Evaluating The Efficacy of Kali Bromatum in Treating Adolescent Acne: A Clinical Study

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG468

Evaluating the efficacy of Kali bromatum in treating

Adolescent Acne: A Clinical study
Dr Silvia Sunderraj
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Hom. Materia Medica
MNR Homoeopathic Medical College and hospital, Sangareddy
Telangana, India

Abstract:- Acne is a skin condition where the hair follicles B. Clinical Features:
get blocked due to sebum and dead skin cells. 1
 First acne starts as a comedo. Comedons are small
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of Kali papules with small black plugs of keratin commonly
bromatum in treating acne among adolescents aged 13-20 called blackheads.
years.  These comedons develop into inflammatory papules or
pustules and sometimes nodules or cysts.
 Methodology:  Location of acne: Most commonly seen on the face, with
A total of 30 patients participated in the study. other areas being the back, shoulder, and upper chest.
Different potencies were administered based on the  The acne may leave behind scars or hyperpigmentation.2
severity and duration of the disease. 30 potency in 11
patients, 200 in 17 patients, and 1M in 2 patients. C. Grading of Acne:4
Assessment of acne was done using the Global Acne
Grading System.  Grade 1: Comedons, divided into two types, open and
closed. In open comedones, the pilosebaceous orifice gets
 Results: blocked with sebum and forms papules with a small black
19 patients showed good improvement and 11 plug of keratin. Closed comedons form a smooth dome-
patients showed moderate improvement. The study was shaped papule.
significant with p value 5.354×10-21 which is less than  Grade 2: Inflammatory lesions present as a small papule
0.05. with erythema.
 Grade 3: Pustules
 Conclusion:
 Grade 4: Many pustules coalesce to form nodules and
Kali bromatum has proven potential in treating
adolescent acne.
D. Different forms of Acne Vulgaris:4
Keywords:- Homeopathy, Kali bromatum, Acne, Adolescent.
 Acne conglobate: It is a severe form of nodulocystic acne
in young males. It is seen on the face, shoulders, back,
chest, upper arms, buttocks and thighs.
Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammation of the
pilosebaceous units. It is a common disorder that is prevalent  Acne fulminans: It is a rare acute skin disorder. It
during adolescence. It is seen in both males and females, but presents as a painful, ulcerating, and hemorrhagic form of
more severe in males. It persists until the early 20s.2 acne.
Adolescent acne is common in males whereas post-  Acne excoriee: It is seen in young women with
adolescent acne is predominant in females. The prevalence of underlying psychiatric disorders. It presents as mild acne
acne in adolescents ranges from 35% to 90%.3 with comedones, which are picked and excoriated leading
to scarring.
A. Etiology:  Infantile acne: It is seen in the age group of 3 to 6
The hypersensitivity of the sebaceous gland to months due to increased androgen production by the
androgens and the presence of Cutibacterium acnes bacteria immature adrenal gland. Androgen levels revert to normal
adds further inflammation.4 by the age of 1 to 2 years, with improvement in acne.

The triggering factors for acne are excess oil

production, bacteria, hormonal imbalance, and genetics.5

IJISRT24AUG468 www.ijisrt.com 536

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG468

E. Treatment of Acne:6 In Homeopathy there are a good number of remedies for

the treatment of acne, one such remedy is Kali bromatum
 There are Two Types of Acne Treatments:
F. Kali bromatum:7
 Topical applications: Topical medications like Benzoyl Common name: Bromide of potassium
peroxide, Salicylic acid, and Retinoids are used.
 Oral treatment: It includes antibiotics, Isotretinoin, Action on skin: It produces acne, especially at puberty
contraceptives, hormone therapy, and steroids. and menses. Acne is seen on the face and chest with scars.
Large bumps and boils which become indolent.
But these treatments have side effects like causing mild
irritation on the skin, using contraceptives and hormone G. Assessment of Acne:8
therapy can cause disturbance in menstruation. Assessment of acne is done using the Global Acne
Grading System

Table 1 Global Acne Grading System

Location Factor Type of lesion Grade
Forehead 2 No lesion 0
Right cheek 2 Comedo 1
Left cheek 2 Papule 2
Nose 1 Pustules 3
Chin 1 Nodules 4
Chest and upper back 3

 Local score= factor × Grade

 Global score= Sum of local score

Table 2 Grading of Acne Severity

Grading Score
Mild 1-18
Moderate 19-30
Severe 31-38
Very severe More than 39

 Aim:  Sample design: Purposive sampling

 To evaluate the effectiveness of Kali bromatum in the  Inclusion Criteria:

treatment of Acne
 Subjects of age group 13-20 years of both gender
 Objectives:  Patients willing to take part in the study.

 To evaluate the effectiveness of Homeopathy in the  Exclusion Criteria:

treatment of Acne.
 To evaluate the effective potency in the treatment of acne.  Patients diagnosed with other skin disorders.
 Null Hypothesis: Kali bromatum is not effective in the
treatment of Acne  Method of Collection of Data:
 Alternate Hypothesis: Kali bromatum is effective in the Patients are selected based on the inclusion criteria. All
treatment of Acne the patients were given kali bromatum in different potencies
like 30, 200, and 1M depending on the severity and duration
II. METHODOLOGY of the disease. Follow-up was done once in 15 days or 1
month for 6 months.
 Study setting: Patients were taken from OPD and Camps
of MNR Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Assessment of Acne was done by using the Global
Sangareddy. Acne Grading System.

 Sample size: 30 patients

 Study period: 6 months

 Study design: Experimental study

IJISRT24AUG468 www.ijisrt.com 537

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG468


 The following Observations were made

Table 3 Distribution as per Potency

Potency No. of Cases
No of cases Percentage
30 11 36.6%
200 17 56.6%
1M 2 6.6%

30 potency was given to 11 patients, 200 potency was given to 17 patients, and 1M was given to 2 patients. 200 potency was
used more frequently.

Table 4 Distribution as per Gender

Gender No. of cases
No of cases Percentage
Male 16 53%
Female 14 47%

 Among 30 cases, 16 were males and 14 were females. increasing potency. 19 patients showed good improvement,
and among them, 4 patients got after treatment scoring as nil.
 Statistical Study:
A paired t-test was applied for this study. The calculated V. CONCLUSION
t value was 24.56 which is more than the critical value α 5%
ie 2.045. p value was 5.354×10-21 which is less than 0.05. So, This study provides preliminary evidence supporting the
the null hypothesis was rejected. The study is highly use of Kali bromatum in treating adolescent acne. While all
significant. potencies showed efficacy, the 200-potency appeared to be
most effective for the majority of patients.
Hence the present study proves that Kali bromatum
effectively treats Acne in adolescents. Future studies should focus on longer follow-up periods,
and placebo-controlled designs to better understand the role of
IV. DISCUSSION kali bromatum in acne management. Additionally, different
homeopathic remedies can be assessed in the treatment of
Acne vulgaris is a common disorder caused due to the
blockage of the hair follicles in the skin. The blockage
involves the sebum.9 Acne is commonly seen in adolescents
and continues till the age of 40 years, but occasionally seen.
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