Ultima Underworld - Quick Reference Card
Ultima Underworld - Quick Reference Card
Ultima Underworld - Quick Reference Card
Jumping. Press the right mouse-button games at once. Each saved game re-
while the left button is down. (In fight quires about 300K of hard disk space. Al-
mode, press J or SHIFT-J on your key- ways save before ending a game session.
board.) Your speed determines how far • Restore Game. Begins the game at a
you jump: point you saved. Click on this option, then
• Standing still, you jump straight up. on the roman numeral that matches the
• Walking or running, you jump in the name of the saved game.
direction of your movement; distance
jumped increases with speed. • Music. Toggles music on or off.
• Sound. Toggles sound effects on or off.
Flying. Cast a Fly or Levitate spell, or use • Detail. Increases or decreases the level
an appropriate magic item. Use E to rise of graphic detail.
into the air. Use the normal movement
commands to determine your direction of • Return to Game. Resumes play when
flight. Use Q to lower yourself. you’re done selecting options.
• Quit Game. Returns you to DOS. (This
INTERACTING WITH does not save the game.)
THE WORLD Talk Icon. Left-click this icon, then right-
click the character you want to talk to.
Default Mode. If no icons are highlighted,
you are in Default Mode. (To “un-select” a Get Icon. Left-click this icon, then right-
highlighted icon, click on it.) click the object you want to pick up.
Talk. Put the cursor on the person or Look Icon. Left-click this icon, then right-
creature and briefly right-drag the mouse. click the object or area you want to look at.
Get. Position the cursor on the object, Fight Icon. Left-click this icon. To attack,
press and hold the right mouse-button. If right-click and hold until you’re ready to
the object is “get-able,” it will be put in- attack, then release the right button.
hand when you drag the object some- Use Icon. Left-click this icon, then right-
where on the screen. Release the button to click the object you want to use. For actions
drop the item. that require a target, left-click this icon,
Look. Right-click on the creature or item then right-click the object you wish to use
you want to examine. (putting it “in-hand”). Move the object in-
hand over the “target” object and right-
Fight. Move the cursor to your inven-
tory and click on the weapon in your click again.
weapon-hand. Click on the weapon again HEALING
to exit fight mode.
To regain lost Vitality (or shake off the
Use. To use an object in your inventory,
effects of poison), you must eat and sleep,
left-click it. To use an object in the view
or cast healing magic.
window, position the cursor on the object,
The healing spells are Lesser Heal, Heal
and briefly right-drag it.
and Greater Heal, in order of the Vitality
Note: To access the game options menu they restore. These do not restore Mana.
you must click on the Options icon or press To regain Vitality and Mana, you must
the appropriate keys on the keyboard. sleep. Press F10 or use a bedroll. When you
awaken, you regain some percentage of
Icon Mode. Use the right mouse-button lost Vitality and Mana. If you are hungry,
to interact with things in the underworld.
sleep does less to revitalize you.
The command icons determine what the
right button does.
Options Icon. Click on this to bring up a
list of game-related functions and to pause With a mouse, click on the Options Icon.
the game. Click on the function you wish This pauses the game and brings up a
to access: menu of options. To unpause, click on
“Return to Game.” On the keyboard, press
•Save Game. Preserves your current F1 to pause, ESC to unpause.
game state. You can have up to four saved
Magic requires three things: to cast the spell, in order. When the runes
Mana. The Mana point cost of a spell is appear on the rune shelf, left-click any-
triple the Circle of the spell. where on the rune shelf.
Character Level. Your character level, Targeting Spells. Some spells must be
halved and rounded up, must equal or targeted. When you left-click the rune shelf
exceed the Circle of the spell. to cast such a spell, a targeting cursor ap-
pears on screen. For combat spells, the
Rune Stones. The rune stones required to targeting cursor is a red circle. For non-
cast each spell are listed below. combat spells, the cursor is a blue cross.
Casting Spells. If the three conditions When a targeting cursor appears, posi-
above are met, you can attempt to cast a tion it on the person, creature or object you
spell. To do so, click on the runebag in your wish to target, then right-click to unleash
inventory, then click on each rune required the spell. (You may or may not succeed.)
First Circle Fifth Circle
Create Food Cure Poison
Light Fireball
Magic Arrow Missile Protection
Resist Blows Name Enchantment
Stealth Open
COMBAT 3. Move the yellow cross onto the option
you want and click either button (or press
Using a Hand Weapon. the number of the statement you want to
1. Click on a weapon in your weapon make).
hand (or on the Fight icon) to enter fight 4. Read the other person’s response and
mode. pick one of your own. If you see the word
2. Position the cursor on your target. “[MORE]” at the end of a comment, click
3. Hold down the right button until the either mouse-button or press any key to
weapon is drawn back (You can continue see the rest of what the other person has to
to move by pressing the left button while say. If you see the word “Other” in your list
the right button is pressed.) of choices, you have the option of typing in
4. With the weapon drawn back, the something that isn’t on your list.
power gem begins to brighten, indicating 5. If you have the last word in the conver-
how much power you are putting into the sation, you return to the main game screen
attack. automatically. Otherwise, click either
5. Release the mouse-button to attack. (If mouse-button or press any key.
the gem is still red when you release the
button, your attack is aborted.) Bartering
Types of Attack. 1. Select the option on your conversation
option list that says you want to trade
Bash. Press the right button when the items.
cursor is high in the view window. 2. Get items you are willing to trade and
Slash. Press the right button when the put them in your barter area.
cursor is in the middle of the view window. 3. Click on items in either barter area to
Thrust. Press the right button when the select or deselect them for the current trade.
cursor is low in the view window. 4. Offer the deal by clicking on the ap-
propriate menu line, or click on “I must
Missile Weapons think about this deal” to use your appraise
1. Ready a missile weapon by placing it skill.
in your hand on the Inventory panel. Make 5. If the person or creature with whom
sure you have ammunition in your inven- you are trading accepts the deal, any items
tory. Enter fight mode. you offered disappear into your trading
2. Press and hold the right mouse-button partner’s inventory. Now, you may move
to initiate an attack (screen location doesn’t traded items from his barter area into your
matter). inventory.
3. When the jewel is green, your weapon 6. If the deal isn’t accepted, you can
is ready to shoot and a red, circular cursor change the highlighted items in either bar-
appears. ter area and try again.
4. Move the cursor where you want to 7. At the end of a bartering session, any
aim your weapon. items that now belong to you appear on the
5. Release the mouse-button to unleash floor in front of you.
the attack.
Giving and Getting Items
CONVERSATION 1. Place the item you wish to give or
show in your barter area.
To talk to a character or creature: 2. Select a conversation option like “I
1. Click on the Talk icon. wish to give you this gift.” The character
2. Position the cursor over the character takes the item from your barter area, or
you wish to talk to, then press the right simply looks at it, depending on the cir-
mouse-button to bring up the conversa- cumstances.
tion screen. The other person’s comments 3. If a character gives you something, it
appear on the large scroll in the center of appears on your cursor, allowing you to
the screen. Your response options appear place it in your inventory.
on your message scroll.
Repairing Items 1. Use an anvil as you would any item.
Some characters in the Abyss offer to 2. When your cursor turns into an anvil,
repair items. To have a broken item re- click on the broken item.
paired, place it in your barter area before 3. A message appears telling you how
you select the option requesting the repair. difficult the repair will be and asking if you
To repair damaged weapons or armor want to continue.
yourself: 4. Select “Yes” or “No.”
When using a keyboard, note that the Also, there are some keyboard com-
game is case sensitive — SHIFT-A is not mands for which there are no mouse equiva-
the same as A. lents — even mouse users must use these.
These commands are listed below in italics.