Example Call Centre

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Example 2: Call centre

Enterprise: PR Call centre Section/unit: Call Centre Date:1/10/2013


What are the hazards? Who may be harmed What are you already What further action Action Action Done
and how? doing? is necessary? by whom by when

Display Screen equipment (DSE) Staff may suffer posture problems ■ DSE training and assessments ■ Supervisors to make sure staff Supervisor 4/10/13 4/10/13
  and pain, discomfort or injuries (e.g. of workstation carried out by all continue to get breaks away
to the hands and arms) from overuse new starters early on in induction. from the screen.
or improper use, or from poorly ■ Work planned to include regular
■ Check that identified actions Manager 21/10/13 21/10/13
designed workstations or work envi- breaks or change of activity.
from self-assessments are
ronments. Headaches or sore eyes ■ Lighting and temperature suitably
followed up ASAP.
can occur, e.g. if the lighting is poor. controlled.
■ Adjustable blinds at window to ■ Remind staff to tell their manager  Manager  21/10/13  21/10/13
control natural light on screen. of any pain they have that may be
■ Eye tests provided for those who linked to computer use.
need them, dutyholder to pay for
PART III.   Examples of risk assessments for selected workplaces

basic spectacles specific for VDU

use (or portion of cost in other
Noise Staff could suffer hearing damage ■ Staff have a choice of either one ■ Provide regular training Manager 21/10/13 21/10/13
if exposed to high noise levels or two earpiece headsets. on volume control.
for long periods, or from hearing ■ Staff control the volume on their
■ Consider whether design of Manager 21/10/13 21/10/13
infections due to poor headset headsets (although volume levels
workplace and working practices
hygiene. Staff may be shocked revert to default setting after each
(e.g. staff breaks) can be
and startled by exposure to sudden call, to prevent volume creep).
improved or modified to help
loud sounds while using telephone ■ Staff trained in headset hygiene
keep background noise down.
equipment. and ensuring a comfortable fit.
■ Staff trained to report incidents ■ Check stockroom to ensure there Manager 21/10/13 21/10/13
of ‘acoustic shock’ from loud are sufficient spare ear pads.
sounds over telephone ■ Monitor and investigate Manager Ongoing
equipment. any reports of acoustic shock.
Fire If trapped staff could suffer from ■ Fire risk assessment completed. ■ None
smoke inhalation and burns ■ Fire exists kept clear and
■ Fire drills carried out.
Example 2: Call centre continued


Training Package on Workplace Risk Assessment and Management

What are the hazards? Who may be harmed What are you already What further action Action Action Done
and how? doing? is necessary? by whom by when

Stress All staff could be adversely affected ■ Call targets set in consultation ■ Remind staff that they can Manager 4/10/13 3/10/13
by factors such as lack of job control with supervisors to ensure they speak confidentially to manager
(no control over timing/frequency of are realistic. or supervisors (on a no-blame
incoming calls, for example) or verbal ■ Staff get training in the job. basis!) if they are feeling unwell
abuse from customers. ■ Staff can talk to supervisors or or ill at ease about things at work.
manager if they are feeling unwell
or ill at ease about things at work.
■ Policy for dealing with verbal
abuse from customers.
Electrical Staff could get electrical shocks or ■ Staff trained to spot and report to ■ Identify when the buildings Manager 10/10/13 10/10/13
burns from using faulty electrical office administrator any defective electrical installation will next date of
equipment. Electrical faults can also plugs, discoloured sockets or be examined. inspection
lead to fires. damaged cable/equipment. 15/11/13
■ Systems in place for safely taking
out of use, and promptly replac-
ing, defective equipment.
Working at height, e.g. putting up Staff could suffer bruising and ■ None at present – staff stand ■ No more standing on chairs. Manager 1/10/13 1/10/13
decorations fractures when falling from the any on a chair.
■ An appropriate, commercial step- Manager 1/12/13 1/11/13
height. ■ Internal windows cleaned by
ladder will be bought and staff
contractor, who uses a stepladder.
shown how to use it safely.
Slips and trips Staff and visitors may be injured ■ Generally good housekeeping. ■ Better housekeeping in staff All staff From now on 1/10/13
if they trip over objects or slip on ■ All areas well lit, including stairs. kitchen, e.g. clear up spills more
spillages. ■ No trailing leads or cables. promptly.
■ Offices cleaned every evening.
■ Arrange for loose carpet tile Manager 21/10/13 17/10/13
on second floor to be repaired/

Step 5   Review date  1/10/2014

Assessment completed by: Call centre manager in consultation with staff

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