Troubleshooting - T24Updater Tool - V2.7-TAFJ

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T24Updater tool - TAFJ

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Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

Table of Contents

Document History .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 4
Troubleshooting TAFJ Updates: ................................................................................................................... 4
1. SEVERE: Internal TAFJ error - Exception : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError ............................ 4
2. Update failed ................................................................................................................................. 5
3. Update failed: T24.UPDATE.INSTALLER with msg FailUpdate<<update name>>, Unable to
open updates directory .......................................................................................................................... 6
4. Xml is invalid Content is not allowed in prolog. ............................................................................. 7
5. Update jars are copied to TAFJ Home directory and the service BNK/T24.UPDATES failed to
install the updates. ................................................................................................................................. 9
6. Cannot run program “/TAFJ/bin/tRun”: error=2, No such file or directory ................................... 10
7. Invalid Update Id Supplied. ......................................................................................................... 11
8. <<Component>> branch <<T24_Release>>_JAVA_<<Java_Version>> does not match TAFJ
branch <<T24_Release>> ................................................................................................................... 12
Conclusion:.................................................................................................................................................. 13

Core Infra Temenos PACS 2

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

Document History

Author Version Date

Charles John 1 22-Jul-14

Maria Priyanka D 1.2 26-Apr-16

Celine Seba Preeti L 1.3 18-Nov-16

Maria Priyanka D 1.4 22-Feb-17

Celine Seba Preeti L 1.5 06-Apr-18


Version Comments

1.5 Added Invalid Update ID supplied (point 7) and

branch_JAVA_<<Version>> does not match TAFJ branch (point 8)

Core Infra Temenos PACS 3

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

The purpose of this document is to troubleshoot the errors faced while installing updates using T24Updater
tool in a TAFJ environment.

Troubleshooting TAFJ Updates:

1. SEVERE: Internal TAFJ error - Exception : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Error Message:

SEVERE: Internal TAFJ error - Exception : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

com/temenos/t24/STORE_OVERRIDE_cl - Cause : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No
found for: com.temenos.t24.STORE_OVERRIDE_cl - Message :
com/temenos/t24/STORE_OVERRIDE_cl - LocalizedMessage :

Figure 1 – Error Message

To Resolve this

The reported error message occurs if the class file is missing inside the .jar file. Here,
STORE_OVERRIDE_cl.class is missing. In order to resolve the problem, we need to recut the update and
send it to client.

Core Infra Temenos PACS 4

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

2. Update failed

Error Message:

Figure 2 – Error Message

To resolve this:

Please note that system will refer the executable specified in <installprogram> tag.

<service name="T24" pathType="EXEC" updateType="AUTO">





Figure 3 – Updater.xml

Below changes in t24Updater.bat will resolve the problem:

Before modification:

set "RUN_CONF=%DIRNAME%tafj_conf.bat"

After modification:

set "RUN_CONF=%DIRNAME%\tafj_conf.bat"

Core Infra Temenos PACS 5

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

3. Update failed: T24.UPDATE.INSTALLER with msg FailUpdate<<update

name>>, Unable to open updates directory

Error Message:

T24 Updater V2.7

Input Summary:
installing class fr.jayasoft.ivy.url.IvyAuthenticator
Update failed for 201603_SY_ModelBank_1_JAVA_1.7.jar : Message: Failed
T24.UPDATE.INSTALLER with msg FailUpdate 201603_SY_ModelBank_1, Unable to open
updates directory

Figure 4 – Error Message

To resolve this

1. In Windows:
For Windows OS, add the following in updater.bat present in \UD\updater\bin directory.





Figure 5 – updater.bat settings

Open the command prompt from the path UD directory and append the updater\bin path to PATH variable
as below.

set PATH=<<UD_Directory>>\updater\bin;%PATH%

Then run the updater.bat from UD directory.

Core Infra Temenos PACS 6

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

2. In Unix/Linux:

export T24_HOME=<<UD_DIRECTORY>>



export PATH=$JAVA_HOME\bin:$PATH

Figure 6 – updater.bat settings

Open the command prompt from the path UD directory and append the updater\bin path to PATH variable
as below.

export PATH=<<UD_Directory>>\updater\bin;$PATH

Then run the updater.bat from UD directory.

4. Xml is invalid Content is not allowed in prolog.

Error Message:

$ updater
Bad level value for property: .level
Bad level value for property: java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level

T24 Updater V2.7

Input Summary:



installing class fr.jayasoft.ivy.url.IvyAuthenticator

Jun 26, 2016 10:18:31 AM com.temenos.versionutil.SystemDescription validateXML

SEVERE: Xml is invalid Content is not allowed in prolog.

Core Infra Temenos PACS 7

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

Warning: [/live/t24appl/TAFJ/bin/tRun T24Version] is not a valid xml

description of a system


Figure 7 – Error Message

To resolve this
The reported problem in any of the below scenarios.

1. Check if the below property set to "true" in file present inside
$TAFJ_HOME/conf directory


Set it to false to resolve the reported problem.


2. Check the output of T24Version if it has any Java Memory warnings other than the output of
T24Version. The error occurs in EB.GET.UPDATES.XML as the below content also gets added in
the generated xml which makes invalid content.

"Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: INFO: os::commit_memory(0x00000007bfe00000,

717225984, 2097152, 0) failed; error='Cannot allocate memory' (errno=12); Cannot allocate large
pages, falling back to regular pages"

Figure 8 – Java Memory issue

Resolve the above Java memory issues and check the output of “tRun T24Version”. Then run the

Core Infra Temenos PACS 8

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

5. Update jars are copied to TAFJ Home directory and the service
BNK/T24.UPDATES failed to install the updates.

Error Behaviour:

Figure 9 – Extraction of JARs under TAFJ home

To resolve this
Comment the below section in updater.xml to resolve the problem:

<service name="TAFJ" pathType="EXEC" updateType="AUTO">



Figure 10 – Solution

Core Infra Temenos PACS 9

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

NOTE: For installing T24 updates in TAFJ environment, it is enough to uncomment service name T24.

6. Cannot run program “/TAFJ/bin/tRun”: error=2, No such file or directory

Error Message:

Figure 11 – Error Message

To resolve this
Modify the updater.xml file to execute the updater from shell prompt as below.

Core Infra Temenos PACS 10

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

7. Invalid Update Id Supplied.

Error Message:

T24 Updater V2.7

Input Summary:
installing class fr.jayasoft.ivy.url.IvyAuthenticator
Update failed for R17_AA_Account_6_JAVA_1.7.jar : Message: Failed
T24.UPDATE.INSTALLER with msg FailUpdate R17_AA_Account_6, Invalid Update Id Supplied

Figure 12 – Error Message

To resolve this

The reported problem occurs when the installpath in the updater.xml has been set incorrectly.
Set the <installpath> tag to updates/tmp folder as shown below.

<service name="T24" pathType="EXEC" updateType="AUTO">

<path>/u01/Temenos/TAFJ/bin/tRun T24Version</path>



Core Infra Temenos PACS 11

Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)

8. <<Component>> branch <<T24_Release>>_JAVA_<<Java_Version>> does

not match TAFJ branch <<T24_Release>>

Error Message:

T24 Updater V2.7

Input Summary:

Output Summary:
0 files processed.
Updates not successful.
\x1b[31mPP_PaymentWorkflowGUI branch 201711_JAVA_1.8 does not match TAFJ
branch R18_ALL
Exiting Updater...

Figure 13 – Error Message

To resolve this:
Comment the below section in updater.xml file and re-run updater tool.

<!-- <service name="TAFJ" pathType="EXEC" updateType="AUTO">

</service> -->

Figure 14 – updater.xml

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Troubleshooting - T24Updater tool (V2.7)


The procedures suggested in the document will ensure that the errors mentioned will be resolved.

After installation of updates, all the INAU files, which are released in updates installation should be
authorised. If CONVERSION.DETAILS records are released, it should be authorised and verified, so that
the corresponding data conversion is done.

Core Infra Temenos PACS 13

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