Installation Maintenance Repair of Electrical Equipment

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Code No.

: 2343
Time : 2:30 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50
i) Attempt all questions.
ii) Students are advised to specially check the Numerical Data of question paper in both versions. If there is any
difference in Hindi Translation of any question, the students should answer the question according to the English
iii) Use of Pager and Mobile Phone by the students is not allowed.

Q1) Answer any two parts of the following. [2×5=10]

a) Explain the procedure of inspection of an electrical machine prior to its installation.
b) What is electrical Shock? Distinguish between primary shock and secondary shock.
c) Explain the design of plant earthing system with reference to touch potential and step potential.

Q2) Answer any two parts of the following. [2×5=10]

a) Explain the various methods of busbar connection. Explain the factors to be considered in choosing the Bus-bar
b) In a transformer what are the functions of conservator, breather and silica gel?
c) State the various equipment in substation and their function.

Q3) Answer any three parts of the following. [3×4=12]

a) State the methods of underground cable laying.
b) Explain the starting test on a 3- phase induction motor
c) What is the significance of phase sequence check prior to starting.
d) State the definition of the following terms related to CT.
i) Rated primary current
ii) Rated short time current
iii) Phase angle error
iv) Composite error

Q4) Answer any two parts of the following. [2×4=8]

a) What is the co-relation between electrical preventive maintenance and energy conservation?
b) Describe the procedure of lubrication of bearings of motors and generators.
c) Write short note on pre-monsoon maintenance of overhead line.

Q5) Answer any two parts of the following: [2×5=10]

a) Compare preventive maintenance and breakdown maintenance of a substation.
b) State and explain the voltage checks during periodic inspection and maintenance what are the consequences of
c) Describe why insulating oil deteriorates and describe the sampling and testing of Transformer?

F-1294 1 (P.T.O.)
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F - 1294 2

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