School Report On The Results of The Regional Achievement Test Rat
School Report On The Results of The Regional Achievement Test Rat
School Report On The Results of The Regional Achievement Test Rat
Department of Education
Template No. 2
(To be submitted to the SDO (Learning Area Supervisor for consolidation)
School:__SAN LUIS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL _________________________________
Address of the School:_STO. TOMAS SAN LUIS, PAMPANGA ______________________
Learning Area:____MATHEMATICS____________________________________________
Grade Level:_____TEN (10) __________________________________________________
Section (If applicable):_______________________________________________________
Total No. of Enrolled Learners:___181____No. of Male:__132___No. of Female:____149__
Total No. of Takers:___181__No. of Male Takers:___132__No. of Female Takers:___149__
Percentage of Learners who achieved or exceeded the MPL:____32.38%________
Percentage of Male Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL:___32.58%______
Percentage of Female Takers who achieved or exceeded the MPL:___32.21%____
Item Most Learned Competencies Rank Item Least Learned Competencies Rank
No. No.
Use appropriate measures of
position and other statistical
1 Generate patterns. 1 50 1
methods in analyzing and
interpreting research data
Calculate a specified
Illustrate an arithmetic measure
2 2 46 2
Sequence. of position (e.g. 90th
percentile) of a set of data
Determine arithmetic
means, nth term of an Solve problems involving
5 arithmetic sequence and 3 34 permutations and 3
sum of the terms of a given combinations
arithmetic sequence.
Illustrate a geometric Solve problems involving
6 4 40 4
Sequence. probability
Differentiate a geometric
9 sequence from an 5 37 Find the probability of (A U B) 5
arithmetic sequence.
Derive inductively the Graph and solve problems
relations among chords, involving circles and other
21 6 29 6
arcs, central angles, and geometric figures on the
inscribed angles. coordinate plane
The percentage of learners who met or surpassed the MPL is 32.38%. This was obtained
from the eight sections of Grade 10, indicating that a small percentage of Grade 10 students
passed their regional assessment test. This portion of students is still familiar and is able to
solve problems confidently with some of the lessons, or they can still recall what they have
learned from the previous quarter (mostly). On the other hand, it also reveals that different
competencies were identified as least learned, which means almost all grade ten students
had a hard time answering these questions and recalling these lessons.