A Soap Stack For The QT Framework

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A SOAP stack for the Qt framework

Peter Hartmann
September 22, 2008

diploma thesis
[email protected]


1 Introduction

Task denition



2 Basics

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Web services



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 The Qt framework

Meta-Object system


Signals and Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Basic tools needed for SOAP support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 Web services in use


Motivations for using SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






common SOAP usage scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

standards used in conjunction with SOAP . . . . . . . . .


Ajax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Java RMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . .


Motivations for using other web service techniques

REST-based services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Existing SOAP toolkits

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Apache Axis2 (Java) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



gSOAP (C++) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



SOAP::Lite (Perl)

.NET (C#) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SOAP toolkit evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5 SOAP for the Qt framework


SOAP module architecture

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



SOAP messages and transports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



XML parsing

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



SOAP / XML data types

Sample usage of the QtSoap API . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


WSDL parsing



WSDL handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

XML Schema parsing

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Case study: The MSN Search API

6 Conclusion and outlook


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



SOAP is a protocol for enabling communication in a distributed system.

This document evaluates the SOAP protocol and compares it to

other distributed computing techniques like REST, Java RMI and AJAX.
Furthermore, it evaluates the Qt framework as well as existing SOAP
stacks (Apache Axis2, gSOAP, SOAP::Lite and .NET); after that, the
design and implemenetation of a SOAP stack for the Qt framework is
proposed. An analysis of this system will then show whether the requirements of a SOAP toolkit could be met.


1.1 Task denition

The purpose of this document is to propose an architecture and implementation
of a SOAP stack for the Qt framework.

To achieve a good result, both the

requirements of SOAP as well as Qt need to be evaluated.

SOAP evaluation
Before designing an architecture of a SOAP stack, this document will evaluate SOAP, trying to answer the following questions:

What is the main eld of use of the SOAP protocol? How does it overlap
with similar techniques?

SOAP is a protocol enabling communication between nodes in a network; this

document will compare SOAP to other Web service and distributed programming techniques, and suggest the main use case of SOAP as well as elds where
SOAP might not be the right choice and other techniques are better suited.

What API do other SOAP toolkits oer? What are their strengths and

In order to propose a SOAP framework that ts user needs, other frameworks
will be analyzed. The main focus of this evaluation will be the API the toolkits oer; features and architectural paradigms of those toolkits could then be
adopted in the SOAP toolkit that is to be designed.
The SOAP evaluation will discuss the SOAP protocol itself and its use cases
as well as analyze existing toolkits, and see how SOAP is used in practice.

Qt evaluation
In addition to evaluating SOAP, the Qt framework needs to be analyzed.
Here, evaluating means both describing what features the Qt framework already
oers in terms of networking and XML support as well as the main use case
for programs using Qt.

The focus of Qt frameworks and Qt programs might

inuence the architecture of the Qt SOAP stack; moreover, the SOAP stack
should of course oer an API that is similar to the API of other Qt modules.

1.2 Overview
The subsequent chapters of this document are structured as follows:

chapter 2 gives an introduction into Web services and SOAP from a very
general and high-level view.

chapter 3 describes the Qt framework: The chapters 3.1 and 3.2 describe
the framework in general, while chapter 3.3 gives an overview over the
tools needed by the SOAP stack (which is described later).

chapter 4 describes the evaluation of both other Web service techniques

as well as other SOAP toolkits: The sections 4.1 and 4.2 try to point out
the advantages and disadvantages of SOAP, and outline SOAP elds of
application from other techniques. Chapter 4.3 evaluates dierent SOAP
stacks and shows their practical use; as a summary, section 4.4 summarizes
the results of the evaluation of the precedent chapters.

chapter 5 proposes an architecture and evaluation of a SOAP stack for the

Qt framework.

chapter 6 summarizes the results of that documents and tries to answer

the questions from chapter 1.1.


2.1 Web services

A Web service is, citing the W3C, a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network [11].

That is, a

very basic Web service scenario involves at least the following, as can be seen
in Figure 1:
1. a service provider oering a specic functionality
2. a service requester demanding that functionality
3. a medium used for communication between the two

Figure 1: A basic Web service scenario

In the case of a Web service, the medium used for communication is the
Internet or a Local Area Network. From this scenario, a lot of questions arise,
for instance:

What underlying protocol is used for communication?

Basically, any application or transport level protocol could be used here; however, in practice the most frequently used protocol is HTTP. Another common
use case involves JMS-compliant middleware messaging protocols like ActiveMQ
or WebSphereMQ. More rare scenarios use TCP, UDP or XMPP as an underlying protocol.

How does the service requester know how to invoke the functionality of
the service provider?

When a service requester wants to invoke a functionality oered by a provider,

the former needs to know where to address its request to and how payload data
should be formatted. This means that the provider must publish an interface

containing that information. This interface could be encoded in a programming

language dependent format, e.g. a Java interface or a C++ header le; in practice, however, a Web service interface is published in an XML-based language
called WSDL (Web Services Description Language).

What message format is used to carry information from the requester to

the provider and back?

Since the parties involved in a Web service system want to exchange information,
they have to agree on a format to encode the exchanged data. Alternatives for
such an encoding are XML, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), or any selfdesigned or programming language dependent encoding.

How is the communication ow organized?

A Web service might require a dierent number of inbound messages and outbound messages. A standard scenario of organizing message exchange is to have
one inbound message to the service provider, which in turn sends one message
back to the requester. But several Web services require other Message Exchange
Patterns (MEPs), e.g. one-way operation (in-only), solicit-response (rst out,
then in) or notication (out-only).
More advanced use cases of a Web service include multiple service requesters
and providers, service registries, actors that fulll both the role of a service
provider and requester, Web services that are composites of other Web services

Some of those advanced scenarios are adressed in later chapters of this


2.2 SOAP
SOAP [28] is an XML-based protocol destined for exchanging messages over
a network. It is commonly used as a protocol in Web service infrastructures.
Going back to the four questions from chapter 2.1, SOAP provides an answer
for each of those:

What underlying protocol is used for communication?

When using SOAP, the usual choice for an underlying protocol is HTTP. The
SOAP standard even describes an HTTP binding, but does not mandate its
use, i.e.

other underlying protocols are possible (with JMS being one of the


How does the service requester know how to invoke the functionality of
the service provider?

As already said, to address this issue there must be an interface accessible for
the service requester.

Using SOAP is tied closely to using WSDL ([3]), an

XML-based language for describing network interfaces; so often when talking

about SOAP, people mean using SOAP and WSDL in conjunction, although
the SOAP standard does not mention WSDL.

What message format is used to carry information from the requester to

the provider and back?

SOAP is using XML as message format.

How is the communication ow organized?

As SOAP is mostly used with HTTP, the most common message exchange pattern is request-response, since it maps naturally to the HTTP request-response
Apart from that, as the purpose of this document is to propose a SOAP implementation for the Qt framework, which is described in chapter 3, using the
request-response pattern via HTTP (which can be viewed as issueing a RPC)
shall be the common scenario here.
As a basic example of a SOAP communication, consider a scenario where a
StockQuote service oers looking up the stock price of a company (this example
is similar to the one in [27]). A request would send the symbol of the company
that it wants to know the stock price from:

Listing 1: A sample SOAP-over-HTTP request

POST / S t o c k Q u o t e HTTP/ 1 . 1
Host :

www . s t o c k q u o t e s e r v e r . com

C o n t e n t Type :

t e x t / xml ;

C o n t e n t L e n g t h :
SOAPAction :

c h a r s e t =" u t f



" StockQuoteAction "

<s o a p : E n v e l o p e
x m l n s : s o a p=" h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p . o r g / s o a p / e n v e l o p e /">
<s o a p : Header ></s o a p : Header>
<s o a p : Body>
<n s : G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e

x m l n s : n s="StockQuoteURI">

<n s : symbol>
</n s : symbol>
</n s : G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e >
</ s o a p : Body>
</ s o a p : E n v e l o p e >
The stock quote service provider could, upon receiving the message, invoke
a procedure to look up the price with symbol TROLL, and respond with the
following message:
Listing 2: A sample SOAP-over-HTTP response
HTTP/ 1 . 1

2 0 0 OK

C o n t e n t Type :

t e x t / xml ;

C o n t e n t L e n g t h :

c h a r s e t =" u t f



<s o a p : E n v e l o p e
x m l n s : s o a p=" h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p . o r g / s o a p / e n v e l o p e /">
<s o a p : Header ></s o a p : Header>
<s o a p : Body>
<n s : G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e R e s p o n s e
x m l n s : n s="StockQuoteURI">
<n s : p r i c e >16.5 </ n s : p r i c e >
</n s : G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e R e s p o n s e >
</ s o a p : Body>
</ s o a p : E n v e l o p e >
The response contains the stock price of the symbol requested before, which
amounts to 16.5.
A more detailed discussion of SOAP messages structure will be given in
chapter 4.1.

The Qt framework

This chapter shall provide some introduction to the Qt framework , especially

explaining the parts that are necessary to create the SOAP stack described in
chapter 5.
Qt is a C++ GUI framework for developing cross-platform applications.
That is, its primary goal is to enable applications to be written once and compiled anywhere, as the preface of [1] connotes.
There are several well-known applications using Qt, for instance KDE (a
popular X11 window manager), Google Earth and Skype.
The Qt toolkit consists of the parts depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2: The Qt architecture

The most important parts of the Qt architecture are:

Modular Qt Class Library.

The Qt C++ class library consists of a compre-

hensive list of classes, with the main focus on ready-to-go GUI elements (push
buttons, radio buttons, text input elds, icons...). Furthermore, it also provides
APIs for database usage, networking and XML, among others. The Qt APIs
are designed to be easy and intuitive for end users, with classes and methods
having self-documenting names. Figure 3 shows the component diagram of the
Qt modules, with the QtCore module being the central component. Since the
main focus of the Qt library is set on GUI programming, the QtGui module
is also (as the QtCore module) included implicitly in the build process. As an
example, Listing 3 shows a simple Hello World application (similar to the one
from [1]), that displays a Hello World button, as depicted in Figure 4.

1 http://trolltech.com/products/qt/


Figure 3: Qt library component diagram


Listing 3: A simple Hello world program with Qt


<Q A p p l i c a t i o n >

main (

argc ,





>show ( ) ;



app ( a r g c ,


argv ) ;


QPushButton ( " H e l l o

World " ) ;

app . e x e c ( ) ;

Figure 4: Hello World on Linux

The details of this example are explained in later chapters.

Another important benet of Qt is its platform-independency: Applications
can be coded once and then run on dierent operating systems by just rebuilding
the application, but without the need to rewrite the code. The most important
supported platforms are Windows (XP/Vista/2000 etc.), X11 (including Linux)
and Mac OS X (for a full listing of supported platforms and compilers, see [22]).
As an example of the platform independency of Qt, consider an application that
starts a process. Qt contains a


class, which provides functionality to

start new processes and communicate with them. A program using that class
which is compiled on Windows, will use the CreateProcessA or CreateProcessW calls from the Windows API ([16]); while the same program compiled on
Linux will fork (as described in the POSIX standard [13]) to create the process.


class encapsulates this operating system specic functionality to

create processes by providing a start function.

Similar techniques are applied for the classes





(for reading from and writing to les), among others. Actually, the

most frequently used cross-platform classes in Qt are GUI elements like widgets, toolbars, buttons etc., but since this document focuses more on low-level
functionality like networking, the GUI parts of Qt are not discussed here.

qmake: Cross-Platform Build Tool.

Qt does not only abstract from operat-

ing system functionality as described above, but also oers a platform-agnostic

build system.

The qmake tool ([23]) maintains a project le, which is the

same on every platform, and generates platform-dependent Makeles from that.

Thus, building with the qmake tool consists of generating the Makele via the
command-line tool qmake (and the project le as input), and then invoking
the platform specic make tool (e.g.

nmake for the Microsoft build tool or

make for the GNU make tool on Linux).

Consider again the Hello World

application from Listing 3; a platform-independent project le (called .pro le)


looks like in listing 4.

Listing 4: A platform-independent project le
TARGET = h e l l o w o r l d
SOURCES += main . cpp
The meaning of the conguration values are the following:


Species the type of compilation target, e.g. app (executable)

or lib (library).


The name of the application (will in the example turn into helloworld on Unix and helloworld.exe on Windows).


The C++ source les to be compiled.

There are a lot more options for .pro les, listed under [23] (e.g. C++ header
les, building in debug and release mode, GUI forms as described below etc.).

Qt Designer.

Qt also oers an application for building forms in WYSIWYG

mode (see Figure 5). To use a created form in an application, Qt comes with a
source code generator called uic (user interface compiler) which creates C++
header les from Qt designer form les.

The user interface compiler can be

either invoked explicitly from the command line or automatically, by including

the form le name in a project le. The created header le allows C++ programs
to access the GUI elements:

If, for instance, the title line edit in Figure 5

below was called lineEdit, the generated header le allows access via code like
lineEdit->setText('my text').
There are several parts of Qt that are not discussed here, for instance internationalization support and scripting; the following chapters rather dig deeper
into the Qt library.

3.1 Meta-Object system

Qt comes with an own meta-object system (described at [21]).

This enables

some convenient features that are usually not there in C++ programs, the most

type introspection,
property system. To enable these

signals and slots

important of them being


and Qt's

features for a class, it needs to


inherit from the class QObject, which is the base class of al Qt objects, and
additionally include the Q_OBJECT macro in the private section of its class
declaration, as Listing 5 shows.


Listing 5: A class using Qt's meta-object system






Figure 5: The Qt designer


doSomething ( ) ;

myMember ;


To use the meta-object features for a class, Qt comes with a commandline tool called moc (Meta-Object Compiler); this tool can, similar to the
user interface compiler described earlier, be invoked via the command line, but
usually is invoked automatically via the qmake build system. The meta-object
compiler creates for each class that inherits from QObject and includes the
Q_OBJECT macro a meta class; this meta class can be accessed via the
method metaObject() of the class QObject; this relationship is shown in
Figure 6. Note that the meta class is retrieved via the metaObject() call and
has no name by itself. The meta-object system enables the following features:


The meta object oers the method className(), which returns

the class name as a string at run-time, without requiring native runtime type information (RTTI) support through the C++ compiler
([21]). Additionally, the QObject class contains a method inherits(), which lets class instances determine whether they inherit from
a specied class.


Figure 6: The Qt meta-object system as class diagram


and slots.



This feature is described in chapter 3.2.

Since C++ does not have native language constructs for

properties (unlike e.g. C#), there is a Qt extension to support class

properties ([24]): Using the Q_PROPERTY macro, a class that
inherits from QObject can declare its own properties, as Listing 6
shows. Here, the class contains a property called priority of type
int, can be read with the member function priority() and set via
the function setPriority(). The benets of using a Qt-style property over using a standard private class member with getter- and
setter-methods are twofold: First, a class' properties can be queried
by name: Consider for example Listing 6 again: The property priority can be set how one would expect via setPriority(1), but also
via setProperty('priority', 1).

This lets a programmer set prop-

erties of classes he does not know about at compile time. As [24]

shows, the property system allows even to discover all properties of
a class at runtime.

The second benet of using properties is that

they can be added to and removed from an instance of a class at



Listing 6: A class using Qt's properties






p r i o r i t y READ p r i o r i t y

setPriority )


doSomething ( ) ;



Figure 7: The publish-subscribe pattern as sequence diagram



setPriority (
priority ()

priority ) ;

myMember ;


3.2 Signals and Slots

The term

Signals and slots

describes Qt's way of inter-object communication.

Actually, C++ does oer a technique for connecting objects between each other,
namely function callbacks: Imagine object B (the

subscriber ) wants to be nopublisher ), then object

tied upon a specic event originating in object A (the

B tells object A to be notied by registering a function pointer with object

A; upon the event is emitted, object A calls the registered function at object
B (this technique follows the Publish-Subscribe or Observer pattern from [8]).
This interaction is depicted as a sequence diagram in Figure 7. However, according to [25] this technique has two major drawbacks: First, it is not type-safe:
Whether object A invokes the callback with the right arguments or not can only
be determined at runtime. Second, using functions as arguments ties the objects strongly together, and might provide tight coupling between objects that
otherwise need not rely on each other at all.
Signals and slots ([25]), on the other side, allow a total decoupling of the
sending and the receiving object: Any class dervied from QObject can contain
signals and slots; a class emitting a signal does not know which class receives
that signal (that is, which class' slot has been called). With other words, a
can be viewed as the source of an event, and a
signal to a slot can be done via the



as its sink. Connecting a

static method connect()

of class QObject,

thus connecting a signal to a slot (or multiple slots) can be done anywhere in
code, not necessarily resident in the object containing the signal or the slot.


Figure shows the sequence diagram of the now decoupled sender (publisher)
and retriever (subscriber).

Figure 8: Signals and slots as sequence diagram

In order for code using the connect() call to compile, the signature of the
signal and the one of the slot need either be identical, or the slot can have a
shorter signature than the signal (which means that the slot ignores the extra
arguments); this ensures type-safety for the Signals and Slots mechanism.
As a simple example, consider again the Hello World example from Listing
3. To quit the application whenever the user clicks on the button, the signal
clicked() of class QPushButton needs to be connected to the slot quit() of
class QApplication, as shown in Listing 7.


Listing 7: A simple Signals and Slots example

<Q A p p l i c a t i o n >

main (

argc ,





app ( a r g c ,




QObject : : c o n n e c t ( b u t t o n ,
SLOT( q u i t ( ) ) ) ;


QPushButton ( " H e l l o

World " ) ;

SIGNAL ( c l i c k e d ( ) ) , &app ,

>show ( ) ;

argv ) ;

app . e x e c ( ) ;


This example connects the button's signal with the application's slot without tying them together. In practice, classes in the Qt library provide a lot of
signals and slots suited for GUI programming; some self-describing examples for
signals are QLineEdit::returnPressed() and QProgressBar::valueChanged();
some examples for slots are QWidget::hide(), QWidget::showFullScreen()
and QTextEdit::paste().

3.3 Basic tools needed for SOAP support

This section shall introduce the modules and classes necessary for SOAP support, i.e.

networking and XML. The SOAP specic implementation itself is

described in chapter 5.

3.3.1 Networking
The Qt library comes with extensive networking support. As Qt is mostly used
as a GUI framework, most network classes concentrate on client side networking,
i.e. there are classes for issueing HTTP, TCP and UDP requests, but no HTTP
server class (there is, however, a TCP server class).

Additionally, the SOAP

stack in chapter 5 only supports client-side SOAP over HTTP, so here only the
client-side HTTP networking classes shall be considered.
As of version 4.4, Qt contains a fully HTTP 1.1 compatible HTTP stack,
called the Network Access API. It consists of the following classes:

QNetworkAccessManager :

This class manages sending the request over the net-

work via its methods get, post, put and head, which resemble
the respective HTTP verbs. Upon receiving the response, it issues
the signal nished(); this signal can then be connected to a slot in
a custom class to parse the response.

The QNetworkAccessMan-

ager class also handles proxy and cookie management as well as

SSL errors.

QNetworkRequest :

This class resembles an HTTP request. It contains the URL

and HTTP header elds, but not the payload data (which is handled
separately when e.g. posting or putting via the QNetworkAccessManager).

QNetworkReply :

This class resembles an HTTP reply, containing the HTTP

response headers and the payload data.

Figure 9 shows the common invocation ow of the Network Access API. As
an example, Listing 8 shows how the Network Access API can be used: The class
NetworkSample contains a slot called replyFinished() that just prints out the
body of the reply to the debug output. The main function instantiates a NetworkAccessManager and a NetworkSample, and connects the manager's signal
with the sample's slot (line 25) and gets the URL http://www.trolltech.com
(line 26). Upon receiving the response, the sample prints it out on the debug


Figure 9: The Network Access API invocation ow

The network access API only supports asynchronous calls via Signals and
Slots; retrieving a resource synchronously must be implemented by a user.
Listing 8: example usage of the Network Access API







slots :

r e p l y F i n i s h e d ( QNetworkReply

reply )

qDebug ( ) <
< reply
>r e a d A l l ( ) ;


networksample . h





main . cpp

<Q A p p l i c a t i o n >
" networksample . h"




main (



argc ,



app ( a r g c ,


argv ) ;





sample ;


QObject : : c o n n e c t (&manager ,

manager ;
SIGNAL ( f i n i s h e d (

QNetworkReply ) ) , &s a m p l e ,

SLOT( r e p l y F i n i s h e d (

QNetworkReply ) ) ) ;

manager . g e t ( QNetworkRequest ( QUrl ( " h t t p : / /www .

t r o l l t e c h . com" ) ) ) ;



app . e x e c ( ) ;

3.3.2 XML
Qt provides extensive support for dealing with XML documents and data. It
includes classes for accessing XML via the SAX2 interface, the DOM interface
and via streaming (see also [1]). The SAX and DOM implementations are not
covered here, since they are not used in the SOAP implementation described
in chapter 5.

The XML classes that are used, however, are the XML stream

classes (XML streaming is also known as pull parsing).

A note on XML pull parsing

XML pull parsing is somehow similar to the SAX API: Events are reported while the XML data is read in; however, unlike with SAX, a pull
parser need not provide callbacks, but requests events itself.

What this

means is that a SAX API provides callbacks that are called from the parser
whenever a part of the documents are read; as an example (taken from
[1], chapter 15), when parsing the document from Listing 9, the following
events are reported to the respective event handlers:
Listing 9: A simple XML document
<d o c>
<q u o t e>Ars



b r e v i s</ q u o t e>

</ d o c>

startDocument ( )
s t a r t E l e m e n t ( " doc " )
startElement (" quote ")
c h a r a c t e r s ( " Ars



b r e v i s ")

endElement ( " q u o t e " )

endElement ( " doc " )
endDocument ( )


When using pull parsing, the user is in control of retrieving events by

telling the parser to submit the next token. A pseudo-code example for a
pull parser is given in Listing 10. Here, the user can control when events
are delivered by telling the parser to read the next token. By controlling
the events itself, the user can for instance stop parsing at a certain point, as
indicated in the listing (something that would not be possible with SAX).
This is especially useful for large XML documents, because then only its
necessary parts can be parsed, or parsing can be delayed etc.
Listing 10: A pull parser pseudo code

( not

finished )

p a r s e r . readNext ( ) ;
i f ( too

much memory

consumed )

break ;
s w i t c h ( p a r s e r . tokenType ( ) )















Text :


StartElement :


EndElement :





Qt comes with two classes supporting XML streaming: QXmlStreamReader

and QXmlStreamWriter. The reader class behaves very much like the sample
code in Listing 10; how the classes are used in practice is described in chapter
The Qt library is built up of several modules, so that an application only
needs to reference the libraries it uses: For instance, the Qt SOAP framework
explained later needs the networking and XML classes described above.


networking it needs to reference the QtNetwork module; however, the XML

streaming classes are part of the QtCore module, which is always included implicitly.
The Qt library also supports XQuery, which is neither used nor described in
this document; there is also work going on on XSLT and XPath, two techniques
which indeed are used extensively in the SOAP implementation in chapter 5.
But since the Qt XSLT and XPath support is not yet stable, functionality from
other libraries had to be used.


Web services in use

The theoretical aspects of Web services have been explained in chapter 2.1; this
chapter does not only try to explain dierent Web service standards, but also
how they are used in practice and how dierent standards are typically used
together (e.g. SOAP and WSDL).
There are a lot of well-known Websites that oer a Web service API, some
of them use SOAP as an interface, and some other techniques like REST; the
reasons for choosing either technique are explained in the remainder of this

chapter. Some examples for services using a SOAP interface are: eBay API ,

Microsoft MSN Search and Google AdWords .

Examples for Web services using a REST interface are: Facebook , Flickr

and Youtube .

4.1 Motivations for using SOAP

This chapter will explain advantages of SOAP over other Web service techniques
and common usage scenarios.
The SOAP protocol is specied by the W3C and comes in two versions:
Version 1.1 [27] which dates from 2000 and version 1.2 [29], which became a
W3C Recommendation in 2007. Although version 1.1 is only a W3C Note and
version 1.2 is a W3C Recommendation, version 1.1 is still in frequent use; that is
the reason why the implementation part of this document used version 1.1. From
a practical point of view there are not many important changes between the two
versions; for instance, the namespaces of the SOAP specic XML elements have
changed, and SOAP 1.2 is based on XML infoset, while SOAP 1.1 was based
on XML 1.0 (which means that version 1.2 could be encoded in a binary XML
format instead of the common text encoding). An overview of changes between
the two versions can be found at [12].
Some general advantages of SOAP are:


/ programming language independence.

Since SOAP uses XML to

transmit data on the wire, it can be used with any programming

language that has XML support, which is virtually every widelyused language.

In fact, chapter 4.3 will describe SOAP toolkits

written in Java, C#, Perl and C++.


W3C standard.

The SOAP standard is openly available at [28], so

new SOAP toolkits can be implemented and tested for correctness

by everybody. Furthermore, the SOAP standard was developed by
Microsoft, IBM, Lotus Development Corp. and others, and thus can
be viewed as a consense of dierent companies.

2 http://developer.ebay.com/developercenter/soap/
3 http://search.msn.com/developer/
4 http://www.google.com/apis/adwords/
5 http://developers.facebook.com/documentation.php
6 http://www.ickr.com/services/api/
7 http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/overview.html



readability of the generated XML.

As is common with everything

based on XML, this can be considered an advantage and a drawback.

As an advantage, XML is humanly readable and therefore

easy to debug; this comes with the disadvantage of generating a lot

of overhead when transmitting data (especially over a slow connection, e.g. from a mobile phone) and when parsing that data. Here,
binary protocols show usually better performance.

attachment support.

SOAP supports ecient ways of transmitting attachments

(attachments here means binary data not inlined in the XML itself ) via either MIME or, more eciently, an own W3C standard
called MTOM ([10]).

underlying protocol independency.

SOAP is not dependent on an underlying

protocol. In fact, the most common case is using SOAP over HTTP,
but there are also toolkits supporting e.g.


XMPP. This allows not only the nodes that are processing SOAP
messages to be independent of each other, but also the underlying
network structure to be independent of a specic protocol.

automatic code generation.

When transmitting large data sets between dier-

ent nodes, it is often tedious to build up the XML by hand. As the

next chapter explains, SOAP (in addition with WSDL) allows for
automatic code generation; this code allows to encapsulate the XML
layer of a SOAP call into a programming language dependent class
API. By abstracting from the XML layer, a user does not have the
burden of dealing with XML peculiarities itself.

4.1.1 common SOAP usage scenarios

As already pointed out, SOAP describes an XML message format; moreover, for
the server side, it contains a procedure for handling these messages (i.e. what to
do in case of failure, order of processing the dierent elements etc.). However,
using SOAP actually means using SOAP in connection with other standards
like WSDL, XML Schema and several standards from the Web Services Inter-

operability Organization .

SOAP communication architecture

The by far most common scenario for exchanging messages and interfaces,
and the only one treated in this document, is to use an interface specied in
WSDL, which is then retrieved by the client to generate code that uses messages
encoded in SOAP for transmission on the wire. This scenario is depicted in the
Figures 10 and 11.

8 http://www.ws-i.org/


Figure 10: The common SOAP usage scenario - part 1

Figure 11: The common SOAP usage scenario - part 2


The reason for splitting the scenario in two diagrams is that the scenario
consists of two phases: The rst phase, shown in Figure 10, shows the 



of the scenario:

publish :

The service provider publishes a WSDL interface. As this step is

part of the server side component of SOAP, it is not described in this document.
However, a WSDL le is usually automatically generated from a programming
language specic interface (e.g. a Java interface or a C++ header le). After
creating the WSDL le, it is typically uploaded to a Web server.

retrieve :

The service requester retrieves the WSDL le. Usually, the ser-

vice provider just tells the requester the URL of the WSDL le. More advanced
techniques like Web service registries (e.g. UDDI) are not treated here.

generate code :

The service requester generates program code from the

WSDL le. For this purpose, SOAP toolkits usually oer a command-line tool
to create programming language code from the WSDL (e.g. Wsdl2Java from
the Axis framework or Wsdl2h from the gSOAP framework).
Figure 11 shows the 

SOAP request :


phase of the scenario:

The service requester issues a SOAP request to the ser-

vice provider. As already explained, this happens by using the code generated
in step 3, thus abstracting from the XML layer.

SOAP response :

The service provider sends back a SOAP response.

Again, the requester accessess the response via the generated code.

SOAP message structure

When sending a SOAP message, there are dierent message formats, depending on the role of the message and the used datatypes (explained also in
e.g. [30], chapter 4.2.5):
Distinguishing between the programming model, there are two dierent
SOAP message types:



RPC. A SOAP message typed document is


considered an XML document of any form sent to the message receiver; an

message is considered to contain one procedure name to be invoked as single

child of the SOAP body. That procedure name contains as children arguments


that need to be passed along with the procedure call.

So a

message can contain any XML document, while a

message typically con-



tains one single XML element (as child of the SOAP body); that single element
can contain a list of (in most cases simple) arguments.
Distinguishing between the datatypes used in the message, there are two
dierent data encodings:

SOAP encoding


literal encoding. SOAP encoding

uses the datatype encoding described in section 5 of the SOAP standard ([27],
therefore it is also often called Section 5 encoding).

A SOAP element with

section 5 encoding containing a string could look like '<myString type=SOAP-


ENC:string>hello</myString>', with the SOAP-ENC prex set to a special URI (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/) in the SOAP envelope. The other option,

literal encoding,

does not specify the data type of an

element in the SOAP message itself. In that case, the datatype of an element
is given in a WSDL le (see chapter 4.1.2) and is usually described with XML
Schema (also described in chapter 4.1.2).
Combining these options, the most one used in practice is document/literal.
Sometimes the rpc/encoded style is applied, but as of this writing (August
2008) it is mostly outdated. The WS-Interoperability Standard ([5], see below)
even mandates the usage of document/literal SOAP messages, so this one
is the only one treated in this document.

Other combinations of the styles

described above are virtually never used.

4.1.2 standards used in conjunction with SOAP

As the former chapter stated, there are several standards used in conjunction
with SOAP:

As already said, WSDL ([3]) stands for Web Service Description Language,
and is XML-based. A WSDL le describes all details that are necessary to make
a valid SOAP call; consider again Listing 1. What the requester needs to know
to make the request is: The URL to post the request to, the HTTP header eld
SOAPAction, and the structure of the body. All this information is contained
in a WSDL; Listing 11 shows a complete WSDL le (in the currently most
widely used version 1.1). It consists usually of the following parts:

An XML Schema part (Lines 3 - 20). This is described in the next section.

One or more message elements. A WSDL message is considered an entity

sent by one SOAP node to another.

One or more portType elements. A port type is a named set of abstract

operations and the abstract messages involved ([3]).

One or more binding elements. A binding denes message format and

protocol details for operations and messages dened by a particular portType ([3]). For instance, the most usual used SOAP binding is the HTTP

One or more operation elements inside a portType and a binding.

An operation is an action performed on the server side; it can be viewed
as resembling a programming language procedure (e.g.

C function or

Java/C# method).

One or more service elements. A service groups a set of related ports

together ([3]).


One or more port elements inside a service element.

A port is an

individual endpoint for a binding, i.e. it denes an URL to access a service.

xml version


<d e f i n i t i o n s

Listing 11: A sample WSDL le

=" 1 . 0 "

StockQuoteURI "

e n c o d i n g="UTF 8" ?>

name=" S t o c k Q u o t e "

t a r g e t N a m e s p a c e="

x m l n s=" h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p . o r g / w s d l /

x m l n s : s o a p=" h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p . o r g / w s d l / s o a p / "

x m l n s : t n s=" StockQuoteURI ">


<t y p e s>
<x s : s c h e m a

e l e m e n t F o r m D e f a u l t=" q u a l i f i e d "

t a r g e t N a m e s p a c e=" StockQuoteURI ">


<x s : e l e m e n t

< x s : s e q u e n c e>

<x s : e l e m e n t


name=" G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e ">

<x s : c o m p l e x T y p e>
name=" s y m b o l "

t y p e=" x s : s t r i n g " />

</ x s : s e q u e n c e>
</ x s : c o m p l e x T y p e>


</ x s : e l e m e n t>


<x s : e l e m e n t


< x s : s e q u e n c e>


<x s : e l e m e n t


name=" G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e R e s p o n s e ">

<x s : c o m p l e x T y p e>
name=" p r i c e "

t y p e=" x s : s t r i n g " />

</ x s : s e q u e n c e>
</ x s : c o m p l e x T y p e>
</ x s : e l e m e n t>
</ x s : s c h e m a>


</ t y p e s>


<m e s s a g e


<p a r t

name=" P r i c e R e q u e s t ">
e l e m e n t=" t n s : G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e " name="

p a r a m e t e r s " />

</ m e s s a g e>


<m e s s a g e


<p a r t

name=" P r i c e R e s p o n s e ">
e l e m e n t=" t n s : G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e R e s p o n s e " name="

p a r a m e t e r s " />

</ m e s s a g e>


<p o r t T y p e

name=" S t o c k Q u o t e P o r t T y p e ">


<o p e r a t i o n


<i n p u t


name=" G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e ">

m e s s a g e=" t n s : P r i c e R e q u e s t " />

<o u t p u t

m e s s a g e=" t n s : P r i c e R e s p o n s e " />

</ o p e r a t i o n>


</ p o r t T y p e>


<b i n d i n g

name=" S t o c k Q u o t e B i n d i n g "

t y p e="

t n s : S t o c k Q u o t e P o r t T y p e ">

<o p e r a t i o n

name=" G e t L a s t T r a d e P r i c e ">



<s o a p : o p e r a t i o n

s o a p A c t i o n=" S t o c k Q u o t e A c t i o n "


=" document " />


<i n p u t>


<s o a p : b o d y


u s e=" l i t e r a l " />

</ i n p u t>
<o u t p u t>


<s o a p : b o d y


u s e=" l i t e r a l " />

</ o u t p u t>


</ o p e r a t i o n>


</ b i n d i n g>


<s e r v i c e


<p o r t

name=" S t o c k Q u o t e S e r v i c e ">
b i n d i n g=" t n s : S t o c k Q u o t e B i n d i n g " name="

S t o c k Q u o t e B i n d i n g ">

<s o a p : a d d r e s s

l o c a t i o n=" h t t p : / /www . s t o c k q u o t e s e r v e r

. com/ S t o c k Q u o t e " />


</ p o r t>


</ s e r v i c e>


</ d e f i n i t i o n s>

XML Schema
XML Schema ([4]) is a language to describe the structure of XML documents. Unlike Document Type Denitions, XML Schema documents are also
based on XML. The language is used in WSDL les to describe the structure of
the XML sent inside the SOAP body and header data. It will not be described
here, but it is necessary to deal with when writing a code generator in chapter
5. As already said, the SOAP standard comes with an own data encoding, but
the WS-Interoperability standard ([5], see below) forbids its use.

WS-* standards
To enrich the functionality of SOAP calls, dierent organizations (W3C, OA-

SIS ) have standardized additional protocols supporting the following features:

WS-Interoperability ([5]): does not really provide new features, but narrows down the SOAP (and WSDL) specication in order to improve interoperability between dierent SOAP implementations.


10 : supports transport protocol independent routing infor-

mation; for instance, the SOAPAction HTTP header eld contains such
information, but is tied to HTTP. WS-Addressing includes that information in the SOAP message itself.


11 : supports signing and encryption of SOAP messages.

9 http://www.oasis-open.org/
10 http://www.w3.org/Submission/2004/SUBM-ws-addressing-20040810/
11 http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#wssv1.0


12 : supports sending messages reliably between SOAP


nodes. Of course, as HTTP uses TCP, SOAP messages sent over HTTP
can be viewed as delivered reliably. However, WS-ReliableMessaging also
guarantees reliable delivery in case of spontaneous network or system failures.


13 : supports publication of a node's policies like security fea-

tures, quality of service etc.

There are a lot more of those standards (which are also implemented in SOAP
toolkits), but the ones listed above are probably the most important ones.

4.2 Motivations for using other web service techniques

There may be situations where SOAP is not the right choice for accessing services or making services accesible over a network. Among the disadvantages of
SOAP are:

Huge message overhead / slow performance.

When sending few informa-

tion via a SOAP call, the amount of SOAP protocol specic information
(envelope, header, body etc.) might be even higher than the actual data
the SOAP node wants to send. Furthermore, using a binary format (e.g.
Java RMI) could result in lower transmission and message parsing time.

complex usage.

First, the SOAP standard is often not very specic and

leaves room for dierent options (e.g. HTTP or TCP or something else as
underlying transport protocol, text or binary XML representation, SOAP
specic encoding or XML Schema). Moreover, for sending only few data
between network nodes going through a automatic code generation procedure might be overkill, and just building up the XML by hand is the
better solution.

imperfect interoperability.

In practice, generating WSDL code from pro-

gramming language code on the server side and the reverse procedure on
the client side do not work out-of-the-box and often require some editing
by hand. Again, this could result in too complex usage.
In this chapter some techniques are described that could be considered an alternative to SOAP.

4.2.1 Ajax
Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is used in Web Sites to
improve user experience and fasten responsiveness: Using Ajax, the user does
not interact in the usual click and wait scenario with a Web page, but by

12 http://download.boulder.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/dw/specs/ws-rm/wsreliablemessaging200502.pdf
13 http://www.w3.org/Submission/WS-Policy/


dynamically reloading small parts of the page: With the traditional web site
browsing scenario, the user controlled at what time an HTTP request was made
to the web server (e.g. when clicking a link or the back button of the browser).
However, when using Ajax, small portions of data are requested from the web
server by a layer called the Ajax engine; these requests transfer less data than
when loading a whole HTML page, but are made more often, which results in
better responsiveness and user experience. This scenario is depicted in Figure

Figure 12: Web site browsing with the Ajax engine

The way the user interface interacts with the Ajax engine (i.e.

how the

browser displays the data received by the engine) is not explained in detail here;
it is sucient to know that the user interface processes the data to eventually
display HTML. The more relevant part is the HTTP request to the server and
the corresponding response. As Figure 12 shows, the overall concept of communication between the service requester (Ajax engine) and the service provider
(Web server) are similar to the SOAP communication ow: The Ajax engine
issues an HTTP request and gets back an HTTP response with the data.
However, the design goals of Ajax and SOAP are dierent.

According to

[31], the most important requirement of an Ajax call is to be fast to enhance

web site responsiveness. The term fast here means both fast in transmitting
data to and from the server as well as fast in parsing the server response and
update the web pages' contents.

Depending on how much and what data is

transferred to and from the server, there are dierent formats for data carried
in Ajax calls:

HTTP GET / POST : If possible, carrying no payload data from the Ajax
engine to the Web server is ideal; in that case, a simple HTTP GET with
information specied in the URL can be used. If the data should or can
not be sent in the URL, an HTTP POST with content type application/xwww-form-urlencoded can be used, sending simple key/value pairs in the
form key1=value1&key2=value2.


As the x in Ajax stands for XML, this is the usual way of trans-

mitting data, especially from the Web server to the receiver. However, one


disadvantage of XML is the high overhead of the transmitted data on the

wire; furthermore, when an Ajax engine receives XML, it often needs to be
parsed before being displayed. Because of that, there are other solutions
saving bandwith and parsing time:


Being an abbreviation for JavaScript Object Notation, JSON is

a syntax for storing JavaScript literals, namely objects and arrays. The
Listings 12 and 13 show the representation of an array in XML and JSON
(adapted from [31]), with the latter one needing less bytes for representation. This dierence may seem marginal here, but when transmitting a
lot of bytes, it can lead to a performance improvement using the JSON
approach. Moreover, when an Ajax engine receives a JSON construct, it
need not be parsed by hand to extract information into JavaScript language constructs, but can be included via JavaScript's eval() function
for interpreting code. Thus, JSON is a good alternative over XML when
making Ajax calls.

Listing 12: sample XML representation

< c l a s s i n f o>
<s t u d e n t s>
<s t u d e n t>
<name>M i c h a e l


<a v e r a g e>9 9 . 5</ a v e r a g e>

<a g e>1 7</ a g e>
<g r a d u a t i n g>t r u e</ g r a d u a t i n g>
</ s t u d e n t>
</ s t u d e n t s>
</ c l a s s i n f o>

Listing 13: sample JSON representation



" students "


" Michael

" average "

" age "

Smith " ,

99.5 ,

17 ,

" graduating "


As a summary, Ajax and SOAP share the same overall communication
model, namely requesting and receiving data from a service provider.



data is usually formatted in XML, with JSON being a good alternative. While
sharing the same communication model, Ajax and SOAP have dierent application areas: While SOAP oers a generic model for communication over the
network, Ajax is tied closely to displaying HTML in Web pages.
As [31] explains, making SOAP calls with Ajax is possible, yet tedious; when
a service provider oers functionality that is to be used within Web pages, an
Ajax interface is better than a generic SOAP interface, which was the case why
Google shut down its SOAP interface and recommended using its AJAX search
API instead

14 .

4.2.2 Java RMI

Java RMI

15 (R emote

M ethod I nvocation)

tributed computing over a network.

is a Java API for performing dis-

As Java is an object-oriented language,

distributed computing in that case means supporting distributed objects, i.e. a

program running in a Virtual Machine can interoperate with objects resident
in other Virtual Machines on other systems.

With RMI, performing remote

calls tries to mimic performing local calls, thus hiding the low-level network
communication completely from the programmer.
This chapter only describes the parts of RMI that have a functional equivalent with the SOAP technology; advanced distributed object techniques of RMI
like e.g. distributed garbage collection are not described here.
As [19] describes, the core concept of RMI is to separate the denition of
functionality and its implementation. Thus, if an object's functionality shall be
accessible remotely, a Java Interface (denition of the object's functionality) is
made public for remote use, while the object's implementation is not exported.
Whenever now a client wants to access a remote object, it does so via a proxy
object (following the proxy design pattern from [8]), which resembles the object in client space.

Both objects, the proxy object in client space as well as

the real object in server space, implement the same interface. Whenever the
proxy object's functionality is invoked, it forwards the call over the network to
the object in server space. Figure 13, adapted from [19], illustrates this.
In order to make an object accessible, the object resident in the server JVM
must register itself at a naming service.

Such a naming service could be the

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) or the RMI built-in service called
RMI registry.

The RMI regsitry listens on a port for incoming requests; a

server program can publish one of its objects to the registry by registering itself
at a RMI-style URL (of the form rmi://hostName:hostPort/myServiceName).
For a client program to invoke functionality of that remote object, it has to
know the URL that the remote object registered itself to, and instantiate the
object from that URL via RMI's naming technique. That instantiated object
is, as Figure 13 displays, a proxy object; when calls are made to this object,
they are forwarded via TCP to the object in server space. The serialization of
the call parameters is done in background, without the programmer needing to

14 http://code.google.com/apis/soapsearch/
15 http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/basic/rmi/index.jsp


Figure 13: Basic Java RMI architecture

know the details. After instantiating the object from the URL, the object looks
like a local object to the programmer.
The serialization of the data from proxy to implementation object and back
is done in a binary format; since this binary format uses less network bandwith
than XML, RMI is usually more performat than a SOAP-based Web service
(see [9]).
Table 1 lists some concepts that are similar in both Java RMI and SOAP.
To summarize this chapter, Java RMI oers a ready-to-go interface for distributed programming. It is not a direct competitor with Web service, since it
focuses more on programming distributed objects than on loosely coupled systems as Web services do. That is, RMI oers a lot more functionality needed
by distributed objects or middleware systems (e.g. distributed garbage collection and remote object references); by also requiring Java to run on all entities
involved, it keeps them coupled together more tightly. As additional benets,
RMI provides lower network bandwith usage and the fact that a lot of the communication and serialization is hidden from the programmer, as Table 1 shows.
Systems interconntected by SOAP Web services, on the other hand, are more
loosely coupled than RMI: There are no such concepts like remote object references; the only contract between service provider and consumer is the WSDL
le, which describes how the XML sent back and forth should be formed. A service consumer needs to obtain the WSDL to access a service; from that WSDL,
he can create code in any language he wants to call the service. That is, using
the SOAP approach there is much more freedom to choose (programming languages, code generators etc.), but also more work to do, e.g. the code generation
from the WSDL must be invoked by hand.






Java interface



registering at RMI registry

WSDL generation by code


+ publishing Java interface

generator + publishing

at Web server

WSDL at Web server


client code

proxy object instantiation

code generation from


from service URL (at run

WSDL (at compile time)








RMI URL (rmi://...) (or






Table 1: Java RMI and SOAP concepts

4.2.3 REST-based services

REST is an abbreviation for

Re presentational S tate T ransfer.

It is rather

an architectural paradigm than a specied protocol or even a W3C standard.

According to [6], REST can be described the following way:
Representational State Transfer is intended to evoke an image
of how a well-designed Web application behaves: a network of web
pages (a virtual state-machine), where the user progresses through
an application by selecting links (state transitions), resulting in the
next page (representing the next state of the application) being
transferred to the user and rendered for their use.
So from the REST point of view, a system is built up as a collection of web
pages (or in a broader sense: resources), each of them accessible by selecting a
link (i.e. each of them is accessible by a URI). Interacting with a REST-based
system is done via HTTP.
According to [18], accessing the resources must be considered in two ways:

Addressability :

Information to distinguish the resources from each other

is kept in the URI.

Uniform interface :

Information to distinguish the access method (re-

trieving, updating, deleting or creating a resource) is kept in the HTTP

method: For instance, retrieving a resource is done via an HTTP GET
request, while deleting a resource is done via an HTTP DELETE request.


Some examples for REST-based systems are:

Web server.

A plain old Web server is a classical example for a RESTful

Resources are Web pages, which are accessed usually only for

retrieving (not for updating); that is, when browsing Web pages, a browser
sends only HTTP GET messages to the Web server. However, some Web
2.0 techniques like Ajax described in chapter 4.2.1 violate the REST view
of Web sites: Using Ajax, dierent content can be displayed under the
same URL by changing the content dynamically; that is, there can be
dierent resources accessed via one URL.

RSS/Atom feeds.

Such feeds are typically used for retrieving updates from

a Web site, decoupled from a Web browser context. A newsfeed usually

contains an XML document containing the title of the feed as well as
a list of feed items (i.e.

articles) with their title, URL and publishing

date. By checking the publishing date of each article, a feed reader can
now retrieve the new feeds via the article URL. Additionally to such a

16 provides means

retrieving mechanism, the Atom Publishing Protocol

for deleting, creating and updating feed resources.

Web site APIs.

A numerous amount of Web sites provide APIs for access-

ing their resources in a non-browser context; famous examples among them

17 , Flickr18 , Twitter19 , Last.fm20 etc., with the resources be-

are Facebook

ing contacts, photos, messages and songs, respectively.

Up to now this chapter has only described how resources are addressed; for
instance, to upload a photo to Flickr, one would issue a HTTP POST to
http://www.ickr.com/myUsername/myAlbum. What has to be discussed is
the content of such HTTP messages.

In fact, REST only describes resource

access, but not content formats. Thus, many dierent content formats are possible:

XML (either described and built up by hand or some XML language,
e.g. RSS, Atom or XSPF)

text formats (e.g. JSON, iCal or url-encoded text)

binary formats (e.g. photos or videos)

In practice, mostly simple XML is used; i.e. it is no special XML dialect nor
specied via an XML schema langauges. Other formats like JSON or text formats are also used.

16 standardized as RFC 5023

17 http://developers.facebook.com/documentation.php
18 http://www.ickr.com/services/api/
19 http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/web/api-documentation
20 http://www.audioscrobbler.net/data/webservices/


REST compared to SOAP

In the last time, there has been a big debate about REST and SOAP and
which one is the better design for a Web Service infrastructure (e.g. [7]). In fact,
a lot of the Web site APIs presented earlier in this chapter prefer a REST-based
interface to their services over a SOAP interface (e.g.

Tim O'Reilly says

21 :

Amazon has both SOAP and REST interfaces to their web services, and 85%
of their usage is of the REST interface). However, REST and SOAP are not
direct competitors, but serve rather dierent elds:

REST is a programming paradigm, SOAP is a W3C standard.

As de-

scribed earlier in this chapter, the REST paradigm suggests resourceoriented access to a system with four basic access methods (create, read,
update, delete) to the resources. It does no mandat the data format used
for accessing the system; thus, a lot of heterogeneous systems are considered REST-based.

SOAP, on the contrary, is a W3C standard that

mandates the usage of XML and describes the structure of SOAP messages.

REST is resource-oriented, SOAP is activity-oriented.

As already ex-

plained in detail, the base of a REST-ful system is a collection of resources that are accessed via URIs. SOAP on the other hand, is rather
activity-oriented, as its original focus was set on Remote Procedure Calls.
However, with a specically designed WSDL it is possible to mimic a
resource-oriented architecture. But in general a REST-based system consists of a lot of resources that are accessed via four easy methods, while
a SOAP system consists of a few endpoints (resources) that are accessed
via many dierent (and sometimes complex) methods.

REST is tied closely to HTTP, SOAP is not.

REST is using URIs to

identify resources and HTTP verbs to access those resources.

That is,

REST with e.g. TCP instead of HTTP does not make sense. SOAP, on
the other side, can use any underlying protocol for transportation; because
of that it can use any underlying protocol only as a transport protocol:

REST uses HTTP as an application protocol, SOAP uses HTTP as a

transport protocol (if at all). REST uses a URI to identify resources and
HTTP verbs to access these resources; that is, it uses application-level
features of HTTP. There has been a lot of criticism about SOAP using
HTTP only as transport-level protocol by tunneling XML data through
HTTP POST requests. There is, however, the special HTTP header eld
SOAPAction, but it can be avoided by using the WS-Addressing standard. Because a SOAP request always uses HTTP POST, it is not clear
from the HTTP semantics what kind of operation is performed. When interacting with a REST-based system, an HTTP POST always resembles

21 http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/3005


the change of a resource; for instance, if a resource is only retrieved, an

HTTP GET call is used.

REST is easier for programmers to adopt, SOAP is more complex and

feature-rich. Most Web site APIs use a REST-based interface, because it
is easier for programmers to get started with. For most of those APIs the
queries sent back and forth are easy, so there is no need for SOAP features
like code generation, encryption, reliable message transfer etc. If there is
no need for those advanced features and an API is to be oered to a broad
range of people, REST might be the better solution because of its ease of


REST has no interface denition language, SOAP has WSDL.

Most of

22 ; this

the APIs of REST-based systems are just described with words

is enough for easy queries, where an XML document can be built up by

hands. In cases, however, where a lot of data is to be exchanged with the
service, a machine-processable interface is needed. For this purpose, SOAP
systems describe the structure of their calls with the WSDL standard.
With a WSDL le a service requester can generate code that hides the
low-level XML structure of calls made to the service provider. However,
as the new WSDL standard 2.0 ([2]) supports all HTTP verbs, REST can
in the future also be used in conjunction with WSDL; but as of this writing
(August 2008), WSDL 2.0 has not been adopted widely in practice.
As an example of how the usage of SOAP and REST inuence the API of a
service, consider again the stockquote example from chapter 2.2, where a Web
service oers the following API: looking up the stock quote price of a company
and updating it, getting details of a stock price like its course in the past,
and getting company details. Figure 14 shows how an API in REST would be
based on resources like stock quotes and companies, while a SOAP API rather
concentrates on operations and not on addressing entities of a system.
As a general rule of thumb, a system that is supposed to be used by a lot of
programmers and does not need advanced features like message encryption etc.
might be well suited for the REST approach. As advanced features are needed
and a lot of data is sent, SOAP might be the better choice.

4.3 Existing SOAP toolkits

This chapter will analyze dierent SOAP frameworks written in dierent programming languages. The focus of the analysis will lie on the following questions:
1. What API does the toolkit provide? How easy to use and how powerful
is it?
2. Is code generation from a WSDL le supported?

22 see

for instance http://www.ickr.com/services/api/upload.api.html


Figure 14: REST and SOAP APIs

3. Does the tool comply to Web service standards (SOAP standard and WSInteroperability) and does it provide support for additional WS-* standards (e.g. WS-Security and WS-Addressing or MTOM for attachments)?

4.3.1 SOAP::Lite (Perl)

23 is a module written in Perl. It supports both SOAP versions 1.1
and 1.2 and a lot of underlying transport protocols : HTTP, HTTPS, TCP,

Jabber, MQSeries, FTP and SMTP. The module comes with a command-line
tool to generate code from WSDL les.
A disadvantage of SOAP::Lite is its focus on rpc/encoded SOAP calls, which
are outdated nowadays, as already explained in chapter 4.1.1.

1. What API does the toolkit provide?

SOAP::Lite makes it easy for programmers to begin with. An easy test Web
service, that just echoes a string (as shown in the Listings 14 and 15), can be
invoked by the perl program described in Listing 16.
Listing 14: A sample SOAP request
<s o a p : E n v e l o p e

x m l n s : x s i=" h t t p : //www . w3 . o r g / 2 0 0 1 /

XMLSchema i n s t a n c e "

x m l n s : s o a p e n c=" h t t p : / / s c h e m a s .

23 http://www.soaplite.com/
24 http://soaplite.com/features.html


xmlsoap . o r g / soap / e n c o d i n g / "

o r g / 2 0 0 1 /XMLSchema"

x m l n s : x s d=" h t t p : / /www . w3 .

s o a p : e n c o d i n g S t y l e=" h t t p : // s c h e m a s

. xmlsoap . o r g / soap / e n c o d i n g / "

x m l n s : s o a p=" h t t p : //

s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p . o r g / s o a p / e n v e l o p e / ">
<s o a p : B o d y>
<e c h o

x m l n s=" h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t /Demo">


x s i : t y p e =" x s d : s t r i n g ">myValue</

</ e c h o>
</ s o a p : B o d y>
</ s o a p : E n v e l o p e>

Listing 15: A sample SOAP response

<s o a p : E n v e l o p e

x m l n s : x s i =" h t t p : / /www . w3 . o r g / 2 0 0 1 /

XMLSchema i n s t a n c e "

x m l n s : s o a p e n c =" h t t p : / / s c h e m a s .

x m l s o a p . o r g / s o a p / e n c o d i n g /"
o r g / 2 0 0 1 /XMLSchema"

x m l n s : x s d=" h t t p : / /www . w3 .

s o a p : e n c o d i n g S t y l e =" h t t p : / / s c h e m a s

. xmlsoap . o r g / s o a p / e n c o d i n g /"

x m l n s : s o a p=" h t t p : / /

s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p . o r g / s o a p / e n v e l o p e /">
<s o a p : Body>
<e c h o R e s p o n s e

x m l n s=" h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t /Demo">

myValue</e c h o R e s p o n s e >
</ s o a p : Body>
</ s o a p : E n v e l o p e >

Listing 16: A simple SOAP::Lite client


#! / usr / b i n / p e r l


SOAP : : L i t e ;


SOAP : : L i t e

u r i ( ' h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t /Demo ' )

on_action (


" mySOAPActionHeader "


proxy ( ' http : / / l o c a l h o s t / ' )

e c h o (SOAP : : Data
>name ( " myArgument " =
> " myValue " ) )
result ;

# a l t e r n a t i v e t o above l i n e : XPath
# > v a l u e o f ( ' / Envelope /Body / [ 1 ] / [ 1 ] ' ) ;

In Listing 16, a SOAP call is made and its answer parsed immediately in
the lines 5 - 10. Line 6 sets the global namespace of all XML elements that are
descendants of the SOAP body element (in Listing 14, these are the echo
and myArgument elements).Line 7 sets the SOAPAction HTTP header eld;
line 8 sets the address to post the HTTP request to; line 9 species the actual


payload data (as children of the body element: the call to echo results an
echo XML element as single child of the SOAP body element. Since that
call in line 9 looks like a function call, this points out the focus on RPC of
SOAP::Lite. Arguments to the echo element can be supplied as shown in line
9 via SOAP::Data constructs.

After the call is made in line 9, the program

blocks until the SOAP response has arrived and prints the result in line 10.
The call to the result function in line 10 returns the contents of the child
of the SOAP body element, in the case of Listing 15, the string myValue is
returned. This again shows how SOAP::Lite is focused on RPC calls, since the
rst element of the body item is not returned and only one single argument in
the return function is expected. Alternatively, SOAP responses can be parsed
via XPath, as shown in line 12: This is a very powerful and elegant way to
extract information from complex or deeply nested elements.
The SOAP::Lite API is easy to start with, but has several disadvantages:

setting the SOAPAction HTTP Header eld: When not overriden, SOAP::
Lite assumes the SOAPAction eld to be of the form URI#methodName,
in the case of Listing 16 it would be "http://localhost/Demo#echo". In
many cases, this needs to be overridden, which can only be done in a
non-intuitive way, as Listing 16 shows in line 7.

building up complex XML elements:

When not building up XML ele-

ments via SOAP::Data constructs as in the example above, SOAP::Lite

tries to guess the data type and encodes it with the SOAP encoding (see
also the next point).

For instance, when substituting line 9 in Listing

16 above with '-> echo("myArgument")', this will be encoded as '<cgensym3 xsi:type="xsd:string">myArgument</c-gensym3>'; these additional elements called c-gensym3 are of course not always wanted.
Besides of that, overriding the namespace of XML elements is also not

25 .

focus on RPC/encoded: By default, SOAP::Lite uses the deprecated SOAP

section 5 encoding (as can be seen in Listing 14: the envelope contains the
soap:encodingStyle attribute). More importantly, formatting a SOAP call
to contain more than one child elements of the body is very cumbersome
to implement; since by far the most SOAP services use the doc/literal
message format, this is a serious drawback of SOAP::Lite (which is also
stated by its current maintainer in [15]).

2. Is code generation from a WSDL le supported?

SOAP::Lite comes with a command-line tool to generate code from a WSDL
le, called stubmaker.pl.

However, this code generation is only rudimen-

When invoked with a WSDL le, stubmaker generates a Perl package

that automatically sets the correct HTTP POST address, the SOAPAction

25 for
how this is done,
consult the SOAP::Lite




HTTP header eld and the namespace of the XML elements inside the SOAP

Additionally, it generates the name of the method to call, so that an

operation specied in the WSDL can be invoked with that name:

For in-

26 contains a service element (<wsdl:service

stance, the MSN Search WSDL

name=MSNSearchService>) and an operation element (<wsdl:operation

name=Search>), which stubmaker.pl uses to generate a package MSNSearchService containing a method called Search.
However, what stubmaker.pl does not generate is a Perl access layer of the
SOAP message structure. For instance, the method Search described above
requires an XML data structure that is nested in four layers; with stubmaker.pl,
this XML data would need to be built up by hand with SOAP::Data elements.
Of course, for large XML data this is unfeasible.
So SOAP::Lite does provide code generation from a WSDL le and provides
a Perl layer that abstracts from some items of a SOAP call (operation name,
SOAPAction header eld etc.), but it does not abstract from the XML Schema
part of a WSDL le. Since many SOAP calls require a lot and complex XML
data, it is not feasible to build up XML data by hand with SOAP::Lite and thus
not feasible to use SOAP::Lite at all for code generation from a WSDL le.

3. Does the tool comply to Web service standards and does it provide support
for additional WS-* standards?
As already said, SOAP::Lite complies to both SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 and by
default sends rpc/encoded SOAP messages. The latter does not comply to the
WS-Interoperability standard ([5]), as it states (in section R1005):
An ENVELOPE MUST NOT contain soap:encodingStyle attributes on any of the elements whose namespace name is
This default usage of rpc/encoded calls can be overriden to use literal calls, but
would be quite tedious, since for every XML element used in the call the type
would have to be overridden.
Besides of that, SOAP::Lite does not provide support for additional WS-*
standards like WS-encryption or WS-Addressing. However, it supports binary
attachments via multipart/MIME messages (often called SOAP with Attachments, SwA); additionally, it supports DIME, which is an advanced standard
for binary attachments in SOAP

27 ; however, this standard was declared obso-

lete and the usage of MTOM encouraged, which is not supported by SOAP::Lite.
As a summary, SOAP::Lite seems quite outdated nowadays with its focus
on rpc/encoded messages, no support for WS-* standards and its poor support
of WSDL code generation.

26 http://soap.search.msn.com/webservices.asmx?wsdl
27 http://xml.coverpages.org/draft-nielsen-dime-00.txt


4.3.2 Apache Axis2 (Java)

28 is a huge comprehensive open source Web Service framework.

Apache Axis2

It supports both SOAP standards 1.1 and 1.2, and its code generator supports
both common WSDL verisons 1.1 and 2.0. According to [14], Axis2 oers the
following protocols for transportation of SOAP messages: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP,
SMTP, JMS and XMPP. Apart from that, it supports attachments via both
SOAP with Attachments (SwA) and the more advanced MTOM. Axis2 has
also implementations for many WS-* standards (among them the important
WS-Security and WS-Addressing), which are explained below.
The Axis2 framework even oers REST-style interfaces for its services; however, there are discussions

29 whether this architecture is really RESTful or just

oering a URI-style service access method (for instance, HTTP GET methods
can in Axis2 change data resources).
Axis2 has as its two main goals exibility and extensibility. These goals are
achieved by structuring Axis2 in a modular architecture, as shown in Figure 15
(adapted from [14]).

Figure 15: The modular Axis2 architecture

The Axis2 modules have the following functions:

28 http://ws.apache.org/axis2/index.html
29 e.g. http://atmanes.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-not-to-do-restful-web-services.html


Code Generation Model :

This module is responsible for generating code

from a WSDL (on the client and sometimes also on the server side) or
generating a WSDL from code (on the server side). When creating a Web
service, the former approach (generating server-side code from a WSDL)
is called contract-rst approach, since the WSDL servers as a contract between the service provider and the service consumers. The other approach
is to generate a WSDL from a given piece of code, and is called code-rst
approach. As these techniques are only relevant on the server side, they
are not discussed here. On the client side, the only relevant approach is
to generate code from a WSDL.

Data Binding Model :

This module is responsible for providing a programming-

language access level to SOAP messages, especially to the XML inside the
SOAP header and body. It has not been included in the core to leave the
exibility to provide other data bindings in the future. Axis2 comes with
four dierent data bindings; they dier in various items like for instance
usage complexity, coverage of supported XML Schema constructs and API
oered to the user.

Information Processing Model :

This module is responsible for keeping the

conguration context of a message. It is split up into a Description Hierarchy, which keeps static data (coming from e.g. system congurations) and
a Context Hierarchy, which keeps dynamic data. Both hierarchies provide
dierent layers of conguration contexts (that is: key-value pairs), where
the lower layer override the values from the above layer. The layers for
both hierarchies are, from down to up: Message layer, Operation layer,
Service layer, ServiceGroup layer, Conguration layer.

XML Processing Model :

XML message in Axis2.

O bject M odel);

This module is responsible for representing an

That representation is called AXIOM (

Axi s2

AXIOM uses a pull-parsing approach (as described ear-

lier) for ecient usage; these details are encapsulated in the implementation and hidden from the user.

SOAP Processing Model :

This module is responsible for handling an in-

coming or outgoing SOAP message. Incoming and outgoing messages walk

through dierent phases and can be changed by dierent handlers. Such
a handler could be responsible for signing or encrypting a message, just
logging the arrival time of an incoming message or adding routing headers
to the message. Own handlers can also be written and registered, which
adds to the extensibility of Axis2.

Deployment Model :

This module is responsible for deploying service ap-

plications. It provides means for hot updating applications (i.e. without

restarting the server) as well as packaging all needed les into one archive
le. As it is only needed on the server side, it is not of interest here.


Transport Model :

This module is responsible for handling the underlying

transport protocols of an incoming or outgoing SOAP message. As already

written earlier, it supports the following protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP,

Client API Model :

This module is responsible for sending and receiving

messages; it is described below.

1. What API does the toolkit provide?

Axis2 provides an API that lets the user control every aspect of a SOAP
communication (setting/getting message content, controlling the transport protocol, using attachments etc.). In general, there are two sub-APIs that dier in
complexity and feature richness:

ServiceClient API :

The ServiceClient Class is destined for easy access of

basic Web Service features. It allows only to get and set the SOAP body,
and to add content to the SOAP header, but it does for instance not allow
to retrieve header elds. When sending simple messages without usage of
WS-* protocols, the ServiceClient is the right choice.

OperationClient API :

The OperationClient Class oers full control over

the SOAP message and is a superset of the ServiceClient API. In addition

to the features of the ServiceClient, it oers for instance control over the
whole SOAP envelope, getting / setting the message exchange pattern
(MEP) and getting / setting the SOAP headers.

ServiceClient API
As a usage example of that API, consider again the sample from Listing 14.
The Axis2 sequence diagram to issue a client call can be seen in gure 16; the
corresponding code to send the message in Listing 14 can be seen in Listing 17.
Listing 17: A simple Axis2 client


// import
public class
public static void
[ . . . ] ;


s t a t e m e n t s l e f t out

main ( S t r i n g [ ]

args )

// c o n s t r u c t XML


OMNamespace omNs = f a c . createOMNamespace ( " h t t p : / /

f a c = O M A b s t r a c t F a c t o r y . getOMFactory ( ) ;

l o c a l h o s t /Demo" ,


" tns " ) ;

p a y l o a d = f a c . c r ea t eO M El em e nt ( " e c h o " ,

omNs )



v a l u e = f a c . cr ea t eO M El e me nt ( " myArgument " ,

omNs ) ;


Figure 16: Axis2 invocation ow


v a l u e . a d d C h i l d ( f a c . createOMText ( v a l u e ,


payload . addChild ( v a lu e ) ;


" myValue " ) ) ;


// h an d l e HTTP r e q u e s t




o p t i o n s . setTo (


o p t i o n s . s e t A c t i o n ( " mySOAPActionHeader " ) ;

options =

/Demo" ) ) ;



Options ( ) ;

EndpointReference ( " http :// l o c a l h o s t



sender . setOptions ( options ) ;


sender =




// send SOAP message



ServiceClient () ;



= sender . sendReceive ( payload ) ;

// p a r s e r e s p o n s e




System . e r r . p r i n t l n ( " r e s p o n s e :



( Exception

r e s u l t . getFirstElement ( ) . getText ( ) ;

e . printStackTrace () ;




response =



" + response ) ;

The example above needs a lot more code than the SOAP::Lite one; one
reason might be the more compact syntax of Perl compared to Java, but for
instance generating the XML requires also more lines of code with Axis2 than
with SOAP::Lite. The XML payload generation is done in the lines 8 - 13, and
generates an echo element with a myArgument element as child. Lines 16 20 show how the HTTP values are set (endpoint URL and SOAPAction header);
line 23 sends the message in a


manner. Alternatives to a blocking call

are discussed below. In the lines 26 and 27, the program parses the response
and prints it on the standard output.
The code above does not generate the same code as in Listing 14, there
are two dierences: First, the SOAP encoding attribute of the envelope is not
generated, as Axis2 concentrates on doc/literal SOAP calls. Second, it uses an
XML prex for the children of the SOAP body, which allows for the usage of
elements of the same name in dierent namespaces. Listing 18 shows the SOAP
request generated by Axis2.
Listing 18: SOAP request generated by Axis2
<s o a p e n v : E n v e l o p e

x m l n s : s o a p e n v=" h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p .

o r g / s o a p / e n v e l o p e / ">
<s o a p e n v : B o d y>
<t n s : e c h o

x m l n s : t n s=" h t t p : // l o c a l h o s t /Demo">

<t ns : m y A rg u m e n t>myValue</ t n s: m y A r gu m e n t>

</ t n s : e c h o>
</ s o a p e n v : B o d y>
</ s o a p e n v : E n v e l o p e>
The code in Listing 17 invokes the HTTP call in a blocking manner. That
is, the program issues the HTTP request and blocks until the HTTP response
is received. This might cause the program to stall, for instance when the Web
server of the service provider is down.

Hence, in many cases a non-blocking

call is the better alternative; however, this is more dicult to program. Axis2
supports non-blocking calls by using callbacks: When sending the message (via
the method sendReceiveNonBlocking), it just sends out the HTTP request
and returns immediately. But when invoking that method, a callback method
must be given to handle the HTTP response. When the program receives the
response, it calls the callback method that was registered earlier. Thus, while
waiting for the response, the program can do other tasks and does not stall. [14]
describes how to do asynchronous calls.
The synchronous and asynchronous calls both support sending and immediate receiving of messages (following the Message Exchange Pattern in-out).
There are also methods for only sending a message (MEP in-only):

reAndForget: This method sends the SOAP request and continues, no

matter whether the call succeeded or not.

sendRobust: This method also just sends the SOAP request and continues;
however, when there is an error, it throws an exception.


OperationClient API
As already sais, that API oers more functionality than the ServiceClient API,
but also requires more work. For instance, when creating a SOAP message by
hand with the OperationClient API, one has to create a SOAP envelope and
add headers and body to it (for how this is done, see [14]).
However, when using enterprise-level web services, the most common way is
to generate code from a WSDL le and not build up the SOAP calls by hand.
Therefor, the OperationClient API is not described here, but more focus is set
on code generation from a WSDL le.

2. Is code generation from a WSDL le supported?

Axis2 comes with extensive support for WSDL code generation: The Axis2
package contains a tool to generate WSDL les from code (java2wsdl.sh for
Unix and java2wsdl.bat for Windows) as well as a tool to generate code from
WSDL les (wsdl2java.sh and wsdl2java.bat). The latter tool is used to generate
client-side code stubs as well as server-side skeletons (e.g.

when a contract-

rst approach was used). This section here only describes the client-side code
generation from a WSDL le.
The wsdl2java.sh tool is to be used from the command line; however, there

30 . But as all

are also plugins for use in Eclipse or a script for use in Apache Ant

those tools use the command-line tool in the end, the plugins are not described
There are a lot of command line parameters for usage with wsdl2java which
show the feature-richness of Axis2; the most important among them are:

options for generating synchronous and/or asynchronous code

options for generating test cases

options for choosing a data binding (see below)

options for conguring code internals (e.g.

custom package names or

choosing specic ports or services from the WSDL le)

The only mandatory argument the code generation tool takes is the URL or
path of the WSDL le.
ration values (e.g.

When invoked with that le and no special congu-

with the MSN Search WSDL on Unix: wsdl2java.sh -uri

http://soap.search.msn.com/webservices.asmx?wsdl), it generates the following les:

Ant build script (build.xml): An Ant script to compile and run the client

Stub code: A le that contains stub classes for usage; it encapsulates all
needed HTTP information (POST URL and SOAPAction header eld)

30 http://ant.apache.org/


and provides Java access for items specied in the WSDL le (e.g. operations and XML Schema information).

Callback handler:

By default, Axis2 creates code for synchronous and

asynchronous invocation (this can be changed via command line parameters). The callback handler serves for asynchronous invocation and provides special callbacks for the operations dened in the WSDL.
An important aspect of the code generation is the data binding:

It controls

the programming language layer of the SOAP message that encapsulates the
low-level XML handling. Axis2 comes with four dierent data bindings:

ADB (Axis Data Binding): This is the default data binding; it is meant to
be simple and easy to start with. As a drawback, ADB does not support all
of the XML Schema standard (for instance, complex and simple extensions
and restrictions are not supported), but in many cases ADB is enough to
cover the whole XML Schema part of a WSDL le. In that case, it is the
easiest data binding to use.

XML Beans:

This is a more comprehensive data binding; it claims to

support the whole XML Schema standard. It is destined for complex XML
Schema documents, and has as a drawback a more complex interface. For
instance, the code generated for the MSN Search WSDL contains 258 Java
les and 470 other les, whereas the code generated for the same WSDL
but with ADB contains 2 Java les.

JAXB-RI: This is a highly customizable data binding, which also supports

the whole XML Schema standard. However, according to [20], it shows
worse performance than ADB.

JibX: This data binding is useful for binding own classes to a Web service,
for instance when binding a legacy application to a Web service.

As an example, Listing 19 shows the XML Schema part that corresponds to the
SOAP messages in the Listings 14 and 15; Listing 20 shows how to send the
SOAP message from Listing 14 with the ADB data binding, and the Figures 17
and 18 show the UML representation of the two most important auto-generated
Listing 19: part of a WSDL le

<x s : s c h e m a

x m l n s : n s=" h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t /Demo"

a t t r i b u t e F o r m D e f a u l t=" q u a l i f i e d "
qualified "

<x s : e l e m e n t

e l e m e n t F o r m D e f a u l t="

t a r g e t N a m e s p a c e=" h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t /Demo">
name=" e c h o ">

<x s : c o m p l e x T y p e>
< x s : s e q u e n c e>
<x s : e l e m e n t

name=" myArgument "

</ x s : s e q u e n c e>


t y p e=" x s : s t r i n g " />

</ x s : c o m p l e x T y p e>

</ x s : e l e m e n t>


<x s : e l e m e n t

t y p e=" x s : s t r i n g " />

<w s d l : p o r t T y p e


name=" e c h o R e s p o n s e "

</ x s : s c h e m a>
name=" M y S e r v i c e P o r t T y p e ">

<w s d l : o p e r a t i o n

name=" e c h o "> . . . </ w s d l : o p e r a t i o n>

</ w s d l : p o r t T y p e>

Listing 20: Using Axis2 with ADB


public class
public static void
l o c a l h o s t . demo ;

l o c a l h o s t . demo . M y S e r v i c e S t u b . Echo ;
l o c a l h o s t . demo . M y S e r v i c e S t u b . E c h o R e s p o n s e ;

main ( j a v a . l a n g . S t r i n g



e =

stub =
Echo ( ) ;


args [ ] ) {

MyServiceStub ( ) ;

e . setMyArgument ( " myValue " ) ;




System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( " r e t u r n :


System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( e r . g e t E c h o R e s p o n s e ( ) ) ;



( Exception

") ;


e . printStackTrace () ;




e r = stub . echo ( e ) ;

In the listing above, line 9 creates the stub that was automatically generated
from the WSDL. As already explained, that stub encapsulates as much information as possible and contains for each WSDL operation a member method:
For instance, as the WSDL in Listing 19 contains an operation called echo
in line 13, the stub class contains a member method named echo (line 12
in Listing 20).

Line 11 sets the SOAP body, namely sets the content of the

<myArgument> element to myValue.

This shows how the XML is com-

pletely encapsulated from the user by oering an interface written in Java. The
generated code class takes care of the right namespaces and element names. Line
12 sends out a blocking call and line 14 again extracts the needed information
from the SOAP response message.
This chapter has explained the thorough code generation support that Axis2
oers. It is one of the few toolkits that provide full XML Schema support, moreover, it comes with pluggable data binding support and additional features like


Figure 17: Axis2 auto-generated class MyServiceStub


Figure 18: Axis2 auto-generated class Echo

e.g. creating automatic test cases.

3. Does the tool comply to Web service standards and does it provide support
for additional WS-* standards?
Axis2 supports several WS-* standards. Only one of them is part of the Axis2
distribution, while all other modules are shipped as independent projects. The
supported standards are:

WS-Addressing: contained in the distribution, and serves to address messages and identify Web Services (e.g.

to be independent of the HTTP

SOAPAction eld).

WS-Security: part of Apache Rampart

31 , serves to sign and encrypt SOAP


WS-Trust: part of Apache Rampart, extends WS-Security and servers to

handle trust relationship between Web service nodes (e.g.

issuing and

validating security tokens or establish such a trust relationship).

WS-SecureConversation: part of Apache Rampart, built on top of WSSecurity and WS-Trust and serves to support secure communication between Web service nodes.


part of Apache Rampart, serves to dene security

requirements and assertions of Web service nodes.

31 http://ws.apache.org/rampart/


WS-ReliableMessaging: part of Apache Sandesha2

32 , serves to send mes-

sages between SOAP nodes in a reliable way.

33 , serves to coordinate be-

WS-Coordination: part of Apache Kandula2

havior of several Web service nodes.

WS-AtomicTransaction: part of Apache Kandula2, serves to atomically

take several short-term actions (in analogy to the ACID principle) via
Web services in an all or nothing manner.


part of Apache Kandula2, built on top of WS-

Coordination, WS-Addressing and WS-Policy and servers to coordinate

long-term business transactions.

WS-Policy: part of Apache Neethi

34 , servers to advertise policies of a Web

service (e.g. security features or quality of service).


part of Axis2/metadataExchange

35 , servers to

retrive metadata of a Web service (e.g. a WSDL or XML Schema le).

Moreover, Axis2 supports attachments via several techniques:

base64 encoding: this might be an option when only few binary data is
sent and using one of the techniques below would be overkill.

SOAP with attachments (SwA): Axis2 automatically detects SOAP messages that contain SwA-style attachments via its content type. Those attachments can be retrieved by accessing the Message Context as described

MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism): Axis2 also automatically detects MTOM messages without the user needing to take
additional actions.

All in all, Axis2 is a very comprehensive Web service framework, if not the most
comprehensive at all. With its huge feature support and its exible architecture
it is suited to build enterprise applications.

4.3.3 gSOAP (C++)


36 is a Web service framework written in C++. It supports both SOAP

versions 1.1 and 1.2 and WSDL version 1.1; WSDL version 2.0 is not supported
as of this writing.

32 http://ws.apache.org/sandesha/sandesha2/index.html
33 http://ws.apache.org/kandula/2/index.html
34 http://ws.apache.org/commons/neethi/index.html
35 http://wiki.apache.org/ws/Axis2/metadataExchange
36 http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soap.html


Furthermore, it supports several WS-* standards and attachments as well as

dierent transports (HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP) and, on the server side, integration into the Apache Web Server, the Microsoft Internet Information Server
and a standalone server version.

1. What API does the toolkit provide?

gSOAP sets its primary focus on code generation, neither the main docu-

37 contain examples about

ment about gSOAP ([26]) nor the user documentation

building up a SOAP query by hand. But as code generation from WSDL is the
common use case, this is not a big disadvantage of gSOAP.

2. Is code generation from a WSDL le supported?

gSOAP comes with extensive code generation support. Like Axis2, gSOAP
contains a command-line tool (wsdl2h) to generate code from a WSDL le.
The command-line tool supports several arguments, the most important among
them being options for generating C source code instead of C++ and options
for providing own type mappings to map XML Schema types to C++ types. As
a dierence to the Axis2 code generator, the gSOAP code generator consists of
a two-phase process: First, the wsdl2h command-line tool generates a C/C++
header le containing for each operation in the WSDL le a method signature
in C++. For instance, for the operation echo in Listing 19, the wsdl2h tool
generates the (quite cryptic) signature shown in Listing 21.


Listing 21: header le created by gSOAP's wsdl2h

__ns4__echo (
std : : s t r i n g


ns2__echo ,

///< Request parameter

///< Response

&n s 2 _ _ e c h o R e s p o n s e

) ;
The second-phase tool called soapcpp2, takes as input that header le and
generates the following les (via the command soapcpp2 myservice.h):

several les containing sample requests and responses as well as namespace

mappings (MyServiceSOAP11Binding.* and MyServiceSOAP12Binding.*)

XML serializers for data types (soapH.h and soapC.cpp)

client side stub (soapClient.cpp, soapClientLib.cpp, soapMyServiceSOAP11BindingProxy.h and soapMyServiceSOAP12BindingProxy.h)

server side skeleton (soapServer.cpp, soapServerLib.cpp, soapMyServiceSOAP11BindingObject.h and soapMyServiceSOAP12BindingObject.h)

37 http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soapdoc2.html


Figure 19: gSOAP auto-generated class MyServiceSOAP11Binding

The most important le needed when writing code is the binding proxy (soapMyServiceSOAP11BindingProxy.h), which contains all the necessary information. Listing 22 shows how the generated code can be used to invoke the service
(by sending the message from Listing 18).

The corresponding collaboration

diagrams can be seen in the Figures 19 and 20 .



Listing 22: gSOAP client code

<i o s t r e a m >
" soapMyServiceSOAP11BindingProxy . h"
" MyServiceSOAP11Binding . nsmap "

main ( )




>myArgument =

std : : s t r i n g




binding ;
_ns2__echo ( ) ;
s t d : : s t r i n g ( " myValue " ) ;

echoResponse ;

( b i n d i n g . __ns3__echo ( e c h o ,


e c h o R e s p o n s e ) == SOAP_OK

std : : cout <
< " result :


" <
< echoResponse <
< " \n" ;



s o a p _ p r i n t _ f a u l t ( b i n d i n g . soap ,

stderr ) ;

The code above is compact and self-explanatory. The only drawback here
is the cumbersome usage of namespace prexes in class names (e.g.


However, this is required to support classes with the same

local name resident in dierent namespaces.


Figure 20: gSOAP auto-generated class  _ns2__echo

3. Does the tool comply to Web service standards and does it provide support
for additional WS-* standards?
As already said, gSOAP supports both SOAP versions 1.1 and 1.2 and
WSDL version 1.1.
Basic Prole 1.0a

38 .

Additionally, it is compliant to the WS-Interoperability

gSOAP supports the following WS-* standards:





On the attachment side, it supports SOAP with Attachments (SwA) as well

as MTOM-style attachments. Moreover, the DIME stadard (which stands for
Direct Internet Message Encapsulation) is also supported, but this has been
declared obsolete and superseded by MTOM anyway.
As a summary, gSOAP contains all the features needed to build complex Web
services (i.e. the most common WS-* standards and attachments). However,

38 see

the fact sheet at http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/factsheet.pdf


some of its features make it somehow cumbersome to use (e.g. the two-phase
construction or the usage of namespace prexes in class and method names).

4.3.4 .NET (C#)

39 is a powerful web service framework, including a code

As Apache Axis2, .Net

generation tool and supporting all SOAP and WSDL versions. It supports several WS-* standards and dierent kinds of attachments.

1. What API does the toolkit provide?

As is the case with gSOAP, .NET does not provide an easy way for building
up a SOAP call by hand. Of course there is a way to do that, but this is neither
documented nor the main use case of that SOAP toolkit. As with all up to date
SOAP toolkits, its main focus is set on code generation.

2. Is code generation from a WSDL le supported?

The .NET framework comes with a command-line tool (wsdl.exe) to build
code from a WSDL le, similar to the one provided by Axis2. It oers commandline arguments to control the programming language the code should be generated for (C#, Visual Basic or JScript). However, wsdl.exe always generates
bindings to issue both synchronous and asynchronous calls. Calling a Web service in a synchronous way requires only a few lines of code and is very easy;
how to call the service described in Listing 19 (issueing the call from Listing 14)
is shown in Listing 23, with the corresponding collaboration diagram in Figure
Listing 23: .NET client code

System ;


System . C o l l e c t i o n s . G e n e r i c ;


System . L i n q ;


System . Text ;



static void

Main ( s t r i n g [ ]




args )


MyService ( ) ;

s e r v i c e . e c h o ( " myValue " ) ;

Console . WriteLine ( r e s u l t ) ;

39 http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/


Figure 21: .NET auto-generated class MyService

Making asynchronous calls can be done in dierent ways, as [17] describes:
The common way to make asynchronous calls with .NET generated code
is to use callbacks, as already described earlier.

Listing 24 shows the part of

the generated code containing the synchronous method echo as well as the
asynchronous method Beginecho which takes a callback method as argument,
and, after being called, returns immediately. Finally, the Endecho call can be
called by the callback method when the response has been retrieved.


Listing 24: .NET generated code


object [ ]


echo ( s t r i n g

myArgument )


. Invoke ( " echo " ,



myArgument } ) ;
(( string ) ( results [ 0 ] ) ) ;

/// <remarks/>


System . I A s y n c R e s u l t

Beginecho ( s t r i n g

myArgument ,

System . A s y n c C a l l b a c k

asyncState )

return this

. BeginInvoke ( " echo " ,

myArgument } ,


callback ,


callback ,


object [ ]

asyncState ) ;

/// <remarks/>



object [ ]

Endecho ( System . I A s y n c R e s u l t





. EndInvoke ( a s y n c R e s u l t ) ;

(( string ) ( results [ 0 ] ) ) ;

Another way of issuing an asynchronous call is to use the WaitHandle technique: Sometimes, when using the Callback technique, it might be undesired
that the callback method is called exactly when the Web service is nished;
sometimes, it is more convenient to let the user control when the Web service response is to be parsed.

This is what the WaitHandle technique does:

It calls the same asynchronous method as the Callback technique, but without
registering a callback method. Instead, after nishing some other work, after
issuing the call and probably doing some other works, at some point it polls
for the request to nish. This technique can be seen as a hybrid between the
synchronous (polling) technique and the Callback technique. As an advantage,
it lets the programmer control when the response is parsed; as a disadvantage,
polling for the result to early might lead to wasted time as with synchronous
Those three methods (synchronous calls, Callbacks and WaitHandles) are
supported by .NET, as [17] describes.

3. Does the tool comply to Web service standards and does it provide support
for additional WS-* standards?
40 - some of them are part of the

.NET supports a lot of WS-* standards

Windows Communication Foundation, which is built on top of .NET. The most

important of them are:







Moreover, it supports the deprecated DIME and MTOM for attachments; a

very interesting feature is the support for binary XML, which is not supported
in other toolkits as of this writing.

40 for




All in all, the .NET framework comes with excellent support for code generation and WS-* standards and is suited to build enterprise applications. Its
internals are not documented as well as e.g. Axis2, but its API is both easy to
start with and powerful.

4.4 SOAP toolkit evaluation

Now that dierent existing SOAP toolkits have been evaluated, this chapter
will summarize the requirements for the SOAP toolkit described in section 5.
That framework needs to have the following features, which are either results of
the SOAP protocol evaluation, the toolkit evaluation and/or the Qt evaluation.
Some of the features are indispensable, while others would be nice to have, but
are not mandatory.

WSDL code generation.

This is clearly an important part of any SOAP

toolkit and the primary use case for building applications using SOAP.
The SOAP toolkit proposed in chapter 5 should thus contain a commandline tool that takes as input a URL or a path and produces C++ code
stubs that use the Qt library. That code stubs should ideally both oer
an easy API and at the same time should be powerful to support most
common WSDL and XML Schema constructs.

API to build up SOAP queries by hand.

This is not a primary requirement;

the main SOAP use case is to automatically generate code.


building up queries by hand is useful for testing and debugging; moreover,

some legacy Web services might not oer a WSDL interface and building
up the query by hand is necessary. In fact, theoretically every toolkit of
course supports building up the query by hand, but in practice this can
only be done if the API is fairly easy to use and the process of building
up the query is well documented.

asynchronous calls.

As explained earlier, asynchronous calls can improve

the performance of Web service applications. But since the Qt Network

Access API only oers issuing asynchronous calls anyway, this will be the
only way to way to issue SOAP calls, which might complicate the API.

pluggable data binding.

This is not an important requirement; it is a fea-

ture that is supported by both Axis2 and gSOAP: gSOAP oers dierent
mappings from XML Schema types to programming language data types.
The data bindings that Axis2 oers all have their own architecture, which
makes the toolkit very exible. However, for the Qt framework it should
always be clear what XML Schema type to map to which Qt data type,
so in the rst version of the Qt SOAP toolkit it will be acceptable to
hard-code the data types.

separate XML Schema parsing entity from WSDL parsing entity.


WSDL standard is tied closely to the XML Schema standard; that is,


virtually every WSDL le contains an XML Schema part or references

an XML Schema le.

However, XML Schema is used in dierent areas

of application, with Web services being one of many.

So for the SOAP

toolkit it would be desirable to separate the XML Schema part from the
WSDL part and pack the XML Schema part into a component that is
reusable in other contexts.

possibility to add WS-* support and attachments.

The SOAP framework

described later will not support WS-* standards or attachments, but it

should be designed to support their usage in the future. Dierent phases
and handlers as used by Axis2 might be overkill here, but there should be
a possibility to somehow plug in classes supporting WS-* standards.

XML pull parsing.

Again, this is a desirable but not mandatory feature,

as it does not provide new functionality; however, it would be nice to

have (if not in the rst version, then at a later point of time) to improve
Many of the features described above are already on an advanced level (e.g.
pull parsing or pluggable data binding); the existing SOAP stacks described
above did not contain them when they were released for the rst time. Thus
the Qt SOAP framework need not contain all of them, but rather leave room
for supporting them in the future.


SOAP for the Qt framework

This chapter shall propose an architecture for the QtSoap module. The framework consists of two main parts: First, the C++ classes for sending and receiving
SOAP messages; second, the WSDL parser for generating code. As already described partially in chapter 3, the C++ classes rely on the following Qt classes:

QtCore classes :

classes like QObject for using the signals-and-slots mech-

anism and the XML streaming classes (QXmlStreamWriter and QXmlStreamReader) reside in QtCore; moreover, basic classes like QString and
QLinkedList are also part of QtCore.

QtNetwork classes :

the Network access API is used for HTTP transporta-

tion, so the QtNetwork module needs to be referenced.

5.1 SOAP module architecture

The C++ classes for the SOAP module can be basically divided into three elds:

XML data types for representing SOAP message elements (like arrays or
nested structures)

SOAP message representation and transports for sending and receiving

XML parsing for generating SOAP message elements from XML and back

Figure 22 shows the three components and their dependencies.

The classes described below use the most common SOAP version 1.1, and
are designed to support XML Schema types. SOAP section 5 types were not
considered while designing the classes.

5.1.1 SOAP / XML data types

The Qt SOAP stack contains several classes for representing SOAP-typical XML
elements. The classes were designed to respect the most common XML Schema
constructs and do not consider the SOAP section 5 encoding. Figure 23 shows
the class diagram containing the data type classes.
The classes in the diagram above serve the following purpose:

This class represents a qualied name as dened in the XML Schema standard. That is, it contains a local name and a namespace URI; however, it does
not contain a prex, because the prex is automatically given to XML elements
when using the QXmlStreamWriter class.

This is an abstract class generalizing the dierent SOAP data types. Basically speaking, it contains XML information that is common for all elements,


Figure 22: QtSoap component diagram

Figure 23: data type class diagram for the QtSOAP framework


e.g. the information from QtSoapQName as well as XML attributes and methods for serialization (the methods toXml() and serialize() are overriden in
the subclasses).
As an API, it contains the union of the functionality of its subclasses (those
functions are not shown in the class diagram above). Those functions are implemented as dummy functions as in Listing 25; they are overridden in the
subclasses if the classes contain that functionality.


Listing 25: dummy method of abstract class QtSoapType

QtSoapType : : append (
qWarning ( " c a l l



QtSoapData &n o d e )

' append '





type " ) ;

This is a wrapper class for instances of class QtSoapType.

It oers more

or less the same API as class QtSoapType, but allocates instances on the heap
(with the new operator).

This is necessary to maintain polymorphism; as

an example, consider a function that takes as argument any SOAP data type.
If its signature would take a QtSoapType as argument (i.e.

if it looked like

void function(const QtSoapType &type)), then data type specic information

would be truncated o the argument type (e.g. if type was a QtSoapFault,
the faultCode would not be available). Since Qt classes as of Qt version 4 do
not contain function arguments that are allocated on the heap, the only way to
support polymorphism was to allocate the QtSoapType instances internally on
the heap in the wrapper class QtSoapData.
QtSoapData was designed to mimic the API of class QtSoapType, because
it simply passes calls to its instance, as Listing 26 shows.


Listing 26: QtSoapData oers the same API as QtSoapType

QtSoapData : : append (


QtSoapData &i t e m )

>i n s t a n c e
>append ( i t e m ) ;

Besides the QtSoapType instance, the class contains a static method to
create a QtSoapData instance from a QByteArray; this function is used when
receiving a SOAP message over the network.

This class represents a specic SOAP data type, namely an XML element
that only contains text and no other XML elements as children. Apart from the
methods and attributes inherited from QtSoapType, it contains only a value
attribute (plus its getter- and setter methods) for storing the value of the XML
element. Listing 27 shows the XML representation of a QtSoapSimpleType.
Listing 27: A QtSoapSimpleType



This class represents a SOAP fault according to the SOAP standard ([27]).
A SOAP fault is a Fault element resident in the same namespace URI as
the envelope; this element contains the mandatory children faultcode and
faultstring and an optional element detail, as in Listing 28.
Listing 28: A QtSoapFault

ENV ' h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p .

o r g / s o a p / e n v e l o p e / '>
< f a u l t c o d e>app . e r r o r</ f a u l t c o d e>
< f a u l t s t r i n g> A p p l i c a t i o n
< d e t a i l> d e t a i l s


E r r o r</ f a u l t s t r i n g>

h e r e</ d e t a i l>

</SOAP ENV:Fault>

This class represents an XML element that contains other elements, as shown
in Listing 29.

It contains functions (that is, overrides the dummy functions

from QtSoapType) for inserting and retrieving children elements; as the children again can be of any SOAP data type, a QtSoapStruct instance contains a
list of QtSoapData elements (that is, a member variable QList<QtSoapData>
children). A SOAP envelope is always of type QtSoapStruct, as it contains at
least always a body element.
Listing 29: A QtSoapStruct
<myChild1>myValue1</ myChild1>
<myChild2>myValue2</ myChild2>
<myOtherType1>myOtherValue1</ myOtherType1>
<myOtherType2>m y O t h e r v a l u e 2</ myOtherType2>
</ myChild3>

This class is a speciality of a QtSoapStruct: A QtSoapArray contains children that are all of the same type, that is, that have the same qualied name,
as in Listing 30. As the QtSoapStruct class, it oers accessors for retrieving and
manipulating the children elements.
Listing 30: A QtSoapArray
<myChild1>myValue1</ myChild1>
<myChild1>myValue2</ myChild1>
<myChild1>myValue3</ myChild1>


Figure 24: messages and transports class diagram for the QtSOAP framework

Most code in those data type classes are easy getter and setter methods.
Exceptions of that are the XML serialization and deserialization, which are
described below in section 5.1.3; actually that feature should described here, as
the functionality is part of the data type classes, but conceptually they are part
of the XML parsing chapter.

5.1.2 SOAP messages and transports

For sending and receiving messages, the QtSoap framework contains the classes
depicted in Figure 24.
Those classes contain the following functionality:


This class represents a SOAP 1.1 message; that is, it consists of a SOAP
envelope element that contains a body element (which is mandatory according to the SOAP standard) and methods to add QtSoapData elements to the
body and the header. To be more precise, QtSoapMessage contains a private
variable envelope of type QtSoapData which upon class instance construction
is initialized with an envelope element; this element contains a child element
of name body. Basically, the QtSoapMessage class is just a wrapper around
the QtSoapData class containing a specially designed element (the envelope);
the functionality of the class is limited to only modify the header and body
element of the envelope.
Listing 31 shows two public methods of class QtSoapMessage: The method


addBodyItem takes as argument a QtSoapData element and adds that to

the body via QtSoapData's method append.

The body method returns a

QtSoapData element by accessing the private variable  _envelope and getting

the body via QtSoapData's operator [](const QtSoapQName &key) (that is,
it selects elements from a QtSoapData instance by the qualied name of the
Listing 31: methods of QtSoapMessage


Qt Soap Mess age : : addBodyItem (


QtSoapData &newItem

body ( ) . append ( newItem ) ;

QtSoapData &Qt Soap Mess age : : body ( )


_ e n v e l o p e [ QtSoapQName ( " Body " ,


This class provides functionality to send and retrieve SOAP messages over
HTTP (which is the only transport protocol supported in the QtSoap framework
so far). It encapsulates the network interaction via the Network Access API (i.e.
it contains instances of the classes QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkRequest
and QNetworkReply) and provides higher-level signals and slots: When sending
a SOAP message, it takes as argument a QtSoapMessage and sends it via a
QNetworkRequest as shown in Listing 32.
Listing 32: Sending SOAP requests via QtSoapHttpTransport


QtSoapHttpTransport : : submitRequest (

Qt Soap Mess age &r e q u e s t )


b = r e q u e s t . toXml (




) ;

a = b . toUtf8 ( ) . constData ( ) ;

>r e p l y = d
>manager . p o s t ( d
>r e q u e s t ,

a) ;

When receiving a response from the NetworkAccessManager, the class parses
the response, then creates a QtSoapMessage, stores it at the response member
variable and then emits a signal. In order to rst parse the message and then
emit its own signal, QtSoapHttpTransport connects the QNetworkAccessManager's signal nished with its own slot replyFinished, as shown in Listing
Listing 33: QtSoapHttpTransport constructor
Q t S o a p H t t p T r a n s p o r t : : Q t S o a p H t t p T r a n s p o r t ( QObject

QObject ( p a r e n t )

d =


QtSoapHttpTransportPrivate ;

>manager . s e t P a r e n t (


) ;


parent )

>r e q u e s t . s e t H e a d e r ( QNetworkRequest : :
ContentTypeHeader ,
c o n n e c t (&d
>manager ,


" t e x t / xml ; c h a r s e t=u t f 8" ) ;

SIGNAL ( f i n i s h e d ( QNetworkReply

SLOT( r e p l y F i n i s h e d ( QNetworkReply

) )

) ) ) ;

setSoapAction ( "" ) ;
When the replyFinished slot has been called, it parses the response and
emits a signal, as shown in Listing 34.
Listing 34: parsing the SOAP response in class QtSoapHttpTransport


Q t S o a p H t t p T r a n s p o r t : : r e p l y F i n i s h e d ( QNetworkReply


b = d
>r e p l y
>p e e k ( d
>r e p l y

bytesAvailable () ) ;


r e s p o n s e = QtSoapData : : importFromXml ( b ) ;

( response . type ( )


QtSoapType : : S t r u c t )

qWarning ( " m a l f o r m e d


detected ") ;

>r e s p o n s e . s e t E n v e l o p e ( r e s p o n s e ) ;

responseReady ( ) ;

An example of how to use the QtSoapHttpTransport class is given below in
chapter 5.1.4.

5.1.3 XML parsing

The XML parsing classes are responsible for creating QtSoap data types from an
HTTP message body. Upon inspection of the XML elements, the XML parser
determines which of the four data types to create (fault, simple type, struct or

Figure 25 shows the diagram of classes involved in the XML parsing

The classes contain the following functionality:

This class can be seen as a light version of the QtSoapData class; it only
contains the qualied name, attributes and a pointer to its parent (if it has
one) and its children (if it has some). The class serves to store XML elements
while parsing a document; a QtSoapXmlElement is constructed when it is not
yet clear what type of QtSoapType an element will become (this is explained in
detail below).

This is the main class involved in XML parsing and also the entry point.
When a byte stream is to be parsed by the QtSoapXmlHandler, QtSoapData's


Figure 25: XML parsing class diagram for the QtSoap framework

static function importFromXml needs to be called, which calls QtSoapXmlHandler's parse function. When that function is called, the handler creates
a QXmlStreamReader object (described in chapter 3), then adds the supplied
data to the parser and parses it, as Listing 35 shows.
Listing 35: QtSoap XML parsing
QtSoapData &QtSoapXmlHandler : : p a r s e (
buffer )



QByteArray &

out ( s t d o u t ) ;


xml ;

xml . addData ( b u f f e r ) ;


xml . atEnd ( ) )

xml . r e a d N e x t ( ) ;
( xml . t o k e n T y p e ( ) )

QXmlStreamReader : : S t a r t E l e m e n t :

s t a r t E l e m e n t ( xml . n a m e s p a c e U r i ( ) . t o S t r i n g ( ) ,
() . toString () ,

xml . name

xml . q u a l i f i e d N a m e ( ) . t o S t r i n g ( ) ,


. attributes () ) ;



QXmlStreamReader : : C h a r a c t e r s :

c h a r a c t e r s ( xml . t e x t ( ) . t o S t r i n g ( ) ) ;


QXmlStreamReader : : EndElement :
e n d E l e m e n t ( xml . n a m e s p a c e U r i ( ) . t o S t r i n g ( ) ,
xml . name ( ) . t o S t r i n g ( ) ,

xml . q u a l i f i e d N a m e

() . toString () ) ;



QXmlStreamReader : : EndDocument :


endDocument ( ) ;



// do n o t h i n g



( xml . h a s E r r o r ( ) )
qWarning ( " an


occurred " ) ;

out <
< xml . e r r o r S t r i n g ( ) <
< endl ;


_soapType ;

As the listing above shows, the parser always processes the whole input at
once; there is no on demand or delayed parsing.

Since this function is also

called when a network response is received, the current QtSoap implementation

does always parse the whole SOAP response immediately and does not provide
a delayed parsing mechanism.
While parsing an XML document, the parser keeps a stack of QtSoapXmlElement objects and another stack of QtSoapData objects. The former keeps
elements only from the time their startElement was received by the parser until
its corresponding end element was received. When a start element is received,
the parser creates a QtSoapXmlElement and sets the correct qualied name
and attributes; moreover, a pointer to the parent is set as well as the parent's
pointer to its children. When an end element is received, the parser pops the
QtSoapXmlElement o the stack and constructs a corresponding QtSoapData
element and pushes it on the QtSoapData stack. The reason for having a QtSoapXmlElement class is that when receiving a startElement event, the parser
cannot yet decide which data type is the right one for it; when its corresponding end element is received, the parser can decide whether it should construct a
QtSoapStruct, an QtSoapSimpleType etc. from the QtSoapXmlElement on the
As an example, consider Figure 26. In the upper scenario, the parser has
already completed parsing of element one and both elements with name four,
thus all three of them are on the type stack. As it has begun, but not ended
parsing the elements two and three, those elements are both on the element
stack. In the next step, the parser reads the closing element </three>. Then,
it pops one item o the element stack and constructs a QtSoapData object from
it. Since the numberChildren attribute of the three element is set to 2, two
more elements are popped o the type stack and added as children to the newly
constructed QtSoapData object. As the two children are of the same qualied
name, the parser knows it must construct an object of type QtSoapArray.
After that object was constructed, it is pushed onto the type stack, as the lower
scenario of Figure 26 shows.
The type stack keeps those elements that have already been parsed; the


Figure 26: QtSoap XML parser states

element stack keeps those elements that have started but not nished parsing.
Since an XML element is always in exactly one of the states already parsed,
being parsed and not yet parsed, both stacks together keep at most as many
elements as there are XML elements in the document.
There are two other parsing events: characters, which is called when characters are detected outside angle brackets. In that case, the content eld of
QtSoapXmlElement is set, and, after parsing that element, a QtSoapSimpleType is constructed.

The other event is endDocument, which is activated

when the XML document has been parsed completely. In that function, there
must exactly be one element on the type stack (the SOAP envelope) which is
then popped and set as the private member variable  _soapType, as described
in Listing 36. That variable is returned as a result by the parse function (as
already shown in Listing 35).


Listing 36: QtSoapXmlHandler's endDocument function

QtSoapXmlHandler : : endDocument ( )
( _ t y p e S t a c k . empty ( ) )


return false

_soapType = _ t y p e S t a c k . pop ( ) ;



_ t y p e S t a c k . empty ( ) ;

The reverse functionality, XML serialization, usually takes place when sending a message: as Figure 27 shows, when a message is sent, that call is passed
on to the SOAP envelope. That serialize function takes as argument a QXmlStreamWriter instance, writes its qualied name and attributes, then calls its
children's serialize function (for structs and arrays) or writes its content (for
simple types), and then writes its end attribute, as Listing 37 shows.

Figure 27: XML serialization caller graph


Listing 37: QtSoapStruct serialization

Q t S o a p S t r u c t : : s e r i a l i z e ( QXmlStreamWriter &w r i t e r )

w r i t e r . w r i t e S t a r t E l e m e n t ( name ( ) . n a m e s p a c e U r i ( ) ,


( ) . localName ( ) ) ;
writer . writeAttributes ( attributes () ) ;

for int

a = 0;

a < count ( ) ;

a++) {

>c h i l d r e n . a t ( a ) . s e r i a l i z e ( w r i t e r ) ;

w r i t e r . writeEndElement ( ) ;
When the serialization has nished, the string returned by QtSoapMessage::toXml is sent as HTTP body by the QtSoapHttpTransport class.

5.1.4 Sample usage of the QtSoap API

Listing 38 shows a class that uses the QtSoap API to build up a query by hand.
It contains a QtSoapHttpTransport as member variable (another option would
have been to derive from the class), the responseReady signal of the transport
class is connected to the getResponse slot of the SoapTest class. In its constructor, the class builds up a SOAP request via nesting dierent data types,
then adding it to a QtSoapMessage, which is then sent via the QtSoapHttpTransport. When parsing the response, the operator [](const QString &key)
oers a convenient way to parse the message (it can also be concatenated when
parsing deeply nested messages, like e.g. body[rstLayer][secondLayer][thirdLayer]).
Listing 38: Sample program using the QtSoap API


soaptest . h




" . . / . . / s r c / q t s o a p . h"






S o a p T e s t ( QObject

= 0) ;

slots :
getResponse ( ) ;


http ;




s o a p t e s t . cpp

<QtGui / Q A p p l i c a t i o n >
" s o a p t e s t . h"

S o a p T e s t : : S o a p T e s t ( QObject
http (


parent )

QObject ( p a r e n t ) ,

h t t p . s e t U r l ( " h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t /Demo" ) ;
h t t p . s e t S o a p A c t i o n ( " mySOAPActionHeader " ) ;
c o n n e c t (& h t t p ,

SIGNAL ( r e s p o n s e R e a d y ( ) ) ,

getResponse ( ) ) ) ;
Qt Soap Mess age



message ;

u r i ( " h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t /Demo" ) ;


echo ( " echo " ,

Qt Soa pSi mpl eTy pe

uri ) ;

myArgument ( " myArgument " ,

uri ,


myValue " ) ;
e c h o . append ( myArgument ) ;
m e s s a g e . addBodyItem ( e c h o ) ;

out ( s t d o u t ) ;

out <
< " request : " <
< endl <
< m e s s a g e . toXml ( ) <
< endl ;
http . submitRequest ( message ) ;


Msn : : g e t R e s p o n s e ( )

out ( s t d o u t ) ;

Qt Soap Mess age

r e s p o n s e = http . soapResponse ( ) ;

QtSoapData &body = r e s p o n s e . body ( ) ;


( response . isFault () )
out <
< " string :

" <
< response . faultString () <

endl ;



out <
< " selected

element :

" <
< body [ " e c h o R e s p o n s e

" ] . value () . toString () <

< endl ;
>q u i t ( ) ;

5.2 WSDL handling

As WSDL parsing is the main use case for dealing with SOAP, the QtSoap
framework contains a WSDL parser. That parser is a command-line tool which
takes as argument a WSDL le and produces a C++ le using Qt data types.
The command-line interface is basically just a wrapper around two XSLT scripts
that handle the actual code generation.

The rst XSLT script, wsdl2qt.xsl,

parses the WSDL specic part of a WSDL le, while the second script, xsdSchema.xsl parses the XML Schema part of a WSDL le. Thus, the functionality of parsing WSDL and XML Schema are separated, and XML Schema les
can also be parsed independently of WSDL les.
The reason for choosing XSLT instead of parsing a WSDL le in C++ are
the following:

ease of use.

XSLT was destined to transform XML to other formats (here:

into code), and is thus a good choice for XML parsing. Writing a WSDL parser
in C++ would have required reading in the le, parsing each token and then
write to an output le.



XSLT shows a much better performance when parsing a WSDL

When testing WSDL code generators that were based on traditional

programming languages like Java or C++, the code generation process took a
lot of time and sometimes showed memory problems (e.g. the java generator
running out of heap space); this is a problem especially because WSDL les are
often auto-generated and several mega bytes of size.

Since XSLT relies on a

functional programming paradigm, it is easier to parse and output one entity

(i.e. XML element) before parsing the next entity, without the need to keep an
intermediate state.
As already said, the Qt library does not yet contain an own XSLT parser;
thus the parser xsltproc from the libxml toolkit

41 had to be used.


can be seen as an intermediary solution, since Qt is to support XSLT in the

future. Moreover, the currently used xsltproc version is using XSLT version
1.0, which has several drawbacks, the most severe being the limitation to output
to only one le. It could be argued that this and other drawbacks make XSLT
to inexible for WSDL code generation, but upcoming XSLT 2.0 parsers should
provide enough exibility to handle that task.

41 http://www.xmlsoft.org/




<port name=foo1>

class foo1Stub, derived from QObject

<part name=foo2>

class foo2Element, derived from QtSoapStruct

<operation name=foo3>

member method foo3()

<message name=foo4>

class foo4Message, derived from QtSoapMessage


(handled by XML Schema stylesheet)

Table 2: WSDL to code transformations

5.2.1 WSDL parsing

As already described, a WSDL le consists of WSDL parts and a usually embedded XML Schema part. The WSDL stylesheet parses the WSDL-specic elements, and includes the XML Schema stylesheet to parse the elements specic
to XML Schema. Table 2 lists how the dierent WSDL entities are transformed
to Qt/QtSoap entities; Figure 28 shows the corresponding relationship in UML.
The central entity in the resulting code is the class generated from a port
element: It is derived from QObject and contains a private QtSoapHttpTransport object, as Listing 39 shows. Furthermore, it contains its own signals and
slots, one pair for each operation dened in the WSDL (the slot is called by the
QtSoapHttpTransport object when it has received its reply, then the message is
parsed and the class' own signal emitted). Besides that, it contains one member
method per WSDL operation, which takes as argument a QtSoapMessage and
sends that message; this is shown in Listing 40.
Listing 39: wsdl2qt.xsl stylesheet generating stub class and constructor

xsl:apply templates
xsl:value of

match=" w s d l : p o r t ">


s e l e c t =" w s d l : d o c u m e n t a t i o n " /


class <

s e l e c t ="@name" />S t u b




_transport ;


xsl:value of

s e l e c t ="@name" />S t u b ( QObject

QObject ( p a r e n t )


_ t r a n s p o r t . s e t U r l ( "< x s l : v a l u e o f

s e l e c t ="

s o a p : a d d r e s s / @ l o c a t i o n "/>" ) ;



Listing 40: wsdl2qt.xsl stylesheet generating methods for WSDL operations



match=" w s d l : o p e r a t i o n " mode=" p o r t T y p e ">


Figure 28: WSDL and code elements relationship





xsl:value of
xsl:value of

s e l e c t =" $ output name " />M e s s a g e _

s e l e c t =" $ output name " /> ;


member method

void <

xsl:value of
xsl:value of

s e l e c t ="@name" />(<

xsl:value of

s e l e c t =" $ input name " />M e s s a g e &amp ; param )

s e t _<

s e l e c t ="@name" />_ s o a p A c t i o n ( ) ;

_ t r a n s p o r t . s u b m i t R e q u e s t ( param . s e r i a l i z e ( ) ) ;
c o n n e c t (&amp ; _ t r a n s p o r t ,
this ,


() ) ) ;

SIGNAL ( r e s p o n s e R e a d y ( ) ) ,

xsl:value of

s e l e c t ="@name" />R e s p o n s e




Those operations take as argument a type that was generated from a WSDL
message element.

That type is derived from QtSoapMessage and contains

several member variables; for each WSDL part element inside a message
element the class contains one member variable; WSDL part elements are
transformed to own classes, which contain variables that were generated from
XML Schema types.
The XSL stylesheet shown in excerpts above generates valid C++ code using
QtSoap data types; however, it does not (yet) respect namespaces in element
names. For instance, a WSDL le could contain two WSDL message elements
with the same local name but a dierent namespace URI, which would cause
the code generator to create two classes of the same name. This is currently the
biggest drawback of the code generator.

5.2.2 XML Schema parsing

The XML Schema stylesheet does not support the whole XML Schema standard
([4]), but only the most frequently used constructs, which are the following: element, simpleType, complexType, restriction, extension, enumeration, sequence,
simpleContent, complexContent. Some of the listed types are only supported

A mid-term goal of a good WSDL parser would not be to support

the whole XML Schema standard, but to support the most frequently used
constructs in a robust way.
When parsing the XML Schema part of a WSDL le, it basically constructs
two types of classes: QtSoapSimpleType objects from simpleType elements
and QtSoapStruct objects from complexType elements. Figure 29 lists some
Schema constructs and its resulting code architecture.
Each generated class contains member variables according to the XML Schema
elements, the usual getter- and setter-methods and a serialize and deserialize


Figure 29: XML Schema and code relationship


Figure 30: the auto-generated class for using the MSN API

function. When building up a SOAP request, the setter methods of the generated types can be used to build up the request; upon sending, the serialize
method is called which returns the correctly formatted QtSoap data type. When
receiving a SOAP response, the deserialize method is called to extract information from the XML and set the member variables, which can then be accessed
via getter methods.
As already said, by far not the whole XML Schema standard is supported
by the XSLT stylesheet; moreover, as with WSDL types, namespaces are not
respected. But since the most common constructs are supported, WSDL les
that contain easy XML Schema parts are parsed correctly.

5.3 Case study: The MSN Search API

This chapter shall prove the operability of both the QtSoap classes as well as the


WSDL code generator. As an example, a search with the MSN Search API

is performed, including code generation from the WSDL le . That API has
been chosen because the WSDL is relatively easy and small, but nevertheless is
a real-world example.
Invoking the code generator with the MSN WSDL produces a header le
that contains 29 classes; 5 of them deal with WSDL messages, elements and
bindings. The other 24 classes represent XML Schema types. The class responsible for sending and receiving messages is shown in Figure 30. The WSDL le
contains only the operation Search, and thus there is only one method in the
MSNSearchPortStub class that takes a QtSoapMessage as argument, namely
the method Search. Besides that, there is one method for getting the response
method (getSearchResponseMessageMessage) and one slot which is called by
the QtSoapHttpTransport member  _transport. Listing 41 shows how to create the necessary types to invoke the Search method.
Listing 41: invoking the MSN Search with the QtSoap API

stub ;


message ;

42 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb251794.aspx
43 http://soap.search.msn.com/webservices.asmx?wsdl



searchElement ;


request ;

r e q u e s t . set_AppID ( " 8
E56C2042A3D27AC7439A863C38A3D51C396CEC7 " ) ;
r e q u e s t . set_Query ( " T r o l l t e c h " ) ;
r e q u e s t . s e t _ C u l t u r e I n f o ( " enUS" ) ;

location ;

l o c a t i o n . set_Radius ( 5 . 0 ) ;
request . set_Location ( l o c a t i o n ) ;

requests ;

type1 ;

source1 ;

s o u r c e 1 . appendEnum ( S o u r c e T y p e T y p e : : _Web) ;
type1 . set_Source ( source1 ) ;
type1 . set_Offset ( 0 ) ;
t y p e 1 . set_Count ( 2 0 ) ;

type2 ;

source2 ;

s o u r c e 2 . appendEnum ( S o u r c e T y p e T y p e : : _News ) ;
type2 . set_Source ( source2 ) ;
type2 . set_Offset ( 0 ) ;
t y p e 2 . set_Count ( 2 0 ) ;
r e q u e s t s . append_SourceRequest ( type1 ) ;
r e q u e s t s . append_SourceRequest ( type2 ) ;
r e q u e s t . set_Requests ( r e q u e s t s ) ;
searchElement . set_Request ( r e q u e s t ) ;
message . set_SearchElement ( searchElement ) ;
stub . Search ( message ) ;
That code creates a SearchMessageMessage object (which is derived from
QtSoapMessage), then builds up the necessary request and nally sends out the
message. Building up the request requires the confusing task of buliding up a
lot of elements and then nesting them repeatedly.

However, this can not be

avoided because the nested structure of the XML Schema elements and WSDL
parts just resembles the nested structure of the required XML; this complicated
structure is common to all SOAP frameworks. Figure 31 shows how the classes
required for a Search are nested.
When invoking the Search method, the class implementation uses the
 _transport instance to send and receive the SOAP message.

When the

SOAP response arrives, the  _transport emits its responseReady signal,

which causes the MSNSearchPortStub instance to parse the message (that is,
deserialize the whole SOAP response).

After that, it emits its own signal

SearchResponseReady (see Listing 42), which tells the program it can now
access the data via the class' getter methods, as shown in Listing 43.
Listing 42: receiving the MSN Search response message


Figure 31: auto-generated class hierarchy for the MSN search



SearchResponse ( )

_SearchResponseMessage = SearchResponseMessageMessage
( _transport . soapResponse ( ) ) ;
_SearchResponseMessage . d e s e r i a l i z e ( ) ;

SearchResponseReady ( ) ;

Listing 43: parsing the MSN Search response message


message = stub .

getSearchResponseMessageMessage ( ) ;

for int

S e a r c h R e s p o n s e E l e m e n t &s e a r c h R e s p o n s e E l e m e n t =

message . get_SearchResponseElement ( ) ;
S e a r c h R e s p o n s e T y p e &r e s p o n s e =

searchResponseElement . get_Response ( ) ;
A r r a y O f S o u r c e R e s p o n s e R e s p o n s e s T y p e &r e s p o n s e s =

r e s p o n s e . get_Responses ( ) ;
Q L i s t<S o u r c e R e s p o n s e T y p e > &s o u r c e R e s p o n s e =

r e s p o n s e s . get_SourceResponse ( ) ;

a = 0;

a < sourceResponse . count ( ) ;

a++) {

out <
< "" <
endl ;

out <
< "results

for :

" <
< sourceResponse [ a ] . get_Source

() . toString () <
< "

(" <
< sourceResponse [ a ] . get_Total

() <
< ")" <
< endl ;
out <
< "" <
endl <
< endl ;

for int

ArrayOfResultResultsType &r e s u l t s

sourceResponse [ a ] . get_Results ( ) ;
Q L i s t<R e s u l t T y p e > & r e s u l t

r e s u l t s . get_Result

() ;

b = 0;

b <

out <
< "title :

r e s u l t . count ( ) ;
" <

b++) {

r e s u l t [ b ] . get_Title () <
< endl

out <
< "" <
endl ;
out <
< " description :

" <

result [b ] .

get_Description () <
< endl <
< endl ;
out <
< " url :

" <

r e s u l t [ b ] . get_Url ( ) <
< endl <

endl <
< endl ;
As with the creation of the SOAP message, the parsing of the response
requires accessing the nested class structure in the same way. Again, this cannot


be avoided; however, the code listings for creating the SOAP request and parsing
the response show that no XML whatsoever is involved, so the XML layer of
the SOAP call is encapsulated completely inside the generated code (but it can
be accessed e.g. for debugging purposes if needed).


Conclusion and outlook

This chapter shall evaluate whether the solutions proposed in the main chapters
of this document answers the questions and fulll the requirements of chapter
1.1. Moreover, the results of the SOAP toolkit evaluation from section 4.4 are
compared to the QtSoap features.
The general questions about SOAP from chapter 1.1 were:

What is the main eld of use of the SOAP protocol? How does it overlap
with similar techniques?

The main eld of use of the SOAP protocol is the eld of sophisticated distributed programming systems, which require several quality of service aspects,
for instance encryption, reliable messaging or complex message ows. Most of
these systems are not realized in the eld of publicly available Web APIs, since
a SOAP system poses a higher entry barrier onto the programmer than other
techniques. Moreover, they require more work to enable the features of a SOAP

As an alternative to SOAP, REST is a popular choice, especially in

the eld of Web APIs. Compared to SOAP, REST is easy to adapt, but not as
feature-rich as SOAP. A more feature-rich solution than SOAP is for instance
Java RMI, which ties the involved systems closer together and is directed towards distributed objects. AJAX is a technique to issue remote procedure calls
for Web pages.
All in all, all the distributed programming techniques have their own area
of application, where the strengths of SOAP are its feature-richness by simultaneously providing a relatively loose coupling between the distributed systems.

What API do other SOAP toolkits oer? What are their strengths and

The most important API of a SOAP toolkit is its code generator.

Thus, the

SOAP class system should be designed to be easily adaptable for the code generator. As a plus, it should also be possible to easily build up a SOAP call by
hand with the class system. A more detailed evaluation of the existing SOAP
toolkits is described in chapter 4.4.

QtSoap feature evaluation

To evaluate the proposed QtSoap toolkit more closely, the requirements from
the SOAP toolkit evaluation need to be compared with the features of the
QtSoap toolkit.
1. WSDL code generation. the QtSoap toolkit oers WSDL code generation;
however, this is only a prototype and needs to be enhanced to be fully
2. API to build up SOAP queries by hand. QtSoap oers that feature, as
was described in chapter 5.1.4.


3. asynchronous calls.

As the underlying network infrastructure only sup-

ports asynchronous calls, this features was included in QtSoap from the
4. pluggable data binding. This feature is not supported, since there is always
only one candidate of a Qt type to be mapped to a XML Schema type.
However, in future versions of QtSoap it should be considered to support
both user-dened type mappings as well as dierent class architectures.
5. separate XML Schema parsing entity from WSDL parsing entity.


feature is included by simply separating the XML Schema stylesheet from

the WSDL stylesheet.

Thus, by implementing a command-line switch

an XML Schema le can be parsed against the XML Schema stylesheet
instead of the WSDL stylesheet.
6. possibility to add WS-* support and attachments.

This has not been

considered thoroughly; enabling these features would require to change

the API of existing classes as well as adding new classes. But since the
current message and transport classes are not (yet) structured in a complex
way, this should not be a big problem.
7. XML pull parsing.

This is not supported yet, but could (and should

in future versions) be enabled without changing the API of the existing


There are several elds were the QtSoap stack could be enhanced. The most
important area is clearly the code generator: Here, the WSDL support as well
as the XML Schema support should be improved to support a broader range of
constructs. After that, attachment support should be added, followed by the
most important WS-* standards, which are WS-Addressing and WS-Security.
Apart from that, there are a lot of other features left to be implemented (e.g.
SOAP version 1.2, WSDL version 2.0 and several other WS-* standards). In
general, a SOAP stack is never really complete, so the next features to be
implemented should always be considered carefully.


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