Unity Shader Source

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// Derived from Unity built-in shader source.


Shader "Skybox/Dual Panoramic" {

_Tint1("Tint Color 1", Color) = (.5, .5, .5, .5)
_Tint2("Tint Color 2", Color) = (.5, .5, .5, .5)
[Gamma] _Exposure1("Exposure 1", Range(0, 8)) = 1.0
[Gamma] _Exposure2("Exposure 2", Range(0, 8)) = 1.0
_Rotation1("Rotation1", Range(0, 360)) = 0
_Rotation2("Rotation2", Range(0, 360)) = 0
[NoScaleOffset] _Texture1("Texture 1", 2D) = "grey" {}
[NoScaleOffset] _Texture2("Texture 2", 2D) = "grey" {}
[Enum(360 Degrees, 0, 180 Degrees, 1)] _ImageType("Image Type", Float)
= 0
[Toggle] _MirrorOnBack("Mirror on Back", Float) = 0
[Enum(None, 0, Side by Side, 1, Over Under, 2)] _Layout("3D Layout",
Float) = 0
_Blend("Blend", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.0

Tags { "Queue" = "Background" "RenderType" = "Background"
"PreviewType" = "Skybox" }
Cull Off ZWrite Off

Pass {

#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma target 2.0
#pragma multi_compile_local __ _MAPPING_6_FRAMES_LAYOUT

#include "UnityCG.cginc"

sampler2D _Texture1;
sampler2D _Texture2;

float4 _Texture1_TexelSize;

half4 _Texture1_HDR;
half4 _Texture2_HDR;
half4 _Tint1;
half4 _Tint2;
half _Exposure1;
half _Exposure2;
float _Rotation1;
float _Rotation2;

float _Blend;

bool _MirrorOnBack;
int _ImageType;
int _Layout;

inline float2 ToRadialCoords(float3 coords)

float3 normalizedCoords = normalize(coords);
float latitude = acos(normalizedCoords.y);
float longitude = atan2(normalizedCoords.z,
float2 sphereCoords = float2(longitude, latitude) *
float2(0.5 / UNITY_PI, 1.0 / UNITY_PI);
return float2(0.5,1.0) - sphereCoords;

float3 RotateAroundYInDegrees(float3 vertex, float degrees)

float alpha = degrees * UNITY_PI / 180.0;
float sina, cosa;
sincos(alpha, sina, cosa);
float2x2 m = float2x2(cosa, -sina, sina, cosa);
return float3(mul(m, vertex.xz), vertex.y).xzy;

struct appdata_t {
float4 vertex : POSITION;

struct v2f {
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
float3 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 image180ScaleAndCutoff : TEXCOORD1;
float4 layout3DScaleAndOffset : TEXCOORD2;

v2f vert(appdata_t v)
v2f o;
float3 rotated = RotateAroundYInDegrees(v.vertex,
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(rotated);

o.texcoord = v.vertex.xyz;

// Calculate constant horizontal scale and cutoff for

180 (vs 360) image type
if (_ImageType == 0) // 360 degree
o.image180ScaleAndCutoff = float2(1.0, 1.0);
else // 180 degree
o.image180ScaleAndCutoff = float2(2.0,
_MirrorOnBack ? 1.0 : 0.5);
// Calculate constant scale and offset for 3D layouts
if (_Layout == 0) // No 3D layout
o.layout3DScaleAndOffset = float4(0,0,1,1);
else if (_Layout == 1) // Side-by-Side 3D layout
o.layout3DScaleAndOffset =
else // Over-Under 3D layout
o.layout3DScaleAndOffset = float4(0, 1 -
return o;

fixed4 frag(v2f i) : SV_Target

float2 tc = ToRadialCoords(i.texcoord);
if (tc.x > i.image180ScaleAndCutoff[1])
return half4(0,0,0,1);
tc.x = fmod(tc.x * i.image180ScaleAndCutoff[0], 1);
tc = (tc + i.layout3DScaleAndOffset.xy) *

half4 tex1 = tex2D(_Texture1, tc);

tc.x = frac(tc.x + (_Rotation2 - _Rotation1) /
half4 tex2 = tex2D(_Texture2, tc);

half3 c1 = DecodeHDR(tex1, _Texture1_HDR);

half3 c2 = DecodeHDR(tex2, _Texture2_HDR);

c1 = lerp(c1, c2, _Blend) * lerp(_Tint1.rgb,

_Tint2.rgb, _Blend) * unity_ColorSpaceDouble.rgb * lerp(_Exposure1, _Exposure2,
return half4(c1, 1);

//CustomEditor "SkyboxPanoramicShaderGUI"
Fallback Off

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