Exergoeconomic Analysis of A CFM56-7B Turbofan Engine
Exergoeconomic Analysis of A CFM56-7B Turbofan Engine
Exergoeconomic Analysis of A CFM56-7B Turbofan Engine
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/energy
Keywords: This paper deals with the exergoeconomic cost analysis of a high bypass turbofan engine and its components
CFM56-7B based on exergy analysis and selected economical parameters. CFM56-7B is selected for this analysis which
Exergoeconomy powers Boeing 737 medium range transportation aircraft widely utilized all over the world. It has accumulated
Gas turbine
more than 105 million flight hours. Exergoeconomic analysis of engine is conducted in component level and can
be performed by integration of exergy analysis and engine economic parameters. Thanks to exergoeconomic
analysis, the system costs as well as exergy destructions costs within each engine components can be calculated.
The study reveals out that maximum exergy cost of CFM56-7B occurs at HPT inlet as 5365.65 US$/h, however
the lowest exergy cost rate as belongs to low pressure compressor work as 112.57 US$/h. Fuel cost is 2202 US$/h
with unit exergy cost value of 10.33 US$/GJ based on selected fuel and economic parameters. Although unit
exergy costs are around 18.5 US$/GJ value for LPT and HPT, it’s calculated to be around 24–25 US$/GJ for HPC
and LPC. It is thought that the cost results can be beneficial for airline customer as well as engine designer.
1. Introduction taxes costs and insurance. Through exergoeconomic study, the real cost
sources may be pointed out as follows: (i) capital investment costs of
Exergy is basically maximum amount of useful work that can be components, (ii) maintenance and operating costs (iii) costs due to
provided by a system. At a certain thermodynamic state system’s exergy destruction and loss of exergy [4].
is defined as maximum amount of work that can be obtained when the The exergoeconomic approach can be a powerful method to inves
system moves from that particular state to a state of equilibrium with the tigate and optimize an energy system. It can be applied on the produc
surroundings. Main benefit of exergetic approach is to bring to light the tion plants utility cost evaluation and also energy cost of an energy
magnitudes of exergy destructions and their locations in the system converter through process and operations. These costs are can be taken
components providing information the areas need to be improved [1]. in consideration during investment decisions, comparing operating
The exergoeconomic analysis is a cost analysis method accomplished conditions and alternative techniques, feasibility studies, equipment’s
in component level by integration of exergy analysis and engine eco installation cost and energy system exchange and expansion [5].
nomic parameters. Final product and exergy destruction costs of com The requested target from aircraft engine is to supply the power
ponents can be calculated by exergoeconomic analysis. It also needed to fly the airplane. While achieving this goal the thrust should be
contributes to find out the cost of inefficiencies. With exergoeconomic augmented as much as possible for the certain fuel consumption to have
analysis method, the average cost is determined for each exergy flow, higher kinetic exergy of hot gases from fuel chemical exergy. That will
which than enable us to calculate the cost rates at inlet and outlet of result both to decrease the operational cost of Airline Company and also
components [2,3]. the exhaust emissions to environment. Hence, improvement of engine
Main goal of exergoeconomic analysis is to optimize the overall efficiency which results in less fuel consumption is vital for aviation
system with help of exergy and cost calculations. For the investigated industry because of economic and environmental benefits. And also, it’s
system the economic analysis should be carried out for system’s entire evident that there’s a direct interrelation between appliance environ
life. These will cover related costs including the maintenance and mental performance and reduced fuel consumption. Roughly, each tone
operating expenses, fuel consumption costs, capital investment costs, of fuel saving will decrease CO2 emissions approximately 3.15 tones.
Received 23 April 2022; Received in revised form 14 July 2022; Accepted 23 July 2022
Available online 5 August 2022
0360-5442/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Turan Energy 259 (2022) 124936
The technological advancement in industry leads to improve fuel effi Kinetic and potential exergy can be computed as follows (for unit
ciency as a result of improved aircraft and engine efficiency [6–8]. mass);
For the aircraft engine, while the system efficiency is kept at
maximum level, the cost values and environmental impacts need to be exkn = (2a)
minimized to have cost-effective and eco-friendly aviation. To achieve
these goals, running the engine at optimum engine operational condi expt = gz (2b)
tion that will reduce the fuel consumption and the exergy destruction
and lost, and also selection of higher fuel quality, the minimizing of The specific physical exergy in respect to temperature, pressure and
capital cost should be considered. In this circumstance, for aircraft en specific heat values can be computed with below formula;
gines performance evaluation, exergy-energy, sustainability, exer [ ( )]
( )
goeconomic, and environmental analysis methods can be applied. exph = cP(T) T − To − To ln + RTo ln (3)
To Po
Meanwhile, exergoeconomic analyses are used to evaluate for the
aircraft propulsion systems for cost effectiveness while energy and Equation (4) makes enable to calculate the unit specific chemical
exergy analyses are used to find which engine is more efficient [9]. So, exergy for liquid fuels [2];
exergoeconomical assessments are also used to determine whether en ( )
exch,f H O S H
gine and aircraft is the most economically benign. At the end of the = γ f ≅ 1.0401 + 0.01728 + 0.0432 + 0.2196 1 − 2.0628
exergoeconomic analysis, the effects of various parameters, such as
exergy destruction, system lifetime, system annual operation hour and
fuel price on the costs can be calculated. For C12H23 jet fuel chemical formula, γf (fuel exergy grade function
Up to know many studies have been performed on turbo machinery for liquid fuel) is found as 1.068 from Equation (4).
and stationary/aero gas turbines’ energy, exergy analyses [9–31] Exergy efficiency (ηex,sys) can be calculated by different methods
Additionally, exergy and exergoeconomic analysis of varies engine depending on which component to be considered. For whole system or
configurations like turbojet, turbofan and turbofan with afterburner engine, it can basically be found out by ratio of exergy out to total inlet
have also been studied by many investigators [2,4,5,18,24]. It’s thought exergy of engine;
that exergoeconomic investigation results can be used in classification of
aircraft engines based on their cost formation which may be beneficial Ėxout Ėxin − ĖxLD ĖxLD
ηex,sys = = =1− (5)
for airline operators. Ėxin Ėxin Ėxin
Boeing 737–800 which is a recent version of family consume does For compressor (LPC, HPC);
have relatively less fuel consumption by 48% per-seat basis. In the
world, currently more than 8000 of CFM56-7B engines installed on ηex,LPC,HPC =
Ėxout − Ėxin
Boeing 737 aircrafts are being operated. It has accumulated over 105 Ẇ LPC,HPC
million flight hours so far. Airbus A320 is another popular airframe on
For turbine (HPT, LPT);
which CFM56 are installed that the latest generation is about 40% less
expensive and more fuel-efficient to previous ones. With more than Ẇ LPT,HPT
ηex,LPT,HPT = (7)
33,000 CFM56 turbofan engines delivered to date and it powers more Ėxin − Ėxout
than 600 airline operators worldwide. The engine for the A320 family,
While exergetic performance evaluation of a system, various exer
having been selected to power nearly 60% of the aircraft ordered.
getic parameters such as fuel depletion rate and relative irreversibility
Furthermore, the CFM56-7B is the exclusive engine for the Boeing Next-
rates of engine and its main components may be reviewed [19,20]. Fuel
Generation single-aisle airliner. In total, more than 15,000 CFM56-7B
depletion rate of turbofan engine is basically calculated by division of
engines have been delivered to power B737, making it the most popu
destructed exergy inside the kth component to fuel chemical exergy
lar engine-aircraft combination in commercial aviation history [6,7].
consumed in the combustor.
This paper deals with the exergoeconomic analysis of CFM56-7B
turbofan engine installed on B737 commercial airplane. Main contri Ėxdest,k
bution of exergoeconomic analysis makes enable us to evaluate the all δk = (8)
the costs including exergy destruction costs for engine and main engine
components. To achieve this aim, (i) investigation of the operational and Irreversibility which is the ratio of destructed exergy inside the kth
economical parameters pertain to engine and main engine components component to total destructed exergy of whole engine;
(ii) formation of cost balance equations and supplementary equations
for engine and main components (ii) calculation of exergy flow costs and Xk = (9)
unite exergy costs of engine components with solution of cost balance
equations. ‘Exergetic improvement potential’ is another exergy parameter
In the open literature, its observed exergoeconomic analysis of a developed by Van Gool [21];
commercial turbofan (CFM56-7B) engine has not been carried out. That
was the main motivation for authors and makes this study original. I Ṗ = (1 − ηex )(Ėxin − Ėxout ) (10)
In order to carry out the detailed exergy analysis, the exergy pa
2. Exergo-economic analyses: theoretical background rameters like temperature, pressure, air flow and consumed fuel etc. are
need to be measured. Once the required parameters obtained, the exergy
2.1. Exergy formulations flow rates at component inlet and outlet can be determined by applying
the Equations (2)–(4).
The flow of matter’s total exergy through a system is calculated by In exergy analysis, the assumptions accepted are listed below:
sum of each exergy constituent;
Ėx = Ėxkn + Ėxpt + Ėxph + Ėxch (1) ✓ Air and exhaust gases are ideal.
✓ Environment pressure and temperature as 288 K and 101.4 kPa.
Here, Ėxkn , Ėxpt , Ėxch and Ėxph represent kinetic, potential, chemical ✓ Consumed fuel in the combustor is JET A1 with C12H23 chemical
and physical exergy rates respectively. formula.
O. Turan Energy 259 (2022) 124936
Ż CFM56 =
(18) The exergoeconomic cost balance equations for turbofan engine and
τ the main components are listed below:
CIC Fan:
kth component’s hourly capital investment cost (Żk );
( ) (27)
PECk Ċ1 + ĊW,fan + Ż fan = Ċ13 + Ċ18
Ż k = Ż CFM56 ∑
where Ċ1 = 0
Żk , kth component hourly operating and maintenance cost;
Ẇ fan xcw,LPT + Ż fan = (Ėx13 + Ėx18 )xc13 (28)
OM ( )
Ż k =
PECCFM56 65.1xcw,LPT − 56.34xc13 = − 73 (29)
where τ,n,i,PEC and Ċ denotes yearly operation hour, engine life,
interest rate, the component and operating and maintenance exergy Ċw,LPC + Ċ13 + Ż LPC = Ċ25
costs, respectively.
Yearly fuel cost as energetic terms (FCe);
O. Turan Energy 259 (2022) 124936
Ẇ LPC xcw,LPT + Ėx13 xc13 + Ż LPC = Ėx25 xc25 (31) Main engine component costs (PEC) are approximately assessed with
averaged cost of engine neglecting the accessory equipment costs. For
29.4xcw,LPT + 4.7xc13 − 29.7xc25 = − 43.9 (32) each component, the capital investment (Żk ) and operating and
HPC: maintenance costs (Żk )
are computed by using Equations (12)–(22)
based on selected economic parameters listed in Table 1. The capital,
Ċw,HPC + Ċ25 + Ż HPC − ĊB1 − ĊB2 = Ċ3 operating and maintenance and total costs for engine components are
presented in Table 2.
Ẇ HPC xcw,HPT + Ėx25 xc25 − ĖxB1 xcB1 − ĖxB2 xcB2 + Ż HPC = Ėx3 xc3 The fuel cost per year (FCe), and hourly fuel consumption cost (Ċf )
are determined as below,
109.1xcw,HPT + 29.7xc25 − 122xc3 = − 66.9 (35)
F Ċ = Prṁf τ3600 = 8, 465925$ (50)
Combustor (CC):
(36) F Ċ
Ċ3 + Ċfuel + Ż CC = Ċ4 Ċf = = 2, 202$ (51)
Ėx3 c3 + Ėxfuel cfuel + Ż CC = Ėx4 c4 (37) With fuel price assumed as 1.1$/kg and taking into account cruise
flight fuel consumption rate, the average hourly fuel consumption (Ċf ) is
119.5xc3 − 283.8xc4 = − 2258.4 (38) calculated as 2202 US$ per hour.
Exergy flows in main engine components have been calculated thru
exergy analysis by Aydin et al. [25]. Component unit exergy costs (c)
Ċ4 + ĊB1 + ĊB2 + Ż HPT = Ċ45 + Ċw,HPT (39) have been calculated by solution of exergoeconomic Equations (23)–
(51). Components exergy costs (Ċ) are basically calculated by multipli
Ėx4 xc4 + ĖxB1 xcB1 + ĖxB2 xc3 + Ż HPT = Ėx45 xc45 + Ẇ HPT xcw,HPT (40) cation of exergy flow (GJ/h) rates with unit cost values of related
component. The exergy and unit exergy cost values of high bypass en
113.1xc4 + 1.58xcB1 + 2.52xc3 − 109xcw,HPT = − 99.2 (41) gine components are shown in Table 3.
5. Results and discussion
Ċ45 + Ż LPT = ĊW,LPT + Ċ5
This paper deals with the exergoeconomic cost analysis of selected
turbofan engine and their components based on exergy analysis and
Ėx45 c45 + Ż LPT = Ẇ LPT cW,LPT + Ėx5 c5
economical parameters. Energy and exergy analyses can be applied to
determine the energetic and exergetic efficiencies, exergy destructions
97.7xc4 − 94.7xcw,HPT = − 54.6 (44)
of main engine components and exergetic parameters of system. The
CFM56-7B turbofan engine: temperature and pressure distributions of the turbofan engine stations
are outlined in Figs. 2 and 3.
Ċ3f + Ż CFM56 = Ċ8 + Ċ18 The energy and exergy flows are obtained by exergy and energy
O. Turan Energy 259 (2022) 124936
Table 2
Turbofan engine and main components equipment, capital investment and
operating and maintenance costs [25].
Component PEC(US$) CIC
Żk (US$ /h)
Żk (US$ /h)
Żk (US$ /h)
FAN 2750000 56 17 73
LPC 1320000 26.9 17 43.9
HPC 2200000 44.8 22.1 66.9
Combustor 1100000 22.4 34 56.4
HPT 2200000 44.8 54.4 99.2
LPT 1430000 29.1 25.5 54.6
Engine 11000000 224 170 394
Table 3
Exergy flow, exergy cost unit exergy cost in Engine components and stations.
Component Exergy flow (MW) Ex(GJ/h) C($/h) c($/GJ)
Fan (0) 0 0 0 0
Fig. 3. Pressure values at turbofan engine component inlet and outlet.
Fan (13 + 18) 15,65 56.34 0.00 0.00
LPC (13) 1,3 4.68 112.57 24.05
18 12,446 44.81 1077.75 24.05
LPC (25) 8255 29.72 735.97 24.77
HPC (25) 8255 29.72 735.97 24.77
HPC (3) 33,2 119.52 2996.61 25.07
CC (3) 33,2 119.52 2996.61 25.07
3f 59,2 213.12 2202.00 10.33
CC (4) 78,85 283.86 5255.67 18.52
HPT (4) 80,5 289.80 5365.65 18.52
HPT (45) 49,13 176.87 3274.71 18.52
LPT (45) 49,8 179.28 3319.37 18.52
LPT (5) 22,66 81.58 1510.38 18.52
Whpt 30.30 109.08 2255.56 20.68
Wlpt 26,3 94.68 1863.11 19.68
Whpc 30,3 109.08 637.00 20.68
Wlpc 8,17 29.412 637.00 19.68
Wfan 18,1 65.16 637.00 19.68
B1 0,44 1.584 637.00 24.90
B2 0,7 2.52 637.00 25.07
analysis, the values for each engine components are presented Fig. 4.
Maximum exergy flow observed at combustor outlet as about 80 MW
value, meanwhile energy flow is over 100 MW at this location. It should Fig. 5. Exergy flow rate (GJ/h) for the turbofan engine stations and work
be noted that exergy destructions of each can be obtained with the total interactions.
exergy differences of component inlet and outlet. The detailed exergy
analysis containing exergy efficiencies, exergy destructions and The reason why HPT inlet exergy flow slightly higher than combustor
improvement potential rates have been obtained in a previous study outlet is the attribution of exergy flow rate of cooling air extracted from
done by Aydin et al. [25]. HPC to cool the hot section parts.
Fig. 5 shows the exergy flow rates in GJ/h of the overall engine The component exergy (US$/h) and unit exergy cost rates (US$/GJ)
station flow and work interactions. Focusing our attention on this figure, are displayed in Figs. 6 and 7.
the highest exergy flow rate occurs in HPT inlet as a value of 289.8 GJ/h. The exergy and unit exergy cost values of high bypass engine
O. Turan Energy 259 (2022) 124936
In this work exergy and exergoeconomic cost analysis of a high Data availability
bypass turbofan engine and main components is reviewed. Benefits
gathered from exergoeconomic analysis is to help identify the potential The authors do not have permission to share data.
O. Turan Energy 259 (2022) 124936
Greek Letters
ψ Specific exergy (kJ kg− 1)
γ Specific heat ratio
ρ Density (kg m− 3)
η Efficiency
φ Operating and maintenance factor
τ The total annual number hours of system (h)
O. Turan Energy 259 (2022) 124936
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