Manual 3DS Hyrule Warriors Legends en

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1 Important Information


2 amiibo

3 Information-Sharing Precautions

4 Internet

5 Parental Controls

Getting Started

6 About the Game

7 Beginning the Game

8 Saving the Game


9 Selecting a Scenario

10 Basic Controls

11 Battle Controls

12 The Main Screen

13 Battles

14 Keeps and Outposts

15 Weapon Elements and Skills

16 Dropped Items
Getting Stronger

17 Gaining Levels

18 Increasing Health Gauge

19 Smithy

20 Crafting Badges

21 Apothecary

Adventure Mode

22 About Adventure Mode

23 Map Screen

24 Searching

25 Network and StreetPass Links

My Fairy

26 My Fairy

27 Dining Room

28 Salon

29 School

30 Party


31 Internet Features

32 StreetPass
33 Receiving Distribution Data

Downloadable Content

34 About DLC


35 Support Information
1 Important Information

Please read this manual carefully

before using the software. If the
software will be used by children,
the manual should be read and
explained to them by an adult.

Also, before using this software,

please select in the HOME Menu
and carefully review content in
"Health and Safety Information." It
contains important information that
will help you enj oy this software.

You should also thoroughly read

your Operations Manual, including
the "Health and Safety Information"
section, before using this software.

Please note that except where

otherwise stated, "Nintendo 3DS™"
refers to all devices in the
Nintendo 3DS family, including the
New Nintendo 3DS,
New Nintendo 3DS XL,
Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL,
and Nintendo 2DS™.
Important Information
Yo ur N in te nd o 3 DS s y st e m and t his
soft ware are not de signe d fo r use wit h
any unauthorize d d evi ce or unl ice nsed
acc e ss o ry . S uch use m ay be il l e g a l ,
void s any warrant y , and i s a breach of
y o ur o bl ig a t io ns und e r t he U se r
Ag re e me nt . Fu rthe r, such use m ay
l ead to inj ury t o yo ursel f o r ot he rs and
may cause pe rfo rmance i ssue s and /o r
damag e t o y o ur Nint end o 3 DS sy st em
and re l ate d se rvice s. Nint endo (as we l l
as any Ninte ndo l ice nsee or d ist ribut or)
is no t re spo ns ibl e fo r any da mag e o r
l oss caused by the use of such de vice
o r unl ic e nse d a cce s so ry . Exc e pt as
aut ho ri z e d , co py ing o f any Ni nt e nd o
so ft w are is il l e ga l a nd is s t ric t l y
pro hi bit e d by d o me s t i c and
inte rnat ional int el l e ctual propert y l aws.
"Back-up" or "archi val " co pi es are no t
authorized .

Ni nt e nd o r e spe c t s t he i nt e l l e ct u al
pro pe rt y o f o t he rs, a nd we ask
Ni nt e nd o 3 D S so f t war e Co nt e nt
P ro vi d e rs t o d o t he s ame . In
acco rdance wit h t he Dig it al Mil l e nnium
Copyright Act in t he US, t he El ect ro nic
Co mme rce D ire ct i ve i n t h e EU, a nd
ot her appl icabl e l aw, we have ad opt ed
a po l ic y o f r e mo vi ng , i n app ro pri at e
ci rcums t anc e s a nd at o ur so l e
discret ion, any Ninte nd o 3DS soft ware
that appears to infringe any one e l se ' s
in t e l l e ct ua l pr op e rt y . I f y o u be l ie v e
y o ur i nt e l l e c t ual pro pe rt y ri g ht s a re
be i ng in fri ng e d , pl e as e vi si t
www.nint endo. com/ippol icy to view t he
full pol icy and und erst and y our rights.

© Nintendo
All rights reserved.
Trademarks are property of their
respective owners. Nintendo 3DS is
a trademark of Nintendo.

This product uses the LC Font

by Sharp Corporation. LCFONT,
LC Font and the LC logo mark are
trademarks of Sharp Corporation.

2 amiibo

This sof tware suppor t s .

Yo u can use compatible amiibo ™
accessories by touching them to the
low er scree n o f y our
N e w N in t e n d o 3 D S o r
New Nintendo 3DS XL system.

Us ing ne a r- fie l d co mmunicat io n

( N FC ) , am iib o c an c o n ne ct t o
compatible software to open brand-
ne w w a y s t o int e r a ct w it h y o ur
favorite Nintendo games. For more
information, please visit Nintendo's
o f f i ci al w e b si t e a t

◆ Data stored on amiibo can be read

by multiple compatible games.
◆ I f t h e d a t a o n a n ami ib o is
corrupted and can't be restored,
open on the HOME Menu and
then reset the data under amiibo

U s i n g a m i i b o w i t h a N i n t e nd o
3DS , Nin t en d o 3D S XL , o r
N i nt e nd o 2 D S sy st e m r e q ui r e s
t h e Ni nt en d o 3D S NF C R ead e r/
W rit er accessory.

Precaution about amiibo

● Just a light touch on the lower
screen is enough for the system
to de te ct y our amiibo . Do not
press the amiibo into the screen
or fo rcefully drag it across the
3 Information-Sharing Precautions

User-generated content, or UGC, is

content created by users, such as
messages, Mii™ characters, images,
photos, video, audio, etc.

Information-Sharing Precautions
Th e e x t e n t o f U G C e x ch an g e
depends on the software.
• Nintendo bears no responsibility
whatsoever for any problems that
result from the use of the Internet
( f o r e x a mpl e , t h e s e nd in g o f
content over the Internet, or the
send ing or receiving of conte nt
with others).
4 Internet

This software allows you to connect

t o t h e I n t e r ne t t o e n j o y
do wnl oadable co nte nt. Fo r more
details, see the Internet Feature s
◆ Refer to your Operations Manual
for information about connecting
your system to the Internet.

T hi s s o ft ware s u pp ort s N int e nd o


Nint endo Net work is t he name of

N in t e n d o ’ s n e t w o r k s e r v ic e t h a t
e n ab l e s us e r s t o e nj o y g a m e s
an d o t he r c o n t e n t v ia t he

Protecting Your Privacy

• To prote ct y our privacy , do not
give out personal information, such
as last name, phone number, birth
date, age, school, e-mail, or home
address when communicating with
• Friend codes are a part of a system
that allows you to play with people
you know. If you exchange friend
codes with strangers, there is a risk
you could share information with
p e o pl e y o u d o no t k no w o r
exchange messages that contain
offensive language. We therefore
recommend that you do not give
your friend codes to people you
don't know.
5 Parental Controls

You can restrict use of the following

features by adj usting the options in
Parental Controls.
◆ Access to this game (as well as other
games) can also be restricted through
the Software Rating item in Parental
◆ Refer to your Operations Manual for
information on how to set up Parental
• Nintendo 3DS Shopping Services
Restricts the purchase of
downloadable content.
• Online Interaction
Restricts the ability to play special
battles using the Internet.
• StreetPass™
Restricts the ability to play special
battles in Adventure Mode via
6 About the Game

Hyrul e Warriors Leg ends is a tact ical

a c t i o n g a m e s e t i n t h e u n iv e r s e o f
The Legend of Zelda™.
Control the hero Link™, Prince ss
Zelda™, and a host of other allies on
a n e pi c a d v e nt u r e t o s av e t he
kingdom of Hyrule.

Le ge nd Mo d e is the co re o f the
g a me . S e l e ct a sc e na r io a nd a
character, and then leap into action!
In orde r to pro gress through the
story, you will need to complete the
assigned missions to win battles and
strengthen your characters along the
7 Beginning the Game

T hi s g am e us e s b o th t he b ut to ns
and the touch screen.

Mo de Sel ection

Afte r pre ssing any button on the

title screen, you will be taken to the
Select Mode screen.
◆ Save data will first be created when
playing for the first time.

Resume play from the

l as t t i m e y o u
m a n u al l y s a v e d
during a battle.
Pl ay fo l l o w in g t he
Legend Mode
main story line.
Fr e e l y ch o o se
scenario s to replay
Free Mode
w it h an y av ail ab l e
F i g h t b at t l e s t o
A d ve n t u r e
expand your search
on a map of Hyrule.
N u r t u r e a f ai r y
My Fairy companion who aids
you in battle.
V ie w c o l l e c t e d
il lus tr at io n pie ces ,
acquired medals, and
A d j u s t t h e p l ay

◆ More modes will become available as

you advance through Legend Mode.
◆ Resume will be available if you have
saved data during a battle.

St ereos copic functio nal ity for this

g a m e i s o n l y a v a i l ab l e o n t he
N e w N in t e nd o 3 D S a nd N e w
Nint endo 3DS XL.
8 Saving the Game

I n ev ery g ame mode, you r prog res s

w i l l be a ut o m at i c a l l y s a v e d w h e n
you are victorious in a battle.

Saving During a Battle

P ress START during gameplay to

bring up the pause screen, and then
select Save Progress to save your
progress up to that point. To restart
from that point the next time you
play, select Resume from the Select
Mode screen.

D a t a c an be l o st d ue t o u se r
ac t io n, s u ch a s r e pe a t e d l y
powering off and on the system or
removing a Game Card or SD Card
while saving. Data loss may also
be caused by poo r connectivity
due to dirt or dust in the system's
por ts. P le ase be aw are t hat in
t he se c as e s d at a c an n o t b e
9 Selecting a Scenario

I n L e g e n d M o d e a n d F r e e Mo d e ,
c h oo se wh ic h s c en ario t o p l ay an d
which warrior to use from the Select
Scenario screen.

V icto ry in a sce nar io in Le ge nd

Mode will often unlock access to
f u r t h e r s c e n ar i o s . S c e na r io s
completed in Legend Mode become
available in Free Mode as well.

Recommended Warrio rs

A playable warrior with th e icon

display ed by his or her portrait is
considered a recommended warrior,
which means that he or she will be
at an advantage in that particular
Each scenario has a recommended
element, and recommended warriors
can wield a weapon belong ing to
that el eme nt, thus de al ing mo re
damage to enemies in that particular

H e a r t C o n t a in e r s a n d
Pieces of Heart
Heart Container--increases your
health gauge by one heart.
Piece of Heart--collect four to
create a Heart Container.
Playing as the warrior displayed next
to the relevant item icon gives you a
c h an ce t o o bt a in it d u r in g t h e
course of the battle.
Gold S kulltulas
S e le cting the warrior or w eapon
type displayed next to these icons
will cause a Gold Skulltula to appear
o n t h e ba t t l e f ie l d i f ce r t a in
conditions are fulfilled.
◆ From the pre battl e scree n or from the
pause scre en (accessibl e by pre ssing
START during gameplay), you can go to
Warrior Info to se e hints regarding the
criteria for making a Gold Skulltula appear.

Baz aar

From the Select Scenario screen in

Legend Mode and Free Mode, or
from the map screen in Adventure
Mo d e , pr e s s  a nd s e l e c t o ne
warrior to enter the Bazaar.
Each of the different shops within
t he Bazaar all o ws y o u t o spe nd
Rupees on various useful things.
At th e S mi th y yo u
can fuse weapons to
t ra nsf e r s k i l l s
bet ween them ,
r em o v e s kil l s , and
ap p r ai s e s e al e d
skills. You can also
sell weapons here.
Create badg es that
Badge Market st re ng th e n yo u r
Le ve l up y o ur
Training Dojo

Create mixtures that

will give you a variety
of benefits in battle.
10 Basic Controls

◆ B l u e i c o n s d e n o t e c on t r ol s f or w h e n
pl ay i ng w i t h t he ( o r ig i n al ) N i nt e nd o
3DS o r Nintendo 3DS XL, and text
within parentheses denotes controls
f o r w h e n p l a y i n g w it h t h e N e w
Nintendo 3DS or New Nintendo 3DS
◆ Y o u c an a c c e s s an d c u s t o m iz e
controller setting s by g oing to the
Setting s menu and then sel ecting
Controller Settings.
◆ This manual refers to the Warriors
Style controller settings.

Mo ving

Use the Circle Pad to move in any

direction. Hold to break into a sprint
and cover ground more quickly.

Dod ging
Press  to perform a forward roll
and dodge enemy attacks. Keep the
button held down to bre ak into a
sprint immediately after the roll.
◆ You can dodge while moving.


Press  to guard ag ainst attacks

from the front. You can still move
while guarding.
◆ Guarding also adj usts the camera to
face ahead.
◆ There are certain particularly powerful
attacks wh ic h can not be g uarded

Adj usting the Camera

Press ( ) to adjust the camera.

Target Lock-On

W he n t he r e i s a
powerful enemy in
y o u r vi ci nit y ,
pre ssing  ( or
) locks on to that
e ne my and k e eps
the camera fixed on
them. A marker will
be shown above an
enemy's head when
it is being targeted.
P re ssing  ( or
) again release s
the target lock.

When the re are several po werf ul

enemies close by, you can first lock
on to one of them and then use 
( ) to switch amongst them.

U sing It ems

S e l e c t an it e m b y
tapping the item ico n
o n the l ow er rig ht o f
the touch screen, and
then press  to use it .
◆ When playing on the New Nintendo
3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL, you
can also select an item by using .

Using Rent al Skills

Once you have Rental Skills, first

choose a skill using the item icon,
and then press  to use it. You can
no rmal ly o nl y use a Re ntal S k il l
once per battle.
◆ Y o u ' l l u n l o c k R e n t al S k i l l s b y
nurturing your fairy in My Fairy mode.
Yo u c an g ai n n e w f ai ri es d u ri ng
battles in Adventure Mode.
11 Battle Controls

◆ Yo u can acce ss co nt rol l e r se tt ings by

go i ng t o t he Se t ting s me nu and the n
selecting Controller Settings.
◆ This manual refers to the Warriors
Style controller settings.

Basic Attacks
Employ normal  and strong attacks
 to perform basic attack combos.

Normal attack. Several

 of these can be strung
together quickly.
S tr o ng at t ac k . E ach
 warrior has a different
T h i s at t ac k l i f t s
, enemies up into the air.
This attack pursues one
,, o r m o r e e n e m i e s in
close quarters.
This attack damages a
,,, group of enemies over
a wide area.

◆ The exact nature of each technique

will vary depending on the warrior and
weapon being used.
◆ It is possible to increase the number
of techniques available by crafting

Attack ing wit h Items

Tap the item in the lower right of the

l o w e r scr e e n (t o uch scre e n) to
select an item, and then press  to
attack with it.
◆ Item can be selected using  on New
Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS
Bo ost Your I tem Attacks!
Defeating an enemy or breaking a
j ar will occasionally reveal an item
power-up! Collect the power-up for
a s i g n i f i c a n t i n c r e as e i n t h e
strength of your item attacks--but
be aware that the power-up only
lasts for a short while.

Special Attack s

When your Special Attack gauge is

f u l l , p r e ss  t o un l e a s h a
devastating Special Attack!
◆ Fill up your Special Attack gauge by
defeating e nemie s an d co ll ecting
Force Fragments.

Weak Point Smash

Some enemies are vulnerable right

after they perform certain attacks.
When this happen s,
a Weak Point gaug e
w il l b e d is pl ay e d
above the enemy' s
h e a d . H it t i ng t h e
e ne my at this tim e
w i l l d e pl e t e t he i r
Weak Po int gaug e ,
a n d r e d u ci ng it
c o m pl e t e l y w il l
r e s ul t in a su pe r -
powerful attack!
Focus Spirit
Press ( ) when your Magic gauge
is full to use the Focus Spirit ability.
While Focus Spirit is active, your
a t t a ck p o w e r a nd sp e e d w il l
i nc r e a s e , a n d y o u w il l be l e ss
s u sc e p t ib l e t o k no c k - b ac k .
Add itio nally , de fe ating a ce rtain
number of enemies will yield various
special bonuses.
◆ Pick up Magic Jars to fill your Magic

Fo cus Spirit Att ack

Press  while under the effects of
Focus Spirit to completely consume
y our Magic gauge and unleash a
F o cus S pir it Att ack ag ainst t he
enemies in front of you. Powerful
enemies that are hit with this attack
will be knocked down and become
open to a Weak Point counterattack.

Fairy Magic
When you bring a fairy into battle
and the Fo cus S pir it g aug e has
reached a certain level, tap the Fairy
Magic button on the lower screen
( t o uc h sc r e e n ) t o d e a l h e a v y
damage to enemies all around you.
As your fairy develops, her magic
may ge ne rate ad d itio nal e ffe cts
within the Magic Barrier, depending
on her element.

Dec rea ses the

defense of enemies
Bombos w ho e n ter t he
Magic Barrier.
I n c r e as e s t h e
de f e n s e o f al l ie s
Ether w ho e n ter t he
Magic Barrier.
Dec rea ses the
spee d of enem ie s
Quake w ho e n ter t he
Magic Barrier.
C o n t in u o u s l y
reple nis hes HP o f
Shine allies who enter the
Magic Barrier.
C o n t in u o u s l y
d e cre a se s HP o f
Shade enemies who enter
the Magic Barrier.

◆ Effects will continue for a limited time.

◆ As your companio n fairy develo ps,
additional effects will be g enerated
based on her corresponding element,
and her attack range and damag e
amount will increase.
12 The Main Screen

T op Screen

❶ ❷ ❸

❶ Warrior Info

Your warrior's
health gauge.
❶ Health If this becomes
gauge completely
depleted, the
character loses.
When this is full,
press  to
perform a Special
❷ Special Attack.
Attack The gauge fills
gauge up as you defeat
enemies and
collect certain
When this is full,
press  to enter
the Focus Spirit
❸ Magic
The gauge fills
up as you collect
certain items.
❷ Ke ep Me ter
This is only displayed when you are
inside a keep.
In an enemy keep, the meter will be
displayed in red and will gradually
be depleted as you defeat more
enemies within that keep. Once the
meter is fully depleted, a Keep Boss
will appear. Defeat the Keep Boss to
capture the keep and claim it for
your side.

❸ Zo omed Mini Map

This map shows your current

character's immediate surroundings.
It shows all the same things as the
full map of the battlefield.

Bo ttom S creen
(Touch Scree n)

❷ ❹

❽ ❼

❶ Missio n Info

The selected active mission or the

newest mission is shown here.
Tap the bar to see a list of all active
missions . icons signify the
number of mission obj ectives (such
as characters and keeps) remaining.

❷ Enemies Defeat ed
This is the total number of enemies
you have defeated.
❸ Playable Characters
Tap a warrior's face to take control
of that warrior.
◆ If a character's face icon is dark,
it means that character cannot be
controlled at the moment.

❹ Rupees

This is the total number of Rupees

you have acquired during battle.
You can use your Rupees at the

Leve l and

Ex perience Gauge
This is the current level and
experience of the warrior you are
When your experience gauge fills
up, you will level up, and your
health and Special Attack gauges
will also be fully replenished.
❻ Mini Map

: Playable Characters
: Allies : Enemies : Other
: Outposts
: Mission
: Keep Bosses
: Giant Beasts
: Bases
: Commanders

◆ Allies are displayed in blue,

enemies in red, and rogue forces
in yellow.
You can tap the map to go to the
command screen and indicate the
destinations of your playable
characters. Command where they
should go, and they will start to
move toward that point and attack.

❼ Ite m Icons
Tap the screen to select an item.
Once you have Rental Skills, you
can select those as well. Use
selected items or Rental Skills by
pressing .
When playing on the New Nintendo
3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL,
you can also select an item or a
Rental Skill by using .
❽ Fairy Magic
This is only displayed when you
take a fairy into battle. Tap the icon
when the Magic gauge reaches a
certain point to use her power to
inflict damage on surrounding
◆ As your fairy companion
develops, she will gain additional
effects corresponding to her
element and her attack range and
damage will increase.
13 Battles

Completing Missions

Once a battle starts, yo u w ill be

tasked with various missions.
Complete each mission in turn to
mo ve cl o se r to claiming o ve r al l
victory in the battle!
◆ Tap the mission information shown at
the top of the bottom screen (touch
screen) to check your current mission

T a k i n g Ou t p o s t s a n d
Keep s

Enemy troops spawn from enemy

k e eps and o utposts. Pro activel y
capturing these keeps and outposts
will give you and your allies a great
advantage in battle.

Aiding Your Allies

If one of your allies is in trouble, try

t o he l p the m o ut . S ucc e ssf ul l y
a ppr o ach t he m b e f o re t he y ar e
defeated, and their he alth will be
fully restored.
You should also bear in mind that if
an allied commande r is forced to
flee the field of battle or if the Allied
Base is lost to the enemy, you will
lose the battle as a result.
S w it c hin g P l ay a bl e
Warrio rs

Once yo u have multiple play able

warriors, switching be tween the m
will make completing missions and
aiding allies easier. You can order
play able warrio rs that yo u're not
d ir e ct l y c o nt r o l l in g t o he ad t o
destinations or target enemy forces.
◆ Tap a character icon on the bottom
screen (touch screen) to switch to
that playable warrior.
◆ Tap a point on the map on the bottom
screen (touch screen) to give orders
to your playable warriors.

W a rp i n g w i t h t h e

After a certain point in the game,

y o u'l l g et an o carina. Using the
ocarina will let your character warp
to any activated owl statue on the
◆ Owl statues must be activated.
Approach a statue and press 
to activate it.

De fe at ing Giant

Giant enemies have lots of health

and high attack power, making them
difficult to defeat. However, some
g iant ene mies are susce ptible to
attacks from a particular item.
W he n facing one of t he se giant
enemies, have a look through your
inventory of items to see if you have
something that might do the trick.
Smash Bo ost Po wer
W h e n y o u g a t he r p l ay a bl e
characters near a giant boss, Smash
Boost Power will be activated! This
will give the gathered characters
spe cial, advantage ous effects in
T he mo r e ch ar ac te rs th at hav e
gathered, the stronger the effects
will be. Join forces with your allies
and battle together!
14 Keeps and Outposts

Outpo sts

Out po st s
continuously spawn
reinforcements onto
t he ba t t l e f ie l d .
De fe at the e ne my
outpost captain to
take control of that
particular outpost
f o r y o u r s id e .
C o nv e r se l y , if an
al l ie d o ut p o s t
captain is defeated,
then yo u will lose
that outpost to the

Keep s

Enemy keeps will also spawn enemy

reinforcements and will block the
advance of your forces.

In order to capture an enemy keep,

you will first need to defeat enough
enemies within that keep to reduce
its Keep me te r to zero. Once the
Keep meter is empty, a Keep Boss
will appear. Defeat the Keep Boss to
capture the keep for your side!
Protect Your Base!
Most battlefields contain bases.
Watch out, because if Allied Bases
are taken by the enemy, you could
lose the battle. Base locations are
m a r k e d o n t h e m ap w i t h
(Allies) and (Enemies).
15 Weapon Elements and Skills

Weapon El ements

E v e r y w e ap o n b e l o ng s t o a n
element, and some of its attacks will
be boosted by an elemental effect.

An enemy sent flying will

explode when it hits the
Fire ground, causing damage
t o o t h e r n e ar b y
A n e n e m y t h at is
attacked will continue to
Water take damage over a set
period of time.
Atta cks infl ict extr a
damage on enemies who
Lightning are in midair.
Attacks inflict more and
m o re da m a g e a s y o u
Light un le a sh co ntinuo u s
at tacks on a g ro up of
Attacks inflict more and
m o re da m a g e a s y o u
un le a sh co ntinuo u s
Darkness attacks against a single

Re c o m m e nd e d E l e me n t s
for Different Scenarios
Selecting a warrior bearing a weapon
of the recommended element for a
particular scenario will allow you to
inflict more damage on the enemies
in that scenario.
Warriors marked with the icon on
the Select Scenario screen can use
w e a po ns imb u e d w it h t he
r e c o mme nd e d e le me nt a nd ar e
considered recommended warriors.
Weapon Skills

S o me w e apo ns are imbue d w ith

S k i l l s c o me in man y d if f e r e nt
v a r ie t ie s , g r an t in g a r a ng e o f
benefits on the battlefield, such as
making certain attacks stronger.
◆ To check the skills of your currently
e q ui pp e d w e ap o n , pr e s s S T A RT
during battle to bring up the pause
screen and then select Warrior Info
followed by Weapon Skills.

Changing Skills

A t t he S mi t hy in t he Ba z aa r ,
weapons can be fused, transferring
a skill from one weapon to another
(as long as the weapons are of the
same type).

Sealed S kil l
Some weapons have sealed skills
that are not immediately effective.
A s e al e d s k i l l w i l l b e c o m e
unlocked when a certain number of
enemies are defeated. A weapon's
seal ed skill can be checked by
having it appraised at the Smithy.
16 Dropped Items

W h e n y o u d e f e a t e ne mie s a n d
s mash j ars, yo u c an p ic k u p u s efu l

Th is r e s to re s y o u r
health. Big ger ones
h av e mo re he al in g
Fo r ce F i l l s y o u r S p e c i al
Fragment Attack gauge.
F i l l s y o u r M ag i c
Magic Jar
Nets you Rupees.
Rupee Exact value depends
on color.
Y o u w il l g ai n o n e
D r o pp e d
n e w w e ap o n af t e r
Weapons winning the battle.

Y o u w il l g ai n o n e
Materials kind of material after
winning the battle.
Y o u w il l g ai n o n e
Food k ind o f F o o d af te r
winning the battle.
Co ll ec t f airies after
My Fairy
winning the battle.

◆ You can spend Rupees at each of the

shops in the Bazaar.
◆ You can use materials in the Bazaar's
Badge Market or Apothecary.
◆ You can use Food in the Dining Room
menu of My Fairy mode.

Seek Out Treasure Chests!

Treasure chests contain precious
obj ects, such as new weapons or
items, or large numbers of Rupees.
Make sure to o pen any that yo u
Some chests only appear after you
fulfill a specific condition, such as
capturing a keep.
17 Gaining Levels

L e v e l i ng U p t hr o ug h

Defeating enemies will slowly fill up

your experience gauge. When the
gauge is full, the warrior will level
up, which means increased attack
strength and maximum health.
Additionally, leveling up midbattle
will fully restore the warrior's health
and Special Attack gauges.

Le veling Up in t he
Training Doj o

Choose a warrior you would like to

level up, and then enter the Bazaar.
At the Training Doj o, you can spend
Rupees to make the warrior level up.
B ut r e me mbe r , t h e h ig he r t he
warrior's level, the more expensive it
will be to increase!
18 Increasing Health Gauge

A w a r r io r ' s ma x imu m he a l t h
i n c re a s e s a t c e r t a i n l e v e l s . I t c a n
a l s o b e inc r e as e d f u r t he r b y
co ll ect ing He art C o nt ainer s and
Pieces of Heart.

H e art C o nt aine rs and

Pie ces of Heart

The warrio rs that can acquire the

Heart Containers or Pieces of Heart
i n a g i ve n sc e n a r io ar e
predetermined. You can see which
warriors can acquire the m on the
Select Scenario screen, or the world
map screen in Adventure Mode.
Heart Container
With each of these, your warrior's
maximum health will increase by one
Piece of Heart
Gather four of these, and they will
form a Heart Container!
19 Smithy

Some weapons you find might come

with skills that give them special
effects useful for battle. By fusing
w eapo ns at the Smithy , y ou can
transfer skills from one weapon to
another. You can also remove skills,
a p pr a is e s e al e d sk il l s, o r s e l l


Choose the warrior whose weapon

you want to fuse, and then enter the
Bazaar. Select Fuse Weapons in the
Smithy to spend Rupees on fusing

Fusing Proced ure

1. Select weapon to enhance

C ho o s e a w e a po n y o u w an t t o
improve with a skill. You can only
choose weapons with one or more
empty skill boxes.
2. Select base weapon
C ho o s e a w e a po n t o us e as
ma t e r ia l . Y o u c an o nl y ch o o s e
weapons with skills attached.
3. Fuse
Fuse the two weapons. The material
w eapo n will be co nsume d in the
Removing a Skill

Se lect the character who has the

w e a po n sk il l t hat y o u' d l ik e t o
delete, and enter the Bazaar. Select
Remove Skills in the Smithy and use
Rupees to remove the skill.

Remo val Ste ps

1. Select weapon
S e l e c t w e ap o n t o h a ve s k i l l
removed. You can only choose a
weapon with a skill that has been
2. Select skill to be removed
Select skill you want removed.
3. Remove
Remove skill. An empty slot will be

A p p r a i s i ng a S e a l e d
Skil l

Se lect a character with a we apon

with a se ale d skil l and e nter the
Bazaar. Select Appraise Skills in the
Smithy and use Rupees to check the
sealed skill.

Appraisal Steps
1. Select weapon
Se lect weapon for appraisal. You
can only choose a weapon with a
sealed skill.
2. Select skill to be appraised
Select sealed skill to be appraised
among the weapon's sealed skills.
3. Appraise
Check the attributes of the sealed
skill. When appraisal is finished, the
skill will be sealed again.
Sel ling We apons

S e l e c t t he c ha r a ct e r w it h t h e
weapon you'd like to sell, and enter
the Bazaar. Select Sell Weapons in
the Smithy to sell a weapon and get
Rupees back.

S elling S teps
1. Select weapon
Select the weapon you want to sell.
2. Sell
S ell the weapon for Rupees. The
weapon's rank and attached skills
will determine its Rupee value.
20 Crafting Badges

Warriors who craft badges will be

rewarded with various effects that
improve their battle capabilities.

Creating Badg es

S e l e c t t he w a r rio r y o u w an t t o
create a badge for, and then enter
the Bazaar. Select Badge Market to
craft badg es using mate rials and

Gather Materials!
To gather the materials necessary
f o r c r af t in g b ad g e s , d e f e a t
enemies and pick up the materials
they leave behind. Win the battle in
w hic h yo u co l lec ted them, and
they will be yours!
T h e m a t e r i al y o u g e t v ar i e s
depending o n which enemy yo u
defeated to get it. What's more,
the same enemy may sometimes
d r o p a r ar e r , m o r e v al u ab l e
21 Apothecary

Create mixtures in the Apothecary to

re ceive special be neficial effects
during the next battle. The effects of
a single mixture will last until the
end of the battle.

Cre ating Mixtures

First, select a warrior and enter the

Bazaar. Next, select the Apothecary
to transform materials and Rupees
into beneficial mixtures.

Pot ion Bott les

In addition to the mixtures you can
create you can also gain access to
po tions, which will allow you to
regain health at any point during a
To use potions you must first craft
the Empty Bo ttle I badge in the
Ba d g e M a r k e t . A d d i t io n al l y ,
crafting the Empty Bottle II and
Empty Bottle III badges increases
the number o f times yo u can use
potions in one battle.
Your potions will be automaticall y
refilled after every battle, so
there's no need to pay f o r
22 About Adventure Mode

Go al o f Ad ve nt ure
Mo de

Your aim in Adventure Mode is to

defeat the Dark Ruler.
With each battle you win, you will
unlock new maps to explore. If you
use Ite m Card s to se ar ch a map
square, you might discover a new
r o ut e , a po w e r f ul w e a p o n , o r
something else entirely.
Travel from map to map, battling and
searching as you go, and fulfill your

Available Warriors

You can choose to play as any of

the warriors you have unlocked in
Legend Mode and Adventure Mode.
However, some maps restrict which
warriors or weapons are available to
Using Legend Mode and Free Mode
to train many different warriors is the
key to success in Adventure Mode!
Types of Battles

The battles in Adventure Mode are

divided into two types:
Challenge Battles
These are small battles, fought with
j ust one warrior. Fight to complete
the mission objective!
Adventure Battles
T he s e a r e l a rg e - s ca l e ba t t l e s ,
f o ug ht w it h mul t ipl e w ar r i o r s .
C ap t ur e k e e ps a nd p us h t h e
b a t t l e f r o n t f o r w ar d un t il y o ur
enemies are thoroughly defeated.
23 Map Screen

World Map

❶ ❷ ❸

❹ ❺ ❻

❶ "A" Rank Victory

These are spoils awarded for

attaining "A" Rank victory on the
current map.

❷ Battle Victory

These are spoils awarded for

attaining victory on the current map.

❸ Treasure
This is information about Heart
Containers, Pieces of Heart, Gold
Skulltulas, fairies, Food, and fairy
clothing that appear on the current
If a warrior's face is displayed
beside the treasure icon, it means
that particular treasure will only
appear when playing as that warrior.

❹ Ite m Card s
These are used to search.
They can be acquired as spoils for
winning battles.
❺ World Map

You can only travel to the light-

colored maps.
To expand the area available for
exploration, you must win battles on
each map and attain the requisite

❻ Spoils Ico ns
The victory spoils for each map are
displayed on the world map.
Use  to cycle through types of

Battle De tails S creen

(Touch Scree n)

❶ ❷

❶ Sugge sted Element
Equip weapons imbued with the
recommended element to deal
increased damage to enemies during

❷ Re strictio ns
If a map restricts which warriors or
weapons can be used during the
battle, the details of those
restrictions will be displayed here.
❸ Battle Info
Information about the missions you
will need to complete.
24 Searching

By using Item Cards on a map, you

can search it for hidden secrets.
Press  while on the world map to
open the search screen. Choose the
Item Card you want to use and the
square you want to use it on--if the
combination proves correct, yo ur
search will be a success!
You might uncover a new route or a
powerful weapon.
You will be able to get your hands
on your new discovery if you attain
the requisite rank through battle on
the map.
25 Network and StreetPass Links

Netwo rk Links

I f y o u e n ab l e t he N e t w o r k
C o n ne ct io n o p t io n i n N e t w o r k
Settings and are connected to the
I nt e r ne t , N e t w o r k L in k s ( L ink
c h ar a c t e r s be l o ng in g t o o t h e r
players) may appear on the world
N e t w o r k Link s ne e d y o ur h e l p.
Assist them by winning battles on
t he ir maps . Bat tl e w ill be mo r e
difficult than usual, but you will be
well rewarded for victory.
◆ Battles on maps containing Network
Links belong ing to players on your
f r i e n d l i s t c o n f e r e v e n g r e at e r
◆ If a friend helps your own Link, you
will be eligible for a special bonus.
◆ When you connect to the netwo rk,
other players who are logged in will
be able to view your information.
Stre etPass Links

If you enable the StreetPass option

in Settings, StreetPass Links (Links
be lo ng ing to othe r play ers) may
appear on the world map.
StreetPass Links ne ed your help.
Assist them by winning battles on
their maps and gain rewards!
◆ B at t l e s o n m ap s c o n t ai n i n g
StreetPass Links belonging to players
on your friend list confer even greater
26 My Fairy

T he My F a iry f eat ure al l ows y ou t o

keep a fairy companio n t o aid you in
battle . If you tak e your fairy into
battle, you can use Fairy Magic and
Rental Skills.

Gaining Fairies

You can gain fairy companions by

winning battles in Adventure Mode.
Switch the visible spoils icons on
the wo rld map, and se lect a map
where fairies are hiding. Smash a jar
in an enemy keep somewhere on the
battlefield, and a companion fairy
will appear.

Nurturing Yo ur Fairy

Select My Fairy on the Select Mode

s c r e e n t o ma na g e y o u r f ai r y ' s

D in i n g Feed your fairies to help

Room them develop.
C l o th e y o ur fairies in
fairy-sized fashions.
Equip any Rental Skills
you have acquired.
Exchang e Rental S kills
with nearby players.
27 Dining Room

I n t h e Din in g R oo m me nu , y ou c an
fe e d y ou r fai ry c o mpani on Fo od t o
increase her level, Trust, and various
personality stats.

Acquiring Food

Y o u ca n e a r n F o o d by w in nin g
battles in Adventure Mode. Cycle
through the visible spoils icons on
the world map to find a map square
where Food is hidden. There will be
a j ar in an enemy keep somewhere
o n the battle field that will reve al
F o o d o n ce br o k e n . Fo o d al so
occasionally drops from de feated
monsters in Legend Mode and Free

P e r s o n al i t i e s a nd Re n t a l
S kills
A f air y ' s f iv e p e r s o na l it y st a t s
change depending on what kinds of
F o o d y o u f e e d h e r . On c e h e r
p e r so nal i ty st at s re ac h ce rt a in
levels, she will learn Rental Skills.
Eleme nts and Leve ls
Fairy companions come in several
elemental types: Fire, Water,
Lightning , Light, and
Darkness. As your fairy's level
r i se s , sh e may g ain mu l t ip l e

T ak in g a f a ir y o f a s t a g e ' s
recommended element into battle
will enhance her Fairy Magic. The
highe r a fairy's level is, the mo re
powerful her magic will be. Should a
fairy go above a certain level, she
w il l g ai n a d d it io na l a b il it i e s
corresponding to her Fairy Magic

T rust

T he r e d he a r t ind ica t e s th e
fairy's Trust, which increases as you
f ee d he r. Trust has an e ffe ct on
certain Rental Sk ills, and once a
fairy trusts you eno ugh, she may
present you with a gift!

Refre sh
The number next to the yellow star
indicates the number of times a
fairy has be en refre shed. Once a
fairy reaches the maximum level of
99, you can refresh her to develop
her again from level 1. Fairies that
h av e be e n re f r e sh e d k e e p an y
Rental Skills they have learned an d
10% of their prior personality stats.
28 Salon

C h a ng e y o u r fair y ' s c l ot he s in t he

Types and Effects

Fairy clothing comes in five types:

Tops, Bottoms , Decorations,
Headgear, and Accessories. In
addition to changing y our fairies'
appe ar ance s, f airy c lo thing can
strengthen Fairy Magic or reduce its

Acquiring Fairy Clothing

Yo u acquir e fair y cl o thing aft e r
winning battles in Adventure Mode.
Press  on the world map to switch
the display to show fairy clothing,
and then select a map where it can
be found. Capture an enemy keep
somewhere on the battlefield, and a
treasure chest will appear containing
the clothing.
29 School

H e re y o u c a n m a n a g e a n y R e n t a l
S k i l l s y o u r f a i ry c o mp a n i o n h a s

Learning Rental Skills

Whe n y ou fe e d y our f airy in the
Dining Room menu and she levels
up, she will learn Rental Skills based
on he r personality stats. You can
trade these Rental Skills with nearby
players from the Party menu.

Assigning Re ntal Sk ills

R e a d t he d e s cr ip t io ns o f t he
available Rental Skills and press 
to select one.
◆ You can only assign one Rental Skill
to a fairy . However, you can also
assig n three more Rental Skills yo u
borrow from other players in the Party
30 Party

Exchang ing Re ntal Sk ills

(Lo cal Play)
Exchange Rental Skills with nearby
players here. Up to four players can

●You will need:

One system in the N inte nd o 3 DS
family per player (Up to 4)
Each player must own the software
(Up to 4)
●Connection Procedures
1. Select Party from the My Fairy
2.You can either invite other players
into your own party, or search for
invitations from other players.
3.Once the members are set, you
can choose which Rental Skills to
lend to your teammates.
◆ Rental Skills bo rrowed fro m other
players can be use d fo r up t o 24
hours. You can equip them as many
times as you l ike within that tim e
31 Internet Features

Special Bat tles via

t he I nternet

If you are connected to the Internet,

N e t w o rk Link s (Link cha rac te r s
be longing to o ther playe rs) may
a p pe ar o n t he w o r l d ma p in
Adventure Mode.
Those N et wo rk L ink s nee d y our
help. Assist them by winning battles
on their maps. Battle will be more
difficult than usual, but you will be
well rewarded for victory.
◆ Battles on maps containing Network
Links belonging to your friends give
even greater rewards.
◆ If a friend helps your Network Link,
yo u w il l b e el ig ib le f or a spe c ial

C onnecting to t he Internet

In the Network Settings menu, set

Network Connection to On.
◆ Set it to Off when you want to disable
◆ By connecting to the network, other
players who are also logged on will
see your information.
32 StreetPass

S pe c ia l Ba t t l e s v ia

W he n t w o p l a y e r s w ho ha v e
activated StreetPass are near each
o t h e r , S t re e t P as s L i nk s ( L in k
ch a r ac t e r s b e l o n g in g t o o t he r
players) may appear on the world
Those StreetPass Links need your
help. Assist them by winning battles
on their maps. Battle will be more
difficult than usual, but you will be
well rewarded for victory.
◆ Battles on maps containing StreePass
Links belonging to your friends give
even greater rewards.

Activat ing StreetPass

In the Network Settings menu, set

StreetPass to On.
◆ Set it to Off when you want to disable
33 Receiving Distribution Data

Yo u c a n r e ce i v e i t e ms t o u s e i n
game through data distribution.

Re ce iv in g Pr es en t s
(S potPass™)

Even when you're not playing, the

system can automatically search for
and connect to a wireless access
p o int w h il e in S l e e p Mo d e an d
receive data for this software. Data
ma y in cl u d e a d v e r t is ing a nd
◆ Data received through Spo tPass is
saved on the SD Card. As a result, it
is recommended that you keep an SD
Card inserted in your system at all

Act ivating SpotPass

In the Network Settings menu, set

SpotPass to On.
◆ Set it to Off when you want to disable

C hecking for
SpotPass Dat a

When you check for SpotPass Data,

you will see if there is any data you
have not yet received. Go to Check
f o r S p o t P a ss D a t a in N e t w o r k
Settings to connect. If there is any
data available, you will be able to
download it immediately.
34 About DLC

This game allows you to purchase

downloadable content (DLC) via the
How to Purchase
● Procedure
1. On t he t it l e s cr e e n, s e l e c t
Purchase DLC.
2. Select the DLC you would like,
then select Purchase.
◆ C onfirm t he no te s abo ut the
content shown on the screen,
and then select Next.
3. Select Purchase.
◆ Read any additional information
that is available.
4. Select Purchase again.
• The download begins.
5. On t he t it l e s cr e e n, s e l e c t
Continue and start the game.
6. Pick up the DLC in-game.
◆ You must collect any DLC in the
game within 30 days; otherwise,
it will be deleted. If this occurs,
follow the above procedure to
re-download the DLC.
About Purchasing DLC
● Yo u can check yo ur purchase d
D L C in t h e A cc o u n t Ac t iv it y
section of Nintendo eShop.
● Purchased DLC is nonrefundable
and may no t be e xchange d for
other products or services.
● Once purchased, DLC can be re-
do wnlo ade d for free ex ce pt as
described below.
◆ Y o u ca nn o t r e d o w n l o ad
software if you select the Delete
Account option or if you erase
your Nintendo Network ID.
◆ Y o u ca nn o t r e d o w n l o ad
software if it is an item that has
been temporarily or permanently
● Purchased DLC will be saved to
the SD Card.
● Purchased DLC is only compatible
with the Nintendo 3DS sy ste m
used to purchase it. If you insert
the SD Card into another system,
items you have purchased will not
be available on that system.
Adding Funds to Your Account
You must have sufficient funds in
yo ur Ninte nd o eS ho p acco unt to
cover the purchase price of the DLC.
If you do not have enough funds in
yo ur acco unt , se le ct Ad d Fund s
when prompted to add funds to your
A Ninte nd o eS hop Card or cre dit
card is needed to add funds to your
◆ Yo u can sto re your credit-card
information, which lets you add
funds to your account by simply
e nt e r in g t h e p as s w o r d y o u
established when you first entered
the credit-card information.
◆ Yo u can del ete the credit-card
in f o r m at io n at a ny t im e b y
acce ssing Se tt in g s / Ot he r in
Nintendo eShop.
35 Support Information

Nintendo C ust omer Service



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(001) 425-558-7078

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