Natural Language Processing Assignment - 240612 - 121206

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Pokhara University, School of Engineering

Sub: Elective III (Natural Language Processing)

Prepared by: Er. Santosh Paudel
1. Define NLP. Explain the various steps involves with suitable examples.
2. Briefly explain the different challenges associated with Natural Language Processing.

3. Define localization in NLP. Explain the key components of Localization.

4. Why unicode is essential in NLP? Mention the importance of NLP in various fields.
5. What are the key techniques used in Localization? Mention the benefits of Localization in NLP.
6. Define Multilingual Computing. What are the key aspects and challenges associated with it?

7.Define FSM. Differentiate between DFA and NDFA with examples.

8. Design a DFA that accepts a string starts with ab and ends with bb.

9. Why we perform Part of speech tagging in NLP? Mention any five examples of each of PoS Tag
10. Explain Rule Based and Stochastic Part of Speech Tagging with their characteristics.

11. Let's consider a simple CFG for a subset of English:

• S → NP VP

• NP → Det N
• VP → V NP

• Det → "the" | "a"

• N → "cat" | "dog"

• V → "chases" | "sees“
Using given CFG rules create a sentence "the cat chases a dog” also Construct a parse tree for it.

12. Write the formal Definition of CFG. Construct a CFG which accepts the palindrome string only.
(take input alphabets as a and b)

13. How Transformation based tagging works? Also mention its characteristics.
14. What are the different consistency issues in phrase level consistency? mention with their
corrections also.

15. why we need parsing in NLP? Draw a workflow diagram of Syntax analyzer process.

16. Mention different task performed by parser in compiler design.

17. Explain in detail about the various ways of integrating NLP with computer vision?

18. Consider the following small corpus:

a. “I love NLP”

b. “I love python”
c. “NLP is great”

d. “Python is great”

Using Bigram model find the Bigram Frequencies, Unigram Frequencies and Bigram Probabilities .

19. Consider the following three documents:

Document 1: "The cat sat on the mat"

Document 2: "The dog sat on the log"

Document 3: "The cat chased the dog “

Find the term frequency(TF), Document Frequency(DF), Inverse Document Frequency(IDF) and
20. Explain different approaches of text summarization in NLP with suitable example.

21. Explain the workflow of text summarization in NLP with block diagram.

22. Mention any five Machine Learning models and algorithms used in NLP with their advantages
and disadvantages.

23. Explain the key concepts of pragmatics in NLP with suitable examples.
24. Briefly explain the different types of Reference in NLP.

25. Define Finite State Transducer. Explain any five operations associated with it using suitable

Short Notes:
26. Reference Resolution

27. Challenges in Reference Resolution

28. Consider a following Discourse:
“Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971.

He is the founder, CEO, chief engineer and designer of SpaceX.

The 49-year-old is widely known as the mind behind Neuralink.”

Write the Referring Expressions, Referent and Co-refering Expressions.

29. Anaphoric and Cataphoric Reference

30. Applications of NLP

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