Retona 2019
Retona 2019
Retona 2019
Abstract—Bridging the communication gap between speech- (ACAT) by Intel used by the renowned scientist Stephen
impaired individuals who are also physically-disabled is essential Hawking who was diagnosed with ALS [1].
to maintain their social integration in the society. With this, a However, not all hospitals, especially those in rural areas,
speech-assistive device integrated in an Android mobile are equipped with the technology for providing adequate
application was developed. An integrated sensor box was designed
treatments to speech impairments, leaving the problem of
to interface five sensors capable of detecting physical movements.
These movements are then translated into digitals signals and accessibility of AAC devices in the country [2].
transmitted to the developed Android mobile application using From here, there is a motivation to design AAC devices
Bluetooth communication. This allows the user to communicate such that it is accessible most especially to those who are
through the features of the mobile application such as text-to- severely-disabled and speech-impaired individuals. Since
speech and pictograms using a single-input interface. From here, mobile phones are becoming prevalent in applications in the
a case study was conducted on two individuals who both suffered biomedical field, a sensor device which utilizes the available
from stroke, inhibiting their speech and physical movements. movement controllable by the individual can be integrated into
Their limited but controllable movements such as blinking, and mobile applications. In being able to provide more accessibility
finger gestures were detected. The results also showed the
and expanding the scope of AAC devices, this will boost the
limitation of the system as it requires practice to effectively use the
system. As such, the developed speech-assistive system can be a independence and morale of disabled individuals and bring
potential form of physical and mental rehabilitation as a learning forward a social closeness through communication in daily life.
curve can be developed when using the mobile application. In As such, with considerations of the contextual situation in
conclusion, this study demonstrates an accessible and flexible the Philippines as well as the current speech-assistive
speech-assistive system for disabled individuals to improve their technologies, the main objectives of the study are the following:
mental health and social relationships with others.
• Design a sensor circuit that classifies and translates the
Keywords—Speech-Assistive Technology, Android Mobile available movements into digital signals that is
Application, Incomplete Locked-In Syndrome, Pictograms, Arduino accomplished by individuals with incomplete locked-in
I. INTRODUCTION • Develop a mobile application that interfaces with the
In the contextual situation of the Philippines, many people sensor circuit and has the following features:
are diagnosed with severe impairments that not only prevents
them from fulfilling their basic day-to-day functions but also Mobile keyboard access using the single input
leads to a variety of mental and psychological problems as well. interface from the sensor circuit
This is because social relationships play a big role in the upkeep Text-to-speech interface
of mental health and wellbeing of persons, including those who Pictograms that converts pictures directly into
have disabilities. As such, it is important to provide avenues for speech-dialogues
individuals with Incomplete Locked-in Syndrome (LIS) or • Evaluate the effectiveness of the system by conducting a
those who are speech-impaired and physically-disabled case-study on individuals who are diagnosed with
individuals to communicate with other people in order to disorders in the category of incomplete locked-in
maintain their social integration within society. syndrome such as stroke
Given this, there are currently speech-assistive
technologies, also known as Augmentative and Alternative II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
Communication (AAC) devices, which are essential tools of A. Technologies using Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit
communication that help individuals with LIS to interact
Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit (ACAT) is an open source
independently with other people. A significant example of this
software designed to allow people with motor neuron diseases
AAC technology is the Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit
and other disabilities to have full access of the features of
978-1-7281-1895-6/19/$31.00 2019 IEEE 702
computer terminals that use Windows Operating Systems (OS)
[3]. ACAT is intended to be used by developers and researchers
to develop systems that would help the severely disabled access
their computers and communicate to people around them.
Through ACAT, a person with ALS or similar disabilities can
operate regular Windows OS computers where it comes with a
virtual keyboard, similar to mobile phones, that comes with a
text-to-speech synthesizer.
A variety of sensors devices can be utilized as the actuator
for ACAT. One example is Stephen Hawking's case where
infrared sensors were installed onto his eyeglasses, and
movements of his cheeks can be detected using this sensor. Fig. 2. Block diagram of the developed speech-assistive technology system
Another study [4] shows that a pacifier which functioned as a
Morse code controller, acted as the actuator for ACAT. On the First, in the input stage, multiple sensors were utilized to
other hand, a research study utilized various sensor devices as ensure the flexibility of the system in accommodating various
shown in Fig. 1 that were used as input devices to the ACAT physical movements that can be accomplished by the disabled
[5]. From here, various sensors that are able to detect movement individual. As shown in Fig. 3, the sensors chosen in this study
can be utilized as a tool to a speech-assistive system. are the following: button switch, touch sensor, MPU6050
accelerometer, flex sensor, and Electromyography (EMG)
MyoWare sensor. These sensors were interfaced into a sensor
circuit box by constructing an analog circuit that automatically
detects the sensor being used.
Fig. 1. Various sensors were utilized as input devices for ACAT [5]
For the interfacing stage, an analog circuit was constructed For the application stage, an Android mobile application
to connect all five sensors to an Arduino microcontroller which was developed using the Android Studio software. In the initial
processes all sensor signals. The sensor circuit box containing launch of the mobile application, the user goes through a
the analog circuit and Arduino is shown in Fig. 5 wherein each required series of steps to properly use the system. These steps
sensor is connected through its corresponding input jack as include Bluetooth connection, sensor detection, and calibration.
shown. After which, the user may access the main features of the
mobile application as shown in Fig. 7. By showing a series of
flashing boxes, the user can control the mobile application
through a single-input interface wherein the user may perform
the physical movement to choose the desired highlighted box.
This allows the user to type sentences and convert them to text-
to-speech and use the set of pictograms in which each image
corresponds to a specific phrase for quick and easy
Fig. 5. Sensor circuot box integrating all sensors into the Arduino
I want to Aircon,
watch TV. please.
Thank you!
IV. CASE STUDY TESTING Fig. 10.Signal response in using button sensor.
A case study was conducted on two individuals with From here, successful signal readings were accurately read
incomplete LIS to verify the effectiveness of the system in by the sensor circuit box in which the participant was able to
terms of the accuracy in detecting the physical movements and use the mobile application with an accurate response time in
the ease of the user in maneuvering through the mobile choosing the proper letters and pictograms. The participant was
application’s features. As such, three sessions were allotted to able to construct phrases such as “hi” and “hello” and choosing
test the system on two participants who suffered from stroke, pictograms while being guided accordingly to match his
inhibiting their physical movements and speech. response time to the mobile application. However, based from