A Review Paper On Communicating Gloves

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR201

A Review Paper on Communicating Gloves

Santosh Y N Srushti Inginshetty
Information Science and Engineering Information Science and Engineering
Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Sai Vidya Institute of Technology
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India

Richa Raj Rohit Maiya G S

Information Science and Engineering Information Science and Engineering
Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Sai Vidya Institute of Technology
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India

Abstract:- Communication People with voice and hearing There are two types of gesture recognition systems:
impairments and those without them frequently have vision-based and data glove-based. Recognition based on
communication problems. Although sign language is vision.
essential for persons with disabilities, it can be confusing
for non-disabled individuals. Furthermore, disabled people II. LITERATURE SURVEY
frequently require ongoing help. We suggest using Internet
of Things-based Smart Assistance Gloves for people with Bend sensors, hall effect sensors, an accelerometer, and
disabilities to address these problems. Compared to machine learning algorithms for gesture recognition are all
current solutions, our developed gloves provide a part of the system described in reference [1]. The bend
straightforward but efficient alternative. We recognize sensors' outputs are sent to an analog multiplexer (NXP
finger motions using flex sensors, and an Android app with Semiconductors' HEF4051B). In order to obtain values from
voice output shows the correct instructions. Wireless serial various sensors one at a time and temporarily store them in an
port modules provide safe data transfer between the array, the CPU first sends signals to the multiplexer. Using a
Arduino Uno and ESP modules, which are the two UART connection, the computer receives these stored values
modules used in the implementation of the suggested for additional processing and decoding. The process of
system. obtaining data from the sensors for new motions and
delivering them consecutively to the computer repeats again. A
Keywords:- Vocal, Hearing, Gloves, IOT, Communication, gesture is represented by a 14-tuple. Every cycle of the
Flex Sensors, Wireless Serial Port Module, GSM. procedure detects a fresh gesture made by the user.

I. INTRODUCTION The Hidden Markov Model is employed in reference [2]

to identify hand motions. They consider hands, fingers, and
Recent studies conducted in India have revealed that up bones as distinct locations and motions, tracking and
to 2.4 million people have difficulty speaking and hearing. identifying them using a jump motion gadget. Finger direction
Individuals with impairments face challenges in their everyday is one of Leap Fingers' key characteristics. Certain motion
communication, finding it difficult to connect with people and gestures are recognized by the leap motion gadget. It makes
communicate their emotions. Despite the fact that people with use of a Raspberry Pi that has a speaker installed. Said words
disabilities frequently use sign language to communicate, it are translated into text using the Google API for Speech to
can be difficult for both them and people without disabilities Text conversion. After that, this text is transferred to the
to comprehend. Opinion expression and socialization are Raspberry Pi's TFT screen over Bluetooth for display. The
hampered by this communication barrier. People who are transformed text may be accessed and shared over Bluetooth
paralyzed experience comparable difficulties since they are on the phone, and it is saved in the cloud. The information is
unable to move or speak properly. Our invention of gloves received and displayed on the Raspberry Pi's TFT screen.
provides a solution, allowing people with impairments to
speak on their own. Our disability assistance glove is superior R. Senthil Kumar illustrated in reference [3] how the
to current methods because to its quicker and more intelligent proposed paradigm helps paraplegic patients as well as deaf
reaction time. and dumb people. It has a speaker for vocal output and shows
output commands on an Android app. Wireless serial port
modules enable secure and quick data transfer. GSM notifies
the specified person by alert message in an emergency. These

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR201

data-based gloves simplify algorithms and lessen noise Reference [9] describes a system developed by Santiago
disturbances when compared to vision-based approaches. Aguiar, Andres Erazo, and Sebastian Romero that makes use
of the CMU Sphinx tool to allow text-to-speech capabilities in
Sambhav Jain and Sushanth D used an Intel Movidius a glove. They selected this instrument due of its low rate of
Neural Compute Stick, a microphone, and a webcam in mistake in voice recognition. The algorithm used is good at
reference [4] to identify and track objects. Microcontrollers or picking up on a speaker's words; it seldom makes mistakes
processors with a powerful Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) when a hearing-impaired person speaks to a hearing-normal
can be used to increase the processing speed of video frames. person.
In addition, the distance to the desired item can be determined
using a camera equipped with a depth sensor. The problem of A system containing five flex sensors, a 3-axis
locating and approaching things in an interior setting is accelerometer, an Arduino Nano microcontroller, a 16*2 LCD
addressed by their suggested prototype. The glove is equipped display, a Bluetooth module, a buzzer, and an Android
with five micro-vibrating motors to achieve this. smartphone was proposed by Mr. Vishal P. Bhujbal and Dr.
K.K. Warhade in reference [10]. The master and slave modes
Mahaveer Penna and Shivashankar demonstrated in of this system are interchangeable. It receives data from
reference [5] how a system functions by tilting a sensor that is Arduino over Bluetooth and converts it to voice using an
placed on a crippled person's hand, enabling them to control Android app. The sensor data for the eight channels is array-
gadgets. Tilting in different directions corresponds to distinct stored when a particular hand gesture is made. After that, the
messages. This prototype encourages self-reliance by enabling algorithm contrasts this data with gesture templates that it has
the impaired person to walk around freely and transmit an already saved. The buzzer beeps and the LCD panel displays
alert message. For disabled people, the gesture-based home the recognition results if a valid gesture is detected.
automation system is a useful tool in their everyday life. Furthermore, the Android phone is used to play the matching
A deafblind person's smart communication glove was
introduced by Oliver Ozioko, William Taube, Marion Hersh, Lorenzo Monti and Giovanni Delnevo developed a
and Ravinder Dahiya in reference [6]. In order to improve wearable gadget in reference [11] to facilitate communication
deafblind people's access to information and communication between people who are deaf-blind and those who are not.
technologies, a basic device was developed to aid in One-to-one and one-to-many communication is made possible
communication with mobile device users. This group of folks by the device. An Android app converts a message typed in the
may be able to learn and play games with the smart glove they Malossi alphabet by a deaf-blind person wearing a glove into
built. It's crucial to remember that the method they suggested text. Tuple space is the name of the new component of the
is limited to the English alphabet, numerals, and frequently system. The client list is obtained and the client registration
used special characters. process is handled by the server in the same way. However,
tuple space is now used for client-to-client communication
Abhijith Bhaskaran K and Anoop G Nair proposed a rather than direct communication. Tuple space interaction
system in reference [7] that makes use of an IMU module, a takes the place of peer-to-peer communication in the same
Raspberry Pi, a voltage divider circuit, and an ADC in way that clients and servers interact.
addition to five flex sensors. The hand's movements are
tracked by the Berry IMU, which is mounted on the forearm. Oliver Ozioko, Prakash Karipoth, Marion Hersh, and
They also talked about the gloves' possible uses in the gaming Ravinder Dahiya developed a novel method of communication
business, for controlling robotic arms, for remote medical for deafblind individuals in reference [12] by employing a
procedures, and as a support tool for people with cerebral customized tactile interface based on finger Braille. A module
palsy. containing sensors and actuators that can detect and produce
vibrations is part of this interface. They produced six of these
Shanthi D L, Keshava Prasanna, and colleagues gadgets, which they then assembled to provide deafblind
developed a system in reference [8] with inexpensive people with a communication aid. The actuators could
hardware, specifically a Raspberry Pi and an MPR121 generate steady vibrations with input signals from 10Hz to
capacitive touch sensor module. People with disabilities can 200Hz, and the sensors they made performed best under
wear gloves with sensors that identify characters. A character ordinary loading conditions at 2.5Hz. With a 150mA input, the
waits if it is not pressed. Following recognition, the characters highest vibration happened at 40Hz, which is within the
are processed and delivered to an Android application. With human Pacinian corpuscle's sensory range.
this program, an ordinary user can convert the text to speech.
An SMS is sent to another user's chosen number when the In their study, Gunasekaran K and colleagues [13]
glove's send button is touched. presented a system that makes use of the data glove technique.
Flex sensors in the system are used to identify finger motions,
which are subsequently transmitted to a PIC microcontroller
for processing. In order to generate a signal showing the

IJISRT24MAR201 www.ijisrt.com 223

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR201

orientation of hand movements, gyro sensors are also utilized. used. A PC makes up the output subsystem, which is USB-
The PIC microcontroller recognizes the movements made by connected to the processing subsystem. Based on the output
the user and plays the corresponding audio file for each from the subsystem, the PC shows the text representation of
gesture. The APR9600 is a single chip with a 40–60 second the recognized alphabet or short phrase. A Google text-to-
playing duration that is intended for non-volatile flash speech API is integrated to instantly translate the content that
memory and high-quality voice recording. Multiple messages is shown into speech. Most of the English alphabet letters have
can be sent in a random or sequential fashion with APR9600, been successfully identified by the established approach. It
and designers can modify the storage duration to suit user sticks out as a reasonably priced and easy-to-use gadget.
requirements. Pre-recorded voice signals are essentially
employed. In reference [18], Nikhita Praveen and Naveen Karanth
presented a smart glove as a test model to investigate the
A glove design was created by Vajjarapu Lavanya and feasibility of using smart gloves for sign language recognition.
colleagues [14] utilizing a copper plate. Tiny metal strips are This prototype conveys messages through body language,
affixed to each of the five fingers of the glove. A copper plate facial expressions, and hand gestures. The novel method
is attached as the ground on the palm. A single ground plate is makes use of a wearable smart glove that can decode sign
preferable over separate metal strips for the ground because it language. An LED-LDR pair is located on each finger of the
offers a greater contact surface and facilitates finger position glove, which detects signing motions and transmits analog
identification. When the copper strips are at rest, they display voltage to a microprocessor (MSP430G2553). The
a logic 1 voltage level. But when they come into contact with microcontroller uses ZigBee to wirelessly send the ASCII
the ground plate, the corresponding voltage is drained, and code of the indicated letter after converting these voltage
they display a logic zero voltage level. The required gestures values to digital samples. The associated audio plays and the
are formed during this process. computer displays the letter that corresponds to the ASCII
code upon reception.
Pallavi Verma and associates [15] presented a system in
their publication that uses a pair of gloves with flex sensors on Drs. Akey Sungheetha and Rajesh Sharma R presented a
each finger, thumb, and arm to record user movements. With proposed system in reference [19] that is intended to take
the use of the voltage divider rule, the flex sensors allow the pictures of people with disabilities and identify the hand
locations of the finger, thumb, and arm to be measured in movements they make. The model is an Augmentative and
voltage. Data from the flex sensors is converted from analog Alternative Communication (AAC) system designed
to digital format using a PIC microprocessor, among other specifically for hand gesture language. It consists of a bend
uses. The digital data is then transmitted after being encoded sensor, microcontroller, and communication medium device.
using an encoder. The data is decoded by a decoder upon This AAC technique does, however, have certain drawbacks.
reception, and the gesture recognition system then compares The controlling unit plays a key role in controlling sensor
the received data with data that has been preloaded. If a match output when it is connected to a smart glove via a
is discovered, the voice section is used to communicate the microcontroller. Conversion devices that translate the bend
information to a speaker. sensor's voltage output into text for the detecting process are
included into the controlling unit. Additionally, an Android
Krishnamurthy Bhat and Chayalakshmi C.L. have version of the system with Bluetooth connection capabilities
developed an inexpensive way to help deaf and mute persons has been developed. This piece of software is essential for
communicate better with speaking people in reference [16]. transforming text.
They used inexpensive technology, such as readily accessible
Android phones and inexpensive, efficient flex sensors, to Alapati et al. conducted a study in reference [20] that
develop a glove. Text and spoken translation from sign examined the application of various flex sensors—such as
language can be done with an Android app. They included conducting, optical, and capacitive ink variants—in a variety
Node MCU in order to keep it reasonably priced and wearable. of fields, including geology, musical instruments, and human-
This Android-based smart glove serves as a useful tool for machine interfaces. Flex sensors were used to detect landslides
bridging the communication gap between people who can and remotely and to create musical instruments that could be bent
cannot talk. It functions as a "device to give voice to the and deformed to produce sound. These sensors were also
voiceless," enabling deaf and mute people to communicate utilized to detect dents in steel panels. Hand gestures were an
more effectively. efficient way to communicate with machines thanks to the
Human Machine Interface device.
Five flex sensors, aluminum foil, and an Arduino UNO
were used by Drs. Anupama H S and Usha B A in reference
[17] to construct a subsystem made up of three separate
components. These devices are used to detect rotational
movement, finger bending, and finger contact. For
implementation, the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method was

IJISRT24MAR201 www.ijisrt.com 224

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR201

III. CONCLUSION [7]. Abhijith Bhaskaran K, Anoop G Nair, Deepak Ram K,

Krishnan Anantha narayanan, H R Nandi Vardhan
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researchers have unveiled a spectrum of innovations catering International Conference on Robotics and Automation
to different user needs and disabilities. From bend sensors to for Humanitarian Applications (RAHA).
accelerometers and machine learning algorithms, these [8]. Shanthi D L, Keshava Prasanna, Gireesh Babu C N
systems embody a fusion of technology and human-centric “Smart Com for Differently Abled”, 2018 Third
design. Gesture recognition, speech conversion, and tactile International Conference on Computer Technologies and
feedback mechanisms empower users to communicate, Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT) December 2018.
navigate, and interact with their environment effectively. The [9]. Santiago Aguiar, Andres Erazo, Sebastian Romero,
integration of multiplexing techniques, microcontrollers, and Esteban Garces, Valeria Atiencia, and Javier Poveda
wireless connectivity enhances the versatility and accessibility Figueroa “ Development of a Smart Glove as a
of these glove systems. Targeting specific user groups like the Communication Tool for People with Hearing
deaf-blind, paraplegic, and mute, these solutions exhibit a Impairment and Speech Disorders.
profound commitment to inclusivity and empowerment. [10]. Mr. Vishal P. Bhujbal, Dr.K.K.Warhade “Hand sign
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source platforms underscores a democratization of assistive disable people”, Proceedings of the Second International
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revolutionizing communication and interaction paradigms for [11]. Lorenzo Monti, Giovanni Delnevo “On Improving
individuals with diverse abilities. Ultimately, they exemplify GlovePi: Towards a Many-to-Many Communication
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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR201

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