This document contains questions about Python programming concepts across 5 units. It covers topics like Python features, variables, data types, operators, conditional and looping statements, functions, modules, exceptions, OOP concepts like classes and inheritance, GUI programming using Tkinter, connecting to databases using MySQL. The questions range from definitions to writing small programs to demonstrate the concept.
This document contains questions about Python programming concepts across 5 units. It covers topics like Python features, variables, data types, operators, conditional and looping statements, functions, modules, exceptions, OOP concepts like classes and inheritance, GUI programming using Tkinter, connecting to databases using MySQL. The questions range from definitions to writing small programs to demonstrate the concept.
This document contains questions about Python programming concepts across 5 units. It covers topics like Python features, variables, data types, operators, conditional and looping statements, functions, modules, exceptions, OOP concepts like classes and inheritance, GUI programming using Tkinter, connecting to databases using MySQL. The questions range from definitions to writing small programs to demonstrate the concept.
This document contains questions about Python programming concepts across 5 units. It covers topics like Python features, variables, data types, operators, conditional and looping statements, functions, modules, exceptions, OOP concepts like classes and inheritance, GUI programming using Tkinter, connecting to databases using MySQL. The questions range from definitions to writing small programs to demonstrate the concept.
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Unit 1:
1. What is python? List and explain feature of python?
2. Write the steps to install python and to run python code? 3. Explain type conversion of variable in python? 4. Explain if ….else statement with example. 5. Explain the use of break statement in a loop with example? 6. What is the difference between interactive mode and script mode in python? 7. Explain debugging and error types in python. 8. Write short note of variables and naming in python. 9. Write a short program to demonstrate use of looping statement . 10. How to achieve input in python? 11. Explain Operators in python with suitable example. 12. List and explain any 10 keywords in python. 13. Write short note on python Data types. 14. Write a short note on Conditional statements? 15. Write a short program to demonstrate use of Conditional statements . 16. Write a short program to demonstrate use of Loopingstatements . 17. Write a short program to demonstrate use of Controlstatements . 18. Python Programs are executed by an interpreter.There are two ways to use the interpreter.what are they? 19. Explain for loop in python with an example code to print Fibonacci Series up to 10 terms. 20. Write Output for the following: i)>>>int(3.14) ii)>>>type(‘helloworld’) iii)>>>5*(2//3) iv)>>>a,b=15,20 >>>a,b=b,a >>>print(a) >>>print(b) v) >>>if=20
21. Write a program to generate the Fibonacci Series.
22. Program to display 1 to 5 numbers by using while loop. 23. Write a note on Order of operations. 24. Write a python Program to find whether a given number is positive or negative,print out proper message to the user. 25. Explain the nested if…else with example . 26. Explain the difference between Brackets,Braces and Parentheses. 27. Explain Membership Operators with example. 28. Write a program to find out the largest number among two numbers. 29. Write a program to check whether the given number is positive or negative. 30. Create a program that asks the user to enter their name and their age. Print Out a message addressed to them that tells them the year that they will turn 100 years old. 31. Program to display sum of 1 to 4 numbers by using range () function. 32. Program to display the following series: * ** *** **** *****
33. Program to display the following series:
Unit 2
1. How function is defined and called in python?
2. Write a function that takes single character and prints ‘character is vowel ‘ if it is vowel , ‘character is not vowel’ otherwise? 3. Short note on incremental devlopment. 4. What is recursive function.write a python program to calculate factorial of a number using recursive function. 5. Explain various string operations that can be performed using operators in python. 6. Explain str.find() function with example. 7. What is import?Explain ways of importing in python. 8. Explain the difference between import module and form module. 9. Program to calculate factorial using recursive function. 10. Program to display Fibonacci series using recursive function. 11. Explain any 5 math functions in python in details. 12. Explain local and global variables & Parameters with example. 13. How to define function and explain features of functions ? 14. Explain Boolean function and program to use of Boolean function? 15. Write a program using Function that reverses the user defined value? 16. The strings in python are immutable.justify? 17. Explain any five built in functions that are used with Strings? 18. Program to check String is Palindrome or not. 19. Program to use slice Operator in string 20. Explain how to accessing strings. 21. Program to traversal string using for loop. 22. Program to use of different string methods/functions. 23. Explain Parameters and Arguments used in functions 24. Write a short note on stack diagram. 25. Program to use in and not in operator in string.
Unit 3
1. What is list? How to create list
2. Explain try…expect blocks for exception handling in python? 3. Explain various built in list functions methods. 4. What is tuple in to create access it 5. Explain the properties of dictionary key. 6. Explain open() & close() methods for opening and closing a file 7. Lists in python are mutuable.justify. 8. Write short note on built in list operators. 9. Explain built list functions and methods. 10. How to traverse and delete the elements in the list. 11. Write short note on tuple. 12. Explain basic tuple Operations . 13. Write short note on built in tuple functions 14. What is dictionary? How create and access it? 15. Write short note on Operations in dictionary. 16. Explain built in dictionary functions. 17. Explain built in dictionary methods . 18. What is file ?what are its operating modes? 19. Write a short note on file object attributes and file methods. 20. What is exception? List and explain any five built in Exceptions in python.
Unit 4
1. What is regular expression? Explain various patterns of regular expression.
2. Explain match() function with sutaible example. 3. What is methosoverriding ?write an example. 4. What is multithreaded programming .explain _thread module with suitable example. 5. What is module ?what are the advantages of using module? 6. Explain various functions of math module. 7. Write short note on class in python. 8. Write a short program to demonstrate use of multiple inheritance . 9. What is object oriented programming .explain the concept of oops in short 10. Explain the concept of methos overriding in class with suitable example. 11. Explain data hiding , data encapsulation and static methods. 12. What are module? How use it? What are its advantages? 13. Explain math Module with its any five functions. 14. Demonstrates the use of math modules. 15. Write a short program to demonstrate use of inheritance
Unit 5
1. What is GUI? Explianits advantages.
2. Explain creating GUI in Python with tkinter. 3. Write note on standard dimension attributes of tkinter module? 4. Explain in details the standard colour attributes of tkinter module 5. Explain creation of Lable widget with small example. 6. Explain checkbutton widget with example. 7. Write short note tkMessageBox module. 8. What is layout management? Explain Grid manager. 9. Expalain Place geometry manager with example. 10. Write and explain the steps insert a row into Mysqldatabes with example. 11. Write short note on checkbutton widget. 12. Write short note on button widget. 13. Explain creation of radiobutton widget with smll example. 14. Write a detail note on list widget. 15. Write a short note on menu and menubutton widget. 16. Explain Entry widget with small example. 17. Write short note on pack geometry managers in python. 18. How to connect MySql database using pyhon?