example 4. The series l+x+(2x)'+(3x)'+ ... +(nx)n+ ... diverges for
all values of x except x =0 because (nx)n-+ CIO as n-+ CIO no matter what
the x, as long as it is different from zero.
---- =~
(fltervat of majorisatiOIT;
Fig. 350.
Proof. It is given that e< R (Fig. 350) and therefore the num-
ber series (with positive terms)
laol+la,le+la.IQ'++IaniQn (5)
converge~. But when IxI< Q, the terms of the series
(1) do not
exceed, in absolute value, the corresponding terms of series (5).
Hence, series (1) is dominated on the interval [-e. e].
. 0 --~ )' l
-.R C( 0 J3 R
Fig. 351.
-R -p 0 X p ~ R X2 Xf .
Fig. 352.
748 Series
In Sec. 6, Ch. IV, it was shown that for a function f (x) that
has all derivatives up to the (n +I
)st order inclusive, Taylor's
formula holds in the neighbourhood of the point x =a (that is,
in some interval containing the point x =a):
f (x) = f (a)+ x 1
a f' (a)+
+ (x-;: ;)2 f" (a) + ... + (x -;:la)n [<n> (a)+ Rn (x), (1)
But Pn (x) is the nth partial sum of the series (2); its limit is
equal to the sum of the series on the right sid~ of (2). Hence,
(2) is true:
f (X)= f (a)+ X l a f' (a)+ (X 2 a) f' (a)+ o o + (X-;:Ia)" f'"l (a)+ o, o
Examples of Expansion of Functions in Series 751
''\ I
\ I
\ )c
, ,, "
I , '"
I ,,
I ,, I'
Fig. 355.
since it was proved that lim Rn (x) =0 for any x. Hence, the
series converges for all values of x and is the function e".
3. Expanding the function f(x)=cosx in a Maclaurin's series.
From Sec. 7, Ch. IV, we have
x2 x x
cosx = 1-21 + 41-61 + ... ; (3)
for all values of x the series converges and represents the function
Up till now we have considered only series with real terms and
have not dealt with series with complex terms. We shall not give
the complete theory of series with complex terms, for this goes
beyond the scope of this text. We shall consider only one important
example in this field. .
In Chapter VII we defined the function e"+'Y by the equation
. ex+iY=e"(cosy-f-isiny).
When x=O, we get Euler's formula:
e1Y = cos y + i sin y.
If we determine the exponential function e1Y with imaginary
exponent by means of formula (2), Sec. 17, which represents the
function e" in the form of a power series, we will get the very
same Euler equation. Indeed, determine e1Y by putting the expres-
sion iy in place of x in equation (2), Sec. 17:
iy -1 + iJ!.+(iy)z + (iy)' + + (iy)n + (I)
- 11 21 31 nI
*) We took the absolute term equal to unity by virtue of the initial con
dition s (0)= 1.
The Binomial Series 755
lim Un+t I
I= lim m (m-1) .. . (m-n+ I) (n-1)1 X I=
m (m-1) ... (m-n+2) nr
I Un n-+>
= limlm-n+IIJxl=lxJ.
n-+ex> n
Thus, series (3) converges for IxI< 1.
In the interval ( -1, 1), series (3) is a function s (x) that
satisfies the differential equation (1) and the condition
s(O) = 1.
Since the differential equation (1) and the condition s (0) = 1
are satisfied by a unique function, it follows that the sum of the
series (3) is identically equal to the function (1 + x)m, and we
obtain the expansion
(1 + X)
- 1 + mx +m(m-1)
12 X
2 +m(m-1)(m-2)
123 X
'+ .. (3 ')
For the particular case m = -1, we have
1 1-x+x 2-x I+ .. , (4)
1 +x =
For m= - 2 we have
Yl+x = 1-21 x+2.4x
13 2 135 3 1357 4
-2+6x +2468x- (6)
x2 x' x n+ 1 x"
ln(1 +x)=x-2+a-4+ ... +(-1) n+... (1)
This equation holds true in the interval (-1, 1).
If in this formula x is replaced by -x, then we get the series
x2 x' x
ln (1-x) = - x - 2 - 3 - 4 - ... , (2)
which converges in the interval (-1, 1).
Using the series (1) and (2) we can compute the logarithms of
numbers lying between zero and two. We note, without proof,
that for x = 1 the expansion (1) also holds true.
We will now derive a formula for computing the natural loga-
rithms of all integers.
Expansion of the Function In (I +x) in a Power Series 757
we get
2 4 8
sin x x x x
x-= 1-ST+sr-71+
the latter series converges for all values of x. Integrating term
by term, we obtain
. nd 13... (2n-l)n
Putting the values of the derivatives that we have found into a Macla
urin's series, we- get the solution of the equation
~ ~ xz
y=l-4112+8, (12)(56)-12i(l2)(56)(910)+ ..
k x4k
... +(-1) (4k)l (12) (56) ... [(4k-3) (4k-2)] + ...
By means of d' Alembert's test we can verify that this series converges for
all values of x; hence, it is the solution of the equation,
n (n-1) a,.=(n-2) 2a,._ 2 +4an-z whence an= a 11 - 2
n- 1
Bessel's Equation 763
2Vi=T)i 1
a,k+, = 2k kl 1
a,=O; a 1 =0; a,k=O.
Substituting the coefficients which we have found, we get the desired
y" = "'
~(r + k)(r+ k-1) akxr+k-z.
x ~(r
00 00
+x ~(r+k)a~r+k-'+(x'-p') ~akxr+k=O.
k=o k=o
764 Series
J. (5')
. The power series (5) and (5') converge for all values of x; this
is readily found by d' Alembert's test. It is likewise obvious that
y 1 and Yz are linearly independent.*)
The solution y 1 multiplied by a certain constant is called
a Bessel function of the first kind of order p and is designated
by the symbol JP' The solution Yz is denoted by the symbol J -p
xT [1-E_ + _x_'-
23 24 35
+ .. J = xs
2 46,35 7
l [
Vx x x x J
x-3T+sr-7T+ ..
u" +..!..
u' +u=O
that satisfies the initial conditions: for x=O,
u=2, u' =0.
Solution. From (7) we find one particular solutiom
~ (- t) (X2 )10 = 1 -
Jo(x)= ...... (vt)
(11) 2
(X2 )2+ (21)I (X2 ) -
(31) 2
2 +
Using this solution, we can write a solution that satisfies the given
initial conditions, namely:
y=2J 0 (x).
Note. If we had to find the general integral of this given equation we
would seek the second particular solution in the form
K 0 (X)=J 0 1nx+ ~bkxk.
Without giving all the computations, we indicate that the second
particular solution, which we denote by K0 (x), is of the form
1 2 3 n
Test the following series for convergence: 6.
2 ;- 22 + 23+ ... + 2n+ ...
Ans. Converges. 7. ,r-+ ,r-+ ,r-+ ... + ,r-+... Ans. Diverges.
r 10 r 20 r 30 r !On
3 4 n+ I . I 1
8. 2;- 2 ;- 3 ;- ... ;--n-;- ... Ans. Diverges. 9. vr+vs++
Ans. Diverges. 16. Un=~!~ Ans. Diverges. 17. Un= 112 +~n+ 3 . Ans.
18. Un-t = n ~ n. Ans. Diverges. 19.
1 Prove the Inequality
I I 1 1 1 I
1 +2+3+. +-;>In (n+ I)> 2+3+ ... + n+l.
lutely. 26. {--{- ~++ f,- ... -1-(-l)n+ ~ ;n+ ... Ans. Converges
I I I I n 1 ,
absolutely. 27. ln 2 -ii13+fii4-fi15+<-1) lnn+ Ans. Converges
conditionally. 28. -I+~- V3+ V4+ .. (~on Vn- + ... Ans. Con
verges conditionally.
Find the sum of the series1 29. 1 .~. 3 + 2 .~. 4 + ... + n (n + 1 ~ (n +2) + "
4 .
what values of x do the following series converge1
? x2 x xn x 2 x x4 '
vO. l-1-2+4+ ... + 2n+ ... Ans. -2<x<2. 31. x- 2,-1-Ji-42"+
Ans. (I - x)2.
43. Expand
~x in powers of x and determine the interval of conver-
gence. Ans. The series converges for - 10 < x < 10.
44. Expand cosx in powers of ( x- ~ ) . Ans. ~ 2 - ) 2 ( x- :) -
- 2
x x 3
45. Expand e-x in powers of x. Ans. 1-x+2f+3f+
e 2
46. Expand eX in powers of (x-2). Ans. e'+e'(x-2)+
21 (x-2) +
+ 3T (x- 2) + ,,, 1
- { (x-1) 4 + ...
+2(x-~)"+ ...
Write the first four term~ of the series expansion, in powers of x,
x 1 2x 5 17x1
of the following functions: 55. tan x. Ans. x+3+15+ 315 + ...
Exercises on Chapter XV I 771
x 4x' 3Jx
56. ecos x. Ans. e ( 1 - .21 + 41- 720 - . . . )
arc tan x x X 8 1x'
57. e Ans. 1-1-x+z-+6-24+
x x 1x'
58. ln(1+ex). Ans. Jn2+-z-s+ + ...
x2 x
59. estnx. Ans. 1-1-x+-z-s+
+5x - 1x + ...
67. Expand {I~ x)' In a series of powers of x. Ans. 1-2x + 3x2 -4x 8 + ...
Using the formulas for expansion of the functions eX, sin x, cos x, In (I +x)
and (I +x)m into power series and applying various procedures, expanq the
following functions in power series and determine the intervals of convergence!
~ ~ ~
68. sinhx. Ans. x+3f+5f+ .. (-oo<x<oo).69.coshx. Ans.i-1-2(+
"' 1
72. (i-1-x)e-x. Ans. I+}.:<-l)n-Innll xn (-oo <x<oo). 73. x
n~ (n+l)x"
(-oo<x<oo). 75. (I x)'' Ans. (lxl<l). 76. eXsinx.
3 5
2x 4x nn x"
Ans. x+x 2 +
31 - 51 + ... + Y2-;;
xsm --;rnr+... (- oo < x < oo).
_..!._ x +~x +
77 ' X + ,r + .2
y 1 X'
ns. X 2 3 24 5 '''
+(-!)"+ 1 13 ... (2n-l)
2"nl X
x2n+l+ ... (-l.;;;;x.;;;; 1). 78. sIn(~+x) dx. Ans. :E (-1)"+1 :.
"' n
0 n=l
0 n=o
X "'
0 < x < oo). 81. S l-x . Ans. L 9xn-s
n_ 8 . 82. Prove the equations
o n=J
sin (a +x) =sin a cos x +cos a sinx,
cos (a+x) =cos a cos x:-sin a sin x
by expanding the left sides in powers of x.
Utilising appropriate series, compute: 83. cos 10 to four decimals.
Ans. 0.9848. 84. sin 1 to four decimals. Ans. 0.0175.
85. sin 18 to three decimals. Ans. 0.309. 86. sin : to four decimals.
1 .
Ans. 0.7071. 87. arctan to four decimals. Ans. 0.1973. 88. In 5 to three
decimals. Ans. 1.609. 89. Iog10 5 to three decimals. Ans. 0.699. 90. arc sin 1 to
within 0.0001. Ans. 1.5708. 91. Veto
within 0.0001. Ans. 1.6487. 92. loge to
within 0.00001. Ans. 0.43429. 93. cos 1 to within 0.00001. Ans. 0.5403.
Using a Maclaurin series expansion of the function f (x) = a" +x, J1
compute to within 0.001: 94. V30. Ans. 3.107. 95. y'7o, Ans. 4.121.
96. V-
500. Ans. 7 .937. 97.
Ans. 1.2598.
250. Ans. 3.017. 98. ,r-
r 84. Ans. 9.165. 99. 2. v-
Expanding the integrand in a series, compute the integralsi
1 1
mal places. Ans. 0.487. 105. ~cos Vxdx to within 0.001. Ans. 0.764.
4 1 ~
106. ~In (1 + y'X) dx to within 0.001. Ans. 0.071. 107. Se -4dx to within
0.0001. Ans. 0.9226. 108. SV!-x dx to within 0.0001. Ans. 0.0214.
o.s 1
dx In (1 +x) n2
+x1 to within 0.001. Ans. 0.494. 110.
x dx. Ans. 12
Note. When solving this exercise and the two following ones it is well to
~ ~ ~
1 nz (-l)n-1 nz 1 nz
bear in mind the ~quations: 2 =6 nz Ln 12 2 ,L.
1)z=s L( n-
n=1 n= n=l
which will be established in Sec. 2, Ch. XVII.
ln(l-x) n2
x dx. Ans. 6
1 +x dx n2
S In 1 _x x. Ans. 4.
+ ... {- 1)k --k+
(k!} 2
2 2
Hint. The two latter differential equations are particular cases of the
Bessel equation
for n= and n=O.
117. Find the general solution of the equation
4xy" +2y' +u=O.
Hint. Seek the solution in the form o_f a series xP(a0 +a,x+a2x 2 + ... ).
Ans. c, cos Vx+c. sln yX.
118. Find the solution of the equation (1-x 2) y" -xy' =0 that satisfies
1x3 13x5
the initial conditions y'=1 when x=O and y=O. Ans. x+23+245+
1 3 5 x7
119. Find the solution of the equation (1 +x") y" +2xy' =0 that satisfies
the initial conditions y' = 1 when x=O and y=O. Ans. x-~ +~-~+ ...
120. Find the solution of the equation y"=xyy' that satisfies the initial
x 3 2x" 3x5
conditions y'=1 when x=O and y=l. Ans. 1+x+3f+4T+5f+
121. Find the solution of the equation {1-x) y' = 1 + x-y that satisfies
the initial conditions y=O when x=O, and indicate the interval of conver
x2 x x
gence of the series obtained. Ans. x+T:2+z:a + . + .. . (-1-=;;;x.;;;:; 1).
3 4
122. Find the solution of the equation xy" +u=O that satisfies the initial
conditions y' = 1 when x = 0 and y= 0, and indicate the interval of conver-
x x3 x
gtnce. Ans. x-( 11)2 2 +( 2!)' 3 -{3 !) 4 + ... (-oo<x<oo).
123. Find the solution of the equation y" +~ y' +y=O that satisfies the
- X
124. Find the solution of the equation y" +_!_ y' +y=O that satisfies the
initial conditions y'=O when x=O and y=l, and indicate the interval of
. . x2 x x
convergence of the senes obtamed, Ans. 1-21+ 42 - 22 . 42 . 62 +
(I xI< oo).
Exercises on Chapter XV I 775
Find the first three terms of the expansion in a power series of the solu-
tions of the following differential equations for the given initial conditions
~ +
=X -y 2 h
wen x= 0 A ns. 31 x I - 1. x7+ 2 . x11 - ...
an d Y= 0 .
7 9 7 11 27
x1 x r
131. y'=x!y'-1 when x=O and y=l. Ans. l-x+3-2+5-
x 2x1 11x
132. y'=eY+xy when x=O and y=O, Ans. x+2+3+ . . + ...
2 3 4
an cos nx dx =an 5cos nx dx =an sin nx In-n =
-n -n
but if n = k, then
~cos' kx dx ~ n; l
~ sin 2 kxdx=n.
To take an .example, evaluate the first integral of group (I).
cos nx cos kx-:;= 2 [cos (n + k) x+ cos (n-k) x],
it follows that
n :n :n
Scosnxcoskxdx={- Scos(n+k)xdx+{ 5cos(n-k)xdx=O.
-n. -n -n
The other formulas of (I)*) are obtained in similar fashion. The
integrals of group (I I) are computed directly (see Ch. X).
Now we can compute the coefficients ak and bk of series (2).
To find the coefficient ak for some definite value k =I= 0, mul-
tiply both sides of (2) by coskx:
f (x) cos kx~ ~cos kx + L (an cos nx cos kx + bncos nx cos kx). (2')
The resulting series on the right may be majorised, since its terms
do not exceed (in absolute value) the terms of the convergent
positive series (3). We can therefore integrate it termwise on any
Integrate (2') from - n to n:
:n n
Sf (x) cos kx dx = a2 Scos kx dx + _
-:n -:n
"' :n :n
+L(an -:n~ cosnxcoskxdx+bn -:n~ sinnxcoskxdx).
Taking into account formulas (II) and (1), we see that all the
integrals on the right are equal to zero, with the exception of the
integral with coefficient ak. Hence,
n n
~ f (x) cos kx dx = ak ~ cos 2 kx dx = akrr.,
-n -n
ak = ~ 5f (x) cos kx dx. (5)
Multiplying both sides of {2) by sin kx and again integrating
from - rr. to rr., we find
n n
~ f (x) sin kx dx = b k ~ sin 2 kx dx = bkrr.,
-n -n
a0 =_!_
S xdx=..!_::_2'j:n-:n =0.
~H ~Vlo V2H ~ X
Fig. 357.
Expansions of Functions in Fourier Series 731
ak=n Jt xcoskxdx=n1 [ x-k-
sin kx In-n - k
1 s:rt smkxdx
. ] =0.
-n -n
By formula (6), Sec. 1, we have
f( X ) = 2 [sinx_sin2x+sln3x_
1 2 3
(-l)k+l sinkx +
This equation occurs at all points except points of discontinuity. At each
discontinuity, the sum of the series is equal to the arithmetical mean of its
limits on the right and left, which is zero.
Example 2. A periodic function f (x) with period 2n is dt>fined as follows
f (x)= -x when -l"t ,.;;;;x,.;;;;O,
f(x)=x when O<x,.;;;;n
[or f(x)=l xiJ (Flg. 358). This function is also piecewise monotonic and bound
ed on the interval -n,.;;;;x,.;;;;n.
Fig. 358.
=n-I [
x sin kx o
---k-1-n +k
0 x sin kx n I
sin kx dx+--k-io -k 5sinkxdx
:rt ]
-n o
= nk
J_ [ _ cos kx 'o +cos kx\n] =
k -n k o
2 { 0 for k even,
=k1 (coskn-1)= 4 f .
1t - nk 1 or k odd,
782 Fourier Series
f( X) =~-_i_
2- l't
12 32 52 " " " '
(2p+l)' ....
This series converges at all points, and its sum Is equal to the given function.
Example 3. A periodic function f (XI with period 2n is defined as follows!
f(x)= - I for -n<x<O,
I (x) = l for 0 oe;;;; x..,;;; n.
This function (Fig. 359) Is piecewise monotonic and bounded on the interval
Fig. 359.
- 1 o n J sin kx sin kx n o
[ S (-l)coskxdx+Scoskxdx =-1-k-1-n+-k-1.=0;
-n o
. J=n-I
bk=nI [ so (-l)sinkxdx+ sn slnkx.dx [-cos
-k-.kx ,.-n - -~X In] =
-n o
2 { 0 for k even,
= nk [I-eos n1 = :k for k odd.
Consequently, lor the function at hand the Fourier series has the form
_ _i_ [sinx+sin3x+sln5x+ +sln(2p+l)x+ ]
f (X) - n I 3 5 '.' 2p + I ... .
This equation holds at ali points with the exception of discontinuities.
Fig. 360 illustrates how the partial sums Sn of the series represent more
and more accurately the function f(x) as n--+oo.
Example 4. A periodic function f (x) with period 2n is defined as follows:
f (x) = x', -n.;;;;; x,.;;;; n (Fig. 361).
Expansions of Functions in Fourier Series 783
Fig. 360.
= { k: 2 for k even,
- k2 for k odd;
1 Sn
bk=n -n x sin kxdx= +-;t
2 1 [
- x
cos kx I:TI
2 Sn
-n +k -n x cos kx dx
= nk
[x-sinkkx I:TI-n- k1 ,S:rt sin kx dx
J = 0.
'184 Fourie Series
Thus, the Fourier series of the given function has the form
2 = .n' _
3 4 (cosI x _ cos2
x + cos3 3x _
2 .
Since the function is piecewise monotonic, bounded anct continuous, this equa-
tion is fulfilled at all points.
Ftg. 361.
Fig .'162.
ak=-;t ~ xcoskxdAi=n
1 It I [ x sin kx n
It ]
sn xsmkxdx=n
. 1 [ kkx
- -X - - In.+k1 sn coskxdx ] =
0 0
f< X ) =~-2
4 1t
12 32 52
I 2 + sin3x_
. ..
At the discontinuities of the function f (x), the sum of the series is equal to
the arithmetical mean of its limits on the right and left (in this case, to the
number ~),
Putting x=O in the equality obtained, we get
rr.' ~
.. I
s= n=J
~ <2n-1) 2
~+tn -n n ~+m
Fig. 363.
From the property that has been proved it follows that when
computing Fourier coefficients we can replace the interval of in-
tegration (-n, n) by the interval of integration (A., A.+2n), that
is, we can put
~+m ~+n \
ao = ! S f(x) dx,
n 3t
~ /(x)cos nxdx, f
A+2n (1)
bn = ! S f(x) sin nx dx,
where A. is any number.
This follows from the fact that the function f(x) is, by hypothe-
sis, periodic with period 2n; hence, both the functions f (x) cos nx
and f (x) sin nx are periodic functions with period 2n. We now
illustrate how this property simplifies the process of finding coef-
ficients in certain cases.
Example. Let it be required lo expand in a Fourier series the function
f (x) with period 211:, which is given on the interval 0 ..-.;;; x ..-.;;; 211: by the equation
The graph of f (x) is shown in Fig. 364. On the interval [ -11:, 11:] this func-
tion is represented by two formulas: /(x)=x+23t. on the interval [-11:, Oj
and f (x) =x on the interval [0, 11:]. Yet, on [0, 2 11:] it is far more simply
Fourier Series for Even and Odd Functions 787
a0 = ~ 5f (x) dx = ~ Sx dx = 2n;
0 0
(X) COS nx dx = __!_
X COS nX dx = __!_ [X sin nx
1t n
nX] 21t = Q
o '
x cos nx sin nx]
1 [ ----+-
n2 o
2n 2,
0 0
f (x)=n-2 sinx- 22 sin 2x- 2 sin 3x- 2 sm4x-
. 2
sin 5x- ...
3 4 5
3Tr 71( 8K X
Fig. 364.
This series yields the given function at all points with the exception of points
of discontinuity (i.e., except t_he points x=O, 2n, 4n, ... ). At these points the
sum of the series is equal to the half sum of the limiting values of the
function f (x) on the right and on the left (to the number n, in this case).
~ 'ljJ (x) dx = ~ 'ljJ (x) dx + ~ 'ljJ (x) dx = ~ 'ljJ ( -x) dx + ~ 'ljJ (x) dx =
-n -n o o o
n n n
= ~ 'ljJ (x) dx + ~ 'ljJ (x) dx = 2 ~ 'ljJ (x) dx.
0 0 0
ao= S f(x)dx=O;
ak = ! S f (x) cos kx dx = 0,
bk= ~ _l
f(x) sin kxdx= ~ ~ f(x) sin kxdx.
ao = Sf (x) dx,
bk=! S f(x)sinkxdx=O.
-:rt ]
Thus, the Fourier series of an even function contains "only cosines"
(see Example 2, Sec. 2).
The formulas obtained permit simplifying computations when
seeking Fourier coefficients in cases when the given function is
even or odd. It is obvious that not every periodic function is
even or odd (see Example 5, Sec. 2).
Example. Let it be required to expand in a Fourier series the even
function f (x) which has a period of 2l't and on the interval [0, l't) is given by
the equation
The Fourier Series for a Function with Period 21 789
2 [ k ] n 2 { 0 for k even,
= - x.slnkx +~ = - [(- 1)k_ 11 = 4
n k k2 o nk 2 - n;k' fork odd.
n n
ao= ~ S!(~ t)dt,ak= ~ S t(~ t)cosktdt,
-n -n
a,~+ f(x) dx, a,~+/ (x) cos k 'f x dx, f
bk = +Sf
. 'XI
Fig. 365.
bk=O; a0 = ~ Sxdx=l;
(2p + 1) l't X ]
l 41 l l l
lxJ=2-n [ --~-+--3.-++ (2p+l) 2 + '
Fig. 366.
II ' ,, _
0 X
f {X) = ~2 _ .!_
[cos x + cos 3x + cos 5x +
1 32 52
(see Example 2, Sec. 2). And so on the interval [0, n] we have the equa-
= _:: _ _! [~+cos23x+cos 25x+ ]
X 2 TC 1 3 5 '''
c5z = (b I a)
s [f (x)-cp (xW dx.
Fig. 369 illustrates the difference between the root mean square
deviation and the maximum deviation.
Let the solid line depict the function y= f (x), the dashed lines
the approximations cp 1 (x) and cp 2 (x). The maximum deviation of
the curve y = cp 1 (x) is Jess than of the curve y = cp 2 (x), but the
root mean square deviation of the first curve is greater than the
second because the curve y = cp 2 (x) is considerably different from
794 Fourier Series
the curve y = f (x) on! y on a narrow sect ion and for this reason
characterises the curve y = f (x) better than the first.
Now let us return to our problem.
Let there be given a periodic function f ( x) with period 2 n.
From among all the trigonometr-ic polynomials of order n
~ + L, (ak cos kx + ~k sin kx)
+ [ ~ + t (ak cos kx +
~k sin kx)J}~x =
n n
= inS f" (x) dx- ~~ S f (x) dx- ~ .La~ S f (x) cos kx dx +
-n -n k=t -n
n n a n n n
f(x)sinkxdx+in-i-5 dx+ 2n:La:S coskxdx+
k=t -n -n k=t -n
n n n 1t
We note that
n n
f(x)dx=a 0 ; "it
~ S f(x) sin kxdx= bk
are the Fourier coefficients of the function f (x).
Further, by formulas (I) and (II), Sec. I, we have: for k = j
n :t
S cos 2
kx dx= n, S sin 2
kx dx= n,
-:t -n
S sinkx cos jx dx = 0;
for k=l=j
:t n
5 cos kx cos jx dx = 0, 5 -n
sin kx sin jx dx = 0.
Thus, we obtain
n n a n
fl~= dn S
r <x)dx- a;~- k=
I:. <akak+ ~kbk> +-i + ~ L: (a;+~;>.
. k=
Adding and subtracting the sum
a n
4 o + 2I~
~ (ak
+ b"k ),
we will have
n ~ n
6~ =
2n S f" (x) dx--i-~ k=
L (a:+ bt) +{ (a -a + 0 0)
+{ L [(ak-ak).+(~k- bk) 2
] (1)
The first three terms of this sum are independent of the choice
of coefficients a., a" ... , an, ~.. . . . , ~n The remaining terms
796 Fourier Series
are nonnegative. Their sum reaches the least value (equal to zero)
if We. pUt U 0 = a 0 , U 1 =aJf . t Un=an, ~I= b 1 , t ~n= bn
With this choice of coefficients a 0 , U 1 , , an, ~ 1 , , ~n the
trigonometric polynomial
~+ L. (ak cos kx+ ~k sin kx)
k=l -
will least of all differ from the function f (x) in the sense that in
such a choice of coefficients the square deviation IS~ will be least.
We have thus proved the theorem:
Of all trigonometric polynomials of order n, that polynomial has
the least root mean square deviation from the function f (x), the
coefficients of which polynomial are the Fourier coefficients of the
function f (x) ..
The least square deviation is
n az n
6; = ins rex) dx- 4-; L. (a:+ b:).
-:rt k=l
~ sr
(x) dx;;:::. 2
+L. (at+ b~) = ~ (x) dx, (3')
k=t -n
which is called the Lyapunov equation. (We note that A. M.
Lyapunov proved this equation even for a broader class of func-
tion than that which we here consider.)
Mean Approximation of a Given Function 797
5 f (x) cos nx dx = 0,
lim r f (x) sin nxdx= 0.
sn(x) = ~ L{' ~t) +t (f(t) cos kx cos kt + f (t) sin kx sin kt]} dt,
2on (z) cos z = 2on (z)- cos nz +cos (n + I) z,
0 () =
n Z 2(1-cos z)
cos nz- cos (n + 1) z = 2 sin (2n + 1) ]- sin ~ ,
. zz
1-COSZ= 2 Sin
sin (2n + 1) 2z
on(Z)= z
Thus, equation (1) may be rewritten as
sn(x)=-nj f(t)
1 r sin(2n+l)2
:-n 2 sin--
Since the integrand is periodic (with period 2n), it follows
that the integral retains its value on. any interval of integration
of length 2n. We can the.refore write
X+n sin (2n + 1 ) -
sn (x) = ! x--n
Sf (t) t -x
2 sin - 2 -
sn(x)-f(x) =n-
1 5o (f(x +a)-f(x)] -cos- s2a i n na da+
. a
-0 2 Stn2
1 5(f(x+a)-f(x)] -.-a
+sin nada+
-n 2sm2
n a n
[f(x+a)-f(x)]--a sinnuda+-;t5[f(x+a)-f(x)hcosnada.
cos 2 1 I
2sin -n
26~ 3388
802 Fourier Series
Yo Yt> Y2 , Yn
These values are determined either from a table or from the
graph of the given function (by measuring the corresponding
Then, taking advantage, for example, of the rectangular for-
mula [see formula (1), Sec. 8, Ch. XI], we determine the Fourier
n n n
5 if(x)jdx=Q.
ak=z1 sl
k:n tdt,.
"' "'
+~ S( S f (t) sin at dt) sin ax da. (8)
0 -"'
~ f(t)cosatdt=2) f(t)cosatdt,
-"' 0
~ f (t) sin at dt = 0.
B (a)= ~ 5f (t) sin atdt.
(x::;;:, 0),
-2 sa---a-e...--
sin ax d __ ,.,
(x> 0).
n ~+a
In the Fourier integral [formula (7), Sec. 12), the brackets con-
tain an even function of a; hence, it is defined for negative values
of a as well. On the basis of the foregoing, formula (7) can be
rewritten as follows:
a> a>
"' (10
! provided that each of the limits to the right exists (see Sec. 7,
Ch. XI). But in equation (2) we wrote
"' M
~ cp (a) da = lim ~ cp (a) da. (**)
Obviously, it may happen that the limit (**) exists, while the
limits on the nght side of equation (*) do not exist. The expres-
sion on the right of (**) is called the principal value of the in-
tegral. Thus, in equation (2) we consider the principal value of
the improper (outer) integral. The subsequent integrals of this section
will be written in this sense.
Let us multiply the terms of (2) by irr. and add them to the
corresponding terms of (1); we then get
(10 (10
f(x)= 2 rr. S [S f(t)(cosa(t-x)+isina(t-x))dt] da
-co -w
812 Fourier Series
f (x) = -/2n S
F* (a) e-iaxda. (5)
Exercises on Chapter XV II
1. Expand the following function in a Fourier series in the interval( -n, n);
f(x)=2x for Ote;;;;x<;;n,
f(x)=x for -n<x..;;;O.
_!_ _ _! (~+cos3x+cos5x+
Ans. 4n n 12 3Z sa . . . )+ 3 (slnx_sln2x+
1 2
sln3x_ )
+ 3 ....
2. Taking advantage of the expansion of 'the function f (x) = 1 In I he infer-
val (0, n) in the sines of multiple arcs, calculate the sum of the series
1 1 1 n
1-a-+s-T+... Ans. T.
3. Utilising the expansion of the function I (x) =x 2 in 'a Fourier series,
. 1 1 1 1 n
compute the sum of the senes
12 - 2 32 - 41 ,+ +... Ans. 12.
4. Expand the function f (x) = ~;- ~~ in a Fourier series in the interval
cos 2x -1 cos 3x cos 4x +
( -n, n). Ans. cos x---"'22 -
32 ---:.p-- ...
Exercises on Chapter XV II 813
5. Expand the following function in a Fourier series in the interval ( -n, l't)
(I) (I)
Ans . ..:!__2_
4 n m=o
(2n 1)2
L (-1)n-t sl:nx.
7. Ex.pand in a Fourier series, in the interval ( -n, n), the function
/(x)=1 for -n < x.;;;;o,
/(x)= -2 for 0 < xo;;;;n.
Ans. ! ~(-l)n+'{~~+:.[(-l)n-l]}slnnt.
9. Expand the function y =cos 2x in a series of sines in the interval (0, zt).
_..!_ [ slnx +3sln 3x+5sin 5x+ ]
Ans. n 21 -1 21 -31
22 -5 2 '
10. Ex land the function y =sin x in a series of cosines in the interval (0, n)
..!_ ..!_ + cos 2x + cos 4x + ]
Ans. n 2 1 -22 1 -4 2 " - .
11. Expand the function y =ex in a Fourier series in the interval ( -l, l),
n . nnx
l -l "' ( - l) stn--
Ans. ~+ l (el-e-l)
Ln=l l
+ n2n 1 +
12. Expand the function /(x)=2x in a series of sines in the interval (0,1}
Ans. 1_2
L... sin n2nnx.-
814 Fourier Series
13. Expimd the function f (x) =x in a series of smes 1n the interval tO, I).
"' sin~
Ans. ~ ~ ( -l)n+ - -1- .
n ~ n
14. Expand -the function
x for 0 < x..,;;;; I,
(x)= { 2-x for 1 <x<2
In 1he Interval (0, 2): a) In a series of sin:s; b) in a series of cosines.
.., (2n +I) n~
8 s1n 2 "'
b) _!__.i_ ~cos
Ans. a) n L (-l)n
(2n + 1) I , 2 :t 2 ~
(2n +I) :rtx
(2n+l) 2
I. Wave Equation:
=:::: Tt an ( qJ
uqJ )
- Tt anqJ = T [ou(x+M.
ox t) ou(x,
---axt)] =
- T o2u (x + e~x. t) A ~T ou (x, y) A
-. ax uX-. ox uX,
(here, we applied the Lagrange theorem to the expression in the
squar~ brackets). .
In order to obtain the equation of motion, we must equate to
the force of inertia the external forces applied to the element.
Let Q be the linear density of. the string. Then the mass of the
element of the string will be Qllx. The acceleration of the element
.JS ou
at. Hence, by d'Alembert's principle we will have
ou au
QllX at = T ox llx.
Cancel1ing out llx and denoting !!_ = a, we get the equation of
~ Q
M1 M2 =
xsv-, .
xS.( 1+2ux....,...
1 ,.
xS. dx=x
2 - x1
~ ~ ~
818 Equations of Mathematical Physics
ax tR+L ~-0
av+ at- . (5)
wave equations
I i)2{ i)Zl I iJ!V iJIV
a iJx2 = i)[Z I a iJxl = iJ[Z I
where a = 2
The physical conditions dictate the formulation
of the boundary and initial conditions of the problem.
:~ t~o = q> (x). (5)
We shall seek a particular solution (not identically equal to zero)
of equation (1) that satisfies the boundary conditions (2) and (3),
in the form of a product of two functions X (x) and T (t), of
which the former is dependent only on x, and the latter, only
on t:
u (x, t) =X (x) T (t). (6)
Substituting into equation (1), we get X(x)T"(t)=a 2 X"(x)T(t),
and dividing the terms of the equation by a'XT,
T" X"
aT=X' (7)
The left member of this equation is a function that does not
depend on x, the right member is a function that does not depend
on t. Equation (7) is possible only when the left and right mem-
bers are not dependent either on x or on t, that is, are equal to
a constant number. We denote it by -'A., where 'A.>O (later on
we will consider the case 'A.<O). Thus,
T" X"
a2T=x= -'A..
Solution of the Equation of Oscillations of a String 821
u (x, t) = ~ un (x, t)
n=t -
~ ( ann . ann ) . nn
u(x, t)=,f;t, encos-
1 t+Dnsm-1 t smTx (16)
~ ann . nn
<p (x} = ....... Dn - 1- sm Tx.
Thus, we have proved that the series (16), where the coefficients
Cn and Dn are defined by formulas (18) and (19) [if it -admits
double termwise differentiation], is a function u (x, t), which is
the solution of equation (l) and satisfies the boundary and initial
conditions (2) to (5).
Note. Solving the problem at hand for the wave equation by
a different method, we can prove that the series (16) is a solution
even when it does not admit termwise differentiation. In this case
the function f (x} must be twice differentiable and <p (x) must be
once differentiable*).
q= - kau
ax ( 1)
~Q~ = -k au I
a-X x=x,SM. (3)
or (5)
") The rate of propagation of heat, or the rate of the thermal flux, is
determined by
. /!.Q
q= I 'mar
v1here I!,.Q is the quantity of heat that has passed through a cross section S
during a time M.
Heat Propagation in Space 825
Equating expressions (4) and (5) of one and the same quantity
of heat llQ 1 - llQ 2 , we get
azu s au
axz !lxSM = CQllX at M
au k azu
at =ce ax=
Denoting !:.._ =a 2 , we finally get
At sss
CQ ~~ du.
Heat p;opagation in Space 827
But this is the heat that has entered the volume V during the
time At; it is defined by formula (2). Thus, we have the equality
~ ~ (k grad u) n ds = ~
Hdiv (k grad u)dv.
Replacing the double integral on the left of (3) by a triple inte-
gral, we get
555 div(kgradu)dv 555 CQaautdv
55v 5[div (k grad u)-CQ ~~] dv = 0. (4)
If k is a constant, then
a2u aau o2u)
div (k grad u) = k div (grad u) = k ( axz+ ayz+ aza
and equation (6) then yields
au (a u a u a u)
CQ at = k ax + ayz + dz
2 2
au (a u a u a u)
2 2 2
ax + ay + az
(jj =a 2 2 2
formulated as follows:
u (x, y, 0) = cp (x, y),
u (M, t) = 'Jl (M, t),
where cp and 'Jl are specified functions and M is a point on the
boundary C.
But if the function u does not depend either on z or on y,
then we get the equation
iJu 2 au
at= a iJx 2
which is the equation of heat propagation in a rod.
r~.t~~ 'i,M
I (i-f.k) i k) {t-f.k.
(x-h,t) (x,t) (x+h,t)
X 0 l.x
Fig. 374. Flg. 375.
u (ih, kl) = U;
,., we write lin place of equation (4)] a corresponding
difference equation for the point (ih, kl). In accord with (3)
and (2), we get
Uf, k+t-Uf, k 1 Uf+t, k-2u;, k +ui-t, k
l =a ha (8)
We determine u1, Ht:
l = 2a 2 '
ple, by extrapolation, by drawing a plane
through every three points in the space (x, t, u).
Let us denote by uh (x, t) a solution obtained
by formula (10) and this extrapolation. It is
proved that (i-f,k) 7' (i+f,k)
lim uh (x, t) = u (x, t), Fig. 376.
in the region - oo < x < oo, 0 < t which satisfies the initial
u (x, 0) = c:p (x). (2)
To find the solution, we apply the method of separation of
variables (see Sec. 3); that is, we shall seek a particular solution
of equation (1) in the form of a product of two functions:
u (x, t) =X (x) T (t). (3)
Putting this into equation (1) we have X (x) T' (t) =a 2 X" (x) T (t)
- - - X'
a2T- -
X- - A I. (4)
*) Since from the meaning of the problem T (t) musl be bounded for
any t, if <p (x) is bounded, it follows that ~ must be negative. And so we
write -'A'.
Propagation of Heat in an Unbounded Rod 833
if A (A.) and B (A.) are such that this integral, its derivative with
respect to t and the second derivative with respect to x exist
and are obtained by differentiation of the integral with respect
to t and x. We choose A (A.) and B (A.) such that the solution u (x, t)
satisfies the condition (2). Putting t = 0 in (8), we get [on the
basis of condition (2)):
u (x, 0) = cp (x) = ~ [A (A.) cos AX+ B (A.) sin AX) dA.. (9)
cp(x)=~ 5( S cp(a)cosA.(a-x)da)dA.
0 -00
00 "'
+ ( S cp (a) sin Aada) sin Ax] dl.. (10)
Putting the expressions thus found of A (f.) and B (A.) into (8),
we obtain
00 "'
+( ~ J
cp (a) sin A.a da) sin 'Ax dl. =
00 00 .
o -oo
27- 3388
834 Equations of Mathematical Physics
e-az).zt cos')... (a-x) d'A. =a ~t
e-z= cos ~z dz. (13)
a"'~ 11.
Y t=z,
a Vt-...,. (14)
We denote
K (~) = ~ e-z cos ~z dz. (15)
Differentiating, *) we get
K' (~) = - ~ e-zz z sin ~z dz.
K' (~)= - { K(~).
Integrating this differential equation, we obtain
K (~)=Ce- 4 (16)
Determine the constant C. From (15) it follows that
K (0) = e-z= dz = ~n
u* (x, t) = ~ l
2a nt Jl
s --
rp* (a) e
a't da (21)
rp* (x) when t =0. Taking (20) into consideration, we can write
Xo+ll.x (a-x) 2
u*(x, t)=~
2a Y nt
5 rp(a)e-4li'tda.
Applying the mean-value theorem to the latter integral, we get
u*(x t)=cp()!1xe- 4 a't x 0 <t<x 0 +!J.x (22)
' 2a Y nt ' "'
ox+ay-1-az=O. (I)
To determine the temperature in the body uniquely from this
equation, one has to know the temperature of the surface cr. Thus,
for equation (1), the boundary-value problem is formulated as
To find the function u (x, y, z) that satisfies equation (I) inside
the volume Q and that takes on specified values at each point M
of the surface cr:
u I.= 'i' (M). (2)
This problem is called the Dirichlet problem or the first boundary-
value problem of equation (1).
If the temperature on the surface of the body is not known,
but the heat flux at every point of the surface is, which is pro-
portional to ~~ (see Sec. 5), then in place of the boundary-value
condition (2) on the surface a we will have the condition
A. a: -div (k grad p) = 0
at =~-(k
op ax op) ay (k ap)
ax +i az (k ap)
ay +~ az (10)
that is, the potential function of the velocity cp must satisfy the
Laplace equation.
840 Equations of Mathematical Physics
au au (a')' au ar au or iJq> i)2u* (i)q> ) 2 au iJ2<p
ay = ar ay + ar ay + 2 iJr iJcp ay i)y + iJq>2 i)y + acp ay (4}
the boundary) and satisfying (inside the circle) the Laplace equa-
tion 2
cPu o u
ax+ -oy-
-0 (1)
and, on the circumference, assuming the specified values
U lr=R = f (cp). (2)
We shall solve the problem in polar coordinates. R.ewrite equation
(1) in these coordinates:
au + 1 au+ 1 au - 0
or r or ,.. OqJ 2-
( 1')
Function (8) will be the solution of (1') for any value of k different
from zero. If k = 0, then equations (5) and (5') take the form
<I>"= 0, rR" +R' = 0,
and, consequently,
U 0 = (A 0 +B 0 <p) (C 0 +Do lnr). (8')
The solution must be a periodic function of <p, since for one and
the same value of r for <p and <p 2n we must have the same
solution, because one and the same point of the circle is considered.
It is therefore obvious that in formula (8') we must have B 0 = 0.
To continue, we seek a solution that is continuous and finite in
the circle. Hence, in the centre of the circle the solution must
be final for r= 0, and for that reason we must have D 0 =.Pin (8') and
Dk=O in (8).
Thus, the right side of (8') becomes the product A 0 C 0 , which
we denote by A0 /2. Thus,
0 (S")
We shall form the.solution to our problem as a sum of solutions
of the form (8), since a sum of solutions is a solution. The sum
must be a periodic function of <p. This will be the case if each
term is a periodic function of <p. For this, k must take on integral
values. [We note that if we equated the sides of (4) to the number
+ k\ we would not obtain a periodic so!u tion.] We shall confine
ourselves only to positive values:
k = 1, 2, ... , n, ...
because the constants A, B, C, D are arbitrary and therefore the
negative values of k do not yield new particular solutions.
Thus, ,
u (r, <p) = ~o + L."' (A,. cos n<p + B,. sin n<p) r"
(the constant C,. is included in A,. and B,.). Let us now choose
arbitrary constants A,. and B,. so as to satisfy the boundary-value
condition (2). Putting into (9) r==;:R, we get, from condition (2),
f (<p) = ~o + L, (A,. cos n<p + B,. sin n<p) R". (10)
n =t
For us to have equality (10), it is necessary that the function
should be expandable in a Fourier series in the interval ( -n, n)
and that A,.R" and B,.R" should be its Fourier coefficients. Hence,
846 Equations of Mathematical Physics
L. (i
r cos n (t -lj)) = 1 +
L. ( ~ r[ein
(1-rp) + e-in (l-rp)1=
.!....el<t-rp> .!....e-l<t-rp>
= 1 +_R_ _ _ _ + R =
1-...c__etU-'P> 1-....C e-1(1-rp)
1-(..C..Ri\" _ R2 - r2
----------~~'--~-.~ (13)
= r
( r )
R - R2 -2Rr cos (t -cp) +r 2 '
I 2
- Ui+t, ~-2Uf, k+ui-1, k
I -
X=ih, y=kh- '
ay 2
X=ih, Y=kh- h2
0 X 0 X
Fig. 377. Fig. 378.
By (4) we write
28 x f l
<p(x)=--0- + 28 0 or
1 2 o;;;;;xo;;;;;l.
Give a mechanical interpretation of fhe problem.
aau a a2u .
6. Find a solution lo the equation at 2 =a axa thaf satisfies the con
u (0, t) =0, u (1, t) =A sin cot,
au (x, 0) -0
u (x, 0) =0, at - .
is the solution tha' satisfies the conditions
v(O, t)=O, v(l, t)=O
(x, 0)
v (x, 0) = - w (x, 0), -.-a-t-=-
ow (x, 0)
(It is assumed thaf sin ~ l '/: 0.)
7. Find a solution to the equation 7i[ =a
2 ott
7fX! that satisfies the con
u (0. t) = 0, u (l, t) = 0, t > 0,
x when O.;;;;;x-;;;;; l
u(x,O)= l
{ l-x when
2 < x < l.
_ .!!_ ~ (_ l)n -
(an+ 1 ) 2 n 2 a 2
12 t . (2n + I) n
Ans. h (x, t) -- n 2 ~ (
2n+ l) 2 e sm l
Hint. Solve the problem by the method of separation of variables.
8. Find a solution to the equation ~~ =a 2 ::~ that satisfies the con-
x (l-x)
u(O, t)=u(O, l)=O, u(x, 0)=
8 I (2n+t) 2n'a'l
8 ~ - l' I (2n+ I) rt..\'1
Ahs. u(x, t)=iti~ (2n+l)a e sn
852 Equations of Mathematical Physics
where An=T 2 s I
u(O, 1)=0, ~u
I x=L
, u(x, O)=cp(x).
12. Find a solution lo ~he Laplace equation ax + au .
oy =0, in a strip
0:;::;;; x:;::;;; a, 0 .so;;; y < oo that satisfies lhe conditions
Ir=R 1
= + _Q_
u I
= u2.
Let there be given the function of a real variable t defined for t ~0 [we
shall sometimes consider that the function f (t) is defined on an infinite
interval -oo < t < oo, but /(1)=0 when t <0). We shall assume that the.
function f (I) is piecewise continuous, that is, such that in any finite interval
it has a finite number of discontinuities of the first kind (~ee Sec. 9, Ch. II).
To ensure the existence of certain integrals in the infinite interval 0,.;;;;; t < oo
we impose an additional restriction on the function f (t): namely, we suppose
~hat there exist constant positive numbers M and s 0 such that
If (I) I< Mes,t (1)
for any value t in the interval 0,.;;;;; t < oo.
Let us consider the product of the function f (I) by the complex function
e-Pt of a real variable*) t, where p=a+ib is some complex number:
e-P 1f (t). (2)
Function (2) is also a complex function of a real variable t:
e-Ptf (t) =e-<a+ib) 1{ (t) =e-a 1f (t) e-ibt =e-atf (t) cos bt -ie-atf (t) sin bt.
Let us further consider the improper integral
"' 00 00
~ e-P 1f (t) dt =~e-at! (t) cos bt dt-i ~ e-atf (t) sin bt dt. (3)
We shall show that if !he function f (t) satisfies condition (1) and a> s0 ,
then the integrals on the right of (3) exist and the convergence of the inte-
grals is absolute. Let us begin by evaluating the first of these integrals:
00 00
F (p) = ~ e-P
f (t) dt. (4)
Thus, *)
~~ 1 ..:. .!_
O'o (t) + i
In some books on operational calculus lhe following expression is called
the transform of the function f (t):
We change the variable in the latter integral, putting z =at; hence, dz =a dt;
then we get
L {f (at)}=! e --;;- / (z) dz
"') In computing lhe integral ~e-P 1dt one mighf represent if as lhe sum o
integrals of real functions; the same result would be obtained. This also holds
for the two subsequent integrals.
The Linearity Property of a Transform 857
L {f (at)} = ~ F ( %) .
Thus, if
F (p) -1-- I (t)
~ F(~) -1-- f (at). (11)
"' "'
L {e- 1! (t)} = ~ e-Pt-atf (I) dt = ~ e-<P+> 1f (t) dt.
0 0
L 1
{e-" f (t)} = F (p +a).
This theorem makes it possible to expand considerably !he class of trans
forms for which it is easy to find the original functions.
p-a h a t.
a 2 7 sm (17)
7 4
F(p)=4 (p+5)2+4'
Example 2. Find lhe original function whose lransform .is given by the
F (p)
p+I 2 3
= (p + 1) 2
+32 +3 (p+ 1)'+320
using formulas (19) and (20) we find lhe original function:
Proof. We first prove that if f (t) satisfies condition (1), then the integral
~ e-Pt (-t)n f (t) dt (22)
By hypothesis lf(t)I<Mest-, p=a+ib, a>s 0 ; and a>O,' s0 >0. Obvi
ously, there will be an e > 0 such that the inequality a< s 0 +e will be ful-
filled. As in Sec. 1, it is proved that the following integral-exists:
~ e-<P-)t If (t) I dt.
Since the function e-ttn is bounded and, in absolute value, is less than
some number N for any value t > 0, we can write
~I e-Pttnf
(t) dt
< N ~I e-<P-ltf (t)
dt = N
~ e-<P-)t If (t) Idt < oo.
If is .thus proved that the integral (22) exists. But this integral may be
regarded as an nth-order derivative with respect to the parameter*) p of ihe
~ e-P 1 f (t) dt.
(-1) ddp ( ~ ) +t
l . t
p2 7 .
by differentiating the leff and righf sides with respect to the paramefer p,
we get
2pa . t . t
(pz + az)z 7 sm a . (24)
We shall assume that all the derivatives f' (t), f" (t), , t<n> (t) which we
encounter satisfy the condition (1), and, consequently, the integral (28) and
similar integrals for subsequent derivatives exist. Computing by parts the in
~egral on the right of (28), we find -
m m
L {f' (t)} = ~ e-P1f' (t) dt = e-pt f (t) + p ~
1: 0
e-Pt f (t) dt.
L {f' (t)} = - f (0) + pF (p).
The theorem is proved. Let us now consider the transforms of derivatives
of any order. Substituting into (27) the expression pF (p)-f (0) in place of
F (p) and the expression f' (t) in place of f (t), we geti
'P [pF (p)- f (0) ) - f' (0) -1- f" (t)
or, removing brackets,
p2F (p)-pf (0)-f' (0) -1- f' (t). (29)
The transform for a derivative of order n will be
pnF (p)- [pn-lf (0) + pn-2[' (0) + ... + pf<n-2) (0) +r-ll (0)1 -1- t<n, (t). (30)
Note. Formulas (27), (29), and (30) are simplified if f (0) =I' (0) = ..
= ... =t<n-1) (0)=0. In this case we gef
F (p) -1- f (t),
pF (p) -1- f' (I),
pn F (p) -1- f(n) (t).
[hen in lhe formulas 1-13 of the fable the expressions In Ihe first column
must be multiplied by p, and formulas 14 and 15 will take on the following
form. Since F* (p) = pF (p), it follows !hat by substituting into the left side
Table of Transforms 863
Table I
1 -1p 1
sin at ;
3 cos at
1 e-t
sinh at
cosh at
7 a e-t sin at
8 p+a e-t cos at
(p+a)'+a 2
9 nl
p"+l t"
10 2pa
t sin at
(p'+ a')'
- a- P'.
(p' + a)
t cos at
12 1 te- 1
(p +a)'
(p" + a) 2~. (sin at- at cos at)
(-1)" dp"F(p) t" f (t)
15 Fdp) F, (p) ~ ft ('t') 12 (1-'t') d't'
F ( )= F; (p)
1 p p
and multiplying this product by p, we have
15'. p1 p,(p)f2(p)7-
.. 5
On the left-hand side of the equation are the L-transforms of the function x (t)
and its derivatives, on the right, the L-transform of the function f (t), which
we denote by F (p). Hence, equation (33) may be rewritten as
- F(p)
X (p) = aoPn+alpn-1 + ... +an (36')
Decomposing the latter fraction on the right into partial fractions, we can
From formula (36) of the previous section if follows thaf the transform of
~he solution of a linear differential equation consists of two terms: the first
~erm is a proper rational fraction in p, ihe second term is a fraction whose
numerator is ihe transform of the right side of the equation F (p), while the
denominator Is lhe polynomial CJln (p}. ! If F (p) is a rational fraction, then
the second term will a !so be a rational fraction. It is thus necessary to be
able io find the original function whose transform is the proper rational
858 Operational Calculus and Certain of. Its Applications
fraction. We shall deal with this question in the present section. Let the
L-transform of some function be a proper rational fraction in p:
'l'n-t (p).
cpn lP)
It is required to find the original function. In Sec. 7, Ch. X, it was shown
that any proper rational fraction may be represented in the form of a sum
of elementary fractions of four types:
I. p-a '
II. (p-a)k'
Ill. A p+B , where the roofs in the denominator are complex, that
p 2 + atp+a2
is, -a2 <0.
IV. Ap+B where k~2. the rootsofthe.denominator are complex.
Let us find the original functions for these elementary fractions. For
fraction type 1 we get (on the basis of formula 4 of Table 1)
p-a .
For a type II fraction, by formulas 9 and 4 of Table 1, we have
A . A 1 tk-t ~~
(p-a)" :+ (k-1) l e (37)
Let us now consider the type Ill fraction. We perform identical transforma-
We shall nof consider the case of elementary fraction IV, since H would in
volve considerable calculations. We shall consider certain special cases below.
we find
870 Operational Calculus and Certain of Its Applications
(t)=2e- 1+e
2 I (
-cos - - t
y3 + Y3sin
11 Jl3 )
- - t
2 2
Example 3. Find ihe solution of the equation
dt +X= f COS 2/
ix<P>+(4p+3> -y <P>=o.
Solving !his syslem, we find
- 4p+3 1 1 ]
X (p)= p(p+l)(llp+6)=2p-5(p+l)-JO (llp+6)'
- I 1 ( I 11 )
y (p)=- (llp+6)(p+J)=5 p+l -llp+6 .
The Convolution Theorem 871
From the transforms we find the original functions -the sought-for solutions
of the system:
I 1 3 -!....t
X (t) = 2 -Se-t -lO e 11
1 (
y(1)=5 e- 1-e
Linear systems of higher orders are solved in similar fashion.
The Integral on the right is a double Integral of the form ~ ~ Ill (1:, t) dt d't,
which is taken over a region bounded by the straight lines 't=O, -r:=t
(Fig. 380). Changing the order of integration in this double integral, we geU
t ~ ~
~ e-Pt f 1 (t -1:) dt = ~ e-P <z+l ! 2 (z) dz =e-P' ~ e-Pz f 2 (z) dz =e-P' Fa (p).
1: 0 0
872 Operational Calculus and Certain of Its Applications
t 110 110
L { ~ f 1 ('t') f 2 (l-'t') d't} = ~ / 1 ('t') e-pt F 2 (p) d't=F 1 (p) ~ e-pt / 1 ('t') d't'=
0 0 0
= f2 (p)F 1 (p).
And so
~ f, ('t) {2 (t-'t') d't' +- F 1 (p) F 2 (p).
but p'~ 1 -;...sin t and F (p)-;... f (t). Applying the convolution formula (39)
and denoting P'+l=f 2 (p), F(p)=F 1 (p),
we get
x (t) = ~ f ('t') sin (t-'t') d-e. (40)
Indeed, if we denote
/1(1)=/(t), / 2 (1)=1, then F 1 (p)=F(p), F 2 (p)=-.
Putting these functions into (39j, we get formula (41).
where x is the deflection of the point from a certain position and k is the
rigidity of the elastic system, for instance, a spring (a car spring}, the force
of resistance to motion is proportional (the proportionality constant is A.)
to the ftrst power of the velocity, and {1 (t) is the C L
outer (or disturbing) force.
Equations of type (42) describe small vibrations
of other mechanical systems with one degree of free-
dom, for example, the torsional oscillations of a fly-
wheel on an elastic shaft, if x is the angle of rotation E. R
of the flywheel, m is the moment of inertia of the
flywheel, k is the torsional rigidity of the shaft, and
mf1 lt) is the moment of the outer forces relative to
the axis of rotation. Equations of type (42) describe
not only mechanical vibrations but also phenomena
Flg. 381.
that occur in electric circuits.
Suppose we have an electric circuit consisting of an inductance L, a
resistance R and a capacitance C, to which is applied an e.m.f. E (Fig. 381).
We denote by i the current in the circuit, by Q the charge of the capacitor;
then, as we know from electrical engineering, i and Q satisfy the following
di . Q
L dt+Rt c=E, (43)
dQ .
From (44) we get
Substituting (44) and (44') info (43), we gef for Q an equation of type (42):
d 2Q dQ I
L([i%+Rdt +cQ=E. (45)
*) See, for example, Ch. XIII, Sec. 26, where such an equation is derived
in considering the oscillation of a weight on a car spring.
874 Operational Calculus and Certain of Its Applications
where the mechanical and physical meaning of the desired function x, of the
coefficients a 1 , a 2 , and of the function f (t) is readily established by comparing
this equation with equations (42), (45), (46). Let us find the solution to
equation (47) .that satisfies the initial conditions x=x 0 , x' =x: when t =0.
We form .the auxiliary equation for equation (47):
x (p) (p"+a p+a )=xoP+x:+a x +F (p),
1 2 1 0 (48)
where F (p) is the :transform of the function f (t). From (48) we find
_ x0 p+x: +a1x0 F (p)
x (p) = p+a~p+a. + P"+a~p+a. . (49)
Thus, for a solution Q (I) of equation (45) that satisfies the initial conditions
Q=Q 0 , Q'=Q~ when 1=0, the .transform will have the form
lnvestigcl.iing Free Oscillations sis
a 1p+a 2
~ v 1
a1 -To
~~ f ('t')e -~<t-Tl sln(l-'t'),V/ a 1
- a: d't'.
And so, from (49), faking into account (50) and (51), we geC
x(l) ~'
, f
t V o, -T+
v Xo + t
o,- ~ in
, ~--a-
tV n,--f
r ;--a-.
v -+
+ V.- ~ /(''. .1
If the external force f (I)= 0, which means that if we have free mechanical
or electrical oscillations, then the solution is given by the first term on the
righthand side of expression (52). If the initial data are equal fo zero, i.e.,
if X 0 =x: =0, then the solution is given by the second term on the right side
of (52). Let us consider these cases in more detail.
Let equation (47) describe free oscillations, that is, f (I)""' 0. For con-
venience in writing we introduce the notation a 1 = 2n, a 2 = k 1 , k: = k" - n.
Then (47) will have the form
d 2x dx
dt +2n df+k 2X=0. (53)
The solution of {his equation xfr that satisfies the lniflal conditions x =x0 ,
x' =X~ for t=O is given by fhe formula (50) or by the first Ierm of (52):
876 Operational Calculus and Certain of Its Applications
x~ +x0 n
We denote x 0 =a, k b. It is obvious that for any a and b we can
~elect M and 6 such that the following equalities will be fulfilledl
a=Msin6, b=Mcos6,
M2 =a2 +b 2 , tan 6=/}.
We rewrite formula (54) as
x1r=e-nt [M cos k,t sin 6 + M sin k 1 t cos 6],
or, in final form, .the solution may be written thus:
Xtr= Ya +te-n1 sin(k 1t+6). (55)
Solution (55) corresponds to damped oscillations.
If 2n = a 1 = 0, that is, if there is no internal friction, lhen the solution
will be of 1he form
Xtr= Ya+b 2 sin(k 1 t+6).
In this case harmonic oscillations occur. (In Ch. XIII, Sec. 27, Figs. 270 and
271 give graphs of harmonic and damped oscillations.) -
We consider the case when 2n t= 0 (n1 < k'). Decompose the fraction on
the right into partial fractions:
Aw Np+B + Cp+D (SS)
(p 2 + 2np+ k2 ) (p 2 +w 2 ) p 2 + 2np + k 2 p+w
We determine the constants B, C, D by the method of undetermined
coefficients. Using formula (38), we find the original function from its
Investigating Mechanical and Electrical Oscillations 877
L-transform (57):
+e-nt [ (2n 2 -k 2 +w 2) :
sin k1 1 +2nw cos k 11 J}; (59)
here again, k 1 = Jfk 2 -n2 This is the solution of equation (56) that satisfies
the initial conditions x 0 =x:=o when 1=0.
Let us consider a special case when 2n=0. This corresponds to a mecha-
nical system with no internal resistance, or to an electric circuit where R = 0
(no internal resistance in the circuit). Equation (56) then lakes the form
d 2x
iflZ+k 2 x =A sin wl, (60)
M- A
- Y (k 2 -w2 ) 2 + 4n 2w2
878 Operational Calculus and Certain of Its Applications
From formula (64) if follows that the frequency of forced oscillations coi nciC.:es
with that of the external force. If the internal resistance, characterised by
~he number n, is small and the frequency of the external force w is not very
different from that of the natural oscillations k, then the amplitude of oscil-
lations may be made as great as one pleases, since the denominator may be
arbitrarily small. For n=O, ro 2 =k2 , the solution is not expressed by for-
mula (64).
Le~ us consider the special case when a 1 =2n=0, that is, when there is
no resistance and the frequency of the external force coincides with that of
the natural oscillations k=w. The equation then takes the form
We have a proper rational fraction of type IV, which we have no( considered
in the general form. To find the original function for the transform of (66),
we take advantage of the following procedure. We write the identity (formula 2
of Table 1)
p ~ k =Se-Pt sin kt dt. (67)
-(p'!:) =Se-Pt
cos kt- ~sin kt] dt.
The Delay Theorem 879
Ak . A ( 1 )
(p 2 + k 2) 2 :---+- 2k k sin kt- t cos kt
(from 'this formula we have formula 13, Table 1). Thus, the solution of equa-
lion (65) satisfying the initial conditions x0 =X~=0 fort=~ will be
Lef lhe function f (t), for t < 0, be identically equal Io zero (Fig. 3B3, a).
Then the function f (t - t0 ) will be identically zero for t < t 0 (Fig. 383, b).
We shall prove a theorem which is known as the delay theorem.
0 t 0
to t
(q) (b)
Fig. 383.
Theorem. If F (p) is the transform of the function f (t), then e-Pto F (p) is
the transform of the function f (t-t 0 ); that is, iff (t) F (p), then +-
f (t - t 0 ) +- e-P F (p).
The first integral on the right of the equation is zero since f(t-t 0 )=0 for
t< 10 In the last integral we change the variable, putting 1-t0 =zl
~ ~
lhaf is,
4 dJC dx
dl 2 - 3 dl + 2x-- e'"' ' x=l 1 x'=2 for 1=0. Ans. X=-esr
7. d'x
dt' +x= I te 1, x=x'=x"=O for 1=0. Ans. x= I ( 12 -31+
2 4
+2 e1 - 1e- -3I {cos (I2 ,r 31
t 1 -)
- ,r-;;
r 3sln (I2 ,r 31 1 -)}
e +t
d4x d2 x '
9. dl' -2 dt +x=sln I, X0 =X0 = X0 =x0 =0 for 1=0. Ans. x=
=sI (3-1 2
sin t-8 t cost.
that satisfy lhe initial conditions X0 =y0 =X~=Y~=0 for 1=0. Ans. x(l) =
= - I cost+ I et I e-,
2 4 +4 y(t)=-cost+e t +e- t -1.