Tibco FAQs

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What is the role of TRA and its main functionalities

Can we have an adapter in fault tolerant mode?

What is significance of flow limit & max jobs parameters

in Tibco BW process?

What are the advantages of DQ in the ADB adapter?

Why there is no ledger file for DQ subscribing adapter?

Because DQ instances will load balance number of

messages keeping them in process memory

Is it neccesary to the n/w parameters is same at both

publisher side nad subscriber side?
What is information stored in publisher side ledger file?
can we corrupt ledger file? if how?

what u understand tibrvstream,tibrvlisten what is these


what is domain utility, is neccesary that adding m/w

should the tibco software?

what is supplementry msgs, what it contains?

what u is advisory msgs,do u have face any advisory

msgs in ur projects?

what is labled msgs?

is the ledger size fix or varies?

what is repositry?

what is diff b/n Jms and Ems?

What is mean by publish by value and publish by


in case publish table have 10 rows, subscribing side 5

rows do u get any eeror in this case?

What is transactiongroup will do?

what is Xpth bulider?

what is different data formats in Tibco, which is useful

both for Ems and Rv?

what is TRDP and PGM?

what is main Diff b/n Reliable and Certified msg service?

What is mean byTransport?what are transport scope?

What is Adapter SDK?

During he buliding EAR file where the global variables


Can u start Adapter instances from Tibco Designer?

what is mean by intra process communication?

How can we apply intra process communication in


What is the basic structure of SOAP message?

Defines the content of the message
Header (optional)
contains header information
contains call and response information
Accenture interview questions

What are the differences between JMS & RV? Which

situation is recommended for RV and which for JMS?

JMS is hub and spoke architecture but RV is distributed

RV is handle huge number of messages per second compared
to JMS
high volume fast transactions use reliable RV messages and
where latency is acceptable use JMS

Tibco RV JMS

Underlying transport Uderlying transport mechanism

mechanism UDP TRDP TCP

Publish/subscribe Yes Publish/subscribe Yes (TCP/IP

(optimized by leveraging based hub and spoke)
UPD/IP multi-/ broad-

TIBRV uses RV as the TIB EMS uses JMS as protocol

protocol and having high [TCP] and single server based
fan out
JMS is simulating Pub/Sub and it
RV is a bridge UDP/TCP is fully based on TCP protocol
and is the best fit for
Pub/Sub (broadcast or

1-to-very many messaging JMS on the other hand is very

where to loose some good when you have several Java
package is not a big issue applications connected directly
(see trading floor). with the bus, when you need
message queuing, when your
environment is not "1 to very
many ".

RV is optimal for not It is a hub-spoke model so it is

sequenced or easir to maintain and to monitor
transactional data, and and also to be understood
where real time
implementations are You can easily built interfaces to
dominant over batch check and control queues and
procedures, where you topics
need to have the info as
soon as it is available JMS for sequenced messages,
without delay and you persistency
need that info distributed
among several possible
consumers (connected or
not connected)

What is SOAP? What you have used SOAP over? Have

you used SOAP for any project?


Lightweight communication protocol

For communication between applications
one-way, request/response, multicast, etc...
Designed to communicate via HTTP
Not tied to any component technology
Not tied to any programming language
Based on XML
Simple and extensible

What is BPM? Where does it fit in Enterprise


Have you used any integration patterns? What are the

Integration Patterns used for?

Can we have more than one service in one File Adapter?

Which situations this will be useful?

Why we generally use one Adapter service in one


Can we append any data value in name of file generated

by File Adapter?
Use post processing script

What is WSDL? What is the difference between abstract

WSDL and concrete WSDL?

WSDL describes the interface to a web service. A web

service provider publishes a WSDL file that describes
the offered service. A client uses the WSDL file to
determine the appropriate input, output, and fault
messages for the service.

The Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

specification was created to describe and publish the
formats and protocols of a Web service in a standard
way. Web service interface standards are needed to
ensure that you don't have to create special
interactions with each server on the Web, as you would
today, using the extended URL approach from a

Note: WSDL establishes a common format for

describing and publishing Web service information

WSDL elements contain a description of the data,

typically using one or more XML schemas, to be passed
to the Web service so that both the sender and the
receiver understand the data being exchanged. The
WSDL elements also contain a description of the
operations to be performed on that data, so that the
receiver of a message knows how to process it, and a
binding to a protocol or transport, so that the sender
knows how to send it. Typically, WSDL is used with
SOAP, and the WSDL specification includes a SOAP
Note: WSDL elements describe data and operations on

WSDL Elements

Port Type

What is SOA?
What are web services?

Services are loosely coupled.

Services must be well encapsulated and must provide
abstraction from the implementation.
Services are stateless.
Services must be designed with reuse in mind.
Services should have a well defined contract.
Services are Composable.
Services are Interoperable.
Services are location-transparent.
Services must be coarse-grained or right-grained.
Services should be Identified & Categorized and hence

What are kind of reviews you have participated in? TCS


What are the defect prevention mechanisms you have

for making Tibco project code delivery bug-free?

Any best practices in Tibco code reviews?

Which Hawk rules can be tested only in Production


How can we avoid the publishing and subscribing to a

same table endless loop situation?

How do you handle Japanese characters?

What is SEA architecture?

What should sequence of shutdown of an interface?

What are the version control tools that you have used
along with Tibco?

What are the difference between GUI deployment and

command line deployment of Tibco BW EAR file?

How can you prevent situation of fast producer and

slow consumer?

What are max jobs and what is flow limit?

What is the difference between fault tolerance and

distributed queue?

Fault tolerance usually requires that every member of a

fault tolerance group receive each message. In contrast,
each message to a distributed queue group is received by
exactly one worker in the group. These mutually
exclusive semantics cannot co-exist in the same
distributed application program. That is, a program
cannot simultaneously be a member of a fault tolerance
group and a member of a

distributed queue.

What is the difference between broadcasting and

multicasting? How do you achieve multicasting in Tibco?

What is the significance of network, daemon and

service parameters of RV?

Can you run two different daemons with two different

port numbers?
Patni interview questions

What are business scenarios for synchronous services,

request reply in particular?
Why RVCM is called as “at least once delivery”?
What are the things that you need to take care about
while you are using certified delivery messaging
What is activity name to receive the message in a BW
process? In which panel you have this activity?

Adapter subscriber activity.Starts a process based on the receipt

of a message from the publication service of the specified adapter. This activity is
available in Active Enterprise Adapter in Tibco designer palette

How to avoid duplicate messages in RVCM

What is the structure of RVCM message?
How the entire message flow along with the handshake
mechanism happens in RVCM communication?

Certified message delivery is a protocol with several steps, each described in a

Subsequent section:

• Creating a CM Transport, page 150.

• Discovery and Registration for Certified Delivery, page 154.

• Delivering a Certified Message, page 156.

What are the challenges you have faced in upgrading

from Tibco IM to Tibco BW?
How to handle request / reply scenario any interface
How to start up the IM processes?
What are all the Tibco designer activities you have used
in your project?
What is name of the Hawk micro agent used for
monitoring ADB services?
What is the difference between Active enterprise
adapter and Active database adapter?

How do you configure Hawk rules in production?

What is your production environment consists of

How does the Oracle ERP get back the response from a
subsystem to which data being sent?

What is the difference between confirming a message

at the beginning and confirming a message at the end?

What are the major differences between IM and BW?

How do you receive message from HTTP activity?

How do set fault tolerant groups in Tibco BW

How do you create deployment XML file for an EAR file?

AppManage -export -ear <EAR file name with full path> -out <deploy config

How to deploy and EAR file through adminstrator


AppManage -deploy -ear <<EAR file name>> -deployconfig <<depl xml>> -app
<<deployment path in administrator>> -domain <<domain name>> -user admin -pwd
IBM interview questions

What is the significance of pre-registered listeners?

First time in RVCM, the sender will automatically register a listener
for the receiver it receives the message from and from there all the
communication is certified. But since the first registration process is
still reliable, it defeats the purpose of Certified messaging. So you
preregister all your receivers with the sender, to achieve 100%
certified messaging

What is difference in RVCM messaging if we do not use pre-registered

Can we have communication between IM & BW?
What are schemas AE & XSD?
What is the use of namespaces?
Have you used WSDL?
What is JNDI?
What are topics and queues?
What does a domain signify in a Tibco BW administrator?
What are check point activities? When can it fail?
How does a BW process know what are the check point tables?
What are COBOL copybooks?
What are process of creating Mainframe File adapters?
What are adapters have you used so far?
How do you configure an ADB?


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