Math F343
Math F343
Math F343
T1. Tyn Myint-U and Lokenath Debnath, Linear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers,
Birkhauser, 4th Edition.
Reference books
R1. Ian N. Sneddon, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, International Series in Pure and Applied
R2. T. Amarnath, An Elementary Course in Partial Differential Equations, Narosa Publishing House, 2 nd Edition.
R3. K. Sankara Rao, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, PHI Learning Private Limited, 3 rd Edition.
Course Plan:
Chapter in
Learning objectives Topics to be covered the Text
e No.
1-3 Motivation for studying partial Introduction of Partial differential 1.1-1.6
differential equations equations
4-6 Introduction and overview of first Introduction, First order linear 2.1-2.4
order partial differential equations equations
7-12 Geometrical interpretation of Methods of Characteristics, 2.5-2.7,
first order PDEs, Canonical form Canonical Form, Method of R1-2.10-2.14
of first order linear equations, To Separation of variables, Charpit’s
Find solutions of first order Method, Jacobi Method
13 Introduction of second order Second order equations in two
partial differential equations variables 4.1
14-16 To convert the second order Canonical Form 4.2
differential equations into the
standard form
Characterization of 2nd order PDE’s
and its solutions
17-18 To convert the second order Equations with constant 4.3, R1-3.4
differential equations into the Coefficients
standard form
19 Difference between general solution General solution 4.4
of ODEs and PDEs
20-24 Solution of Homogeneous and Wave equation
inhomogeneous wave equations, 5.1-5.2,
D’Almbert Principle, Duhamel 5.3-5.6,
Principle, Spherical and cylindrical 5.10-5.11
wave equations (self study)
25-28 To obtain the maximum and the Maximum-minimum principles 9.1-9.9
minimum of solutions of PDEs
29-31 Solution of Laplace equations in Laplace Equation
different domains with homogeneous 10.1-10.4
boundary condition
32-34 Analysis and behavior of solutions Heat and Wave Equations
of heat and wave equations in two 10.5-10.9
dimensions and three dimensions
35-37 Use of Fourier techniques in finding Fourier Transform 12.2-12.6
the solutions of PDEs
38-39 Use of Laplace techniques in finding Laplace Transform 12.8-12.10
the solutions of PDEs
40 Solution of PDEs in terms of Green’s Functions 11.1-11.5
Green’s functions
Evaluation Scheme:
Weightage Nature of
Component Duration Date & Time
(%) Component
Quiz 1 To be To announced in the
announced in 10 class Closed book
the class
Project To be To announced in the
announced in 10 class Open book
the class
Mid-semester 90 mins 30
18/03 2.00 - 3.30PM Closed book
Quiz 2 To be To be announced in
announced in 10 the class Open Book
the class
Comprehensive Exam 180 mins 40
20/05 FN Closed book