Aves Flusso Prenotazione TMaster

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Software Development Area

© Datagest S.r.l.

** End User Documentation **


Document Information

Previous Documentation Release: Valid from: 2019-02-21

Actual Documentation Release: Valid from: 2019-03-04

Modified sections from previous release: the difference from previous release are showed using the
following notation:
 Inserted text
 Deleted text from previous release
 Deleted text from a old release
 Inside the example (to permit the cut&paste) changes have not been shown
 Insertion and renumbering of chapters are not showed

Please go to http://hda.datagest.it/iweb and fulfill a ticket
complete with Tour Operator’s client name and details of problem.
You will be contact by one of our assistants as soon as possible.

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Table of Contents

DOCUMENT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 3
WEB SERVICE INTERFACE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 4
CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................................... 4
SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................ 4
TRANSPORT METHODS ..................................................................................................................................... 5
MESSAGE FORMAT ........................................................................................................................................... 5
XML REQUEST EXAMPLE ................................................................................................................................. 6
XML RESPONSE EXAMPLE ............................................................................................................................... 6
W EB SERVICE INTERFACES .............................................................................................................................. 6

AVES XML PRENOTAZIONE TMASTER ......................................................................................................... 7

PRENOTAZIONE UNICO EVENTO E ORARIO ................................................................................................ 7
PRENOTAZIONE ABBONAMENTO ................................................................................................................. 9
PRENOTAZIONE PIÙ EVENTI E ORARI ........................................................................................................10
PRENOTAZIONE EVENTO CON PREZZI DINAMICI .....................................................................................11
AGGIUNTA EVENTO ....................................................................................................................................... 18
MODIFICA EVENTO ........................................................................................................................................18
ANNULLAMENTO PRATICA .......................................................................................................................... 19
APPENDIX 1: ERRORS LIST ..........................................................................................................................20

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Web Service Interface Description

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in
the implementation of web services in computer networks. It uses XML Information Set for its message
format, and relies on application layer protocols, most often Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and transmission.

SOAP provides the Messaging Protocol layer of a web services protocol stack for web services. It is XML-
based protocol consisting of three parts:

- an envelope, which defines the message structure[1] and how to process it

- a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes
- a convention for representing procedure calls and responses

SOAP has three major characteristics:

- extensibility (security and WS-routing are among the extensions under development)
- neutrality (SOAP can operate over any transport protocol such as HTTP, SMTP, TCP, UDP, or JMS)
- independence (SOAP allows for any programming model)

As an example of what SOAP procedures can do, an application can send a SOAP request to a server that
has web services enabled—such as a real-estate price database—with the parameters for a search. The
server then returns a SOAP response (an XML-formatted document with the resulting data), e.g., prices,
location, features. Since the generated data comes in a standardized machine-parsable format, the
requesting application can then integrate it directly.
The SOAP architecture consists of several layers of specifications for:

- message format
- Message Exchange Patterns (MEP)
- underlying transport protocol bindings
- message processing models
- protocol extensibility

SOAP evolved as a successor of XML-RPC, though it borrows its transport and interaction neutrality and the
envelope/header/body from elsewhere (probably from WDDX)

The SOAP specification defines the messaging framework, which consists of:

- The SOAP processing model defining the rules for processing a SOAP message
- The SOAP extensibility model defining the concepts of SOAP features and SOAP modules
- The SOAP underlying protocol binding framework describing the rules for defining a binding to an
underlying protocol that can be used for exchanging SOAP messages between SOAP nodes
- The SOAP message construct defining the structure of a SOAP message.

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The SOAP processing model describes a distributed processing model, its participants, the SOAP nodes,
and how a SOAP receiver processes a SOAP message. The following SOAP nodes are defined:

- SOAP sender – a SOAP node that transmits a SOAP message

- SOAP receiver – a SOAP node that accepts a SOAP message
- SOAP message path – the set of SOAP nodes through which a single SOAP message passes
- Initial SOAP sender (Originator) – the SOAP sender that originates a SOAP message at the starting
point of a SOAP message path
- SOAP intermediary – a SOAP intermediary is both a SOAP receiver and a SOAP sender and is
targetable from within a SOAP message. It processes the SOAP header blocks targeted at it and
acts to forward a SOAP message towards an ultimate SOAP receiver.
- Ultimate SOAP receiver – the SOAP receiver that is a final destination of a SOAP message. It is
responsible for processing the contents of the SOAP body and any SOAP header blocks targeted at
it. In some circumstances, a SOAP message might not reach an ultimate SOAP receiver, for
example because of a problem at a SOAP intermediary. An ultimate SOAP receiver cannot also be a
SOAP intermediary for the same SOAP message.

Transport methods
Both SMTP and HTTP are valid application layer protocols used as transport for SOAP, but HTTP has
gained wider acceptance as it works well with today's internet infrastructure; specifically, HTTP works well
with network firewalls. SOAP may also be used over HTTPS (which is the same protocol as HTTP at the
application level, but uses an encrypted transport protocol underneath) with either simple or mutual
authentication; this is the advocated WS-I method to provide web service security as stated in the WS-I
Basic Profile 1.1.

This is a major advantage over other distributed protocols like GIOP/IIOP or DCOM, which are normally
filtered by firewalls. SOAP over AMQP is yet another possibility that some implementations support. SOAP
also has an advantage over DCOM that it is unaffected by security rights configured on the machines that
require knowledge of both transmitting and receiving nodes. This lets SOAP be loosely coupled in a way that
is not possible with DCOM. There is also the SOAP-over-UDP OASIS standard.

Message format
XML Information Set was chosen as the standard message format because of its widespread use by major
corporations and open source development efforts. Typically, XML Information Set is serialized as XML. A
wide variety of freely available tools significantly eases the transition to a SOAP-based implementation. The
somewhat lengthy syntax of XML can be both a benefit and a drawback. While it promotes readability for

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humans, facilitates error detection, and avoids interoperability problems such as byte-order (endianness), it
can slow processing speed and can be cumbersome. For example, CORBA, GIOP, ICE, and DCOM use
much shorter, binary message formats. On the other hand, hardware appliances are available to accelerate
processing of XML messages. Binary XML is also being explored as a means for streamlining the throughput
requirements of XML. XML messages by their self-documenting nature usually have more 'overhead'
(Headers, footers, nested tags, delimiters) than actual data in contrast to earlier protocols where the
overhead was usually a relatively small percentage of the overall message.

In financial messaging SOAP was found to result in a 2–4 times larger message than previous protocols FIX
(Financial Information Exchange) and CDR (Common Data Representation).

XML Information Set does not have to be serialized in XML. For instance, a CSV or JSON XML-infoset
representation exists. There is also no need to specify a generic transformation framework. The concept of
SOAP bindings allows for specific bindings for a specific application. The drawback is that both the senders
and receivers have to support this newly defined binding.

XML Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<RqHeader HostID="025706" Xtoken="TOKEN123456" Interface="WEB" UserName="WEB"/>

XML Response Example

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<RsStatus Status="OK"/>
<SearchParamDetail ObjType="SERVICE" ObjCode="HT00051653" Description=""/>

Web Service Interfaces

In the grid below you will find complete set of available interfaces used to manage all booking flow and the
optional operation like insert / update master records of customers or suppliers.

CreateBookingFile BookFileRQ / Create a booking file with selected package or /

BookingFileRS and service list

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Aves XML Prenotazione Tmaster

Di seguito sono dettagliate le possibili richieste XML utili alla gestione del servizio di ticketing legate al
provider TMaster.
Per il dettaglio degli attributi di ogni singola richiesta XML si fa riferimento alla documentazione inviata “Aves
Xml 1.8.0 Eng – Booking”.

Il flusso si compone di vari step di richieste XML al fine di interrogare, prenotare, stampare e gestire lo stato
di ticket di Tmaster

Richieste XML:
 SearchTopServices (Ricerca servizio Tmaster)
 GetTopServiceDetail (Recupero dettaglio singolo servizio Tmaster )
 GetExtraQuote (Recupera eventuali quote automatiche prenotazione Aves)
 CreateBookingFile (Creazione Pratica Aves)
 PrintBookingDocument (Stampa emissione ticket Tmaster)
 SearchBookingFile (Recupero informazione Pratica Aves)
 GetStoredBookingDocument (Recupero documento Stampato ticket Tmaster)
 SetBookngFileStatus (Cambio stato pratica Tmaster)
 ModifyBookingFileServices (Modifica / Aggiunta servizi a pratica Aves)

Per convenzione negli allegati si utilizzerà nella sezione Xml RqReader dei parametri simbolicidi login
HostID="000001" Xtoken="TOKEN000001", saranno poi da variare con quelli forniti dal cliente .

Di seguito alcuni esempi di flussi (Request/Response) di prenotazione .

Prenotazione Unico evento e orario

1. SearchTopServices

20180927_131000_7 20180927_131000_7
35_1_DA000002.xml 35_1_RA000002.xml

2. GetTopServiceDetail

20180927_131529_2 20180927_131529_2
43_1_RA000002.xml 43_1_DA000002.xml

Nella sezione ServiceDetail vengono restituite le informazioni del servizio legate al provider Tmaster

<ProviderDetail xsi:type="TicketServProviderDetail" Code="TMA"

ProviderConnectionCode="TMGenova" TranscodingCode="E:1;2;2" />

Nella sezione <SubServiceList> per ogni <SubServiceDetail relativo vengono restituite le

informazioni relative a Tmaster ed Eventi

Sottoservizio Orario
<SubServiceDetail ssCode="08.30">

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<ProviderDetail xsi:type="TicketSServProviderDetail">
<FaresToken />

Sottoservizio Tariffa
<SubServiceDetail ssCode="gA000">
<ProviderDetail xsi:type="TicketSServProviderDetail">
<TimeCode />

3. GetExtraQuote

20180927_132702_0 20180927_132702_0
60_1_RA000002.xml 60_1_DA000002.xml

4. CreateBookingFile

20180927_133033_3 20180927_133033_3
92_1_DA000002.xml 92_1_RA000002.xml

Nella sezione SelectedServiceList del servizio prenotato di Tmaster viene valorizzata la sezione
TicketServiceInfo con le informazioni recuperate in precedenza in fase di GetTopServiceDetail per
ogni SubServiceDetail prenotato.
Attenzione in questo caso siccome si sta prenotando un biglietto di Tipo evento (TranscodingCode
inizia con lettera "E”) i pax del servizio di orario ingresso e quelli legati alla tariffa devono essere
uguali non possono essere diversi altrimenti la richiesta restituirà errore (questa eventualità è invece
consentita per i biglietti di tipo Abbonamento)
Nella response nella sezione PrintableDocumentsList viene restiuita la possibilità di stampare i
biglietti di Tmaster <PrintableDoc DocumentType="TICKETING_TMASTER" />

5. PrintBookingDocument

20180927_145751_6 20180927_145751_6
73_7_RA230031.xml 73_7_DA230031.xml

Nella request impostare <DocumentType>TICKETING_TMASTER</DocumentType>

6. SearchBookingFile

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20180927_151624_7 20180927_151624_7
13_7_RA268918.xml 13_7_DA268918.xml

Nella response sezione StoredDocumentsList viene restituito il codice del documento stampato in
precedenza e archiviato come ticket Tmaster.
<StoredDoc Code="P2018 004325 0001" DocumentType="TICKETING_TMASTER"
Description="Emissione biglietti TMaster" CreateDate="2018-09-27T00:00:00+02:00" />

7. GetStoredBookingDocument

20180927_152419_7 20180927_152419_7
40_7_DA150427.xml 40_7_RA150427.xml

Prenotazione Abbonamento

1. GetTopServiceDetail

20180927_154531_8 20180927_154531_8
37_1_RA000002.xml 37_1_DA000002.xml

Servizio di tipo Abbonamento TranscodingCode inizia con lettera “A”

<ProviderDetail xsi:type="TicketServProviderDetail" Code="TMA"
ProviderConnectionCode="TMGenova" TranscodingCode="A:123" />

2. GetExtraQuote

20180927_154553_5 20180927_154553_5
24_1_DA000002.xml 24_1_RA000002.xml

3. CreateBookingFile

20180927_154605_9 20180927_154605_9
12_1_RA000002.xml 12_1_DA000002.xml

Nella sezione SelectedServiceList del servizio prenotato di Tmaster viene valorizzata la sezione
TicketServiceInfo con le informazioni recuperate in precedenza in fase di GetTopServiceDetail per
ogni SubServiceDetail prenotato.
<SelectedServiceDetail sCode="CE0000002w" ssCode="iA000">

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<TicketServiceInfo ProviderCode="TMA" ProviderConnectionCode="TMGenova"

TranscodingCode="A:123" RateQualifierCode="CWAY1" TimeQualifierCode="" EventId="123"
EventTimeId="-1" />
Nella response nella sezione PrintableDocumentsList viene restiuita la possibilità di stampare i
biglietti di Tmaster <PrintableDoc DocumentType="TICKETING_TMASTER" />

Prenotazione più eventi e orari

1. GetTopServiceDetail

20180927_155428_2 20180927_155428_2
70_1_DA000002.xml 70_1_RA000002.xml

2. GetTopServiceDetail

20180927_154553_5 20180927_154553_5
24_1_DA000002.xml 24_1_RA000002.xml

3. CreateBookingFile

20180927_155546_2 20180927_155546_2
28_1_DA000002.xml 28_1_RA000002.xml

Prenotazione di 2 pax su evento orario 09:00 e 1 su evento ora 10:00.

Nella sezione SelectedServiceList del servizio prenotato di Tmaster viene valorizzata la sezione
TicketServiceInfo con le informazioni recuperate in precedenza in fase di GetTopServiceDetail per
ogni SubServiceDetail prenotato.

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Prenotazione Evento con prezzi dinamici

NOTA: i parametri di accesso sono gli stessi di tutte le altre chiamate ad Aves per cui HostID, XToken,
UserName vanno aggiustati a seconda dell’installazione. Il servizio è disponibile sia come REST che SOAP.

Ricerca dei parchi disponibili GetTicketProducts.

In ingresso il connettore ProviderCod="TMA".
Esempio di domanda e risposta SOAP:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<GetTktProductsRQ ProviderCod="TMA">
<RqHeader HostID="752332" Xtoken="TOKEN752332" Interface="WEB" UserName="WEB" SessionID="" LanguageCode="01">
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<GetTktProductsRS XmlVersion="1.8.0" EngineVersion="Z01.0001.5488.0" EngineReleaseDate="2019-02-28T14:00:00+01:00"
<RsStatus Status="OK"/>
<Products ProductCod="TMGenova" Description="TMGenova"/>
<Products ProductCod="TMLivorno" Description="TMLivorno"/>
<Products ProductCod="PRODUZG" Description="PRODUZG"/>
<Products ProductCod="PRODUZL" Description="PRODUZL"/>
<Products ProductCod="PRODUZC" Description="PRODUZC"/>
<Products ProductCod="PRODUZO" Description="PRODUZO"/>
<Products ProductCod="PRODUZI" Description="PRODUZI"/>

Ricerca degli eventi disponibili nel parco specifico GetTicketEvents, Cmd="1".

Entro una fascia di date (DateFrom e DateTo) e con liberi almeno il numero di biglietti richiesto (Num).
Nell’esempio passo ProviderCod="TMA", ProductCod="TMGenova" (ottenuto dalla domanda precedente),
data 2 aprile 2019:
Esempio di domanda e risposta SOAP:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<GetTktEventsRQ Cmd="1" ProviderCod="TMA" Num="1" ProductCod="TMGenova" DateFrom="2019-04-02" DateTo="2019-04-
<RqHeader HostID="752332" Xtoken="TOKEN752332" Interface="WEB" UserName="WEB" SessionID="" LanguageCode="01">

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<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<GetTktEventsRS XmlVersion="1.8.0" EngineReleaseDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" ElaborationTime="00:00:00.5841460">
<RsStatus Status="OK"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0"
TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;217" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - VILLAGE CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0"
TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;218" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - PIANETA CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0"
TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;219" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - GALATACQ CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0"
TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
Nell’esempio la risposta torna 4 gruppi di eventi, ognuno identificato da un diverso EventCod.

Ricerca degli orari disponibili (nel parco specifico, numero biglietti minimo, evento specifico e giorno
specifico) GetTicketEvents, Cmd="2".
Vengono restituiti più record, uno per orario. Il campo rilevante è TimeSlot (“0830” significa che l’evento
inizia alle ore 8:30).
L’ora tornata indica l’orario di inizio dell’evento.
Esempio di domanda e risposta SOAP:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<GetTktEventsRQ Cmd="2" ProviderCod="TMA" Num="1" ProductCod="TMGenova" DateFrom="2019-04-02" DateTo="2019-04-
02" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216">
<RqHeader HostID="752332" Xtoken="TOKEN752332" Interface="WEB" UserName="WEB" SessionID="" LanguageCode="01">
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<GetTktEventsRS XmlVersion="1.8.0" EngineReleaseDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" ElaborationTime="00:00:00.0289758">
<RsStatus Status="OK"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="0830" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="0900" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="0930" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"

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TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>

<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1000" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1030" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1100" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1130" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1200" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1230" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1300" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1330" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1400" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1430" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1500" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1530" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1600" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1630" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1700" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1730" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1800" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1830" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1900" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1930" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>

Page 13 of 23

<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY

DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="2000" RateAmount="0" Availability="0" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
L’esempio torna tutte le fasce orarie rilevanti per l’evento di Genova "E:1;2;2;216" il 2 aprile 2019: dalle 8:30
fino alle 20:00.

Ricerca delle tariffe disponibili (nel parco specifico, numero posti minimo, evento specifico, giorno
specifico) GetTicketEvents, Cmd="3".
Torna la lista delle tariffe valide.
Per lo specifico evento ("E:1;2;2;216") e il 2 aprile, restando valide le condizioni: Connettore, Parco, giorni e
numero di biglietti minimo).
Il campo rilevante è RateCod. Si tratta di una stringa alfanumerica indicante quello che TMaster chiama
‘Codice Riduzione’.
RateDescription fornisce una descrizione della tariffa.
Esempio di domanda e risposta SOAP:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<GetTktEventsRQ Cmd="3" ProviderCod="TMA" Num="1" ProductCod="TMGenova" DateFrom="2019-04-02" DateTo="2019-04-
02" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216">
<RqHeader HostID="752332" Xtoken="TOKEN752332" Interface="WEB" UserName="WEB" SessionID="" LanguageCode="01">
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<GetTktEventsRS XmlVersion="1.8.0" EngineReleaseDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" ElaborationTime="00:00:00.0649790">
<RsStatus Status="OK"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateCod="IAA22" RateDescription="CWAY ACQUARIO ADULTO" RateAmount="0" Availability="0"
UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0"
TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateCod="IAR18" RateDescription="CWAY ACQUARIO RIDOTTO" RateAmount="0" Availability="0"
UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0"
TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateCod="IAB10" RateDescription="CWAY ACQUARIO RAGAZZO" RateAmount="0" Availability="0"
UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0"
TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateCod="IAA24" RateDescription="CWAY ACQUARIO ADULTO" RateAmount="0" Availability="0"
UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0"
TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateCod="IAR20" RateDescription="CWAY ACQUARIO RIDOTTO" RateAmount="0" Availability="0"
UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0"

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TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateCod="IAB12" RateDescription="CWAY ACQUARIO RAGAZZO" RateAmount="0" Availability="0"
UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0"
TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateCod="IPR20" RateDescription="CWAY PIANETA RIDOTTO" RateAmount="0" Availability="0"
UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0"
TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateCod="IAR22" RateDescription="CWAY ACQUARIO RIDOTTO" RateAmount="0" Availability="0"
UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0"
TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
<Events Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIO CWAY
DYNAMIC - ACQUARIODAY" RateCod="IAB14" RateDescription="CWAY ACQUARIO RAGAZZO" RateAmount="0" Availability="0"
UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="0" TmaIdFascia="0" TmaIdRiduzione="0" TmaIdGruppo="0"
TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="0" TmaIdOrdinePosto="0"/>
La risposta dell’esempio torna le tariffe “IAA22”, “IAR18”, “IAB10”, ...

Lista degli eventi effettivamente prenotabili (nel parco specifico, numero posti minimo, evento specifico,
giorno specifico) GetTicketEvents, Cmd="L".
E’ necessario aver compilato tutti i campi ProviderCod (connettore), Num (numero di biglietti), ProductCod (il
parco), DateFrom, DateTo, EventCod, Cmd=”L”.
TimeSlot, RateCode possono essere lasciati vuoti o riempiti a seconda delle esigenze. Il periodo può essere
esteso a più di un giorno.
Ad esempio lasciando vuoti TimeSlot, RateCode la risposta torna tutti i risultati possibili: tutti gli orari e tutte
le tariffe disponibili.
Nel caso di ‘troppi’ risultati potrebbe essere restituito errore oppure la ricerca produrrà molti (troppi) risultati.
Bisogna tenere presente che, a differenza delle domande precedenti che interrogano una cache interna di
Aves (rigenerata una volta al giorno), questa domanda verifica direttamente con TMaster le disponibilità. Per
ogni possibile combinazione di biglietti viene interrogato TMaster (allungando quindi il tempo di risposta).
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<GetTktEventsRQ Cmd="L" ProviderCod="TMA" Num="1" ProductCod="TMGenova" DateFrom="2019-04-02" DateTo="2019-04-
02" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" TimeSlot="1800" RateCode="IAA22">
<RqHeader HostID="752332" Xtoken="TOKEN752332" Interface="WEB" UserName="WEB" SessionID=""
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<GetTktEventsRS XmlVersion="1.8.0" EngineReleaseDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" ElaborationTime="00:00:00.1979585">
<RsStatus Status="OK"/>
<Events ProviderCod="TMA" ProductCod="TMGenova" Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216"

Page 15 of 23

EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1800" RateCod="IAA22" RateDescription="CWAY ACQUARIO

ADULTO" RateGroupDescription="ACQUARIO CWAY DYNAMIC" RateAmount="18.00" Availability="600"
CodiceDynamicPrice="CWAY ACQUARIO ADULTO" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" TmaIdEvento="7839"
TmaIdFascia="37681" TmaIdRiduzione="1841" TmaIdGruppo="216" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="37681" TmaIdOrdinePosto="41"/>

Lista degli eventi prenotabili con parametri in ingresso flessibili GetTicketAvailability.

Gli unici parametri obbligatori sono ProviderCod, Num, ProductCod, e le date (il periodo per cui interessano
gli eventi).
Gli altri possono essere specificati epr ridurre l’ampiezza dei risultati. In particolare impostando
GetAvailabilityInRealTime="true" viene interrogato TMaster direttamente per avere la lista delle dispponibilità
(allungando quindi i tempi di rispoosta). Specificandolo false le disponibilità vengono prelevate dalla cache di
Aves. Nella risposta UpdatedDate indica a quando sono aggiornati i dati di disponibilità (ora Utc).
A titolo molto indicativo, lasciando vuoti EventCod, TimeSlot e RateCode si suggerisce di chiedere solo una
settimana alla volta con GetAvailabilityInRealTime="true" e non oltre un mese con
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<GetTktAvailabilityRQ ProviderCod="TMA" Num="1" ProductCod="TMGenova" DateFrom="2019-04-02" DateTo="2019-04-02"
EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" TimeSlot="1800" RateCode="IGA22" GetAvailabilityInRealTime="true">
<RqHeader HostID="752332" Xtoken="TOKEN752332" Interface="WEB" UserName="WEB" SessionID="" LanguageCode="01">
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<GetTktEventsRS XmlVersion="1.8.0" EngineReleaseDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" ElaborationTime="00:00:13.5415764">
<RsStatus Status="OK"/>
<Events ProviderCod="TMA" ProductCod="TMGenova" Date="2019-04-02T00:00:00" EventCod="E:1;2;2;216"
EventDescription="Acquario di Genova - ACQUARIODAY" TimeSlot="1800" RateCod="IGA22" RateDescription="CWAY
RateAmount="34.00" Availability="600" CodiceDynamicPrice="CWAY ACQUARIO ADULTO" UpdatedDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"
TmaIdEvento="7839" TmaIdFascia="37681" TmaIdRiduzione="2507" TmaIdGruppo="219" TmaIdTabellaPrezzi="37681"

Ricerca Aves Eventi prenotabili SearchTktServices

La risposta contiene tutte le informazioni necessarie ad Aves per procedere con la prenotazione.
Importante notare che le disponibilità tornate sono quelle effettive al momento dell’invocazione (viene
interrogato TMaster). Non vi è alcuna garanzia che poi la disponibilità resti la stessa anche

Page 16 of 23

Da qui in poi la modalità di funzionamento è la stessa del caso “Prenotazione Unico evento e orario”, per cui
chiamando CreateBookingFile si procede alla prenotazione effettiva.
NOTE: la prenotazione che ‘blocca’ i biglietti e riserva la disponibilità avviene con la CreateBookingFile. Per
completare la procedura (confermare la prenotazione) e ottenere il biglietto (in formato PDF o cartaceo) è
necessario procedere con la stampa.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<SearchTktServicesRQ ProviderCod="TMA" Num="1" ProductCod="TMGenova" DateFrom="2019-04-02" DateTo="2019-04-02"
EventCod="E:1;2;2;216" TimeSlot="1800" RateCode="IGA22">
<RqHeader HostID="752332" Xtoken="TOKEN752332" Interface="WEB" UserName="WEB" SessionID=""
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<SearchServicesRS XmlVersion="1.8.0" EngineReleaseDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" ElaborationTime="00:00:00.0130010">
<RsStatus Status="OK"/>
<ServiceDetail sCode="TMA-TMGenova">
<ProviderDetail xsi:type="TicketServProviderDetail" Code="TMA" Name="TMaster" ProviderConnectionCode="TMGenova"

Giro completo di una prenotazione

20190304_130219_8 20190304_130219_8
84_1_DA000001.xml 84_1_RA000001.xml

20190304_130238_0 20190304_130238_0
75_1_DA000001.xml 75_1_RA000001.xml

20190304_130250_4 20190304_130250_4
20_1_DA000001.xml 20_1_RA000001.xml

Page 17 of 23

20190304_130310_1 20190304_130310_1
31_1_DA000001.xml 31_1_RA000001.xml

20190304_130323_6 20190304_130323_6
17_1_DA000001.xml 17_1_RA000001.xml

Aggiunta Evento
Aggiunta su una pratica esistente di un servizio Tmaster

1. GetTopServiceDetail

20180927_161832_1 20180927_161832_1
07_1_DA000001.xml 07_1_RA000001.xml

2. ModifyBookingFileServices

20180927_161852_6 20180927_161852_6
43_1_DA000001.xml 43_1_RA000001.xml

Modifica Evento
Variazione di una pratica esistente con un pax che varia da orario evento 10:00 a evento ore 11:00

3. GetTopServiceDetail

20180927_160640_8 20180927_160640_8
19_1_DA000001.xml 19_1_RA000001.xml

4. ModifyBookingFileServices

20180927_160718_1 20180927_160718_1
92_1_RA000001.xml 92_1_DA000001.xml

Page 18 of 23

Annullamento Pratica

Annullamento prenotazione pratica con eventi Tmaster

1. SetBookngFileStatus

20180927_163003_6 20180927_163003_6

Page 19 of 23


Code Description

Common Errors
000001 Unknow master record
000002 Account is not enabled to access to web booking
000003 Account is not enabled to access to back office
000004 Account is not enabled to access to business/group travel
000005 Uncorrect password
000006 Autentication error
000007 Uncorrect login code
000008 Account disabled or in black list
000009 Missing name
000011 Incorrect VAT code or FISCAL code
000012 One or more records with the same VAT and blacklisted are already present in Aves system, please contact
tour operator
000013 Only one of these fields, 'C_BookingPayConditionCode' and 'C_BillingPayConditionCode', must be not null
000014 Only one of these fields, 'S_BookingPayConditionCode' and 'S_BillingPayConditionCode', must be not null
000015 Unauthorized IP address
000016 Xml account disabled
000017 Xml call disabled
000010 Internal error on booking creation, service is not available
000019 No result from 'eCalendar' function with the input parameters
000020 No services found with the input parameters
000021 No booking file found with the input parameters
000022 No packages found with the input parameters
000023 The date of the option has expired
000024 Service is not longer available
000025 Package is not configured properly
000026 Package is not configured properly
000027 Package has not valid dates, one or more associated services are not configured properly
000028 Document code is not present in request parameters
000029 Document not found
000040 Booking is not welded, Cannot print the requested document
000041 Total amount of booking is equal to zero, Cannot print the requested document
000042 Booking is not confirmed, Cannot print the requested document
000043 Unexpected error during printing operation, data not found.
000044 Booking has one or more services not confirmed, Cannot print the requested document
000045 Rates not found for selected dates
000046 Rates for selected dates are not configured properly
000047 Booking is not printable due to deadline 'SDOC'
000048 Printing of this customer's travel documents was blocked
000049 Booking is not welded, Cannot print the requested document
000050 Exchange rate is not valid

Page 20 of 23

000051 There are to many services to book

000052 There are to many financial deadlines
000053 Reservation has not been levied
000054 Reservation was partially levied
000055 Reservation was partially levied
000056 Data not found for first passenger, Cannot print the requested document
000057 Cannot print the requested document due to internal error
000058 Cannot print the requested document due to internal error
000059 Currency of the fares of the contract is not configured properly
000060 Cannot print the requested document due to internal policy
000061 Too many passengers for each rooms
000062 Cannot print the requested document due to reservation status
000063 Cannot send document via email due to internal server error
000064 Cannot file document due to internal server error
000065 Cannot print the requested document, incorrect booking file customer code
000066 Status of the sent document already updated to 'received'
000078 Travel agent reference not found
000101 Data not found with selected criteria
000111 Selected service not found
000112 Error on the seat assignment function, service is not configured properly
000113 Error on the seat assignment function due to availability of service
000114 Error on the seat assignment function due to availability of service
000115 Error on the seat assignment function, service is not configured properly
000116 Unknown error on loading data of booking service
000117 Too many booked services
000118 Unknown error on loading data of booking service
000119 Selected service is not longer available
000120 Minimum sale is not respected
000121 Service tax condition is not configured properly
000122 Service is not available due to overbooking or release expired
000123 Associated service of the selected package not found
000125 One or more offers are not available, please create new reservation
000126 Create reservation: the offer 'BLOCCA IL PREZZO' is not bookable due to reservation status
000127 Service fares are not configured properly
000128 There are one or more passengers without name
000129 There are no flight routes
000131 Subservice not found
000140 Unknown error on fares check
000160 Booking file locked by another user
000170 User is not unable to change booking status
000180 Data table or module is not found
000181 Operation not permitted because of the type assigned to the base availability
000182 Operation not permitted because of the type assigned to the sub allotment or contingent
000183 Wrong setting for the base availability or 'open sale' on the main service

Page 21 of 23

000184 Wrong setting for the sub allotment or contingent or 'open sale' on the main service
000185 Object currently under maintenance, try again later
000186 Create reservation: user is not unable to create reservation with one or more services on request
000201 One or more parameters not found on request
000203 Specific function not found
000204 Incongruent parameters on request
000205 Incongruent parameters on request
000211 Request must contains one or more feature code
000220 Booking file not found
000221 Customer code does not correspond to the code in booking file
000222 Package or one of his services not found
000223 Create reservation: customer record not found
000224 Create reservation: booking start date is outside of available dates for selected package
000225 Specific function is not allowed due to booking file status
000226 Passenger are not asocciated to one or more selected services
000228 The state of the booked services does not allow you to set the reservation state with the required value
000230 Internal server error: Service not found or not visible on web booking
000231 Selected accommodation incompatible with the associated passengers
000232 In the passenger list there must be at least one adult
000240 Internal server error: Function not enabled with this profile
000241 Values not allowed in the parameters of the request with this profile
000250 Internal server error: Unknown error during the call to the web service
000251 Internal server error: Unknown error during the call to the 'eGalaxy' web service
000252 Internal server error: Unknown error during the call to the 'BOS' web service
000301 Internal server error: unknown error on data retrieving
000302 Internal server error: unknown error on function execution
000303 Internal server error on service adding/replacing in booking file
000309 Internal server error
000501 Wrong or missing SearchType
000502 BokingFileCode supported only for SearchType=FILE_CODE
000503 Wrong or missing BokingFileCode
000504 PackageCode supported only for SearchType=PACKAGE_CODE
000505 Wrong or missing PackageCode
000506 FirstPaxName supported only for SearchType=PAX_CODE
000507 Wrong or missing FirstPaxName
000508 Wrong or missing CustomerRecordCode
000509 Maximum search time is 90 days for B2B and 365 days for B2C
000996 Unknow username
000997 XML request in not be NULL
000998 Unmanaged XML request
000999 Unmanaged internal error

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