Infosys PPT 13

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E-R Diagram

An Entity–relationship model (ER model) describes the structure of a database with the help of a
diagram, which is known as Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram). An ER model is a design or
blueprint of a database that can later be implemented as a database. The main components of E-R
model are: entity set and relationship set.

What is an Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram)?

An ER diagram shows the relationship among entity sets. An entity set is a group of similar entities
and these entities can have attributes. In terms of DBMS, an entity is a table or attribute of a table in
database, so by showing relationship among tables and their attributes, ER diagram shows the
complete logical structure of a database. Lets have a look at a simple ER diagram to understand this

A simple ER Diagram

 In the following diagram we have two entities Student and College and their relationship.
The relationship between Student and College is many to one as a college can have many
students however a student cannot study in multiple colleges at the same time.

Student entity has attributes such as Stu_Id, Stu_Name & Stu_Addr and College entity has attributes
such as Col_ID & Col_Name

ER Diagram

Here are the geometric shapes and their meaning in an E-R Diagram. We will discuss these terms in
detail in the next section(Components of a ER Diagram) of this guide so don’t worry too much about
these terms now, just go through them once.

Rectangle: Represents Entity sets.

Ellipses: Attributes

Diamonds: Relationship Set

Lines: They link attributes to Entity Sets and Entity sets to Relationship Set

Double Ellipses: Multivalued Attributes Dashed Ellipses: Derived Attributes Double Rectangles:
Weak Entity Sets

Double Lines: Total participation of an entity in a relationship set

Components of a ER Diagram:

Components of a ER Diagram

As shown in the above diagram, an ER diagram has three main components:

1. Entity

2. Attribute

3. Relationship


An entity is an object or component of data. An entity is represented as rectangle in an ER


For example: In the following ER diagram we have two entities Student and College and these two
entities have many to one relationship as many students study in a single college.

Weak Entity:

An entity that cannot be uniquely identified by its own attributes and relies on the relationship with
other entity is called weak entity. The weak entity is represented by a double rectangle. For example
– a bank account cannot be uniquely identified without knowing the bank to which the account
belongs, so bank account is a weak entity.
 An attribute describes the property of an entity. An attribute is represented as Oval in an ER
diagram. There are four types of attributes:

1. Key attribute

2. Composite attribute

3. Multivalued attribute

4. Derived attribute

Key Attribute

 A key attribute can uniquely identify an entity from an entity set. For example, student roll
number can uniquely identify a student from a set of students. Key attribute is
represented by oval same as other attributes however the text of key attribute is

Composite Attribute
 An attribute that is a combination of other attributes is known as composite attribute.
For example, in student entity, the student address is a composite attribute as an address is
composed of other attributes such as pin code, state, country.
Multivalued and Derived Attribute

 Multivalued attribute:

An attribute that can hold multiple values is known as multivalued attribute. It is represented with
double ovals in an ER Diagram

For Example: a person can have more than one phone numbers so the phone number attribute is

 Derived attribute:

A derived attribute is one whose value is dynamic and derived from another attribute. It is
represented by dashed oval in an ER Diagram.

For example – Person age is a derived attribute as it changes over time and can be derived from
another attribute ( date of birth)

A relationship is represented by diamond shape in ER diagram, it shows the relationship among

entities. There are four types of relationships:

1. One to One

2. One to Many

3. Many to One

4. Many to Many

Relationship: One to One

When a single instance of an entity is associated with a single instance of another entity then
it is called one to one relationship. For example, a person has only one passport and a passport is
given to one person

Relationship: One to Many

When a single instance of an entity is associated with more than one instances of another
entity then it is called one to many relationship. For example – a customer can place many orders
but a order cannot be placed by many customers.

Relationship: Many to One Relationship

When more than one instances of an entity is associated with a single instance of another
entity then it is called many to one relationship. For example – many students can study in a single
college but a student cannot study in many colleges at the same time.
Relationship: Many to Many

When more than one instances of an entity is associated with more than one instances of
another entity then it is called many to many relationship. For example, a student can be
assigned to many projects and a project can be assigned to many students.

Total Participation of an Entity set

A Total participation of an entity set represents that each entity in entity set must have at least one
relationship in a relationship set.

For example: In the below diagram each college must have at-least one associated Student.
Data Flow diagram (DFD)

Data-flow diagram(DFD) is a way of representing movement of data through a process or a

system (usually an information system).

DFD describes the processes that are involved in a system to transfer data from the input to the file
storage and reports generation

 DFD graphically representing the functions, or processes, which capture, manipulate, store,
and distribute data between a system and its environment and between components of a
system. The visual representation makes it a good communication tool between User and
System designer. Structure of DFD allows starting from a broad overview and expand it to a
hierarchy of detailed diagrams. DFD has often been used due to the following reasons:

 Logical information flow of the system

 Determination of physical system construction requirements

 Simplicity of notation

 Establishment of manual and automated systems requirements

DFD components

 Process

 Data Flow

 Warehouse

 Terminator


The process (function, transformation) is part of a system that transforms inputs to outputs. The
symbol of a process is a circle, an oval, a rectangle or a rectangle with rounded corners
(according to the type of notation). The process is named in one word, a short sentence, or a
phrase that is clearly to express its essence
Data Flow

Data flow shows the transfer of information (sometimes also material) from one part of the system
to another. The symbol of the flow is the arrow. The flow should have a name that determines
what information (or what material) is being moved. Exceptions are flows where it is clear what
information is transferred through the entities that are linked to these flows. Material shifts are
modeled in systems that are not merely informative. Flow should only transmit one type of
information (material). The arrow shows the flow direction (it can also be bi- directional if the
information to/from the entity is logically dependent -

e.g. question and answer). Flows link processes, warehouses and terminators

Warehouse or Stores

The warehouse (datastore, data store, file, database) is used to store data for later use. The symbol
of the store is two horizontal lines, the other way of view is shown in the DFD Notation. The
name of the warehouse is a plural noun (e.g. orders) - it derives from the input and output
streams of the warehouse. The warehouse does not have to be just a data file, for example, a
folder with documents, a filing cabinet, and optical discs. Therefore, viewing the warehouse in DFD
is independent of implementation. The flow from the warehouse usually represents the
reading of the data stored in the warehouse, and the flow to the warehouse usually expresses
data entry or updating (sometimes also deleting data). Warehouse is represented by two parallel
lines between which the memory name is located.


The Terminator is an external entity that communicates with the system and stands outside of the
system. It can be, for example, various organizations (eg a bank), groups of people (e.g.
customers), authorities (e.g. a tax office) or a department (e.g. a human-resources department) of
the same organization, which does not belong to the model system. The terminator may be
another system with which the modeled system communicates

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