Design and Fabrication of Gorlov Vawt For Highway Street Lights IJERTCONV11IS03080
Design and Fabrication of Gorlov Vawt For Highway Street Lights IJERTCONV11IS03080
Design and Fabrication of Gorlov Vawt For Highway Street Lights IJERTCONV11IS03080
Figure 1: Blades
B. Shaft or Rotor: Figure 3: Clamps
The shaft is the part that gets turned by the E. Gear Set:
turbine blades. The material used for
Gears are used to transfer motion and power
manufacturing the shaft is iron.
between moving parts. Gear is connected to
Specifications: Diameter of shaft- 25mm. main shaft therefore when the driving gear
rotates along with main shaft.
C. Self-aligning bearing:
The type of the bearing we used in the wind
turbine is Self-Aligning Ball Bearing – Type: Spur gear
open, double row (1205). The features of No. of teeth on large gear= 50 teeth
ball bearing is the inner ring, ball, cage No. of teeth on small gear= 12 teeth
shaft have alignment properties that allow Ratio= 4.16
them to freely rotate around the center of
the bearing. Since the friction is smaller
than that of roller bearing, it is difficult for
the temperature to rise even at high speeds.
Figure 4: Gears
F. Dynamo:
Figure 5: Dynamo
5. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The limitations like space and height are not
taken into considerations when it comes to
The design and fabrication of Gorlov vertical vertical axis wind turbine because VAWTs have
axis wind turbine is raised due to need of lower wind start up speed and can generate
sustainable energy source for highway lights. electricity at 10km/h.
We observed many highway lines are in use
which has no light posts for a long distance and Additionally, the Gorlov wind turbine is durable,
failure of highway lights due to not enough efficient and need low maintenance when
extension of power supply lines and other compared to other sources of energy. The main
causes which has no immediate fixtures. challenge is optimizing its performance in a
range of various wind conditions. On final note,
This may be able to cause many accidents and the Gorlov wind turbine for highway street lights
misleading of vehicles into path of dangers. providing the need for a sustainable and reliable
Whereas, this problem can be fixed with the source of energy, while also provides a cost
help of renewable energy source which can be effective and efficient solution.
reliable at times of difficult circumstances.
This method is suggestable and the best way to
generate the electricity by using nature as The main objective of this project is to generate
primary resource, as air abundantly available in electricity to power the highway street lights
environment. Traditional sources of energy can through sustainable and renewable energy by
also be used and can be more effective, but the designing and fabricating a Gorlov vertical axis
resources are finite and cause environmental wind turbine. This design of wind turbine is
pollution and climate change. going to produce electricity in a sustainable and
efficient manner. The design and fabrication of
Street lights and the lights at the highway lines this vertical axis wind turbine will involve a
are crucial in modern cities, towns and villages multi-disciplinary approach which includes
for providing safety and security to both elements of mechanical and electrical
vehicle drivers and pedestrians. engineering.
However the cost of supplying power to such We know the importance of functioning of
extents can be significant. Because as we know highway street lights, and difficulty may arise in
how the situation can be in remote areas to achieving that goal due to unreliable or non-
access the power to basic needs and the grid is existing power grids at the highway lines near to
unreliable. Now here , the Gorlov vertical axis remote areas and fail to supply the power lines to
wind turbine promises the potential to produce the far extents. With the help of this project the
the enough electricity required for street lights above goal can be achieved in a sustainable and
at highways in rural area. The compact size and efficient manner to produce power to the
design of the vertical axis wind turbine will highway street lights to a far extent.
make it suitable for both urban and rural areas.
Developing this design of Gorlov vertical axis
Regardless of space and height limitations the wind turbine can be a revolutionary aspect in
installation of a vertical axis wind turbine renewable energy sources to produce electricity
would be so much practical rather than a in most efficient way. The most advantageous
horizontal wind turbine. aspect of this project is, it needs low maintenance
and durability is high This design can help in
reducing the reliance on traditional energy
sources and contribute to a more eco-friendly
Figure-6 : 3D Image
2D Image of garlov:
Figure 8 : Prototype
Figure 7 : 2D Image
Physics Report
Table 3. Domain Physics for FFF
Domain - enclosure
Boundary - outlet
Location outlet
Location wall
Figure 11