Sign Language
Sign Language
Sign Language
angle filters [27]. Detecting the position and orientation of plied. Support Vector Machines (SVM) define decision bound-
the hand at each frame accurately also allows us to detect aries between classes, which are linear in some transformed
the motion of the hand for dynamic signs. feature space, but can be highly nonlinear in the original
Skin segmentation algorithms, which often depend on spec- feature space [31]. Several papers use SVMs, e.g., [4, 9, 10,
ifying thresholds [18], are widely used in Computer Vision 12, 16]. Hakkun 2015 [7] use K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
applications. The researchers either specify skin thresholds for classification. Another simple technique for classifica-
manually or automatically by taking a skin color sample be- tion is template matching, used by [5, 13, 30, 21, 12]. The
fore the experiment. Several available models use RGB color Backpropagation algorithm [23] can lead to very efficient
space, e.g., [10, 13, 16, 25, 30]. To solve brightness and light- classification timewise, but it needs more training data to
ing problems, [9] use YCrCb color space, [4] employ HSV minimize error rate. Backpropagation is used by [24] as the
color space, and [19] benefit from HUV color space. recognition method. In Rao 2016 [22], because the speed
The Viola-Jones detection method [27], which uses cas- of processing in portable devices is a major factor, a mini-
cades of boosted rectangle filters, is a well-known method, mum distance classifier (MDC) was chosen as a classification
that is commonly used for detecting hands. Some researchers method. The experiments use sentences of signs as training
[7, 4] implement the Viola-Jones method on portable plat- and test data.
forms, as Viola-Jones is relatively easy to implement and Some systems assume that the only visible object in the
has low hardware requirements. Another alternative, used captured image is the hand [7, 4], while the more advanced
by [12, 21, 22, 25], is Principal Component Analysis (PCA). models manage to capture both hands and face. One way
Additional hand details are also extracted by various meth- to remove the confusion between a face and hand area is to
ods. Examples of such details are the number of open fingers subtract or isolate the face, so that the detection of hand
(measured by finding contours), finding the palm area (by details will be more precise [4]. Another issue that can be
finding the largest circle that fits in the hand region), de- considered is hand angle and hand distance from the mo-
tecting the convex hull, and getting convexity defects [4, 9, bile device. In tests conducted in [7], optimal results were
16]. Canny edge detection [1] can also be used to identify achieved with no more than 50 cm distance between the
the hand area [10]. Likewise, a Sobel Edge filter, which mea- hand and the camera, and the hand being in the upright
sures the changes in value in the highest moving direction, state.
has been used [21, 22, 24]. Prasuhn 2014 [19] apply a Due to slow processing time in some models, a client-
Histogram of Orientation Gradients (HOG) method, which server framework is used. In such a framework, the phone is
is sensitive to the angle of the object, to extract the fea- connected to a regular computer via wireless network. Such
tures from the input image. Another method, used by [5], is an approach was implemented in [19, 21, 24, 25, 30]. A cloud
background subtraction using a motion detection method. service can be used to execute part of recognition operations,
In Jin 2016 [10], Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) is as done in [9]. Moreover, Elleuch 2015 [4] implement a
used as an extra feature to improve accuracy. multithreading technique by running face subtraction and
Once the features describing a sign have been extracted, hand pre-processing at the same time, thus decreasing the
there are numerous recognition procedures that can be ap- processing time by half.
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ilarly, existing methods typically cover no more than a few [11] M. Joselli and E. Clua. grmobile: A framework for
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