Artificial Intelligence

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Unit 1

1. Define AI. State its applications.

2. What is AI? Write about the History of AI.
3. State different foundations that led to the growth of AI.
4. What is PEAS? Explain with two suitable examples.
5. Define heuristic function. Give an example heuristic function for solving an 8-puzzle
6. Write states, Initial States, Actions, Transition Model and Goal test to formulate 8
Queens problem.
7. Write states, Initial States, Actions, Transition Model and Goal test to formulate Toy
8. Explain following task environments: a) Discrete Vs Continuous b) Known Vs
Unknown c) Single Agent vs. Multiagent d) Episodic vs. Sequential e) Deterministic
vs. Stochastic f) Fully observable vs. partially observable
9. Explain Simple Reflex Agent.
10. Explain Model Based Agent.
11. Describe Utility based agent.
12. Describe Goal based agent.
13. Describe a Learning agent in detail.
14. Explain Depth First Search (DFS) strategy in detail.
15. Explain Breadth First Search (BFS) strategy along with its pseudocode.
16. Explain Uniform Cost Search with suitable examples.
17. Write a short note on Depth Limited Search Strategy.
18. Write a short note on Iterative Deepening Depth First Search Strategy.
19. Write a short note on Bidirectional Search.
20. Explain Thinking rationally and acting rationally approaches of AI.
21. Write a short note on Thinking Humanly and Acting Humanly approaches of AI.
22. Describe problem formulation of vacuum world problem.
23. Explain Artificial Intelligence with the Turing Test approach.
24. What are PEAS? Mention it for Part picking robot and Medical Diagnosis system.
25. Sketch and explain the agent structure in detail.
26. Explain A* search Algorithm. Also explain conditions of optimality of A*.
27. Explain Greedy Best First Search Strategy.
28. Explain Recursive Best-First search algorithm.
29. Define AI. Explain different components of AI.
30. What are various informed search techniques? Explain in detail.
31. What are various uninformed search techniques? Explain in detail.
32. Give the difference between DFS and BFS.
33. What is an Agent? Describe structure of intelligent agents.
34. Give the difference between Unidirectional and Bidirectional search methods.
Unit 2
1. What is Knowledge Representation? What are different kinds of knowledge that need
to be represented?
2. Write a short note on the AI Knowledge cycle.
3. Explain the following knowledge representation techniques: a) Logical
Representation b) Semantic Network Representation c) Frame Representation d)
Production Rules
4. Write a short note on Propositional Logic.
5. Explain the concept of First Order Logic in AI.
6. Write notes on: a) Universal Quantifier b) Existential Quantifier
7. Write a short note on Support Vector Machines.
8. What is an Artificial Neural Network?
9. What is entropy? How do we calculate it?
10. What are the similarities and differences between Reinforcement learning and
supervised learning?
11. Explain Single-layer feed forward neural networks.
12. Write a short note on Multilayer feed forward neural networks.
13. Explain the Restaurant wait problem with respect to decision tree representation.
14. What is Backpropagation Neural Network?
15. What is an artificial neuron? Explain its structures.
16. Write a note on Supervised Learning.
17. Write a note on the Nearest Neighbour model.
18. Write a note on overfitting in the decision tree.
19. Differentiate between Supervised & Unsupervised Learning.
20. Differentiate between Linear Regression & Logistic Regression.
21. What is propositional Logic in AI?
22. Explain Entropy, Information Gain & Overfitting in Decision tree.
23. Discuss different forms of learning Models.
24. Discuss different forms of Machine Learning.
25. Write a note on K-Nearest Neighbours.
26. Describe Reasoning in First Order Logic (FOL).
27. What are the logical connectives used in Propositional logic?
28. What are the types of Quantifiers used in First order Logic?
29. Write a short note on Deductive Reasoning.
30. How is reasoning done using Abductive Reasoning?
31. Write a short note on Inductive Reasoning.
32. Explain Modus Ponens with an example.
33. What are the main components of PDDL?
34. What is the role of planning in Artificial Intelligence?
35. Explain the concept of Fuzzy logic.
36. What are the various types of operations which can be performed on Fuzzy Sets?
37. Explain the architecture of the Fuzzy Logic System.
38. Explain any 5 membership functions of Fuzzy Logic Systems.
39. Explain Defuzzification process using any suitable method.
40. What are Parametric models? Give their advantages.
41. Explain the non-parametric models.
42. Explain the concept of Classification used in Machine learning.
43. What is Regression? What are its types?
44. Explain the following: a) Simple Linear Regression b) Multiple Linear Regression c)
Polynomial Regression d) Logistic Regression
45. What is Bias? What is Variance? What is Bias/Variance Tradeoff?
46. What do you mean by Regularization? How does it work?
47. Explain the following: a) Ridge Regression (L2 Norm) b) Lasso Regression (L1
48. Describe the Ensemble learning.
49. What is Gradient Descent? How does it work?
Unit 3
1. Write a short note on statistical learning.
2. Explain Bayesian Learning with an example.
3. What is an EM algorithm? What are its steps?
4. Explain Maximum-likelihood parameter learning for Continuous models.
5. Write a short note on temporal difference learning.
6. Explain the concept of Reinforcement Learning.
7. Explain applications of Reinforcement Learning.
8. Write a short note on Passive Reinforcement Learning.
9. Differentiate bt Reinforcement Learning and Unsupervised Learning.
10. Write a note on Naive Bayes models.
11. Write a short note on the Hidden Markov Model.
12. Explain the concept of Unsupervised Learning.
13. What are hidden variables or Latent Variables? Explain with examples.
14. Describe adaptive Dynamic programming.
15. Explain Q-Learning in detail.
16. What is Association rule mining?
17. What are the metrics used to evaluate the strength of Association Rule Mining?
18. Explain the following with respect to Association Rule Mining: a) Support b)
Confidence c) Lift
19. What is Clustering? Explain with example

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