Web Technologies and Services
Web Technologies and Services
Web Technologies and Services
Name: sravya
Cse 3rd year
Vidya Vikas Institute Of Technology
Email-id : [email protected]
Web services are a new breed of Web application.
They are self-contained ,self-describing, modular
applications that can be published, located, and
invoked across the Web. Web services perform
functions, which can be anything from simple requests
to complicated business processes. … Once
a Web service is deployed, other applications (and
other Web services) can discover and invoke the
deployed service. The notion of web services captures
a recent technological development that aims at the
possibility to access services (i.e. applications)
through the Internet infrastructure (i.e. Web
standards). Technologically they represent only a
small change as compared to earlier
distributed computing standards, but the impact of this
new technology is considered as
being very high as it facilitates automated distributed
computing and information access by Here, the service requester is the client of the web
taking advantage of the ubiquitously available Web service, and the service provider is the host of the web
infrastructure. In particular on-demand service. A requester makes SOAP requests to the
use of software is considered as one of the important provider and the provider responses accordingly.
developments Web service technology
is going to support. A service registry can be thought of as a database of
web services. It has the definitions and URIs for web
services. Developers of web services can publish their
An Introduction to Web Services services to a service registry if they wish. After that
someone can query the registry and choose the service
Let's start learning about web services with the from the registry. Since a registry has all the
definition for web service as provided by W3C. information required to develop a web client,
According to them, a web service is a software developers can search and find necessary information
application which is identified by a URI, whose from a service registry using UDDI (Universal
interfaces and binding are capable of being defined, Description, Discovery and Integration).
described and discovered by XML using XML-based
messages via Internet-based protocols. An Introduction to Web Services - A closer
look at SOAP, WSDL and UDDI
A web service is usually identified by a URI (Unified
Recourse Identifier). A web service has WSDL (Web Up to this point we have learned about three elements
Service Description Language) definitions. To of web service platforms: SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. A
communicate with web services we need to use SOAP developer usually publishes the WSDL for their
messages, which are XML based messages transported services in the registry. A client can query the registry
over Internet protocols like HTTP, SMTP, and FTP. using UDDI and get the WSDL from the registry.
Web services can be better described with the After that the client can establish a connection with the
following diagram. service and send SOAP requests to the service, whose
response will also be SOAP messages.
SOAP is used for communication between A definition
applications via the Internet. SOAP is platform
independent. SOAP is also language independent; it is A web service is a programmable component that
based on XML. Each SOAP message has a mandatory provides a service and is accessible over the Internet.
SOAP envelope, and multiple optional attachments. A Web services can be standalone or linked together to
SOAP envelope consists of an optional SOAP header, provide enhanced functionality.
a mandatory body, and optional fault sections. Usually
a SOAP body contains the original requests or the
responses. Web services consist of methods that operate on
messages containing either document-oriented or
procedure-oriented information. An architecture that is
WSDL is an XML document, which is used to based on web services is the logical evolution from a
describe web services. WSDL is also used to locate system of distributed object-oriented components to a
web services. WSDL elements include the following: network of services. Web services provide a loosely
coupled infrastructure that enables cross-enterprise
Types integration.
• Data type definitions Web services differ from existing component object
models and their associated object model specific
Messages protocols, such as CORBA and IIOP, COM and
DCOM, and Java and RMI, in that the distributed
• Abstract, typed definitions of data being components are interfaced via non-object-specific
exchanged (Request/Response) protocols. Web services can be written in any language
and can be accessed using the familiar and firewall-
friendly HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP).
Port type
• Collection of operations
• Abstract definition of a service
• Aggregate set of related ports As shown in Figure 1, web services consist of multiple
layers that, when stacked together, form the basis for a
standard mechanism for discovering, describing, and
UDDI is a directory for storing information about web
invoking the functionality provided by a standalone
services. UDDI is also a directory of web service
web service.
interfaces described by WSDL. UDDI communicates
via SOAP.
Protocol layer
At the bottom of the layered architecture model, any of The SOAP specification also defines bindings to
the standard Internet protocols may be used to invoke transport SOAP messages using the HTTP protocol.
web services over the network. The initial definition SOAP messages are uni-directional. Individual
focuses specifically on HTTP/1.1 (and the encrypted messages are typically combined to form a
HTTPS). request/response mechanism.
HTTP/1.1 is a text-based "request-response" style The SOAP message exchange model requires that
protocol, which specifies that a client opens a applications receiving a SOAP message execute the
connection to a server, then sends a request using a following sequence of actions:
very specific format. The server responds and, if
necessary, keeps the connection open. Other request- 1. Identify all the components of the SOAP
response style protocols, such as FTP and SMTP can message that are intended for this particular
also be used, though they are not yet defined in the application. Applications may act as SOAP
standards around web services. intermediaries and pass parts of the message
on to other applications.
Packaging layer 2. Verify that all the mandatory parts specified
in the SOAP message are supported by the
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a application, and process them accordingly.
lightweight protocol designed for the exchange of 3. If the SOAP application is not the end
information. Focused on distributed, decentralized destination of the message, it should remove
environments, it provides a framework to invoke all the parts that the application consumes and
services across the Internet. It also provides the then forward the message to the next
mechanism for enabling cross-platform integration application the message is intended for.
independent of any programming language and
distributed object infrastructure. The SOAP encoding style uses both scalar types
(strings, integers, and so on) and compound types
SOAP represents the evolution of xml-rpc and has (structures and arrays). These types appear as elements
been adopted as an Internet standard. SOAP is text in an XML document. The data types defined in the
based (extensible Markup Language, or XML) and can XML schema specification, along with types derived
run over HTTP, making it better able to operate in the from those, can be used directly as SOAP elements.
face of firewalls than DCOM, RMI, or IIOP. SOAP is
also easy to implement on an embedded device, unlike Any robust messaging system must expect that faults
ORBs. may occur; SOAP is no exception. SOAP has a built-
in fault element that is used to carry error and status
SOAP does not define a programming model or information. Because it is based on XML, the fault-
implementation. Instead, it defines a modular reporting system of SOAP is highly extensible and
packaging model and the encoding mechanisms for quite flexible.
encoding data within modules. This allows SOAP to
be used in any number of systems ranging from The SOAP specification details the mechanisms used
message passing systems to remote procedure calls. to make remote procedure calls (RPC). The example in
Listing 1 actually invokes a remote procedure (in this
A SOAP message is XML-encoded and consists of case a web service called Event Service) by packaging
three parts: the parameters the procedure requires as a structure.
The response to a method invocation is also modeled
as a structure that contains the return value and
• An envelope, which provides the framework possibly the parameters (in the same order they were
for packaging message information passed).
• Encoding rules that define how messages
should be processed Web services and SOAP are two different things.
• An RPC representation that defines how to SOAP is simply one way to package and bind the
represent remote procedure calls and information required to invoke a web service. It
responses happens to be the method that is most commonly
associated with web services, but web services can be
invoked using other encoding techniques, such as
simple URL-encoded messages for bandwidth- The interface to web services is defined in the XML-
constrained scenarios. In addition, SOAP itself is not based Web Services Description Language (WSDL),
strictly relegated to web services. SOAP can be used which provides all of the information necessary for an
as an access mechanism for any type of remote objects application to access the specified service.
or procedures or as a simple message passing
mechanism. A WSDL document is an XML description of a web
service. WSDL takes great pains to promote
Information layer reusability. Several abstract and concrete elements are
combined to define the functionality and access
XML is a meta-language that enables cross-platform mechanisms of a web service. The following list
data interchange using a standard method for encoding enumerates the elements used to define a web service:
and formatting information. Unlike HyperText
Markup Language (HTML), XML lets you publish • types-containers for data type definitions can
information not only about how your data is be scalar or complex, currently based on the
structured, but also about what it means (that is, its XML schema
context). In addition, significant benefits accrue • message-an abstract, typed definition of the
through maintaining an XML document's structure, data being communicated
content, and presentation as three distinct components. • operation-an abstract description of an action
For example, part of the content of an HTML supported by the web service
document may look as follows: • port type-an abstract set of operations
supported by one or more end points
<b>Motor Failure</b> • binding-a concrete protocol and data format
specification for a particular port type
This instructs a browser to display the text string • port-a single endpoint that is an instantiation
"Motor Failure" as bold text. HTML is purely about of a port type in combination with a binding
formatting and display. XML takes it much further and and a network address
provides information about what the content is • service-a collection of related ports
describing, not just about how it looks. For example,
an XML document may take the same text but actually A web service is defined in a collection of ports,
apply a data type to it as follows: which, in turn, are a collection of abstract operations
and messages. Keeping the operations and messages
<FaultType>Motor Failure</FaultType> abstract allows them to be bound to different protocols
and data formats such as SOAP, HTTP GET/POST,
This format gives the interpreter of this document a or MIME.
clearer understanding of what the text signifies.
Discovery layer
Some people will tell you that all you need to do is
support XML in your devices to solve all of the The final, and optional, piece in the web services
world's problems. But XML is only a markup protocol stack is the Universal Description, Discovery,
language; supporting XML does not magically and Integration (UDDI) specification. UDDI offers a
integrate you into a host of business applications or way to publish information about web services, as well
make for a complete solution. XML may provide a as provide a mechanism to discover what web services
description of an event as a fault, but it does not are available. In essence, UDDI is a registration
provide the device or business logic that says what to system instantiated as a series of XML files, and
do when that fault occurs or how to ensure that the associated schema, which contain a description of a
fault indication is properly captured in one or more business entity and the web services that it offers. It is
enterprise applications. That is why the higher-level envisioned that there will ultimately be many public
concept of web services, which are based on XML, is UDDI registration servers distributed about the Web
so important. that continually replicate data amongst themselves.
Web Services is based on the already existing and UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and
well-known HTTP protocol, and uses XML as the Integration) is the global look up base for locating the
base language. This makes it a very developer-friendly services. In the example mentioned earlier, this is
service system. However, most of the above- analogous to the index service for the search engine, in
mentioned technologies such as RMI, COM, and which all the Web sites register themselves associated
CORBA involve a whole learning curve. New with their keywords. It maintains a record of all the
technologies and languages have to be learnt to pharmacy store locations throughout the country.
implement these services.
WSDL (Web Services Definition Language) is the
Also, Web Services is based on a set of standardized method through which different services are described
rules and specifications, making it more portable. This in the UDDI. This maps to the actual search engine in
was not the case with the technologies mentioned our example.
Figure 1.1 illustrates this concept.
Component Technologies of Web Services