Installation Maintenance Repair of Electrical Equipment
Installation Maintenance Repair of Electrical Equipment
Installation Maintenance Repair of Electrical Equipment
: 2343
Time : 2:30 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50
i) Attempt all questions.
ii) Students are advised to specially check the Numerical Data of question paper in both versions. If there is any
difference in Hindi Translation of any question, the students should answer the question according to the English
iii) Use of Pager and Mobile Phone by the students is not allowed.
F-1294 1 (P.T.O.)
({hÝXr AZw d mX)
à.1) {ZåZ{b{IV Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo ^mJm| H$m CÎma Xr{OE… [2×5=10]
A) {H$gr {dX²¶wV ‘erZ H$s ñWmnZm go nhbo CgHo$ {ZarjU H$s à{H«$¶m H$s ì¶m»¶m H$s{OE&
~) Bbop³Q´>H$b em°H$ ³¶m h¡? àmB‘ar em°H$ Am¡a goH|$S>ar em°H$ Ho$ ~rM A§Va H$a|&
g) Q>M nmoQ>|{e¶b Am¡a ñQ>on nmoQ>|{e¶b Ho$ g§X^© ‘| ßbm§Q> A{WªJ {gñQ>‘ Ho$ {S>OmBZ H$s ì¶m»¶m H$s{OE&
à.2) {ZåZ{b{IV Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo ^mJm| H$m CÎma Xr{OE … [2×5=10]
A) ~g-~ma H$Zo³eZ H$s {d{^Þ {d{Y¶m| H$s ì¶m»¶m H$s{OE& ~g-~ma ì¶dñWm MwZZo ‘| {dMma {H$E OmZo dmbo H$maH$m| H$mo ñnï> H$s{OE&
~) EH$ Q´>m§g’$m‘©a ‘| H$ݵOadoQ>a, ~«rWa Am¡a {g{bH$m O¡b Ho$ ³¶m H$m¶© h¢?
g) g~ñQ>oeZ ‘| {d{^Þ CnH$aUm| Am¡a CZHo$ H$m¶© H$mo ~VmE§&
à.3) {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go {H$Ýht VrZ ^mJm| H$m CÎma Xr{OE … [3×4=12]
A) A§S>aJ«mC§S> Ho$~b {~N>mZo Ho$ VarH$m| H$mo ~VmE§&
~) 3-’o$O B§S>³eZ ‘moQ>a na àma§{^H$ narjU H$s ì¶m»¶m H$a|&
g) àmaå^ hmoZo go nhbo ’o$O ñdrHo$Ýg Om±M H$m ³¶m ‘hËd h¡?
X) gr. Q>r. go g§~§{YV {ZåZ{b{IV eãXm| H$s n[a^mfm ~VmE§ …
i) aoQ>oS> àmB‘ar H$a§Q>
ii) aoQ>oS> em°Q>© Q>mB‘ H$a§Q>
iii) ’o$O E§Jb Ìw{Q>
iv) H$ånmo{OQ> Ìw{Q>
à.4) {ZåZ{b{IV Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo ^mJm| H$m CÎma Xr{OE … [2×4=8]
A) Bbop³Q´>H$b {àd|{Q>d aIaImd Am¡a D$Om© g§ajU (EZOu H$ݵOd}eZ) Ho$ ~rM gh-g§~§Y ³¶m h¡?
~) ‘moQ>am| Am¡a OZaoQ>am| Ho$ {~¶[a¨J Ho$ ñZohZ H$s à{H«$¶m H$m dU©Z H$s{OE&
g) AmodahoS> bmBZ Ho$ ‘mZgyZ nyd© aIaImd na g§{já ZmoQ> {bI|&
à.5) {ZåZ{b{IV Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo ^mJm| H$m CÎma Xr{OE … [2×5=10]
A) EH$ g~ñQ>oeZ Ho$ {àd|{Q>d aIaImd Am¡a ~«oH$S>mCZ aIaImd H$s VwbZm H$a|&
~) Amd{YH$ {ZarjU Am¡a aIaImd Ho$ Xm¡amZ dmoëQ>oO Om§M H$mo ~VmE§ Am¡a g‘PmE§& Ag§Vw{bV (AZ~¡b|g) hmoZo Ho$ n[aUm‘ ³¶m h¢?
g) B§gwboqQ>J Am¶b ³¶m| Iam~ hmoVm h¡ BgH$m dU©Z H$a| Am¡a Q´>m§g’$m‘©a Am¶b Ho$ g¢nqbJ Am¡a Q>opñQ>¨J H$m dU©Z H$a|&
F - 1294 2