Development of Anti-Acne Gel From Herbal Extraction

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Development of Anti-Acne
Gel from Herbal Extraction
S Shanmugapriya1 (PG Student) T Rajasekar2 (Assistant Professor- Research)
1 2
Department of Biotechnology, Sathyabama Institute of Department of Centre for Drug Discovery and
Science and Technology, Jeppiaar Nagar, SH 49A, Chennai, Development, Sathyabama Institute of Science and
Tamil Nadu 600119, India. Technology, Jeppiaar Nagar, SH 49A, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600119, India.

S Usha Nandhini3 (Assistant Professor)

Department of school of Bio and Chemical Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of
Science and Technology, Jeppiaar Nagar, SH 49A, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600119, India.

Abstract:- Acne is a common dermatological issue that as worsening air pollution, sweets consumption, to continue
affects people all over the world, and it is frequently to awake for long period of time [4].
treated with synthetic medications and chemicals that
may have negative effects. Due to their perceived safety One of the most common skin problems among the
and potential usefulness, there has been an increase in youngsters is acne [5-7]. Acne normally begins during
interest in recent times in the creation of natural and adolescence and gradually goes away by the time a person is
herbal-based formulations as alternatives to traditional 20 years old, while some people continue to experience acne
medicines. This paper discusses the creation of anti-acne well into their 40s and 50s [8-12]. According to the Global
gels made from herbal extractions and covers the most Burden of Disease Study 2010, acne vulgaris (also known as
recent trends and research results in this area. These acne) is the eighth most prevalent skin condition worldwide,
herbal extracts have a high concentration of bioactive with an estimated prevalence (for all ages) of 9.38% [13].
substances, including polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, The prevalence of acne varies across nations and age groups,
and terpenoids, which have antibacterial, anti- with estimates ranging from 35% to nearly 100% of
inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. The herbal adolescents having acne at some point [14]. Acne prevalence
extracts showed positive anti-acne effects by inhibiting increased by 5.1% from 2006 to 2016 [15]. Meanwhile, in
acne-causing bacteria, lowering inflammation, and the US, the average cost of an individual receiving an acne
scavenging free radicals. A promising approach for therapy for seven months that was approved by the US Food
addressing this widespread dermatological issue while and Drug Administration [16]. Acne sufferers have been
reducing potential adverse effects related to conventional burdened financially as a result of its high prevalence and
therapies is the development of efficient and secure anti- recurrence. Additionally, although acne is not a life-
acne gels from herbal extractions. threatening condition, it can harm a person's look and, if left
untreated, can cause scars and marks. Discosmetic
Keywords:- Acne, Antibacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, dermatosis can also easily result in inferiority for
Antioxidant, Herbal Extracts. youngsters, which can even hinder their ability to get
employment and get married. In a Chinese study, 30.8% of
I. INTRODUCTION acne sufferers claimed that their condition had a negative
impacts [17].
Sebaceous glands are involved in the chronic
inflammatory skin condition known as acne. Androgenic II. CLINICAL FEATURES OF ACNE
hormone activate increased sebum excessive production,
altered follicular keratinization, inflammation, and Acne's clinical symptoms are a collection of symptoms
Propionibacterium acnes are all the results of four primary connected to enlarged, inflammatory, or scarred
pathogenesis [1] [2]. Propionobacterium acnes (P acnes) pilosebaceous units. The primary characteristic is lesional
populate the follicular duct and grows, converting sebum polymorphism, which is most frequently observed on the
into irritating triglycerides that likely aid in the onset of chest, back, and face. The symptom that manifests the most
inflammation. When lymphocytes infiltrate the follicular frequently is seborrhea, Pustules, papules, nodules, and cysts
epithelium, it splits, releasing oil, microorganisms, and are the many types of inflammatory lesions that can appear
keratin into the dermis [3]. on distended pilosebaceous units, which can appear as open
or closed comedones. In more extreme situations, a number
It’s additionally impacted by foreign matters, of blister and lumps and bump combine to form draining
impurities, social environment, nutritional and lifestyle, such sinuses, that cause chronic scarring and, in rare
circumstances, malignant alterations [18].

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Macular pigmentation and scars (hypertrophic, keloids, inflammatory lesions that can also developed. In skin with
ice pick scars, depressed fibrotic and atrophic macules, pigment, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is frequently
perifollicular elastolysis) are characterized of post- observed [19].

Fig 1 Types of Acne

III. PATHOGENESIS OF ACNE  Proliferation of Propionibacterium Acnes within the

Follicle, and Follicular Hyper Keratinization
The pathogenesis of acne is presently trait to a number On the other hand, P. acnes may activate keratinocytes
of causes, including, Increased sebum production, Altered and sebocytes through TLR, CD14, and CD1 molecules
sebum lipid quality, Androgen activity, Proliferation of [24]. Acne lesions contain macrophages that have TLR2
Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) within the follicle, and expressed on their surface around the sebaceous follicles.
follicular hyperkeratinization [20]. TLR2 activation causes the transcription nuclear factor to be
triggered, which in turn causes the synthesis of cytokines
 Increased Sebum Production and chemokines, a phenomenon seen in acne lesions.
Acne is a condition whose development is aided by Additionally, P. acnes causes the release of IL-8 and IL-12
increased sebum secretion. Sebaceous glands create neutral from TLR2 positive monocytes [25].
and polar lipids, plays a number of different parts in signal
transduction and are connected to biological path. Increased Above circumstances provoke the follicular rupture,
sebum production lead to oily skin or acne [21]. infrainfundibular inflammation, and creation of the
perifollicular abscess, all of which provoke the wound
 Altered Sebum Lipid Quality healing process. A series of wound healing events are
Fatty acids also function as ligands for nuclear triggered by skin injury. One of the most intricate biological
receptors like PPARs. While sebocytes stimulation of the 5- processes is wound healing, which includes extracellular
lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-2 pathways results in the matrix components, soluble chemical mediators, as well as
generation of pro-inflammatory lipids, sebaceous gland infiltrating blood cells.
lipids have direct pro- and anti-inflammatory effects [22].
Atrophic or hypertrophic marks and scars can develop
 Androgen Activity at the area of tissue damage. Inflammation, Granulation
Sebaceous gland size and sebum release are also tissue development, and Matrix re-modelling are the three
regulated by hormones like androgens. Androgens simply steps of the healing process for wounds [26, 27].
encourage sebocyte proliferation in cell culture, but PPAR
ligands are necessary to induce differentiation and lipogenic  Inflammation
activity [23]. After vasoconstriction for hemostasis, blanching
happens. Vasoconstriction is replaced by vasodilation and
subsequent erythema once the blood flow has been
interrupted. Additionally, melanogenesis might be induced.

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
This procedure is crucial for the emergence of postacne IV. TYPES OF ACNE SCAR
erythema and hyperpigmentation. Activated blood cells such
as granulocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes,  Damage to the Skin During the Recovery of Aggressive
fibroblasts, and platelets release inflammatory mediators Acne can Lead to Scarring. Scars can be Classified into:
that prepare the area for the creation of granulation tissue
[28].  Atrophic
 Hypertrophic
The irritant response at the pilosebaceous gland was
well built and lasted in patients with marks versus those Based on the net loss or gain of collagen. In
without; in addition, the inflammatory reaction was comparison to a few who exhibit hypertrophic scars and
deliberate in patients with marks, according to research by keloids, 80–90% of patients with acne scars have scars
Holland et al. on biopsy specimens of acne lesions from the connected to a loss of collagen (atrophic scars).
back of patients with presence of marks and in the absence
marks. They demonstrated a significant correlation between  Atrophic Scar
the intensity and length of inflammation and the emergence In a ratio of 3:1, atrophic acne scars are more prevalent
of scarring, indicating that the best method for preventing than keloids and hypertrophic scars. They have been divided
acne scarring may be to treat early inflammation in acne into
lesions [29].
 Ice Pick,
 Granulation Tissue Development  Boxcar, and
New capillaries grow while damaged tissues are  Rolling Scars.
healed. In place of neutrophils, monocytes undergo a
transformation into macrophages and release a variety of When it comes to atrophic scars, the ice pick type
growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor, accounts for 60%–70% of all scars, the boxcar type for
fibroblast growth factor, and transforming growth factors 20%–30%, and rolling scars for 15%–25%. [34].
and, which promote fibroblast migration and proliferation
[30]. About 3 to 5 days after the wound has formed,  Ice Pick
fibroblasts start to produce new collagen. Early on, type III Deep, punctiform, and thin (2 mm) scars are referred to
collagen predominates in the new skin's composition, with as icepick scars. This kind of scar often has an aperture that
only a tiny amount of type I collagen (20%). However, in is larger than the deeper infundibulum and forming of “V"
mature scars, the mix of collagen types changes to resemble shape.
that of unwounded skin, with about 80% of type I collagen
[31].  Boxcar
Boxcar scars are rounded or oval scars with distinct
 Matr Remodelling vertical edges. These scars do not have the tapering V form
The extracellular matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and are typically wider at the surface than icepick scars.
and tissue MMP inhibitors are produced by fibroblasts and Instead, they can be seen as a wide-base ''U'' shape. Boxcar
keratinocytes, respectively. MMPs are extracellular matrix scars can be light or heavy.
(ECM) destroying enzymes that work together to produce a
lytic cascade for ECM remodeling [32]. As a result, atrophic  Rolling Scar
or keloids can form when there is an imbalance between the Rolling scars are characterized by dermal tethering of
amount of MMPs and tissue inhibitors of MMPs. If the the dermis to the subcutis and are typically wider than 4 to 5
healing reaction is excessively enthusiastic, a raised nodule mm. These scars give the skin a "M"-shaped look that is
of fibrotic tissue occurs in the formation of hypertrophic rolling or undulating [35][36].
scars. Inadequate response causes reduced deposition of
collagen components and an atrophic scar [33].  Hypertrophic
Scars that are hypertrophic and keloidal tend to have
excessive collagen buildup and reduced collagenase activity.
Typically pink, elevated, and hard. Hypertrophic scars have
a comparable histology to normal dermal scars. Keloids, on
the other hand, develop as reddish-purple papules and
nodules that spread over the boundaries of the initial lesion
and are histologically distinguished by thick bundles of
hyalinized acellular collagen grouped in whorls. Darker
skinned people are more likely to have hypertrophic and
keloidal scars, which mostly affect the trunk [37].

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Due to their benefits, including improved patient tolerance, with no side effects, and being less expensive, herbal treatment
are becoming more and more popular [38]. Acne and other infectious disorders are treated in various ways using a variety of
medicinal herbs with anti-inflammation and antibacterial properties [39] [40].

Fig 2 Herbal Plants for Treatment of Acne

 Azadirachta indica activity, R. officinalis aqueous extract is beneficial in

A member of the Meliaceae family, neem (Azadirachta preventing photo damage brought on by UV radiation [44].
indica) has medicinal implications for the prevention and Among the phenolic chemicals discussed, rosmarinic acid and
treatment of infection. As a high source of antioxidants and carnosic acid have the most anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
other beneficial active substances like azadirachtin, properties [45, 46]. Oxidative stress and infections are related.
nimbolinin, nimbin, nimbidin, nimbidol, salannin, and Therefore, regardless of their antibacterial activity, the
quercetin, it is thought that Azadirachta indica has medicinal substances with antioxidant properties may be advantageous in
properties. Parts of the neem (Azadirachta indica) plant this approach. Additionally, Rosmarinus officinalis oil has
exhibit an antibacterial function by inhibiting microbial shown promise in the fight against the acne-causing acnes
growth and/or the capacity for cell wall collapse [41]. An bacteria. In research, the antibacterial effects of Rosemary
ethanol extract of Azadirachta indica, G. glabra, essential oil were assessed against acnes, and it was found that
Andrographis paniculata, Ocimum sanctum, and green tea the therapy had a substantial impact on the size and
was found to have the capacity to inhibit acne in an morphology of the bacteria [47].
investigation on an anti-acne formulation made from herbal
extracts. In this investigation, Propionibacterium acnes and  Eucalyptus globulus
Staphylococcus epidermis were successfully eradicated by The Myrtaceae family includes the species Eucalyptus
the anti-acne formula [42]. Azadirachta indica leaf aqueous globulus. This plant's essential oil is utilized extensively
extract has the potential to be chemo preventive against worldwide for a variety of items, including food, cosmetics,
mouse skin carcinogenesis. fragrances, and pharmaceuticals. It has been observed that
the oil contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression has been antioxidant properties [48]. It exhibits antibacterial
found to be higher in skin cancers than in the control group. properties against a variety of microorganisms, and although
Skin cancers in this investigation have substantial levels of the precise mechanism of action is unknown, a number of
lipid peroxidation [43]. theories have been proposed, including the capacity to
damage cell walls and membranes, which would cause ATP
 Rosmarinus officinalis and metabolite leaks. Additionally, because the oil is
A common houseplant that is grown all around the world hydrophobic, it increases cell permeability, which causes
is Rosmarinus officinalis. It is employed in cosmetics, culinary bacterial cells to leak [49]. Eucalyptus globulus is a well-
flavoring, and beverages. Rosmarinic acid can be found in known shrub with enormous therapeutic value. Numerous
Rosmarinus officinalis. Photo-cancers and photo-aging are species of eucalyptus have also received extensive research
manifestations of chronic UV exposure. Due to its antioxidant into their potential therapeutic benefits [50].

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Six gram-positive bacteria, including  Syzygium samasangense
Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus, Wax apple, or jambu air madu, is known as Syzygium
Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, and samarangense. It’s a nonclimacteric tropical fruit belonging
Alicyclobacillusacido terrestris, as well as fungi, were able to the Myrtaceae family [60].
to proliferate less when Eucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian
Bluegum), E. maculata (Spotted Gum), and E. viminalis Fruit pulp contains a high concentration of phenolics,
(Manna Gum) were present [51] [ 52]. Propionibacterium flavonoids, and other antioxidant chemicals, it is thought to
acnes and other bacteria are resistant to the antibacterial offer significant potential health advantages. It has been
effects of eucalyptus essential oil [53] [54]. used in traditional medicine to treat a range of diseases and
ailments in addition to being consumed as food. Astringent,
 Mesua ferrea carminative, diuretic, antibacterial, antiscorbutic, and in deal
Mesua ferrea, sometimes referred to as Nageswar or with treatment high blood pressure and a variety of
Nagkesar locally, is one of the oldest medicinal plants and inflammatory diseases, inclusive of sore throats [61].
has great cultural significance. The plant is a member of the Moneruzzaman et al. (2015) state that the phytochemicals—
family Guttiferae. It has about 100 species spread such as anthocyanin, flavonoids, phenolic acid, and
throughout 47 genera. This family includes the well-known tannins—found in the extract of Syzygium samarangense
genera Cratoxylum, Hypericum, Garcina, Mesua, and are what protect against microbial infection. In addition,
Vismia [55][56]. Following a chemical analysis of this plant, because Syzygium samarangense may heal irritated skin, it
ligans, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, phthalic acid, gallic is also used to treat skin infections [62].
acid, and terpenoids were among the compounds that were
recognized. Melaferrone-A and B, mesuaferrol, mesuanic  Calendula officinals
acid, α-and β-amyrin, and β-sitosterol found in stamen are Asteraceae's Calendula genus contains about twenty-
the main components of Mesua ferrea Linn [57]. Another five herbaceous annual or perennial species. The most
study found that Mesua ferrea flower extract was effective common species include Calendula officinalis Linn.,
against five distinct strains of Salmonella spp. When the Calendula arvensis Linn., Calendula suffruticosa Vahl.,
extract was diluted to 50 µg, it was discovered to be Calendula stellata Cav., Calendula alata Rech., and
effective against every strain. Furthermore, floral extract Calendula tripterocarpa Rupr [63]. The herb C. officinalis
reduced the viable count of bacterial strains in liver, spleen, Linn., sometimes known as pot marigold, has long been used
and heart blood at a dose of 2-4 mg/mouse and had to treat internal organ inflammations, gastrointestinal ulcers,
encouraging in vivo antibacterial activity in S. Typhimurium dysmenorrhea, and seizures by acting as a diuretic and
NCTC 74 challenged mice [58]. In the early in vitro diaphoretic. It is also used to treat burns, wounds, and
anticancer screening tests, a number of crude extracts and inflammations of the pharynx and oral mucosa [64]. The
purified compounds have demonstrated encouraging antipyretic, anti-tumor, and cicatrizing properties of the
anticancer properties. With an IC50 value of 12.5 µg/ml, the dried flower heads have been utilized [65]. There is some
volatile oils-rich methanol extract of Mesua ferrea flowers evidence that calendula Officinalis can significantly reduce
demonstrated potent cytotoxic effects against T-lymphocyte grade 2 or greater skin toxicity in women undergoing breast
leukemia cells [59]. irradiation [66]. Calendula has an impact on the skin's
structure as well. Akhtar et al. used a cutometer to measure
skin distensibility, viscoelasticity—a measure of the water
content of the epidermis and dermis—and direct markers of
skin firmness. They discovered that calendula significantly
improved these parameters [67] [68].

Table 1 Herbal Plants and its Significant Components Family Common Scientific Significant
Name Name Name of the Plant and Fruit Components
1 Meliaceae Neem Azadirachta indica Nimbolinin, nimbin, nimbidin,
Nimbidol, salannin, and quercetin.
2 Lamiaceae Rosemary Rosmarinus Carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid
3 Myrtaceae Tasmanian Eucalyptus globulus Ester’s monoterpene, aldehydes,
bluegum and ketones and sesquiterpenes
4 Calophyllaceae Ceylon ironwood Mesua ferrea Xanthones, triterpenoids, and flavonoids
5 Mystaecae Java apple Syzygium samasangense Flavoonoiids ,flavanonus,anthocyanosides,
and terpenoids
6 Asteraceae Pot marigold Calendula officinals Carotenoids triterprnic, flavonoids

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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