Math F231 Number Theory - Handout

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SECOND SEMESTER, 2022 - 2023

Course Handout Part II

Date: 16.01.2023

In addition to Part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the timetable) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course.

Course Number: MATH F231

Course Title: Number Theory
Instructor In-charge: Debopam Chakraborty

Scope and Objective of the Course:

In this course we cover the basic mathematical notation and methods, properties of divisors, prime
numbers, integer functions, equations in integers and the applications of some of the concepts. The main
objective of this course is to understand the divisibility properties of integers and other related topics as a
basis for studying more advanced topics in Number Theory, Modern Algebra, and the number theoretic
cryptography algorithms.

Text Book:
Thomas Koshy: Elementary Number Theory with Applications, Second Edition, Academic Press,

Reference Books:
(i) Tom M. Apostol: Introduction to Analytic Number theory, Springer, 1976.
(ii) Kenneth H. Rosen: Elementary Number Theory and its Applications, Addison – Wesley
publishing Company, 1986.
(iii) Neal Koblitz: A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography, 2nd edition, Springer, 1994.

Course Plan:

Lecture Chapter in the

Learning objectives Topics to be covered
No. Text Book

Fundamental properties, the

To explain the summation and product notations, 1.1 – 1.5
1 fundamental properties of mathematical induction, recursion, the
integers binomial theorem

To examine the
2–3 correctness of a division The division algorithm 2.1
4–6 To classify the various Prime numbers, composite numbers, 2.5 – 2.7
Fibonacci numbers, Lucas numbers,
classes of positive integers Fermat numbers

7 To list the fundamental

Greatest common divisor 3.1
operations on integers
To know how to find the
8–9 greatest common divisor
The Euclidean algorithm 3.2
of two numbers having
prime factorizations.
10 To know how to factorize
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic 3.3
any positive integer
11 – 13 To learn linear Least common multiple, linear
3.4 – 3.5
Diophantine equations Diophantine equations
To define what is
congruence, linear congruence, the Pollard
14-16 congruence and explain
Rho factoring method 4.1 – 4.3
their fundamental
17 – 18 To explain the Divisibility tests, check digits, 5.1 – 5.3,
applications of congruence round - robin tournaments 5.5
Chinese remainder theorem, Wilson’s
To explain the four
19 – 24 theorem, Fermat’s little theorem, Euler’s 6.1 – 6.3, 7.1,
classical mile stone
theorem 7.2, 7.4
theorems in number theory
To define the
25 – 28 multiplicative functions Euler’s phi function, the tau and sigma
8.1 – 8.2, 8.5
and to explain their functions, the Mobius function
29 – 31 To explain perfect
Perfect numbers, Mersenne primes 8.3 – 8.4
32 – 35 To define the order of an The order of a positive integer, primality
10.1 – 10.3
integer and primitive roots tests, primitive roots for primes
To define quadratic Quadratic residues, the Legendre
36 – 38 residues and to explain the symbol, quadratic reciprocity, the
11.1 – 11.4
famous law of quadratic Jacobi symbol,
39 – 40 To explain the continued Finite continued fractions, infinite
12.1 – 12.2
fractions continued fractions

6. Evaluation Scheme:
Weightage Nature of
Component Duration Date & Time
(%) Component

To be announced in
Quiz 1 30 minutes 20 Closed Book

To be announced in
Assignment 10 Open Book

Mid-Semester Test 90 minutes 20 13/03 9.30 - 11.00AM Open Book

To be announced in
Quiz 2 30 minutes 20 Closed book

Comprehensive 180
30 08/05 FN Closed book
Examination minutes

Total marks: 200

7. Chamber consultation hour: Will be announced in the class

8. Notices: The notices concerning this course will be displayed in CMS only.

9. Make-up Policy: Make-up for tests will be given only for very genuine cases and prior permission
has to be obtained from Instructor In-charge.

10. Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be maintained by all
the students throughout the semester and no type of academic dishonesty is acceptable.

Instructor In-charge

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