Diskusi 4 Bahasa Inggris 407
Diskusi 4 Bahasa Inggris 407
Diskusi 4 Bahasa Inggris 407
Setelah mempelajari materi pada Sesi 4, sekarang silahkan kita bahas pertanyaan-pertanyaan
berikut ini.
Bagaimana Anda menjelaskan perbedaan antara email bisnis dan surat bisnis?
Bayangkan Anda adalah seorang kepala HR di sebuah perusahaan. Tulis memo singkat kepada
staf di departemen Anda yang menyatakan bahwa akan ada pelatihan CPR wajib pada hari Jumat
Untuk pertanyaan 1, Anda dapat menjawab dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia.
1. Format: Surat bisnis biasanya berbentuk fisik dan memerlukan format yang lebih resmi,
termasuk tanggal, alamat penerima dan pengirim, salam pembuka, dan penutup yang formal.
Sementara email bisnis meskipun tetap memerlukan kejelasan dan profesionalisme, cenderung
lebih ringkas dan bisa sedikit lebih fleksibel dalam hal formatnya.
2. Kecepatan Pengiriman: Email bisnis dikirim secara instan melalui internet dan memungkinkan
komunikasi yang cepat dan efisien. Surat bisnis, di sisi lain, membutuhkan waktu lebih lama
karena harus dikirim melalui pos atau kurir.
3. Formalitas: Surat bisnis sering kali lebih formal dan digunakan untuk komunikasi resmi yang
penting atau dokumentasi yang membutuhkan tanda tangan fisik. Email bisa formal tetapi juga
dapat diadaptasi untuk komunikasi sehari-hari yang lebih santai atau mendesak.
Dear Team,
This is to inform you that there will be a mandatory CPR training session on Friday, May 17th,
at 3:00 PM. The session will be held in the main conference room and will last approximately
two hours.
This training is crucial for ensuring workplace safety and preparedness in emergencies.
Attendance is mandatory for all staff members, as this is part of our commitment to maintaining
a safe working environment.
Please ensure that you manage your workload accordingly and attend the session promptly. If
you have any prior commitments or emergencies that might prevent your attendance, inform
your direct supervisor as soon as possible.
Thank you for your cooperation and participation in advance. Looking forward to seeing all of
you there.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Head of Human Resources
Referensi yang digunakan di sini berasal dari pengalaman dan pengetahuan umum saya tentang
praktik bisnis dan HR yang efektif. Tidak ada sumber eksternal yang secara spesifik dirujuk
untuk pembuatan memo ini.
The main difference between a business email and a business letter lies in the format, speed of
1. format
Business letters are usually physical and require a more formal format, including a date,
recipient and sender addresses, opening greetings, and a formal closing. While business
emails, while still requiring clarity and professionalism, tend to be more concise and can
2. Delivery Speed
Business emails are sent instantly over the internet and allow for fast and efficient
communication. Business letters, on the other hand, take longer because they have to be
3. Formality
Business letters are often more formal and are used for important official communications or
documentation that requires a physical signature. Emails can be formal but can also be adapted
The references used here come from my experience and general knowledge of effective business
and HR practices. No external sources were specifically cited for the creation of this memo .
My Name Is Azuardi, NIM : 044055953 Discussion : 4
OK, I will try to answer discussion question 3 above.
Answer : 1
The main difference between a business email and a business letter lies in the format,
speed of delivery, and formality.
1. Format
Business letters are usually physical and require a more formal format, including a date,
recipient and sender addresses, opening greetings, and a formal closing. While business
emails, while still requiring clarity and professionalism, tend to be more concise and can be a
little more flexible in terms of format.
2. Delivery Speed
Business emails are sent instantly over the internet and allow for fast and efficient
communication. Business letters, on the other hand, take longer because they have to be sent
by post or courier.
3. Formality
Business letters are often more formal and are used for important official communications or
documentation that requires a physical signature. Emails can be formal but can also be
adapted for more casual or urgent everyday communications.
Answer : 2
Memo :
To: All Staff Members
From: [Your Name], Head of HR
Date: [Today’s Date]
Subject: Mandatory CPR Training Session
Dear Team
This is to inform you that there will be a mandatory CPR training session on Friday, May 17 th,
at 3:00 PM. The session will be held in the main conference room and will last approximately
two hours.
This training is crucial for ensuring workplace safety and preparedness in emergencies.
Attendance is mandatory for all staff members, as this is part of our commitment to maintaining
a safe working environment.
Please ensure that you manage your workload accordingly and attend the session promptly. If
you have any prior commitments or emergencies that might prevent your attendance, inform
your direct supervisor as soon as possible.
Thank you for your cooperation and participation in advance. Looking forward to seeing all of
you there
Best Regards
{Your Name)
Head of Human Resources
The references used here come from my experience and general knowledge of effective
business and HR practices. No external sources were specifically cited for the creation of this