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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
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permission of TEMENOS Holdings NV.

Copyright 2005 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved

Table of Contents





Limit parameters...................................................................................................................................15




Limit reference codes.........................................................................................................................25




REFERENCE version.........................................................................................................................26

Limit definition........................................................................................................................................33




LIMIT RECORD version..................................................................................................................35

Change limit conditions.....................................................................................................................38




LIMIT CHANGE version..................................................................................................................40

Limit authorisation...............................................................................................................................43



First screen...........................................................................................................................................43


Outstandings in currency of the limit.......................................................................................45




TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 2 of 58

Outstandings in US dollar equivalent........................................................................................48





Liability report.........................................................................................................................................51





Liability report per customer......................................................................................................... 54






Facsimile Transmission......................................................................................................................58
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 3 of 58

The Limit System is designed to monitor the availability and

utilisation of Limits. Customer Limits are monitored in real‐
time. Back end reports are used to monitor Limits for
Commodities, Countries, Country Groups and Currencies. The
design of the System is such that the definition of the simplest
through to the most complex of Limits is catered for.


In order to get the most out of this manual, it is essential that you
are familiar with the standard procedures regarding navigating
your way around the system. This includes items such as program
access via menus, data entry and editing, mandatory and multi‐
level fields, committing details, and so forth. All of these are
described in detail in the Navigation Manual.


Limit Reference Table

A Limit Reference is a numeric code which defines a type of Limit.

For those cases where it may be necessary to sub‐divide a Limit
Reference, a hierarchy can be defined. A hierarchy can consist of up
to 3 levels i.e. Global Limit, Product Limit and Sub product Limit.
To define the Application which utilises a Limit Reference, the user
will specify his own parameters and Limit checking conditions on

REDUCING LIMIT field indicates whether or not a Limit is a

Reducing Limit. In other words, whether the Limit is Revolving or
Non‐Revolving. A reducing or non‐revolving Limit does not have
its value restored when a Transaction is repaid.

Limit Parameter

Within this file are defined parameters which determine the way in
which the Limit system operates. These are as follows:

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 4 of 58

1. An indicator to specify whether Foreign Exchange contracts

are, or are not, to be netted before Limit comparison.

2. A ʹnumber of daysʹ to define how many days prior to

Limit Expiry Date and Limit Review Date the approach of

these events is to be reported.

3. A date and cycle to indicate when the first revaluation will

occur and at what frequency thereafter.

4. A date and cycle to indicate when a full Central Liability report

(including those Liability numbers which did not move) need

to be produced in the back‐end process.

5. A number of days (administrative extension days) which

defines the maximum number of days by which the expiry date

of a limit can be ʺadministrativelyʺ extended before a new

expiry date is reassigned to the limit.

6. The Limit product definition according to the specific

requirements of the Bank. The most important feature of this file

is that it allows the user, for each Financial Application, to

define the precise rules applicable to his environment. In this

way, the Limit verification process can be established by the

user according to his own set of rules without any program



All Customer Limits are defined at the Liability Number level. The
simplest case is where a Limit, such as an Advance in Current
Account is defined for a Liability number.
The Country of Risk of each Limit may be added to each Limit
record. It is entered as a 2 character Country Code. If it is not
entered, the Country of Residence, from the Customer record of
the Liability Number, is taken as default.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 5 of 58

The Commodity (or Industry) in which the user of the Limit is
involved, may be added to each Limit record. This is entered as a
four character Commodity Code. If it is not entered, the Industry
Code, from the Customer record of the Liability Number, is taken as

A Limit at the top level of the structure can be defined as a secured

Limit. This Limit can then be defined as a ʹvariableʹ or a ʹfixedʹ Limit.
Details of the Collateral securing the Limit are entered in the eMerge
Collateral Module. The system will automatically maintain details of
the current value of the supporting Collateral. In the case of a
variable Limit, this information is used by the system to
automatically adjust the on‐line limit amount whenever the value of
the underlying Collateral changes. In the case of a fixed limit, the
same information about the underlying Collateral is maintained, but
the on‐line limit amount is never adjusted. This facility is not
available for sub‐limits within a credit line.

For Limits which have an associated Repayment schedule (for

instance Term Loans), details of that schedule may be input. Input
of this information is optional.

It should be noted that all information held concerning Repayment

Schedules is held for information purposes only. The System
makes no further use of the information.

To cater for the special requirements of Foreign Exchange, an

additional field – CLEAN RISK AMT is included. The CLEAN
RISK AMT is the maximum amount of Foreign Exchange contracts
which can mature on a single maturity date.

Whenever a Limit is stated in one currency and transactions occur

in other currencies, the Limit System will convert from the currency
of the transaction to the currency of the Limit before any utilisation
comparison is made. This is achieved by using the latest available
on‐line, real‐time, middle exchange rate from the currency table. For
the Foreign Exchange application it is always the bought currency
and amount which will be converted to the currency of the Limit.
An installation time option is whether gross or net Foreign
Exchange transaction values are to be compared with Limits.

Except for Limits tied to the ACCOUNT module, the ON LINE LIMIT
amount can be associated with a Time Code. The purpose of

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 6 of 58

this is to allow the specification of periods of time (measured in
days), during which maximum aggregate transaction amounts
must mature.

At the time of input of a transaction (Foreign Exchange, Letters of

Credit etc.), the Limit System is asked for information concerning
the existence and availability of a Limit. If more than one Limit of
the same type exists for the same Customer (e.g. Product Limit &
Global Limit), the Application will automatically and exclusively
update the Product Limit except if the Global Limit reference has
been input at transaction level. If 2 Global lines exist for the same
Customer with the same Limit Type, the Application will update
the Global Limit with the lowest key number except if overridden
by an input at transaction level.

Occasionally, the required Limit does not exist or is already fully

utilised. If it does not exist, the User must make a decision as to
whether or not to generate a default Limit. If the transaction will
cause an excess, the User must decide whether the excess is to be

When the existence of a Limit has been established and any

necessary overrides have been obtained, the Limit utilisation is
updated. At the time of maturity of a transaction, the Limit
System relies upon the Application to provide notification of the
event, in order to reset the utilisation figure.


Suballocations can be defined as the transfer of an amount to or

from a Limit. A Transfer from a Limit is known as a Suballocation
Given and has the effect of reducing the available value of the
Limit. A transfer to a Limit is a Suballocation received and has the
effect of increasing the available value of a Limit. They are input to
the Limit System via Application LIMIT.SUB.ALLOC.

Group Limits
Group Limits can be specified for Countries, Country Groups,
Currencies, Commodity groups and Commodities. Group Limit
information is captured on‐line. Information about outstandings to be
tracked under Group Limits is captured during the on‐line day. Each
night, this information is collated and reports are prepared.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 7 of 58

Collated information about the overnight position is
available during the following on‐line day.


The overnight reports produced by the System, are as follows:‐

General Exception Limits Approaching Review Date, Limits
Approaching Expiry Date, Expired Limits, Moved Liability numbers,
Full Central Liability Ledger Report, Country Limit Excesses,
Commodity Limit Excesses, Currency Limit Excesses

Limits in excess will be shown together with overdrawn accounts

in a separate report

(OVERDRAFT AND EXCESS REPORT) produced on a daily basis

within the wide backend.


Comprehensive enquiry facilities allow the user to monitor on line

and on a real time basis Liability and Customer exposure globally or
at individual credit line level.

Online Update through LIMIT.CHANGE Application

This application is used when the user wishes to change the

Liability Number of a Customer, the currency of a limit record
and/or the percentage attached to a limit reference. During the on‐
line session, the user may use this facility to specify any of the

ƒ Customers and their new liability numbers.

ƒ Limit records and their new currency codes.
ƒ Limit records and their CHECK.LIMIT values.
ƒ Limit references with their old and new percentages
where percentage is to be changed.

Verify function is available for LIMIT.CHANGE application.

Once the record has been authorised and verified, the following
changes take place on‐line:

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 8 of 58

1. The transfer of the various corresponding LIMIIT

records between the previous and new liability numbers.

2. Change the Limit records and their new currency codes and

also calculating the respective values in new currency.

3. Change the value of CHECK.LIMIT on the limit records in

a given limit structure.

4. Update the limit reference file with the new percentage.

Restricted Customers

A special value of *ALL may be specified in the field

RESTRICTED.CUST of LIMIT, in which case the LIMIT will
be restricted to all Customers.

Allowed Customers

Similar to the specification of Restricted Customers, it is possible to

specify the Allowed Customers in the field ALLOWED.CUST of
LIMIT, when a LIMIT is being set up for a group of Customers. The
definition of Allowed Customers and Restricted Customers is
mutually exclusive, i.e. it is not possible to specify both Allowed and
Restricted Customers. The concept of Allowed Customers may be
used in Cross Limits.

Selection of Limit Product

In LIMIT it is possible to specify more than one Limit Product as

valid for an application on LIMIT.PARAMETER. At customer level it
is possible to have both Global and Product limits. It is possible to
restrict both global and product limits as to the Currency, Company,
Customer and Products. It is also possible to define more than one
limit for a customer with distinct sequence numbers for the same
Limit Product. When a transaction is committed, the system defaults
a Limits Product for the transaction based on standard processing
rules and the user does not have an option to select from a list of
valid Product Limits applicable to the transaction.

To facilitate this functionality, in LIMIT.PARAMETER the following

fields are added:

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 9 of 58


Field Description

REPORT.MULTIPLE Select ‘YES’, ‘NO’ or ‘NULL’. The default is ‘NULL’. ‘NULL’ and
‘NO’ have the same functionality that the system will default the
acceptable limit. If this field is set to ‘NO’, at the time of
committing the contract, all possible limits will be listed in the
LIMIT.REFERENCE field and the user can make the selection.

The process of possible limits for the contract can be further restricted using the
following fields:

FILTER When more than one limit is available to the customer, then this

field is used to filter out the limits that can be used based on the

certain conditions.

There are some hard coded filter conditions such as:

CHECK.EXPIRED: If this is given, then from the available limits

to the customer, the expired limits will be filtered out.

CHECK.AVAILABLE.MARKER: If this is given, then from the

available limits to the customer, the limits where the

AVAILABLE.MARKER is set to NO will be filtered out.

CHECK.DRAW.DATE: If this is given, then from the available

limits to the customer, the limits which had crossed

LAST.DRAW.DATE will be filtered out.

CHECK.CUSTOMER.RESTRICT: If this is given, then the

available limits to the customer will be checked for

ALLOWED.CUST and RESTRICTED.CUST fields and filter out

the limits accordingly.

CHECK.CURRENCY.RESTRICT: If this is given, then the

available limits to the customer will be checked for

ALLOWED.CCY and RESTRICTED.CCY fields and filter out the

limits accordingly.

CHECK.COMPANY.RESTRICT: If this is given, then the

available limits to the customer will be checked for

ALLOWED.COMP and RESTRICTED.COMP fields and filter out

the limits accordingly.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 10 of 58

Apart from the above hard coded filter fields, we can use any
of the fields in LIMIT application in this field for filtering out
the LIMIT record of the customer that we wish to use for the

Validation Rules

ƒ Associated Multi‐value fields from 44.1 to 47.1

ƒ Default value is Null

ƒ The above Hard‐coded values can be given as it is


ƒ Apart from these, any relevant field from

LIMIT record can be used

ƒ Default is blank

FILTER.OPERANDS Specifies the type of DECISION that the user wants to perform on
the field defined in the previous field.

Validation Rules

The following values will be accepted:

EQ = Equal

LK = Like

GE = Greater or Equal

LT = Less than

LE = Less or Equal

UL = Unlike

GT = Greater than

NE = Not Equal
FILTER.FROM Specifies the value, or start of a range of values, with which the

contents of the field indicated in Filter (Field 44.1) are to be


Note: The values input in this field and the next must be in

agreement with the Format rules of the element specified in Field

44.1 FILTER FIELD. If, for example, the input in FILTER field is

from the hard‐coded values as below, then only YES will be

allowed in this field:



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FILTER.TO Specifies the end of a range of values with which the contents of

the field indicated in FILTER (Field 44.1) are to be compared.

Note: The values input in this field and the previous one must be

in agreement with the format rules of the element specified in

Field 44.1 FILTER.

Or the name of any other field from the LIMIT application including

local reference fields and I‐descriptors.

At the time of capturing a contract, if more than one eligible LIMIT

record is available for the customer, then they will appear in the

pick‐list attached to the field LIMIT.REFERENCE in the contract.

This multiple selection can be restricted further using the FILTER

field and the corresponding associated multi‐value fields. If,

however, there is only one limit record selected due to restriction,

then the pick‐list will not appear, but the LIMIT will be defaulted in


Cross Limits

Cross Limits provide a flexible LIMIT structure with consolidation

of Limits at multiple levels, with the hierarchy of Limits linked

through the field RECORD.PARENT and allowing Limits with

different sequence numbers to be attached to a Parent.

It distinguishes three types of Limits, PRODUCT, CROSS and SUB‐

PRODUCT. CROSS Limits may be used for consolidation of SUB‐

PRODUCT Limits, similar to PRODUCT Limits. The Limit

References which may be used in a Cross Limit structure is to be

distinct from those which may be used in a Normal Limit structure.

In a Cross Limit structure it is possible to defined more than one

LIMIT for a SUB‐PRODUCT (under a PRODUCT or CROSS Limit)

with distinct sequence numbers to limit the exposure based on

different conditions. For example, under the LIMIT 500101.1800.01 it

would be possible to define more than one LIMIT for the SUB‐

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 12 of 58

PRODUCT 1860; LIMIT 500101.1860.01 for Allowed Customers
500101 and 500102 (both having Liability Customer 500101), and
LIMIT 500101.1860.02 for Allowed Customers 500103 and 500104
(both having Liability Customer 500101).

This facility can also be used to define separate Limits for a SUB‐
PRODUCT based on Currency or Company restrictions. For
example, to limit the exposure in tow different Companies, the
following LIMITs could be captured: 500101.1870.01 with
restriction for use in the first Company and 500101.1870.02 with
restriction for use in the second Company, both with a Parent
Record of 500101.1800.01

When capturing Limits in a Cross Limit structure from top‐down,

users need to enter only the PRODUCT or CROSS Limits and the
system automatically creates or modifies the SUB‐PRODUCT Limits
depending on the Allowed Products, subject to some restrictions.

In a Cross Limit structure, it is also possible to capture SUB‐

PRODUCT limits without entering the Parent PRODUCT Limits,
and the system automatically creates the PRODUCT limits, which
are transparent to the User.

Generation of Charges for UTILISED Limits

At present the functionality to apply charges to a Customer,

depending on the Unutilised amount of a LIMIT. When set up, the
system calculates the unutilised amount and record it in a
contingent account, from which interest and charges can be
calculated and applied to the Customer Account using standard

This facility is now extended to the utilised amount of a LIMIT as

well. As the utilised amount of the limit varies, so the amount in the
contingent account varies and so the interest and charges for that
amount can be calculated and posted to the Customer Account.
Access the following menus and sub‐menus
Administrator Menu

ƒ Parameters Menu
‐ Limit Parameters

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 13 of 58

Limits Menu

ƒ Limit Reference Codes

ƒ Limit Definition
ƒ Change Limit Conditions
ƒ Limit Authorisation
ƒ Outstandings in Currency of the Limit
ƒ Outstandings in US Dollar Equivalent
ƒ Liability Report
ƒ Liability Report per Customer
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 14 of 58
Limit parameters


Within this file are defined parameters which determine the way in
which the Limit system operates. These are as follows:

1. An indicator to specify whether Foreign Exchange contracts

are, or are not, to be netted before Limit comparison.

2. A ʹnumber of daysʹ to define how many days prior to

Limit Expiry Date and Limit Review Date the approach of

these events is to be reported.

3. A date and cycle to indicate when the first revaluation will

occur and at what frequency thereafter.

4. A date and cycle to indicate when a full Central Liability report

(including those Liability numbers which did not move) need

to be produced in the back‐end process.

5. A date and cycle to indicate when the Commodity, Country

and Currency reports must be produced.

6. A number of days (administrative extension days) which

defines the maximum number of days by which the expiry date

of a limit can be ʺadministrativelyʺ extended before a new

expiry date is reassigned to the limit.

7. The Limit product definition according to the specific

requirements of the Bank. The most important feature of this file

is that it allows the user, for each Financial Application, to

define the precise rules applicable to his environment. In this

way, the Limit verification process can be established by the

user according to his own set of rules without any program


TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 15 of 58

8. The product group definition which will allow the user to

specify which are the different products which in his opinion

must be part of the Commodity, Country and Currency



Administrator Menu>>Parameters Menu>>Limit Parameters


1. Select the menu option.

2. Enter SYSTEM in the identification field.

3. Enter all the required details as described below.

4. When everything has been completed press [F5] or click the

Commit icon [ ] on the Toolbar.

Field Description

NET.OUTSTAND Defines whether, or not, Foreign Exchange contracts are

ING netted before comparison with the respective Limit.

If ʹno nettingʹ is chosen, the full value of the transaction is

compared with the Limit to ensure that the transaction will not

cause an excess. If ʹnettingʹ is chosen, the System will net

transactions in opposite sense which involve the same two

currencies, which are for the same Liability Number and which

mature on the same date.

EXPIRIES.REPOR Defines how many days prior to Limit EXPIRY DATE the approach

TING of this event is to be reported.

REVIEWS.REPOR Defines how many days prior to Limit REVIEW DATE the

TING approach of this event is to be reported.

REVALUATION.T Specifies a Date and Cycle to indicate when the first

IME revaluation will occur and at what frequency thereafter.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 16 of 58

FULL.CLL.REPOR Specifies a Date and Cycle to indicate when the first full

T Central Liability Ledger report (i.e. including the non moved

Liability numbers) will occur and at what frequency thereafter.

COMMODITY.EX Specifies a Date and Cycle to indicate when the first

P.DAY Commodity exposure report will occur and at what frequency


FULL.COMMODI Specifies a Date and Cycle to indicate when the first full

TY.EXP Commodity exposure report will occur and at what frequency


COUNTRY.EXP.D Specifies a Date and Cycle to indicate when the first Country

AY report will occur and at what frequency thereafter.

FULL.COUNTRY. Specifies a Date and Cycle to indicate when the first full

EXP Country exposure report will occur and at what frequency


ADM.EXTENTIO Specifies the maximum number of days by which the user may

N.DAYS extend the expiry date in the LIMIT file by entering an extension


The number of days defined in this field will be used by the LIMIT

file to check that the ADM EXTENSION DATE of a

specific limit does not exceed the EXPIRY.DATE by a number of

days greater than the one defined here.

APPLICATION Specifies the Application for which the user wants to create specific

Limit products. Only Financial Type Applications will be allowed

in this field.

For all Financial Applications (for example Loans, Accounts, and so

forth), eMerge allows the user to define the Limit products

according to his own requirements. The definition of these various

Limit products will be done by Application using the association of

the multivalue Fields 13 to 18.

Whenever Market conditions change or the Institutionʹs

management decides to reorganise their Limit control, a simple

maintenance in this table will automatically allow and take care of

such changes in the Limit verification process.

It is also possible to specify a suffix after the application separated

by a ʺ‐ʺ character. This will allow sub‐products to be defined for a

particular application, so that more than 1 limit reference can be

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 17 of 58

defined for an application.

For example the application SL.SYNDICATED.LOANS may

require 2 limit references, for the underwritten portion and the
agent participation. The following could be defined:


This is the overall for the SL application and will default 4000 as the
limit reference.


The reference 4100 will be used for under written limits


The reference 4200 will be used for the AGENT portion.

The order for defaulting is as follows: 1 APPLICATION‐suffix

with specific conditions 2 APPLICATION‐suffix default 3
APPLICATION with specific conditions 4 APPLICATION Default.
The suffix used by applications when defaulting limit references is
hard coded if required. To find if an application requires a suffix
consult the application documentation.

PRODUCT.NO Specifies the Limit product number (that is

LIMIT.REFERENCE number) for which the user wants to define a

Limit control within the Application entered in the

previous field.
For all Financial Applications (e.g. Loans, Accounts, and so
forth), eMerge allows the user to define the Limit products
according to his own requirements. The definition of these
various Limit products will be done by Application using the
association of the multivalue Fields 13 to 18.

Whenever Market conditions change or the Bankʹs management

decides to reorganise their Limit control, a simple maintenance in
this table will automatically allow and take care of such changes in
the Limit verification process.

DECIS.FIELD Specifies, together with fields 16‐18, which condition(s) has(ve) to

be met by a financial transaction to be verified and checked under
the limit PRODUCT.NO (field 14.1) specified for the corresponding
APPLICATION (Field 13.1).

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 18 of 58

For all Financial Applications (e.g. Loans, Accounts, and so forth),
eMerge allows the user to define the Limit products according to
his own requirements. The definition of these various Limit
products will be done by Application using the association of the
multivalue Fields 13 to 18.

Whenever Market conditions change or the Institutionʹs

management decides to reorganise their Limit control, a simple
maintenance in this table will automatically allow and take care of
such changes in the Limit verification process.

Note: The LIMIT PARAMETER table allows the user to define both

ʹANDʹ and ʹORʹ conditions: The ʹANDʹ condition will be specified

by the expansion of the associated sub‐value fields 15.1.1 ‐ 18.1.1. If,
for example, the user wants to define a specific Limit checking for
Money Market transactions with a category code in the range

21075‐ 21079 AND the currency equal to USD, the following

input will then be performed in this table:

Field Number Input

13.1 Application MM.MONEY.MARKET 14.1 Product 201

15.1.1 Decis Field CATEGORY

16.1.1 Decision EQ

17.1.1 Decision FR 21075

18.1.1 Decision TO 21079

15.1.2 Decis Field CURRENCY

16.1.2 Decision EQ

17.1.2 Decision FR USD

18.1.2 Decision TO ‐ .
The ʹORʹ condition will be specified by the expansion of the
complete set of multivalue fields (13.1 to 18.1.1). If, for example, the
user wants to define the same specific Limit checking for Money
Market transactions which have either the category code in the
range 21075 to 21079 OR the currency code equal to USD, the
following input will then be performed in this table:

Field Number Input

13.1 Application MM.MONEY.MARKET 14.1 Product 201

15.1.1 Decis Field CATEGORY

16.1.1 Decision EQ

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 19 of 58

17.1.1 Decision FR 21075

18.1.1 Decision TO 21079

13.2 Application MM.MONEY.MARKET 14.2 Product 201

15.2.1 Decis Field CURRENCY

16.2.1 Decision EQ

17.2.1 Decision


18.2.1 Decision TO ‐

DECISION Specifies the type of DECISION which the user wants to perform

on the field defined in the previous field.

For all Financial Applications (e.g. Loans, Accounts, and so forth),

eMerge allows the user to define the Limit products according to

his own requirements. The definition of these

various Limit products will be done by Application using the

association of the multivalue Fields 13 to 18.

Whenever Market conditions change or the Institutionʹs

management decides to reorganise their Limit control, a simple

maintenance in this table will automatically allow and take

care of such changes in the Limit verification process.

DECISION.FR Specifies the value, or start of a range of values, with which the

contents of the field indicated in DECIS.FIELD (Field 15.1.1) are to

be compared.

For all Financial Applications (e.g. Loans, Money Market,

Accounts, Foreign Exchange etc), eMerge allows the user to define

the Limit products according to his own requirements.

The definition of these various Limit products will be done by

Application using the association of the multivalue Fields 13 to 18.

Whenever Market conditions change or the Institutionʹs

management decides to reorganise their Limit control, a simple

maintenance in this table will automatically allow and take care of

such changes in the Limit verification process.

Note: The values input in this field and the next must be in

agreement with the Format rules of the element specified in

Field 15.1.1 DECIS FIELD. If, for example, the input in DECIS

FIELD corresponds to a category code, a maximum input of 5

numeric characters will be allowed in this field.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 20 of 58

DECISION.TO Specifies the end of a range of values with which the contents of the
field indicated in DECIS FIELD (Field 15.1.1) are to be compared.
For all Financial Applications (e.g. Loans, Accounts, and so forth),
eMerge allows the user to define the Limit products according to
his own requirements. The definition of these various Limit
products will be done by Application using the association of the
multivalue Fields 13 to 18.

Whenever Market conditions change or the Institutionʹs

management decides to reorganise their Limit control, a simple
maintenance in this table will automatically take care of such
changes in the Limit verification procedure.

Note: The values input in this field and the previous one must be in
agreement with the format rules of the element specified in Field
15.1.1 DECIS FIELD. If, for example, the input in DECIS FIELD
corresponds to a category code, a maximum input of 5 numeric
characters will be allowed in this field.

COM.PRODUCT. Identifies a mnemonic to group together various commodity limit

GRP products. These groups will then be input in the

LIMIT.COMMODITY file to specify the content of the commodity
exposure report.

In the LIMIT.COMMODITY file, the user will be requested to enter

one or various of these groups to specify what type of limit product
must be included in the commodity exposure report.

COM.PROD.NO Identifies which commodity limit products are part of the group
defined in the previous field.

Note: The check of duplicates and no mix is only done at the sub‐
value level. It is possible, for example, to define LOANS,
ACCOUNTS and as a 3rd Product Group ʹLOANS + ACCOUNTS.
COU.PRODUCT. Identifies a mnemonic to group together various country limit

GRP products. These groups will then be input in the

LIMIT.COUNTRY file to specify the content of the country
exposure report.

In the LIMIT.COUNTRY file, the user will be requested to enter one

or various of these groups to specify what type of limit product
must be included in the country exposure report.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 21 of 58

COU.PROD.NO Identifies which country limit products are part of the group

defined in the previous field.

Note: The check of duplicates and no mix is only done at the sub‐

value level. It is possible, for example, to define LOANS,

ACCOUNTS and as a 3rd Product Group ʹLOANS + ACCOUNTS.

CCY.PRODUCT.G Identifies which country limit products are part of the group

ROUP defined in the previous field.

Note: The check of duplicates and no mix is only done at the sub‐

value level. It is possible, for example, to define LOANS,

ACCOUNTS and as a 3rd Product Group ʹLOANS + ACCOUNTS.

CCY.PROD.NO Identifies which currency limit products are part of the group

defined in the previous field.

Note: The check of duplicates and no mix is only done at the sub‐

value level. It is possible, for example, to define LOANS,

ACCOUNTS and as a 3rd Product Group ʹLOANS + ACCOUNTS.

DEFAULT.ACCT. Identifies the limit reference which will be assigned to overdraft

LIMIT balances for inclusion in country‐ commodity‐ and

currency reporting.

Processing for country‐, commodity‐ and currency exposure

reporting is based on outstandings reported in the limit main file.

To include overdrafts in cash accounts in these reports a

default or ʺdummyʺ limit reference is required.

Please note that any valid LIMIT REFERENCE ID is accepted, but

the reference number used should logically be the one for


DEFAULT.CURRE Defines the default LIMIT.CURRENCY (Field 1 in LIMIT file) in

NCY which all amount fields will be denominated for all limits which

are system generated (default limits).

DEFLT.NOSTRO. Identifies the limit reference which will be assigned to nostro

LIMIT balances for inclusion in country, commodity and currency


Processing for country, commodity and currency exposure

reporting is based on outstandings reported in the limit main file.

To include nostro accounts in these reports a default or ʺdummyʺ

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 22 of 58

limit reference is required.

Please note that any valid LIMIT REFERENCE ID is accepted, but

the reference number used should logically be the one for nostros.

AUTO.REV.FREQ Defines whether the Review Frequency on the LIMIT requires an

UENCY associated frequency or not.

Entry in this field will currently have no effect in the system, it will

be activated at a later date.

DEFAULT.DEPOS The default Limit Reference to be used for Deposit contacts in

IT Money Market and Loans and Deposits.

If no specific deposit product is defined for Money Market or Loans

and Deposits, this will be used as the default rather than the default


DEFAULT.INFO The default Limit Reference to be used for Money Market Fiduciary

Placements for information.

If no specific information product is defined for Money Market

Fiduciary Placements, this will be used as the default rather than

the default specified.

DEF.FID.DEPOSI The default Limit Reference to be used for Money Market fiduciary

T deposits.

If no specific fid deposit product is defined for Money Market Fid

deposits, this will be used as the default.

DEFAULT.ADVIS This field, when set denotes that the advised limit will be defaulted.

ED A value of NULL indicates that there is no default processing.

There are also two options; INTERNAL and MAXIMUM.

ƒ Where INTERNAL is set, it will default to the

INTERNAL amount.

ƒ Where MAXIMUM is set, it will default to the

MAXIMUM amount.

ADDITIONAL.V This field indicates if additional checking is required. There are two

AL possible values that of ADVISED and INTERNAL, against which

limits the amount will be checked.

ƒ Where ADVISED is set, the amount will be checked

against the ADVISED limit.

ƒ Where INTERNAL is set, the amount will be checked

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 23 of 58

against both the ADVISED and the INTERNAL limits.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 24 of 58
Limit reference codes


This table is used to define the types of Limit to be processed by the

Limit System. Each Limit type (known as a Limit Reference within
the System) can be defined as being part of a hierarchy, made up of
a GLOBAL Limit, PRODUCT Limit and SUB PRODUCT Limit.

This table is also used for define whether the Limit Reference is one
that requires checking each time, or whether it is updated only for


Limit Menu>>Limit Reference Codes


1. Select the menu option.

2. Enter a Limit reference as described later in this section.

3. Enter all the required details as described below.

4. When everything has been completed press [F5] or click the

Commit icon [ ] on the Toolbar.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 25 of 58


Field Description

Limit Reference This is the identification code, known as the Limit Reference used

in the LIMIT key and in LIMIT.PARAMETER to define how a

LIMIT is defaulted.

The format of the ID is very specific. eMerge can tell from the ID

whether the LIMIT.REFERENCE is Global, a Product or a Sub‐

Product. See table below for details:

Type Length Example Notes

GLOBAL 5‐7 digits 100000, 200000 or 3000000

Allows different purpose Global Limits

PRODUCT 3‐4 digits 1000, 2100 or 400 Last 2 digits must both be

zero for Products.

SUBPRODUCT 3‐4 digits 1010, 1011, 410 or 411 Last 2 digits cannot

both be zero with this structure, the user can define up to 999

different types of Global Line, 99 different types of Product Limit

and 99 different types of Sub‐product Limit.

The relation between records is hierarchical, the Global is the

highest level and a subproduct of level 9 is the lowest.

ID Use Level 10000 Global

1000 Product
1011 Sub‐Product 1

1012 Sub‐Product 2

1013 Sub‐Product 3

1014 Sub‐Product 4

1015 Sub‐Product 5

1016 Sub‐Product 6

1017 Sub‐Product 7

1018 Sub‐Product 8

1019 Sub‐Product 9

LIMIT records use both the original LIMIT.REFERENCES as well as

combining them. For example where a Global Limit of 100000 is

defined with a product of say 10000.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 26 of 58

Then a LIMIT can refer to 110000 (i.e. 100000 plus 10000).

Additionally where sub‐products exist under 10000 (say 1000 and

2000) this could result in LIMIT records with references such as:

100000 Global Limit

110000 Global Limit + Product

111000 Global Limit + Product + Sub‐Product

112000 Global Limit + Product + Sub‐Product

Validation Rules

3 to 7 numeric characters in the following format: ʹGGG PPSSʹ

where: GGG = identification of a Global line (range = 10000, 20000 ...

9990000) PP = identification of the Product number (range = 100, 200

... to 9900) SS = identification of Sub‐Product number (e.g. 101, 102

... 9999)

Mandatory Input.

Reversal not allowed if used in LIMIT.PARAMETER

Reversal not allowed if used in LIMIT

No Default

Description Enter a full description for the Limit reference. This may be up to 35


Shortname An abbreviated description which may for instance be used on

reports where space is limited. The maximum length is 15


FX or Time Band This defines the type of limit. Your options are:
FX = Foreign Exchange limit types. This usually includes a clean‐

risk Limit.

TB = Time Band. For LD types. Limits can be set for time periods to

control the exposure by period.

DP = Deposit Type. Mainly used for information on LD and NN


IN ‐ Information only. This means that updates are recorded but no

overrides are generated unless the CHECK.LIMIT flag is set to ʺYʺ

on the Limit record.

Blank = leave blank for ACCOUNT type limits.

Reducing Limit This indicates whether or not the Limit type regains its original

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 27 of 58

value on liquidation or repayment of a utilisation, or whether a

limit reduces in line with the repayment schedule.

Get Sub Specify which limit references may donate sub‐allocations to the

Allocation Limit Reference being entered.

Reference Child This is used when creating a Global Limit structure where products

are linked into the Global LIMIT.REFERENCE.

Limit Mnemonic The four characters you enter here will replace the last 4 of the

Limit Reference when override messages are printed.

Limit Key Type This defines whether the system default record is to be created

within the global line for the Customer or at product level only.

It is used to indicate at which level the system default records are to

be created when there is a global line present and the product line

is not one of the product lines allowed.

Your options are either GLOBAL or PRODUCT.

If this field contains the value GLOBAL the records are created

within the ʹGLOBAL structureʹ but with a limit amount of zero.

If the value in this field is PRODUCT, then system default records

are created at the product level with limit amounts set to null.

Limit Percentage This defines the percentage amount of each transaction movement

that is to be monitored against the limit amount.

It is also possible to define a percentage that varies dependent on

the time left before maturity.

If the percentage value is to be changed then use the application

LIMIT.CHANGE as this field can not be changed once the record

has been set up.

Default Check This determines whether this Limit Reference requires checking,

and whether limit overrides are required when limit records are

created by default.

Band or Level Determines how the percentage amount will be derived.

This field can contain one of two values.

The word BAND in this field indicates that the percentages from

more than one band (See MATURITY.PERIOD and PERCENTAGE)

will be selected and summed to determine the working percentage.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 28 of 58

The word LEVEL in this field indicates that a single band will be
selected as the working percentage.

In both cases the bands used will be resolved on the time left before
contract maturity.

Maturity Period Indicates the remaining time to maturity for a transaction to which
a percentage applies.

The period defined here represents the remaining time to maturity

for a contract. Together with MAT.PERIOD.PERC, this field
allows the amount of a transaction used to monitor limits to vary
with the length of time left to maturity.

The periods can be specified on a BAND or LEVEL basis, defined in

LIMIT.BAND.LEVEL. Periods specified here are inclusive of this

The amount of a transaction used to update the limit system will be

recalculated each night in accordance with the specified period.
Associated with MAT.PERIOD.PERC.

Note: Percentage definitions defined in fields LIMIT.BAND.LEVEL

through to PERC.CALC.BASIS are ignored for updates from
COMMITMENT contracts.

When using a BANDED or a PRORATA structure it is possible

that the total transaction amount calculated may exceed 100% of
the transaction value. This can be avoided by using a

Maturity Period This percentage will be used in deriving a final limit percentage.
Percentage The resulting percentage amount of each transaction movement

will be monitored against the limit amount.

The percentages may be specified in a BAND or LEVEL basis (see

LIMIT.BAND.LEVEL), and may be taken as a FIXED or
PRORATA percentage.

Limit Subroutine Identifies the subroutine which will be called to return the limit

A subroutine maybe used to determine the amount to update the

limit outstandings. The routine will be invoked every time an

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 29 of 58

update is made to a LIMIT product the same as the limit reference.

Once authorised this field may not be changed directly. If a change

is required the application LIMIT.CHANGE should be used to add

the new value. This will then become effective during the next end

of day.

Percentage Cap Identifies the agreed maximum percentage when deriving the

amount of a transaction to be used in updating the limit system.

The percentage specified here is a FIXED percentage of the value of

the transaction, and is compared with total amount calculated from



If the amount determined using the PERCENTAGE.CAP is less

than the amount calculated using LIMIT.PERCENTAGE,


PERCENTAGE.CAP figure will be used.

Percentage Floor Identifies the agreed minimum percentage when deriving the

amount of a transaction to be used in updating the limit system.

This percentage specified here is a FIXED percentage of the value of

the transaction, and is compared with total amount calculated from



If the amount determined using the PERCENTAGE.FLR is more

than the amount calculated using LIMIT.PERCENTAGE,


PERCENTAGE.FLR figure will be used.

Percentage Calc Determines how the percentage amount will be derived from the


This field can contain one of three values.

The keyword PRORATA in this field indicates that the calculation

will be pro rata according to the time remaining to maturity or the

length of a MATURITY.PERIOD.BAND. For pro rata the calculation

will be; % x days to maturity / 365 with the annual period always in


The keyword PERIOD indicates that the calculation will be pro‐rata

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 30 of 58

according to the time remaining to maturity or the length of
a MATURITY.PERIOD.BAND. The pro rata calculation for
the PERIOD setting will be:

% x period to maturity / period

where period is set according to the

Months (M) Years (Y) Where a period is a fraction of a band this
will be rounded up.

When the word FIXED is indicated the calculation will not be pro‐
rata and is calculated as a simple percentage.

When PRORATA or PERIOD is used with LEVEL structure, the

relevant percentage derived for the remaining contract period will
be applied.

When PRORATA or PERIOD is used with a BANDED structure,

each percentage band falling within the remaining contract period
will be applied for the period of that band.

A PRORATA/PERIOD method can result in a total percentage

taken which is in excess of 100% of the transaction value. This can
be limited by use of the PERCENTAGE.CAP field.

Sub Product level The level of the sub‐product being defined.

Up to 9 sub product levels can be defined below the standard sub

product level. A standard sub‐product can be identified by the last
two characters of the limit reference being anything other than
Sub‐product levels 1 to 9 are allowed. With 1 representing the
highest and 9 the lowest sub product levels.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 31 of 58

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the
inputter, who the authoriser, and so forth, which are not available for
entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

The FULLVIEW Version displays all possible details relating to the

record. Some of these are represented on the Versions described
above, but not all ‐ others relate to fields used exclusively by the
system or retained for future use.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 32 of 58
Limit definition


The Limit System is designed to monitor the availability and

utilisation of Limits. In this menu option, you can create a Limit
reference for a specific Product and / or Customer.


Limit Menu>>Limit Definition


1. Select the menu option.

2. The Id number provides a unique reference for each Limit. It

comprises a Liability number, Limit reference code, and

Serial Number. An example of an ID may be as follows:


Where ʺ100007ʺ is the Liability number for Customer 100007

and 100 is the Limit Reference of the required Limit (for

example 100 is the Limit Reference for Overdraft facilities).

If more than two Limits of the same variety exist, they will be

differentiated by use of the Serial Number. For example if

Customer 100007 has two ʺOverdraftʺ Limits and the Limit

Reference for Overdrafts on Current Accounts is 100, the IDʹs

for these two would be:

ʺ100007.000100.01ʺ and ʺ100007.000100.02ʺ

3. Enter all the required details as described below.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 33 of 58

4. When everything has been completed press [F5] or click the

Commit icon [ ] on the Toolbar.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 34 of 58

Field Description

Code The ID as described under point 2 above.

Limit Currency Defines the Currency in which all amount fields specified as part of

the Limit will be denominated.

Amount Specifies the amount actually approved or authorised by

Management or the Credit Committee. This amount may be

greater than the amount advised to the Customer or the amount

used for the online Limit checking.

Country Risk Defines the Country of Risk associated with the Limit.

If risk is associated with more than one country, then these may be

entered as Multivalues. In this case, the associated

COUNTRY.PERCENT (Field 3.1) is used to record the percentage of

the risk associated with each Country.

Country Percent Defines the percentage of the total risk associated with the Country

defined by COUNTRY OF RISK.

Approval Date Defines the date on which the Limit was last approved by the

Credit Committee of the bank.

When the limit is initially loaded, the OFFERED.UNTIL date must

be later than the APPROVAL.DATE. This does not need to be the

case on subsequent amendments.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as

12JAN1957, 1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month

name are to be used), or YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of

January 1957) or selected from the pop‐up calendar.

Offered Until Specifies the date by which the Customer must have accepted the

facility. It should be noted that no reports are produced at present

showing facilities taken up.

Review Frequency Specifies the next date on which the limit is to be reviewed.

The review period is entered in the standard eMerge frequency

format. The default is for the first review to take place one year

from todayʹs date and monthly thereafter up to the time the

user updates the limit record with new review and expiry dates.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 35 of 58

Expiry Date Specifies the date on which the Limit will expire. This is the date on

which the Limit will no longer be available for use and any

outstandings under the Limit will begin to be reported as an excess.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as

12JAN1957, 1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month

name are to be used), or YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of

January 1957) or selected from the pop‐up calendar.

Adm Ext Date Specifies the Administrative Extension date checked by the online

transaction processing when the EXPIRY DATE specified in the

previous field has been reached.

The date input in this field will be used at limit time checking of

transaction processing as follows:

ƒ When the Administrative Extension date has been

reached, a corresponding override message will be

issued online to the user.

ƒ When the expiry date has been reached but not the

Administrative Extension date, then this date will be

included as information in the override message

presented to the user.

Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as

12JAN1957, 1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month

name are to be used), or YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of

January 1957) or selected from the pop‐up calendar.

Proposal Date Specifies the date on which the Limit was proposed to the bankʹs

Credit Committee.
Dates are either entered in the format DDMMMYYYY, such as

12JAN1957, 1JUN1972 (only the first 3 characters of the month

name are to be used), or YYYYMMDD, such as 19570112 (12th of

January 1957) or selected from the pop‐up calendar.

Online Limit Date Specifies the date on which the Limit becomes available for use.

This date will be used for all online limit checking.

The system will ask the User to override a warning message if any

attempt is made to use the Limit before the date specified by this


TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 36 of 58

Product Allowed Identifies, when the Limit defined in the ID is a Global Limit, which
Limit products of that global line are allowed to be used by the
Customer for who the Limit is being created.

Available Marker Specifies whether or not the Limit is available for use.

The Availability marker must be set by the User when a Limit is

created. It can be changed thereafter to either ʹYʹ or ʹNʹ. If an
Application attempts to make use of a Limit whilst it is not
available, the Limit System will warn the user that this is the case.

The user may, if he so chooses, override the warning. In this case,

the fact will be reported on an Exception list produced overnight.
Note: This facility can also be used when the institution wants to
exclude a Customer out of the Liability group.

Reducing Limit Identifies if the Limit reference defined in the ID is a ʹreducingʹ or

ʹnon‐reducingʹ limit type. The value will be taken automatically
from the LIMIT.REFERENCE table in accordance with the
content of the field ʹREDUCING LIMITʹ.

Notes A free form field to enter any additional information required.

Note: The alternative terminology, revolving (non reducing) and

non‐revolving (reducing) is sometimes used.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the
inputter, who the authoriser, and so forth, which are not available for
entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

The FULLVIEW Version displays all possible details relating to the

record. Some of these are represented on the Versions described
above, but not all ‐ others relate to fields used exclusively by the
system or retained for future use.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 37 of 58

Change limit conditions


This option is used when the user wishes to change the Liability
number of a Customer, the currency of a limit record and/or the
percentage attached to a limit reference. During the on‐line session,
the user may call this facility to specify any of the following:

1. Customers and their new liability numbers

2. Limit records and their new currency codes

3. Limit records and their CHECK.LIMIT values.

4. Limit references with their old and new percentages

where percentage is to be changed.

During the End of Day process of the LIMIT Application,

the program LIMIT.REP.LIAB.MOVE will then execute:

1. The transfer of the various corresponding LIMIT records

between the previous and new liability numbers.

2. The ʹrevaluationʹ of limits and outstanding amounts on

the LIMIT and LIMIT.DAILY.OS files.

3. Change the value of CHECK.LIMIT on the limit records in

a given limit structure.

4. Update the limit reference file with the new percentage and

updated outstanding amounts on the LIMIT,

LIMIT.DAILY.OS and LIMIT.TXNS files for those records

associated with a percentage charge.

Note: It is important to note that this program will ignore liability

number change for Customers who have pending sub allocations
on their limit record(s).

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 38 of 58


Limit Menu>>Change Limit Conditions


1. Select the menu option.

2. Enter ʹSystemʹ in the Id field. This is the only valid input.

3. Make the changes required as detailed below.

4. When everything has been completed press [F5] or click the

Commit icon [ ] on the Toolbar.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 39 of 58

Field Description

Code Enter ʹSystemʹ as the unique identifier for the File.

Customer ID Identifies the CUSTOMER NO for whom the user wants to specify

a Liability number change.

Liability Number Identifies the new Liability number for the Customer specified in

the previous field.

Validation Rules

ƒ 6 numeric characters of a valid Customer code

ƒ Input is only allowed when CUSTOMER NO (Field 1.1)

has been entered.

ƒ Must be left blank when you want to define that the

Liability number is no longer required for the Customer

defined in the previous field.

Credit Line Identifies the limit record for which the currency and/or value of

Number CHECK.LIMIT is to be changed.

The limit records for which the limit currency is to be changed are

to be entered individually. The old currency is shown as part of the

field enrichment. The top level limit for which the CHECK.LIMIT

value is to be changed should be entered. All limits under this will

be changed to the new value.

New Currency Identifies the new currency in which all amount fields specified as

part of the limit will be denominated.

New Check Limit This field will be used to change the current value of the

CHECK.LIMIT field on each LIMIT record in the LIMIT

structure which the CREDIT.LINE.NO is the top of.

Limit Reference Identifies the product or sub‐product limit reference record whose

percentage field is to be changed.

New Percentage Identifies the new percentage to be applied to transaction amounts

to calculate the amount to be checked against the limit amounts.

Band or Level Specifies the new value used to determine the percentage amount.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 40 of 58

This field can contain one of two values.

The word BAND in this field indicates that the percentages from

more than one band (See MATURITY.PERIOD and PERCENTAGE)

will be elected and summed to determine the working percentage.

The word LEVEL in this field indicates that a single band will be

elected as the working percentage.

In both cases the bands used will be resolved on the time left before

contract maturity.

Maturity Period Indicates the new period to which a percentage will be applied.

New Percentage Supply the new percentage to be used in deriving a final limit

percentage. The resulting percentage amount of each transaction

movement will be monitored against the limit amount.

Limit Subroutine Identifies the new subroutine which will be called to return the

limit amount.

Percentage Cap Identifies the new agreed maximum percentage when deriving the

limit percentage.

Percentage Floor Identifies the new agreed minimum percentage when deriving the

limit percentage.

Percentage Calc Determines how the percentage amount will be derived from the


This field can contain one of three values.

The keyword PRORATA in this field indicates that the calculation

will be pro rata according to the time remaining to maturity or the

length of a MATURITY.PERIOD.BAND. For pro rata the calculation

will be,

% x days to maturity ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 365

with the annual period always in days.

The keyword PERIOD indicates that the calculation will be pro‐rata

according to the time remaining to maturity or the length of a

MATURITY.PERIOD.BAND. The pro rata calculation for the

PERIOD setting will be,

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 41 of 58

% x period to maturity ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ period

where period is set according to the MATURITY AND

DEFINITION i.e. in Days (D) Weeks (W) Months (M) Years (Y)
Where a period is a fraction of a band this will be rounded up.

When the word FIXED is indicated the calculation will not be pro‐
rata and is calculated as a simple percentage.

When PRORATA or PERIOD is used with LEVEL structure, the

relevant percentage derived for the remaining contract period will
be applied.

When PRORATA or PERIOD is used with a BANDED structure,

each percentage band falling within the remaining contract period
will be applied for the period of that band.

A PRORATA/PERIOD method can result in a total percentage

taken which is in excess of 100% of the transaction value. This can
be limited by use of the PERCENTAGE.CAP field.

Net Outstanding Used to change the status of the NET.OUTSTANDING flag on the

The actual change will take place at the beginning of the next limits
batch processing. This field will be reset to null during the Limits
end of day processing.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the
inputter, who the authoriser, and so forth, which are not available for
entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.
The FULLVIEW Version displays all possible details relating to the
record. Some of these are represented on the Versions described
above, but not all ‐ others relate to fields used exclusively by the
system or retained for future use.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 42 of 58

Limit authorisation


All records captured in the Limits module require authorisation

before the records will become available for use.


Limit Menu>>Limit Authorisation

First screen

The system displays two screens superimposed as shown below.

The active screen shows a list of all unauthorised Customers.


1. Follow the Authorisation procedures as described in

the Navigation manual.

The list closes and the normal Limit Authorisation

screen displays as shown on the following page.

2. Examine all new fields.

3. If you are sure that the details are correct press [F5] or click

the Commit icon [ ] on the Toolbar.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 43 of 58

In a standard eMerge system, where no colour changes have been
made via the Options menu, all unauthorised data will display the
new details in dark red and the old details immediately beneath it in
green. For a new entry (creation of a record), all details will just
display in dark red.

Old Country of Risk

New Country of Risk

Note: Remember that you must open each of the versions when
authorising a record as this is the only way the system knows that
you have checked each field.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 44 of 58
Outstandings in currency of the limit


This report displays outstanding amounts against recorded limits.


Limit Menu>>Outstandings in Currency of the Limit


1. Select the menu option.

2. Select the display criteria and click [Display].

3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as

described in the Navigation Manual.

4. Close the enquiry.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 45 of 58

A screen like the one shown below is displayed, allowing you to

filter the records for on‐screen enquiry or report.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 46 of 58
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen
shown below.
This screen displays the normal Enquiry Toolbar allowing you to
perform the normal functions such as zoom, print and so forth.

You are able to drill down on the record next to the description
for more details.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 47 of 58

Outstandings in US dollar equivalent


This report displays outstanding balances in the USD

equivalent against recorded limits.


Limit Menu>>Outstandings in US Dollar Equivalent


1. Select the menu option.

2. Select the display criteria and click [Display].

3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as

described in the Navigation Manual.

4. Close the enquiry.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 48 of 58

A screen like the one shown below is displayed, allowing you to

filter the records for on‐screen enquiry or report.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 49 of 58
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen
shown below.
This screen displays the normal Enquiry Toolbar allowing you to
perform the normal functions such as zoom, print and so forth.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 50 of 58

Liability report


This report details all limits and utilisations for a Customer or

Customer liability group.


Limit Menu>>Liability Report


1. Select the menu option.

2. Select the display criteria and click [Display].

3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as

described in the Navigation manual.

4. Close the enquiry.

TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 51 of 58

A screen like the one shown below is displayed, allowing you to

filter the records for on‐screen enquiry or report.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 52 of 58
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen
shown below.
The reporting screen displays the normal Enquiry Toolbar allowing
you to perform the normal functions such as zoom, print and so

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Liability report per customer


This report details all the limits and utilisations for a Customer or
Customer liability group per Customer.


Limit Menu>> Liability Report per Customer


1. Select the menu option.

2. Select the display criteria and click [Display].

3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as

described in the Navigation manual.

4. Close the enquiry.

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A screen like the one shown below is displayed, allowing you to

filter the records for on‐screen enquiry or report.
TEMENOS eMerge Limits – Phase 3 Release 1.0 55 of 58
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen
shown below.
This screen displays the normal Enquiry Toolbar allowing you to
perform the normal functions such as zoom, print and so forth.

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Use this page to record your own notes.

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Facsimile Transmission

To: Temenos – Training Department


Re: User Manuals

Fax: +44 207 423 3800


Manual Name:



Your comments please

Information from our users is important to the ongoing
improvement of this product. Please take the time to tell us about
errors or omissions found in this manual. In addition we would
welcome any suggestions about improving the usefulness of the

Details and Suggestions

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