TUGAS TUTORIAL 1 Bahasa Inggris
TUGAS TUTORIAL 1 Bahasa Inggris
TUGAS TUTORIAL 1 Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Inggris
C. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the conversation. (5 pts)
➔ That conversation discussed about preparation of project meeting.
2. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini. / Please look at the picture below. (50 pts)
Anggaplah gambar tersebut adalah tempat kerja Anda. Tulislah sebuah paragraf deskripsi
singkat dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai tempat kerja tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 150-250
kata. / Imagine it is a picture of your office. Write a descriptive paragraph about the place in
150-250 words.
Gunakan poin-poin berikut sebagai acuan Anda dalam menulis: / Use these points as your
guidelines when writing:
• Kalimat utama / pengantar / introduction
• Lokasi kantor / location of the office
• Hal menarik yang ada di ruang kerja / interesting features of the office
• Perasaan atau kesan Anda terhadap ruang kerja / what you feel about the office
What is office room that suited for you? An office with big television? Internet connection
available with some extra bed for rest? Or just ordinary office with comfort workplace
with PC and some stationery things on the place. That is my office. A government office
located in cool highland area. Not just a cool in real meaning, but its “cool” too. My office
shape is simple rectangle shape. Circled by other governmental organization office like
police, military, and food department. I work from a room, with area approximately 3x5
m2. In my room we have a personal computer/PC, table lamp, a racks for books and some
plantation ornament. I have comfort chair with orange color, so it will look “colorful”.
As I stated before, my office located in cool or cold (sometimes) highland area. Because of
it, my office rarely use air conditioner and my office have none. Plantation on the table is
also make office room more adorable. That addition would add something like a good
feeling at work. I feel that my office is perfect. An office that enjoyable and colorful for
Daniel Livingstone
Pertanyaan / Questions
Please identify:
a. the sender of the memo, (5 pts)
The sender of the memo is director of personnel named Daniel Livingstone. He appears
in section “from” in the memo
b. for whom the memo is for (5 pts)
The memo is shown for all employees
c. What the memo is about? (10 pts)
November Growth Initiative: Punctuality
d. Who will get the benefit of a half-day of paid time off? (5 pts)
Department with most on-time employees
Capaian Pembelajaran: Mahasiswa dapat menulis email informal sederhana secara akurat,
jelas, wajar, dan benar.
Indikator: Jika diberikan deskripsi suatu situasi, mahasiswa dapat menulis email/balasan email
dalam bahasa Inggris sebanyak 50-100 kata.
Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kompetisi My City Got Talent tetapi tidak dapat menemukan
informasi di mana formulir bisa diunduh. Tulislah sebuah email berdasarkan situasi tersebut
sebanyak 50-100 kata yang berisi:
• Salutation
• Pembuka
• Isi
• Penutup
You are interested in applying for the My City Got Talent competition but you could not find the
information about where you can download the forms. Write an email based on that situation in
50-100 words by including:
• Salutation
• Introduction/Opening
• Content / body email
• Closing / Sign off
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to introduce myself, I,m Irvan Setyawan, a gifted singer from Madiun.
Yesterday I saw your promotion poster about an event, My City Got Talent, I’m
interesting to apply on that competition. I feel that my voice could hypnotize judges and
spectators. But, I have a problem, I still cant find the forms to apply my interest.
I’d love to know link to download the forms and join the competition. I hope you could
replied it soon, so I’ll grab it fast and join the competiton then win it.
Thank you,
Irvan Setyawan