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1 April 1999
P.O. Box 427, Sugar City, ID 83448-0472 -- ph: (208) 356-1532 fax: (208) 356-2390



The AICC recommends that developers and users of aviation industry computer-based training (CBT)
adhere to the AICC Guidelines and Recommendations and technical documents identified in this
document. These documents have been developed to promote and enhance the interoperability of CBT
systems and courseware within the aviation industry. The AICC further recommends that developers
and users of aviation industry CBT become aware of important interoperability issues through the white
papers and working documents prepared by the AICC. The AICC does not recommend implementing
any guidelines stated in these documents until they have been formally approved by the AICC voting


The AICC generates and distributes three different types of documents. The first type of documentation
includes the AICC Guidelines and Recommendations, or AGRs. AGRs represent the official voice of the
AICC with respect to a designated area. All AGRs have been formally voted upon and approved by the
general voting membership of the AICC. AGRs are identified by the prefix "AGR" followed by a
number (e.g., AGR-001)

The second type of documentation are the technical reports. Technical reports typically contain the
technical detail underlying an AGR. Technical reports also represent the official word of the AICC in
that they have undergone the same formal approval process as an AGR. Technical documents are
identified with a prefix which designates the subcommittee from which they originate as follows:

CMI.......................................Computer-Managed Instruction
CRS........................................Courseware Technology
EXC.......................................Executive Committee
ITL.........................................Independent Test Lab
MPD/AUD.............................Media and Peripheral Devices
ELS........................................Electronic Library Systems
WOS......................................Window & Operating Systems
ETC.......................................Emerging Technologies and Concepts

Review Cycle The data contained in this document has been collected by the AICC as an informational resource of
Computer Based Training programs. Neither the AICC nor any of its members assumes nor shall any
© 1995 AICC of them have any responsibility for any use by anyone for any purpose of this document or of the data
All Rights Reserved which it contains.
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AGR 001 Version 3.0

Each document has a three digit suffix. The documents are generally numbered sequentially and
chronologically. However, because some documents are superseded and others may be canceled, the
documents ID's may skip numbers (e.g. MPD 001, MPD 002, MPD 003, MPD 005).

The third type of documentation are white papers and working documents. These documents do not
have formal approval from the general voting membership. Instead, they are working papers generated
by a subcommittee in the course of their work toward an AGR or in their development of a white paper.
The material in these documents may change radically from one meeting to the next as the issues are
clarified and consensus is acquired. Their identification follows the same format as the technical


AGR 001 – AICC PUBLICATIONS [2.4] (1 April 1997)

This document summarizes all of the publications issued by the AICC. It identifies and provides an
abstract of current AICC Guidelines and Recommendations, technical documents, and white papers.
(5 pages)

This document contains recommendations to the aviation industry for the acquisition of a computer-
based training student delivery station. Recommendations, with accompanying rationale, are
provided for a delivery station's CPU, clock speed, bus, power supply, operating system, RAM, CD-
ROM, graphic adapter, monitor, mouse, keyboard, digital audio system, videodisc player, and
network. (10 pages)

AGR 003 - DIGITAL AUDIO [2.0] (9 January 1997)

This document recommends guidelines that promote the interoperability of digital audio.
Interoperability means the ability of courseware with audio to playback on different PCs with
different audio cards in them. It also means the ability of a single PC to playback courses with audio
from different vendors. (3 pages)

This document provides a formal recommendation to the aviation industry for an operating and
windowing system used for delivery of CBT. It contains the results of a survey of the major
operating and windowing systems conducted by the AICC. (3 pages)


This document recommends guidelines that promote the interoperability of the following peripheral
devices: video overlay card, videodisk player, and XY input device (such as a touch screen, mouse,
or trackball), and part task trainers. (4 pages)
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AGR 001 Version 3.0

This document recommends guidelines that promote the interoperability of CMI systems.
Interoperability means the ability of a given CMI system to manage CBT lessons from different
origins. It also includes the ability for a given CBT lesson to exchange data with different CMI
systems. (2 pages)


This document recommends guidelines for the interchange of the elements that occur in CBT
courseware. These elements include: text, graphics, motion (frame-based), audio, and logic. These
guidelines encompass: (1) the major data components of CBT courseware and (2) standard data
formats for these components. (3 pages)

AGR 008 – DIGITAL VIDEO (29 August 1995)

This document recommends guidelines for the creation, distribution, and use of digital video in CBT
courseware. (3 pages)

AGR 009 – ICON STANDARDS (10 June 1996)

This document recommends guidelines for the functionality and use of student/user interfaces in
CBT material and delivery systems. Guidelines are provided for navigational controls, audiovisual
controls, and student support functions. (4 pages)


This document recommends guidelines that promote the interoperability of Web-Based CMI systems.
Interoperability means the ability of a given Web-Based CMI system to manage (Internet) CBT lessons
from different origins. It also means the ability for a given (Internet) CBT lesson to exchange data with
different Web-Based CMI systems. (2 pages)


AUD 001A – Plug & Play Guidelines for AICC CBT Drivers (18 March 1992)
This document describes the way in which different hardware drivers for CBT peripherals may be
designed to work together, in the same system, simultaneously. (17 pages)

AUD 002 – Digital Audio Portability Guidelines (23 December 1993)

This document is a cooperative effort of the Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA) and the
AICC. It defines a standard command set for portability of applications across different digital audio
systems. It also defines a format for digital audio files which allows audio data to be ported to a
different digital audio subsystem. Its intended audience includes digital audio system manufacturers,
CBT system integrators, and CBT authoring system developers. (90 pages)
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AGR 001 Version 3.0

AUD 003 – AICC Extensions to the IMA Recommended Practices (4 December 1992)
These extensions to the IMA Recommended Practices identify additions to the IMA document
Recommended Practices for Multimedia Portability. These extensions to the IMA are necessary to
obtain the functionality and performance required by typical interactive video courseware used in the
aviation industry. (15 pages)

CMI 001 – CMI Guidelines for Interoperability 2.2] (12 October 1998)
This document provides a set of recommendations and guidelines for achieving interoperability
among different computer-managed instruction (CMI) systems and between CMI systems and
computer-based training (CBT) applications. The document defines a number of CMI principles and
terms. It addresses interoperability in the following areas: moving course structure and content
between systems, communications between a CMI system and a lesson, and storing student
performance data. Since each of these areas of interoperability depends upon data files, guidelines
for the format and content of these data files are provided. (305 pages)

CMI 003 – AICC/CMI Certification Testing Procedures. [1.0a] (25 September 1998).
This document defines the specific procedures to be following for certification of AICC-compliant
CMI systems. It includes the necessary forms to be filled out by vendors desiring to certify their
CMI systems. (30 pages)

COM 002 – Documentation Guidelines for AICC non-AGR Publications (11 Sept. 1992)
This document describes the form and format of written documentation produced by AICC
members. It outlines an effective method for communicating ideas on page and establishes a
uniform format for non-AGR documents. (30 pages)

CRS 002 – Glossary of Terms Related to Computer-Based Training [2.0] (31 January 1997)
This document provides the definition for numerous terms used in computer-based training
operations. The goal is to provide AICC members with a common language for communicating
internally about instruction, particularly CBT. (105 pages)

CRS 003 – Hierarchy of CBT Terms for AICC Publications (23 October 1992)
This document is designed to establish a useful hierarchy of levels of instruction and define terms in
the hierarchy that are applicable to the aviation community. (45 pages)

CRS 004 – Guidelines for CBT Courseware Interchange. (31 October 1995).
This document presents the AICC’s detailed background and analysis of interchange requirements
for text, graphics, animations, video, and other elements of CBT courseware. (41 pages)

CRS 005 – Bitmap Graphic File Format.. (20 March 1996).

This document describes the AICC’s analysis of a common way to store graphic and image
files to enhance courseware interchange of graphics. (25 pages)
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AGR 001 Version 3.0

ITL 001 – Test Reports (14 June 1995)
This document contains final test results of the Independent Test Lab for interoperability of CBT
courseware and systems. (155 pages)

ITL 002 – CBT Courseware/Hardware Matrix (15 September 1993)

This document is a catalog of over 70 flight and maintenance CBT courses developed, used, and sold
by airframe manufacturers, CBT suppliers, and airlines. This document identifies the student
delivery station, file server, and peripheral requirements for implementing each course. (35 pages)

EXC 001 – Roles and Responsibilities of AICC Working Group Chairmen (5 June 1992)
This document is designed to provide assistance to the chairmen of AICC subcommittees and
working groups. It identifies what is expected of a working group chairman. It outlines the roles
and responsibilities in organizational matters, establishing technical directions and goals, handling
meetings, and generating reports. (18 pages)

MPD 005 – Part Task Trainer Interfacing (17 June 1994)

This document provides a detailed description of the AICC serial cable interfacing of CBT hardware
with Part Task Trainers (PTT). (21 pages)

MPD 006 – AICC Audio and the Migration to Windows. (8 January 1996)
This document outlines a draft recommendation for accommodating DOS-based ADPCM audio used
in AICC Legacy courseware under Windows audio. It presents a strawman strategy for eventually
moving to Windows audio. (15 pages)

MPD 011 – The Use of Digital Video in Computer-Based Training. [1.1] (5 January 1996).
This document provides an extensive background and detailed justification for the AICC’s
recommendations for the use of digital video in comptuer-based training. (35 pages)


CMI 002 – Procedures for CMI Compliance Testing.. [draft 9] (8 January 1997).
This document broadly outlines the philosophy for interoperability testing of AICC-compliant CMI
systems. Test methodologies are outlined for the following tests: (1) launching CBT lessons; (2)
communication between lessons and the CMI system; (3) moving courses between systems; (4)
replicating course behaviors with different CMI systems; and (5) storing lesson evaluation data.
This document was used as the basis for the more specific testing procedures provided in CMI-002,
AICC/CMI Certification Testing. (46 pages)

CMI 004 – AICC CMI Assignable Unit Proxy Design Guidelines [draft 1] (24 June 1998)
This document defines the launch and control mechanisms for assignable units {AU) in AICC/CMI
systems and guidelines for the implementation of AU “Proxies”. An AU proxy is application
launched by a CMI that launches and monitors an AU on behalf of a CMI system. (12 pages)
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AGR 001 Version 3.0

CMI 005 – Handling of Objectives in AICC CMI Guidelines [draft 1] (6 July 1998)
The purpose of this paper is describe features related to learning objectives in the AICC CMI
Guidelines for Interoperability. This description should help developers understand how they can
use CMI features to identify, track, and analyze objectives in their courses. (26 pages)

CMI 006 – Levels of CMI Compliance [draft 1] (24 June 1998)

The AICC CMI Guidelines for Interoperability, version 2.1, defines 4 levels of complexity for
course interchange (Section 6.0.3). These levels determine the four levels of compliance possible for
the course interchange features of the CMI system. This document further defines 4 levels of
compliance for all of the other features described in the CMI Guidelines. (20 pages)

CMI 007 – Web Launch Scenarios for the AICC CMI Guidelines [draft 1] (2 July 1998)
The purpose of this paper is describe the way in which a CMI system can launch a CBT lesson in
compliance with the AICC HTTP environment guidelines. The scenario is designed to help both the
developer and user of a Web-based CMI system understand how a launch may be handled. (15 pages)

CMI 008 – AICC/Web-based CMI Certification Testing Procedures [1.1 draft 2] (April 1999)
This document defines the tests necessary to assess and certify the compliance of CMI and CBT to
AICC/CMI guidelines as outlined in AGR-010. (145 pages)

CRS 006 – Distance Learning Technology for Aviation Training. [draft 1] (8 January 1997).
This document describes current and future uses of distance learning technology for the delivery of
training in aviation. (33 pages)

ETC 001 – Software Agent Technology. (1 May 1994).

This document summarizes the Hippocrene study which surveys current technology and presents a
preliminary proposal for a generic agent architecture. The goal of the Hippocrene study is to provide
a mechanism for AICC members from diverse backgrounds and interests to better understand and
determine the place of software agent technology in future computer-based training and performance
support systems. This report gives an overview of the motivations and technology issues behind the
technology, and summarizes significant examples of implemented systems using software agents.

ETC 002 – Open Standards and Enabling Technologies. (1 May 1994).

This document summarizes the Mercury study whose goal is to provide mechanism for AICC
members to evaluate and apply emerging platform-independent multimedia and information
standards, and to influence their direction. This report specifically summarizes long-term trends for
open standards and enabling technology that will form the basis for future technology integration
demonstrations and evaluations.
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AGR 001 Version 3.0

ELS 001 – Digital Electronic Library Systems [draft 4] (28 May 1998)
This working document describes the evolution of AICC efforts to enable CBT lessons to launch and
control desk-top simulation software. (25 pages)

ELS 002 – Airbus Industrie Smart Graphics Specifications [draft 1] (28 May 1998)
This working document describes the evolution of AICC efforts to enable CBT lessons to launch and
control desk-top simulation software. (125 pages)

MPD 010 – Simulation Interoperability (1 May 1995)

This working document describes the evolution of AICC efforts to enable CBT lessons to launch and
control desk-top simulation software. (150 pages)


AICC publications may be obtained electronically through the AICC’s World Wide Web server at

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