Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written
permission of TEMENOS Holdings NV.
Limit parameters...................................................................................................................................15
REFERENCE version.........................................................................................................................26
Limit definition........................................................................................................................................33
Limit authorisation...............................................................................................................................43
First screen...........................................................................................................................................43
Liability report.........................................................................................................................................51
Facsimile Transmission......................................................................................................................58
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 3 of 58
In order to get the most out of this manual, it is essential that you
are familiar with the standard procedures regarding navigating
your way around the system. This includes items such as program
access via menus, data entry and editing, mandatory and multi‐
level fields, committing details, and so forth. All of these are
described in detail in the Navigation Manual.
Limit Parameter
Within this file are defined parameters which determine the way in
which the Limit system operates. These are as follows:
All Customer Limits are defined at the Liability Number level. The
simplest case is where a Limit, such as an Advance in Current
Account is defined for a Liability number.
The Country of Risk of each Limit may be added to each Limit
record. It is entered as a 2 character Country Code. If it is not
entered, the Country of Residence, from the Customer record of
the Liability Number, is taken as default.
Except for Limits tied to the ACCOUNT module, the ON LINE LIMIT
amount can be associated with a Time Code. The purpose of
Group Limits
Group Limits can be specified for Countries, Country Groups,
Currencies, Commodity groups and Commodities. Group Limit
information is captured on‐line. Information about outstandings to be
tracked under Group Limits is captured during the on‐line day. Each
night, this information is collated and reports are prepared.
2. Change the Limit records and their new currency codes and
Restricted Customers
Allowed Customers
Field Description
REPORT.MULTIPLE Select ‘YES’, ‘NO’ or ‘NULL’. The default is ‘NULL’. ‘NULL’ and
‘NO’ have the same functionality that the system will default the
acceptable limit. If this field is set to ‘NO’, at the time of
committing the contract, all possible limits will be listed in the
LIMIT.REFERENCE field and the user can make the selection.
The process of possible limits for the contract can be further restricted using the
following fields:
FILTER When more than one limit is available to the customer, then this
field is used to filter out the limits that can be used based on the
certain conditions.
limits accordingly.
Validation Rules
Default is blank
FILTER.OPERANDS Specifies the type of DECISION that the user wants to perform on
the field defined in the previous field.
Validation Rules
EQ = Equal
LK = Like
GE = Greater or Equal
LT = Less than
LE = Less or Equal
UL = Unlike
GT = Greater than
NE = Not Equal
FILTER.FROM Specifies the value, or start of a range of values, with which the
Note: The values input in this field and the next must be in
44.1 FILTER FIELD. If, for example, the input in FILTER field is
FILTER.TO Specifies the end of a range of values with which the contents of
Note: The values input in this field and the previous one must be
Or the name of any other field from the LIMIT application including
record is available for the customer, then they will appear in the
then the pick‐list will not appear, but the LIMIT will be defaulted in
Cross Limits
would be possible to define more than one LIMIT for the SUB‐
This facility can also be used to define separate Limits for a SUB‐
PRODUCT based on Currency or Company restrictions. For
example, to limit the exposure in tow different Companies, the
following LIMITs could be captured: 500101.1870.01 with
restriction for use in the first Company and 500101.1870.02 with
restriction for use in the second Company, both with a Parent
Record of 500101.1800.01
Parameters Menu
‐ Limit Parameters
Within this file are defined parameters which determine the way in
which the Limit system operates. These are as follows:
Field Description
currencies, which are for the same Liability Number and which
EXPIRIES.REPOR Defines how many days prior to Limit EXPIRY DATE the approach
REVIEWS.REPOR Defines how many days prior to Limit REVIEW DATE the
FULL.COMMODI Specifies a Date and Cycle to indicate when the first full
COUNTRY.EXP.D Specifies a Date and Cycle to indicate when the first Country
FULL.COUNTRY. Specifies a Date and Cycle to indicate when the first full
ADM.EXTENTIO Specifies the maximum number of days by which the user may
N.DAYS extend the expiry date in the LIMIT file by entering an extension
The number of days defined in this field will be used by the LIMIT
APPLICATION Specifies the Application for which the user wants to create specific
previous field.
For all Financial Applications (e.g. Loans, Accounts, and so
forth), eMerge allows the user to define the Limit products
according to his own requirements. The definition of these
various Limit products will be done by Application using the
association of the multivalue Fields 13 to 18.
Note: The LIMIT PARAMETER table allows the user to define both
16.1.1 Decision EQ
16.1.2 Decision EQ
18.1.2 Decision TO ‐ .
The ʹORʹ condition will be specified by the expansion of the
complete set of multivalue fields (13.1 to 18.1.1). If, for example, the
user wants to define the same specific Limit checking for Money
Market transactions which have either the category code in the
range 21075 to 21079 OR the currency code equal to USD, the
following input will then be performed in this table:
16.1.1 Decision EQ
16.2.1 Decision EQ
17.2.1 Decision
18.2.1 Decision TO ‐
DECISION Specifies the type of DECISION which the user wants to perform
DECISION.FR Specifies the value, or start of a range of values, with which the
be compared.
Note: The values input in this field and the next must be in
Field 15.1.1 DECIS FIELD. If, for example, the input in DECIS
Note: The values input in this field and the previous one must be in
agreement with the format rules of the element specified in Field
15.1.1 DECIS FIELD. If, for example, the input in DECIS FIELD
corresponds to a category code, a maximum input of 5 numeric
characters will be allowed in this field.
COM.PROD.NO Identifies which commodity limit products are part of the group
defined in the previous field.
Note: The check of duplicates and no mix is only done at the sub‐
value level. It is possible, for example, to define LOANS,
ACCOUNTS and as a 3rd Product Group ʹLOANS + ACCOUNTS.
COU.PRODUCT. Identifies a mnemonic to group together various country limit
Note: The check of duplicates and no mix is only done at the sub‐
CCY.PRODUCT.G Identifies which country limit products are part of the group
Note: The check of duplicates and no mix is only done at the sub‐
CCY.PROD.NO Identifies which currency limit products are part of the group
Note: The check of duplicates and no mix is only done at the sub‐
currency reporting.
NCY which all amount fields will be denominated for all limits which
the reference number used should logically be the one for nostros.
Entry in this field will currently have no effect in the system, it will
and Deposits, this will be used as the default rather than the default
DEFAULT.INFO The default Limit Reference to be used for Money Market Fiduciary
DEF.FID.DEPOSI The default Limit Reference to be used for Money Market fiduciary
T deposits.
DEFAULT.ADVIS This field, when set denotes that the advised limit will be defaulted.
INTERNAL amount.
MAXIMUM amount.
ADDITIONAL.V This field indicates if additional checking is required. There are two
This table is also used for define whether the Limit Reference is one
that requires checking each time, or whether it is updated only for
Field Description
Limit Reference This is the identification code, known as the Limit Reference used
LIMIT is defaulted.
The format of the ID is very specific. eMerge can tell from the ID
PRODUCT 3‐4 digits 1000, 2100 or 400 Last 2 digits must both be
SUBPRODUCT 3‐4 digits 1010, 1011, 410 or 411 Last 2 digits cannot
both be zero with this structure, the user can define up to 999
1000 Product
1011 Sub‐Product 1
1012 Sub‐Product 2
1013 Sub‐Product 3
1014 Sub‐Product 4
1015 Sub‐Product 5
1016 Sub‐Product 6
1017 Sub‐Product 7
1018 Sub‐Product 8
1019 Sub‐Product 9
2000) this could result in LIMIT records with references such as:
Validation Rules
... 9999)
Mandatory Input.
No Default
Description Enter a full description for the Limit reference. This may be up to 35
FX or Time Band This defines the type of limit. Your options are:
FX = Foreign Exchange limit types. This usually includes a clean‐
risk Limit.
TB = Time Band. For LD types. Limits can be set for time periods to
Reducing Limit This indicates whether or not the Limit type regains its original
Get Sub Specify which limit references may donate sub‐allocations to the
Reference Child This is used when creating a Global Limit structure where products
Limit Mnemonic The four characters you enter here will replace the last 4 of the
Limit Key Type This defines whether the system default record is to be created
within the global line for the Customer or at product level only.
be created when there is a global line present and the product line
If this field contains the value GLOBAL the records are created
are created at the product level with limit amounts set to null.
Limit Percentage This defines the percentage amount of each transaction movement
Default Check This determines whether this Limit Reference requires checking,
and whether limit overrides are required when limit records are
created by default.
The word BAND in this field indicates that the percentages from
In both cases the bands used will be resolved on the time left before
contract maturity.
Maturity Period Indicates the remaining time to maturity for a transaction to which
a percentage applies.
Maturity Period This percentage will be used in deriving a final limit percentage.
Percentage The resulting percentage amount of each transaction movement
Limit Subroutine Identifies the subroutine which will be called to return the limit
the new value. This will then become effective during the next end
of day.
Percentage Cap Identifies the agreed maximum percentage when deriving the
Percentage Floor Identifies the agreed minimum percentage when deriving the
will be; % x days to maturity / 365 with the annual period always in
When the word FIXED is indicated the calculation will not be pro‐
rata and is calculated as a simple percentage.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 34 of 58
Field Description
Limit Currency Defines the Currency in which all amount fields specified as part of
Country Risk Defines the Country of Risk associated with the Limit.
If risk is associated with more than one country, then these may be
Country Percent Defines the percentage of the total risk associated with the Country
Approval Date Defines the date on which the Limit was last approved by the
Offered Until Specifies the date by which the Customer must have accepted the
Review Frequency Specifies the next date on which the limit is to be reviewed.
format. The default is for the first review to take place one year
user updates the limit record with new review and expiry dates.
which the Limit will no longer be available for use and any
Adm Ext Date Specifies the Administrative Extension date checked by the online
The date input in this field will be used at limit time checking of
When the expiry date has been reached but not the
Proposal Date Specifies the date on which the Limit was proposed to the bankʹs
Credit Committee.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as
Online Limit Date Specifies the date on which the Limit becomes available for use.
The system will ask the User to override a warning message if any
attempt is made to use the Limit before the date specified by this
Available Marker Specifies whether or not the Limit is available for use.
The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the
inputter, who the authoriser, and so forth, which are not available for
entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.
This option is used when the user wishes to change the Liability
number of a Customer, the currency of a limit record and/or the
percentage attached to a limit reference. During the on‐line session,
the user may call this facility to specify any of the following:
Field Description
Customer ID Identifies the CUSTOMER NO for whom the user wants to specify
Liability Number Identifies the new Liability number for the Customer specified in
Validation Rules
Credit Line Identifies the limit record for which the currency and/or value of
The limit records for which the limit currency is to be changed are
field enrichment. The top level limit for which the CHECK.LIMIT
New Check Limit This field will be used to change the current value of the
Limit Reference Identifies the product or sub‐product limit reference record whose
Band or Level Specifies the new value used to determine the percentage amount.
The word BAND in this field indicates that the percentages from
The word LEVEL in this field indicates that a single band will be
In both cases the bands used will be resolved on the time left before
contract maturity.
Maturity Period Indicates the new period to which a percentage will be applied.
New Percentage Supply the new percentage to be used in deriving a final limit
Limit Subroutine Identifies the new subroutine which will be called to return the
limit amount.
Percentage Cap Identifies the new agreed maximum percentage when deriving the
limit percentage.
Percentage Floor Identifies the new agreed minimum percentage when deriving the
limit percentage.
Percentage Calc Determines how the percentage amount will be derived from the
will be,
When the word FIXED is indicated the calculation will not be pro‐
rata and is calculated as a simple percentage.
Net Outstanding Used to change the status of the NET.OUTSTANDING flag on the
The actual change will take place at the beginning of the next limits
batch processing. This field will be reset to null during the Limits
end of day processing.
The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the
inputter, who the authoriser, and so forth, which are not available for
entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.
The FULLVIEW Version displays all possible details relating to the
record. Some of these are represented on the Versions described
above, but not all ‐ others relate to fields used exclusively by the
system or retained for future use.
First screen
3. If you are sure that the details are correct press [F5] or click
Note: Remember that you must open each of the versions when
authorising a record as this is the only way the system knows that
you have checked each field.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 44 of 58
Outstandings in currency of the limit
You are able to drill down on the record next to the description
for more details.
Liability report
This report details all the limits and utilisations for a Customer or
Customer liability group per Customer.
Manual Name: