Dhaka University Affiliated Colleges: Third Year Syllabus Department of Mathematics
Dhaka University Affiliated Colleges: Third Year Syllabus Department of Mathematics
Dhaka University Affiliated Colleges: Third Year Syllabus Department of Mathematics
(Session: 2019-2020)
1. Bounded sets of real numbers. Supremum and infimum. The completeness axiom and its
consequences. Dedekind’s theorems. Cluster (limit) points; Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem.
2. Infinite sequences. Convergence. Theorems on limits. Monotone sequences, subsequences.
Cauchy’s general principle of convergence. Cauchy’s first and second theorems on limits.
3. Infinite series of real numbers: convergence and absolute convergence. Tests for convergence;
Gauss’s tests (simplified form). Alternating series (Leibnitz’s test). Product of infinite series.
4. Properties of continuous functions (with proofs). Intermediate value theorem.
5. The derivative : standard theorems including Darboux’s theorem.
6. The Riemann integral; definitions via Riemann’s sums and Darboux’s sums. Darboux’s theorem.
(equivalence of the two definitions) Necessary and sufficient conditions for integrability. Classes
of integrable functions. Fundamental theorem of calculus.
1. Complex plane: Metric properties and geometry of the complex plane. The point at infinity.
Stereographic projection.
2. Functions of a complex variable: Limit, continuity and differentiability of a complex function.
Analytic functions and their properties. Harmonic functions.
3. Complex integration: Line integration over rectifiable curves. Winding number. Cauchy’s
theorem. Cauchy’s integral formula. Liouville’s theorem. Fundamental theorem of Algebra.
Rouche’s theorem. The maximum and the minimum modulus principle.
4. Singularities: Power series of complex terms. Residues, Taylor’s and Laurent’s expansion.
Cauchy’s residue theorem. Evaluation of integrals by contour integration. Branch points and
5. Bilinear transformations and mappings: Basic mapping. Linear fractional transformations. Other
mappings. Conformal mappings.
1. Existence and uniqueness theory: Fundamental existence and uniqueness theorem. Dependence
of solutions on initial conditions and equation parameters. Existence and uniqueness theorems
for systems of equations and higher-order equations.
2. Series solutions of second order linear equations: Taylor series solutions about an ordinary
point. Frobenius series solutions about regular singular points.
3. Legendre functions (Generating function, recurrence relations and other properties of Legendre
polynomials, Expansion theorem, Legendre differential equation, Legendre function of first kind,
Legendre function of second kind, associated Legendre functions).
4. Bessel functions (Generating function, recurrence relations, Bessel differential equation, Integral
representations Orthogonality relations, Modified Bessel functions).
5. Hermite polynomials, Laguerre polynomials (Generating function, Rodrigue’s formula,
orthogonal properties, Hermite and Laguerre differential equation, recurrence relations,
expansion theorems).
6. Special functions: Gamma function. Error function. Hyper geometric function (Hyper geometric
equation, special hyper geometric function, Generalized hyper geometric function, special
confluent hyperbolic functions).
7. Systems of linear first order differential equations: Elimination method. Matrix method for
homogeneous linear systems with constant coefficients. Variation of parameters. Matrix
1. Groupoids. Semigroups. Monoids. Order of an element of a group. Cyclic group.
2. Subgroups. Algebra of complexes. Subgroup generated by a complex. Cosets. Coset
decompositions. Lagrange’s theorem. Normal subgroups. Quotient (factor) groups. Product of
3. Permutation groups. Symmetric groups of permutations. Cyclic permutations. Transpositions.
Even and odd permutations. Altering groups.
4. Homomorphisms and isomorphisms of groups. Cayley’s theorem. Automorphism. Inner
automorphism. Outer automorphism. The isomorphism theorems.
5. Rings. Various types of rings. Properties of rings. Characteristic of a ring.
6. Subring. Ideal. Principle ideal. Maximal ideal. Prime ideal. Quotient ring.
7. Homomorphism of rings. Isomorphism theorems. Embedding of an integral domain in a field
8. Divisibility. Units. Associates. Highest common factor (HCF). Least common multiple (LCM).
Coprimes. Prime elements. Irreducible elements. Principal ideal domains. Euclidean domains.
Unique factorization domains.
1. Fourier Series: Fourier series and its convergence. Fourier sine and cosine series. Properties of
Fourier series. Operations on Fourier series. Complex from. Applications of Fourier series.
2. Laplace transforms: Basic definitions and properties, Existence theorem. Transforms of
derivatives. Relations involving integrals. Laplace transforms of periodic functions. Transforms of
convolutions. Inverse transform. Calculation of inverse transforms. Use of contour integration.
Applications to boundary differential equations.
3. Fourier transforms: Fourier transforms. Inversion theorem. Sine and cosine transforms.
Transform of derivatives. Transforms of rational function. Convolution theorem. Parseval’s
theorem. Applications to boundary value problems and integral equation.
4. Eigenvalue problems and Strum-Liouvile boundary value problems: Regular Strum-Liouville
boundary value problems. Non-homogeneous boundary value problems and the Fredholm
alternative. Solution by eigenfunction expansion. Green’s functions. Singular Strum Liouville
boundary value problems/Oscillation and comparison theory.
1. Iterative techniques in matrix algebra: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the power method,
Householder’s method, Q-R method.
2. Nonlinear system of equations: Fixed point for functions of several variables, Newton’s
method, Quasi-Newton’s method, Steepest Descent techniques.
3. Initial value problems for ODE : Euler’s and modified Euler’s method, Higher order Taylor’s
method, Single-step methods (Runge-Kutta methods, extrapolation methods-higher order
differential equations and systems of differential equations), Multi-step methods (Adams-
Bashforth, Adams-Moulton, Predictor-Corrector), error and stability analysis. Numerical
solutions of Systems of Differential Equations (IVP)
4. Boundary value problem for ODE: Shooting method for linear and nonlinear problems, Finite
difference methods for linear and nonlinear problems, the Rayleigh-Ritz Method (Piecewise
Linear, and cubic splines).
5. Finite difference method for PDEs: Numerical Solution of initial boundary value problems
(heat equation, one and two way wave equations in one space dimension only), 2D Elliptic
BVPs using finite difference method.
1. Introduction: Convex sets and related theorems, introduction to linear programming (LP)
2. Formulation: Formulation of LP problems.
3. Solution Techniques: Graphical solutions, Simplex method, Two -phase and Big-M simplex
4. Duality and Sensitivity: Duality and related theorems, Dual simplex method, shadow prices and
Sensitivity analysis of LP.
5. Introductory concepts of Nonlinear programming (NLP): Classification of NLP problems,
Convexity of Nonlinear functions, Gradient and Hessian matrix and related theorems.
5. Solution Techniques of constrained NLPs: Lagrange’s Multiplier method, Kuhn-Tucker
7. Solution of Quadratic programming (QP): Complementary pivot method, Wolfe’s method etc.
1. General conditions of equilibrium. Principle of virtual work. Stable and unstable equilibrium.
Centre of gravity.
2. Rectilinear motion.
3. Motion in a plane. Motion of a particle under a central force.
4. Motion of a particle in space.
5. Motion of rigid bodies. Moment of inertia. D’alembert’s principle.
6. Motion about fixed axes.
7. Motion in two dimensions.
References :
1. S.L. Loney : Statics.
2. L.A. Pars : Introduction to Dynamics.
3. S.L. Loney : Analytical Dynamics of a Particle.
1. Curves in space: Vector functions of one variable, space curves, unit tangent to a space curve,
equation of a tangent line to a curve, Osculating plane (or Plane of curvature).
2. Vector functions of two variables. Tangent and normal plane to the surface f (x ,y ,z )=0.
Principal normal, binormal and Funamental planes, equation of principal normal and biromal
line, curature and torsion, Serret-Frent’s formulae, theorems on curature and torsion.
3. Helices and their properties, Circular helix. Spherical indicatrix of tagent, normal and binormal,
curature and torsion of spherical indicatrieces, Involutes and evolutes, Bertand curves.
4. Surface: Curvilinear coordinates, parametric curves, Analytical representation, Monge’s form of
the surface, first fundamental form or metric geometrical represenation of metric, relation
between coefficients E, F, G; properties of metric, angle between any two directions and
parametric curves, condition of orthogonality of parametric curves, elements of area, unit
surface normal, tangent plane, Weingarten equations (or derivatives of surface normal).
5. Second fundamental form, Normal curvature, Meusrier’s theorem, curvature directions,
condition of orthogonality of curvature direction, Principal curvatiures, lines of curvature, first
curvature, mean curvature, Gaussian curvature, centre of curvature, Rodrigues’s formula.
6. Euler Euler’s Theorem, Elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic points, Dupin Indicatrix, asymptotic
lines, Third Fundamental form, Theorem of BeltramiEnnerper.
1. M.L. Khanna, Differential Geometry.
2. M.M. Lispchutz, Theory and Problems of Differential Geometry.
3. D.J. Struik, Lecturer on Classical Differential Geometry.
4. C.E. Weatherburn, Differential Geometry of Three Dimensions.
Problem Solving in concurrent courses (Complex Analysis, Numerical Analysis and Applied
Mathematics, Linear Programming ) using FORTRAN.