Sign Language Paper
Sign Language Paper
Sign Language Paper
Article in International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology · January 2022
DOI: 10.46501/IJMTST0801006
14 23,698
4 authors, including:
Editor Ijmtst
International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Editor Ijmtst on 06 January 2022.
Department of Information Technology, Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology and Management, New Delhi, India.
Article Info
Received: 24 November 2021; Accepted: 21 December 2021; Published: 31 December 2021
A real time sign language detector is a significant step forward in improving communication between the deaf and the general
population. We are pleased to showcase the creation and implementation of sign language recognition model based on a
Convolutional Neural Network(CNN).We utilized a Pre-Trained SSD Mobile net V2 architecture trained on our own dataset in
order to apply Transfer learning to the task. We developed a robust model that consistently classifies Sign language in majority
of cases. Additionally, this strategy will be extremely beneficial to sign language learners in terms of practising sign language.
Various human-computer interface methodologies for posture recognition were explored and assessed during the project. A series
of image processing techniques with Human movement classification was identified as the best approach. The system is able to
recognize selected Sign Language signs with the accuracy of 70-80% without a controlled background with small light.
Fig. 2 Simple CNN architecture applying it to the problem at hand. Using one or more
layers from the learnt model, a new model is then
TensorFlow:It is an open-sourceartificial
SSD Mobile net V2:
intelligence package that builds models using data
flow graphs. It enables developers to build
The Mobile Net SSD model is a single-shot multibox
large-scale neural networks with several layers. detection (SSD) network that scans the pixels of an
TensorFlow is mostly used for classification, image that are inside the bounding box coordinates and
perception, comprehension, discovery, prediction,
class probabilities to conduct object detection. In
and creation.[11]
contrast to standard residual models, the model's
Object Detection API:It is an open source
architecture is built on the notion of inverted residual
TensorFlow API to locate objects in an image and structure, in which the residual block's input and output
identify it.
are narrow bottleneck layers. In addition, nonlinearities
Open CV:OpenCV is an open-source, highly
in intermediate layers are reduced, and lightweight
optimised Python library targeted at tackling depthwise convolution is applied. The TensorFlow
computer vision issues. It is primarily focused on
object detection API includes this model.[15]
real-time applications that provide computational
efficiency for managing massive volumes of data. Result:
[12] It processes photos and movies to recognise Table-1 analysis
items, people, and even human handwriting
Images True False Accuracy
LabelImg:LabelImg is a graphical image
used to Result Result (%)
annotation tool that labels the bounding boxes of
objects in pictures.[13]
50 23 27 46
100 52 48 52
200 145 55 72.5
500 432 68 86.4
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