ElectronicManual Nintendo3DS Fire EmblemEchoesShadowsOfValentia en
ElectronicManual Nintendo3DS Fire EmblemEchoesShadowsOfValentia en
ElectronicManual Nintendo3DS Fire EmblemEchoesShadowsOfValentia en
1 Important Information
Basic Information
2 About amiibo
3 Information Sharing
4 Online Features
5 Parental Controls
Getting Started
6 Controls
Getting Around
9 Settlements
10 Battle Map
11 Overworld Map
12 Dungeons
Wireless Communication
13 StreetPass
14 SpotPass
15 Internet
16 Purchasing DLC
amiibo Features
17 Using amiibo
Support Information
18 How to Contact Us
1 Important Information
A light touch on the Touch Screen is
enough for the system to detect
your amiibo. Do not press the amiibo
into the screen or forcefully drag it
across the screen.
3 Information Sharing
Exchanging UGC
These are general precautions for
exchanging UGC with other users.
The extent of UGC exchange
depends on the software.
● Uploaded content may be seen by
other users. It may also be
copied, modified and redistributed
by third parties.
Once sent, you cannot delete
such content or limit its usage, so
be careful.
● Any uploaded content may be
removed without notice. Nintendo
may also remove or hide content
which is considered to be
● When uploading content or
creating content for upload...
- Do not include any information
that can be used to identify you
or a third party personally, such
as your or a third party's name,
email address, address or
telephone number.
- Do not include anything which
could be damaging or offensive
to another person, or make
someone uncomfortable.
- Do not infringe on the rights of
others. Do not use content
owned by a third party or that
displays a third party (photos,
images, videos) without their
- Do not include illegal content or
any content which aids illegal
- Do not include any content which
violates public morality.
4 Online Features
Nin te nd o Ne t work is an on l in e
s e rvic e whic h al l ows yo u t o p l ay
w it h o t he r pl aye rs al l o ve r t he
w orl d , down l o ad n ew ad d-on
content and much more!
Online Precautions
● If you post, send or otherwise
make available any information or
content through wireless
communication please make sure
not to include any information that
can be used to identify you
personally, such as your name,
email address, your address or
your telephone number, as others
may be allowed to see such
information and content. In
particular, when choosing a user
name or nickname for your Mii™
characters, please do not use
your real name as others may be
able to view your user name and
the nicknames of your Mii
characters when using wireless
● Friend codes are a part of a
system that allows you to
establish a friendship with other
users, so that you can play,
communicate and interact with
people you know. If you exchange
friend codes with strangers, there
is a risk that you could receive
information or messages with
offensive language or
inappropriate content and that
strangers may see information
about you that you do not want
strangers to see. We therefore
recommend that you do not give
your friend codes to people you
don't know.
● Do not engage in harmful, illegal,
offensive or otherwise
inappropriate activity that might
cause problems for other users. In
particular, do not post, send or
otherwise make available any
information or content that
threatens, abuses or harasses
other persons, infringes on the
rights of others (such as
copyrights, portrait rights, privacy
rights, rights of publicity or
trademarks) or that may make
other people feel uncomfortable.
In particular, when sending,
posting or making available
photos, images or videos
displaying other people, make
sure to obtain their permission
5 Parental Controls
Button Controls
Touch Controls
You can touch icons on the bottom
screen to select and confirm
options, change screens and more.
7 Starting the Game
New Game
Choose a difficulty setting and a
game mode and start the game from
the beginning.
Select data to load and resume the
game from where you left off. Select
"Bookmark" to resume play from
your last bookmark (p. 8).
Manage downloadable content,
change SpotPass settings and more.
You can also erase all data here.
8 Saving and Deleting Data
Saving Data
Select "Save" from the menu in
settlements, dungeons and the
world map to save your current
progress to a save slot.
◆ You can also save at the end of a
battle or chapter.
Select "Bookmark" from the battle
map menu to save your progress
with a temporary save file and return
to the title screen.
◆ Resuming from a bookmark will
delete the bookmark data.
Copying Data
Select "Copy" from the main menu,
then pick a save file to copy it to
another slot.
Deleting Data
Select "Delete" from the main menu,
then pick a save file to delete it.
Alternatively, you can select
"Extras" and then "Erase Data" to
delete all save data, including any
extra content you unlocked.
◆ Please make absolutely sure that
you want to delete your save
data, as deleted data cannot be
● D o n o t rep ea t ed l y res et t h e
s y st e m or int en t ion al l y in pu t
inc orre ct c on t rol s . Do n ot
remov e an y Ga me C ard /S D
card i nse rt ed int o t h e sy st e m
w hil e s av ing . Mak e s u re no t
t o g e t dirt in t he t ermin al s.
T he se ac t io ns co ul d re su l t in
permanent data loss.
● Do n ot us e ex t ern al
ac ce ss ori es or s oft ware t o
modify your save data, as t his
ca n l e ad t o an in ab il it y t o
prog ress or l oss of s ave dat a.
A ny mod ific at io n i s
permanent, so be careful.
9 Settlements
In settlements such
as towns and
villages, you're
free to talk t o
people and explore
the area.
Talk to people in the area. Some
people may ask you to slay
monsters or fetch items for them.
Here you can save your progress,
equip your units with weapons,
armor and items, etc.
◆ You can also bring up the menu
with .
10 Battle Map
Terrain effect
Shows any terrain effects at the
cursor's location.
Blue units belong to your army, red
ones are enemies, while green ones
are unaffiliated. The gauge
underneath shows that unit's current
HP (Hit Points).
Unit status
Shows information about the
highlighted unit. Touch any entry to
read a short description.
Touch Menu
Touching this lets you access the
following actions.
View the unit's combat
Issue commands to all units in
yo ur army who haven't yet
acted, choosing from "Charge",
"Improvise", "Fall Back" and
Check the number of units who
can still act, each army's total
strength, and the turn number.
Mila's Turnwheel
As you progres s
through the game ,
you will unlock the
ability to use Mila' s
Turnwheel from the
Viewing the past
By using Mila's Turnwheel from the
overworld map menu, you can look
into a character's past and view
previous events triggered by using
the "Talk" command in battle. You
can also use amiibo (p. 17).
If an enemy touches you, a battle
will begin. (Attacking the enemy with
before making contact lets you
begin the battle with a small
If an enemy touches you from
behind, the battle will begin with the
enemy's turn.
Dung eon name
Area map
indicates an enemy, whil e
marks allies.
Party members
These are the members of your
party who will take part in the
battles inside this dungeon. You can
bring up to 10 characters. The icons
on the right will show you which
characters are fatigued.
About fatigue in dungeons
W hil e ins ide a dun g eo n, bat t l es
wil l cause unit s t o accrue fatig ue
- on ce t he fat i g ue reach es a
c ert ain l e v el , t he un it ' s ab il it ie s
wil l de cre as e. Y ou ca n re mov e
fat ig u e by l e av ing t he d ung eon ,
making offering s t o a Mila idol or
by using items.
Activating StreetPass
To activate StreetPass for this
software, you will have to register
your profile card.
♦ This will be done the first time
you select "Connect" in the world
map menu. You can also register
it by selecting "StreetPass
Deactivating StreetPass
You can deactivate StreetPass for
this software by going to the HOME
Menu ⇒ System Settings ⇒ Data
Management and deleting its
StreetPass data.
Activating SpotPass
You can turn SpotPass off and on in
the "Extras" menu on the title
screen, or by going to "Connect"
followed by "Connect Settings" on
the world map menu.
How to Purchase
1. From the world map menu, select
"Connect", followed by "Manage
2. Select "Purchase DLC", touch
"OK" on the touch screen, and
select "Purchase Content". Then
choose the DLC you wish to
purchase, and select "Proceed".
♦ Touch "Agree" to acknowledge
the conditions.
3. Select "Purchase", and the
download will begin.
Adding Funds
To purchase DLC, you must have
the required funds in your Nintendo
eShop account balance. If you do
not have the required funds, you will
be prompted to add funds. Select
"Add Funds" to proceed.
You will need a Nintendo eShop
Card, Nintendo eShop activation
code or credit card to add funds.
♦ It is possible to save the credit
card details so it is not necessary
to enter them every time you add
♦ Saved credit card details can be
removed at any time through
"Settings/Other" in Nintendo
17 Using amiibo
Summoning amiibo in
During battle, you can select
"amiibo" from among Alm or Celica's
abilities and scan an amiibo to
summon a special illusory warrior to
fight by your side. The summoned
unit will differ depending on the
amiibo you scan.
18 How to Contact Us